Induction of New Staff

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1. Following appointment send a letter of welcome giving details of the Induction package. (AH/T) 2. The Line Manager will arrange a date for new colleague to visit the school. The visit should include the opportunity to meet the following staff: (where a large number of staff has been appointed this might take the form of an induction day) (SLT/HOD) STAFF Headteacher Deputy Headteacher Head of Department / Induction Mentor

ISSUES TO BE DISCUSSED Headteacher’s role within the school Deputy’s roles within the school Timetable Teaching groups Schemes of Work Dept. procedures

SENCO Head of House

SEN provision Year group procedures Responsibilities of a Tutor Attendance policy Absence procedures Staff duties

Assistant Headteacher

3. Ensure that new colleague is given the following documentation on his/her visit to the school: * * * * * *

staff handbook personal timetable teaching resources Information/Detention slips/Stationery Set lists/IEPs SEN register/EEPs


4. Ensure that new colleague is allocated an Induction Mentor (this would normally be the immediate line manager / Head of Department). (AHT)


5. Wherever possible, allocate the new colleague their own teaching room.) (AHT) 6. On first day, introduce new colleague to the office staff. 7

(Head of Department)

Within the first week of the new colleague taking up his/her position, the Induction Mentor should arrange a meeting with him/her. (Induction Mentor)

8. Within the first week of the new colleague taking up his/her role, the Induction Mentor should introduce him/her to: * * *

the Librarian the Child Protection Officer the ICT co-ordinator

(Induction Mentor)

9. Ensure that the new colleague does his/her duties with another colleague for the first 2 weeks. (Induction Mentor) 10. Support new colleague with detentions in the first few weeks.


11. Within the first month, the Induction Mentor should arrange a second meeting and a lesson observation with the new colleague. (Induction Mentor) 12. Within the first month, the Induction Mentor should arrange an informal meeting between the new colleague and the Headteacher. (Induction Mentor) 13. By the end of the first half-term, arrange a review meeting between the new colleague and the AHT responsible for induction. (AHT) 14. A record of all meetings to be kept on the new colleague’s professional development file, with a copy kept by the Induction Mentor. (Induction Mentor) 15. NQT training programmes.

Signed: ………………………………………………….. Date: …………………………… Elizabeth Webb, Chairman of Governors Date adopted by Governing Body: …………………….. Date for next review:


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