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HOMEWORK LEARNING TASKS Introduction Homework is an essential and integral part of the learning process for students. It is a way of enhancing learning and allows parents to have regular input into their child‟s education. For any form of homework to be effective it is reliant upon consistent school practice combined with parental support. Objectives At NL the aim of Homework Learning Tasks are to: Consolidate, support or extend what students are learning in the classroom. Assist teachers in assessing students‟ strengths, weaknesses and learning needs. Prepare students for the rigour required to complete GCSE coursework and study. Develop students skills and understanding of the world around us. Stretch and challenge students. Develop a greater sense of individual responsibility and independence in learning. Promote positive dialogue and involvement between individual students, parents and teachers. Celebrate the successes and hard work of students. By working in partnership these objectives can be achieved and students will be prepared for the rigours of Key Stage 4 courses and beyond. What are Homework Learning Tasks (HLTs)? Homework Learning Tasks are project based homeworks which require students to focus on what they are going to learn and how they will „show‟ what they have learned. They will develop independence to learning as well as give students a choice of how they complete tasks. HLTs are set in all subjects each term and are required to be completed over a 2 week period. All HLTs are published a term in advance and each one has a fixed start and end date. Students are responsible for completing HLTs and will be given support and advice by their subject teachers. How will HLTs be marked? Each student will receive a grade for their HLT; these marks are then used as part of the overall assessment of a student’s individual progress. Parents can check these marks via Eportal. Students will also assess themselves by fulfilling a range of personal, learning and thinking skills. What happens if HLTs are not completed? If a student does not complete a HLT they will be set a 45 minute detention by that subject. Parents will be informed of this via Eportal. If there are genuine reasons why a student cannot complete a HLT it is essential that the school is informed of this by letter/email, prior to the deadline date. How can students gain support in completing HLTs? Individual subject teachers will provide support for students. The schools Learning Resource Centre is available until 4pm each evening. Here there is access to computers, books and a range of other resources to support students. Additional Learning Tasks Students may also be set Additional Learning Tasks by subject teachers. These will be written in the planner and 20‐30 minutes in length. Additional Learning Tasks will allow for individual work to be set which is appropriate to the need of the student or group. These are short tasks and are compulsory. Further questions, help or support If you have any specific questions or concerns about HLTs please contact the Head of Department or Head of Year.
Neville Lovett Community School Year 8 Homework Learning Tasks 2011/12 Autumn Term Subject Start Wk Beginning Half Term 24 Oct 2011 to 28 Oct 2011 Maths (1) 31/10/11 English (1) 21/11/11 Christmas Holidays 19 Dec 2011 to 3rd Jan 2012
Deadline Wk Beginning
Marks returned to student by
14/11/11 5/12/11
2/12/11 6/01/12
Start Wk Beginning Music 9/01/12 Art 23/01/12 Half Term 13 Feb 2012 to 17 Feb 2012 ICT 20/02/12 **Technology 5/03/12 *Eng/Math/Sci (2) 19/03/12 ***Humanities 19/03/12 Easter Holidays 2 April 2012 to 16 April 2012
Deadline Wk Beginning 23/01/12 6/02/12
Marks returned to student by 10/02/12 24/02/12
5/03/12 19/03/12 26/03/12 26/03/12
23/03/12 20/04/12 20/04/12 20/04/12
Summer Term Subject
Deadline Wk Beginning 30/04/12 14/05/12 28/05/12
Marks returned to student by 11/05/12 1/06/12 15/06/12
25/06/12 9/07/12 9/07/12
5/07/12 20/07/12 20/07/12
Winter Term Subject
Start Wk Beginning MFL 17/04/12 Maths (3) 30/04/12 **Technology 14/05/12 Half Term 4 June 2012 to 8 June 2012 Science (3) 11/06/11 English (3) 25/06/12 ***Humanities 25/06/12 NOTE
*Students select to do english, maths, or science based on their current level **Students select from the topic they are currently studying (eg. Food Tech or RM) ***Students chose which humanities HLT they wish to complete (Geography or History or RE)
Subject:‐ Art
Topic:‐ Teapot
Year Group:‐ 8
Issue Date:‐ 23/1/12
Deadline Date :‐ 6/2/12
Marked By Date:‐ 24/2/12
To develop crea ve thinking and independent ar st research
To produce a teapot design inspired by the work of an ar st of your choice.
What do I have to do?
Research an artist that inspired you and create an appropriate body of work.
Preferred Learning Style
You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be long‐ er than others.
Produce a drawing, pain ng or sculpture of a teapot inspired by the work of an ar st of your choice.
Create an imaginary interview with an ar st of your choice.
Kinaesthe c
Produce a drawing, pain ng or sculpture of a teapot inspired by the work of an ar st of your choice. Present your outcome to the class and explain the process of your ide‐ as.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT.
Research an ar st that you are interested in. You could look on the internet or get advice from your teacher. Gather images and make drawings of their work. Think about the shape of your teapot and how it will look. Make some sketches to show the develop‐ ment of your ideas. Your final outcome can be created using any media but must reflect your ar st’s work.
How will my work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed on the final product. Teacher: You will get an effort mark, and a level. Student: PLTS Progression chart
Are there any suppor ng documents/powerpoints/images/pictures/webite links ect. Available on the VLE Preferred Learning Style
How should I submit my work? ‐ This will depend on your choice of task
A pain ng, drawing or collage. You should submit your ar st research and devel‐ opment ideas on design sheets.
A powerpoint presenta on or short film.
Kinaesthe c
A pain ng, drawing or collage and notes on your presenta on.
What personal, learning and thinking skills will I develop? (PLTS)
Crea ve thinking and independent enquiry. You will also need good me management skills to complete all aspects of the task within the deadline.
Subject:‐ English
Year Group:‐ 8
Issue Date:‐ 31/10/11
Deadline Date :‐ 14/11/11
Marked By Date:‐ 2/12/11
To understand what makes a successful short story.
You will have created an interes ng and believable character.
What do I have to do?
You will need to create a character that you can then use in a short story.
Preferred Learn‐ You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be long‐ ing Style er than others.
Produce a detailed wri en descrip on of your character.
Create a podcast about your character.
Kinaesthe c
Create a model of your character that shows his/her characteris cs.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT.
Your teacher will discuss with you how to create a character that can be used in a story. However you choose to produce your character, you need to plan: Family background (Is there a dark secret? Who is their favourite family member? Does he/she have pets?). What is their favourite TV programme? Or any other interest they might have. Hobbies / Job / Friends (Do they do things alone or do they like to be in groups?) Where they live? (What area of the country or world? What is their house / flat like? Do they live in a house or
flat?). Then decide how you want to produce your final version of your character. Whatever you decide on, use colour in your character (even if you are crea ng a wri en descrip on).
How will my work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed on the final product. Teacher: You will get an effort mark, and a level. Student: PLTS Progression chart
Are there any suppor ng documents/powerpoints/images/pictures/webite links ect. Speak to your English Teacher. Preferred Learning Style
How should I submit my work? ‐ This will depend on your choice of task
Your character will need to be handwritten or printed out.
Bring your podcast handed in on a memory s ck
Kinaesthe c
Hand your model into your teacher
What personal, learning and thinking skills will I develop? (PLTS) In doing this task properly, you will be developing your: Independent Enquirer skills. Crea ve Thinker skills. Self Manager skills. Once the task is over and it has been marked, you should think about how you could have improved your task, and thus improve your Re‐ flec ve Learner skills.
Subject:‐ Food Technology
Topic:‐ Foods from across the globe
Year Group:‐ 8
Issue Date:‐ 5/3/12
Deadline Date :‐ 19/3/12
Marked By Date:‐ 20/4/12
To research staple foods and typical ingredients/dishes of another culture.
Students will have an improved understanding and knowledge of mul ‐cultural foods and an awareness of how food choices are influenced by the environment.
What do I have to do?
Complete one of the tasks below to show your research and improved knowledge of the typical foods eaten in another country.
Preferred Learning Style
You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be long‐ er than others.
Produce a booklet or powerpoint giving informa on on your chosen country and three food/ingredients.
Record an interview with a person who has knowledge of the foods and tradi ons of your chosen country.
Kinaesthe c
Design and make a market stall or shop window that shows a display of the typical foods that would be on sale in your chosen country.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. All students should select a country and carry out detailed research into the culture and foods eaten. Try to select a country you have a par cular interest in, perhaps you have been there on holiday or you may have a family member who has lived in another country. Suggested informa on that you might want to research: Interes ng facts about the country. Name of the country – map or country flag. Crops grown in this country and staple foods eaten. Tradi onal dishes eaten in this country. Herbs and spices commonly used to add flavour to the dishes of this country. Tradi onal fes vals and celebra ons – typical foods eaten on these occasions. Foods eaten because of religious beliefs in this country. Visual – Booklet/power point: Produce an informa on booklet or power point giving as much informa on as possible on your chosen country. Include illustra ons and make your work colourful. Make sure that the standard of presenta on is high! Auditory: Plan a series of ques ons to ask the person you are going to interview on your chosen country (see suggested research above) Make sure that you draw lots of interes ng informa on from the person and not just yes/no answers. Record your informa on as MP3 file or a disc. Alterna vely, you could record the interview as a script with ques on and answers wri en out. Kinaesthe c: Design and make a model of a market stall or a display in a shop window. The display must include typical foods that would be on sale and you can use salt dough, plas cine or any other suitable material to model the foods. Another possibility is to use printed images of foods in the display. Make sure all foods have name labels. You could decorate the stall/shop window in typical colours and images to represent your chosen
country. How will my work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed on the final product. Teacher: You will get an effort mark, and a level. Student: PLTS Progression chart
Are there any suppor ng documents/powerpoints/images/pictures/webite links ect. Preferred Learning Style
How should I submit my work? ‐ This will depend on your choice of task
Submit your finished booklet / printed copy of your power point to your Food Technology teacher.
Record your informa on or submit as a wri en script to your Food Technology teacher.
Kinaesthe c
Submit your completed model to your Food Technology teacher.
What personal, learning and thinking skills will I develop? (PLTS)
Subject:‐ French
Topic:‐ Beinvenue
Year Group:‐ 8
Issue Date:‐ 17/4/12
Deadline Date :‐ 30/4/12
Marked By Date:‐ 11/5/12
To be able to recall at least thirty words in French or in sentences
To be able to count to 31 or to have a basic conversa on in French
What do I have to do?
You should complete one of the tasks below
Preferred Learning Style
You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be long‐ er than others.
Using vocabulary on NLS website ( VLE/ MFL/documents/French/KS3/Year 7/Unit 1/ Resources), create a storyboard asking and answering ques ons in French. You should use speech bubbles appropriately. This may be completed on the computer. You can also use to create your own comic strip. If you want a challenge, record your own voice to go with your own comic strip.
Write up a role play in French using vocabulary on NLS website, using sentences learned to date. Read the role play using two people if possible. Record as a n audacity file or on to your MP3 player.
Kinaesthe c
Create a domino game using numbers from 1‐31 or other key words in French (gree ngs and simple ques ons). Cut out cards and play the game.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT.
Write out your role‐play/conversa on in French from beginning to end Make sure you understand the meaning of the words and sentences used. Check that you can pronounce the words and sentences before hand (ask for teacher’s help so plan in advance) If working with a partner, prac se the conversa on before recording it
How will my work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed on the final product. Teacher: You will get an effort mark, and a level. Student: PLTS Progression chart
Are there any suppor ng documents/powerpoints/images/pictures/webite links ect. Seek teacher advice. Preferred Learning Style
How should I submit my work? ‐ This will depend on your choice of task
Storyboard: bring to class and hand to teacher. If done on a computer as a comic strip, send it to teacher as an a achment
Send over the internet to teacher or put on a memory s ck and bring to class
Kinaesthe c
Domino game : Bring to school and demonstrate the game to your teacher and class
What personal, learning and thinking skills will I develop? (PLTS)
Crea vity, informa on processing and reasoning
Subject:‐ Geography
Topic:‐ Where in the World
Year Group:‐ 8
Issue Date:‐ 19/3/12
Deadline Date :‐ 26/3/12
Marked By Date:‐ 20/4/12
To iden fy key characteris cs of a chosen country.
To produce a detailed study of a country of your choice.
What do I have to do?
You need to pick any country in the world apart from China and Japan (we look at those in year 8). You must include a flag, map of where it is, number of people, capital city, languages spoken and then pick 3 other things that interest you. Ideas could be sport, food, clothes, culture etc…
Preferred Learning Style
You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others.
You may choose to do this as a poster, powerpoint or movie maker. You could even make a brochure or leaflet on the chosen country. You could make a film as if you are presen ng a programme all about the country. Include pictures, photos and maps.
You may decide to complete a pod cast where you inform listeners about the country. You could pretend to be a radio presenter and make up a holiday sec on on the show.
Kinaesthe c
You may choose to make a game or a card ac vity.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT.
Think about a country that interests you, maybe you have been there or would like to find out more. Decide what learning style suits you – remember this is your me to be crea ve. Research your country on google Go to the library and get some books Use an atlas Visit: h p:// hemovies/places.html
How will my work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed on the final product. Teacher: You will get an effort mark, and a level. Student: PLTS Progression chart
Are there any suppor ng documents/powerpoints/images/pictures/webite links ect. Preferred Learning Style
How should I submit my work? ‐ This will depend on your choice of task
You will be able to access so much information on google Use a map of the world to help locate your country Visit: for some ideas.
Kinaesthe c What personal, learning and thinking skills will I develop? (PLTS)
Independent enquirer, crea ve thinker and self‐ managers
Subject:‐ History
Topic:‐ Historical Figures
Year Group:‐ 8
Issue Date:‐ 19/3/12
Deadline Date :‐ 26/3/12
Marked By Date:‐ 20/4/12
To research any famous Bri sh Historical figure
What do I have to do?
To produce a detailed piece of work which allows you to analyse why that figure was famous.
Research any Bri sh Historical Figure: They are then to produce something explaining: Who they are? Brief informa on fact‐file – birth‐death What they have done to become famous? What inspired them? What was their contribu on to the world? Conclusion – do they deserve their famous place in history? Evaluate their contribu ons etc – are they worthy of the fame?
Preferred Learning Style
You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others.
You may choose to do this as a poster, powerpoint, movie maker, biography, fac ile etc…
You may decide to complete a pod cast where you inform listeners about this person. You may choose to record a diary account etc…
Kinaesthe c
You may choose to make a model of this person and complete a fact sheet.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT.
Think about a period of history that interests you. Research key historical dates. Decide who you will research. Use websites, libraries, books etc… to find out the facts.
How will my work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed on the final product. Teacher: You will get an effort mark, and a level. Student: PLTS Progression chart
Are there any suppor ng documents/powerpoints/images/pictures/webite links ect. Use search engines such as google h p://horrible‐ h p://‐histories Preferred Learning Style
How should I submit my work? ‐ This will depend on your choice of task
Kinaesthe c
What personal, learning and thinking skills will I develop? (PLTS)
Independent enquirer, crea ve thinker and self‐ managers
Subject:‐ ICT
Topic:‐ Anima ons
Year Group:‐ 8
Issue Date:‐ 20/2/12
Deadline Date :‐ 5/3/12
Marked By Date:‐ 23/3/12
To create a dance animation using Pivot Stickfigure Animator.
What do I have to do?
You will produce a dance music video with music of your choice. You will create a stick figure person that dances in time to the music.
You will need to download the Pivot S ckfigure so ware from h p://pivot‐s ckfigure‐ You can use the following tutorial to help you use the so ware… h p://pivot‐s ckfigure‐ Find some dance music & create your dancing figure. It will need to move in me to the music so it would be a good idea to listen to your chosen music at the same me. Save your finished anima on (File > Save as). Load windows movie maker & import your anima on. You will also need to import your sound file & make sure the mings are as accurate as possible. Add a tle and credits to your dance video!!
Preferred Learning Style
You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others.
Watch the tutorials and examples from the following links before you create your anima on… h p:// h p://pivot‐s ckfigure‐ h p://
Kinaesthe c
Listen to the tutorials on the following website to help you… h p://pivot‐s ckfigure‐
Try out the so ware on your own first!! See if you can work out how to animate your figure by trying out the different op ons in the menu (Hint: move the figure & select ‘Next Frame’).
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT. See what do I have to do box.
How will my work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed on the final product. Teacher: You will get an effort mark, and a level. Student: PLTS Progression chart Are there any suppor ng documents/powerpoints/images/pictures/webite links ect.
There is a moviemaker helpsheet available on the VLE.
What personal, learning and thinking skills will I develop? (PLTS) I can think of some ideas to solve a problem or answer a ques on. I can break down a topic / problem I can use a number of resources in order to find the answers to ques ons I can work independently using my own ini a ve – keeping to deadlines I can s ck with a task even when I find it difficult.
Subject:‐ Maths
Topic:‐ Areas and Shapes
Year Group:‐ 8
Issue Date:‐ 31/10/11
Deadline Date :‐ 14/11/11
Marked By Date:‐ 2/12/11
To inves gate how to construct a container within restricted parameters.
Improve your understanding of nets of shapes, surface area and volume.
What do I have to do?
Your teacher is thinking about giving you a handful of sweets for working hard this half term. He has asked if you would design a container out of card to hold the handful of sweets. Your teacher would like to see how you designed your container, how you think the container could be made out of one piece of card and maybe even see a prototype.
Preferred Learning Style
You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others.
Produce a document that shows how you designed the container to hold a handful of sweets. Your doc‐ ument should show your ideas and annotate it to point out the good and bad points of each design. Your document should also show how you propose to make the container and how you calculated how much card you would need to make it.
Discuss with friends or people at home what they consider the best type of container is. Produce a doc‐ ument, video or podcast that summarises those discussions. Men on the good points and bad points of each design. Make your chosen design, or produce a document that demonstrates how to and high‐ light the good points of it. Show how you calculated how much card you used in making your design.
Kinaesthe c
Produce a sheet that shows how you set about designing the container. This should include the differ‐ ent designs you considered. Then make the container (and possibly some of the ideas that did not work) and on a separate sheet, explain why you think your container is the best one for the job of hold‐ ing a handful of sweets, also calculate how much card you used to make your design.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when comple ng the HLT.
Have you fully explained what ideas you thought of and how you considered the good and bad points of each design? (You may wish to get ideas on containers by looking around your home and seeing how other containers have been made). Have you shown clearly how you would make your design? (You may wish to build the design and pre‐ sent that as part of your work.) Have you shown how you worked out how much card you would need to make your container? (You may wish to think about whether the teacher would like to use as li le card as possible, but give you the biggest handful of sweets.)
How will my work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed on the final product. Teacher: You will get an effort mark, and a level. Student: PLTS Progression chart Are there any suppor ng documents/powerpoints/images/pictures/webite links ect. Use what is at home for inspira on; there are lots of different types of container used in everyday life. Remember that yours needs to hold a handful of sweets, so does not need to be very big. You can see how to make containers, by researching NETS of 3D objects, by taking apart containers at home and inves ga ng how they are constructed. To help you work out how much card you have used, try making your design out of cm squared paper and count the number of squares used to make your container.
Preferred Learning Style
How should I submit my work? ‐ This will depend on your choice of task
You will probably wish to produce a booklet showing the story of how you designed your contain‐ er and worked out how much card you needed to make each one.
You may wish to document your discussions on how you came to make the design decisions you did. You may show your work through a PowerPoint presenta on video or podcast, which you could present to the class and discuss the ideas you had and how you came to finalise your de‐ sign. You will also need to show or discuss how much card you needed for each container.
Kinaesthe c
You will need to make a design document showing how you came to choose your design. You may then wish to make some of the designs and show how you came to choose your final design. You will need to show how much card you used to make your chosen design.
What personal, learning and thinking skills will I develop? (PLTS) In doing this task properly, you will be developing your: Independent Enquirer skills. Crea ve Thinker skills. Self Manager skills. Once the task is over and it has been marked, you should think about how you could have improved your task, and thus improve your Reflec ve Learner skills.
Subject:‐ Music
Topic:‐ Musical Themes
Year Group:‐ 8
Issue Date:‐ 19/3/12
Deadline Date :‐ 26/3/12
Marked By Date:‐ 20/4/12
You will learn to research a theme and be influenced by the work of a musician.
You will need to research and present informa on about the musician you have chosen.
What do I have to do?
You should research and be able to present informa on about the musician/ar st you have chosen. Your work should present facts and opinions about the ar st’s work and examples of it by either performing it or through a media file.
Preferred Learning Style
You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than oth‐ ers.
Present informa on about the ar st you have chosen and make a booklet including what they look like, image, hobbies, what you like/dislike about them, songs, genre, instruments and any other informa on you feel relevant. Do this by designing a booklet to promote the ar st and you can draw, paint make and collect images. Use visual items such as photographs and add to them, change them using digital media. Use the internet or books to find out about them. You must focus on the music and incorporate as many musical terms as possible that we have learnt so far, or any other you think relevant.
