Newsletter Friday, 30th November 2012 Dear Parent, Carer One of the highlights for me this week was the attendance by 12 parents at our Year 7 Coffee afternoon with the Senior Leadership Team. The meeting was very positive and we were able to provide lots of information and to listen to the compliments and suggestions for improvements that we always welcome from parents. A detailed report of the meeting is included below. Thursday saw the final session of our extra curricular sessions for primary school children. These have proven very popular with students from Redlands Primary School, Wallisdean Junior School, Harrison Primary School and St Judes. My thanks to the Science team staff for providing such a wonderful enrichment opportunity for our Primary school students. Nadine Powrie Headteacher Certificate Presentation Evening A reminder to students and parents that reply slips for this event on the 12th December 2012 are now urgently required. New Staff Appointments Students, staff and governors extend a warm welcome to Mrs Penrose – Lyall. She has been appointed as a teacher of Product Design. Mrs Penrose-Lyall joins the school after spending time teaching in the Middle East. Year 7 Coffee and Tea with Senior Leadership Team—Feedback 12 parents attended this event which was open to all parents of students in Year 7. Improved links with our parents was an area of recommendation from Ofsted when they visited in May this year and these sessions are proving very popular now with parents. They have taken place half termly and the next one will be in the Spring term aimed at Year 8 parents. Parents were asked: What is the school doing well?
Week of transition helped all student settle well in September. The books provided were very useful.
The weekly newsletter is informative and useful. Parents like to see what other year groups are doing.
Neville Lovett staff working in the primaries helps to provide links and continuity.
A parent thanked the school as their child was very positive about attending and had adapted to secondary life very well.
A parent thanked the Headteacher for the letters she has sent to individual students regarding their progress.
Parents were asked: What can the school do better?
The amount of homework compared with primary school came as a shock and more warning would have been appreciated.
Improve the lunchtime experience for students.
Provide a safe place for storage of students music equipment would be appreciated.
Lockers - allocation of lockers and their availability needs to be clearer for parents.
4 Parents were unable to access eportal and a clearer understanding of E portal and its use would be welcomed.
School Photographs - Year 7 Parents are reminded that the deadline for placement of orders for these photographs is Tuesday, 4th December 2012. Delivery will be prior to Christmas. School Uniform Neville Lovett Community School have high expectations of all our students. Please ensure that your child attends school in the correct uniform. Details of uniform requirements are available on the school website and in student planners. Thank you for your assistance.
Newsletter Friday, 30th November 2012 For the attention of Year 10 and Year 11 students and parents/carers: Exam time is approaching fast for both year groups. Revision at home is crucial to your success. Additional Chemistry and Physics (Year 11) take place on 24/1/13 and 25/1/13 respectively. Additional Applied Science (Miss Fallon's Year 11 group) takes place on 22/1/13. Core Biology and Physics (Year 10) take place on 9/1/13 and 14/1/13 respectively. The Science department would like to see a much greater attendance at GCSE revision EVERY Wednesday after school in preparation for these exams. Students that have been attending regularly are benefitting greatly from the extra help. Please clear your diaries and get involved. The Science department are also advertising an amazing app for all iPod, iPad and iPhone users. Please scan the QR code or visit and follow the download instructions. The app is specific to your course and will be an excellent revision resource which incorporates quizzes and exam style questions. Any questions, as ever, please speak to your Science teacher. Miss Fallon, Science Teacher PE News Last weekend, 10 pupils were selected through their entrepreneurial skills shown during the recent enterprise week to go and watch Portsmouth FC play at Fratton Park. For many of the pupils, it was the first Portsmouth match they had been too. Students and staff got fully involved in chanting (nothing rude!) and singing traditional Portsmouth songs. Congratulations to the pupils selected: Bailey Doherty, Megan Wolfe, Allanah Currie, Raymond Baker, Kaine Cook, Samuel Woods, Jamie Symes, Sam Niker, Charlie Niker. Jamie Symes (Yr 7) provides the following report on the trip: We went with Miss Hillier, Mr Herington and 9 other students to watch Portsmouth and Doncaster play football. We travelled by train and when we got to Fratton, we went to the Pompey shop to look at the latest Portsmouth kit and accessories. Half an hour before kick-off we went inside the stadium to sit in our seats. Me, Kaine, Raymond and Bailey went to the front of the stand to get signatures and photos of the players. The game started and within the first 30 minutes Portsmouth were 1-0 down we were all disappointed but we carried on watching the game. At half time we went back down to the pitch to get more signatures and photos from the substitutes whilst they warmed up on the pitch. We really enjoyed talking to the players because they were kind and they didn’t mind us disturbing them from their training. The whistle blew for the second half and Pompey were still 1-0 down 20 minutes into the second half and we started to get doubts about Pompey losing and going down in the league table a few places. The full time whistle had blown and we lost 1-0 so we left to get the train home. Signing Choir Mrs Hinks has volunteered to take part in the Christmas Sign Song event with Sonus on Saturday 1st December at the Swan Centre, Eastleigh at 10am until 4pm. An LSA within the HIRA Department, Mrs Hinks is busy practising the songs (in her sleep!!!) and hopes to get them all right by the time December 1st arrives!!! If you are in the area on the day please do go along to give her your support.
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 4th December 2012 Governor Achievement and Standards Committee from 4.15 pm to 5.30 pm 4th December 2012 Deadline for return of Year 7 photograph orders 11th December 2012 Visit by Author Andy Briggs (Primary Schools Invited) 11th December 2012 Year 11 Parents’ Evening 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm 12th December 2012 Oxford University Outreach visiting Year 10 students Headteacher Nadine Powrie MA ED Address: St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, 12th December 2012 Awards Evening in the Main Hall from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm Hampshire, PO14 1JJ 13th December 2012 Full Governors Meeting 9 am to 11.30 am Website: 21st December 2012 Last Day of Term (2.30 pm finish for students) Telephone 01329 318003 Email: