Curriculum Outline 2010-2011
Table of Contents Department: Department: Department: Department: Department: Department: Department: Department: Department: Department: Department: Department: Department: Department: Department: Department: Department:
Art ................................................................................................................. 2 Drama ............................................................................................................ 3 Design & Technology/Food Tech ...................................................................... 5 Design & Technology/Graphics ......................................................................... 7 Design & Technology/ Resistant Materials ....................................................... 13 Design & Technology – Systems and Control ................................................... 14 English ......................................................................................................... 16 Geography .................................................................................................... 22 History ......................................................................................................... 22 ICT .............................................................................................................. 24 Maths ........................................................................................................... 28 Modern Foreign Languages/French ................................................................. 35 Modern Foreign Languages/Spanish ............................................................... 39 Music ........................................................................................................... 42 Physical Education......................................................................................... 44 RS Option ..................................................................................................... 52 Science ........................................................................................................ 54
Department: Art Year
Unit No/Name
No. Lessons
Great British Artists
Work is assessed by teacher regularly.
African Art
Great British sculptors
French Art in the 20th Century
Self -portrait
Students will study the drawing techniques of a number of British Artists including David Hockney, Henry Moore, and Barbara Hepworth. They will learn about the Artists techniques and have the opportunity to create pieces of work that reflect this. Students will develop their skills through sustained study in their sketchbooks. Students will study art forms from different African countries. They will research the cultures and traditions of Tribal Art and make a piece of work reflecting their research. There is a focus on painting throughout their studies. Work will develop into print. Students will study the sculptures of Henry moore and Antony Gormley. They will create independent research in their sketchbooks and be able to demonstrate their understanding through the production of a maquette. Students will study the work of the impressionists/ PostImpressionists and Fauves. They will learn a range of painting techniques and be able to recognise the key characteristics of these movements. Students will learn how to create a mixed media self portrait based on the street artist Caledonia Curry. This unit enables students to develop their own ideas and express their opinions through a variety of materials. Students will learn about the surrealist movement and produce a surrealist room based on the work of Magritte, Dali and De Chirico. This is an opportunity for students to develop their imaginations and create highly individual work.
Ongoing assessment by teacher
Sketchbooks will be assessed regularly.
Work is assessed at regular intervals by teacher.
Student work assessed in sketchbooks regularly
Student work assessed regularly
Department: Drama Year
Unit No/Name
No. Lessons
What Makes Britain Great
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece
What Makes Britain Great
Around the world in 80 days
Around the world in 80 days
The Living Newspaper
The Living Newspaper
In this unit students explore the beginning of Theatre in this country by looking at Medieval Theatre – students will devise simple story lines based on the Seven Deadly Sins using Role play, Mime and Tableaux to convey a story. The students will understand why &how theatre began in this country and how the plays were performed. In this second part of the unit students focus on one story line & explore 2 drama techniques to re-tell the story: Mime & Tableaux. Students will be encouraged to explore what happens when the story is changed. In this unit students will be exploring theatre styles from different parts of the world: Oriental Theatre (Noh & Kabuki style); Mime artist Marcel Marceau; They will create and perform short pieces using different skills and techniques. In the first half-term students will explore the French mime artist Marceau and re-enact set pieces. In the second part of this unit students will be asked to work on a piece of Japanese story in the style of Kabuki Theatre, using masks, movement & percussion instruments In this unit students look at the world around them and explore themes and issues from newspapers and magazines. Students will discover how to use different theatre techniques, such as Scripted Drama, Narration, The Spoken Thought, Physical Theatre and non-naturalistic Drama to explore different issues. In the second half of the unit students will focus on one theme called ‘Consequences’. They will create develop and perform a short nonnaturalistic play, using different techniques and skills.
Silent comedy
Students will learn about silent comedy. The focus is on physical comedy. They will understand how to use slapstick and comedy techniques. They will be watching examples of silent comedy such Chaplin and Keaton. Students will create their own short silent comedies using the digital cameras.
Yes Teacher Assessed.
Trestle Masks
Yes – Teacher Assessed
Commedia dell arte
Students will learn how to use the Trestle masks. The focus is on controlled action and techniques. Students will be expected to create their own ideas ready to perform for assessment. Students will understand the Commedia dell Arte style of acting. They will explore various characters and scenarios, scripted and improvised; the students will perform a piece to each other.
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece
Yes – Teacher Assessed
Issues in Drama: The Bully
Non-naturalistic Drama
Issues based Drama: The Runaway
Stage Combat
Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet/ Macbeth
Making short films
Year 10 (BTEC)
The Development of Drama
Year 10 (BTEC)
Year 10 (BTEC) Performing Arts Year 10 GCSE Drama
Devised Drama (1)
Study of a play: Blood Brothers
In this unit students will explore the issue of bullying through drama. They will use a series of naturalistic & non-naturalistic drama techniques to convey episodes of a play. Students will be given a series of options/titles to develop a piece of nonnaturalistic drama to each other. They will have a choice of issues, themes, titles and visual images to create the drama work. In this unit students explore the issue of Runaways. Researching facts and figures, real storylines on line. The students create a 5 minute drama, using different techniques, telling the story of one runaway. In this unit students explore different skills in stage combat to create an effective piece of scripted theatre. Following on from previous unit, the students create a series of fight episodes from Macbeth and/or Romeo & Juliet They will learn about Shakespeare’s theatre and how the plays were originally performed. In this unit Students have the opportunity to explore the world of film making and will create a short (2 mins) film. They will have the opportunity to edit and add special effects. Groups explore the beginnings of Drama and how a play is constructed. The students will explore a newspaper story and convey the story using a variety of theatre techniques. Later in the term they will explore two drama genres and perform examples of both. The students will develop specific acting skills using scripted plays. They will explore what is good acting and watch examples on video. At the end of the unit they will perform scenes from a play of their choice. The students in this unit will explore the theme of human rights and the plight of child soldiers. The group will use a selection of material to create an effective piece of theatre. The students explore this play in preparation for their written exam in Year 11. They will research the playwright and the background to the play. Students will perform at least 2 scenes from the play.
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece
Yes – Teacher Assessed
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece Yes – Teacher Assessed piece
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece
Yes – Teacher Assessed
Yes – Teacher Assessed
Yes – Teacher Assessed
Devised & Improvised Drama 2/3
Year 11 BTEC Understanding Drama: 2 performances
Understanding Drama: 2 performances
Devised Drama (2)
In this unit students will follow the criteria as indicated by the AQA board. We will explore different techniques to develop a theme as laid out at the beginning of the unit. In this unit students explore what is a good piece of drama. Theatre history is explored. Students create & perform two contrasting pieces on the theme of tragedy: one a modern piece and scenes from Romeo & Juliet.
Yes – Teacher Assessed
Department: Design & Technology/Food Tech Year
Unit No/Name
No. Lessons
Bread investigation
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece and practical.
Design a food product using a target market.
Design a healthy main course
Design a cook chill main course of a supermarket
Design a dessert.
Have your cake
Dairy and eggs
In this unit students will learn the functions of the ingredients in bread, what happens if you change the ratios of the ingredients, what yeast does and how to create a bread based dish. Students to make bread rolls and pizza wheels as well as investigating yeast products. Students to work on mini project on the history of bread as a homework to run along side lessons in this unit. In this unit students are going to designing a new flavour of muffin to be sold in a supermarket. Students are to make sweet and savoury muffins. Students will look at target markets, write questionnaires and develop different flavours before deciding on a new muffin design. In this unit students will be looking at what is available at supermarkets and design a healthy main course based on a popular main course recipe. Students will be introduced to a food specification and to HACCP. In this unit students will learn about cook chill method. Students to learn how to combine different components to product a main course dish, design a final ready meal for mass production, design packaging and produce nutrients label for final product. In this unit students are going to create a dessert using a range of different methods. Adapt the design to a healthy dessert and then to a dessert for a special diet. In this unit students will be looking at the four different cake methods, students will be making and analysing the different methods. Students will be finding out the functions of the ingredients and what could be substituted for them. How can they make them healthy and what changes would need to be made for special diets. Analyse different ready cake mixes available. In this unit students are going to be looking at the different types of meat, different cuts, what they are used for and meat substitutes. In this unit students will be looking at how to prepare fish, different types of fish and shellfish, different dishes made with fish and shellfish. Environmental issues about fish. Students to identify nutrients, their purpose and where they are obtained. Students to make nutrition labels for all their recipes cooked so far. Nutritional value of dairy and egg products. Investigate ready to eat dairy desserts. Special diets. Making dairy healthy. Why we need dairy in our diets. Cereals sources, nutritional value, use of starch, sauce making, pastry making, bread.
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece and practical.
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece and practical Yes – Teacher Assessed piece and practical
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece and practical. Yes – Teacher Assessed piece and practical.
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece and practical. Yes – Teacher Assessed piece and practical. Yes – Teacher Assessed piece. Yes – Teacher Assessed piece and practical. Yes – Teacher Assessed and practical.
On going
Students to choose their GCSE coursework brief
Controlled Assessment
Introduction of coursework coursework
On going
Students to work on their coursework assignments
Controlled assessment
Students to work on their coursework assignments
Controlled assessment
Students to begin revision for their written exam
Students to revise for their written exam.
Department: Design & Technology/Graphics Year 7
Unit No/Name
No. Lessons
KS3 Graphics Pop-Up Card Project
Key Concept(S):
1.2 Cultural understanding
1. Understanding how products evolve according to users’ and designers’ needs, beliefs, ethics and values and how they are influenced by local customs and traditions and available materials. 2. Exploring how products contribute to lifestyle and consumer choices.
Teacher assessment and Self assessment used throughout. Peer assessment used where appropriate.
1.4 Critical evaluation 1. Analysing existing products and solutions to inform designing and making. 2. Evaluating the needs of users and the context in which products are used to inform designing and making. 3. Exploring the impact of ideas, design decisions and technological advances and how these provide opportunities for new design solutions. Project Outline In this unit students will learn about simple paper engineering techniques. They will understand how to design and make simple pop-up mechanisms and use a selected technique to create a pop-up greetings card. Through doing this they will learn and develop key practical skills working with graphics tools, materials and media. The aim of this project is to introduce Year 7 students to KS3 Design and Technology 'Graphic Products'. The Scheme of work has been designed to allow students to follow the design process but focus specifically on the stages that link robustly to the project theme. The Scheme focuses on the gathering of research information and the analysis of this information. This will enable students to form a list of design criteria to aid them in the development of a realistic and achievable design solution. The scheme is broken down into 16 of the 18 lessons available allowing for a 2 lesson overflow if necessary. There are 8 homework tasks distributed throughout the lessons. The aim of the Homework is to compliment the classroom activities and encourage independent learning and thinking. The
homework tasks either prepare students for their next lesson or allow a particular activity from the design process to be included in the scheme that would not otherwise fit into the directed learning time. 8
KS3 Graphics Snack Bar Project
16 Key Concept(S): 1.1 Designing and making 1. Understanding that designing and making has aesthetic, environmental technical, economic, ethical and social dimensions and impacts on the world.
Teacher assessment and Self assessment used throughout. Peer assessment used where appropriate.
2. Applying knowledge of materials and production processes to design products and produce practical solutions that are relevant and fit for purpose. 3. Understanding that products and systems have an impact on quality of life. 4. Exploring how products have been designed and made in the past, how they are currently designed and made, and how they may develop in the future. Project Outline The project requires students to design and develop a new brand of snack bar and design and develop the packaging. The designs must be culturally aware, and sensitive. To aid in designing a realistic and achievable solution students will conduct a series of research tasks which, once analyzed will help them to form a list of criteria, which will in turn give focus and direction to their designing. The aim of this project is to include a packaging focus project in the KS3 Design and Technology 'Graphic Products' curriculum. The Scheme of work has been designed to allow students to follow the design process but focus specifically on the stages that link robustly to the project theme. The Scheme focuses on the generation and development of design ideas. This will enable students to explore a variety of different design solutions and develop one design into a final achievable design solution. The scheme is broken down into 16 of the 18 lessons available allowing for a 2 lesson overflow if necessary. There are 8 homework tasks distributed throughout the lessons. The aim of the Homework is to compliment the classroom activities and encourage independent learning and thinking. The homework tasks either prepare students for their next lesson or allow a particular activity from the design process to be included in the scheme that would not otherwise fit into the directed learning time. 9
KS3 Graphics Organic Shapes
16 Key Concept(S): 1.3 Creativity 1. Making links between principles of good design, existing solutions
Teacher assessment and Self assessment used
Jewellery Project
and technological knowledge to develop innovative products and processes. 2. Reinterpreting and applying learning in new design contexts and communicating ideas in new or unexpected ways.
throughout. Peer assessment used where appropriate.
3. Exploring and experimenting with ideas, materials, technologies and techniques. Project Outline The project requires students to design and develop a new jewelry pendant, based on an organic form, and design and develop the packaging. The designs must be culturally aware, and sensitive. To aid in designing a realistic and achievable solution students will conduct a series of research tasks which, once analyzed will help them to form a list of criteria, which will in turn give focus and direction to their designing. The aim of this project is to introduce students to the process of designing and making an actual ‘functional’ product of their own. This is the final project in the KS3 Design and Technology 'Graphic Products' curriculum. The Scheme of work has been designed to allow students to follow the design process but focus specifically on the stages that link robustly to the project theme. The Scheme focuses on the development of a complete working product. This will enable students to explore and experiment, and adapt their technological knowledge into developing their own product. The scheme is broken down into 16 of the 18 lessons available allowing for a 2 lesson overflow if necessary. There are 8 homework tasks distributed throughout the lessons. The aim of the Homework is to compliment the classroom activities and encourage independent learning and thinking. The homework tasks either prepare students for their next lesson or allow a particular activity from the design process to be included in the scheme that would not otherwise fit into the directed learning time. 10
GCSE Graphic Products AQA Drawing Techniques
Approx 10
Autumn Term Drawing Techniques 3rd Angle Orthographic Projection – Scale, Dimensions Perspective Drawing – Constructed and sketched Isometric Drawing – Constructed, sketched, crating, underlay
Skills Based Work – Teacher Feedback Teacher assessed Self assessed and peer verified
Opportunities taken here to develop skills and knowledge in: Colour rendering, line enhancement, shadowing and texturing The use of CAD
Use of colour techniques 10
GCSE Graphic Products AQA Design and Make Assignment Packaging
Approx 20
Design and Make Assignment Packaging Task – Students to create a range of different forms of packaging, Students learn how to develop packaging nets starting with simple boxes and moving onto more complex nets. Students gain experience of making other forms of packaging such as blister packaging using the vacuum former – blister packaging a simple laser cut key ring.
Skills Based Work – Teacher Feedback Teacher assessed Self assessed and peer verified
Development of skills and knowledge in:Properties and uses of materials Commercial sizes an thicknesses Commercial manufacturing techniques Construction techniques Methods of using thermo plastics The manufacture of paper/card models to explore commercial packaging Use of tools and equipment CAD/CAM Health and safety 10
GCSE Graphic Products AQA Paper Engineering
Approx 10
Spring Term Paper Engineering Task Students use fine motor/practical skills to cut out and construct a complicated 3D paper engineering model. Development of skills and knowledge in:Understanding and following instructions and plans Use of tools and equipment Accuracy Makin processes – scoring cutting folding gluing/sticking
GCSE Graphic Products AQA Design and Make Assignment Corporate Identity
Approx 20
Design and Make Assignment Corporate Identity Task - Students to identify a company from the yellow pages and design a logo for that company.
Skills Based Work – Teacher Feedback Teacher assessed Self assessed and peer verified
Making - Using their logos students are to design their own yellow pages advertisements for their selected companies. Students will also apply their logo to a selection of stationary and corporate products, allowing for practice of modelling skills, creativity and he production of good quality outcomes.
GCSE Graphic Products AQA Controlled Assessment Task 60%
Development of skills and knowledge in:Researching techniques Analysing information Writing a specification Sketching a colour techniques The language of colour Commercial printing methods Use of CAD Collecting digital evidence Evaluation/Reflection Sumer Term (Y10) – Autumn Term (Y11) Investigation of design context Students will undertake focused and relevant research which must be analyzed. Possible activities: analysis of the design context product evaluation market research research of target market/client. This should then lead to the clear identification of design criteria reflecting the student’s analysis. Design and Development Design and development of final outcome Possible activities: creation of a fully detailed and justified product/manufactured specification creation of ideas by sketching development of chosen ideas by sketching development of ideas by modelling, CAD and the use of 3D prototypes a clear indication of the students proposed final outcome . surface development, orthographic working drawing, etc a plan of manufacture. Making The type of product manufactured ,the availability of equipment, e.g. CAM, and resources will determine: the choice of materials the choice of equipment time scale. Students will need to demonstrate accuracy of manufacture, quality of finish, level of demand, appropriate use of materials, and appropriate method of
GCSE Graphic Products AQA Single Tier Examination 40%
manufacture. ... Testing and evaluation Possible activities: on going evaluation . evident throughout the designing, development and making of the student’s own product client testing summative evaluation against the specification. End of spring term (Y11) + Summer Term Final examination Adequate time is allocated to enable students to prepare for this examination Possible activities: Use of the pre-release sheet to prepare for Section A of the examination paper: designing techniques sketching, drawing, application of colour etc exploration of the design context language of the examination. revision of theoretical requirements of the specification practice questions, time tests, etc examination language, examination techniques, technical terms, etc.
Department: Design & Technology/ Resistant Materials Year
No. Lessons
Resistant Materials
Bedside / Desk Tidy
In this module the students will design and make a desk / bedside tidy. The unit will hold mobile phone / MP3 together with other items the student needs to eg. Headphones pens pencils money. The students will learn how to use a range of hand and machine tools safely and with accuracy whilst developing their skills.
Practical project in wood and plastic. Design folder
Resistant Materials
Candle Holder
Practical project in metal. Design folder
Resistant Materials
Storage Solution
In this module the students will design and make a candle holder in metal. The students will cold form metal using a range of hand and machine tools safely and with accuracy whilst developing their skills. In this module the students will design and make a storage unit. The unit will hold items that have thought of from detailed research. It may take the form of a shelf, a rack, a box or a cabinet. Students are encouraged to think creatively. The students will learn how to use a range of hand and machine tools safely and with accuracy whilst developing their skills.
Practical project in wood and plastic. Design folder
Department: Design & Technology – Systems and Control Year
No. Lessons
Systems & Control
Electronic Moisture Sensor
In this module the students will design and make an electronic moisture detector. The project can be designed for a range of application e.g. Plant pot moisture monitor; Football pitch moisture monitor; Water level detector; Wall dampness detector amongst others. Students learn about electrical resistance and how a transistor functions. They also learn how to solder and adhere to Health & Safety practices. Students develop their designing and drawing skills and use Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacture (Laser Cutter) in the making of their project.
Teacher assessed design folder and practical project
Systems & Control
Mechanical Grabber
Teacher assessed design folder and practical project
Systems & Control
Electronic Decision Maker
In this module students will design and make a mechanical grabber. Students learn about grabbers in a variety of contexts from litter pickers to ROVs to animatronics which influence their designs. Students experiment with a variety of mechanisms and incorporate these ideas into their designs. Students use a range of hand tools and machine tools as well as Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacture (Laser Cutter) in the making of their project. Learn about microcontrollers in context from Microwave Ovens to Mobile Phones; Learn how to use programming software to enable students to write and download a program for the PIC microcontroller; Use the vacuum former to make the case for their project; Develop skills in the use of small and large hand tools with attention to care and accuracy; Develop skills further in the use of CAD and CAM and learn about CAD and CAM in industrial contexts;
Systems & Control
Vending Machine
Autumn Term
Systems & Control
Robot Car
Spring Term
Teacher assessed design folder and practical project
In this module the students will design and make an electronic decision maker. The project is controlled by a micro-controller – students write a computer program to make the micro-controller function. Students learn about micro-controllers in the context of children’s toys to microwave ovens to mobile phones. Students develop skills in the use of CAD and CAM as well as a range of hand tools and they also shape plastic by using the vacuum former to produce the case for their project. Students: Understand the processes and functions in a vending machine; Learn about the potential divider, LDR, Darlington transistor, and the differential amplifier and use them in a prototype circuit; Learn how to use PCB designing software and design and make a PCB; Manufacture the vending machine mechanism; Develop ‘fine tuning’ skills to match the circuit to the mechanism and make the system work. Students: Learn how to use flowchart programming software to control a remote control robot; Experiment with flowchart programming to control various inputs, outputs and functions; Learn how to use PIC BASIC program language;
Systems & Control
Major Project
Summer Term
Students: Undertake research element of major project; Develop a clear understanding of the design process element of their project; Evaluate existing products; Develop design ideas
Systems & Control
Major Project
Autumn Term
Systems & Control
Major Project
Spring Term
Systems & Control
Summer Term
Students: Develop circuit and mechanism ideas Finalise project idea and start to make the final solution; Completion of major project; Students: Completion of major project; Revision for mock exam Students: Revision for summer exams
Department: English English Y7 Y7
Effective Group Work
In this unit students will engage in a variety of speaking & listening activities using the Collaborative Group Work Process. They will develop and adapt their active listening and discussion skills and strategies in formal and informal contexts and take roles in group discussion.
