RACE EQUALITY POLICY This policy should be read in association with the school’s Equal Opportunities Policy and the guidance to staff on response to Racist Incidents. It is set within the context of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000. For the statutory code of practice and non–statutory guidance, staff should refer to ‘The Duty to Promote Race Equality’ published by the Commission for Racial Equality. 1. School Context Neville Lovett is a mainly all white school that draws its pupils predominantly from a small area of South West Fareham. This, it follows, is not a multi-ethnic area. There are only a very small number of families from ethnic minority groups within the catchment. It is, therefore, important that a school such as ours ensures that it takes a proactive, enquiring and sensitive approach to the promotion of race equality. 2. Aims The aims of our Race Equality Policy build on the school’s core Aims and Values. Specifically this policy also: • • • •
Acknowledges the existence of racism and thus the need to be proactive in tackling and eliminating racial discrimination Seeks to ensure that racial equality is an integral part of all planning and decision making within the school Emphasises the need to develop our pupils’ sense of personal and cultural identity which is confident and open to change whilst being receptive and respectful of other identities Contributes to making Neville Lovett School a place where everyone feels welcome and valued, irrespective of their race, colour, ethnic or national origin or their citizenship
3. Leadership, Management and Governance i.
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• • • • ii. • • • •
The school will be proactive in promoting race-equality, good race relations and in tackling racial discrimination, through curriculum planning, assemblies, the pupil council and community activities. Pastoral teams will ensure that there is appropriate support for isolated pupils of different ethnic groups. The school will work in partnership with outside agencies to tackle racial discriminations and to establish, promote and disseminate good race equality practice. In lessons teachers will seek to create an environment which respects and values cultural, linguistic and religious differences. Responsibilities The governing body is responsible for ensuring that the school fulfils its legal responsibilities and that this policy, with its related procedures and strategies, are implemented. The Headteacher is responsible for implementing the policy, for ensuring that staff are aware of their responsibilities, are given appropriate training and for taking appropriate action in any cases of unlawful discrimination. The Deputy Headteacher (KS4) and The Assistant Headteacher (KS3) are responsible for co-ordinating racial equality work and dealing with reported incidents of racism or of racial harassment. All Staff are expected to deal with racist incidents when they occur, to seek to identify and challenge racial and cultural bias and stereotyping and to ensure that the principles of equality and diversity are incorporated into all aspects of their work. Visitors and Contractors will be expected to comply with the school’s race equality policy.
4. Policy, Planning and Review i.
At Neville Lovett School we recognise that all of our policies and practices are set within the context of the principles and procedures, which are outlined above, especially;
pupils’ progress, attainment and assessment behaviour, discipline and exclusions pupils’ personal development and pastoral care teaching and learning admissions and attendance curriculum staff recruitment and their professional development partnerships with parents and the community.
ii. Implementation We will ensure implementation of this policy through:
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the staff handbook, available to all members of staff, teaching and nonteaching audit, in that staff with responsibilities for areas outlined above will undertake race equality audits as appropriate action planning, focusing on areas for development and staff training the use, (when conditions apply) of additional resources available through the LEA, under the Minority Achievement Grant and other agencies. Specific schemes of work within the core subjects of Citizenship and Religious Education. The provision of appropriate forums for debate, such as the pupil council and cross curricular working parties.
Monitoring and Evaluation
The Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral) will collect and study data relating to this policy and report any issues or concerns, initially to the Headteacher.
Reviews of school Policies will include questions about the impact of Race Equality issues to be used to inform planning and decision making.
The targets and progress of ethnic minority pupils are monitored through the School’s termly process of Review, Report and parental consultation.
Where there are concerns that develop through the monitoring of Race Equality issues, these will be communicated to parents and the community through the termly Newsletter.
………………………………………………….. Elizabeth Webb, Chair of Governors Date: …………………………….
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