Newsletter Friday, 3rd May 2013 Dear Parent/Carer I would like to thank all parents and students who attended Year 10 Parent’s evening on Wednesday. There was some excellent feedback from parents including a parent who complimented us on the organisation and smooth running of the event. Our Head Girl, Sophie Baldock and Head Boy, Matthew Knibbs, welcomed parents in a very professional manner directing them to their appointments and answering queries with confidence. We are extremely proud of these students. Details of the School Prom on 21st June 2013 are being finalised and a letter detailing the remaining balance will be sent out next week. The venue this year is the Meon Valley Golf and Country Club and demand for places has been high with many members of staff wishing to join students on the evening at this annual event to say farewell to a fantastic year group. As we prepare to say our final goodbye to Year 11 students we are also looking forward to welcoming Year 5 and 6 students for their taster and transition weeks in June and July. I hope you all have a very enjoyable bank holiday weekend. Nadine Powrie Headteacher
School Uniform Reminder We would like to remind parents that Neville Lovett Community School has consistently high expectations of our students and this includes their appearance at school dressed in accordance with the school uniform policy as follows: Boys:
Plain white shirt and school tie (ties available from the school office) Black Uniform “V” necked sweater with school logo Black trousers – not cord or denim Grey, black or white socks (sports socks only with plain bands of colour at the top). Plain black leather shoes, no external logo. No plimsolls or canvass shoes
Plain white shirt and school tie (ties available from the school office) Black Uniform “V” necked sweater with school logo Tailored black trousers – not cord, denim or leggings. No skirts Grey, black or white socks – ankle socks Plain black leather shoes, no external logo. No stilettos, boots, trainers, canvas, open toed or dolly shoes
Make Up:
Year 11 girls are permitted to wear discreet make up. Girls in all other years will be asked to remove it. Clear or natural coloured nail varnish may be worn by year 10 and 11 girls only.
Students may wear: A watch, a single chain around the neck with religious symbol hidden from view. Single ear studs and no other piercings. No other jewellery will be allowed.
Should not be extreme in fashion. Natural and un-dyed hair only. Shaved heads are not acceptable. Students can be sent home if they come to school with a haircut close to their scalp.
No tattoos are permitted.
Please ensure that all students attend school in the correct uniform. Failure to do so will lead to sanctions in accordance with the school policy. Thank you for your assistance with this matter and helping us to maintain our high standards.
Newsletter Friday, 3rd May 2013 Governor News Three of our governors attended Year 10 parent’s evening on Wednesday providing an excellent opportunity to talk to parents directly. There is always a governor present at each parents evening and please do feel free to have a chat with them before, after, or between your appointments. The on-line booking system introduced by the school is proving very popular and effective and an increasing number of parents are attending these evenings to hear valuable information about the progress of students from their teachers. Elizabeth Webb, Chair of Governors Year 11 Exam Support Sessions We have arranged the following sessions for targeted Year 11 students. Invitation letters to students have been sent: English:
Wednesday, 29th May 2013 split over two sessions 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 3 pm
Tuesday, 28th May 2013 from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and 1 pm to 4 pm
Saturday, 8th June 2013 from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and 1 pm to 4 pm
Talented Authors Our students have written a book and are very proud to have had it published. There is a sample copy available in school and orders can be placed. The book is priced at £7.99 and student have asked that the proceeds be donated to the Mission for Sam Appeal. Congratulations to the students who now have their names in print. Jackie Richardson, Teacher of English Staff v Students On Thursday, 2nd May a group of Year 10 and 11 girls engaged in a Netball Challenge with members of staff. The competition was fierce and the score could have gone either way. In the end the Staff team pictured left won the match 9 - 3. The game was played in an excellent spirit of sportsmanship. Community News The Community Office would like to inform you of the following opportunities: Rugby Tots sessions are running each Saturday. There are free taster classes available. Contact 0845 313 3244 for further information. Adults who would like to attend free employability and life skills courses can do so on the following dates: Course 1 Wednesday, 1st and 8th May 9.30 am to 2.30 pm Course 2 Wednesday, 15th and 22nd May 9.30 am to 2.30 pm Course 3 Wednesday, 5th and 12th June 9.30 am to 2.30 pm Pre-booking is essential. Telephone Nikki Strong on 01329 823471.
Dates for your Diary 6th May 27th May to 31st May 19th June 26th June 19th July
Bank Holiday Half Term break Year 9 Parents Evening 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm Year 7 Parents Evening 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm Last Day of Summer Term
Headteacher Address: Website: Telephone Email:
Nadine Powrie MA ED St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ 01329 318003