Yes – teacher assessed
Reading Strategies
In this unit students will practise and develop their skills in skimming, scanning and close reading, prediction, speculation, empathy, rationalisation and interpretation.
Yes – Teacher assessed
Prose: The Novel
In this unit students will have an opportunity to read for pleasure, engage with plot and characters in a novel and develop an understanding of the issues raised. Students will respond to ideas, viewpoint, themes and purposes in texts They will read and engage with a wide and varied range of texts. They will analyse writers’ use of organisation, structure, layout and presentation and improve their use of vocabulary for precision and impact.
Reading assessment – Teacher assessed. APP Reading assessment
Introduction to Shakespeare
In this unit students will develop their knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of Shakespeare. They will develop their confidence using Shakespeare’s language and exploring character, theme and plot in a variety of plays. The students will study extracts of several plays and experiment with dramatic techniques. They will produce an information leaflet for primary pupils about Shakespeare and a directorial question.
Speaking & Listening assessment.
Media / non-fiction (The Spy Who Learned English)
In this unit students will identify how different forms are structured and organised according to their purpose. Students will have to focus on a variety of forms and use features of the spy genre. They will have to complete a spy passport and qualify as spies.
Writing assessment – teacher assessed APP Writing assessment
Poetry Pioneers
In this unit students will build on their understanding of poetic techniques and develop their ability to analyse and interpret how these techniques contribute to meaning. They will relate the different texts to the social, historical and cultural contexts in which they were written and analyse writers use of organisation, structure, layout and presentation. Students will use a wide variety of speaking and listening activities to explore poetry as well as considering how to convey meaning and voice in their own writing. They will be encouraged to develop team work and their ability to become better communicators and group participators.
Reading and writing teacher assessed Speaking & listening assessment
Narrative writing (Spooks, Spirits and a Touch of Magic)
In this unit students will engage with a range of reading and writing activities based around ghost, horror and mystery writing. Students will have opportunities to read and discuss text, focusing on language choices and overall impact, and then have a go at replicating the style in their own writing.
Writing assessment APP Reading & Writing end of year assessment.
Media and non-fiction
In this unit students will generate ideas, plan and draft, using the conventions and forms of text on paper and on screen. They will structure, organise and present text in a variety of forms, developing and using editing and proof reading skills using the conventions of standard English.
Writing narrative/creative (Super Heroes)
In this unit students will Understand and respond to ideas, view point, themes and purposes in texts. They will read and engage in a wide and varied range of texts. Analyse how writers use of linguistic, grammatical and literary features shape and influence meaning and analyse writers’ use of organisation, structure, layout and presentation. They will create their own Super Hero following the codes and conventions, creating a comic strip, review and report.
Writing assessment – teacher assessed Speaking & Listening assessment – teacher assessed Reading APP Written assessment both teacher assessed
Narrative (reading) The Novel
In this unit students will investigate how novels work, the ingredients that make up a good story and explore all aspects of the writers’ craft.
Reading and Writing APP end of year assessment
Pre 20th Century Drama – Shakespeare (Twelfth Night)
In this unit students will develop their understanding of how dramatists manipulate our response over the course of a play. They will explore the difference between prose and drama, character, plot and the techniques a dramatist can use to involve the audience.
Speaking & Listening – teacher assessed
Reading Skills
In this unit students will select, read, understand and compare texts, and use them to gather information, ideas, arguments and opinions. They will develop and adapt active reading skills and strategies, understand and respond to ideas, viewpoint, themes and purposes in text. They will read and engage with a wide and varied range of text, analysing writers use of organisation, structure, layout and presentation. They will improve their use of vocabulary for precision and impact and generate ideas, plan and draft.
Functional skills. Level 1 or 2 reading
English Y8
Speaking, listening and communication
In this unit students will make a range of contributions in a range of contexts, including those that are unfamiliar, and make effective presentations. They will consider complex information and give a relevant, cogent response in appropriate language, present information and ideas clearly and persuasively to others and adapt their contributions to suit audience, purpose and situation
Functional skills. Level 1 or 2 Speaking & Listening
In this unit students will write a range of texts, including extended written documents, communicating information, ideas and opinions, effectively and persuasively. They will ensure written work is fit for purpose and audience, with accurate spelling and grammar that support clear meaning. The forms for their writing will be drawn from different kinds of stories, poems, play scripts, autobiographies, screen plays, diaries, minutes, accounts, information leaflets, plans, summaries, brochures, advertisements, editorials, articles and letters conveying opinions, campaign literature, polemics, reviews, commentaries, articles, essays and reports.
Functional skills. Level 1 or 2 Writing
Unit 1 Edexcel English reading
In this unit students will compare the material from two texts selected by Edexcel. They will make comparisons between the texts. Select appropriate details from the texts to support their ideas. Explore how writers use presentation and language to communicate ideas and perspectives in the two texts.
Controlled assessment task. Marked internally. 10% of final GCSE grade.
Unit 1 Edexcel English Writing
Unit 3 Edexcel Creative English
Controlled assessment task. Marked internally. 10% of final GCSE grade. Controlled assessment task. Marked internally. 10% of final GCSE grade.
Unit 3 Edexcel Creative English
In this unit students will make appropriate choices in their writing to suit audience and purpose. Spell, punctuate and structure their writing accurately and appropriately for the purpose and effect. In this unit students will respond to 2 poems from the 15 studied in a chosen theme and one from the Literary Heritage poem pre-released from Edexcel. Students will write a detailed response based on these poems. This unit is designed to give students a greater understanding of the features that are unique to poetry. In this unit students will complete one task from a choice of four, based on the poetry themes. Students must produce a written response which is appropriate to a chosen style. Students will be given a choice of writing a narrative, description, monologue or a script. Students will also complete one of their speaking and listening assessments – communicating and adapting language
Controlled assessment task. Marked internally. 10% of final GCSE grade. Speaking &Listening assessment teacher assessed.
Unit 1 – Digital Communications Critical reading of moving image texts
10 OCR English Language and English Literature A661/Literary Heritage Linked Texts Shakespeare and Film/Audio/Live performance
In this unit students will carry out a close textual analysis on how characters are portrayed in a specified film and analyse moving images using a section chosen y the students to show how moving image is used to create mood and them. They will also look at genre by studying a how film and how this conforms to genre types. In this unit students will study a Shakespeare play and a performed version of the play. They will carry out relevant research using available resources and produce an extended piece of work as a response to a task set by the examining board.
Controlled assessment 20% of GCSE grade internally assessed. Speaking & Listening – teacher assessed Controlled assessment 25%
Students will also study a poet from a choice of six, carry out relevant research and produce an extended piece of work comparing two of the poems studied as a response to a task set by the examining board.
OCR A651/Extended Literary Text and Imaginative Writing
In this unit students will respond to one text from a choice of prose, drama, poetry or literary non-fiction. They will develop skills to be able to read and understand texts, selecting material appropriate to purpose, collating from different sources and making comparisons and cross-references as appropriate; develop and sustain interpretations of writers’ ideas and perspectives; explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic, grammatical, structural and presentational features to achieve effects and engage and influence.
Controlled assessment 25%
Students will also produce two linked, continuous, imaginative writing responses, around one of the following areas: personal and imaginative writing or prose fiction. They will choose content and adapt style and language to a range of forms, media, contexts, audiences and purposes and adapt the forms to a range of styles and genres. Y10
OCR A662/Modern Drama
In this unit students will study one of six modern drama texts. They will develop the skills necessary to respond critically and imaginatively; select and evaluate relevant textual detail to support interpretations; explain how language, structure and form contribute to writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and settings; make comparisons and explain links between texts, evaluating writers’ different ways of expressing meaning and achieving effects; relate texts to their social, cultural and historical contexts; explain how texts have been influential and significant to self and other readers in different contexts and at different times. Students will answer one passagebased question or one essay question set by the examining board.
Examination 25%
OCR A652/Speaking, Listening and Spoken Language
In this unit students will engage in a drama-focused activity, a group activity and an individual extended contribution (one of which must be a real-life context in and beyond the classroom). They will develop their ability to communicate clearly and purposefully, listen and respond to speakers’ ideas and perspectives, interact with others, shaping meanings through suggestions, comments and questions. Students will also study an aspect of spoken language and give a written response. They will show understanding of variations in spoken language; explain why language changes in relation to contexts; and evaluate the impact of spoken language choices in their own and others’ use. In this unit students will study one from six Literary Heritage Prose texts. They will answer one passage-based question or one essay question. They will develop the skills to be able to respond to the text critically and imaginatively; select and evaluate relevant textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations; explain how language, structure and form contribute to the writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and settings; and relate the text to its social, cultural and historical context and explain how they have been influential to self and other readers in different contexts and at different times.
Controlled assessment 30%
OCR A664/Literary Heritage Prose
Examination 25% Literary Heritage Prose 15%
OCR A664/Contemporary Poetry
In this unit students will study one poet from a choice of six anthologised poets from the Poetry Anthology or study for the contemporary unseen poem. They will answer one question on a poem by the poet they have studied or respond to an unseen poem. They will develop the skills to be able to explain how language, structure and form contribute to writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and settings; respond critically and imaginatively; and select and evaluate relevant textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations.
Contemporary Poetry 10%
OCR A653/Information and ideas Non-fiction and Media
In this unit students will study a wide range of non-fiction and media texts. They will develop their ability to read and understand texts, selecting material appropriate to purpose, collating from different sources and making comparisons and cross references as appropriate. They will develop and sustain interpretations of writers’ ideas and perspectives; explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic, grammatical, structural and presentational features to achieve effects and engage and influence. They will answer questions based on the reading of previously unseen material to show their understanding of how meaning is constructed through words, sentences and whole texts, recognising and responding to the effects of language variation and evaluate the ways in which texts may be interpreted.
Examination 40%
OCR Writing Information and
Students will also produce a piece of continuous writing on a topic broadly linked to the reading material provided. They will develop skills which will
Controlled assessment teacher assessed
enable them to communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively; organise information and ideas into structured and sequenced sentences, paragraphs and whole texts, and use a range of sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate punctuation and spelling. They will choose content and adapt style and language to a range of forms, media, contexts, audiences and purposes, and adapt form to a range of styles and genre.
OCR A663/Prose from Different Cultures
Students will study one of six texts from different cultures. They will answer one passage-based question or one essay question. They will develop their skills to be able to respond to the text critically and imaginatively; select and evaluate relevant textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations. They will also relate the text to its social, cultural and historical context and explain how it has been influential and significant to self and other readers in different contexts and at different times. In this unit students will study 6 pre-released texts linked to a central theme based on mass produced media. They will develop their critical reading skills and analyse the text.
Examination 25%
OCR Unit 2 – Digital communications Developing skills in critical reading of media texts Unit 3 – Digital Communications Creating Digital Texts
In this unit students will produce a media text. They will research, plan, produce and create a media text using all the skills they have learnt in the module.
Controlled assessment – internally assessed 40% of final GCSE grade.
Unit 2 Edexcel English Examination
In this unit students will study for the end of unit examination. They will study a section of a Shakespeare play
2hr Final Examination 40% of final GCSE grade
1.45 hr untiered Examination 40% of final GCSE grade
Department: Geography Year
Unit No/Name
No. Lessons
What makes Britain great?
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece at end of unit
Around the world in 80 days Our world
Antarctic Adventure
Limestone landscapes
What is our continent like? Comparing China and Japan
In this unit students will learn about what Britain and the British Isle are like. We look at where the major cities are found. We also look at the pattern of temperatures and rainfall over the country and the causes of river floods. In this unit students will learn about where important places are in the world with a particular focus on Kenya. What's happening to our rain forests? Why are rain forests being cut down? What are the possible effects of rain forests being cut down? How can rain forests be used more sustainably? What creatures live in rain forests? What are the main features of rain forest vegetation? Where are they found? What is Antarctica like? Its climate and landscape. The possible impact of global warming. Exploiting resources and the issues involved. What is limestone like and what scenery does it produce? What issues are involved in quarrying limestone in a National Park? A study of Europe that includes the EU and a particular focus on Italy.
Can the Earth cope?
Unit No/Name
No. Lessons
A study of 2 major Asian countries that looks at the development of Japan, its population issues and earthquakes. We then consider aspects of China, especially its population distribution, the one-child policy and the Three Gorges Dam. We look at where the major rivers of the world are located, the major features of rivers with a particular focus on Niagara Falls. We also combine some Ordnance Survey mapwork in this topic. A study of Man’s use of resources around the world which encompasses the concepts of renewable and non-renewable resources, pollution and sustainability.
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece at end of unit Yes – Teacher Assessed piece at end of unit
Yes – Teacher at end of unit Yes – Teacher at end of unit Yes – Teacher at end of unit Yes – Teacher at end of unit
Assessed piece Assessed piece Assessed piece Assessed piece
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece at end of unit Yes – Teacher Assessed piece at end of unit
Department: History Year
Germany 1918-1945
2 and 3
International Relations 1919-1990
Controlled Assessment
2 and 3
War and the transformation of British Society 19031928
In this unit students will learn about how Germany recovered after WW1 and the problems faced by the Weimar Government. They will also learn about the rise of the Nazi Party, their consolidation of power and life under the Nazis. In this unit students learn how international relations were affected after WW1 and how the World tried to recover from the Great War. They also learn about the causes of WW2 and how the aftermath of WW2 caused the Cold War and the main events of the Cold War The Vietnam War – students learn the causes, tactics and consequences of the Vietnam War and how historians have interpreted the Vietnam War. A source based module that covers the Liberal Reforms, votes for women and social reform. Also the part played by the British on the Western Front and the Home Front and social change 1918-1928
Yes – Module GCSE January Yr 10
Yes – Module GCSE – June Yr 10
Yes – Controlled Assessment in class. Yes – Module GCSE –June Yr 11
Department: ICT Year
Unit No/Name 7.0 Move On Up
No. Lessons 5
7.1 Where I live
7.2 Bizarre Facts
7.3 Endangered Animals 7.4 Extreme Sports
7.5 Murder Most Horrid
7.6 Game On
8.1 Environmental Tourists – Data logging 8.2 Jump on the Bandwagon – website design 8.3 Information
9+4 lessons for assessment
6+2 lessons for
In this unit students will learn about virtual learning environments (VLE’s) work. They will understand the importance of and how to create secure passwords to log in to the schools VLE. They will learn how to use VLE tools such as email, forums, blogs and wikis. They will also learn about how to keep safe when using online communication tools In this unit students are going to create a presentation to entice people to come an live in their area. Students will need to think about what information they are going to include (and what NOT to include!) to appeal to the target audience. This unit will provide the students with the knowledge on how to access different types of information and be able to distinguish between reliable and unreliable material. They will also get the opportunity to create their own questionnaire and learn how to write effective questions. In this unit the students will develop their desktop publishing skills creating a leaflet to inform and persuade people about the issues facing endangered animals. This will be followed up with the students creating a podcast to further promote the endangered animal issues. The Extreme Sports unit introduces the students to using spreadsheets and how to develop models. They will be able to explain how rules work and know by changing variables they can predict different outcomes. This unit introduces the students to the basics of using a database to select specific information using queries and filters. They will also use the database to add new information and produce simple reports to solve a murder mystery. Using simple programming software the students will learn how to sequence instructions for a specific outcome – their own computer game. They will also evaluate their own and other people’s games and understand what components make up a good computer game. In this unit students will learn about different types of public information systems; understand what sensors are and how they are used. They will learn about automatic data capture. They will learn how to present and update information – using statistical functions of a spreadsheet. They will learn about RSS feeds and how to using Google Earth. In this unit students will learn what makes a good website. They will be able to plan the structure of a website and design a page layout for the pages. They will set up a website with a home page and four other pages, adding suitable text and images to it. They will evaluate and make improvements to the website.
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece
In this unit students will find information for a particular purpose, look at the source, use advanced searches to make finding information more efficient. They will produce a
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece – Celebrities – Are
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece Yes – Teacher Assessed piece
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece Yes – Teacher Assessed piece Yes – Teacher Assessed piece Yes – Teacher Assessed piece Yes – Teacher Assessed piece (Go Green presentation) Yes – Teacher Assessed piece (band website)
1 1
2 2
Superhighway – searching the internet and collecting information 8.4 Band Manager spreadsheet
presentation which takes account of audience and purpose and evaluate information for reliability, validity and bias.
they public property?
6+2 lessons for assessment
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece – Reckless Records Ltd
8.5 – GamePlan IT – sequencing instructions and game design 8.6 - Mind your own Business – planning, marketing, podcasting and video editing. About DIDA
6+3 lessons for assessment
In this unit students will learn how to develop spreadsheet models by adding or changing variables and rules. They will create charts based on data. They will develop interrogations skills including the use of goal seek. They will explore a model and draw conclusions. They will prepare a presentation showing and explaining information to a given audience. In this unit students will work as part of a team using digital based research techniques. They will create and use questionnaires in Microsoft Excel. They will design game elements using Scratch/Missionmaker software and write a game proposal.
8+4 lessons for assessment
In this unit students will work as part of a team, fulfilling a specific role. They will use a spreadsheet to manage a project, develop flyers and packaging for print, use videoconferencing as a communication tool. They will produce podcasts for radio and the internet and edit a promotional video for TV.
Yes – teacher assessed piece – Media Mashups Ltd
Organising for DIDA – planning and recording sources.
9.1 – presenting information 9.2 – Creating and refining a website 9.3 – Data handling 9.4 – Analysing Data using spreadsheets 9.1 – Presenting information
Screensaver + drawing. Getting feedback and improving work.
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece - screensaver
Creating a website/eportfolio.
Yes – Teacher Assessed creating a web site/page
6 6
Using an eportfolio to showcase work. Databases – creating a database structure, using validation rules, searching a database, creating reports from queries. How to export evidence from the database. Collecting and analysing information – questionnaires and spreadsheets. Recording sources. Using data collection sheets.
Presenting information: leaflets; slideshows; posters
Yes – teacher assessed piece – creating and refining a game
Yes – Teacher Assessed piece – resources database Yes – Teacher Assessed piece – survey and analysis
Yes – teacher assessed piece – e-safety leaflet
3 10
9.5 – Multimedia and team working 9.6 – Creating a computer game 9.? – Drawing skills
Creating podcasts; videos...
Yes – teacher assessed piece –
Creating and refining a computer game + podcast advertising game
Yes – game/evaluation
Effective of drawing tools (Serif DrawX2 or similar)
Yes -
D201 Using ICT
24 (approx)
The ICT Level 2 AIDA course requires students to train on a variety of software packages prior to commencing the project. During Term 1 students will learn how to use the following packages
Internal Moderation/Sample sent to Board on request
Word Excel – this will vary but in the past has involved learning how to use If statements, subtotal functions, Filtering and Sorting Access – creating a single table, using validation rules, creating simple and complex queries, customising reports PowerPoint – setting up slideshows, making use of loop continuously facility, use of slide master, timings Adobe Acrobat – using PDF functions, creating an eportfolio from PDF’s
26 (approx)
Skills Student will be expected to develop and update a plan of their progress during this time. Students will be given their project brief and will be expected to work independently. Tasks will vary according to the project assigned by the examination board – see link below for a current or forthcoming examples
D203 Graphics Or D205 Game making
24 (approx)
During this term students will be expeciting to complete their final piece of coursework for the AIDA.
24 (approx)
Those students who hand in the completed coursework to a high standard will then begin work on a second project which will allow them to obtain a Level 2 CIDA – which when combined with the AIDA is the equivalent of 2 GCSE – details of which can be viewed below in Year 11 The ICT Level 2 CIDA course requires students to train on a variety of software packages prior to commencing the project. As this is an optional unit the teacher will decide the nature of the project. In the past this has been a graphic based project (D203) however new projects have come online including a game making project (D205)
Internal Moderation/Sample sent to Board on request
During Term 1 students will learn how to use the following packages Graphics (D203) Photoshop – importing images, using effects, layering, exporting options Illustrator – making use of drawing tools In Design – making use of publication tools
Dreamweaver – making use of website development tools to create an eportfolio that showcases their work Flash – available to enhance the content Gamemaking D205 Creating a Moodboard Creating a Storyboard Training on Missionmaker software
26 (approx)
Students will be given their project brief and will be expected to work independently. Tasks will vary according to the project assigned by the examination board – see link below for a current or forthcoming examples
14 (approx)
Students will use the closing few weeks to finalise their publications ready for submission to the board.
Department: Maths Year
Unit No/Name
No. Lessons
Transition Lessons
Yes – teacher assessed
Types of Number
Perimeter and area
Optional Test
In this unit students will make the transition to primary from secondary school by carrying out mini investigations and practicing numeracy skills. In this unit students will explore different types of number. They will work out factors, primes and multiples. In this unit students will find the area and perimeter of various 2D shapes, including triangles and trapeziums. In this unit students will initially plot coordinates in the first quadrant, they will then move on to plotting coordinates in all 4 quadrants. Students will do their first assessment at Neville Lovett. It will consist of a non calculator paper, a calculator paper and a mental arithmetic test
Investigational activity
Students will carry out a Mathematical investigation.
Equations and Formulae Probability
Fractions, decimals and %
Number patterns
Investigational activity
In this unit students will use symbols and letters to represent unknowns. They will be taught to construct and solve basic linear equations In this unit students will be given an understanding of probability. They will also be taught to work out the probability of an event happening. In this unit students will find fractions and % of quantities. They will solve problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages. They will also convert fractions, decimals and %. In this unit students will investigate number patterns. They will generate sequences and look for patterns and rules. Students will carry out a Mathematical investigation.
In this unit students will be able to use and apply both metric and imperial units.
In this unit students will carry out a survey, display results in a variety of different ways, including using ICT, and also find averages and range.
Regions and graphs
In this unit students will investigate and explore linear graphs. They will get the opportunity to use a graphical calculator.
Yes – teacher assessed Yes – end of unit test Yes – teacher assessed. Yes – papers will be marked and students awarded a current level Yes – investigation assessed using self and peer assessment Yes – teacher assessed Yes – teacher assessed Yes – end of topic test
Yes – teacher assessed Yes – investigation assessed using self and peer assessment Yes – teacher assessed Yes – open ended statistical task will be assessed Yes – teacher assessed
Ratio and Proportion
Lines and Angles
Optional Test
Functional skills investigation Equations and Formulae Angles and Bearings
Mental Calculations
Area and perimeter
Algebraic Functions
Number Patterns and algebra Statistics
Fractions, decimals and % Optional Test
Investigational activity
Students will carry out a Mathematical investigation.
Students will consolidate and build on their knowledge of probability from Yr 7. They will draw sample space diagrams, carry out practical experiments and find the probability of events happening/not happening.
6 6
In this unit students will solve problems using both ratio and proportion. They will develop an understanding of the difference between the two. In this unit students will explore angle properties of straight lines, round a point and in triangles. They will also draw and measure angles. Students will do their second assessment at Neville Lovett. It will consist of a non calculator paper, a calculator paper and a mental arithmetic test Students will carry out a real life investigation. They will design and budget for their dream bedroom. In this unit students will use letters and symbols to represent unknowns. They will use simple formulae and learn how to substitute. In this unit students consolidate how to draw lines to nearest mm and angles to nearest degree. They then use and interpret maps and scale drawings, including drawing bearings. In this unit students will consolidate and practice basic numeracy skills, including long multiplication, division and fractions. In this unit students will learn how to reflect, rotate, translate and enlarge shapes.
In this unit students will build on the area topic from Yr 7. They will also find the area of circles. This unit builds on from algebra in Yr 7, Students will simplify, expand brackets and solve more complicated linear equations. In this unit students will generate number sequences and look for patterns and rules. They will find the nth term. Students will consolidate and build on their statistical knowledge from Y7, to include scatter graphs. Students will consolidate and build on their knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages, to include adding fractions and simplifying. Students will do their first assessment of Yr 8. It will consist of a non calculator paper, a calculator paper and a mental arithmetic test
Yes – end of unit test Yes – teacher assessed Yes – papers will be marked and students awarded a current level Yes – investigational work will be assessed Yes – end of unit test Yes – teacher assessed
Yes – teacher assessed. Yes – teacher assessed.
Yes – end of topic test Yes – end of topic test Yes – teacher assessed Yes – teacher assessed Yes – teacher assessed Yes – papers will be marked and students awarded a current level Yes – investigation assessed using self and peer assessment Yes – teacher assessed.
Directed Numbers
Transformations and Symmetry Algebraic Functions
Investigational type activity
Surface area and Volume Angles and Shape
Powers and Roots
Ratio and Proportion
Algebra skills
Optional Test
Students will carry out a real life investigation.
Functional skills investigation Calculation Methods
Students will consolidate and build upon their knowledge of calculation methods.
Place Value
Yes – teacher assessed
Practical Graphs
Students will be given an understanding of place value and also round to nearest whole number, decimal places and significant figures Students will investigate graphs in a practical context
Directed Number
Yes – end of topic test
Algebraic Manipulation
Circles and Area
Students will add, subtract, multiply and divide with both positive and negative numbers In this unit students will consolidate and build upon their previous algebra skills. They will expand and simplify single and double brackets. They will write expressions, solve more complicated linear equations and factorise. In this unit students will consolidate and build upon their knowledge of area. They will find the area and circumference of circles and solve problems involving area and perimeter. They will use correct units.
In this unit students will be taught how to use a number line and to add/subtract both with positive and negative numbers In this unit students will begin to enlarge and rotate form a point. They will reflect shapes and translate on an axes. Students will express simple functions in symbols. They will draw simple mapping diagrams and related these to linear graphs. They will investigate with graphical calculators. Students will carry out a Mathematical investigation.
In this topic students will identify the names of 3D shapes, they will then work out the volume and surface area of cubes and cuboids. In this unit students will build on their knowledge of angles and shape from Yr 7. They will find exterior and interior angles and look at angle properties of parallel lines. In this topic students will initially looks at squares and square root, they will then move on to looking at cubes and other higher powers In this topic students will solve problems using ratio and proportion. They will divide in a given ratio and simplify. In this topic students will consolidate and build on their algebra skills form Yr 7. They will form expressions, substitute, solve more complicated linear equations, simplify and expand brackets. Students will do their second assessment of Yr 8. It will consist of a non calculator paper, a calculator paper and a mental arithmetic test
Yes – end of topic test Yes – teacher assessed Yes – teacher assessed
Yes – investigation assessed using self and peer assessment Yes – teacher assessed Yes – teacher assessed
Yes – teacher assessed Yes – teacher assessed Yes – teacher assessed
Yes – papers will be marked and students awarded a current level Yes – investigational work will be assessed Yes – teacher assessed
Yes – teacher assessed
Yes – end of topic test
Yes – AFL type activity and teacher assessed.
Fractions, decimals and %
Optional Test
Investigational type activity Geometry
Transformations and symmetry
Functional skills investigation
Booster Lessons
Optional Test
Vectors and Geometry
Investigational work
In this unit students will consolidate and build upon their knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages. They will add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. They will find % increase/decrease. Students will do their first assessment of Yr 9. It will consist of a non calculator paper, a calculator paper and a mental arithmetic test In this topic students will be taught how to find the missing side on a right angled triangle using Pythagoras. They will also solve problems involving Pythagoras In this topic students will use compasses and rulers for constructions. They will have an understanding of loci and solve problems. Students will carry out a Mathematical investigation.
Yes – teacher assessed
Yes – papers will be marked and students awarded a current level Yes – teacher assessed Yes – teacher assessed
In this unit students will consolidate and build upon their knowledge of geometry. They will use all the angle properties to solve problems and look at circle theorems. In this unit students will discuss and interpret a range of graphs arising from real life situations. They will look at linear and quadratic graphs. They will solve equations using graphs. In this unit students will begin to enlarge and rotate form a point. They will reflect shapes and translate on an axes. They will solve problems where they have to combine transformations Students will carry out a real life investigation.
In this unit students will consolidate and build on their statistical knowledge from Y8, to include scatter graphs and mean from frequency tables. In this unit students will find the probability of an event happening/not happening. They will work out probabilities from sample space diagrams, tree diagrams and two way tables. They will also work out probability of independent and mutually exclusive events. In this unit students will do booster lessons designed for their level. Students will do their second assessment of Yr 9. It will consist of a non calculator paper, a calculator paper and a mental arithmetic test In this unit students will construct impossible objects, they will use and understand vector notation. They will also be given the opportunity to use Geometry Sketch Pad (ICT) In this unit students will do hidden faces/painted cubes investigation. In this unit students will be introduce to finding the missing side and angle on right angled triangles using Trigonometry.
Surface area and volume
In this unit students will consolidate and build upon previous knowledge of surface area and volume. They will move onto finding the surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders
In this unit students will focus on the Number content of the EDEXCEL 1380 Syllabus. An E grade student would be taught how to simplify ratios, find squares and square root, round to significant figures and decimal places, multiply by integers and simple fractions, do long multiplication, work out %, order fractions decimals and %, use rules of negative numbers and evaluate powers. A c grade student would be taught to estimate by rounding, solve complex numerical problems, work out % increase and decrease, multiply and divide between 0 and 1, find the product of prime factors, work out ratio problems, know and use rules of indices and solve problems involving fractions. An A grade student would be taught to rationalise surds, determine upper and lower bounds of intervals, solve direct and inverse proportion problems and use fractional indices. In this unit students will focus on the Algebra content of the EDEXCEL 1380 Syllabus. An E grade student would be taught to simplify, draw linear graphs, solve simple linear equations, plot coordinates in all 4 quadrants, continue a sequence and substitute into simple formulae. A C grade student would be taught to solve equations by trial and improvement, rearrange simple equations, solve linear equations, expand brackets and simplify, draw linear and quadratic graphs, fond the nth term of a linear sequence, substitute, solve simultaneous equations graphically. An A grade student would be taught to rearrange equations and formulae, solve and simplify algebraic fractions, do algebraic proof, solve problems involving difference of 2 squares, simplify algebraic expressions involving fractional and negative indices, solve simultaneous inequalities, factorise more complicated quadratics and use quadratic formula.
Past Paper Practice and Revision GCSE Practice Examination
In this unit students will be given the opportunity to revise and practice completing past papers using learnt knowledge. Students to experience their first GCSE Mathematics examination paper in the form of a practice examination. This will consist of one non calculator and one calculator paper.
Continuation of Algebra Unit
No as is preparation for written assessment Yes – papers will be marked, students awarded a current grade and papers analysed. Yes – end of topic test
Shape and Space
In this unit students will focus on the shape and space content of the EDEXCEL 1380 Syllabus. An E grade student would be taught to measure simple bearings, name polygons, recognise and draw parallel lines, name polygons, tessellate, find area and perimeter of rectangles, draw planes of symmetry, construct, carry out simple transformations, draw nets, calculate missing angles on a straight line, round a point, in a triangle, opposite angles and angles in a quadrilateral. A C grade student would be taught to solve loci problems, work out volumes of cuboids, find the area and circumference of a circle, carry out the four transformations, use Pythagoras and Trigonometry to solve problems involving right angled triangles, construct and measure bearings, work out interior and exterior angles, interpret scale drawings, understand compound measures. An A grade student would be taught to draw trig graphs, use sine and cosine rules, find the volume and surface area of various solids, find the arc length and areas of sectors and segments, apply Pythagoras and trigonometry in 3D, enlarge by negative and fractional scale factors, find the area of a triangle using 1/2absinc, prove triangle are not congruent.
