27th April 2012
Dear Parents/Carers, We have been approached by a national TV station in France who would like to visit us to interview students and staff on our 3rs of Respect, Resilience and Responsibility. This is a wonderful opportunity for our school and students to obtain wider exposure for this initiative. The TV crew plan to visit during the first week of May. Nadine Powrie Headteacher Important Dates for your Calendar: 2nd May 2012: Year 7 Parents Evening - on line booking now open 1st June 2012: Non Uniform Day - Brain Tumour Research Going the Extra Mile Saturday, 12th May: Year 9 and Year 11 French Revision Session Saturday, 26th May: Year 11 English Revision Session Saturday, 9th June: Year 11 Maths Revision Session Former Student News Congratulations to former student Glenn Davies, who has secured a place at Summer School at Oxford this year. Glenn hopes to study at Oxford when he leaves College and, with 70% of students who attend these summer schools later securing a place at Oxford to study, the future looks very bright for Glenn. We wish him well
Progresso: Our Management Information System Parents will be issued Progresso logins in the near future via email, please pay particular attention when you receive it, Progresso is a very important tool to help your child and follow his/her progress.
Parents Evenings One of our parents, Mrs Heard has kindly offered to provide cakes for sale at parents evening. Those of you who have already tried them will appreciate how delicious they are. Mrs Heard will be at Year 7 Parents evening on 2nd May so please remember to bring some coins with you if you wish to try them.
Geography All year 10 students have a Geography exam on the 14th June, this is worth 25% of their final grade. Revision classes will run every Wednesday in the Geography rooms starting Wednesday 2nd May. See Miss Allbut for more details. Year 9 and 10 students can purchase a revision guide for GCSE Geography at a cost of ÂŁ3.25 each. See your Geography teacher for details. Year 11 Geography students have their final exam on Monday 18th June, revision classes are every Thursday in A11. Focus next week is on case studies.
A Plea to Parents/Grandparents Do you have time to spare to help with literacy in school? If you would like to help please contact
Review of PE Kit Parents are advised not to purchase any new PE Kit for students as a review of the existing kit is taking place. Any changes will be notified to parents following Governors meeting on 15th May 2012.
PTA We are still seeking members for a fundraising team at Neville Lovett Community School. If you can spare an hour or two to help please contact
After class work Year 9 and 10 CCLD students are reminded that if they want to stay behind any night after school to catch up work or work 1:1 with Mrs Gange this is always possible 3.30 -4.30 any night after school if they request it. Do not hesitate to take advantage of these sessions.
27th April 2012
Neville Lovett Events: Staff Circuits A group of year 11 students have planned and delivered some circuit training sessions for their BTEC course. They have enjoyed it so much that they have offered to run a staff circuits session on a Friday after school. The first session is Friday, 27th April 2012 and there will be a full report in next weeks newsletter. Students of the week Year 7: Ashley Coston for producing an amazing HLT in music. The whole year group look forward to hearing and watching this. Well done Ashley Year 8: Lewis Wills: for his effort and commitment in turning his attitude and behaviour around. Well done Lewis. Year 9: Riona Menezes for her outstanding attitude to learning and continual effort ensures that Riona makes excellent progress each day. Well done Riona, keep up the hard work. Year 10: Charlotte Sigournay. It was a difficult choice as she is receiving this for the part that she played in the recent Rock Challenge and there were fifteen Year 10 students that were involved. The reason for her being the choice was because of her commitment and in addition to this she led and organised a lot of what happened. Year 11: Anna Mcardle for submitting an outstanding account of her asipiratioins Student Aspirations Megan Tolson (Year 7) Megan wants to go to college and be a professional musician. She loves music and spends most of her spare time performing, playing and listening to music. Jodie Clark (Year 8) would like to own her own restaurant or bakery, because she enjoys cooking. Becky Woods (Year 9): Becky Woods would like to be a primary or nursery school teacher. She enjoys working with young children and has especially benefited from studying CCLD. Sophie Baldock(Year 10): Sophie has always had a keen interest I sport and is a sports rep for the school. She has every intention of going onto College and then to University. Eventually she would like to have a career that is sports related and has considered teaching. Anna Mcardle (Year 11): In ten years time I see myself starting a job after finishing university where I would have studied Geography. I want to be involved in research to do with the earth and natural hazards or more economic ways to use the planet. If I could do anything I wanted I would aspire to be a well-known author because I love creative writing and I’ve always wanted to be able to write a whole book.
April 2012 Mon
16 First Day of Term
25 Year 10 26 Parents Evening
1 May
2 May Year 7 3 May Parents Evening
4 May
Headteacher Address Email Website Telephone
Nadine Powrie MA ED St Anne’s Grove, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1JJ 01329 318003