Issue 2
Dear Parents Thank you for taking the time to read our latest newsletter. I think you will find the information contained within it both interesting and informative. The summer term has once again been extremely busy. The school continues to make excellent progress. Recent reviews by the Local Authority and our School Improvement Partner have produced a number of observations ‘The quality of teaching and learning is improving across the school. Student engagement is improving across year groups’ (LA visit moderation of teaching and learning June 2011). ‘Teaching in Year 11 was good with outstanding features’ (MFL). ’The strength in teaching and learning was the attention to the development of technical skills’ (Technology). I recently took assemblies across all our year groups emphasising the importance within school of the three ‘R’s of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. It was also a pleasure to conduct assemblies at Wallisdean Junior School, Redlands Primary School and Ranvilles Junior School. Visits to the Infant schools will take place in the Autumn term. Neville Lovett played host to an Area Headteacher meeting this term and all who attended were very impressed with the school and the students. A special thank you to the School Council who were excellent ambassadors on this occasion. We welcomed students joining us in September for a taster week. All the students had a wonderful time and their excellent behaviour and enthusiasm was noted by all staff at Neville Lovett. As this has been such a success we will be doing the same thing next year. Taster days for Year 5 children took place in June and we are working with our Primary Schools to see if we can make these visits for a longer duration next year. Thank you to all who attended our Festival of Achievement. It was a lovely evening and an opportunity for me to meet many of the parents whose children will join us. The school staff worked hard to put this evening together. I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing Summer break and look forward to seeing you all again in September Nadine Powrie Headteacher
SCHOOL UNIFORM From September all students should be in the new school uniform. This consists of white shirt, Neville Lovett school tie, plain black trousers or plain black skirt (girls) and black sweatshirt with the school logo. Ties are available to purchase from the school office.
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Year 7 CAMP For over 30 years students from Neville Lovett have taken part in a Year 7 camp. This visit has proved to be one of the most memorable milestones in a student’s time at Neville Lovett. This year’s camp at Fairthorne Manor proved to be on of the best! The sun shone from the Monday morning to Friday afternoon and we didn’t have a drop of rain (a camp first!).
Students took part in numerous activities including archery, abseiling, zip lines, survival skills and orienteering. The fantastic weather allowed all those involved to get the most out of the water activities including kayaking, raft building (thanks for the massive bruise!), bell boats, canoeing and boat trips.
All students stepped out of their comfort zones which took them up to the highest of heights and the muddiest bogs! The students were an absolute credit to the school and we hope they will remember this trip for ever. Suzy Gudgeon
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Heads of Year
New staff for september
Mr N Edwards Head of Year 7
Ms H Piper Head of Year 8
Mr N Clouting Head of Year 10
Mr D Butterworth Head of Year 9
Mrs V Campbell Head of Year 11
Heads of Faculty
Miss A Willis Head of Faculty Maths & Science
Mrs F Robertson Head of Faculty Creative Arts
Miss L Allbut Head of Faculty Humanities
Laura Allbut Head of Faculty Shonagh Black Teacher of English Rebecca Brice Teacher of Science Nicola Coles Teacher of English Helene D’ozouville Business Manager Internship Andrea Fallon Teacher of Science Johnathan Faragher Teacher of Mathematics Alison Galan Teacher of MFL Claire Gilchrest Teacher of Mathematics Natalie Izzard Teacher of Humanities Stephanie Knight Teacher of Music Katy Micklewright Teacher of Science Jackie Richardson Teacher of English Danielle Ward Teacher of English Oliver Wood Teacher of Science
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YEAR 11 SCHOOL PROM New on line booking system for Parents Evening
New system gets backing from parents A new on line booking system was trialled for the Year 7 Parent’s Evening. Parents liked the simplicity of the system with several commenting it was “brilliant”. This service will now be used for future Parents Evenings. Mr A. Payne Head of MIS Team
The school prom took place on Friday, 24 June 2011 at the Solent Hotel, Whiteley. With over 100 students attending they all had a wonderful evening. Photographs from the evening will be in The News and The Echo on 20 July 2011. Neil Edwards Head of Year 11
HPV Vaccinations
Year 8 11/10/2011 15/11/2011 15/5/2012
School prom
Following the success of this years Prom at the Solent Hotel, Whiteley, the venue has been booked for next year’s event.
The following dates for the Headteachers C o f f e e Morning/Afternon Tea have been set for the coming year. If you wish to attend on a particular date which is convenient to you email
to reserve a place. Friday, 30 September 2011 9.00 – 10.00 am Tuesday, 31 January 2012 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm Tuesday, 29 May 2012 9.00 am to 10.00 am
Year 10 Work Experience 4 to 15 July 2011 The majority of the year group went on a two week placement. There was a massive choice of opportunities including retail, office work, playgroups, engineering and IT. Members of staff visited students and feedback was excellent. Hamisi Mganda worked at the Co-Op who said “Really pleased with him. Always on time and willing to work”. Milly Dyter was placed at the Merryfields Children’s Centre “Milly has shown excellent initiative and worked very well with children and parents”. Mrs Campbell Head of Year 10
STUDENT OF THE WEEK SUMMER TERM 4 April 3 May 11 May 16 May 6 June 13 June 20 June 4 July 11 July
Lauren Edwins, Megan Seward, Lauren Hamilton, Emma Appleton Zoe Setchfield Callum Parson Josh Chapman, Russel Menezes, Stephen Howell Charles Halford, Dan Godfrey Carla Johnson Jack Hicks Bethany Williams, Austin Hedley, Rebecca Thomas Jack Stroulger
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Merryfields Children’s Centre Merryfields has full summer programme of activities for families with young children in the summer holidays. Some of the highlights are; Monday 1st August Music Workshops for children 2-5 years Play Day 3rd August 11-2pm for children 0-14 years and their parents Trip to Staunton Park 11th August Drumming Workshop 26th August for children 2-5 years Starting School Play Sessions for 4 year olds Please book these activities at reception and feel free to come in and pick up a programme of regular activities that continue through the summer. Our lovely new garden is available for families to use Tuesday -Friday afternoons 1-4pm The result of the Children’s Centre consultation for Merryfields is that it will continue to offer services for families with young children 0-5 years but will be managed by a third party organisation. Staff are working hard to ensure there is a smooth transition to the new provider but we won’t know who this will be until late in the Autumn Term.
NEVILLE LOVETT ADULT & COMMUNITY LEARNING Your school at the heart of the community
Red Cross seek Red Shirts The Red Cross in Fareham have a contract with a textile recycling firm and receive a price per ton of material that is sent off to be recycled. If parents hand in red polo shirts to the Red Cross they would be recycled for a very worthy cause. Red Cross Shop, 127 West Street, Fareham. 01329 230900
Green shoots
A new free gardening club held at Neville Lovett and run by Broadlaw Community Space, for all members of the community. Every Friday morning 11am‐1pm. Please contact Stuart Mills on 07775 410471.
Ice Skating rink
From 25th July – 6th August there will be a synthetic ice rink on site. £2 per session. Please call for session times.
Governing body
The Governing body has welcomed three new members this term Lucille Pendry, LA. Governor Janet Bell, Community Governor Toni Joyce, Parent Governor
NEW OUT OF SCHOOL CLUB STARTING SEPTEMBER 2001 Brought to you by P.L.A.Y. Leaders Monday to Friday 3-6pm. A fantastic variety of sporting activities, arts and crafts, fun and games and much more! Please look at our website, call in to the Adult and Community office or telephone 01329 823471 for further information on any of the above.
Parents are reminded that students should not bring energy drinks into school. Energy drinks can be confiscated.
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School holidays
From September no holidays will be authorised outside of the normal school holiday dates.
Parents are reminded that students are not permitted to leave the school site at break or lunchtime without written approval from parents agreed by Senior Staff.
Governors have agreed that 130 computers and software can be purchased. These will be in place for September 2011.
SPORTING SUCCESS AT NEVILLE LOVETT Emily Neal Year 8 represented the partnership in U14 100m Shay Cook Year 7 – selected to represent Under 13 Gosport and Fareham School area football team. The following students represented Gosport and Fareham at the County Athletics championship on Tuesday, 5 July 2011 at Southampton Sports Centre: Chandler Harris Year 7 finished 6th in the county for Javelin with a personal best throw of 27m 86cm. Toby Roe Year 7 finished 7th in the 600m. Courtney Lewis Year 7 finished 6th in the discuss Congratulations! Jack Stroulger Year 8 won the Under 14 boys triple jump. He is County Champion with a jump of 10.73 m
Japanese earthquake
Students raised £508.92 for the Japanese Earthquake fund with a non uniform day on the last day of the Spring term. Well done to all who took part!
Only Year 11 students should attend to receive their results on this day, 25th August, between 10am and 12noon. We look forward to celebrating your success.
Pencil cases with basic school equipment and a scientific calculator are available from Student Support Services for £5.00.
I am delighted to inform you that we have undertaken a complete review of the technology curriculum for Year 7 and 8 students. As we move into the new academic year, we are in the amazing position of being able to offer an exciting, enterprising and challenging series of modules which will really engage our students in the type of learning which will have a massive impact on their futures. We plan to allow our youngsters to set up mini companies in order to face challenges experienced in the real world of enterprise. As with most technology departments in the area we are asking you to support us by making a small, voluntary donation of £5. We want to develop and inspire our students to become the business people of the future. We have a passion to give our students the very best so they have the brightest of futures. We look forward to you supporting us in achieving the best for your children. Andrew Campbell Deputy Headteacher
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HIRA NEWS SIGN LANGUAGE The HIRA staff have been learning sign language ready for September and the arrival of two Year 7 pupils who communicate by signing. Everyone has now passed the level 1 British Sign Language exam. HIRA staff make sure that all of our hearing impaired pupils have no barriers to learning in the mainstream classrooms. As well as being able to sign, this means checking their equipment and also making sure that they can access the work and that subtitles are used on the whiteboards where possible. Some of the HIRA students spent the weekend at Calshot Activity Centre. Accompanied by Mr Bradshaw and Mrs Gilford, the pupils had a great time taking part in archery, cycling, kayaking, climbing and enjoying a boat trip along the River Hamble.
BTECH CCLD The Year 10 Btec CCLD group visited HIRA. Their coursework piece is about barriers to communication and how they are overcome. They spent their lesson learning about Deaf Awareness and watched a short conversation in British Sign Language between Mr Bradshaw and Mrs Hinks. They also had the opportunity to look at and feel some Braille writing, which is used by the visually impaired for reading and writing. Two of our HIRA students took part in the Playground Podium event. Playground to Podium (P2P) is a national strategy for the identification, developm ent and support of talented young disabled athletes. The Playground to Podium framework forms a pathway which will support young disabled athletes from PE, through participation, to high level performance and competition in sport.
The HIRA team and their families took part in the Moonlit Walk, which is a 12 mile sponsored walk through the streets of Portsmouth late at night. They survived the wind and rain for four hours and between them managed to raise in excess of £550 for our local hospice.
Some of the H I R A L e a r n i n g S u p p o r t A s s i s t a n t s have been taking a GCSE in ICT. They have been working hard to squeeze two years work into eight months!! After much steam coming off their keyboards and much manipulation of their brain cells, they have finished tweaking their projects here and there and are very proud of their A and A* grades!! They will be able to pass on their newly acquired skills to the pupils in the classroom. Governor service
Mrs Elizabeth Webb has had a long association with the school and was awarded a certificate in honour of her achieving 20 Years service on our Governing Body.
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HEAD OF YEAR EMAIL ADDRESSES Mr Edwards, Head of Year 7 Ms Piper, Head of Year 8 Mr Butterworth, Head of Year 9 Mr Clouting, Head of Year 10 Mrs Campbell, Head of Year 11
Parents and carers will have noticed that the school has changed to an automated telephone service. This has been implemented to help parents reach more easily the staff they need to speak to. Each Head of Year now has their own extension and if they cannot take the call straight away please leave a message ‐ they will contact you as soon as they are able to.
Miss Gudgeon (History), Miss Fox (PE Teacher) and Mrs Molyneaux have been offered exciting opportunities to progress their careers with other schools and we wish them great success.
Please remember that our staff teach during the day and have lunch and break duties. It is therefore not always possible for you to speak to them immediately. The majority of calls will be returned after the end of the school day. Your understanding is appreciated.
As the school year comes to an end we have to say goodbye to a number of staff Mrs Helen Coleman (Head of English), Mrs Laura Coleman (Deputy Headteacher) and Mr Geary (Head of Geography) are all retiring after a long teaching career. We wish them a long and happy retirement.
Mr Jackson, Mrs Doyle, Mrs Farley-Pettman, Mr Dudin, Mr Cairns and Mrs Foster also leave us and we wish them well for the future. Thank you to all these members of staff for their contribution to the school during their time with us. On behalf of the governors, staff and students
If your child will be away from school please let us know in advance or, if they are ill, call us as soon as possible in the morning. We now send text messages to parents if their child is not in school and if we are already aware of their absence, you will not receive this text. E mAIL
We have a number of email addresses for the school. Parents wishing to contact the school by email should use: adminoffice@nevillelovett.han Parents are advised that if they use any other email address they may experience a delay in response.
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 5th September 2011 6th September 2011 7th September 2011 21st October 2011 24th October to 28 October 2011 16th December 2011 3rd January 2012 4th January 2012 13th to 17th February 2012 30th March 2012 2nd to 13th April 2012 16th April 2012 17th April 7th May 2012 4th to 8th June 2012 23rd July 2012
Inset Day Inset Day First day of term for students Inset Day Half Term break Last day of term Inset Day First day of term for students Half term break Last Day of term Easter Holiday Inset Day First day of term for students Bank Holiday Half term break Last day of term