Past Paper Practice and Revision Y10 Examinations
In this unit students will be given the opportunity to revise and practice completing past papers using learnt knowledge. Students to experience their second GCSE Mathematics examination paper in the form of a practice examination. This will consist of one non calculator and one calculator paper.
Shape and Space
Continuation of Shape and Space Unit.
Shape and Space
Continuation of Shape and Space Unit.
Yes – end of topic test
Data Handling
In this unit students will focus on the Data Handling content of the EDEXCEL 1380 Syllabus. An E grade student would be taught to draw and interpret stem and leaf diagrams, understand and use data collections sheets, find probabilities from 2 way tables, find the probability of events happening/not happening and construct a pie-chart. A C grade student would be taught to draw box and whisker diagrams, work out moving averages, find the mean and median from grouped data, draw a line of best fit on a scatter graph. An A grade student would be taught to interpret and construct histograms, used different sampling methods, find the probability of combined events
Yes – end of topic test
Number Revision
In this unit students will focus on number work at their target grade. For content see Yr 10 Number.
Yes – teacher assessed
No as is preparation for written assessment Yes – papers will be marked, students awarded a current grade and papers analysed.
Algebra Revision Shape and Space Revision Data Handling Revision
6 6
In this unit students will focus on algebra work at their target grade. For content see Yr 10 Number. In this unit students will focus on shape and space work at their target grade. For content see Yr 10 Number. In this unit students will focus on data handling work at their target grade. For content see Yr 10 Number.
Yes – teacher assessed
In this unit students will be given the opportunity to revise and practice completing past papers using learnt knowledge. In this unit students will focus on the Data Handling content of the EDEXCEL 1380 Syllabus. An E grade student would be taught to draw and interpret stem and leaf diagrams, understand and use data collections sheets, find probabilities from 2 way tables, find the probability of events happening/not happening and construct a pie-chart. A C grade student would be taught to draw box and whisker diagrams, work out moving averages, find the mean and median from grouped data, draw a line of best fit on a scatter graph. An A grade student would be taught to interpret and construct histograms, used different sampling methods, find the probability of combined events.
No as is preparation for GCSE Examination Yes – end of topic test
Yes – teacher assessed an unit assessments Yes – teacher assessed an unit assessments Yes – teacher assessed an unit assessments Yes – teacher assessed an unit assessments
Past Paper Practice and Revision Data Handling
Focused teaching on weaknesses identified in GCSE Examination for Number
Focused teaching on weaknesses identified in GCSE Examination for Algebra
Shape and Space
Data Handling
Focused teaching on weaknesses identified in GCSE Examination for Shape and Space Focused teaching on weaknesses identified in GCSE Examination for data Handling
Revision and Past Papers
Yes – teacher assessed Yes – teacher assessed
In this final units students to revise and do past paper revision. They are to consolidate previous knowledge and apply it to answer examination questions. Final GCSE Maths Examination May/June
Department: Modern Foreign Languages/French Year
Unit No/Name
No. Lessons
Bienvenue Unit 1
In this unit students will be able to produce a short piece of writing about themselves. To do this students will learn: • Months, seasons and numbers • Pets • Pronouns • Plurals • Negative • Simple questions • French alphabet
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 1)
Ma famille Unit 2
In this unit students will be able to talk about themselves and someone in their family.
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 2) Reading and listening assessments Term1
To do this students will learn how to use : • Possessive pronouns • 3rd person verb form • Adjectives • Negative sentences • Accents 2
Au college Unit 3
In this unit students will be able to produce a piece of writing about their school. To do this students will learn how to use : • Gender and plural • Opinions and extended sentences • Present tense • Negative sentences • Time
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 3)
Les passe-temps Unit 4
In this unit students will be able to talk about leisure activities. To do this students will learn how to use : • Prepositions • Adjectives and opinions • Negative sentences • Present tense of Aller & Faire • Perfect tense (1st and 2nd person singular)
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 4) Reading and listening assessments Term 2
Bon appétit Unit 5
In this unit students will be able to produce a piece of writing about food and drinks. To do thisstudents will learn how to use: • Higher numbers • “du /de la / des/ de l’ “ accurately. • Immediate future and conditional tense • • •
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 5)
1st,2nd and 3rd person verb forms.( “Je, tu, on”) Questions/answers Negative
Chez moi Unit 6
In this unit students will be able to talk about where they live. To do this students will learn how to use: • Prepositions • Adjectives (agreement and positions) • Enumeration • Negative • Liaisons and intonation
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 6) Reading and listening assessments Term 3
Mode ado Unit 1
In this unit students will be able to produce a piece of writing about clothes and fashion. To do this students will learn how to : • develop expressions of opinion • use adjectives and gender • use possessive adjectives • produce extended sentences. • form and use present tense of er verbs & avoir.
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 1)
En forme Unit 2
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 2) Reading and listening assessments Term1
On se relaxe Unit 3
In this unit students will be able to participate in a dialogue about illnesses and healthy living. To do this students will learn how to: • Name parts of the body • Revise gender and plurals • Use imperative and negative • Form and use perfect tense In this unit students will be able to produce a piece of writing about their leisure activities. To do this students will learn how to use : • Immediate future tense • Opinions and extended sentences • Time
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 3)
• Modal verbs (present tense) • Negatives In this unit students will be able to participate in a dialogue about their daily routine including hobbies and chores. To do this students will learn how to use : • “faire” and “jouer” accurately • Reflexive verbs. • Negative • Extended sentences. • Expressions of opinion. • Present and perfect tenses In this unit students will be able to produce a piece of writing about their holidays. To do this students will learn how to : • name some countries, capital cities and means of transport. • develop expressions of opinion. • use negatives and prepositions. • produce extended sentences. • form and use perfect and imperfect tenses. In this unit students will be able to participate in a rehearsed dialogue about a trip to France. To do this students will learn how to use: • “du /de la/ de l’ “ + position • Negative • Imperative tense • A bilingual dictionary • Immediate future tense • Perfect and imperfect tenses. • Opinions
Tous les jours Unit 4
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 4) Reading and listening assessments Term 2
Voyages et vacances Unit 5
Une visite en France Unit 6
En famille Unit 1
In this unit students will be able to produce a piece of writing about their family. To do this students will learn: • A bank of vocabulary about family • To use connectives to make sentences longer and more interesting • How to use emphatic pronouns • To express opinions and give justification
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 1)
Au boulot Unit 2
In this unit students will be able to take part in an unrehearsed dialogue about jobs and /or pocket money. To do this students will learn: • To build a stock of words relating to popular jobs • To discuss what job they would like to do and why • To say how much pocket money they get, from whom and how often
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 2) Reading and listening assessments Term1
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 5)
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 6) Reading and listening assessments Term 3
En echange Unit 3
Le monde est a toi Unit 4
Mes annees d’ecole Unit 5
Jours de fete Unit 6
• To say what they spend their money on and what they save it for • To give an opinion about a job they used to do ( higher band) In this unit students will be able to produce a piece of writing about an imaginary trip to Strasbourg. To do thisstudents will learn how to use: • Adjectives • Perfect and imperfect tenses • Opinions • Gender and plural • Negatives • Modal verbs • Direct object pronouns In this unit students will be able to participate in a dialogue about where they live and say what they plan to do to improve the environment. To do this students will learn how to : • Describe their home and their town. • discuss what improvements might be made to improve their area and the environment. • produce extended sentences. • develop expressions of opinion. • form and use future and conditional tenses. In this unit students will be able to produce a piece of writing about their school. To do this students will learn how to : • develop expressions of opinion about school subjects. • describe their school. • use modal verbs and negatives. • produce extended sentences. • form and use imperfect tense and future and conditional tenses In this unit students will be able to participate in a rehearsed dialogue about festivals and celebrations in Guadeloupe. To do this students will learn how to use: • Present tense • Conditional tense • Perfect and imperfect tenses • Negative • Opinions • Extended sentences
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 3)
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 4) Reading and listening assessments Term 2
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 5)
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 6) Reading and listening assessments Term 3
Department: Modern Foreign Languages/Spanish Year
Unit No/Name
No. Lessons
Mode ado Unit 1
In this unit students will be able to produce a piece of writing about clothes and fashion. To do this students will learn how to : • develop expressions of opinion • use adjectives and gender • use possessive adjectives • produce extended sentences. • form and use present tense of er verbs & avoir.
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 1)
En forme Unit 2
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 2) Reading and listening assessments Term1
On se relaxe Unit 3
Tous les jours Unit 4
Voyages et vacances Unit 5
In this unit students will be able to participate in a dialogue about illnesses and healthy living. To do this students will learn how to: • Name parts of the body • Revise gender and plurals • Use imperative and negative • Form and use perfect tense In this unit students will be able to produce a piece of writing about their leisure activities. To do this students will learn how to use : • Immediate future tense • Opinions and extended sentences • Time • Modal verbs (present tense) • Negatives In this unit students will be able to participate in a dialogue about their daily routine including hobbies and chores. To do this students will learn how to use : • “faire” and “jouer” accurately • Reflexive verbs. • Negative • Extended sentences. • Expressions of opinion. • Present and perfect tenses In this unit students will be able to produce a piece of writing about their holidays. To do this students will learn how to : • name some countries, capital cities and means of transport.
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 3)
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 4) Reading and listening assessments Term 2
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 5)
• develop expressions of opinion. • use negatives and prepositions. • produce extended sentences. • form and use perfect and imperfect tenses. In this unit students will be able to participate in a rehearsed dialogue about a trip to France. To do this students will learn how to use: • “du /de la/ de l’ “ + position • Negative • Imperative tense • A bilingual dictionary • Immediate future tense • Perfect and imperfect tenses. • Opinions
Une visite en France Unit 6
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 6) Reading and listening assessments Term 3
Mi vida Unit 1
In this unit students will be able to produce a piece of writing about themselves. To do this students will learn how to use : • Prepositions • Adjectives and opinions • Negative sentences • Connectives and time expressions • Present tense of Tener & Ser • Immediate future tense
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 1)
¡Diviértete! Unit 2
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 2) Reading and listening assessments Term1
Mis vacaciones Unit 3
In this unit students will be able to talk about medias and going out. To do this students will learn how to use : • Comparatives • Adjectives and opinions • Connectives and negatives • Modal verbs • Conditional tense • Possessive adjectives In this unit students will be able to produce a piece of writing about their last holidays. To do this students will learn how to use : • Prepositions and means of transport • Opinions • Connectives , time expressions and adverbes • Preterite of tener, ser and hacer and verbs ending in-ar • Questioning
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 3)
La comida Unit 4
In this unit students will be able to talk about food and meals. To do this students will learn how to use : • Higher numbers and quantities • Connectives , time expressions and adverbes • Preterite of regular and irregular verbs • Questioning • Tú and usted
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 4) Reading and listening assessments Term 2
De moda Unit 5
In this unit students will be able to produce a piece of writing about clothes and fashion. To do this students will learn how to : • develop expressions of opinion • use adjectives and gender • use superlatives and comparatives • produce extended sentences. • Recognise and use different tenses.
Writing Assessment ( Unit Goal 5)
La salud Unit 6
In this unit students will be able to participate in a dialogue about illnesses and healthy living. To do this students will learn how to use: • parts of the body with doler • gender and plurals • connectives ( para) , time expressions and adverbes • three different tenses ( present, future and preterite tenses) • Negatives • Direct object pronouns
Speaking Assessment (Unit Goal 6) Reading and listening assessments Term 3
Department: Music Year 7
Term 1
Unit No/Name
No. Lessons
7.1 Last Night of the Proms
7.2 Keyboard Skills
7.3 African Music
Outline In this unit students explore well known songs that are performed during the last night of the proms through a mixture of listening, composing and performing activities. Through these songs they are introduced to reading pitch and rhythmic notation. In this unit students work together to read music and play short pieces on the keyboard. They learn how to find the notes and play a longer piece for assessment. In this unit students explore the elements of music through African music, performing and composing music using percussion and singing. They are introduced to polyrhythm and call and response. Students are introduced to ragtime through listening and a performance of The Entertainer.
7.4 Ragtime
7.5 Reggae
In this unit students work together to perform a reggae piece of their choice. They are introduced to chords and group performance.
7.6 Blues
8.1 Britpop
8.2 Keyboard Skills
In this unit students explore the traditions of the Blues through listening, improvising and performing. They learn about the blues scale and 12 Bar Blues chord sequence and improvise a performance in groups. In this unit students listen to and discuss the characteristics of Britpop, exploring the cultural impact of the genre. They work in groups to rehearse and perform Wonderwall. In this unit students learn to play with both hands together on the keyboard, developing bass lines or chords along with a melody.
8.3 Blues
8.4 Irish Folk Music
8.5 Dance Music
8.6 Indian Music
In this unit students explore the traditions of the Blues through listening, improvising and performing. They learn about the blues scale and 12 Bar Blues chord sequence and improvise a performance in groups. In this unit students are introduced to compound time through exploring Irish folk music, performing some well known tunes and then composing a melody and accompaniment in 6/8. Students listen to a wide range of music for dance and explore how the rhythm gives it its purpose. They discover how dance music is structured and compose their own using Dance Ejay. In this unit students discover the traditional music of Northern India. They listen to rags and improvise their own for an assessment.
Assessment Yes – Teacher Assessed performance Yes – Teacher Assessed performance Yes – Teacher Assessed composition Yes – Teacher Assessed performance Yes – Teacher Assessed performance Yes – Teacher Assessed improvised performance Yes – Teacher Assessed performance Yes – Teacher Assessed performance Yes – Teacher Assessed improvised performance Yes – Teacher Assessed composition Yes – Teacher Assessed composition Yes – Teacher Assessed improvised performance
9.1 Ground Bass
Students explore the compositional technique of Ground Bass through listening, performance and composition. In this unit students perform with both hands together on the keyboard, developing chordal accompaniments along with a melody.
9.2 Keyboard Skills
9.3 Samba
Students learn about the traditions of Samba through improvised performance
9.4 Film Music
9.5 Song writing
In this unit students learn about the conventions and devices used in film scores through listening, appraising, performing and composing activities. They compose a short piece of music for a film clip. Students work in groups to compose their own pop songs.
Yes – Teacher Assessed composition Yes – Teacher Assessed performance Yes – Teacher Assessed performance Yes – Teacher Assessed composition Yes – Teacher Assessed composition
Department: Physical Education Year
Unit No/Name
No. Lessons 7 lessons per scheme of work
Physical education is all about pupils learning about
Yes – Assessment in PE falls in line with
themselves. It teaches pupils to be analytical people who are
those standards set by the QCA and
aware of their strengths and weaknesses. The subject
outlined in the National Curriculum. All
provides pupils with an avenue to showcase their strengths and
pupils are assessed by their teacher
talents, whilst equipping them with the skills to devise plans
according to the levels set out in the
and strategies to overcome their weaknesses and experience
National Curriculum document. When
self improvement. Pupils will be given the opportunity at
making their judgement staff will refer to
Neville Lovett Community School to develop these skills
the following strands:
through the range and content listed below a. b. c. d. e. f.
outwitting opponents, as in games activities accurate replication of actions, phrases and sequences, as in gymnastic activities exploring and communicating ideas, concepts and emotions, as in dance activities performing at maximum levels in relation to speed, height, distance, strength or accuracy, as in athletic activities identifying and solving problems to overcome challenges of an adventurous nature, as in life saving and personal survival in swimming and outdoor activities exercising safely and effectively to improve health and wellbeing, as in fitness and health activities.
1. Developing skills in physical activity. 2. Making and applying decisions. 3. Developing physical and mental capacity. 4.Evaluating and improving. 5.Making informed choices about a healthy and active lifestyle. The individual member of staff will assess against these strands through continued informal assessment and by carrying out a formal assessment task within each scheme of work. The records of these are kept on individual staff registers and also on the central Departmental spreadsheet.
7 Lessons per scheme of work
The Key Stage 4 Curriculum aims to extend upon the Key Stage 3 Curriculum by providing more game/performance like situations in order for pupils to apply all of the skills learnt. The curriculum is delivered using traditional PE/Sporting activities in conjunction with alternative activities such as: Aerobics, American Football, Lacrosse, Gaelic Football and Ultimate Frisbee. The aim of these activities is to create young people who are aware of the importance of staying fit and healthy, and making them aware of the many opportunities available to do this
Yes – Assessment in PE falls in line with those standards set by the QCA and outlined in the National Curriculum. All pupils are assessed by their teacher according to the levels set out in the National Curriculum document. When making their judgement staff will refer to the following strands: 1. Developing skills in physical activity. 2. Making and applying decisions. 3. Developing physical and mental capacity. 4.Evaluating and improving. 5.Making informed choices about a healthy and active lifestyle. The individual member of staff will assess against these strands through continued informal assessment and by carrying out a formal assessment task within each scheme of work. The records of these are kept on individual staff registers.
BTEC Sport extended certificate
Anatomy and Physiology
The aim of this unit is to give learners a good understanding of the structure and function of the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the human body. A healthy body is an amazing piece of machinery which allows us to go from total rest to all-out sprinting in a matter of seconds. Trained sportspeople are able to run,
In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade describe the level of achievement required to pass this unit. To obtain a pass students must be
cycle and swim marathon distances. This ability is due to the efficiency of the physiological systems that work together to enable such activity. An understanding of these systems is imperative in the sport and exercise industries in order to appreciate how the body copes with the stress of exercise. This unit explores the foundation of anatomy and physiology of the four main body systems. The unit starts by exploring the skeletal system and includes the main bones, joints and movement. The muscular system is then examined, the main muscles, antagonistic pairs and types of contraction are covered. The structure and function of the cardiovascular system is then covered which includes the structure of the heart and the blood vessels that carry blood all around the body. To complete the unit, the respiratory system is explored and includes the mechanics of breathing and gaseous exchange. On completion of this unit a learner should: 1 Know the structure and function of the skeletal system 2 Know the structure and function of the muscular system 3 Know the structure and function of the cardiovascular system 4 Know the structure and function of the respiratory system.
Practical Sport
2 lessons per week
The aim of this unit is to develop learner knowledge of the rules, skills and techniques for one team and one
able to: P1 describe the structure and function of the skeletal system P2 describe the different types of joint and the movements allowed at each P3 identify the major muscles of the body P4 describe the different types of muscle and muscle movements P5 describe the structure and function of the cardiovascular system P6 describe the structure and function of the respiratory system. To obtain a merit pupils must be able to M1 explain the movements occurring at two synovial joints during four different types of physical activity M2 give examples of three different types of muscular contraction relating to three different types of physical activity M3 explain how the cardiovascular and respiratory systems work together to supply the body with oxygen. To obtain a distinction pupils must be able to do all of the above plus D1 analyse the musculoskeletal actions occurring at four synovial joints during four different types of physical activity D2 evaluate how the cardiovascular system and respiratory system work together to supply the body with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs
individual sport through practical application. Participation in sport continues to grow, as people become more aware of the benefits of physical activity. The requirement to engage young people through sport is a priority on the Government agenda; on one hand because current national health statistics show that obesity in young children is rapidly increasing, and on the other hand because of our strive for excellence and success at major sporting events. This unit focuses on developing and improving the learner’s own practical sports performance. This is achieved through learners taking part in practical activities and reflecting on their own performance and that of other sports performers. At least one team and one individual sport should be studied, giving learners the opportunity to improve and develop their understanding. On completion of this unit learners will be able to practise and refine their individual skills and techniques, experience tactics and team formations and be able to analyse their strengths and areas for improvement of themselves and others. The rules and regulations of each sport should be investigated, and learners should apply the knowledge gained through observing officials in action. Learners could also be encouraged to take part in National Governing Body coaching and leadership awards to reinforce and extend their knowledge and qualifications in this area. Throughout the unit learners will be made aware of safe practice relating to players, officials, equipment and the environment. Learners should be able to take part in sports offered by the centre, and those available as part of their community involvement. These may be sports at which they excel or have a particular interest in. Learning outcomes On completion of this unit a learner should: 1 Be able to demonstrate a range of skills, techniques and tactics in selected sports 2 Know the rules, regulations and scoring systems of selected sports 3 Know the roles and responsibilities of officials in selected sports 4 Be able to review sports performance
to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade describe the level of achievement required to pass this unit. To obtain a pass grade the learner must fulfil the following; P1 demonstrate use of practical skills, techniques and tactics appropriate for one team sport P2 demonstrate use of practical skills, techniques and tactics appropriate for one individual sport P3 describe the rules, regulations and scoring systems for one team sport P4 describe the rules, regulations and scoring systems for one individual sport P5 describe the main roles and responsibilities of officials in one team sport P6 describe the main roles and responsibilities of officials in one individual sport P7 produce, with tutor support, an observation checklist that could be used to review the sports performance of an individual or a team P8 use the observation checklist to review the sports performance of an individual or a team, identifying strengths and areas for improvement To obtain a merit the learner must fulfil all of the above plus; P9 use the observation checklist to review own sports performance in an individual sport or team sport, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
Fitness testing and training
This unit gives learners the opportunity to explore the essential fitness requirements and training methods used to achieve successful sports performance. The unit also explores lifestyle and psychological factors and the effects these can have on sports training and performance. Learners will investigate their personal fitness levels by participating in a series of fitness tests. It is often said that ‘failing to prepare equals preparing to fail’.
M1 describe use of tactics appropriate for one team and one individual sport M2 assess, using appropriate examples, the rules, regulations and scoring systems for one team and one individual sport M3 independently produce an observation checklist that could be used to review the sports performance of an individual or a team M4 explain the strengths and areas for improvement of an individual or a team, in one individual sport or one team sport, justifying recommendations for improvement M5 explain own strengths and areas for improvement in an individual sport or team sport, providing recommendations for improvement. D1 justify use of tactics appropriate for one team and one individual sport, identifying areas for improvement D2 analyse own strengths and areas for improvement in an individual sport or team sport, justifying recommendations for improvement. In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade describe the level of achievement required to pass this unit. To obtain a pass grade the learner must;
It is essential, therefore, that those involved in, and studying, sport have a good understanding of concepts relating to effective preparation. In this unit, learners will have the opportunity to examine the basic factors of fitness, lifestyle, and psychology in sport. Fitness is vital to achieving excellence in sport. To determine how fit an individual is, they can undertake a fitness assessment which will include a number of tests specific to each component of fitness. Fitness testing can play a valuable role in the development of physical fitness by helping to predict performance potential, identifying strengths and areas for improvement and providing feedback on the relative success of a training programme. Many individuals who take part in sport aim to improve their performance. Successful athletes develop and maintain high levels of physical fitness and take fitness training very seriously. The first part of this unit will give learners an insight into the physical fitness requirements and training methods used to achieve excellence in a selected sport. Learners will also explore lifestyle factors which may affect sports performance. The second part of the unit will enable learners to participate in a series of fitness tests to assess their current fitness levels and performance. Learners can then compare their own level of fitness and potential with the demand of competing at their desired level. In the final part of the unit learners will examine psychological factors which may affect training and sports performance. This unit is particularly relevant for those who would like to work in sports coaching, fitness instruction and elite sport. Learning outcomes On completion of this unit a learner should: 1 Know the fitness and training requirements necessary to achieve excellence in a selected sport 2 Know the lifestyle factors that affect sports training and performance 3 Be able to assess their own level of fitness 4 Know the effects of psychological factors on sports training and performance.
Nutrition for sports performance
The aim of this unit is to enable learners to develop skills and knowledge in personal nutrition linked to sports
P1 describe the fitness requirements for achieving excellence in a selected sport P2 describe three different fitness training methods used to achieve excellence in a selected sport P3 describe four different lifestyle factors that can affect sports training and performance P4 carry out four different fitness tests for different components of fitness, recording the results accurately P5 interpret their test results and personal level of fitness P6 describe the effects of psychological factors on sports training and performance. To obtain a merit grade the learner must fulfil all of the above plus; M1 explain the fitness requirements for achieving excellence in a selected sport M2 explain their test results and personal level of fitness, identifying strengths and areas for improvement M3 explain the effects of psychological factors on sports training and performance. To obtain a distinction grade the learner must fulfil all of the above plus; D1 evaluate their test results and personal level of fitness, considering the level required to achieve excellence in a selected sport D2 analyse the effects of psychological factors on sports training and performance. In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs
performance. A well-balanced diet is a key factor in successful sports performance and good nutrition is essential to keep the body healthy. Poor nutrition can cause illness or fatigue, especially for athletes who regularly take part in training sessions and competition. A well-balanced diet, that is matched to energy expenditure and recovery from both training and competition schedules, is essential. The link to maintaining appropriate body weight and body composition is a key aspect in maintaining and improving sports performance. This unit enables learners to work, where possible, with individuals such as athletes, coaches, personal trainers and nutritionists. The first part of the unit considers energy demands of sports and the nutritional requirements needed in order to maintain energy levels. Learners will develop an understanding of the importance of macro and micronutrients, alongside adequate fluid levels and their role in achieving a balanced diet. This will be linked directly to sports performance and how dietary intake may be increased or reduced before, during or after training or competition. Learners will develop a personal food diary to establish their own eating patterns and identify any areas for improvement. In the second part of the unit, learners will work together supported by specialist staff, to plan, implement and review their own diet and personal nutritional strategy for the future. This will include details such as meal planning and adequate rehydration and how diet can be supplemented in order to meet individual needs. Learners can include personal preferences covering a variety of different food types, meal plans, supplements, drinks, and the costs of maintaining a healthy eating plan. Learning outcomes On completion of this unit a learner should: 1 Know the nutritional requirements of a selected sport 2 Be able to assess own diet 3 Be able to plan a personal nutritional strategy 4 Be able to implement and review a personal nutritional strategy.
to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade describe the level of achievement required to pass this unit. To obtain a pass grade the learner will have to fulfil the following; P1 describe the nutritional requirements of a selected sport P2 collect and collate information on own diet for two weeks P3 describe the strengths of own diet and identify areas for improvement P4 create a personal nutritional strategy, designed and agreed with an adviser P5 implement a personal nutritional strategy P6 describe the strengths of the personal nutritional strategy and identify areas for improvement. To obtain a merit the learner will have to fulfil all the above plus; M1 explain the nutritional requirements of a selected sport M2 explain the strengths of their own diet and make recommendations as to how it could be improved M3 contribute own ideas to the design of a personal nutritional strategy M4 explain the strengths of the personal nutritional strategy and make recommendations as to how it could be improved. To obtain a distinction the learner will have to fulfil all of the above plus; D1 evaluate the nutritional requirements of a selected sport describing suitable meal
plans D2 justify recommendations made regarding improving their own diet.
Department: RS Option Year
Unit No/Name
No. Lessons
Religion and Conflict
2 lessons a week
In this unit students will learn about and reflect upon the issues surrounding Religion and Conflict. The student would need to be able to describe and explain Christian and Jewish teachings and be able to offer differing viewpoints including their own. Topics covered include Peace, Suffering, Forgiveness and Reconciliation, Just War theory and attitudes to non violent protest. In this unit students will learn about and reflect upon the issues surrounding the Sanctity of Life. Topics covered include medical ethics, abortion, euthanasia and IVF. The student would need to be able to describe and explain Christian and Jewish teachings and be able to offer differing viewpoints including their own. In this unit students will learn about and reflect upon the issues surrounding Authority, Religion and the State. The student would need to be able to describe and explain Christian and Jewish teachings and be able to offer differing viewpoints including their own. Topics covered include Human rights, duty, punishment, capital punishment and examples of conflict.
End of unit test, teacher assessed
In this unit students will learn about and reflect upon the issues surrounding Religious Expression. The student would need to be able to describe and explain Christian and Jewish teachings and be able to offer differing viewpoints including their own.
EXAM Unit 1 marked by WJEC
Mrs Gange
Religion and Medicine
2 lessons a week
Mrs Gange
Authority Religion and the State
2 lessons a week
Mrs Gange
Religious Expression
1 lesson a fortnight
Mrs Foster 10
Unit 2 topic 1
Unit 2 topic 2
Unit 1 topic 1
Unit 1 topic 2 Unit 2 topic 3
Unit 2 Topic 4 Unit 1 Topic 3 Unit 1 Topic 4
1 2 2 2
February March
End of unit test, teacher assessed
End of unit test, teacher assessed
Tests and Examination practice and technique Tests and Examination practice and technique Tests and Examination practice and technique Tests and Examination practice and technique Tests and Examination practice and technique Tests and Examination practice and technique Tests and Examination practice and technique Tests and Examination practice and technique
3 3
Unit topic Unit topic
General Revision and examination practice
General Revision and examination practice
Tests and Examination practice and technique EXAM Unit 2 marked by WJEC Re sits of Unit 1
Department: Science Year
Unit No/Name
No. Lessons
Introduction to investigation skills
Approx 40
Ongoing teacher assessment inline with APP criteria.
2 &3
Development of investigation skills
Approx 40
Introduction to investigation skills
Approx 40
Development of investigation skills
Approx 40
How science works
Students are introduced to the key concepts of science- collecting and understanding correlations in evidence to answer a scientific question and using ideas to suggest causes. During this term students will also be developing their ability to be independent enquirers, team workers, effective participators, self managers, reflective learners, creative thinkers. Students will continue to develop the above skills in a variety of interesting and engaging concepts across the three science disciplines- investigations could include: Mars Soi, Crater impact, solubility, How do we grow, forensics, dancing raisons, shark attack, chemical reactions, curling balloon rockets. Students are introduced to the key concepts of science- collecting and understanding correlations in evidence to answer a scientific question and using ideas to suggest causes. During this term students will also be developing their ability to be independent enquirers, team workers, effective participators, self managers, reflective learners, creative thinkers. Students will continue to develop the above skills in a variety of interesting and engaging concepts across the three science disciplines- investigations could include: dancing fruit, which foods provide most energy, why do penguins huddle?, Nuclear v Poo power, solar panels, fruit batteries, enzymes and digestion, elephant toothpaste, running v falling- which is faster, chemical reactions. Students use their investigation skills in a variety of different concepts to link to ‘How science works in the wider world’ in preparation for their GCSE course. Students will complete a variety of investigations which may include: A range of key ideas from Biology, Chemistry and Physics that are required for KS4. Allows students to develop and utilise their skills of: o Developing investigation questions o Data collection o Data presentation o Conclusion o Evaluation (how much do students trust their results and why) o PLTS Students begin their KS4 course (See below)
Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Various (dependent on year group and course student is entered for)
Double Science- (AQA Science A and Additional Science) Students complete a course worth 2 GCSE’s covering Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Triple Science- (AQA Biology, Chemistry and Physics) Applied Science-(AQA Double Applied Science) Students complete a course worth 2 GCSE’s covering Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Double Science- formal assessment in Modules and ISA exam. Triples Science- formal assessment in Modules and ISA exam. Applied Science- 3 units of project work and one external exam.
2&3 9, 10, 11
Ongoing teacher assessment inline with APP criteria.
Ongoing teacher assessment inline with APP criteria.
Ongoing teacher assessment inline with APP criteria.
Ongoing teacher assessment inline with APP criteria.