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AIM To offer a curriculum which is flexible, relevant and meaningful to our students at different ages and stages of development, and which will be responsive to their needs and interests as well as to the demands of employers, employment in technologically based industries and colleges of Further and Higher Education. CONTEXT The curriculum at Neville Lovett is set within a coherent national context whereby students enter at the end of Key Stage 2 and leave at the end of Key Stage 4. The curriculum reflects the need to plan for both transfer at 11 and progression to post 16. Our curriculum offers equality of opportunity for all students and the entitlement to areas of learning, knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes necessary for their self-fulfilment and development as active, creative and responsible members of society. Thus the curriculum also recognises the diversity of talent and aptitudes present in the school community. The curriculum provides opportunities to promote students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Explicit opportunities to promote development in these areas are provided in religious education and citizenship. The formal curriculum is supported by an extensive and varied range of extra-curricular activities. Service to the community and care of the environment are actively encouraged. Literacy is considered a cross-curricular issue and students should be taught to express themselves correctly and appropriately, reading accurately and with understanding. In all areas of the curriculum when working with tools, equipment and materials in practical situation, students are taught about hazards, risk and risk control. Students are taught to manage their environment to ensure the health and safety of themselves and others. The curriculum provides all students with the opportunity to experience the diversity of workplace opportunities and requirements through a co-ordinated work experience programme. MATHS AND COMPUTING STATUS As a Maths and Computing Specialist school we aim to: • raise standards in Maths, Computing and ICT across the whole school curriculum • enrich the curriculum through creative use of ICT; liaising with other schools, colleges, local businesses and the community • develop and disseminate best practice in teaching and learning in Maths, Computing and ICT MONITORING


The curriculum is responsive to change and is monitored by the SLT. Teachers individually and collectively reappraise their teaching in response to the changing needs of their students and the impact of economic, social and cultural change. KEY STAGES 3 AND 4 During their five years at Neville Lovett School all students will progress through Key Stages 3 and 4 of the National Curriculum. In Key Stage 3 (Years 7 - 9), students will study the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science, plus Technology, ICT, History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language (French), Art, Music and Physical Education. As we are concerned to develop the whole person as well as high academic skills, students will also study Religious Education, Drama and a programme of Citizenship with personal, social and health education. Religious Education is delivered in accordance with the Authority’s agreed syllabus, ‘Living Difference’, which is nondenominational in character. Parents are welcome to see a copy of this which is available at the school. Parents who wish to exercise their right to withdraw their child from Religious Education are invited to contact the school by letter. During Key Stage 3 there are also opportunities for most students to opt for a second Foreign Language (Spanish). From the start of Year 7 students are taught in sets in English, Maths and Science. Other subjects are taught in mixed ability groups until the start of Year 8 when setting is introduced in most subjects. Our intention is to ensure that all students encounter work, which is in accordance with their aptitude and ability. Special arrangements are made for students with specific learning problems. This provision includes specific teaching, either in small groups or on a one to one basis. Specialist support in the classroom is also provided where appropriate. Their work is monitored by the Student Support and Guidance Manager. A range of opportunities for enhancement and extension within the taught curriculum are provided for able and talented students. In order to respond to the diverse needs that students bring to their learning, which may be social, emotional or behavioural, the school also has a curriculum and learning support room. Here students can be presented with suitable learning challenges, guidance or tuition, for specified periods of time as an alternative to their normal timetable. The school has a Hearing Impaired Resourced Area which caters for students who are statemented as needing education in a mainstream secondary school with access to a Teacher of the Deaf. A natural oral/aural philosophy is followed with emphasis placed on full use of residual hearing through good use of hearing aids and a Radio Aid link system. The students are integrated into mainstream lessons where they are supported as necessary by the Teacher of the Deaf or Non Teaching Assistants. At Key Stage 4 (Years 10 - 11), students will carry on with their studies in English, Mathematics and Science. Students then select subjects from pathways designed to match ability, aptitude with the intention of maximising attainment for each student. Students will be guided to make the most effective choices. The Citizenship programme continues in KS4 with the addition of careers advice and guidance supported by Connexions. All students also have the opportunity to opt into a Community Service placement during KS4. With the help of the Hampshire Education and Business Partnership all students are offered a period of work experience during year 10. In order to offer the maximum range of individual opportunities at the age of sixteen, students will have choices to make about their other subjects. Examples of such choices might be to pursue further their interests in the range of Technology subjects, whether to continue with History or Geography or an Arts subject, to consider Double Science or to take up a new subject such as Business Studies. Some students may choose to opt for a GCSE in a Vocational subject. Such a choice takes up two option ‘blocks’.


A number of students, who may benefit from a more vocationally oriented KS4 programme, will have the opportunity to take part in Work Related Learning projects leading to NVQ qualifications, offered in partnership with local colleges. Where it is considered appropriate other outside training agencies may be used to provide courses for individual students. In the Spring Term of Year 9, when decisions have to be made about these subject choices, parents are provided with a book outlining the most up-to-date information on the subjects available. A pathways evening is held and a lengthy consultation period is allowed before students, with the consent of their parents, are asked to commit themselves to particular courses.

Signed ………………………………………………….. Elizabeth Webb, Chair of Governors

Date: ………………………………….

Date Adopted by Governing Body: ……………………………….

Reviewed: Date of Next Review:


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