Each House Group comes together in the hall for an assembly once a week. This is a formal and meaningful occasion taken by a member of staff, a visitor or other students. The theme will almost always have a moral, ethical or spiritual basis which can be found in the Christian ethos and beliefs. The assembly will be a celebration of shared values and will support our whole approach to students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. The main Christian festivals are observed through the year and form an important element in the assembly cycle. On the other four days, twenty minutes are spent with the tutor between lesson 2 and break. Time will be spent on a whole range of matters, particularly personal counselling, group discussions and administration. Tutorial work may have a moral or spiritual basis, but the proportions will vary according to the demands on individual tutors and the year group. Tutor Group Reflection is maintained throughout the school via the ‘thought for the week’ discussion topic. As far as is practically possible we follow the Hampshire County Council guidelines which are endorsed by our local Standing Advisory Committee for Religious Education. Parents who wish to exercise their right to withdraw their child from school Assemblies are invited to contact the Head of House when they join the school. Students who are withdrawn will remain in the area adjoining the hall and are asked to bring with them suitable reading material of a reflective nature, relevant to their own beliefs.
………………………………………………….. Governors
Elizabeth Webb, Chair of
Date agreed by Committee: …………………………………………..
Date adopted by Governing Body: …………………………………
To be reviewed: Autumn 2012