Expenses may be claimed by any governor of the school in accordance with this Policy and the Education (Governors’ Allowances) Regulations 1999. Eligible expenses must be incurred in the performance of a member’s duties as a governor. Eligible Expenses: •
car mileage for any training session, conference or any other occasion that the Chair of Governors authorises, at current Hampshire County Council rate
other travel expenses, at cost but not exceeding 2nd class rate
subsistence (ie reimbursement for meals purchased that would not have otherwise been bought)
taxi fares, at cost, but only if the prior consent of the Chair of Finance has been received
care costs for children and dependent relatives, at actual cost equivalent to the national minimum wage. (No expenses may be claimed when care is provided by spouses, partners or other responsible persons normally resident in the family home.)
car park charges, at cost
postage, telephone, photocopying, stationery charges etc, at cost
Claims Procedure: Where expenses are being claimed, governors should complete an expenses claim form at least termly (copy attached). Claims up to £100.00 a term may be authorised by the Chair of Governors or Chair of Finance and the Headteacher. Payment will then be made by the school and a receipt should be signed once the claim is paid. Claims of more than £100.00 a term will be put to the Full Governing Body for approval. All claims must be supported by receipts or records of costs.
Audit and Accountability: The total costs incurred by the Governing Body in respect of this expenses Policy must be reported annually in the Governors’ Annual Report to Parents. All expense claims will be subject to the normal LA audit arrangements. All governors’ expense claims and the supporting receipts and records will be held by the school’s finance manager. Withdrawal Arrangements: In accordance with School Government Regulations, any governor whose expenses are the subject of consideration at a meeting must withdraw from the item and take no part in it. Review of Policy: This Policy will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Finance Committee and any proposals for changes put to the Full Governing Body for approval.
Signed: ………………………………………………….. Elizabeth Webb, Chairman of Governors Date adopted by Governing Body: …………………….. Reviewed: Spring Term 2010 Next Review: Spring 2009