At Neville Lovett we are committed to the provision of development opportunities which will enable all staff to carry out their duties effectively, enjoy appropriate training as the demands of their posts change and prepare themselves for career developments which we recognise may take them beyond this school. The introduction of Performance Management and the Work Review and Development programme subscribed to by support staff have both had their impact upon the identification of staff development needs. Similarly, formal development planning at whole school and team levels facilitates a coherent system of recording and prioritisation of development needs. FUNDING a) The Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning) monitors staff development needs and seeks to match training to the priorities of the school, departments and individual needs. b) Funding for CPD activities has been devolved to each department. CPD activities must be limited to the departmental development plans. NEEDS ANALYSIS Following Performance Reviews, the Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning) will liaise with team leaders to consider development needs identified in the context of these reviews. In the Spring Term, he will consider additional needs which have been highlighted in the development plan. All colleagues have direct access to the Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning) when they wish to discuss their professional development and their broader training needs. Such discussions are often sought by those colleagues hoping for career advancement whether within or beyond Neville Lovett. Needs identified in the context of such consultations are fed into the Development Plan by the Leadership Team. TYPES OF DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY 1.
Inset and induction courses provided by Hampshire and advertised annually in the Directory of Training Opportunities.
Team development programmes generated by colleagues and supported from Standards funding by: (a) the provision of supply cover where necessary (b) the provision of resources (c) the provision of outside expertise.
Sponsorship for Higher Degree study - the approval of the Governors has been obtained for the financial support of three colleagues in any one year. It should be noted that such support pertains to part-time study since the costs of full-time secondment would be prohibitive. Colleagues applying for such courses may also seek funding reserved for this purpose and held centrally by the County.
Industrial Placements in conjunction with the Teacher Placement Scheme and the Hampshire Business Partnership, both of which exist to improve communications between the worlds of education and industry.
Award-bearing courses (other than higher degrees) offered by Higher Educational Institutions (eg Programmes of Mentor-Training).
OUR RECORD The Neville Lovett School has an excellent staff development record. Careful use of the procedures outlined above has allowed us to respond positively to all requests for training which have been identified as priorities in the School Development Plan. There has, moreover, been a definite shift away from the traditional view that development needs could be met simply by participation in a two-day course. Indeed, the most effective use of available funds has often been the provision of opportunities for teams to work on a project away from the classroom.
Signed: ………………………………………… Elizabeth Webb, Chair of Governors
Date: ……………………………
Date adopted by Governing body:: ……………………………. Date of next review: