Period covered by scheme 2007-2010 DISABILITY EQUALITY SCHEME
1. Starting points 1A The purpose and direction of the school’s plan: vision and values The Aims of this Scheme are to ensure that: • • •
disabled pupils are not treated less favourably for any reason relating to their disability reasonable adjustments are made for disabled pupils so that they are not at a substantial disadvantage there is a plan to increase access to education for disabled pupils
Neville Lovett School is committed to: • • • •
providing an education for disabled pupils which allows them to fulfil their potential in all areas the principles of a full Inclusive School removing barriers in every area of school life for disabled pupils the general principles of equal opportunities
1B Information from pupil data and school audit. Neville Lovett School is a co-educational comprehensive school of 824 pupils. Amongst these pupils with disabilities are: • • • 1.1
26 Statemented pupils including 15 Hearing Impaired pupils 1 physically disabled pupil, ie in a wheelchair The Hearing Impaired pupils are supported in classrooms and in the HIRA unit by Teachers of the Deaf and Learning Support Assistants (LSAs). A number of the classrooms are adapted with Soundfield systems – see School Accessibility Plan which facilitates the learning of HI pupils.
The school has been adjusted in terms of widened doorways and ramps for the pupil who uses a wheelchair. Procedures are in place for all Statemented pupils is in line with the SEN Code of Practice. All staff have had an initial introduction to the requirements of the DDA. The disabled pupils have a profile, in terms of attendance and exclusion, in line with the whole school population. The hearing impaired pupils, if appropriate, are brought to school in school transport so special arrangements need to be made for them to attend after school activities. School policies and practice take into account the needs of disabled students in terms of teaching and learning, timetabling and the curriculum and administration of medicines. The school policies on anti-bullying and school trips are being revised to take into account the needs of disabled pupils. Accessibility Plan is to be updated in line with improvements to the physical environment of the school. Fisher family trust data identifies the hearing impaired pupils as ones with significant added value.
Views of those consulted during the development of the plan and intended consultations Disabled pupils have been canvassed to seek their views on how to improve accessibility. The LSA team has interviewed each pupil and recorded their comments. The outcome of this consultation is attached. Appendix 1 and the proforma used Appendix 2. The plan included provision for parents of disabled pupils to express there views on how arrangements in the school can be improved for disabled pupils.
The main priorities of the school’s plan
Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum • • • •
Staff training in DDA Improved information to parents about DDA In response to consultation planned increase in support in classes Increased small class teaching for pupils with learning difficulties
• • • • • • •
Phased improvement of hard surfaces and ease of access to buildings for wheelchair users Phased increase in Soundfield systems Raise awareness amongst staff and pupils about disability-related harassment and review Anti-Bullying Policy in the light of this Promotion of positive attitudes to disability through pastoral and curriculum system Provide reasonable special facilities for disabled pupils, particularly at break and lunchtimes Development of action plans to incorporate main priorities and their inclusion in the School Improvement Plan Evaluation of the effectiveness of scheme with SIP and OFSTED
Improving the physical environment of the school to increase the extent to which disables pupils can take advantage of education and associated services.
Please refer to the Neville Lovett School Accessibility Plan. (appendix 2)
Publication Plan to be published and available.
Reporting Progress on the plan to be reported to the school’s Governing Body.
Reviewing and Revising Scheme Scheme to be reviewed and revised every three years.
Date Agreed: ……………………………… Signed: ……………………………….. Chair of Governors
Maths & Computing
St. Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ Tel: (01329) 318003 Fax: (01329) 284007 Headteacher: Mr. N Dewhurst, M.A.(Ed)., B.Sc.(Hons)., B.A.
Dear I am currently reviewing the Neville Lovett Community School Disability Equality Scheme. I would like your views on how we could improve the education of your child in view of his/her special need. I have asked the pupils for their views and will hopefully be able to make the improvements they suggested. Please could you help me by giving feedback, either on the enclosed sheet and send it into the school office, or email me on Many thanks. Yours sincerely
L COLEMAN (Mrs) Assistant Headteacher Enc
Disability Discrimination Scheme Response from parents Pupil Name: ……………………………………………………….. What changes can you suggest being made at Neville Lovett Community School which would make it easier for your child to learn and do well in light of his/her special need?
Many thanks. Signed: ……………………………………………………. Date: …………………..