Prepare a presenta on using images and informa on on sheets or a power point of the musician you have chosen. You should create notes to read out during your presenta on. It must include an audio/media file of the musicians work. It should include relevant informa on about the musicians work, songs, genre, instruments and any other informa on you feel relevant. You must focus on the music and incorporate as many musical terms as possible that we have learnt so far, or any other you think relevant.
Kinaesthe c
Prepare a performance of the musicians work using your research. You can use any instrument and demonstrate the genre and instrumenta on used by the ar sts. Singers should use a backing track of some sort and instrumentalists should play and sing or play to a song.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT.
Visual – your booklet should be promo ng the ar sts music so find discography’s, live performances and images of them performing. How they write their music, who they write their music with is also useful. Auditory – Include as many media files as you feel relevant. You are promo ng the ar st so documentary style would be interes ng and how you feel about the ar st would be a good take on the task. Kinaesthe c – Prepare a performance but also complete research on the musicians work and have notes to go with your performance about their music.
How will my work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed on the final product. Teacher: You will get an effort mark, and a level. Student: PLTS Progression chart
Are there any suppor ng documents/powerpoints/images/pictures/webite links ect. Preferred Learning Style
How should I submit my work? ‐ This will depend on your choice of task
This should be produced and handed in as a booklet/promo on pack. Images and crea vity is vital. It must be engaging and be visually a rac ve.
Produce a power point show to present to the rest of the class. Add notes on what you would say as you show the slides.
Kinaesthe c
Prepare a performance to perform in front of the class or myself. Bring notes on the musician you have chosen and be able to explain why you performed that par cular track. Bring in an instrument you will be using in the performance.
What personal, learning and thinking skills will I develop? (PLTS)
Independent inquirer- learn to work and produce task independently Crea ve thinker – be crea ve! Use your interest to create the task. Reflec ve learner – be able to reflect and improve on research. Explore and Evaluate the informa on you feel most suitable.
Subject:‐ Product Design
Topic:‐ Inspira onal Designers
Year Group:‐ 8
Issue Date:‐ 5/3/12
Deadline Date :‐ 19/3/12
Marked By Date:‐ 20/4/12
To understand how everyday products are o en influenced by the work of a revoluonary designer.
To understand that designers o en inspire others to create products in their recognisable style.
What do I have to do?
You should pick a designer from the following list: Philippe Starck, Frank Lloyd Wright, Alto Gaudi, Charles Rennie Mackintosh or William Morris. Research their work and use this style as inspira on for the design of a Storage cabinet.
Preferred Learning Style
You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be long‐ er than others.
Design a cabinet that is clearly recognisable as being in the style of your chosen designer. Explain what you have learned about this designer and how their style has influenced other products. In your presenta on clearly show different views of your cabinet, iden fy materials that you would make it from and explain how the idea has been influenced by that designer.
Prepare a presenta on using images and informa on on sheets or a power point about the designer and their work. Explain why they have been so influen al with examples. Show in your presenta on an understanding of how a designer can influence many different products. Discuss how the designer might go about designing a cabinet in their style.
Kinaesthe c
Prepare a presenta on using your research on your chosen designer. Show the different types of products that have used that designer as an influence. Create a small model of a cabinet inspired by the work of your chosen designer.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT.
(Visual) – Research into the life and work of your chosen designer. Present informa on showing the life and work of your chosen designer. Create some design ideas for your own cabinet using their influence. Present your chosen design idea, annotated and explaining how the designer‟s work has influenced your design . (Auditory) - Research into the life and work of your chosen designer. Produce a power point presenta on or slide show of the life and work of your designer. Use notes to describe during your presenta on the work of that designer and why they are so influenal. Prepare for a discussion how the designer might go about designing a cabinet in their style. (Kinaesthe c) – Research into the life and work of your chosen designer. Using sheets and model(s) of a cabinet, present a demonstra on of the designer‟s work. Create a model of a chair that is clearly representa ve of the designer‟s style.
How will my work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed on the final product. Teacher: You will get an effort mark, and a level. Student: PLTS Progression chart
Are there any suppor ng documents/powerpoints/images/pictures/webite links ect. Preferred Learning Style
How should I submit my work? ‐ This will depend on your choice of task
Give to your tyeacher gathered informa on on your designer in a visual format such as sheets. Present a set of your own design ideas for a chair in the designer‟s style and an annotated final drawing of your chair.
Print out your power point to present to the rest of the class or a small group. Have notes on what you to say as you show the slides.
Kinaesthe c
Present gathered informa on on your designer in a visual format such as sheets. Hand in your model of a chair clearly iden fiable as being in the style of your chosen designer.
What personal, learning and thinking skills will I develop? (PLTS)
Subject:‐ RE
Topic:‐ Buddhism
Year Group:‐ 8
Issue Date:‐ 19/3/12
Deadline Date :‐ 26/3/12
Marked By Date:‐ 20/4/12
To apply your knowledge and understanding of Buddhist teaching to convert “a character” into a prac cing Buddhist
To convert someone to Buddhism
What do I have to do?
Choose a character‐real, dead or alive or even fic onal and convert them to Buddhism
Preferred Learning Style
You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others.
Double page “Hello” magazine style ar cle about how Buddhism has changed someone’s life
Produce a tape recording, podcast or script of a made up interview with your character describing their life before and a er they became a Buddhist
Kinaesthe c
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when completing the HLT.
Choose a character‐real, dead or alive or even fic onal and convert them to Buddhism. It is a good idea to choose a bad character who you can easily change to be a be er person having become a Buddhist and taken on the teachings of the Eigh old path. Explain what the Eigh old path is and how the person has had to change their life around to be a Buddhist and what the improvements have been.
How will my work be assessed?
Your work will be assessed on the final product. Teacher: You will get an effort mark, and a level. Student: PLTS Progression chart
Suppor ng Documents: www.clear‐‐12‐14/Noble‐Eigh
lold‐Path.aspx www.the
Preferred Learning Style
How should I submit my work? ‐ This will depend on your choice of task
Kinaesthe c
What personal, learning and thinking skills will I develop? (PLTS)
CT 1 2 3 IE 1 2 3 SM 1 2
Subject:‐ Science
Topic:‐ Organs
Year Group:‐ 8
Issue Date:‐
Deadline Date :‐
Marked By Date:‐
Create a presentation about an organ in the body, including information on its structure,
function and problems associated with it.
To carry out research into an organ and communicate this back to an audience.
What do I have to do?
You need to complete one of the tasks below to demonstrate your research and presenta on skills.
Preferred Learning Style
You will need to complete one of the tasks below. Choose carefully and think about the piece of work that you are going to most succeed with. Some tasks may be longer than others.
Your organs research could be presented as an A3 poster or as a power point presenta on.
Your organ research could be presented as a video in the style of a documentary about health.
Kinaesthe c
You could create a model of your organ that includes informa on like a display in a museum.
What Signposts should I use along the way? These steps will be helpful when comple ng the HLT. Task 1 You need to choose an organ in the human body and research what it looks like and how this is related to the job it does (structure and func on). You can use books and or websites some you could use include: h p:// iles/organs_anatomy.shtml h p:// (make sure you reference any sources you use). You should use labelled diagrams and descrip ons (wri en in your own words) of the organ. Task 2 You need to research how this organ is located in an organ system (e.g. stomach is in the diges ve system) and the role of the organ system. You should use labelled diagrams and descrip ons of the role (wri en in your own words) of the organ system. Task 3 (For your powerpoint) You need to research the medical problems that can occur to your chosen organ and how they can be prevented/cured/managed. You can use books and or websites to find out about these but you will need to search for these yourselves using search engines and make sure you reference any sources you use. Task 4 (For your powerpoint) You need to research organ dona on. Is it possible for your organ? What is the wai ng list and problems associated with organ dona on? What can be done to help? Possible websites to visit: h p:// h p://‐transplant.htm Remember your powerpoint must be no more than 15 slides long and should not be cut and pasted from the internet and should be in your own words. How will my work be assessed? Your work will be assessed on the final product. Teacher: You will get an effort mark, and a level. Student: PLTS Progression chart Are there any suppor ng documents/powerpoints/images/pictures/webite links ect. Preferred Learning Style
How should I submit my work? ‐ This will depend on your choice of task
A powerpoint presenta on with a maximum of 15 slides. An A3 poster presenta on.
A video of research like a documentary about health.
Kinaesthe c
A model of your organ with addi onal informa on like a display in a museum.
What personal, learning and thinking skills will I develop? (PLTS) Crea ve thinkers‐ you will be able to come up with your own crea ve way of presen ng your organ research. Self managers‐ you will be able to organise yourself to work to a deadline.