New Canaan Country School Ponus Papers 2013

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ponus papers

grade 5

The Ponus Papers 2013 The Arts and Literary Journal of New Canaan Country School

ponus papers

table of contents

Lower School........................................... 2 Grade 5.................................................. 79 Grade 6................................................ 153 Grade 7................................................ 222 Grade 8................................................ 250 Grade 9................................................ 264


ponus papers

grade 1

Lina Pepe Snow Snow comes falling down. It looks like a delicate swan.

Kam Simmons Josefina Josefina is helpful. She always helps others. Josefina is a superhero. She has freckles,

It covers the ground with a white blanket

Indian skin, and black hair. She likes to play

Sparkling in the sun.

in the grass because the grass is her friend and grass can talk to her. Josefina goes everywhere such as the woods, the fields, and the playground. Mostly she likes to go home with the grass to play with it. Then Josefina saw a stranger in her backyard. The stranger said, “Hello my name is Gorny.” Josefina said, “Hi, do you want to be friends?” “Yes!” said Gorny. Josefina and Gorny felt happy. They were happy because Josefina did not need grass anymore! She found a real friend.


ponus papers

grade 2

Jackson Alpaugh The Lost Pigs Once upon a time in Darien, Connecticut on Leroy Avenue, there was a small, round, very pink pig with two black toes, sparkling blue eyes and a curly, wurly tail. He was a very funny pig. He liked messy stuff like mud and food, but he was a clean pig. One day, wait, I forgot to tell you the pig’s name was Chubby. So now, where was I? Oh yes, one day Chubby woke up and realized he didn’t have dinner the night before. Due to that, he went downstairs to eat a huge breakfast to make up for the night before. When he was finished, he wanted more food. So he wanted to go to the market, but he didn’t know where it was. All of a sudden, he realized he didn’t know where anything was, not even himself. This is where the story begins. Chubby looked for another pig. He looked and looked for a pig, but he still couldn’t find one. So he got tired and fell asleep. The next day, he decided he would look for a person who could speak pig. Unfortunately, no human being can speak pig. The third thing he did was he looked for a farm with pigs but when he found a farm, a hawk opened the gate and the pigs left. After that, he went to houses and banged on doors. People would open the doors, and Chubby would run in. He could not find any pigs in the houses because pet pigs are so last year. After that, he walked as slow as a turtle all the way home, but when he was about halfway there, he heard running. Immediately, he looked and saw the pigs that had escaped the farm that he was at before. The pigs also didn’t know where they were, but they knew of a big building. All of the pigs went to the big building and went inside. It was an aquarium with sharks and fish. Chubby and his new friends went up a staircase and even though there was a sign that said “WARNING, YOU WILL FALL IN IF YOU GO UP THESE STAIRS,” the pigs couldn’t read. Of course, all the little piglets fell in the fish tank. In the fish tank, there were lots of fish. Chubby was really scared. Finally, he saw a map so when he swam at it, the glass shattered because the map was outside of the tank. Chubby landed on the map and found out where he was. He was in Darien, Connecticut on Leroy Avenue.


ponus papers

grade 2

Dean Ambrose Rocks so tiny, can’t hurt

Maeve Baker The Adventure At the Zoo!!

Soft and fun in the summer What could be better?

I dedicate this story to my dog, Indi, because she is the main character. Hi, my name is Indi! I’m a dog. It’s my sister Maeve’s birthday. She’s a girl. We’re just pulling up to the zoo! I’m excited! I just had breakfast. I jumped out. Ouch! I forgot I have my leash on! Look at all those seals. How do they balance those balls ont heir nose? I want to go! Oh no! How do I get out of my leash? Let’s think. Well, the clip holds me. I bet the clip. WOW! It slipped right off! I ran so fast to the seals and splash. I stole the ball right off the seal’s nose. Suddenly everybody made commotion! I bounced the ball on my nose but it fell so I left. Oh, Oh! Penguins. I’m going to try to walk on my back legs! This time I walked over. I stood up. Sadly, I fell. I tried many times. So next I looked around. Look, giants! They’re actually giraffes but I call them giants. I studied why they were so tall. Ohhh, their neck. I stretch really, really tall. I checked to see if I was taller but nope, I was still the same. I heard a loud BOOM! Let me try to roar. I was still stretching my neck. My neck hurt so I stopped. I’m going to roar. WOOF! WOOF! WOOF! Hey, why can’t I do it? I saw the pandas. I’m hungry. Hey that panda is eating something. I bet it tastes like dog food or a bone! I hope – hey let’s try it! I took a big bite. OUCH! That hurt. Wait, there’s Maeve. She’s crying about me. Quickly, I ran and licker her. She smiled. I learned that I belong with my family. I did have a lot of but next time (If I’m allowed to come) I’m staying with my family.


ponus papers

grade 2

Cameron Besaw Grass Very soft for games

Charlotte Calderwood Waddle’s Adventure I dedicate this story to my family.

Lacrosse and baseball Grass is made for fun

Once upon a time there was a penguin named Waddles. She was a lonely penguin. She wanted a friend. She had

Lava Steaming hot and wet Flowing down the bolcano It looks really cool

a house called an igloo. She loves her house but she really wanted a friend. She loved her island. She did not want to go because it was a nice place. It had a supply of food. She did not have to pay for the food. She thought the island rocked. The only problem was that she had no one to play Checkers, Monopoly, Connect Four, Life, The Cat in the Hat, Uno, or Go Fish. So she goes on an adventure to Connecticut. She tries to swim. She thinks Connecticut is very close so she swims and swims. “My arms are getting tired.” “Mr. Octopus, do you know where Connecticut is?” “It is a very far swim from here Waddles,” Said Mr. Octopus. So Waddles goes back. Next Waddles tries an icicle. I got so much further with this icicle. Oh no the icicle is melting. Oh darn, I have to swim back. Next Waddles tries an ice boat. Oh no the motor broke. Now Waddles can’t get anywhere. Crack! Oh darn, surely she really needs to think of something better, but what?? Next Waddles tries an ice plane. It works! I’m going to find a friend! Woo hoo Waddles made it all the way to Connecticut. Waddle was so happy. She met a new penguin friend named Chloe. They played together every day. Chloe wanted to go see Waddle’s house. So they go back on the ice plane. They have so much fun playing Checkers, Life, and Uno. They live happily ever after.


ponus papers

grade 2

Sam Cherry Dogs Loud, fast, playful, cute!

Carsen Critchell The Bear Finds Friends I dedicate this story to my family.

His name is Hugo Cherry Black and big and soooo fluffy

Once upon a time there was a bear. He went to the forest in the morning to find friends so he can play with them. He feels super sad. He only has two brothers.

Waterfalls Loud, rushing water

So he went out of his cave. He looked and looked. The bear goes to a tree and finds a squirrel. The squirrel says, “What do you want?” The bear says, “Can you

Hope I do not drown I it!

come to my party tomorrow at 12:00?” The squirrel says

Falling hard on rocks

yes!!! So the bear went on and then goes to a log and he looks in it. The bear says, “It stinks in here.” The skunk said, “You are mean.” The bear said, “I just want you to come to my party.” The skunk said, “What time is it?” The bear said, “12:00.” Thank you for telling me says the skunk. So the bear went away. They he finds a bird on the ground. The bear says, “Can you come to my cave at 12:00 tomorrow?” “Sure,” said the bird. The bear walks and walks until he finds an elk. The elk was eating leaves. Then the elk heard something. It was the bear! “Can you come to my party at 12:00 at night?” “Yes,” says the elk. I would love to. So the bear walked home and took a nap. He woke up and it was 11:30! He had to wait 30 minutes. He watched TV for 20 minutes. He waited 5 minutes. He could not wait any more. He went outside and they were there! “Come in come in,” He said. They had so much fun and it lasted for 20 hours. The next day they were full and they went home. “Come back anytime! Said the bear. Then he took a nap.


ponus papers

grade 2

Jasper Engle The Time Travel I dedicate this story to my brother because he comes with me on lots of things. Hi, my name is Jasper. I’m seven years old and this is my

Shawn Ferraro Trees Slowly trees will grow A red apple hits my head I love apple trees

brother Jack. He is four years old. We secretly work for the CIA. Our mission is to get an ancient coin. We have to travel through time six hundred years ago. When we get in the time travel machine we are going to push the red button and we will go back in time. When we go back in time our house is a pyramid. We also have to go through traps. Let’s go wow! This is really cool. Here comes giant logs, jump! Here come boulders. Dodge them! That was close, I said. More boulders and there bigger! Said Jack. I didn’t think we would get past those. I see the coin, but how can we walk up all those steps? Let’s start walking. This is a lot of stairs. How much longer? Asks Jack. Oh only twenty more steps, I said. Yah we made it all the way up those stairs! I see lots of crabs, wow! There must be hundreds and I think they’re coming for us, I said. Quick run! Hide behind this log! Phew! That was close! Look I see the coin but it’s on a cliff. Hey Jack toss me that rope. Okay the plan is to get the coin. How do we get it? Asked Jack. I will tie this rope around me and when I tug on this rope you pull me up. Got it? Got it, said Jack. I’m going. Ahhhh! Almost there! Got it! Pull me up Jack. The coin is beautiful. Let’s go home. Wait. I think the coin can bring us home. Stand still. Ggggi. We are back home, yah! Let’s go inside the house. Your back? Asked mom. It’s only been twenty minutes. Let’s go outside and return it to the CIA, said Jack. What’s our next mission? I don’t know, I said.


Pools It refreshes you I go way underwater A pool is so fun

ponus papers

grade 2

Annabel Fenwick Animals Animals are nice Kind and thoughtful, so pleasant Majestic and smart

Scott Fitzgibbon Troy Goes to Water Works I dedicate my story to Ms. Henderson and Ms. Simons. Troy is going to water works. He is scared to go to water works but he wants to do everything there. He wants to do jet skiing so he does. He was brave to do it. He does wakeboarding too. He falls and he gets back on. He loved it. He would like to do it again someday. He goes surfing next. The instructor was on the boat so if Troy falls he would be there. Troy was doing it. The last thing Troy did was to do paddle boarding. The he saw a shark!!! Troy was scared but he paddled away to the shore. He was happy because he did it!


ponus papers

grade 2

Ava Gizzie

Alanna Gribin



Very slippery

Drops drip down on me

Fun to play with and rool in

Makes me shiver and ticklish

I love mud and dirt

I love it so much

Volcanoes Shiver and rumble Shake and quiver the earth too Lava everywhere


ponus papers

grade 2

Justin Higgins The Lucky Leprechaun I dedicate this book to my family including my pets. Once upon a time there was a leprechaun named Bob. He was VERY POOR. He had no money. One day he decided to try to get money because he needed a house and food. Before he started his attempts, he thought of ways to get money. Now is Bob’s big chance to get money! He is very excited and very nervous. His first attempt he tries to steal money. He went to every house he knew. He knew about 40 to 50 houses. He didn’t find anything until the last house. He thought he found a gold coin but he actually found a chocolate coin. He was bummed out because he was so close to finding money. His first attempt failed. He didn’t give up yet. His second attempt he tries to persuade his neighbors and friends to give him money. He went up and down the street persuading random people. What Bob did is he tried to butter up random people and take random people’s wallets. Bob needed money, A LOT OF MONEY. His second plan did not work. Bob still had two plans that might work. His third attempt he tries to take someone’s bank account. He went to every bank in town. Bob went to this bank, to his friends’ bank, to his neighbors’ bank, and other banks in his town. He tried to use his friend’s name and his neighbor’s name. His plan still didn’t work!!! He was getting tired, but he still had one plan left. His last plan is to find a rainbow and go to the end of it. It started to rain. Bob didn’t have a coat, a hat, gloves, mittens, or a fleece. He started to get the chills. Time went by and he did not find a rainbow but SUDDENLY…… he saw a rainbow in the distance. He dashed over to the end of the rainbow and when he saw the sight of the pot of gold he was happier than ever!!! His hear filled with joy! For the rest of his life, he was always happy.


ponus papers

grade 2

Sasha Intile

Calvin Jacob




Sand blows through tree leaves Petals fly through the warm air

Nice and thoughtful ones See dolphins jumping on waves Cute and funny too


Love spring’s windy days

ponus papers

grade 2

Christian Jacob Kaly’s Confusion I dedicate this book to Keala and Kaly.

Parakram Karnik Mr. Springtime The dust smells kind of weird. I cannot look up because the sun is in my eyes.

Hi! My name is Keala. My owner just picked me up from the puppy litter. I said, “I want to go to my new owner’s house.” My owner said, “Wait you can talk? I did not know you could talk!!!” “Of course I can talk, I’m a dog!” “I did not know that dogs could talk.” “Are you the only dog that can talk?” “No,” said Keala, “All the dogs can talk.” “My mom can talk too.” Then he says, “Yes!” So we go to my owner’s house! When I get to the house I see another dog! The other dog Kaly said, “What is that dog doing here?” My owner said I wasn’t a replacement dog but Kaly did not listen. She still thinks I’m a replacement dog! Now I’m mad and so is Kaly. Kaly chews up my toy! I bark at Kaly. Kaly really didn’t like that. I barked at her again. Now she chewed up my new bed!! I bit Kaly! My owner cam in the room and told us that Keala is not a replacement dog. Then we became friends and made up.


A cloud passes over me. It looked like a puff ball. The wind tastes like water. Spring is fun but I can’t wait for Mr. Summertime.

ponus papers

grade 2

Lilly Krongard The Hawaiian Vacation I dedicate this book to all the oranges that stay in the boring fruit bowl. “Hi! I’m Bob. That’s my brother Rob. We’re oranges.” “I’m bored,” said Rob. “All we do is sit in this bowl!” “I want to go somewhere!” Rob screamed. His orange face turned a little red. “I’m bored too,” admitted Bob. “You know Bob, there’s this place called Hawaii.” “Let’s go there!” “Good idea!” shouted Bob. “Let’s climb down to the floor and try to get a taxi!” “It worked!” Rob shouted. “Wow, let’s try to catch a taxi.” “Yay!” “Finally.” “That hallway was long!” Bob panted. “Taxi!” “Taxi!” “Taxi!” “This is taking forever,” Bob said. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all!” “Ya!” “I guess,” Rob said, a little upset that his idea did not work. “Let’s turn around!” “No!” “Wait. I see a taxi.” Rob shouted, “Come on!” The driver pulled down to let the oranges in. “Orange town airport please!” Bob said to the driver. “Now we’re on our way!” Bob said settling into his seat. “We’re here,” the driver said in his deep, low voice. “Thanks,” the oranges said together. “Race you!” Rob suddenly said. “Ah, you win!” “That’s not important.” We got to get our tickets!” “Oh ya!” “Race you again!” Rob said again. “No!” Bob desperately said. “Oh fine!” Rob said sadly. “Two tickets to Hawaii please!” Rob said to the ticket orange. “If you are going to Hawaii the plane is leaving!” The speaker boomed. “Come on let’s go!” “It’s so crowded.” “I know but I really want to go to Hawaii!” “Me too.” “Yay!” Now we’re really our way!” Bob said as soon as they got on the plane. “OK!” “Everybody on!” the pilot shouted though the speaker. “Up, up, up!” Bob shouted. “We are in the air!” “Hey,” Bob said to Rob. “Want to have a game of Rock, Paper, Shoot?” “Fine. Just this once.” Rob’s brother Bob was a master at Rock, Paper, Shoot. “Rock, Paper, Shoot!” “Ha! I win!” Bob shouted. “Of course you did,” Rob said calmly. “I’m tired.” “Me too.” “I’m going to go to bed.” “Ya.” “I am going to bed too.” ZZZZZZZZZZZ! “Ah! I had a scary dream!” “Hey! You woke me up!” “Sorry.” “Welcome to Hawaii!” the pilot said through the speaker. We are here!” “Race you!” Bob shouted. “Yay!” Bob was surprised that his brother wanted to race. “I win,” Rob cried. “Hey, Bob. The pilot is following us.” “So what?” “Look!” “Wow! All we need is a taxi.” “Right.” “Taxi!” “Taxi!” “Taxi!” “Look a taxi!” Bob chanted happily. “Let’s get in.” The driver pulled over and let Bob and Rob in. “The Orange Hotel!” Rob said to the driver. “OK!” the driver said in a really familiar voice. “We are here,” the driver said after a couple minutes. “That was short.” “well thanks anyway.” “We are here!” “We are in Hawaii!” “Let’s check in.” “Oh ya!” “Come on.” “Ah!” “Our room!” “At last.” “After the Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 2

Lilly Krongard orange leaves let’s change and go to the beach.” “To the beach” “Sure,” Bob went in the bathroom to change. Rob went in the other bathroom. “Ready!” Bob called through the bathroom door. “Me too!” Rob called back. “Good!” “Let’s take the elevator downstairs.” “Ya!” “Down, down, down!” Rob boomed as the elevator went 3, 2, L. “We’re here!” “Ah! I love the fresh air,” Bob said. “Me too!” “Here we are. The beach!” “Come on let’s go!” “Okay.” “You set the towels out.” “I will get some apple juices!” “I will tell them to put a lemon on top of it.” “Good!” Bob said in excitement. “Oh, this is the life!” Bob said sipping his apple juice. “I want to live here!” “Ya!” “Me too.” “So I guess we will,” Rob joked. Bob gazed up at the sky then turned to his left. “Oh my gosh!” Bob screamed! “It’s the pilot!” “Cool!” “This is awesome. Let’s come here again.” “Sure!”


ponus papers

grade 2

Amelia Lancaster Gus and Beal’s Adventure I dedicate this story to my family.

Hunter McCarthy The Young Christmas Detective I dedicate this book to my teachers because they

One day the Lancaster family went to their lake

are the best for helping me.

house with their dogs Gus and Beal. Gus and


Beal snuck away to go on the boat. So they

One day it was Christmas Eve. Hunter’s dad had

went alone. They have got to go on alone. They

something for Hunter to find at his Nana’s house.

feel happy that they get to go on the boat

Hunter’s dad has a tradition that he hides a present for

skiing and tubing. Beal drives and Gus goes tubing.

both of the kids before Christmas. It’s Hunter’s turn to

Then a really big wave came and knocked him off.

find his gift. He tiptoed into the room that his sister stays

Gus feels happy that he got knocked off the tube

in. He looked under the bed. It was not there. Then he

because he likes to play in the water. Gus was ready

went in his dad’s room. He looked under a chair. It was

to get back on the boat. Beal laughs. Next was Beal’s

not under the chair. Then he looked under his dad’s

turn. First she put on the skis. Then Beal went on the

bed. It was not there. Then Hunter looked in the

back of the boat. She put on the skis and she grabbed

bathroom. It was not there. Hunter saw lots of presents.

the rope. She yelled hit it and Gus did. She got up

He wondered if one of them was his. He said never give

and got air. It was cool. Then Gus and Beal decided

up, never give up. He looked and looked and looked.

to go swimming. Gus does a flip into the lake. Beal

Then Hunter went in his godmother’s room. Hunter

does a cannonball into the lake. Lastly they drive the

looked under her bed. It was not there. Then he looked

boat home. When they get home, Gus and Beal ran

in the bathroom. He found it! It was a Nintendo 3DS XI.

up to the house. They cannot believe that no one

He was so excited. He said thank you for this 100 times.

realized that they took the boat out. They were so

Hunter showed his sister. He showed his brother.

excited they can’t wait to go on the boat again.

Hunter shows his cousins.

ponus papers

grade 2

Paige McDonnell When Rainbow Finds A Present For Cloud I dedicate this story to my teachers because they helped me write it.

Rebecca McKee The Beautiful Outdoors There are lots of trees Lots of people are talking The pine smells like a Christmas tree Outside

Once upon a time there was a talking rainbow and his name was Rainbow. He has a best friend Cloud. Rainbow is lonely and he is trying to find something to do. They he gets invited to a birthday party for Cloud. Rainbow does not know what to get Cloud for her birthday. Rainbow figures out that he should ask his friends for help. The next day he goes to ask Cloud’s sister and she says go ask the sun. The sun says go ask Cloud and see what he wants for his birthday. The cloud says he wants a tennis-playing robot that says chipmunk and eats acorns. Now Rainbow is so happy that he found a present for Cloud. He will have the best time ever at the birthday party.


The wind pushes against me Happy kids are laughing Outside The trucks are going by Rocks are rubbing on my feet Outside The grass tickles my feet The dirt is dry Outside

ponus papers


grade 2

Megan Mitchell

Huett Nelson



Water flows downward

Huge ball hits my bat

It makes a beautiful sound

Into the outfield it soars

Has peace and quiet

In the stadium

ponus papers

grade 2

Kate Oliver Fredo The Great On a pretty day in the dirty pet store, some people came to look at me but now they got bored and moved on. The problem is they never bought me. By the way, you’re probably wondering who I am. Well, I’m Fredo Golden, also known as Freddy. As usual, kids looked at me because I’m so cute, but no one looked as close as Jack. Jack didn’t just look he stared. He came every day. But one day that all changed. Jack came to the pet store and begged, “I want this one Mama!” Jack pointed to Carter the guy right next to me. Jack’s mom was reading about Carter when Jack blurted out, “No Mama! That one!” Now he was pointing to me. Jack came to the petting area. While he was petting me, Jack whispered “You’re mine now Freddy…” Carter growled with jealousy. Jack picked me up and put me in a plastic box. In a flash we were at Jack’s house, but now it was mine. It took me about a week to get to know my new family but I still needed to adjust to Dan. Jack says he’s a puppy but he’s not. He’s huge to a small hamster like me. But if Jack likes him, I do too. I’m getting better at acting out that I’m scared. Here’s what I am trying right now. So far I’m running on my wheel run, run and stop. Nope, not helping. Dan’s just lying there. How lazy! I am huffing and puffing by now. I wasted all my energy just for that. Maybe later I thought. So first thing in the morning, I hopped off my wheel to eat a little bit. Then a great idea popped into my small head. I will eat all my seeds in my bowl so Dan will like me! I ate and I ate and I got sick. I looked across the room at Dan. Oh no! Dan dislikes me very much! The night went by like a flash. You didn’t know Jack had a little sister right? Well, he has one! I don’t know how I did it but I snuck into her room and took a doll and crawled back out. Once Jack left for baseball I got back out of my cage to see Dan. I brought Emily’s doll too. As I walked to Dan, I started hugging the doll. I was scared. That’s when the plan started. I would hug the doll to prove hamsters can be nice! I had no idea Dan ate dolls! I was so mad! So was Emily. They locked him up for hours…Wow! In the night suddenly an idea came to me. I would throw a ball to Dan and hope that he’d love me now. Then I thought how lazy he was and all that. Maybe he changed his ways. No, Dan doesn’t change, only people change. “Not true!” I said. Fine. I will take a crack at it. So I did. Here’s what happened. I was scared as always. So I crawled up to Dan and whispered in his ear. “Do you love me?” “Bark!” was his answer. Okay one, two, three, throw! After that, I closed my eyes until he licked me. “Ahh!” “I love you.” Dan said. “Ya!” I was as happy as a rainbow!


ponus papers

grade 2

Sofie Petricone Sun Sunniest morning Birds are chirping their sweet songs Summer is now here

Grass Squishy, spongy grass Green and brown blankets cover Dirt spots on the ground

Trees Dancing through the breeze Leaves are rustling through the wind Slow motion moving

Flowers Sweet and fresh smelling Tickles my nose when I sniff Pollen makes me sneeze


ponus papers

grade 2

Charlotte Price A Dragon’s Surprise I dedicate this story to my friend’s little brother because he loves dragons. Hi! I am a dragon! I live in a wonderful town named Sun Down City! Except one thing. There is a very greedy king in our city. The kind and I have somethingin common: we both love gold. Anyway, back to my story. One day I was in my cozy cave and I noticed that all my gold was gone. I looked everywhere! No gold. I decided to look outside. I looked in the villager’s cabins but I scared everyone away. Shucks. After all it is a school day, so I might as well look in the main school. Those little children might have stolen my gold. The problem is that the security guards had weapons. Well, maybe there is a sneaky bird or something that stole my gold so I might search the forest. “Hello! Anyone in there? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Another dragon! Oh no, what do I do? Oh yeah, yesterday I went to fighting class! Okay time to use my skills! “Grrrrrrr! Hisssssss.” Time to blow fire… BOOM! CRASH! Great. I started a wild fire. Well, there is a lake. SPLASH! Good, no wildfire. All right now. I can look for my gold. Maybe I should look under the leaves. Not there. A tree? Nope. Underground? No. The last place in the whole forest is the holes that the rabbits make. Not there? What? Awww, I feel so sorry for myself! NO GOLD! Not even in the forest. “Waaaa!” Oh wait! There is one more place in Sun Down City! The castle! I have to be quiet. I don’t have a map so how am I going to get to the castle? Oh, I see an opening in the woods. (Gasp!) It’sthe castle. Okay, I got into the castle. Oh, by the way, the person who stole my gold, I probably won’t eat them. Oh, yeah, So I’m in the castle. I wave to distract the guards. All right, here goes! “Hey, look at me! I’m blowing fire all over your castle!” I hit it. I got into the castle! Ok, where is the throne room? Oh I see it! Oh my gosh! The king stole my gold! “Grrrrr.” Wait, I hate eating people but this is what I must do. I am going to eat him “Breakfast is served!” Nom Nom Nom! BURP!


ponus papers


grade 2

Max Raabe

Ashley Rodgers



Falling down the edge

Mud, thick, gooey, ick

Making the air super moist

Slimy, sticks to everything

Watch the water splash

No more yucky stuff

ponus papers

grade 2

Nina Paolini-Rota

Mac Ryan


Mac and Ben’s Snow Fort

Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The wind blows on my face.

I dedicate this book to my parents for letting me and Ben outside.

The leaves fall down on to the ground and the trees blow towards me. The grass looks like the greenest waves of all. The flowers blow and look like fish. I watch the dandelions lose their sees like old friends saying goodbye. The wind is sadness floating through air. The wind is a magic thing that brings me to wonderland. Wind is a dream that carries me away to a place with happiness, laughter and love. The wind blows the swing back and forth and whispers in my ear, “I will bring you what your dream needs….” The wind is what I need for my dream. The wind is all I need… Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Hi, my name is Mac and my brother’s name is Ben. We are in the year 1995. We are going to go outside and build a snow fort. Last night there was a huge snow storm. First we have to make a huge snow pile all the way up to our necks. Now we get to build the walls and the tunnels! We are finished with our snow fort! Oh it’s time for lunch. As we’re eating lunch someone wrecks the fort. Now lunch is over. Let’s go to the fort. Oh no someone wrecked the fort!!! We have to build it again. Let’s rebuild the giant snow pile. Then the walls and tunnels! Now we’re done rebuilding our snow fort! We feel great!!! Now we can play in it!!

ponus papers

grade 2

Cece Salvatore The Bunny Wanted Friends I dedicate this story to my sister.

Alex Sotirhos Moon Says, “Go to bed, Bob” Time to watch a great movie Says, “Go to be, Alex”

Once upon a time there lived a bunny who wanted to find other bunnies to play with. She lives in a cage in a house with a family. The family had two babies and one teenager and two twins that fight a lot. So the bunny runs away to get outside. She looks behind the trees in the woods and in the ground for other bunnies. No bunnies there she says to herself. She was so disappointed that there were no bunnies there. Next she looks on the road for other bunnies. No bunnies there she says to herself. Then she went to the front yard to look for bunnies. The bunny looked all over the family’s front year and on their trampoline. She thought to herself, where are all of the bunnies? Then she thought, I will go one more place to look for other bunnies. So she went to her neighbors and she finds two bunnies to play with every single day. She felt so good to have friends. From now on the bunnies lived happily ever after.


ponus papers

grade 2

Ryland Strine Summer Hot days, sun shining

Andre Suaid Master Banana’s Adventures

Running around the backyard

One day in the Amazon, the adventurous Master

Time for a cool swim

Banana’s brother was kidnapped by Ninja Coconut. Banana went to save his brother. When Master Banana saw one of Coconut’s men, Banana climbed up a tree, jumped out and ran after Coconut’s men. Master Banana lost sight of them, but he did not give up. He had always had confidence after his dad said, “Always have confidence”. He kept going on the journey. Master Banana was sitting on a log thinking. He saw something running. Banana realized that was one of Coconut’s men. He started to chase them. Banana got stuck in some mud. Coconut’s men escaped. Banana struggled to get out of the mud. Three other bananas got him out. They all knew how to fight and their enemy was also Ninja Coconut. So they teamed up. Master Banana’s three new sidekicks and Master Banana hopped in a canoe in the Amazon River to find Ninja Coconut and his army, but most of all, Banana’s brother. Soon they found everything they needed and an Indian tribe. The tribe had millions of Indians in prison with Master Banana’s bother but Ninja Coconut put all of the weapons in front of the jail. The Indians could not reach the weapons. Master Banana and his three sidekicks distracted Coconut’s army. Master Banana freed all the Indians and his brother. The Indians got their weapons and started a war against Coconut’s army. After the war was over, the three sidekicks went to live with Master Banana. Master Banana felt every good feeling. His brother also lived with him. Everyone knew that there were many adventures ahead of them.


ponus papers

grade 2

Mark Taubner

Daniel Wallis



Puffy, white and high

I can see wood chips on the ground.

Up in the beautiful sky

I can hear the wind blowing

Sometimes gray and ditto white

I can taste ice cream in my mouth. I can touch the tire swing Because I am sitting on it .

Lava VS Water

I can smell the grass. This is spring.

Hotter than fire Colder than some freezing ice They are both nature


ponus papers

grade 2

Cassie Warren Rain Drops and makes a splash

Rett Zeigler Twig’s Problem I dedicate this story to Twig and Clara.

I come in so soaked and wet Splishing, splashing spring

Once upon a time there was a dog named Twig. Twig is a boy. Twig was always stuck in 2-Hen at NCCS. He’s always dreaming of going on an adventure outside on

Violets Purple and pretty

the playground getting pet every single second. But that never happened. Then Twig came up with a brilliant idea. He was going to escape when the class left. There was

Sways side to side in the breeze

only one problem, how could he get out? First he tries to

I love spring violets

get out the window, but he realizes that window has glass in it and it is not invisible. So he looks around the room. He finds a toy car. He puts on the helmet, then gets in the toy car. Ready, set, go!!! One foot is outside the car, then touches the ground and pushes off. When he gets real close he jumps out of the car and hits the window in the door but he falls down. He looks like he’s dead, but the good thing is that he’s not dead. Then he gets off the ground. He comes up with an even more brilliant idea than the first time. He calls Clara, his doggy friend to help him open up all the doors. Then Clara comes. Twig jumps over Clara. Twig runs to the playground but it isn’t recess yet. They he hears the door go open and kids come out. The first thing Twig does is gets the basketball. Then he gets in line. The kids like up behind him. Then Clara gets in line. They got everybody out. Now it’s the final two. It was a very only game, but then Twig wins. They do a party for Twig and Clara. It was awesome. The next day it was recess. Then Twig asked Ms. Henderson if he could go outside for now and she said yes. So Twig went to the playground and played knockout.


ponus papers

grade 3

Ella Masoudi

Amanda Miller

Wind Of Dreams

Spring is Here

Sleep, sleep blow me away.

Spring is here!

Do me a favor today.

Pop! A buttery yellow rose with soft petals bloom from little bud

Blow me away to a land of dreams.

Rain is wet, pitter patter in the puddles.

Blow me away to pleasure, please.

I can feel the drops touch my face, moist and chilly Nothing is more powerful than spring’s flowers

Blow me away with love in your heart.

Go, flee, play, spring is here! With wind in your face

Blow me away to a land as sweet as a tart.

I can smell blue, warm lilac flowers Spring a beautiful season

Wrap me up in a silk blanket of dreams.

Here I go, flee, play!

Pull me up high, as high as the sun.

Everlasting day!

I am in a wind of dreams.

Running with power to my cozy little hut. End the warm, tiring day with dreamy sleep.


ponus papers

grade 3

Amitav Nott I Will Not Wake Up Today I will not wake up today. No matter what you say.

Billy Warner The Golden Express Robbery It was midnight when the doorbell rang, startling me, but I could tell it was a mystery.

You can hit me with a dense pillow. Or bring an armadillo But still…I will not wake up today!

“What is it?” I said in a sleepy but angry voice. “Hello!” yelled the man outside. “Shhhh,” I said. “Sorry, but I’ve got a problem.”

You can sing a little song.

Suddenly, I got interested and less sleepy, so I said,

Or ring a loud, loud gong.

“Go on.” So, he did. “The Gold Express didn’t get to the bank this evening.”

You can bring in the navy If you think you need to save me.

“What!” I screamed. “And,” the man continued, “I heard you are the best detective in town.”

You can lick me with your tongue Or go and smell the wonderful bitter grass. But still, I will not wake up today.

“Ok,” I said. “Oh, and one more question…. WHO ARE YOU?!!” “The owner of the bank,” said the man, “And, I do know one thing. The driver of the train was a substitute.” “I’ll get right to it.” I said, “In the morning, that is.” “Ok,” the owner of the bank said, “come to the bank in the morning.” So, first thing in the morning, I went to the bank. “Hey,” I greeted the owner of the bank. “Hey, uh, what’s your name?” “Agent H,” I answered. “And, I have an idea. Why don’t we go to the rescuecenter?” So, we went their and the man who was their said they had a train that had an old caboose

Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 3

Billy Warner full of maps, a car for carrying stuff, a car with a spotlight on it, and a car with a crane on it. The owner of the bank and I sat in the caboose trying to map out our trip. We found the Gold Express route. We showed the driver and we were off. Once we were on the right track, we went to the spot-light car. I looked down the hill and I saw a shining rod. “STOP THE TRAIN!!” I screamed. Suddenly, sparks came flying off the wheels. “What is it!” yelled the driver, nearly falling through the crack in between the cars. “I saw something shiny!” I yelled. It was dark out so I switched on the spot light and swiveled it to where the thing was and I saw the engine of the Gold Express! “Come on!” I yelled, jumping down so fast the spotlight spun around. “What?” they yelled. “Follow me and find out!” I was running so fast I couldn’t see. Suddenly, I slammed into someone. “Hey,” said the man I slammed into. “Sorry,” I said. “Hey guys, look who I ran into (literally).” They came running, or more like falling down the hill. “What?” they said. “I found the driver of the Gold Express,” I said. “What do you know?” asked the owner of the bank. “I don’t know anything but I did hear something,” said the driver of the Gold Express. “What?” we all yelled. “A strange grinding noise.” “That could be our next clue,” I said. “I’ll get the crane,” said the driver of the rescue train. I grabbed the hook and hooked it up to the Gold Express, we brought it to the tracks and hooked it up to the rescue train but the engine couldn’t pull it. “Oh man,” said the driver of the rescue train. “So, now what?” I said. “I know,” said the owner of the bank. “We ask the rescue center to send another engine.” That’s what we did and a few minutes later an engine and a sleeper car came down the track. “Why’d they send a sleeper?” asked the owner of the bank. “Duh, because it’s almost night,” I said a little rudely. I went to the sleeper and tried to fall asleep. I listened to the noises of the train. “Click… Clack… Honk… Click… Clack...screech!! The train stopped Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 3

Billy Warner so fast I fell out of my bed! I raced down the hall and slammed into the door. “I was running so fast I forgot to open the door.” I said to myself, as I pressed the DOOR OPEN button. “What in the world…!” I screamed. “Oh, perfect timing, Agent A.” “It’s Agent H,” I said. “Sorry,” said the driver of the rescue train. I heard la…” Just then, the owner of the bank and the driver of the Gold Express ran through the door and tackled me. “Hey, watch it!” I yelled. “Sorry,” they said at the same time. “You were saying…” I said. “What, oh, uh, I heard laughter.” “Ha, ha, we’re gonna be so rich!” said a muffled voice. “I know that slang anywhere,” I said. “It’s Mitch and Max, they’re my enemies.” “Where are they?” asked the owner of the bank. “Look!” I yelled before anyone could answer. Over by some over-grown qat shrubs there was a track overgrown with plants. “Oh ya, we totally beat ‘em!” said the voice. “We’re gonna be so rich!” shouted another. “That’s where we should go,” I said all excited. As we rumbled down the old, rusty, creeky track, I noticed that that were broken branches along the track. “This place is a museum of clues,” I said to myself. HONK! “Why’d you honk?” I asked. “That wasn’t me.” “Then, who was it? I asked. HONK! “Stop doin’ that. You’re gonna give us away.” “I ain’t the one oo’s doin’ that. There ain’t no honky thingy on this thing any way.” “I swear that’s Mitch and Ma… “BANG!!” The train stopped. Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 3

Billy Warner “That is the strangest thing I’ve even seen,” said the owner of the bank from the front platform. “What is it?” I yelled. “Come and see for yourself.” I ran out and found myself nose to headlight with a diesel engine. “WHAT THE HECK?!” I screamed. “Wait, whos’ that? It looks like…MAX!” “Quick, Mitch, full reverse!” ordered Max. “Go, go, go,” I yelled. We chased them for a while, and, I guess they didn’t know that the track ended because they slammed into the thing at the end of the track and gold gushed out of the sides of the train. “You’re going to the slammer, which is pretty funny because you just slammed into a wall!” I joked. And we all laughed, except for Mitch and Max.


ponus papers

grade 4

Jack Almeida Fishing When I woke up early to go fishing, my eye lids felt so heavy I could not open them. I looked outside. It was raining but my dad still wanted to go, so I got dressed and went outside, the rain pelting my legs like bullets trying to attack me. I ran to the car and we left. We were going bluefishing. We got on Captain Corey’s boat in Nantucket Harbor and drove out to sea. It was as smooth as running your hand on snake scales. All of a sudden the sun came up like a blasting rocket and cleared the sky to a brilliant blue. We stopped and threw a couple casts, but we did not get a bite so we drove somewhere else. Captain Corey was driving the boat like we only had ten seconds to get there. The first cast at the new spot was my best of the day. All of a sudden I felt something on the hook. I could tell he was big by the force against my rod, and I struggled to reel him in. You could see his glittering body trying to get loose, blood coming out of his gills. My arms started to hurt and it looked like the fish was going to break the rod. Finally, we got him on the boat. He was squirming wildly, his slimy body hitting everybody. We unhooked him and threw him back in the sparkling blue ocean. He swam away from the boat as fast as lightning striking a piece of metal. Right after, my two brothers each caught one, they had the same painful and long fight that I had. I love fishing and I have done it a lot, but this particular fishing trip, I had my longest fight with a fish.


ponus papers

grade 4

Carter Alvord Meeting Freddy One day, I was walking down the boardwalk and a huge, aggressive bulldog was being chased by the animal control squad. The dog ran right towards me and knocked me to the ground. I knew I had to do something to save the dog, so I told the animal control person that he was my mine. The man gave me a warning to keep a better eye on my dog. A grabbed the dog with a piece of rope I found on the ground and walked him home. My mom and dad refused to let me keep the dog, so I knew I had to find a home for him. So, I brought him outside and walked him into town to ask the people I met if anyone wanted a dog. Everyone said, “No.” I had to return home and I snuck the dog to be hidden away in our front porch. The next morning at 6:00am, I woke up and fed the dog and walked him into town again. This time, I planned to hide him behind the general store. He was scared because he has never had an owner before. I’m sure he thought that I would leave him forever. I went to school and aced my test that day. When I went home, I told my parents that I wanted to go to town to celebrate my great test score! They agreed, so I walked into town and met my friends there to show them the bulldog. My friends thought I was crazy! They asked me how I would keep a dog in secret and that I had no money. I told them that I would sneak my breakfast to the dog by saving half of it for him. I would also save up my money to buy him a dog house so that my parents would accept him into our family. After that, my friends and I got ice cream. I got mint chocolate chip, a double scoop in a waffle cone. My friends got strawberry and cookie dough ice cream in waffle cones, too. Right as my last friend got his ice cream, my new bulldog, Freddy (I named him that night!) jumped up and ate my friend’s cone in one bite! We all laughed and I bought a new ice cream cone for my friend. We all decided that we would all take care of Freddy and make him our new pet! We were all so excited! When I got home that night, I hid Freddy under the front porch again. He wasn’t scared this time. When I got inside, I started to hide away meat for the night for my new pet. I finished my homework, but realized that I could not keep up this lie forever. I decided to talk to my parents about Freddy. They said that if I took care of him (feeding, scooping poop, helping buying food and his bed, etc.) that we could keep him. I was shocked! I had no idea my parents would be so supportive. It turned out that my dog won for Best Manners in the town’s local dog competition the next week. He won a cash prize which allowed us to buy all of the supplies that Freddy needed. Freddy finally had a home and a loving family that cared for him.


ponus papers

grade 4

Jackson Alvord The Day I Got Stiches In My Leg


Last year when I was in third grade Alex and I had a

tide at the beach. There were broken toy trucks and

sleepover at my house.

disgusting dirty underwear scattered across the room

For the first hour we just talked and watched TV. My

The dirty clothes lying on the ground smelled like low

while millions of ants crawled on everything. The doors

brother was mad at me for some reason so he asked us

had rusty hinges, and in the corner, all by itself, stood

to leave him alone. We went upstairs to our play room

a pile of rancid potatoes. Moldy cheese was stuck to

to find something else to do.

the potatoes so it made the smell even worse. Next

I felt a little strange the whole day. Maybe it was the

to it, there sat a five-year-old artichoke that had a big

sleepover, but for some reason I knew something was

bite taken out of the middle. There were peanut butter

wrong. I didn’t really know what it was, but I just felt

sploches sticking to the wall with half-eaten hard slices

different that day. It must have been a combination of

of pizza on top. Slimy boogers flowed right off the wall.

being tired and lightheaded.

Cat throwup was covering the floor like chocolate syrup

Finally we figured out something to do. We decided

on ice cream. Dried apricots were sitting in the throwup

to pile up the pillows and mess around by jumping

like cherries on an ice cream sundae. There was an

off our couch. I was up first. But when I got up I fell

old-fasioned desk that flips up. When I saw inside, all

the wrong way and then BLAM! The fish tank was

I could see were papers and books instead of actually

broken, blood was everywhere and Alex was laughing

seeing the bottom. Under the bed were a couple of

hysterically. But when he saw my leg his laughing turned

banana peels with some yogurt containers scattered

into sweating. I called my dad as fast as I could. He said

under the bed. I then saw a bookshelf. Instead of

he would be home in 2 minutes.

seeing books, all I could see on the shelf were worn

I told him what happened and we went to the


Everett Andersen

out dirty cleats. As I walked out the door, I thought,

Stamford hospital where I got 21 stiches in my leg and

I will never see something or smell something so

got home at 11:30 and woke up at 12:15 and I was beat.

disgusting in my life.

ponus papers

grade 4

Sophie Bajaj Stitches in My Head It all started on one of those perfect June days when the sun is so bright that it blinds you, and the grass is so fresh and green that it tickles your feet. I was excited to go outside with my dad and brother, but my mom stayed inside to make lunch. My dad and brother were playing baseball in the backyard, and I was with them doing cartwheels. I fell to the ground panting from doing so many. Then my dad called over to me and asked, “Sophie, can you get the basketball?” “Ok!” I shrugged. The basketball was in a tall white cupboard in the garage. What I didn’t know was that my dog Lexi had been collecting tree branches in the woods. My mom and dad had nowhere else to put these branches so they put them all on top of the cupboard. As I opened the cupboard the massive bundle of branches fell on top of my head and for a second I felt dizzy and everything went blurry. I didn’t know what else to do but cry as loud as I could until my dad came running and scooped me up. When I finally quieted down my dad asked me if I was ok. I told him the whole story and he sighed. “Well we should take you inside,” he said. I was still crying so hard that my face was red and my hair was wet from sweat and blood. When I came inside my mom asked what happened. She put an icepack on my head and used a paper towel to drain the sweat. I found out that my injury was bad enough that it required stitches. We all hopped in the car and headed to the doctor. It was a day to remember because I had never broken a bone in my life. For some of you this story might not seem so bad or depressing, but for me it was a day I wish I could forget.


ponus papers

grade 4

Daly Baker The Enchanted Journal


That night I watched her. She was in her bed with the

jealous, cruel, cold hearted, mean

covers draped over her. She picked up her favorite pen

sister of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hebe, and Demeter

and wrote and wrote until she fell asleep with her journal

lover of Zeus

still in her hands. She wrote in her journal to escape

who feels jealous of her husband

her problems. She’d been at the orphanage since she

who needed by married people

was six. Now, six years later she was still there and still all alone.

who gives courage to people getting married or pregnant

The door to her room was open. A breeze found

who feared by Zeus’s other wives and their children

its way in and blew on her and her journal making the

who wants to see people who are brave and kind

words on the page come alive. First, brilliant green ivy slowly grew. The light from the lamp made the ivy grow and grow. When she awoke and saw what had happened, her brilliant blue eyes stared disbelieving. What pulled her out of her trance was a loud crack that came from the right corner of her ceiling. She pivoted her head and saw a small opening that seemed to be getting bigger. Scared and confused, she slowly got out of bed. She glanced up at the expanding opening; she felt a tickle at her toes. In an instant the ivy wrapped itself round her body. Her feet left the ground, and she headed up towards the dark night sky. It’s not like anyone cared for her and would notice that she was gone.


Maya Becker

ponus papers

grade 4

Maizy Boosin Toes In a town called Westport, on a street called Green Acre Lane, I was getting ready to leave my cousin’s house. It was 8:00 p.m. and my Mom was herding me and my sister out of our cousin’s three story house. I was tired, but I still had enough energy to watch TV. “When we get home can I watch a show?” I asked my mother “I’ m afraid not. We don’t have enough time,” she replied “But I want to!” I screeched as mom dragged me into the black minivan. I sat in the car and cried while my sister Tess sat and played with her toes. “How about you two race to see who can get in their PJs first,” mom suggested “Ok ready set GO!” I screamed. I ripped off my clothes and pulled on my pajama top and opened my pull-up drawer. I was all out of pull-ups. I started to cry. I went into Tess’ room and saw that she was all ready for bed. I started to cry even harder. “Maizy, stop crying!” Mom called. I held my breath to stop and then snap! I fell to the ground and my eyes closed shut. For a minute I thought I had died. “What happened?” I was lying on the floor with my mom and dad leaning over me. Tess played with my toes (As you have probably figured out by now Tess loved to play with any toes she could find even if they were the dirtiest toes in the history of the world). “You fainted,” Mom said with an unusual sound of worry in her voice, “Are you Okay?” I was okay but my vision was blurry. I heard the rusty DING DONG of the doorbell. Who is this unexpected visitor? I wondered. I would figure out soon enough. My dad scooped me up in his arms and carried me downstairs. Mom turned on the TV and sat with me while my dad answered the door. Then he went upstairs to put Tess to bed. It was then that I got the answer to my question. These unexpected visitors were the paramedics coming to inspect me. Mom turned on a Mickey Mouse Club House episode and the paramedics began their inspection. They told my mom to turn off the TV in case I had a concussion. They shone a bright light in to my eyes. They took my blood pressure and one person made me squeeze his hand as hard as I could. After the inspection they said I had gotten an A+ and that I was fine. They left and I started to cry again. I was not crying because I was in pain or because something was wrong. I was in shock and scared. At that moment Mom turned the TV back on, held me in her arms and hugged me. She rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. “It’s going to be all right,” she whispered “It’s going to be all right.”


ponus papers

grade 4

Alex Byrne Tubing “Let’s go to the beach,” I yelled sprinting to my room.

The Mysterious Sound: A Small Moment

I knew we could when nobody answered so I grabbed

Hi, my name is Sophie. Yesterday, I was in my backyard

my bathing suit and grabbed a couple of towels and ran

with Meghan, my BFF, and all of a sudden we heard

to the car. “Let’s go!” I said to my Mom and Dad. They

the leaves crackle. I got that feeling in your stomach

came out and said, “we’re coming.” Nick, Ben, Will and

where you know things are not going to turn out well,

I were all waiting in the car.

so I told Meghan we should head home. “Relax, Sophie.

We drove down to the beach and got lunch and snacks

It’s all going to be okay.” I replied, “Okay, but if we

out of the car. I ran to the fishing rods and put bait on it.

hear another weird sound that we didn’t make, we are

Thirty minutes later, I caught tons of fish but no huge fish.

heading home.” All went quiet for a minute. We saw a

After that my brothers and I ran over to my dad. “Can we

creepy shadow approaching us. I started to tingle with

go tubing?” I asked. My Dad said yes and that’s when I

fear. This time I didn’t say anything. I just stood there

knew something awesome was about to happen.

frozen like a popsicle. The shadow got closer and closer

My Dad drove the boat far out and my brother Will

and all of a sudden we heard, “Is anyone there?”

and I got in the tube. My Mom pushed the tube out

“Yes,” I replied, in a scared voice. The creepy shadow

when we got in so we wouldn’t hit the motor. My Dad

got closer and closer until we realized it was just a man

started the motor and my Mom got her camera ready,

who got lost and could not find his way back home.

and then Will and I yelled the signal, “HIT IT!”

After we helped the man find his way out of the woods,

My Dad went so fast that Will was already off the tube. My Dad was turning the boat all around. Will and I were kept going in the wake, and out of the wake, in the wake, and out of the wake. Will and I kept leaning on each other when we were on the edge. Then the water got bumpy. Will and I hit a huge bump and went flying. We were still in the tube, barely and then we fell off. After a couple hours of tubing, we got back to the dock and ate lunch. I had a grilled cheese with bacon. We went back to the house and I think that was one of the most fun days in New Hampshire.


Amalia Calderini

we headed home. We learned an important lesson about following our instincts.

ponus papers

grade 4

Christopher Calderwood Florida Splash! I feel the bright blue water take me in as if the water is my mom and she’s just embraced me in a huge hug. I pop up to the surface and the heat of the day surprises me. The salt water drips down me as if it wants to get back to its original home, the sea. Close to the shore, the water is as warm as a hot tub. This is not true farther out at sea. Out there it is a lot colder, murkier and darker. As we clamber back up on the tube we’re dripping and shaking like crazy. My dad and I are on a hot dog shaped tube in southwest Florida pulled by a motor boat with two 200 horsepower engines. We arrived yesterday night at the Hillsboro Beach Club where our grandma and grandpa greeted us with friendly hugs. Now I wish we were back there at the safe warm pool instead of out here in the cold, dangerous, deep and dark sea. As our knees clatter and our teeth chatter, the boat starts going again. We swerve and cut through the water so fast that I feel like I’m flying! My dad yells back at me to jump, but it’s too late. I feel my heart thumping in my chest as I taste the air one last time before the water engulfs my skin and the banana boat traps me under its sleek yellow body. It’s cold, murky and horrible as feelings seep into my body that I’ve never experienced before. I have a life vest on so I can only do one thing which is kick and thrash as the cold sucks the life from me. I grab the banana boat and pull myself out just in time, free from that awful but true nightmare! My dad swims over and asks if I’m okay again and again, but all I do is sit and stare up at the wonderful bright white clouds thanking God for that one!


ponus papers

grade 4

Charlotte Callison Lessons from a Blizzard


I was excited. It was going to be the first blizzard I

Summertime, it’s very hot,

could and would remember. Plus being a snow day,

But is it boring? No it’s not

gave me time to play, watch TV, hang out, and get ready for some hard core sledding. With this in mind I didn’t think I could learn much of anything in one snow day and one weekend. But I was challenged to learn and think hard about what I had learned over these few days. Here is what I came up with. I learned that you can’t sled down a hill on your face. Crashing into a tree hurts…a lot. I learned that after a while snow days get boring. Over eight hundred channels and still nothing to watch. I learned that snow plow guys are not reliable. My dad ended up plowing about sixty yards of our driveway. I learned that chocolate ice cream is good at any time of the day, even after sledding. I learned that while it may be comfortable to stay in your pajamas for two days, it can become gross. I learned that not all craft kits are easy to use or understand: my Paper Factory kit uses paper to make paper. What’s the sense of that? And finally I learned that while I got the chance to hang out for three days, it will be great to be back in school. Who would have thought that I could learn so much from thirteen inches of snow?


Shane Carbin

Eating ice cream with your friends, You’ll be sad when it ends Having fun at the zoo, It is awesome through and through Baseball’s on, Olympics too, At the beach, we shout WOO-HOO! School is out, isn’t it cool? Swimming around in the pool Summer vacation, it really rocks, Running in the yard without shoes or socks Thunderstorm, CRACK BOOM CRACK! Listen to the Baseball game, WHACK! June, July, August too, It is short but long, don’t be blue! All the animals, it’s so nice, For dinner, it is steak and rice Playing outside with my dog, A chipmunk hole under the log So much to do, it’s the best, It feels so good to have a rest Summertime, it’s very hot, But is it boring? No it’s not!

ponus papers

grade 4

Grayson Connors Getting Braces “Goodnight, Grayson.” My mom told me. “Goodnight” I said. I went to sleep only thinking about one thing, that I would be getting braces on tomorrow. The next day I woke up with the same exact thought. My mom walked in my room. “Good morning, Gray.” “Hi.” That’s the only thing I could say I was so nervous. “Will it hurt?” I asked. “It will, only for a few days though.” I was surprised she knew exactly what I was talking about, the braces. She must have been thinking about the exact same thing as I was. “Are you sure? “Yes Grayson, I’m sure”. “Ok…” I said, unsure. I got out of bed, looked in the mirror, and I felt my teeth. I wondered how I was going to look. “How do you think I’ll look when I have braces mom?” “I think you’ll look fine.” “Thanks.” “You’re welcome.” “What color did Campbell get?” Campbell is my brother, but he got his taken off a long time ago. “He got red right?” “No, no color, just regular. Like a silver color.” “Oh, ok.” The reason I asked so many questions is because it makes me less nervous. I wondered how it would feel to have braces. I would be figuring out today. Before I knew it, we were out the door and at the orthodontist. My mom and I waited for them to call my name, and when they did, I gave my mom a little wave. “Bye, Mom!” “Bye, Gray!” And I closed the door.


ponus papers

grade 4

Arjun Dayal Summer Summer is time of meeting friends. Summer is time for children to play outside. Summer is time that there is no school.

Grace English “OUCH, MY HEAD HURTS!” The car stopped. I got out. It was pitch black. I stumbled trying to find the door to the house. I found it and pushed. The door opened, and there were my

Summer is not supposed to be time of torture.

friends, the Reese’s. They rushed over to me and pulled

Summer is time of catching up with the news.

me upstairs before I could take my coat off. I sprinted

Summer is time of amusement And time of love to family members Summer is precious to all!!!

into the girls’ bedroom with them on my heels. My brothers, and the boy Reese, Aiden came pounding on the door. A piece of paper slipped under. I snatched it up. It said: IF YOU GIRLS WANT TO PROVE YOU ARE WORTH ANYTHING, COME TO THE PLAY ROOM, AND WE WILL HAVE A FIGHT. RULES: WHO EVER STARTS CRYING FIRST WILL LOSE!!!!!!!! I stared at the paper gaping. The others came over and read it. “We have got to do this!” said Eloise “I think so to!” said Lily “Fine, but we will have to get there fast,” I muttered under my breath. I hoped they’d heard me. After we thought it over, we agreed. We hurried to the playroom hoping to be the first there. That way we could collect pillows to throw at each other. Unfortunately, the boys were there, smiling, their hands on their hips. We walked into the room and Aiden asked, ‘So shall we get started?’ “Uh- all right,” we answered cautiously. We walked over to the couch as the boys threw pillows at our heads.

Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 4

Grace English I grabbed a pillow and threw it at the boys. Then I noticed my brother go into a cupboard and come out again with several pillows and cushions. I had to get in there, then all the pillows and cushions would be ours. As I rushed over to the cupboard my brother threw a pillow at my head. The force of the pillow hitting my head pushed sent me crashing into the door frame. Which door frame? Well the door frame on the cupboard, of course. My head was screaming with pain. I was screaming and crying at the same time. My mom and dad flew into the room. Half my face was covered in blood. My dad wiped it away with his shirt. He bent in to have a closer look at the cut. He stared. It seemed like an hour until he got up and walked over to my mom. He said something, pointed at my cut and made a stitching movement with his hand. Uh oh, I thought. I’m going to have to get stitches. I wish I hadn’t gone into the cupboard at all. Weeks later I was sitting at home thinking that I actually liked having stitches: I got a lot of attention, I stayed home and watched TV. But then my mom came in and said, “Honey, the doctor said you will be able to go to school tomorrow!” “Aw come on!” “You’re going to have to go back sometime.” “Fine, but at least let me watch some TV.” So eventually I went back to school, but I could not play games or mess around with the other kids. And soon my cut had healed, and I got my stitches out.


ponus papers

grade 4

Ty Eveland The Giant Jawbreaker


It smelled like a fruity jungle. As I unwrapped it all

Lightning, ruler, god, brother

the sticky goo stuck on my hand. The giant round ball

Brother of Poseidon, Hades

had so many colors. Red, blue, green, purple. It looked

Lover of brother, gods, parent

like a rainbow flipped and turned. The giant jawbreaker

Who feels angry, happy, fun loving

stared at me, waiting to be sucked on. This jawbreaker

Who needs company, bolts of lighting, wife

didn’t really have a specific taste; it had as many tastes

Who gives good weather, rain, sun

as a tiger has stripes. Strawberry, bubble gum, cotton

Who fear fears no man

candy, orange and lots more all swirled into the giant

Who would like to see Aphrodite

ball of goodness. It smelled like a pool of flavors drowning my nose. It smelled perfect. Right when I thought I was done a swirl of red and yellow appeared hidden in the center. Not only that, there was a taste of lollypop combined with a handful of Skittles. As the scrumptious candy swooped into my mouth, I could taste all the flavors. I could taste the sourness of green apple that made my mouth pucker. But in a second, the flavor transformed into a sweet raspberry which made my tastebuds explode. All of a sudden I could taste lemon, then cherry, then an odd, but good taste of vanilla orange. More and more flavors layered on top of each other which suddenly created one huge flavor that made my mouth water. Slowly the flavors slipped and slid around my mouth and gushed down my throat. The jawbreaker was slowly fading away. It was such a good jawbreaker and I wanted it to last forever, but I knew that it wasn’t going to last long. All the flavors disappeared. The jawbreaker was gone. The taste was gone. Everthing was gone. This was the best jawbreaker I had ever tasted in my life.


Jack Fitzgibbons

ponus papers

grade 4

Riley Gibbons The Big Jump I felt my heart beat ten times as fast as it should as I watched people jump one by one off the rock. I could hear my Mom and Dad in the distance, yelling, “You can do it! Be brave”! I repeated those words over and over in my head, but I was just too scared. Besides, I thought, I don’t even have to jump. I can just turn around right now. It’s just that I don’t want people to think I’m a wimp that backs out of everything. I was at the Granite Quarry in Manchester, Vermont. It’s very old and no one has used it for a long time, but now it’s a famous swimming hole and everyone goes there in the summer time. There was a big yard to relax in, and the water was a scary looking green color. I was always afraid of the creepy fish with the googly eyes and slimy scaly skin when they were around me, or even if they were not. I’d already jumped off a lower rock, but now I was standing on top of the highest, most scary rock, the one where you get butterflies in your stomach just thinking about it, the twenty-five foot rock. Only the bravest ones would even dare to jump off. If my brother can do it, I can do it, I thought. Just count to three and jump. I took a deep breath and whispered so that I could only hear. One, two, three – I didn’t do it. Again I took a deep breath and whispered. “One, two, three – Uuuuuuuuhhhhh,” I groaned, “why can’t I just jump off the stupid annoying rock?” Though I was getting to my limit, I decided once and for all I’d jump off the rock no matter what happened. Besides, three’s a charm. Okay here I go. One, two, three......... I felt the wind blow my hair upward, I felt like I was in space floating with zero gravity, it felt like I was flying and soaring like a bird and had the freedom to go and do whatever I wanted. It felt like I was an angel flying at full speed to earth. Many other feelings flooded over me, like the tingly feeling of how scared I was but so excited and happy at the same time. I could see my Mom and Dad, and everyone else watching me. I bet they were thinking, that girl is so brave. Suddenly I felt a SMACK on my back, my arms, and my chin. I went straight into the water. It cooled my body and a chill went through my bones. I looked under me into the darkness of the quarry and the camouflage fish that must be hiding from all the splashes and falling people. I quickly remembered that people can’t jump with me swimming in the dark pit, so I swam up to the ladder and waited my turn to get out. I ran up to my Mom and Dad and gave them a huge hug while they told me how brave I was and proud they were of me. It only took me that first jump to realize how fun it had been. I raced back up to the top of the rock and did it again and again, feeling like I was the most brave person in the whole wide world, till we had to go. Next summer we’re definitely going back.


ponus papers

grade 4

Ella Green The Bad Idea It was a perfect day for sledding. My mom and I were finishing lunch at the marble kitchen counter. After lunch we cleared our plates and put them in the sink. It wasn’t the most exciting day, but we had a little bit of fun before it all happened. It started when I was playing a little game with myself. The game was called, “Bounce, bounce.” I would stand on the arm of the chair, and I would bounce and then bounce some more. Something HORRIBLE happened. I hit my head on the corner of the coffee table. Crash! That’s the noise my head made when I smacked it on the vintage coffee table. I didn’t cry though, just like I didn’t cry when I went to the indoor pool and it was so slippery that I fell, and it hurt so much that I couldn’t cry. While waiting for the doctor, I felt dizzy. I sat on my mom’s lap. I am a germ-a-phobe, and I didn’t want to be exposed to the ones on chairs. I imagined I saw germs on the chairs crawling toward me. I imagined I saw invisible insects squirming in the rug. I imagined that the doorknobs were covered in slobber. At about 3:00pm the doctor finally came out and took me into her office; the one with an ex-ray and microscope. She put my head under the ex-ray and said it looked like I had a concussion. The doctor picked up the phone and called the hospital. The doctor at the hospital said that I should come right over and they would check my head out. While my mom was talking to the doctor, my grandma went downstairs to get the car. We went outside to meet her, but in the next second, I felt so dizzy that I threw up. I thought about how all of this happened just because I was jumping on the couch.


ponus papers

grade 4

William Hauer Butterfly Garden I thought that it would be a normal trip to the science museum. But when I got to the butterfly garden, it all changed. When I opened the door I felt a breeze on my back. I looked back and I saw a HUGE fan. I realized that it was there to keep the butterflies from escaping. My first thought was too many butterflies, too little space. I was going to be engulfed in butterflies. I saw all colors from white to black. It looked like a rainbow exploded. I thought that those butterflies would be the most amazing part of my day, but I was wrong! My favorite part of the exhibit was after I left the garden. I exited the garden, leaving the magnificent colors of the butterflies behind me. My mom went over to a screen with a whee and said, “William, come over here, I think you might like this!” I went to where my mom was standing, and I used the wheel to see the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a butterfly. As I moved the wheel, I controlled how fast or slow the metamorphosis happened. I’ve always loved insects so the next part of the trip was my favorite part. I saw a tarantula as fluffy as a teddy bear but not as lovable. I saw four Madagascar hissing cockroaches that were the color of a setting sun. I also saw a few frogs, but I didn’t know it at first because they were so well camouflaged. The last insect I saw was a centipede. Since it had so many legs, it could scurry anywhere it wanted, as fast as possible. I was left speechless from the amazing sight of those creatures, and the beautiful colors of the butterflies. To this moment I can not imagine something with more beauty. I hope to go to the butterfly garden again.


ponus papers

grade 4

Emma Herdeg

Ryan Higgins

Seeing Him

The Tree

I walked into the room and there he was. The dog of

My teacher had just announced that we were about

my dreams. In the little room of the kennel, I saw him.

to have recess and thank goodness because I had the

In his little crib, he was resting peacefully. I took him out

energy of a twitching squirrel. The backdoor of the

and I played with him. It was love at first sight! My eyes

classroom flung open and the door to the playground felt

were bulging out of my head and the dog ran up to me

like the door to heaven. I sprang out of the classroom like

and cuddled in my lap. “Can we get him? Please???!!!”

a bird in flight and sprinted all the way down to the field

I asked. “We’ll see,” said my parents. We went out to

of grass. I glanced back at the door and saw my teacher

lunch, and talked about it. “We all love him. We have

with a football. I heard him yell my name with his arm

to get him!” I said anxiously. When we got back to the

wound back ready to throw.

kennel, I looked at the dog again. “We will get you

At that moment I knew that he was going to throw it

soon. Don’t worry!” I said hopefully. I took him out again

as far as he could. I took off running. I felt the wind in my

and cuddled with him. “Okay,” I heard my parents say.

face as I ran with all the strength in my legs. As the ball

“We’ll take him.” I was so happy and excited that we

hung in the air, I knew in that split second that I needed

got a dog! I could have done fifty cartwheels and still

to catch this football. I saw the ball get pelted up in the

not be done celebrating! “But, we can’t take him today.

air like a rocket and with no sense of direction I ran for

We are too busy and he seems tired. Saturday we shall

the ball like a dog chasing a Frisbee.

pick him up,” my mom said. Even though we couldn’t take him home today, I am still as happy as can be.

The ball’s air time was at least four seconds. As the ball fell from the atmosphere, it started arcing towards me and I began to get my hands into position until BAM! I ran into the branches of a fallen tree. It didn’t feel like I hurt myself, but all my friends that saw me made a dramatic gasp. “What? Am I bleeding? Where?” I asked. My friends didn’t say anything. All they could do was look at my face and point in shock.


ponus papers

grade 4

Sam Ives Water Skiing “HIT IT”! I exclaimed and went skidding across the ocean, cold water spraying in my face. It took me a minute to really feel ready. Then I slightly picked up my right foot, dropped the ski, and it was free. During those five seconds that I was up it felt incredible. I could feel the cold water under my feet and the wind in my eyes, but then I started to wobble. I tried to keep my balance in the center of my body so I would stay up, but then, CRASH! I splashed down into the water and all my confidence was gone. It was so much harder than I thought! Over the summer I went to my vacation house on a island off the east coast of Maine. Our house is on the water, so we do a lot of water sports like tubing and water skiing. I like to go water skiing the most because it is like skiing, but you are on water and it is really amusing. I know how to ski on two skis but this year my challenge was to drop a ski. I wanted to learn how to to do it because almost all my aunts and uncles can do it, and they make it look easy. The morning came and I was the getting the skiis on. I was nevervous but excited at the same time. My mom gave me some tips for how to drop a ski like, lean on your back foot. I felt confedent but unsure. After my first try I swam over to the boat and climbed in. My mom said I did a good job. I felt a little discouraged but I wanted to try again. I hopped in the water with both skis on feeling a little bit more aware of what I was doing. It was pretty much the same story except that I stayed up for around ten seconds longer so I knew that I was improving. I felt a little bit ornery at the end of the day, but one day wasn’t going to stop me! The next day I went again and every time I stayed up for five seconds longer, and I knew that by the end of the summer I would be able to do it. Every day we could, we went water skiing and I got better and better every time. Later in the summer we got new skis to help my skiing. Surprisingly, they really helped. I could almost go around one full loop! I tried it again and finally I did it! I was there, and for the rest of the summer I could get up on two and then drop a ski. I did still have one more challenge for next summer – getting up on one ski.


ponus papers

grade 4

Jack R. Johnson Chocolate It sat in a pool of dripping luscious chocolate. It felt cold like it had been sleeping in alleys at night in the rain. It was cut in half so you could see the perfect creamy inside. It was coated with tiny, white pieces of coconut that looked like climbers scaling a high, challenging mountain. I could smell the soft, squishy, insides made of red velvet bread filled with bittersweet almonds. I could see and smell yellow-gold, dust-sized, scrumptious graham cracker bits crumbled all across the top. It seemed pure, like it was made somewhere far, far away, like the moon, then filled in with the sun and sprinkled with the blazing stars. I saw teeny-tiny specks of pure white like pretty snowflakes that had fallen silently from the sky. I fell forward, filled with excitement, as the gigantic hunk of chocolatey goodness enticed me. I thought of how delicious this perfectly smooth, yet chunky with assorted bits of heaven, piece of beautiful chocolate would taste. I lifted it up into my mouth and waves of goodness pulsed into me. The hard chocolate cracked, the coconut fell and the bittersweet almonds crunched. The red velvet smushed, the cream rushed a my insides and I tasted the graham cracker crumbs. This truly was the perfect piece of chocolate.


ponus papers


grade 4

Jack T. Johnson

Lucy Jones



tough, strong, violent, ignorant

jealous, loving, greedy, cruel

brother of Hebe, Eris, Eileithyai, Hephaestus, Aphrodite,

sister of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, and Demeter

Apollo, Artemis, Athena,Hermes

lover of Zeus

lover of war battle blood

who feels jealous, angry, and happy with Zeus

who feels righteous powerful mighty

who needs Zeus to love her more and give her more power

who needs love attention and control

who gives Zeus all her love

who gives weapons, strength and amour

who fears Zeus will leave her, someone will overthrow her, and

who fears dying,losing, no war

she will have no powers

who would like to see fighting blood warfare

who would like to see herself rest, for Zeus to calm down

ponus papers

grade 4

Henry Katis Ares is the Greek God of War He was the most hated of all the Olympian gods, because he was the god of war and he showed it. He was a murderous wretch who showed no mercy. He was full of pride, but not very cunning in battle. He was the most hated son of Zeus. Even though he is called the son of Zeus, Ares wasn’t actually the son of Zeus, but was the son of Hera alone. Hera used a magical herb to make herself pregnant. Some say Hera was jealous of Athena, so she had Ares without Zeus. Athena is the daughter of Zeus, but does not have a mother. Ares had many relationships, though he was never married. He fell in love with goddesses, demi-goddesses and mortals, including Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, and Persephone, the queen of the Underworld. He had children with all of his girlfriends and was very protective of all of his children. One of his sons made a tower out of human bones as a gift for Ares. He collected the bones from travelers. One day he tried to kill Heracles for his bones, but Heracles fought back and Ares came to help his son. Heracles was too strong and killed Ares’ son and deeply wounded Ares. The most well-known story about Ares is when Hephaestus knew that Ares and Aphrodite were in a relationship, he made a net so thin that it was almost invisible and put it over Aphrodite’s bed to catch them. His plan worked and when Ares and Aphrodite were caught all the gods came down to laugh at them. Some say that Ares was immature, which I can relate to a lot. He was very physical like I am. I like to tackle my friends as long they give me permission. He is also very difficult to relate to because no one really likes war. There were very few statues or shrines dedicated to Ares. The only time people would pray to him was right before a battle. The only thing dedicated to him that I know of is the state of Sparta that he supposedly ruled. The Romans paid tribute to him as Mars, the bloody red planet.


ponus papers

grade 4

James Kontulis Getting My Black Belt I was sweating. It had been a good test so far, but none of that mattered now. Because now was the moment of truth. All I had to do was break five boards at once, and I would earn my black belt. My mom, dad, brothers, and sister were all watching. I was trying so hard to ignore them, but it was impossible not to look at them. My master slowly announced my name and told me to come forward to the middle of the room and break the boards. Now I knew there was no turning back. It felt like the longest walk of my life. I approached the boards like I was about to fight a lion. I got my fist in a tight position, and said the words, “Concentration, confidence, hiya!� Then everyone in the room started clapping. Had I really just done it? I turned my head and saw my master smiling and five broken boards on the floor. At this point I knew I had done it! I had broken the boards and had earned my black belt!


ponus papers

grade 4

Emma LeBaron Getting Stuck in a Glass Elevator Without My Mom “Come on guys, we should go upstairs if you want to have time to change for our dinner,” my mom said. “Not right now,” Alexandra whined. “Ok, I’m going to sit down,” my mom replied. “Fine, let’s go. Come Emma and Katie,” Alexandra said, annoyed. Alexandra pressed the button to go upstairs, without checking to see if mom was behind us. We waited. Finally, the elevator dinged and the doors opened. It was overflowing with people. We all squeezed to the back of the elevator, so that we could see the view if the city. We were up high, so all the people walking on the sidewalk looked like tiny ants. Wow, this is so pretty. I thought to myself. “Wait, where’s Mom?” I said suddenly, looking around. “Where is Mommy!?” Katie wailed, starting to cry. She went completely insane. She transformed into a baboon, swinging her arms. Her mouth hung to the floor, crying and bawling. Katie is very, very difficult. “Where is your Mum?” We turned around to find a Japanese lady looking down on us. “We thought she was behind us, and we left by accident,” Alexandra explained, just as the elevator dinged. The stream of people pushed us on a random floor. “Now we’ll never find her!” Katie wept, her eyes filling with tears. We looked around, all with big eyes, hoping our mom would appear before us. Instead we saw the lady that was on the elevator. “Hello,” she said warmly. “Lets go back to your mother. She is probably on the main floor.” “Thank you,” Alexandra said. “Yes, thank you,” Katie and I repeated. I pressed the button. “Candy?” the lady asked, holding out a hand full of mints, gum and packets of gummy bears. “Yes, please!” we said, grabbing some. Katie was no longer crying. Instead, a big smile stretched across her face. The elevator door opened. It had less people in it this time, but it was still crowded. We all stood there. Suddenly, the elevator jerked. An ominous buzzing sound filled the elevator. People looked around, not sure what was going on. Then it shifted, and I felt like I was in an earthquake. Next it came to a complete stop. I had no idea what was happening. I grabbed my sisters arm, using all my forbearance not to cry . “I WANT MY MOMMY!” Katie complained over all the noise, falling to her knees. Tears filled her eyes, and her head sank to the floor. Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 4

Emma LeBaron

“Please don’t cry. Have candy!” the lady exclaimed, holding out more candy, a nervous expression on her face. Katie burst up, grabbed the candy and went back to crying. I could tell the lady didn’t have much experience with kids. People were buzzing around us, wondering what was happening. “Do you know what happened?” a woman asked to a man standing next to her. “No, but it will get going again soon.” he replied. He was wrong. The minutes dragged on and turned into a half an hour. So far I had eaten four packets of gummy bears, five mints and three pieces of gum. This is kind of fun, I thought to myself, staring down at my little sister, still in a ball and screaming. “Aloo, when is the elevator going to go again?” I asked my big sister, looking out at the city and holding my ears. A few people around me were doing the same. “Emma, I really don’t know. Now just be quiet,” she answered with a sigh. Just then, the elevator shifted again. Then we started to move downwards. I heard a few people sighing and saying, “Finally.” Katie peeked up and slowly came out of her ball. The she laughed and clapped her hands. “Come on girls. Lets go find your mum.” The lady was smiling and looking around at all of us with big eyes. As soon as the lady saw my mom she waved at us and left. All of us waved back, except for Katie. She was focused on one thing. “Mommy!” Katie screamed running towards my mom arms stretched out. “Hi, Mom.” Alexandra said. “Where were you guys?” my mom asked. “We’ll tell you about it later. Now it’s time for dinner,” Alexandra said to to my mom. “Do you want to take the elevator?” my mom asked. “NO!” we all answered.


ponus papers

grade 4

Logan Maclear THE BUS STOP It all started when the bus skidded to a stop, but no one was there to pick me up. I wasn’t surprised because that always happened to me, but this time was different. Usually when we turn around and go back to my stop my mom, baby sitter, or my dad would be there. But this time no one was. So we went to go drop off all the other kids. And after what felt like five hours we were back at my stop, again. I peered out the window. I saw the long driveway, the trees, other peoples’ houses, but I didn’t see my mother. So once again the bus turned around and this time we went back to school. And when we got there I was saying to myself, Logan everything’s going to be alright. You don’t have to worry. You’re fine and you’re going to go home and it will all be fine. I was listening to myself, and I knew that I wasn’t fine because everything in my head was going crazy. I felt kind of weird, like no one wanted me, like no one cared. I sat down in the main lobby in Grace House and started reading while I waited for my mother. And after what felt like another five hours, my mom burst in the doors kissing and hugging me and saying, “I am sorry Sweetie.” “It will never happen again.”


ponus papers

grade 4

Audrey Magnusen Why BandAids Shouldn’t Be So Sticky The reason why BandAids shouldn’t be so sticky is for three reasons. They can be painful when removed. They could also leave marks and sting your skin and they could damage your skin. I have had a lot of difficult and harsh experiences with this situation. They leave scars and severe burns. It is also just such a pain to have to put on a BandAid that makes your cut or scrape even worse than it was before. These are the three reasons why BandAids shouldn’t be so sticky. The first reason is that it will hurt when you pull it off. When you have a cut, you will probably wash it and then put a BandAid on it. But you have be careful about what BandAids you use. Usually, the lighter brown the color, the less sticky it is. When you put the BandAid on, it will immediately stick to your skin. Then after a couple of days, if it is a sticky BandAid, it will hurt so much when you pull it off. But if it is a normal not sticky BandAid, it will not hurt as much because you will probably have wet it over these couple days so it will come off easier. That is one reason why BandAids shouldn’t be so sticky. The second reason why is that the BandAids leave marks and burns that sting very badly. Sometimes they can be very severe. The stickiness sticks on so hard that when you take it off, it could leave marks, rip skin, or a very bad burn. It’s kind of like paper. If you put a piece of tape on the paper and then rip it off, it would rip or rip off part of the papers layers. It is the exact same with your skin. These cuts last for a while, as long as a week and a half. Also, it will take even longer if you don’t wash the cut. To prevent this mark or burn from happening, when you take a BandAid off, pull it off slowly. That is the second reason why BandAids shouldn’t be so sticky. The last reason why BandAids shouldn’t be so sticky is because it is not good for your skin when things are so sticky and stuck to your skin. It is not good when things like glue and tape are stuck to your skin. When you have a sticky BandAid stuck to your skin, it is just the same as having tape or glue. And as I said earlier, it can damage that part of your skin badly and you can get a severe cut. The reason why this is not good for you is because you just don’t want to have a lot of cuts on your body and your body will just feel achy and stingy. Your body also needs to get energized. But if you have a body that is sore and achy from BandAids, you can’t really run or do anything to energize your body. So you want to use a good and not sticky BandAid when you need one. That is the last reason why BandAids shouldn’t be so sticky. Those are the reasons why BandAids shouldn’t be so sticky and some things that happen when BandAids are too sticky. So next time you get a cut and reach for a BandAid, be sure to make sure that your BandAid isn’t too sticky.


ponus papers

grade 4

Charlotte Mayer My Cat Veronica It was time to get a new cat. My old cat, Cotton, had died. He wasn’t the friendliest cat. My Mom gave him the nickname “Rotten Cotton”. You would think he was a nice pet from his appearance, but he wasn’t. He bit people! I really wanted our new furry friend to be fun and friendly. My Mom and I went to look for a cat at a shelter called Paws. There were so many different kinds of animals at Paws, but once we walked into the room of cats, we found our match. She had glowing green eyes and soft fur with brown calico spots. I loved that she purred when we came into the room. I really wanted to take this cat home. My Mom and I decided that my Dad should take a look. The next weekend my Dad came to check out the cat. He, too, thought she was the one. I was so excited when they made the decision to take her home. The people who worked at Paws told us about the cat’s history. She even came with a name, Veronica. That weekend we took Veronica home. At first she was really skinny but we fed her lots of food to beef her up. Veronica was nervous at first when we took her home. For a couple of days, we only let her wander around one room. When she got used to that room (the office), we let her explore the whole house! The more she got used to the house, the more she got used to my family and me. Soon we had a special relationship and to this day we remain best friends!


ponus papers

grade 4

Madeleine McCarthy Red Velvet Cupcake


The nice, dark red color of the cupcake made me lick

fierce, strong, angry

the top and bottom of my mouth. The cupcake was

brother of Zeus, Hades, Hestia, Hera, Demeter

wrapped in a clear wrapper so I could see the spongy,

lover of the sea, horses, and power

red cake part. On the top there was a swirl of delicious,

who feels tough, worshipped, and powerful

creamy, white frosting, just sitting there in front of me,

who needs shipwrecks, drownings, and earthquakes

mocking me. Why? I started to stare and drool while

who gives water, horses, and earthquakes

looking at the perfectly swirled frosting with just a

who fears being overthrown, Cronus, and losing power

dab of sweet, red sprinkles on top. All the layers of

who would like to see victory

everything I’ve ever wanted, still sitting there, taunting me. I need that cupcake I thought. The smell of red velvet filled my nose with delight. It reminded me of happy times with my family. Nice, fun, happy times. Just imagining the taste of biting the creamy frosting and the bouncy cake part nearly satisfied my taste buds. Just the smell, the taste, and the look made me buy that scrumptious cupcake. When I got home, I unwrapped the red cupcake and the taste buds in my mouth couldn’t resist biting into its beautiful layers of sunshine. I took a huge bite of the irresistible textures and the song, There’s a Party in My Tummy, instantly popped into my head. The cupcake was just as I imagined. Soft, light and bouncy. The frosting was creamy and fluffy, like it was made from pure sugar. I could barely taste the sweet sprinkles over all the other yummy layers. As I chewed slowly, I smelled another whiff of the cupcake. This cupcake was more than I had dreamed of. Way more.


Cate McLeod

ponus papers

grade 4

Dillon Mims

Cassidy Nash



You are loyal

School is fun, educational, and awesome

You will sleep on the cold bare ground only if I may be

I think everyone needs school to have an all time

at your side.


You are loving

School has all you need pencils, markers and comfort

You can’t speak, but I look into your eyes and I know you

The teachers are nice, caring, funny

say “I love you”

School has many activities P.E., science, shop, art, math,

You are cute

read aloud

When I take you out I always hear “awww…”

School is fun and no matter how mad you are School can

You are protective

cheer you up

If a dog runs up at me you will intercept


You are brave You scare dogs twice your size with one growl You are smart


You stash toys that take us weeks to find You are a rescue You’re still haunted by the kennel and bark and bark endlessly if we put you in your crate. You are a dog You are our dog You are my dog

Messenger Musician Trickster Brother of Ares, Artemis, Athena Minos Apollo, Hebe, Muses, Lover of Athena, Penelope, Mianos Who feels happy, swift, cunning Who needs wings, to be swift, and to be fast Who gives messages, music, and notes Who fears marriage, Persians, Pandora’s Box Who would like to see world peace and no Persians


ponus papers

grade 4

Phoebe Naylor Dear Reader, You are probably wondering why the title isn’t here and my note is instead. Well, I want you to try to guess what I am describing in my story. The answer is written in bold at the end of this story. Thank you. The Author

The heat started to get to me. Unused to being hot in December, I throw the covers off me and walked to the kitchen. There, everything is blurry, like I had just gotten out of a pool. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. Little had I known I was standing in front of the sink; in front of the window. I gasped. I lifted my hand up and quickly covered my mouth. Astonished, I opened the door next to the sink. As my barefoot stepped on the wood deck I felt cooler. The breeze felt like drinking an ice cold Pepsi; taking in every bit. I continued to walk. I wanted to get as close as I could to the amazing sight, unlike any other I had ever seen in Connecticut. The perfect scene was in front of me. Better than those postcards, better than those screen savers. I placed my hand on the wood railing. It had purple cotton clouds, hung over the perfect coral backdrop with just the right amount of pink blended in. It was like a little girl’s dream. Like something you couldn’t explain. Like something you wanted to last forever. I had no clue what time it was and no care. Everything else in my life was on a hold, on hold for a once in a lifetime scene. It was shocking; in a good way. Like a surprise birthday party. It reflected on the water making it magenta. It was like I was in a fairytale. If a boulder was to fall right behind me, smashing the glass table, I wouldn’t notice. I was being sucked into a world of wonder, where nothing goes wrong, where everyone is in eternal happiness. Suddenly reality caught up to me (and sleep). As much as I wanted to stay, I really wanted to sleep. I locked the memory of the beautiful sight in my head. Even today, (date goes here.) I still have that picture perfect scene in my head. As I walk back to the house, the same words go through my mind. Those words are, ”That was the first time I had seen a Sunrise in Florida.”


ponus papers

grade 4

Hannah Nightingale The Great Snowstorm “Honey, look out the window!” My mom called from down the hall. “You won’t believe your eyes!” I stood up from my perch on my queen sized bed and walked over to my window. There was a beautiful white blanket of fresh snow, glimmering in the Miami sunlight. It was even more beautiful than I’d ever imagined it to be. I was interrupted from my fantasizing when two snowballs, perfectly aimed, landed on the window right in front of my face. I opened the window to see two of my best friends, Amalia and Katherine, waving at me. “Hi guys!” I yelled. “Get out here before all the snow is melted!” Katherine shouted at me. I closed my window because, for once, it was cold outside. After my head was inside my room safely I rushed into my walk-in closet and put on every warm piece of clothing I could find. When I was finished dressing I sort of waddled instead of walked because I had so many layers on. “Mom! I’m going outside to play!” I didn’t wait for her answer, but instead ran outside. The minute the door closed behind me I was bombarded with snowballs. Apparantly when I was getting dressed Amalia and Katherine had built a snow fort and I was their next victim. “This is WAR!” I yelled and ran to get one of my other best friends, Charlotte, next door. When Char was ready we started building our fort. I had one of those igloo-builder things so we had a better and more sturdier fort than Katherine and Amalia. After we were about halfway done with building the fort I let Char finish the fort, and I went on to creating our secret weapon, snowballs(well, they weren’t that secret because it WAS a snowball fight). When we were done the war continued. IT was sort of like an eat-or-be-eaten kind of thing. Like, if you turned your back for so much as one minute you were “eaten”. After three hours of snow in our faces we decided to stop for the day. “Do you know where we can get some hot chocolate?” I asked. “Oh, Lucy told me she and Phoebe were having a hot cocoa stand instead of their usual lemonade stand.” Suggested Katherine (Lucy and Phoebe were two more of my best friends). Without saying another word, we all raced down the street, to Lucy and Phoebe’s houses. “Hi, guys!” Exclaimed Lucy when we got there. “Don’t you just love all this snow?” We nodded and Phoebe said, “Hot chocolate, anyone?” We all greedily took the cups as I dug around in my pocket for loose change. “Oh don’t worry. The hot cocoa is free.” Lucy assured us. “Yay!” After five minutes of total silence (drinking keeps you very occupied, apparantly), Char suggested that we all went over to her house and had a sleepover. We all agreed that would be fun. Too bad this snow day is over already. It was the best one ever (well, also my first and probably there will not be another one in a long time, because of living in Miami and all).


ponus papers

grade 4

Leila Pearson The Day I Got Pepper


Last Sunday, I got my bird, Pepper. She is so adorable.

lover of Eros, Hephaestus, Ares

We went to a place called Parrots & Co. They sell birds

feels beautiful,powerful,happy

from as big as a fourth grader to as small as a piece of

who needs beauty,power, and a lover

grass. They had MILLIONS of birds everywhere.

who gives love,and punishment to people who

Cyrus, my little brother, and my dad came with me.

is more beautiful

Cyrus and I got to hold a Cockatiel. He was so calm and

who fears dying, being unloved, and ugly

gentle. Her claws were so soft. John, the employee, said we could not take him home today because she was just born one month ago. We would have to wait until Wednesday to take her home. Cyrus wanted to get another bird today. He had even cleaned the cage! John put the bird back into the cage and opened another cage. He took out a small Yellow Cockatiel. It was a Pearl Cockatiel. She was three months old. Cyrus and I held her. She was so soft, but her claws were not as soft. Cyrus and I loved her. We asked my dad if we could get her. He said yes. We brought Pebbles with us. Pebbles loved the new bird. On the way home Cyrus and I were coming up with names for the new bird. We agreed on the name Pepper. Pebbles, Pepper, and the imaginary Pepsi- the White Cockatiel.


Morgan Raabe

who likes to see people in love

ponus papers

grade 4

Georgia Rivero Jumping I was so excited that my insides had butterflies. As the jump got closer I was safely at a trot, but I could tell that Dutch, my pony, wanted to canter. He was picking up speed and I needed to slow him down. Even though he slowed for a moment, he quickly gathered speed as we approached the jump. He took off, much higher than he had to, but it was amazing! I felt like I was flying. The wind whistled in my ear. When you’re a beginning rider, you start by jumping crossrails. Crossrails are poles made into Xs. A gate is harder than a crossrail. After you jump crossrails for a long time, you will start to jump gates and walls.This was my first time jumping a gate and I got to do it on Dutch. I love jumping on Dutch because he really loves to jump and is a really good teaching pony. He makes you make your motion really clear and really tell him what you want to do. We were flying through the air and then – THUMP – we landed on the ground. I was so happy! Even though I only trotted the jump I couldn’t believe I did it. As I cantered away from the jump Ken told me to go around again. But this time, he told me to canter it! The time between when I trotted a crossrail and when I cantered one was about three months. The time between trotting a jump and cantering one was about three minutes! If I thought I was happy when he told me to trot over the jump, I was ecstatic when he asked me to canter over it! After the little green gate he said to jump the little wall. It did not look much bigger but Dutch jumped so high that it seemed much bigger than it looked. Then Ken said, “I think we can be done for today.” I really wanted to keep jumping but I needed to get home and tell my parents! I was the happiest girl ever and I didn’t want it to end. Now I really really love jumping!


ponus papers

grade 4

Adam Rizvi WINTER It comes down like cotton balls being thrown in the air. You can mold it into a ball and throw it. On the receiving end, the cold white ball stings like frozen needles, and melted snow drips down your back. It feels so cold you know it’s winter. When your dog tackles you and you hit the cold hard ground and start to cry like a newborn baby in the early morning hours, you know it’s winter. If you go ice skating and keep slipping and falling as if you were trying to coast along water, you know it’s winter. If you do most of the above, you know it’s winter for sure. If you did not, it’s certainly not winter!


ponus papers


grade 4

Alexis Rodgers

Jack Sanders



Loving ,kind , beautiful, and a good mother

Bad temper, earthquake maker, lover of sea

she has no brother or sister

Brother of Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Zeus

lover of Hephaestus, Ares and Eros

lover of horses, Amphitrite, sea

Who feels happy, beautiful and kind

who feels angry, wrathful, annoyed

who needs beauty, youth and jewels

who needs the seahorses, his chariot

who gives love, beauty and happy

who gives calm waves, rough waves, dark water

who fears looking old

who fears nothing

who would like to see doves, sparrows and geese

He would like to see sailors respecting him

ponus papers

grade 4

Katherine Scarborough The Bayou Banshee I was walking through the damp, salty bayou wondering, Where is that thing? Mama said it would be right here. It was about to be midnight my watch said. My papa is already searching for me, I guess, but there’s no turning back now. I have to save Mama. She needs to roam free. Feel the willow trees brush her soft, silky, brown, wavy hair. She has to be free. Knock, knock. ‘’Hello? Is Sally at home?’’ I said. I heard creaks in the big, wooden house. I could smell the gumbo up n in the air as if it were waltzing with the salty air. Somebody opened the door. ‘’And who are you may I ask? And why are you here? I ain’t gonna give ya’ll anything about your sweet mother. I am stirrin’ my gumbo. Come back later. I am Miradge and you ain’t ever gonna see the moon again.’’ What? I want my mama. I wanna cuddle up with her and smell her sweet perfume. Mosquitos were biting at me and grub started crawling over my feet. I quickly shook them off my feet. Wait, I am Little Star and mama is Big Moon. These are our nicknames! I pounded on the door now screaming,” Let me in you banshee! You have to give me my mama now or else that gumbo is going to be destroyed!’’ Nooooooooooo! YOU LITTLE RASCAL YOU BETTER RUN OR ELSE YOU WONT SEE THE REAL SUN EITHER!” I ran into the house. My heart was pounding faster than lighting. I ran to the old rusty gumbo pot and I tried to turn it over. It was too strong! I pushed with all my might. I will make it! I am strong! I finally pushed into the marshy water below. She pushed me into the swampy water. Then it went black. ‘’Are you okay, Little Star?’’ I heard. Was that mama? I knew I would always be okay. I woke up. Papa and mama were standing there and it was about 7:30 in the evening. ‘’Go get some sleep, doll,’’ my daddy said. Your mama and I need to talk. I moved groggily to my bed. Looking out my window, I saw a figure. She screamed but it seemed like only I could hear. She screamed, ‘’ I will make new gumbo out of your clothes and your toys and anything I can find darling! Oh, I will! I promise!” Little Star knew that she would be safe in her bed ….. but just for tonight …..


ponus papers

grade 4

Janse Schoonmaker Times in Thailand The author has traveled to Thailand in every year of her life. This passage is a compilation of the most vivid memories of her experiences over the past ten years in her family’s native land. After about six long, hard hours on the majestic aircraft, I arrived at the airport. I could finally feel the air that was roasting hot. You may wonder why it was six “long hard hours.” It was because my sister saw Mount Fuji (the volcano) from up in the air and when she turned to show me, she accidently punched my tooth out! So there I was with dark red blood gushing all over me. I was seven, almost eight, and I had already survived the burning hot weather in Japan. I could see the sand built with panache. The lines of the bright cream sand made up a 3D picture. As usual, I sprinted to my Grandfather with excitement. I knew I was finally there. The car ride to my Grandfather’s house was different this year from the other nine years. This year, my sister and I weren’t fighting during the car ride. When I walked into the house, I slipped on the hard, slippery polished floor. “Oh yeah,” I thought. “The floor is always slippery.” I brought my suitcase upstairs to the guest room where my family and I would peacefully rest. After all that unpacking, I went downstairs to relax on the couch. Suddenly, I saw my aunt scampering all around the house. Then I saw a small, white fur ball curled up next to my sister and me. Finally my aunt stopped running and she came over and sat next to me. Somehow, I knew that this trip to Thailand would be different from all of the others. That night, I had rice and pork for dinner. Suddenly the lights went out! I thought that we had lost electricity, but then I saw six large bright glowing candles just about three yards away. I knew right away that it was my sixth birthday cake! I saw a small chocolate frosted cake coming towards me. My eyes lit up with happiness when the small, round, frosted cake with six bright candles was placed right in front of me. “This could only happen in Thailand,” I thought, with a large smile on my face. I fell asleep right away after playing with Cheyen, the dog. “Cheyen means iced tea in Thai,” I thought. I woke up at 12:17 in the morning because I was jet lagged. My sister did the same thing. So, since the floor is so slippery, my sister and I put on our socks and we started skating on the polished floor. We used the stairs to keep a grip from falling on the hard ground. Ten minutes later…….. Ella and I got the hang of it. After a while, morning arrived. Everybody was up and walking around while Ella and I hid in our rooms, thinking of the marvelous adventure we just had. After a while, Ella and I were not jet lagged anymore. We were both very glad about that. Today was the trip to go to my Grandfather’s house in the country. After about two hours of driving on the highway, we stopped for lunch. I was very hungry (as usual). After a delicious meal, our journey continued on until we reached the country house. I took my shoes off before I


Continued on next page

ponus papers

grade 4

Janse Schoonmaker walked into the amazingly built structure. I walked around trying to get used to this different kind of country house that I had never seen. I could feel a breeze just barely touch my caramel tan skin from being in the toasted hot sun. After enjoying the different pieces of art this structure had in it, I went into my bedroom to rest. After a long trip, we went home to my Grandfather’s main house. It was almost my ninth birthday and it was also almost time to leave Thailand. Today, I decided to first go my Grandfather’s club where I would go swimming and maybe play tennis; then go back to the house, relax, have lunch (of course), and finally go shopping. I was excited for all of these activities that my family and I had chosen to do that day. I went straight to the beach club that morning, swam for what felt like a long time, and did not end up playing tennis, so instead, I skipped that step and went back to my Grandfather’s house to relax and have some lunch. The shopping period was a wonderful time to spend with my Aunt and my family. After a long, fun day, I ate dinner and rested in the moonlight. It was time to leave Thailand. My eyes were streaming with tears. In about four more days, it would be my sixth birthday. I carried my small luggage to the baggage drop off. That was the time when I had to say farewell to my Grandfather and my Step grandmother. I stepped on the plane and sat looking out of the small window. The plane was finally finished boarding and was ready to go. I looked out the petite window one more time. “A Time in Thailand,” I thought to myself, while the plane rushed out of the country’s sight.


ponus papers

grade 4

Janse Schoonmaker


ponus papers

grade 4

Meghan Sisk

Talbot von Stade

Sugar My Dog


Sparkling, because when I come home she is filled

A white protecting blanket

with joy!

The sign of winter

Understanding, because when I am sad she is always

Once it snows winter is here

there for me!

Kid’s favorite thing

Great, because she is the most fantastic dog ever!

Different shapes and sizes

Awesome, because she is the grandest puppy I know!

Comforting, sleepy

Really cute, because she looks down at me with her

Warm flurries outside your window

puppy eyes!

Great hibernation Sledding, hot cocoa, and milk Frigid and fires Cozy families with joy Christmas’s wingman


ponus papers

grade 4

Talbot von Stade Leaves Rising and swirling like a whirlpool

Katharine Stoker DOUGHNUT! As I walked into the shop the flaring light blinded me

Gathering like the waves

and the neon colors were like a giant disco ball at a

Smelling like a winter laundry circuit

grown-up party. The aroma that filled my nose came

Coming out of hibernation zone

from boiling sugar that had just come off the stove.

Touching you like a blanket

The doughnuts were stacked up in rows. There were

I hear the whoosh like catching a lacrosse ball

doughnuts in all different shapes, colors and types, such

Peeling in different pieces

as pink, red, white, glazed, powdered, jelly-filled and

Like a fork at a road

munchkins. Then I said to myself, “Which shall I get?”

Delicate like gold I taste the aroma of fires and watermelon Almost like soft mesh Holding on to people Like hockey tape Until summer Leaves of different colors No more wind protecting you Free air

Then it hit me – a chocolate glazed doughnut. The glazed doughnut, with a flaky, creamy and puffy fusion that makes your mouth water just looking at it, made me drool. Topped with a creamy sweet chocolatey fudgey thick glaze that is irresistible, it makes you want to take a big bite out of it. The doughnut was finally topped with crunchy, chocolate sprinkles. The texture was a gooey sugar that sticks to the tips of your fingers. It had the perfect amount of flavor. It was looking at me like it was saying, “Eat me! Eat me!” Then I took a huge bite out of it and it was more delicious then I ever had imagined. The taste exploded in my mouth. It was so flaky and creamy that I would die just to get one more.


ponus papers

grade 4

Emma Jayne Swirbul Tomatoes “Mom, what is for dinner?” I asked, very curious. “Well, we are having salmon, couscous and stewed tomatoes, okay?” Well, this did not please me. I do not like fruit! Sometimes Mom says I am allergic to some fruits like tomatoes. “Mom,” I started. “Yes?” she answered. “Well, I hate tomatoes and you know it,” I finished. “Well, you’re going to try them tonight because taste buds change.” “Yes, Mom,” I said, but I was so forlorn. Soon dinner came around and I was ravenous. I hoped my taste buds would stay the same so I quietly ate my salmon and couscous and thought about my tomato. Then suddenly I said, “Mama do I have to eat my tomato, Freddy?” I waited and she sighed. “Emma, stop moping around and eat your food, including that tomato that you named Freddy or something. And if you mope about it one more time, you will have to eat the whole thing.” “Moooooooommmmmm,” I whined. “YOU SHOULD FEEL EMBARRASSED, OKAY? NO DESSERT FOR YOU AND EAT THE WHOLE TOMATO!” Dad yelled and turned away and started talking to Justin like he was the best child. Mom and Dad probably think he is best. While they talked to him I sighed and looked at the tomato. I was so ornery. The Red Glop of Grossness was starting to fall apart and the juice made me almost barf just from looking at it! Grossed out, I slowly picked up my fork and I reluctantly took a bite... “Ugg.” I gulped was down. “Good,” started my Mom. “Now you need to finish it,” she ended. “Mom?” I asked ignoring her. “Yes, Em?” she answered. “May I please be excused to go to the bathroom?” “I guess...” “Thanks,” I said jumping up. Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 4

Emma Jayne Swirbul “Emma Jayne Swirbul, sit down and don’t interupt

Teddy Truwit Athena

me again. As I was saying, if you come right back, yes. Tyler, who did you play with at recess?” she said to my brother. I ran upstairs and laid down on my bed. For the first time ever I wanted to go to bed. After a couple minutes, Mom yelled, “Emma come down now!” “Sorry, ran out of toilet paper,” I answered. I slowly got in my seat at the table and whispered to the tomato,

child of Zeus, lover of Hermes who feels strong and powerful who needs herself who gives strength and courage

“Let’s get this over with, okay?” I think my mom heard

who fears nothing

me talk to Freddy because I felt her smile. Then I heard

who would like to see Zeus

someone or something say… “Eat me EAT ME eat me me me me EAT ME ME ME!” It was Freddy. Slowly again I picked up my fork, ate half of it, and sadly said, “Sorry, Mom and Dad, I tried to persevere but I could only eat half. And Dad, you’re right I am humiliated. I guess no dessert, but anyway, may I clear my plate and go to bed?” “Listen Emma, please just go to bed. It is already 8:36, thirty-six mintutes after your bedtime. You’ll be so ornery in the morning because you’ll be sleepy. Goodnight, Em.” “Goodnight.” I mumbled. I did not want to transform into a grumpy kid so ran upstairs, brushed my teeth, and got in bed. Soon I was asleep. Then in the middle of the night I woke up and barfed all over my bed. Grossed out, I ran to tell her, but barfed in her room too. Luckily, that time I made it to the toilet. That is why I will Never Ever Eat A Tomato again!


goddess of war, wisdom, pot making, and wool working

ponus papers

grade 4

Charlie Vonstade Dark and Foggy Night It was a dark and foggy night. My dad and I looked over the water. Everything was still. The thick fog smothered the buildings. The lights on the boat swung

Apollo Nice, Smart, Kind, Friendly Brother of Artemis lover of Hunting, Zeus, Artemis

as it moved making ripples in the water, but beside

who feels happy, excited, trustworthy

that everything else was still. This was the last time

who needs food, help, other gods

I would ever see my dad. He was going to the mysterious islands of Never Land. The light from the lamp he held in his hand shone in my face. My dad has never seen me cry before. I will never get to talk to him or look into his eyes again. I want to go with him, but he says, “Once you go you can’t return.” He pointed into the foggy night sky and said, “That’s never land.” I said, “Don’t go; don’t go without me…” as he stepped in to the foggy sky. I didn’t know about this Never Land. All I could do was run to the library to find out where he was going. As I walked through the huge doors to the library they creaked of rust, and wonder filled my body. Wonder of where Never Land was, wonder about how I could get there.


David Wagstaff

niceness, help, entertainment man be helped from the gods

ponus papers

grade 4

Lauren Walsh Lorlor


When my mom calls me

It was a Saturday during a double header, and my

by my

baseball team was playing league powerhouse New

nickname, “Lorlor,” it finds my

Milford. It was blistering hot. It had been that way all July. In the last inning of the first game I was in the batter’s box

heart and soul.

waiting for my shot. After my teammate walked, I was up.

It hits my

I knew there was no turning back.

heart and swirls and twirls around my face. It seeps inside of me like the prettiest flower just bursting from its bud, and a drizzle of sweetness melts into my body. But when my mother says,

My whole at-bat was a battle. There would be a ball and then a strike and then a ball and then another strike until it became a full count. We were down by one and two people were on base. I had the chance to be a hero. The pitcher stared into my eyes and I stared back. I felt the nerves because a hit would have won the game. The pitcher wound up and released the ball. At first, it

“Lauren get over here!”

looked like the ball was coming right down the middle,

her voice curves and

but then it started curving towards my face until BAM!

swerves and, it seems to be saying, “You are in trouble! You are in trouble!” It finds me every time even though I try to hide, but it still finds me. Boom! It hits me. It feels like someone just smashed a window right in front of my eyes!


Beckett Walters

It hit me right in the nose. At first I felt nothing. Then I saw the blood. I was lucky that I didn’t have a broken nose or a black eye. My nose was all bloody, but after one hour I was fine. I just did not see the ball. So when you are playing baseball keep your eye on the ball at all times.

ponus papers

grade 4

Elizabeth Woodberry The Bet “Paul, do you have any tests at school tomorrow?” Mom asked. “Yeah, I have two,” replied Paul. “You should go study,” Mom suggested. “I’ll do it in a few minutes,” Paul compromised. “Is one of the tests on the Odyssey?” Mom wondered. “No, I think one of them is in math and the other is just a quiz or something in Mandarin,” Paul finished. “Oh right, you’re reading the Odyssey,” I interrupted. “We’re reading the kids series of the Odyssey at school for read aloud. I don’t think is has all the books, it just has six.” “No,” C.J. protested, “In fourth grade you read all the books. The original only has six.” “No,” Paul corrected, “The original has twenty-four books, either you only read six or the kids series only has six.” “Hey Paul,” I called. I really wanted to figure this out. “What number is the One-Eyed Giant?” “I think its number nine,” Paul told me. “I still don’t think that’s true,” insisted C.J. “Actually, I think Paul is right. I mean, he is reading the whole book,” I agreed. “Ya wanna bet?” suggested C.J. “Sure, fifty bucks,” Paul replied sort of joking. “I think free bet,” argued C.J. “And I think you just admitted you don’t want to make it fifty bucks ‘cause you’re too scared that Paul is right,” I argued to C.J. “Be quiet, Elizabeth,” C.J. snapped at me.

Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 4

Dania Zein

Elizabeth Woodberry “Nah,” Paul protested, going back to the normal

Strange Talk

conversation. “Fifty bucks.” “Okay, I’m fine with that,” C.J. said normally.

“What’s for lunch tomorrow?” my mom asked me.

Then they shook on it.

“I don’t know!” I retorted. I might have said that with a

“Alright,” declared Mom as she looked it up on her

little sass.

laptop. “It says that if you count

“What did you say?”

each book as a chapter, the Odyssey has twenty-four

“I don’t know,” I calmly replied.


“I heard some sass!”

“Now you owe Paul fifty bucks,” I announced to C.J..

Okay, maybe I was a little rude. But still! I didn’t know.

“No, I don’t. I said free bet.”

“Dania, what did you do?” my dad walked in.

“Yeah, well after you said free bet you agreed to Paul’s

“Nothing! She provoked me!” I pointed to my mom.

offer,” I said.

“Stop! Dania, you will be punished,” my mom barked.

“Yeah, but then I said, ‘Lets just do free bet,’ but no

“Fine!” I screeched, sobbing, and ran upstairs, stomping

one answered me so I thought that was a yes,”

as I went.

responded C.J.

“Dania! Come back this instant!”

“You probably meant to say it but forgot,” I said.

“No! You can’t make me!”

“Paul, you should really go study for those tests,”

Well actually, they could. Since they could, I came down.

Mom announced changing the topic.

“Fine! FineFineFineFineFINE!” I practically hurled myself

“Okay,” agreed Paul.

down the stairs. “You’re so mean! You never let me have fun! I’m not even allowed to have a hint of sass in my talk!” I had stopped crying but I was still yelling. I started crying again and fell on the floor. “Dania, WHATEVER are you doing?!” my parents asked me. “I’m sitting on the floor. What do you think I’m doing!” I yelled. But I said it in my head so nobody else heard it but me. Instead, I said something else. “I fell.” “You may leave now,” my mother told me. So I pivoted round and sashayed off.


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Henry Alpaugh


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Austin Andersen


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Shane Baldwin


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Kevin Barnard Role Model My role model is Alex Ovechkin. There are many reasons why Ovechkin is my role model. A few reasons are because he is an amazing hockey player, brave, passionate, and inspiring. He is also very strong, courageous and works very hard. I look up to him and support him and the Capitals every game they play. Ovechkin has a dad, a mom and one brother. When Ovechkin was ten years old, one of his brothers, named Sergei, died in a car accident. His other brother is named Mikhael. Ovechkin’s parents both played sports; his dad played professional soccer and his mom played women’s basketball and she won two Olympic gold medals. The first sign of Ovechkin’s hockey career was when he was little in a Russian toy store. He picked up a hockey stick and refused to let it go. Another sign was when his parents turned a hockey game on the TV, he would drop all his toys and watch the hockey game. If his parents tried to change the channel, he would protest until they said they were not going to change the channel. Before the NHL, Ovechkin played in the Russian Super League at the age of 16. Ovechkin debuted in his 2005-2006 NHL season. He was Rookie of the Year in 2006. He also played in the Olympics that year. He has been in the All Star game four times. From 2005-2013, Ovechkin has always been on the Washington Capitals. After I saw the Capitals play the Panthers on my TV and I saw Ovechkin get a hat trick I was truly inspired to take hockey more seriously and learn more about the sport. He also inspires me to put passion into everything I do and to work and play hard. Ever since Ovechkin picked up that hockey stick in the toy store he followed his dreams and did what he always wanted to do, which was make it to the NHL. Alex Ovechkin is a good role model for me because he puts passion into everything he does. Ovechkin always works his hardest on and off the ice.


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Finley Bean


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Pete Bonczek


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Merrill Bright WEALTHEOW When I was young, I lived as a poor peasant. Often I would worry if I would get dinner that night or not. Later, I became a queen. I was the youngest of seven daughters. I never really went to school, while my older sisters went to school a lot. I was raised on a farm with next to nothing. Often I would have to go into town to beg for money from the lords and ladies when they came to the market. They all ignored me or scorned me for begging them for money. I never got more than a few coins. As a child, I had very few toys and the toys that I did have I made. I made dolls from dried cornhusks and I made trains from wood chips and grass. But I had to do it in secret because if my father found out, he would whip me for wasting time. Then one day, my father went to town and never came back. My mother was very patient and kind but she was quite exhausted raising seven girls on her own. My sisters’ names were Larnoew, Meeka, Marda, Kranyla, Marigom, and Kurtiloe. All of my friends went to school. All of my sisters went to school. But my mother never had enough money to send all seven girls. And because I was the youngest, I only went for a year. No one ever thought I would amount to anything because I had no education. If one of us girls would be queen, they all thought it would be Larnoew for she was the oldest. As I grew older, I would often venture into town and one day I met the prince. And a few years later, we were married. I gave my mother and sisters land and money so they would never struggle again. Many people ask what became of my father and the truth is I do not know. I do not want to find him because he was not a caring and loving father. He abandoned my family when we needed him the most and I know if he came to find me now, it would only be to get land and money. No one thought I would become anything and I went from peasant to queen. I became everything I was not supposed to become. Once when I went into town, a little girl was walking around the town. “I am poor and I have nothing,” she would say to the lords and ladies going to the market. “Please, all I ask is a little bit of money.” “You ought to be ashamed of yourself!” A lord said to her. “Asking good working people for money!” “I understand that sir, but my parents are dead and I can’t get a job for I am only six.”

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Merrill Bright “That is no excuse for‌â€? I cut him off and handed the apple I had bought to her and gave her some money. She looked at me and handed me a small blue bead that she had strung a fraying string through and tied onto her wrist. It was a fake bead of no worth, but to me it was precious as a star itself. This poor little girl had one item that was of any worth to her and gave it to me show that she cared that I cared. The lord turned and walked away. I understood this little girl for when I was six it had been me walking around the town begging for money. But this little girl was worse off than I had ever been because even when I was starving and sick, I had my family. This little girl had no one. And everyone should have someone to go home to. Whether it was a friend or a mother or father, there should always be someone waiting for you.


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Charlotte Carr


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Molly Connors A FAKE SMILE My feet stuck to the ground while my sister was already dangling in the air. The take-off was fast so I was up in the air with her in no time. All my weight went to my head. My head drooped down like a dying plant. I had a great view of the Mediterranean Sea. The umbrellas looked like jellyfish and the people seemed ant-sized. I waved at my mom to make it look like I was having fun because I have always been the daredevil in my family. So it would be unlike me to have not liked this dangerous adventure. Grayson started to sing to keep herself entertained. Campbell and I soon joined in. The lyrics of “We are Young” by Fun escaped out of my mouth, but also buzzed in my ear. We tried to make the experience fun. Then the boat stopped moving. We started to drop. I thought that the line had broken and we were falling. We fell slowly. All the weight fell back down to my feet. More jellyfish came into sight and I started to panic about landing on one. Suddenly I was even more frightened than I was before. The boat captain looked at us then sped the boat up again. The tips of my toes hit the water, then the rest of my body lowered into the ocean. The surface of the water was bright blue and delightful. When my body lowered into the water, I realized the water underneath the layer of delight, was cold black water. As I sank down, a chill from that cold black water ran through my body. But when the boat went back to its maximum speed, I skimmed across the surface of the Mediterranean Sea. That fear I had of parasailing was now turning into joy! I tried to call over the sound of the boat motor and the crashing waves to Campbell and Grayson, but my words were suffocated by a mouthful of water. We rose again and the fear of what just happened was now pure excitement! I wiped my eyes and spat out the remains of the fishy tasting water sitting in my mouth. The sun dried my body up just like a towel would have. I felt safe and sat back in my harness sighing in relief that being dropped was for enjoyment and was on purpose. I relaxed, now actually focusing on the great views of Nice, France. I wasn’t worried about what might happen next. Instead I was curious and excited to know what was the next part to our crazy adventure. Everything was perfect again. We smoothly glided through the air. I was soaring through the sky like a red-tailed hawk. The perfect amount of wind was blowing on me. I almost felt as if I was at a photo shoot with fans blowing on me. My mom was taking pictures of us, and I didn’t need to fake a smile anymore. We started to drop again, and this time I smiled all the way down until we hit the completely bright blue Mediterranean Sea.


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grade 5

Jessica Cramer Community Personally, when I think of being in a community, I think of the fact that you are part of a whole and that you have a responsibility to that community and to yourself. At the Whale Watch, we had to work together to succeed. When we failed, we not only had to try again, but we had to listen to each other, or we couldn’t do it. I also think that during our experience, we learned not only more about community, but also that sometimes, it is better to listen to each other than to be heard. This is one rule of community. Last spring, I was on the Wilton AAA little league softball team. I like to think of that as a community because we always cheered for each other and if someone struck out, we would say, “Nice try!” or “Good hit!” even though we were not the best team. And at skating tests, when we pass one, we congratulate each other. What are my hopes for the 5B community? My main hopes for us are that we can always hand in our work on time having previously worked very hard on it, and be the best class that we can possibly be, which would benefit not only Mr. Borowski and Ms. Ball but also us! I also hope that we can always be respectful towards one another and do things to our best ability. I think that community is a really great thing for many reasons. For example, it brings people together and it teaches us the value of respect and responsibility.


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Jessica Cramer Endings and Beginnings It is very hot and kind of humid. Only two more hours until school is over! Julian has just walked over to Jack, Summer and I. “Hey Auggie! “ He said. “Um, Hi Julian. Do you want to come to my house with us after school?” I said . “Sure? See you later then.” He replied nervously. “What the heck did I just do?” I whispered to Jack. I saw my mom and dad (and Via. Of course). Oh, my, god! Did something just happen to Bear????? I thought to myself. (My parents did look kind of upset.) My mom came over to me first. “We ,...are moving.” She says. “To where ?” I ask. “Just down the block or so.” said Via. “So we got you this.” Dad Says. He pulled out an Iphone box. “It’s blue and red. Hope you like it!” “Sweet. Move anywhere that you want! Thanks guys!!!” I said. “Hey!” Summer, Jack and a few of my other friends said. “Sorry.” I quickly blurted out. “Hi Auggie.” someone said softly. I know her voice, just not her name. Was it Carol or Emily? - no. It was either Mom, Dad, or maybe, it was just Via. “Alex! Wake up.” Wait a sec! It was Ella. That’s right! Today I have to go and meet Mrs. Lily because she had to introduce me and a few other kids to a new kid who I do believe that she said was right on the same street as some of my other friends and I. When I got to school, and met the kid (named Max) I noticed something about him. He looked liked “Auggie” (but not as bad). Now of course, he had a different hair color and eye color etc. “Hi.” I said smiling at him. “Hi . I’m Max.” He said back. “Alex. Sorry, I mean, my name is Alex. ” We both smiled a bit because we both knew that we were going to be best friends. It was just the kind of thing that you could tell was going to happen, like the snow in the winter time. Maybe the same thing that happened to “Auggie” would happen to him, then I would do the right thing. Who knows? I smiled a little bit because I knew that, if there was a person like Auggie, they knew that they were them and I knew that I was me ,and that no matter what anyone says, I know who I am.

P.S. I better go outside and walk Daisy. Or else she will get SO mad at me. Goodbye. For now.


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grade 5

Hayden Critchell Soldier’s Childhood Now, you know me as the brave warrior in General Beowulf’s army. Although, this is not the person you’d meet in this “brave warrior’s” childhood. My name is Mathias. Life as a child for me was not happy and full of rainbows. I was one of seven children in my family who lived in Denmark. We had barely enough food to survive, and we lived in a tiny little hut. Sometimes, I felt more comfortable sleeping on the streets than at my home. I guess you could call it a pile of hay. My parents didn’t have favorites, but they sure didn’t pay a lot of attention to me. So I didn’t go to school and I sort of didn’t want to, unlike those children who don’t go to school, though they yearn to. Since I didn’t go to school, I had a lot of free time. I spent most of it watching the soldiers march. Sometimes I would watch fights in the alley and other times I would watch the men play sports. I liked to play games when I could. Watching the soldiers march was my favorite thing to do and it made me feel like I was being called to join and gifted by God to do this. What would I have to lose? If I didn’t die in war, what would I come home to? As you can tell, my childhood was rough. After a few years, I found myself watching the soldiers all day instead of the other things I would normally go to see. While I was watching, I asked myself for the last time, “What would I have to lose? If I didn’t die in war, what would I come home to?” This time it really sunk into my head and right through my skull. My final decision was to join the military. From that day on, all my free time was focused towards training. When I was fifteen, that’s when I would take off into my new life. In a blink of an eye, I was young man. In my uniform, gun over my shoulder and ready to go. I was the strongest guy on the line and, when I had time, I would write letters to my parents even though I never sent them. They probably wouldn’t care either. It was mostly to get my emotions out, but don’t get me wrong, I wanted to be there on the battlefield. I wasn’t like those other guys who were sad and depressed. My emotions weren’t gloomy and miserable, they were just making me wonder how different my childhood would be if my parents did pay attention to me. I’m not angry or mad at my parents either. My emotions were more about wonder. I was now lieutenant, and didn’t have time to write letters anymore. I was just fine with that though. And my pay was at a larger amount now. I was still in the army of Denmark. My general looked me hard in the eye and said, “Lieutenant!” Then he paused. “Come with me,” he said boldly.

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Hayden Critchell “Yes sir!” I replied right away. He took me into a room and sat me down. The army was very hard and tough, just the way I liked it. But, even when great things happen or tragic sad events occur, you have to stay straightfaced and serious. The general asked, “Do you realize how strong and brave you are?” “Yes sir!” “At ease.” he said. I put my hand down from where it was, at my right eyebrow. At ease means something was great, or horrible. “Your parents have died.” It all happened so fast. I was straight and stiff as a stone. The only thing that wasn’t was the tear that rolled down my cheek. “On the other hand,” he said slowly, “the great and powerful Beowulf, has picked out the bravest, strongest men. You were his first pick. If you accept, you will be known as Lieutenant General Mathias, LTG Mathias.” “Yes, I do accept.” I was now known as the brand new Lieutenant General Mathias. “You may go home if you wish for a little, to go to your parents’ funeral.” I was home. I was part of Beowulf’s army. I wore a fine, new uniform. I went back to my hut. It was the longest walk home that I had ever walked. As I peeked in, I found a girl my age, which was now twenty-one. I had been at war for six years! She smiled at me and I asked her what she was doing there. She said she was just peeking around. I asked, “Do you want to peek around the park?” So off we went, and before we knew, it was sunset. We married and bought a house, not a hut like the one I lived in, a real house! It was a fair size too. I bought it with all the money I made from the war. I went back to war soon after we bought the house. While I was away, Laura took care of our home. I have a wife, and now it’s time to take care of Beowulf’s fights. We went through crazy adventures. Being in Beowulf’s army was just like being in the Danish forces. But I will never forget the one about Grendel and the Great Hall Heorot. Hall Heorot was beautiful. We eventually killed the beasts and successfully made it home. It was more fun being in Beowulf’s army. Maybe because he didn’t yell at us all the time and we got to travel weird places and fight greater enemies. Well, I am living proof to show you that no matter how big, small, strong, weak, or whatever you are, you have to push through it all and realize when you’re in the toughest of things, you’ll come out the happiest. I came back to the house for good at the age of twenty-four. We lived together for three more years, and then had babies at twentyseven. We had two beautiful daughters, and thankfully my wife survived giving birth. We lived happily ever after!


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Henry Dale


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Diana Degnan Alfred’s Escape Thump, thump, thump. The little orange fish (named Alfred) swam as fast as he could, but he could still hear the shark closing in fast. He wished that he had only stayed at home, and not strayed from his mother’s side when she turned away. When she had turned away, he went to investigate the noise he heard. He wished he hadn’t. He found out what the noise was all right, they were sharks and they had spotted him. As he swam through the ocean as fast as he could, he saw up ahead the old, abandoned shipwreck. A tiny flame of hope burst to light in Alfred’s mind. He might just make it. If he could get inside a crazy plan that clicked in his mind, might just work. And yes, he made it to the shipwreck! He swam through the hole in the ship’s side, up the stairs, and into the treasure room. Quickly he spotted the open treasure chest, swam to it, and lay very still among the gold. Now, Alfred was thankful, for his gold scales which once had made him stand out, now made him blend in. All that was left to do was wait and hope that the shark didn’t have good eyesight. A heartbeat later the shark came blundering in. Alfred held his breath as the shark passed, his heart beating like a drum. Alfred let out a silent sigh of relief. Then, without warning, the shark whipped around and swam until he was face to face with Alfred. “Looks like you forgot about a shark’s sense of smell, eh?” Where was that silly little fish anyway? Mother could just picture Alfred’s shiny, gold scales flashing off into the dangers of the ocean. She had heard that sharks were spotted nearby, and sharks are the biggest danger to a fish. Although she knew that sharks usually kept to themselves, she couldn’t help but worry. Then all of the sudden Alfred burst out into the open. He went streaking into the reeds where all of his little brothers and sisters lived. Mother hurried after him. Suddenly a shadow passed over the reeds. All of the fish crotched low, and then as suddenly as it appeared, it was gone. Immediately after, Alfred was telling all of the youngsters about his daring escape. He told them of how he fled to the shipwreck, hiding and being found by the shark and how he threw gold coins at the shark’s face to get him to go away. Although Mother had been worried, she was glad that Alfred was safe. And they all lived happily ever after, even the shark.


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Maeve DeGullis


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Ian Delehaunty Wind Wind flies towards the sky And dives down Like rain, Wind weaves through the trees Rustles the leaves And blows by the streams, Wind grazes me And I see All the dreams it carries


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grade 5

Griffin Dewey Lemonade Cool, refreshing, sweet, and delicious lemonade; those are the first words that come to my head when I think of lemonade, my favorite summer treat. Every summer, when I make or buy this delicious beverage, I feel like I’m in heaven. After trickling past my lip, I feel the cool liquid gently seep into my mouth. It smells sweet like a summer mist blowing through the yard, tasting sweet and sour at the same time, like a magical wind winding through forest trees. The delicious liquid sounds like a mini ocean on a nice day at the beach. It looks like a wonderful yellow pool of clear ice and intricate ripples every time it moves even the slightest bit. I look over right then as I hear my name being called. I can tell from the voice that it’s my mom. “Come in for lunch,” she then says. Some of the words are elongated so it sounds more like she’s saying, “Griiiiiiifffiiiin, come in foor lllllllauuuuuunccchhhh.” I give my drink one last swoosh, then put it down and jog inside. Later, I come back out to find the lemonade just the way I left it. I pick it up, and it seems okay, but when I taste it, I gag. It’s no longer cool and refreshing, or sweet and sour. It tastes like a warm cup of watered down lemon juice and the slightest bit of sugar. I can barely make out by the taste that it ever even was lemonade. Wondering how it could have possibly gotten that way, I remember that I put ice in it earlier. It must have melted, I figure, that is why it now tastes so bad. Then, I go inside and make another. It takes me awhile, but when I come outside,I take my first sip and know that it was all worth it. I sit down, get out my book, Harry Potter, and enjoy the rest of the day reading and sipping my delicious cup of lemonade.


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Hunter Essex


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Bobby Gibbons


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Julia Graham


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Sophie Gribin The Wind The wind whispers good things to me when I am afraid. The wind is always there for me. It gives me good advice. The wind blows cherry thoughts through my head when I loose someone. The wind cools me off on a hot summer day. The wind. Breezy, blowy, flowy. The wind. Straight, curly, zig- zag, loopy. The wind.


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grade 5

Will Hall-Tipping Concussion Time goes slowly when you’re sitting a dark room for two weeks with a concussion. In the beginning of winter vacation I was excited to sit by the fire, drink hot chocolate and sleep in. The first week was just like that, my family and I just relaxed and rested. During the second week my dad said we were going to go on a skiing trip, and we could bring one friend. I decided to bring Charlie Tait. We went to Mount Snow. In preparation we downloaded movies and new music. We got to Mt. Snow and had so much fun skiing. As soon as we got home from our first trip we got busy planning a new one. This time Charlie brought me with his family. We went to Butternut and we skied for a couple of hours and then we had lunch. It was nearly time to go and pack up and on our last run, we were going down the trail and my ski tip got caught on a root and I was slammed on the left side of my head and got rushed down on the snowmobile. In the ski patrol shack there was lots of people call my mom and family, and calling the hospital, I remember them strapping me on to a surfboard like thing and as soon as the ambulance came they carried me into it. When we got to the hospital they gave me a CAT scan. The CAT scan tells if I injured anything in my head. When the doctor came out he said I had a concussion. When my mom came we drove home and when we got home she said I had a doctor’s appointment the next day. The next day I went to the doctor’s, I took an impact test to tell about the concussion she said all about how we need to baby it and not think really hard. This is the 7th week and 4 day I’ve had my concussion. I think next time I play sports I think I will be more cautious.


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grade 5

James Hudson Wonder Changed Ending! The last day of school went by like a blink of an eye. After school, my whole grade including Jack Will, Summer, and I went back to my apartment for an end of school celebration. On the walk home, Summer, Jack Will, and I laughed at everything. Even if one of us looked at the other person for a split second, we would start to crack up. After what seemed like ages, we finally got to the front steps of my apartment. We walked up the steep stairs to the 3rd floor and the 5th door on the right. We were all piled in front of our door, until my mom pushed through the crowd, which seemed like a lot of effort. She unlocked the door and everyone spilled in like water being poured out of a water bottle. Once everyone was inside, it felt weird because I was not used to having so many people in my apartment. Once we got in and were settled, we didn’t know what to do, so all we did was laugh until we couldn’t breathe. After my mom offered some cookies and ice cream, I looked up and saw Jack Will looking at me. I remembered the first time I saw him enter Mr. Tushman’s office. He was the first friend in my new school and this was all because of my mom. She was the one who made me go to school. I quickly slipped away from Jack Will and Summer and found my mom in the kitchen talking to Jack Will’s mom. I pulled her aside and gave her a big hug and a kiss and said, “Thank you mom! You are the best mom ever!” She looked at me with her hazel eyes and said, “No, Auggie, thank you!” Then I rushed back to my friends who looked like they had not moved one bit. Summer, Jack Will, and I went into my room, and Summer looked at my stuffed animal collection while Jack Will looked at my Star Wars posters. Jack said, “Dude, you have like every poster in mankind about Star Wars!” Then he added quickly, “Which is a good thing, of course.” “Thanks,” I mumbled. Then we all plopped down on my bed to play cards. We gambled with candy from our pockets that we got from school because it was the last day. Jack Will won most of the candy while Summer and I were left with a little amount. I could barely hear my voice over the tons and tons of people who were in my apartment. It was so loud in there! So I turned my hearing aids to low volume, but then saw Jack’s mouth move but I could not hear him. Then I turned the aids on to normal and realized that the volume was fully on and still I heard nothing. I took the hearing aids off and realized that without them on I could hear people perfectly!!! I was shocked!!!! I told Jack and Summer that I could hear perfectly now but they didn’t believe me, so they tested me. They asked me, “What did I just say?” Obviously it was a trick question so I said, “What did I just say!” They ended up cheering and high fiving each other and we ran to go tell my mom and dad.

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James Hudson After we told my mom and dad, we played X Box. Summer did not know how to play Madden NFL 12 so we had to teach her. It took a long time before she got the hang of it. It was Summer and me versus Jack Will. Summer and I were the New York Giants and Jack Will was the Denver Broncos. Summer and I won 21-10! We crushed Jack Will! After the game, we all felt pretty hungry so we went into the kitchen and got some more candy. After the candy and X Box, we watched an awesome movie called Date Night. We watched till Summer’s mom said they had to go. We said goodbye. Soon everyone in my apartment had to leave. After Summer and all the people in my grade except Jack Will left, he and I looked at each other. We both had the same thought. BOY TIME! 2 minutes into boy time, Jack Will and his parents said he had to go, so then I was alone with my mom, my dad, and my sister, Via. I got in my pajamas to go to bed. I got into my bed while my mom turned off the lights and put the covers on me. Before she left, she said, “YOU’RE A WONDER AUGGIE, A REAL WONDER.”


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grade 5

Ashley Humphrey The Game We had made it this far, 12 wins, 0 losses. My team thought the Rams, with 8 wins, 3 losses would come to play us, but they never came. Instead, the Tigers marched into the gym with big signs and balloons celebrating their victory over the Rams, 10-9. My dad was our coach at the time. I never really thought of him as “embarrassing”, I thought of him as motivating. He called us into a huddle. He started his pregame speech as he always did. “All right girls, we play like we have these last twelve games. If we do, we will win.” He ended his speech as he had done before, “Play hard, play smart, play together. Crusaders on 3.” The game started. The dust on the ball spattered in the air as the referee threw the tip off. I was the point guard. I brought the ball up the court. The first shot I took – dribble up to the foul line, crossover, step back, shoot, swish! Nothing but net! I got high-five requests all around me. It seemed like everyone from everywhere had somehow crowded into the gym to watch our game. The smell of sweat and intensity clustered around the atmosphere, filling the noses of all the spectators. The sound of sneakers and chanting people filled only the players’ ears. Second shot, left hand hard, over to right, dribble by defender, easy layup, falls off the clear glass into the net. Later in the game, it was 16-4 us. I had just fouled a girl while she was shooting. Two free throws. I saw an excited yet nervous look on her cherry red cheeks. My coach screamed, “Get the rebound!” The girl next to me looked confused. “Why does he care? You’re crushing us!” We both laughed. 16-5, one out of two free throws. The mercy quarter was coming up, EHHHHHH! There goes the buzzer, mercy quarter starts now! The mercy quarter is when you have to put your five worst players in the game for a full quarter. There were eight players overall, three good, three ok, and two who had never played before. My dad couldn’t remember who the second best was, so he put the second in and the third out. I was with her. Two minutes passed, we still only had seven players. The eighth had only showed up for two practices and one game. She came, and went right into the game. The smallest girl on our team, Lea, only came up to my chest, was new to basketball and had never scored a basket the whole season. Here was her chance. The other team dribbled up and Lea snatched the ball away and dribbled up the court, shoot, she makes it! She looked SO happy with a giant smile from ear to ear, the biggest I’ve ever seen. The rest of the game we played our hardest which lead to a victory, 30-9, and a championship title. We all felt amazing, adrenaline pumping, families cheering. We received our trophies and took what felt like a million pictures. I didn’t just feel like a champion, I felt like the champion! We are the 2012 4th Grade Darien House Basketball Champions!


ponus papers

grade 5

Emma Hunter Rainy Days Water drips down trees. As the drop drips down the tree. The drop finds its way.

Snow Intricate flakes fall. Some landing on trees or bushes. But most of all ground.

Dogs They are your best friend. They will play with you all day. And will sleep with you.

The Sky Always way up high. The sky will always be there. Peering down at you.


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Jack Keaton Ferm How I Became a Poet I wasn’t always a Poet like I am now. When I was younger, I was meant for a greater cause. I used to be a loyal knight. It all started when I was a poor farm boy. Though small, I had the courage of a hundred men. My farm was small, but carried many animals that were valuable. The animals included pigs, sheep, cows, chickens, ducks, and a puppy. One day, our King Hrothgar was riding his new horse and got lost and stumbled upon my farm. He peered through a small hole in the barn wall to see the animal noises coming from the area. He then saw me shepherding my sheep in the fields. Just then, I heard a noise that sounded like a grown lion. He peeked around the corner and saw my flock and me. The lion was very large and had a fierce growl of hunger. He licked his lips as he looked at my flock. I quickly unsheathed my sword as the lion pounced towards me quickly. I raised my sword, and bravely and chopped the lion’s head clean off. King Hrothgar came out from hiding. He then said, “You have the courage of a hundred men and you are stronger than any I have seen before. It is clear your loyalty is devoted to those who you love. You have the qualities of a great knight. Why don’t you join my force?” Right then, I knew that something big was happening. How could a poor farm boy become a brave and wealthy knight? I could hardly believe it! I, of all people, would be in the presence of the king! King Hrothgar escorted me to his palace and introduced me to all of his knights. That night, the king held a party. Everyone exchanged stories while drinking mead. One of the knights was my best friend who I hadn’t seen in a long time. He told me a great story of his first mission and how he became loyal to the king. Gerald’s story began when he was sent to the dark forest where sorcerers and curses were everywhere. His challenge was to escape the forest alive. It was foggy and the moon was full and all was quiet except for a breeze that shook the trees. He wandered curiously and wondered what he might find in the dark. Just then, a sorceress appeared and circled him like a wolf waiting for the rest of the pack to join and slay their catch. She cackled and said, “Young one, why do you search these woods at night where goblins and ghouls lurk?” He said bravely, “I am simply on a quest to get to the other side of this forest. Will you provide directions?” “Of course I will,” she said, as if she knew Gerald very well. “But first you must pass a test for me to be able to trust you.” “Okay, name your test, woman,” he said sternly and curiously. She then screeched, “You must fight the Slain Souls.” “I accept your test.” Just then everything turned bloody red and a stench that reeked of fifty thousand years filled the air. Suddenly there were zombies everywhere! Gerald looked around and the sorceress was nowhere to be found. She had

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Jack Keaton Ferm

vanished. Zombies were closing in on Gerald from every direction. He swiftly dispatched the first group of the walking dead, then the second and then the third. The sorceress then reappeared in a bright ball of fire and showed Gerald out of the forest. Gerald passed the challenge! That is why he is a knight now. After the party, Gerald and I were even better friends. Yet again, we practiced together, we sparred, and we shared all of our missions. Over time, I had slain many beasts at the king’s request. I remember one in particular that I was glad to kill. One day, a griffin was terrorizing the village. Luckily, I was reading about mythical creatures when I heard about this attack. I learned that the only way to kill a griffin was to stab it directly through the heart. So, King Hrothgar sent us out to kill the beast before any more were harmed. As our group walked, I noticed how dark and cold the day had became. Just then, we found the griffin’s cave. It was dark and cold, and there were bones and blood everywhere. Gerald walked in with his sword and signaled the others to come and, at that moment, the griffin appeared. It snatched Gerald with its talons and through him against the wall. I watched his breathless body lay and charged at the beast. Everything at that moment was in slow motion and right when I pierced the griffin through the heart, it let out a terrifying screech. The mission was a success! We all rode homeward sad and forlorn, especially me because I couldn’t believe I had lost my best friend. I went to the king and asked to retire. I asked him if I could be a poet to help share other brave stories throughout the kingdom. This is my story of how I became a poet.


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Dylan Koo


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Win Lane Please Understand A long time ago, I volunteered to help Beowulf in the slaying of the terrible monster Grendel. I was very young, and I was drawn to Beowulf like everyone else. He had a sense of kindness and humbleness about him. That was why I followed with an open heart. I chose right, because that journey was one of the worst and best adventures of my life. To understand it though, we must go back to the first time we entered Hall Heorot. It was a magnificent sight, with its massive towers which gleamed in the sunlight, it was hard to imagine that evil was here, in this magnificent place. However, there was a sense of darkness there. It was the type of feeling that you feel but don’t understand. Beowulf though, emitted a light that pushed back the evil and brought good things into a man’s heart, and I felt safe there. That night, I remember the cold and evil darkness that crept around us. It had no mercy. It was Grendel, and when he broke down the door I awoke with a start. I was hit with the stench of evil. He grabbed my brother who had come too, and the terrible Grendel opened his jaws and shook his body as if it was a chew toy. I remember the scream I gave. The pain I felt as Grendel ripped him to pieces. My world went tumbling down. I did not want to live longer in this world. Beowulf woke me though. He gave me a light that dispelled the darkness. I still did not cheer when Grendel’s bloody arm hung on the wall. I could only think, that arm killed my brother. I wanted to find that terrible monster and smash him to the ground, to make him feel the way I do. Beowulf talked to me in the morn. He told me that it was okay. He gave me sweet mead and meat. In that moment, I realized I loved Beowulf. I celebrated that night. I felt safe, truly safe. I, like everyone else, was given much gold and many jewels. However, all those presents did not make up for the fact that the only thing in the world I held dear was gone. My life would never be the same. I had no parents to correct me. I declined. Though I always remembered Beowulf. He was like a father to me. When he died, I had nothing left. That is why this night; my body hangs on a limb like a caught hawk.


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Sloane Latimer White Water Rafting “Wake up, guys. It is time to get moving!” said Mom. It was 6:00AM at our campsite in Deerfield, MA, and we were there to go white water rafting. After a quick breakfast, we drove down the road to Crabapple Rafting where we were fitted with life jackets and helmets. A bus took us to the top of the river where freezing cold water rushed over rocks and carried fish and huge sticks downstream. Splash! A freezing cold smack in the face! “Hold on everyone!” I screamed. I was attached to a braided rope. “Now we can get in the water,” said our guide, Ian. I jumped into the frigid water. “Ouch!” I said as I was whacked by a passing branch. At the first rapid, Ian told my sister and me to sit in the front of the raft and hold on tight. Then he pointed the bow into a huge wave! Icy water washed over both of us. I thought we were going to flip for sure. We were soaked and laughing like crazy. It was really fun. Further down the river, we came to THE GAP. The whole river narrowed and turned white as snow with crashing waves. I thought I was going to die. We shot through like a bullet. Just then there was a clap of thunder and it poured with rain. Like we weren’t wet enough already! The rest of the trip was full of water fights, raft tipping, and calling the raft full of tough guys “Girl Scouts”. We arrived safely at our car. Finally dry and really tired, we knew we had the time of our lives. What I thought was going to be a scary day turned out to be one of the best days of the summer. Next year, we’re going to raft an even bigger river!


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Cameron Lawrence Survival You have just survived a plane crash and are stuck in the wilderness with a hatchet. You don’t know how long you are going to be there. I am going to talk to you about the traits you need for survival based on the book Hatchet. You need to be positive, clever and resourceful, and have perseverance. If Brian were to be himself, a city boy who uses modern technology to get by in life, he would never get by in the wilderness. The first trait is positive energy. Without positive energy, Brian would not have gone looking for shelter or food, he would have just sat down and died. Brian changed during his time in the woods. After the tornado hit, he got on his feet and maintained his positive energy by repairing his bow. You can’t live on berries and filthy water. The second trait is cleverness and resourcefulness. A sharp blade can be the best thing to have in the wild. Be clever and use the things around you, like wood, a rock, and your hatchet. First, hit the hatchet against the rock to create a spark, then use the spark against the wood to create a fire. Being clever and resourceful is important for survival. You can’t let things hurt you. Not bringing home food one day should not make you give up. It should make you try harder next time. The third trait is perseverance, to maintain the positive energy. When the tornado hit, Brian maintained his positive energy, and persevered by repairing his bow. Positive energy, being clever and resourceful, and having perseverance are three traits that are good for survival. Positive energy helps you because it gives you motivation to help you survive. Being clever and resourceful helps you be more efficient at surviving. Perseverance maintains the positive energy that motivates you to keep you alive. That is why I chose the three traits for surviving in the wilderness.


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Alexandra LeBaron


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Kyle Markes Tony Mendez TIME Person of the Year Antonio Joseph “Tony” Mendez was born in Eureka, Nevada in 1940. He is a mixture of Irish, Italian, and Mexican descent. He went to the University of Colorado and was an artist after college. In 1965, he answered a blind advertisement for a graphic designer job, but really it was the CIA and he became an espionage artist for the Technical Service Division. He has three kids. Ian, one of his children, died of colon cancer, and his wife also died in 1986. Mendez is known for rescuing the six American hostages during the Hostage Crisis in Iran. He was part of a special department in the CIA and pretended to be making a movie in Iran called Argo, so he could get into Iran to free the hostages. Mendez has now become very well known because of the hit movie, Argo, directed by Ben Affleck. It describes Mendez’s rescue and story. He has received many awards, such as The Intelligence Star (1980), CIA Trailblazer Award (1997) and Order of the Sphinx (2000). Mendez is known for rescuing American hostages from the US Embassy in Iran in 1979. The Iranians held American hostages in their own Embassy because they were upset with their Shaw who went to America for chemotherapy. They took the Americans hostage because they wanted their Shaw to come back to America to be killed, but that never happened. This became known as The Hostage Crisis in Iran. Mendez was in charge of rescuing the six hostages that escaped from the American Embassy to the Canadian Ambassador’s house. Mendez was watching the movie, Planet of the Apes, with his son when the idea of how to rescue to hostages popped into his head. Mendez made a ploy that he was making a sci-fi movie called Argo, and he needed to see the landscape in Iran for his movie set. This was his way of getting into the country without anyone questioning him. Mendez arrived at the Canadian Ambassador’s house where he met up with the six hostages. He gave them fake passports, documents and a way out of Iran. He successfully made it out with the hostages, but at the time no one in America knew that he had anything to do with it because the case was classified. In 1997, Bill Clinton declassified the case, which made Tony Mendez a well-known hero in America.

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Kyle Markes Mendez did an amazing act of bravery by going into Iranian territories. He pretended to film a movie, but really freed innocent hostages and brought them back to America. Tony Mendez showed bravery, passion, and honor for his country by putting himself in danger to save others. I was really happy that he got the recognition he deserved.

“The trick is that you have to believe the lie and believe it so much that the lie becomes true.”

-Mendez, Argo

“Antonio ‘Tony’ Mendez is the rarest of creatures: A former spy who has become out of the woodwork.” -Reuters

Key Dates


1940 - Tony Mendez was born in Eureka, Nevada

1) When and where was Tony Mendez born?

1965 - Mendez entered the CIA

2) What is Mendez know for in the CIA?

1979 - Tony Mendez rescues hostages in Iran

3) Why didn’t he get noticed right away in 1980?

1980 - Mendez was awarded with the Intelligence

4) What movie was he pretending film in Tehran?

Star, which had to be taken back

5) What movie did they make about him?

1997- Awarded with the CIA Trailblazer Award


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Kyle Markes


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Brynn McClymont


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Brynn McClymont

Megan Meyerson




I was standing on a barren desert in a horrid nightmare


of torment and despair. Death was all around me. I couldn‘t see him, for he didn’t show himself, but you


could feel his presence, dark and overwhelming, yet


there was a sense of peace and slumber. It was a feeling reverberating from those who came to him peacefully, and happily. Those who had done right in their lives were kept under his coat and protected. Death always kept them with him, fearful of someone stealing them and bringing them to horrible torment. His last words to me before he disappeared were not painful to hear, but calm and almost reassuring, “You have fought and overcome the strongest being ever: me. You have done what few others have done and I predict that great deeds lie ahead for you. Know that when your final sleep comes, I will bring you safely under my coat as I have all the other dead who were, in their life, a positive contribution to the world. Good bye little one, and may your final sleep not come for many a year, and may your life be blessed.” With that his shadows and wisps of cloud that were almost impossible to see had faded into the gloom I knelt on the dark sand and whispered two words, “Release me.”


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Taylor Mitchell Ronald McNair Ronald McNair was born on October 21st, 1950 in Lake City, South Carolina. He had a mother named Pearl and his dad was named Carl. He also had two brothers, one was named Carl and the other one was named Erik. He was a star athlete and an honor student. He was also a musician and he did karate. He enjoyed running, boxing, football, playing cards and cooking. Ronald was a smart kid. He was valedictorian of Carver High School in 1967. In 1971, he received a Bachelor’s degree in engineering physics from North Carolina A&T State University. Most people know Ronald for being a NASA astronaut. Not a lot of people know that he had a wife named Cheryl and he had two kids. He was awarded the Congressional Space Medal of Honor. He is also known for the Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion. He died nine miles above the Atlantic Ocean in the space shuttle. He was thirty-five. I think people will remember Ronald as a great astronaut. I will remember him as the second African American to fly in space. It was a hard time for Ronald because black people were treated unfairly at that time. Ronald proved that black people can do the same thing as white people and all of us will remember him for doing that.


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Eloise Morgan


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Sydney Mouzon


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Timmy Murillo


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Nina Parker


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Nina Parker Always.... But Never Always wonder. Always dream. Always be happy. Always gleam.

Sofie Pasztor Moving BOOM! BOOM! I heard the furniture bumping all around in the back of the truck. I looked in the mirror

Always want to be yourself.

and saw the big U-Haul letters on the side of the truck.

Never try to be anyone else.

The reason I wanted to ride in this truck is because it was

You are you in every good way,

a once in a lifetime opportunity. Well, only if you move

So keep your head up everyday.

more than once. That’s right, we were moving. Straight

Always love. Always Smile.

from Bridgeport to Norwalk. I was kind of sad, though.

Always be willing to talk for awhile. Always have a half full cup, And never ever give up. Always wonder, and always dream.

I missed lots of the things in Bridgeport. I missed the beautiful park. I missed the Beardsley Zoo. I also missed the busy road with all of the cars zooming past. Then I remembered that there are great things in Norwalk, too.

Always be happy, but most importantly, GLEAM.

I looked down at the cars on the highway. They all

You are you in the BEST way,

looked like little ants compared to us. I saw a road sign

So keep your head up EVERYDAY.

that read, Welcome to Norwalk. “YES!” I shouted. “We’re here!” We were finally in Norwalk, our future home! We turned onto a very tiny street called Hillwood Place. A left turn, then a right and we turned onto an even smaller driveway. The house had only one floor and was tiny, but it was the perfect size for our family. I jumped out of the truck with excitement. My dad said that my cousin, Frankie and his friend, Will were going to help us unpack and get the furniture out of the truck. My mom’s worst worry was if the sofa would fit through the door. We were getting really tired moving all this heavy furniture. I wondered where Frankie was. We were waiting

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Sofie Pasztor and waiting when suddenly my dad got furious! He called Frankie up, and he and Will got here in five minutes. I laughed in my head. Now it was time for the sofa! They carried it to the door. I was watching from the inside. Inch by inch. Foot by foot. The sofa! We were all so relieved that it fit. After a couple more hours, we finally got all the furniture and boxes in the house. It was around 6:00PM when we went to sleep. I slept like a baby in my new bed. When I woke up, I looked at the clock. 11:00AM! I quickly got dressed. After breakfast, I went onto the computer. I tried to go onto the Internet, but the screen read error. “Dad!” I shouted. “The computer is broken!” My dad came rushing in. I figured out that the computer wasn’t broken. It was that we didn’t have any Internet. I went to my room filled with boxes. I flopped down on my bed wondering what to do. Hmmmmmm, I wondered. I know! I went to my living room and looked on the sofa. There laid a big ball of fur. It was black, white and brown. That ball of fur was my dog, KC. My dad thinks that KC is a bad dog. I think he’s quite adorable. My dad only says KC is bad because he chews up everything in our house. I was trying to wake him up. I shook him a little just to get his attention. Then suddenly, his milky brown eyes began to open. He stretched and yawned. Yawned and stretched. Then he jumped up and he was ready to play. We went outside in the cool winter air and, as usual, KC started barking at the neighbor’s dog. “Fetch, KC!” I shouted. “Fetch!” I threw the ball and KC went chasing after. I waited a while. “KC!” I shouted. I went to follow his tracks in the icy white snow. I found him and wondered what he was staring at. I turned and I saw two deer. Wow, you wouldn’t see those in Bridgeport! It was getting cold, so I decided to go back inside. I made some hot chocolate. As I was drinking, I looked into the cup and the hot cocoa reminded me of KC’s milky brown eyes. When I was finished, I went back to my room and lay on the bed. As I was lying there, I was thinking of how great my life is going to be in my new forever home. No more hour-long car rides. No more waking up at 6:00 in the morning. I am so grateful that I am going to live here.


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Jeffrey M. Pendo How Good Can Get Bad So Quickly (From Via’s point of view) “Auggie! Dinner!” I yelled. Mom and Dad were on a business trip together, so I made Top Ramen for us. “Coming,” said Auggie. “What’s for dinner?” “Top Ramen,” I said. “Hurry up before it gets cold.” Finally Auggie came downstairs. “So, are you ready for your doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning?” “Yep,” said Auggie. “Hey, is it okay if after the appointment I invite Jack Will and Summer over? We’re going to watch Star Wars Episode 2. It’s sooo addicting.” “Sure. They can stay over for dinner if you want,” I said, allowing Auggie to spend his weekend with his friends. “Anyway, it’s already 9:30, you should get to bed.” “Okay, but you better remember to tuck me in.” “Don’t worry, I will,” I said as Auggie walked upstairs. I cleaned the dishes and then the phone starting ringing. “Hello. Pullman residence.” “Hey Via, it’s mom. How’s everything going? How’s Auggie?” “He’s good. How are you and Dad?” “We’re fine. What did you make for dinner?” “Top Ramen. Hey, what’s the name of the doctor I’m taking Auggie to? Is it Dr. Richard or Dr. Victor?” “Actually, you’re taking him to Dr. Frank. Sorry, honey, but Dad and I are going to a meeting. Goodbye. Love you.” “Love you, too,” I said and then I heard the monotonous drone of the phone and knew she had hung up. I went upstairs, got in my pajamas, and went to Auggie’s room. “Hey buddy, I told you I wouldn’t forget.” I said to Auggie, who was lying on his bed. “Do I have Dr. Richard or Dr. Victor tomorrow?” asked Auggie. “Actually, mom just called and she said that you have Dr. Frank.” “Yes! I love Dr. Frank. He gives me a lollipop after every single appointment.” “Okay, goodnight honey,” I said as I pulled the covers up to his chin. “Love you.” “I love you, too, Via,” said Auggie as I turned out the lights. I walked into my own room, got in bed, and fell asleep. Continued on next page


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Jeffrey M. Pendo I woke up and poured myself a bowl of cereal. Next I got dressed and woke up Auggie. “You better get up, or we’re going to be late for your doctor’s appointment.” “Ughhh,” said Auggie tiredly. “Do I have to?” “Yes. Now come on, lets go.” Finally he got ready. We walked into the doctors’ office, and the smell of hand sanitizer swept through my nostrils. “Hello, we’re here to see Dr. Frank.” I said to the lady at the front desk. “Okay, what’s the name?” She said, with her high, perky voice. “August Pullman.” “Okay, the doctor will see you shortly.” Auggie and I went and sat down in the lobby. I read a People magazine while Auggie played games on my phone. All the stuff in the magazine was pretty much the same stuff: Blah blah Twilight, blah blah Breaking Dawn Part 2, and blah blah Kristen Stewart & Rob Pattison. After about ten minutes the nurse called, “August Pullman?” The nurse showed us to a room where we saw Dr. Frank. “Hey Auggie, hey Via. How’s it going?” asked Dr. Frank “We’re good. How about you?” Auggie said to the doctor. “I’m fine. Thanks for asking. So, let’s get started. We need to take a blood test because you said you have been feeling nausea and fatigue?” “Yep, I feel tired a lot and I’ve been getting sick to my stomach.” “Okay. I’m going to put this liquid called rubbing alcohol on your arm to make this less painful.” He rubbed it on Auggie’s arm and then reached for three test tubes and a needle. “Now, this might hurt a little,” he said as he stuck the needle into Auggie’s right arm.” I watched the blood travel through a pipe and into the test tubes. It was over quickly. “All done. Now have this lollipop so you don’t faint from the blood loss. We’ll call you tomorrow with the results of the test.” At about 3:30PM, Jack Will and Summer came over. “Hey dude. What’s up?” asked Jack Will. “Hey, Auggie,” said the high voice of Summer. They went in the living room and started watching the movie. Since I had nothing to do, I invited Miranda over. In fifteen minutes, she walked in the door. “Hey, Miranda. How are you?” I said. “I’m great. How are you and Auggie?” asked Miranda. Continued on next page


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Jeffrey M. Pendo “We’re great. He’s in the living room watching a Star Wars movie with some of his friends. So, what do you want to do? I thought maybe we could do some online shopping.” “That sounds great. Well, let’s get to it.” The rest of the day went by quickly. Before I knew it, I was tucking Auggie in and getting into bed. “What a day,” I said as I closed my eyes and fell into slumber.

I woke up on Sunday morning and made Belgian waffles. “Come on Auggie, time to wake up.” “Okay. Today’s homework day, so I better get an early start,” he said as he came down and we had breakfast. “Oh my gosh, these waffles are so good.” “Thank you.” I said. After breakfast the phone rang. “Hello, Pullman residence.” “Hey Via, it’s Dr. Frank, I’ve got the test results.” For some reason his voice seemed really serious. “What did they say?” I asked. “Via, I’m so sorry, but Auggie has had lymphoma for three months. Since he’s never had any of the medications, there’s a very big chance he won’t survive.” I was shocked. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. “Again, I’m so sorry.” “It’s not your fault.” I choked out. “It’s nobody’s fault. “Thank you for telling me.” “I wish you and Auggie the best. Goodbye.” The next thing I did was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I went up to Auggie. “Why are you crying? What’s wrong?” he asked. “Auggie I’m so sorry. The doctor called and told me you have lymphoma, a cancer,” I said through a lump in my throat and a face covered with tears. Auggie started sobbing and I hugged him tight. “Have you told Mom and Dad yet?” he asked between sobs. “No, I’m going to tell them right now. Auggie, remember that whatever happens, I’ll be right by your side.” I blew my nose and then went to the phone. “Hi, Mom,” I said after I dialed her number. “Hi sweetie, what’s wrong? You sound like you’re crying.” “I am. Mom, Dr. Frank called and told me that Auggie has lymphoma.” “No. Oh, no. Honey, don’t worry. Dad and I will cancel the rest of the trip and come home right now. Do you know how long he’s had it?”

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Jeffrey M. Pendo “The doctor said three months. He also said that since he’s never had any of the medications, he probably won’t survive.” At this point, we both started crying our heads off. “We’ll be right there. Goodbye for now. I love you.” “I love you too. Goodbye.”

In the middle of the night, Mom and Dad came home. We all hugged and cried. “Oh, Auggie, don’t you worry. We love you no matter what,” Mom said. “We’ll be by your side through this ordeal,” said Dad. After all the hugging, we all went to bed. It must have been hard for Auggie to tell Jack Will and Summer, but right now I had to tell Miranda. “Hey, Miranda. I have some really bad news.” I said. “What is it? Is everything okay?” “I wish it was okay. Miranda, Auggie has lymphoma.” As soon as I said this, she started crying and hugged me. “Is he going to be all right?” she asked. “The doctor s-said that he’s had it for three months. H-he said that b-because he hasn’t had any medicines, the chances of him not s-surviving are v-very h-high.” “Oh, Via, I’m so sorry.” “It’s not your fault he has cancer, you know.” “I know, but still, I’m sorry. You want me to walk with you to class?” “That would be great. Thanks so much Miranda. I can always count on you.” I didn’t tell anyone else during school because they didn’t even know about Auggie’s face. Besides, the less people who know it, the less people can tell others. After school, all of us went to the doctor’s, including Miranda. When Dr. Frank came in the room, there was a moment of silence. “Hello,” he said to us. “We’ve done some research on Auggie’s condition, and found out that it would be best to put him on chemotherapy.” “Am I going to be okay?” asked Auggie.

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Jeffrey M. Pendo “Honey, I honestly don’t know,” said the doctor. “You need to take these pills twice everyday twelve hours apart. I suggest that you lay off of school and rest.” “Thank you, Doctor,” said Dad. “Thank you. Have a good week,” said Dr. Frank.

We went home and it seemed like the day dragged on forever. I was video chatting with Miranda while we looked on Wikipedia for information about lymphoma. Auggie was in his bed with his chin up while he watched Star Wars Episode 3 with Jack Will and Summer beside him. After a few hours, Jack Will and Summer had gone home, and I was setting the table for dinner. “Honey, could you go wake Auggie up and walk him down?” Mom asked. “Sure.” I said. I walked up the stairs and into Auggie’s room, and saw him on the bed. “Auggie, wake up.” I said, holding his hand. He didn’t stir. “Auggie? Auggie! Mom, Dad, help! Auggie’s not waking up.” Mom and Dad rushed up the stairs. “NOOO!” Mom said as she kept on trying to wake up Auggie with tears in her eyes. I was shocked. How could this happen? I started crying my head off. “Oh, my son,” cried Dad as he, too, rushed to Auggie while crying. We called 911 and the ambulance came and took us to the hospital. When we got to the hospital, the doctors and nurses rushed him into a room, going very fast. Dr. Frank was there. “We’ll do whatever we can,” Dr. Frank said to try and comfort us. When we got in the room, we saw him hooked up to all these machines. One of them was that one that shows the lines that say if your heart is beating. The lines were still going up and down, but very slowly. As we watched, the lines starting going down until the line was flat and we heard a beep. We all started silently crying. Mom, Dad, myself, and even Dr. Frank. All of us were looking at the dead body of Auggie.

We sat at the funeral all wearing black. Mom, Dad, Miranda, Justin, Jack Will, Summer, Amos, Henry, Miles, Charlotte, Ximena, I can’t even name them all.

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Jeffrey M. Pendo “We stand here in memoriam of the life of August Pullman, 2001-2012. Please stand for a moment of silence,” said the priest. The earth fell silent and I had to dab my eyes with a tissue. The priest continued. “Thank you. Now here to say a few words, August’s sister Via.” I walked up to the podium and took out a speech I prepared. “August Pullman was a kind, fun, and optimistic person. Whenever you’d get near him, you’d feel happy. He has a strange cleft palate, making his face look a little strange. Some people think, ‘Oh he’s ugly. Stay away from him.’ If you get to know him on the inside, you’ll forget completely about his face. Who cares what’s on the outside? What matters is the heart, the beauty within.” After I said that speech, everybody starting clapping. “Thank you, Via,” the priest said. “Let us now here a poem written by one of August’s friends, Jack Will.” “Thank you, Priest,” said Jack Will. “I’m going to do an acrostic poem. A, an inspiring person. U, understands other people’s feelings. G, great at being a friend. U, united with peace. S, super cool and nice. T, the best friend anyone could ever have.” Everybody clapped so hard. “Thank you, Jack Will” said the priest. “Now we shall hear another poem by another one of August’s friends, Summer.” “Thank you kindly.” Summer started. “Nice, kind, with a heart made of gold. August Pullman, what a person to behold. He always makes you smile. His number you’ll find yourself always to dial. August Pullman, what more can I say? August Pullman, we wish you were here today.” Wow, Auggie was right, she is smart, I thought to myself while I clapped. “Thank you so much for that lovely poem,” the priest said. “Now, you may put your blessings on his grave.” When the priest said this, everyone got up and walked toward his grave. Lord, thank you for letting August Pullman be my brother. I couldn’t have asked for anyone else. I prayed. I picked up the flowers I had bought and laid them down on his grave. “I’ll miss you Auggie. No matter what, I will never in all eternity forget you.” I whispered to his grave, while tears silently crept down my face. “I love you, Auggie.”


ponus papers

grade 5

Gabrielle Perreault Island of the Blue Dolphin Beginning Recreation I am sitting on a rock near the spring. I am with Ulape (my poodle dog.) I am fifteen years old and had been living on this island alone for a long five years now. My name is Turid, let me tell you my story. I was born in Hollywood in 3012. I always wanted to be a famous drummer for any band, but really a famous band. One time I was walking along the pier on Venice Beach when I saw a man playing the drums. I walked over to him and asked him how long he’d been playing. “Twenty years now, I’ve been in many bands and am in one now. I am retiring and am very sad. Do you play the drums? If you do, auditions for the band drummer are at 2:00 o’clock today,” said the man. “Oh I would love to audition I’ll see you here at 2:00 o’clock.” “Alright then,” he replied. Then I walked away. 2:00, I waited at the pier bench for the kind fella. 2:15, he still wasn’t there. My palms started getting sweaty, thinking that he had forgot to come.” 2:30, I turned around and there he was standing next to his loud rock-and-roll drum set holding his best drum sticks in hand. He handed the sticks to me even though I had my own. I took them from his hands and sat on the stool, ready to start playing. “Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!” The drums roared with sound in a great rhythm and a great beat. “Bang!” I hit the snare drum signaling the man that I was finished. He applauded so loudly that I thought it was louder than the drums. “Amazing! You’re in!” “Ahhh!!!” I screamed in delight just light Gabby does when she sees Ms.Ball at a school play. “Thank you so much I said as I shook his hand, took the band business card and walked away happily. Later that day when I got home to my house I sat down on my bed and examined the business card. “Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!” I screamed so loudly that I could have burst an ear drum. I was in thirty Direction (30D)!!!!!!! Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 5

Gabrielle Perreault Some weeks and months passed and I got very famous, even more then the singers. I had to escape the mobs of paparazzi and crazed fans so I took a boat to an island where no one would ever find me. Our boatmen who promised to come back for us in six dropped us off months. I stayed there with my parents, siblings, other family members, maids, butlers, bodyguards, chefs, and all sorts of other people. We waited many, many months, and years, but the boatmen never returned. I tried calling the men on my IPhone 27, but there was no cell service. I wished we would have gone to an island with cell service then we would be saved! Stupid Island! One day in 3022 a group of paparazzi showed up looking for me! We looked so ragged and torn up from six years we’d been on the island that we all hid! None of us wanted to be seen looking like slobs in a magazine! The paparazzi found us though! We stuffed our faces into our hands as the paparazzi were about to click the pictures, but they didn’t recognize us! Then the paparazzi got so mad, because they thought we weren’t Turid and her family, that they smashed their cameras! I sensed trouble so Ulape and I snuck out, hid, and watched to see what happened next. Everything seemed like a blur. I don’t know what happened first or what happened next it all went by too quickly. Maybe the crazy paparazzi chopped off dad’s head first or mom’s stomach. I don’t know but when I opened my eyes everyone was gone. “Nooooooooooooooooo!!!” I tried to hold back tears and think positive thoughts but it was no use. Everyone was dead but Ulape and me. My stomach started to hurt and I felt like I was about to throw up. Then, I got up and moved away from the dead bodies. Months passed and I had buried everyone’s dead bodies even the bodyguards and maids. It was a very sad time for me and it seemed like the first month lasted a million years. Soon, though I started to make a daily routine in my life. I got food and water, I knew what foods were safe because we studied it in school, and I knew where to get water because I came with the maids a few times, I did everything I could. I am still alone on this island (as you know) and you have heard my story. I have been living alone for five years now and it’s been the longest five years of my life. I still feel as if I’m at home because I have Ulape my poodle, my drum set, and best drum sticks. Even though I am alone I feel as if I’m with Sally (my maid who was also my friend), my sister Georgia, my mom Rebecca, and mostly my Dad, Bob.


ponus papers

grade 5

Gabrielle Perreault


ponus papers

grade 5

Desmond Pratt Desmond

Emily Riccardi The Ocean Course

Electric Stupendous

My favorite restaurant is The Ocean Course in Kiawah


Island, South Carolina. The Ocean Course also has a top

Open Minded

ranked golf course. This summer, they hosted a big golf

Never Quits Dazzling

tournament called the PGA. The Ocean Course always has fresh, local seafood. My favorite foods there are the crispy, fried shrimp with

Proud Rambunctious Athletic Tough Terrific

different kinds of sauces for my appetizer, the grilled shrimp or steak for my main meal and for dessert, I love the warm chocolate cake or the key lime pie. The Ocean Course is on the beach and right next to the golf course. The golf course is sandy, hilly and windy. I have never played there before but I have heard it is hard. This summer, The Ocean Course hosted the 94th PGA. PGA stands for Professional Golf Association. Rory McIlory won the PGA this year. I went to watch it a couple times. I also got Jim Furyk’s autograph. The Ocean Course also hosted the Ryder cup a few years ago. The Ocean Course is an excellent restaurant and a great golf course.


ponus papers

grade 5

Carolina Salvatore THE SURPRISE OF A LIFETIME I had been dreaming about today for the whole year. My eyes slowly opened from dreaming of this truly magical day. My feet sprang up from my old, creaky bed and I dashed for the stairs. It already smelled like Christmas, and that all together made my day even though the day hadn’t even begun, and this was just the beginning. I rushed to the Christmas tree where I had high hopes that there would be presents waiting for me to open. Just how I hoped that there would be, lots of perfectly wrapped presents awaited me. The tree was alive and it seemed as if it were smiling with me and at me at the same time. It was the most perfect tree just sitting there on the most perfect day. It was Christmas! I looked around at all of my presents, and one stood out. It looked like a hard, green, plastic box that had jail bars on one side. I figured that it was just a generous gift from Santa to my dog, Cody. He needed a new cage anyway. I realized that I had to wait for my parents to open my gifts, which meant that I had to go back upstairs to my room. Slowly, yawning, I scooched my way up each step, one at a time. I was still so tired because the day had barely become a day. For just about a half hour, I slept on, dreaming of what could be under that perfect tree and inside those perfectly wrapped presents. My eyes widened and once again I realized that it was Christmas. I inhaled and exhaled and suddenly I could wait no longer. I had to get my family up. Everyone was up and my siblings and I rushed down the stairs like a heard of elephants. One eye caught the next as one by one the four of us realized that there was more than air in that cage........ THERE WAS A PUPPY!!!!!! Gasps, screams, squeals. Oh my gosh! I love her! She’s adorable! She looked like an Oreo with eyebrows. Her body was tiny, but not her eyes. She was a puppy surrounded by presents that were wrapped perfectly, which were under a perfectly, perfect tree. She was surrounded by presents the way an ocean surrounds an island. She was adorable and now she was mine. I loved her from the minute that I saw her. In a couple of days we decided that we needed a name for her. I suggested Candy, but sadly that was shot down early in the running. We finally came up with Annie. From now on, she’s Annie Salvatore! Luckily, Annie and Cody get along pretty well and I love them both.


ponus papers

grade 5

Carolina Salvatore A- adorable N- necessary N- necessity I- innocent (sometimes) E- everything


ponus papers

grade 5

Teddy Schoenholtz The Legend Of The Light Dragon Once upon a time, there was a mountain named Argard. Rumor had it that at the peak of the mountain, there lives a baby dragon in an egg that can shine light on the world. The dragon lives underneath the nice, cold and soft snow but the rest of the mountain is molten and lava. Any man or woman, who dared to try to climb and take the dragon egg for their own, has never returned. The Vikings got used to the mountain and soon honored it. It became part of their lives but they were all scared of it. They soon found out that even a god that tried to climb it would burn alive. Even the gods were scared of mount Argard. However, not all gods were afraid. Loki wasn’t. He wanted to climb the mountain. So he went to see the god of blacksmithing who makes the best tools and talked him into making Loki an indestructible bucket and armor. Then he started climbing mount Argard. His indestructible armor started to wear down very slowly. Eventually he made it to the top and took a scoop of the snow with his bucket then snapped his fingers and teleported back. When he looked at the snow he couldn’t resist the temptation to drink it and see what it did. He drank and drank until the bucket was empty then he went to rest. The mountain got angry at Loki because he dared to take the snow. The mountain got so angry it split in half and the most beautiful light came out of it. An egg emerged and a baby dragon hatched. It was the dragon of light, and shined all over the town. Sadly, all the gods agreed that Thor the god of lightning should raise the baby dragon not themselves. This pleased the light dragon because of his similarities with Thor. The dragon started to grow bigger and bigger until Thor finally had to let it go. The light dragon flew all over, fighting evil and getting bigger and stronger by the day with all the good it did. However, Loki came back outraged and wanted to take the dragon back by killing Thor, and taking the dragon for himself. Since the dragon was raised by Thor, it was his instinct to protect him. The ultimate battle began. The battle went on for almost one year. As time went on, Loki started to tire himself out yet the dragon got stronger every day from its good deed of protecting Thor. Finally, the dragon defeated Loki. All the Vikings celebrated the dragon’s victory with a huge feast and gathering. As part of honoring the dragon even more, the Vikings made iron and gold statues and an ornate gathering space to celebrate the dragon of light. The dragon was so happy it flapped its wings and illuminated itself and the entire village. To this day at sunset if you look very hard you can still see him flying and doing his victory dance.


ponus papers

grade 5

Sophie Smith


ponus papers

grade 5

Celia Sotirhos Snow Outside my window I can see a white blanket covering my back yard. I see the snow hugging the trees and branches. I hear the soft drops when the snow falls onto the ground. The soft sound you can only hear if the whole world is quite. I can taste the chocolaty hot cocoa in my mug the taste I only get during the wintertime. I feel my soft pajamas against my skin, I have been wearing them all day. I smell the crackling fire. I hear it burning and see it making flames that rise to the sky. The snow keeps falling and is like a burst of white clouds breaking into millions of pieces. The snow is as white as a summer white rose. The beautiful snow, I hope it stays.


ponus papers

grade 5

Jack Sparks


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grade 5

William Staniar Malala Yousafazai Time Person of the Year Malala Yousafzai deserves to be Time Person of the Year. She is a strong advocate for female rights. Due to her protests advocating for equality, she was shot in the head by a terrorist organization named the Taliban. Yousafazai knew that standing up for female rights was a risk before she was shot. Even though Yousafazai was shot, she is still fighting for female rights today. Yousafazai was born on July 12, 1997 in Mingora, Pakistan. The Taliban went after her because they don’t like girls going to school and she didn’t obey them. She is fifteen and the youngest person to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. On October 9, 2012, Yousafazai was riding the bus home when a man from the Taliban got onto the bus with a gun. He asked, “Who is Malala?” He then shot the girls sitting next to Yousafazai who survived and finally shot her in the head. She was airlifted to a hospital in England and is miraculously alive today and still fighting for equal rights. The Taliban have lied many times about Yousafazai. They say that they didn’t try to murder her because she is supporting rights but because she is a sign of obscenity. That is outrageous because they have been closing down and blowing up schools. The Taliban also said that if she survived, they would target her again. Yousafazai said, “My purpose is to serve humanity.” That is a great quality because she wants to help the world. She also said, “People don’t leave their homeland so rapidly on their own. They leave because of love or poverty.” She said this because the Taliban have been forcing people to leave their homes. Yousafazai wants to help this world more. She wants to be a politician and, unlike many other politicians, she wants to work with other people and solve problems. Yousafazai said, “I must be a politician to save this country. There are so many crises in our country. I want to remove these crises.” Yousafazai is very brave and courageous, and because of this the Prime Minister of England made a day in her honor. She stood up against the Taliban and she knows the difference between right and wrong when surprisingly not a lot of people do. It is a miracle that she survived and also a sign that equality is meant to happen. Key Dates Questions 1997 Yousafazai was born Where was Yousafazai born? 2008 Started to fight for rights

Why was she targeted?

2009 Had a chance to write for BBC What is another reason? 2012 Schools shut down

Who was she targeted by?

2012 Shot but survived What award is she about to win?


ponus papers

grade 5

William Staniar


ponus papers

grade 5

Nate Stevens


ponus papers

grade 5

Katie Stevens Waves They start out far, then come

Charlie Tait Perfect Pet To me, my dog Lizzy is the perfect pet. Lizzy is a

closer, closer.

Cockapoo she is a very pleasant dog and it’s enjoyable

The perfect wave

to play with her, however; she can be very hyper. Lizzy

Closer, closer. Then it hits

has two moods: crazy and calm. She is very soft, but when she gets dirty, I really do not like to pet her. She is

the sand

a respectable dog and never bites anybody. My family

crash, boom.

and I did terribly bad job training her, and as a result,

Then just like the sun rises as the moon sets,

she often jumps and scratches at strangers.

it drags the sand into the bottomless ocean.

My family got Lizzy in Pennsylvania, in a scary, and

And the sea goes away

run-down town. When I first saw the town, I was scared

only to come back to wash up and tickle the tips of your toes like a nice sensation

because it wasn’t very nice; it was all dirt roads. I thought maybe we should get our dog from somewhere else but I was wrong.

crawling through your body.

My dog loves my grandma’s dog, Barney. Lizzy

Then it jerks back to a big wave as it comes

and Barney are best friends. Barney is very big and

closer, closer and the last one goes farther, farther.

old and she’s very young and small so when they play it’s sort of scary. Barney is a golden retriever so he’s really nice and furry. It’s fun to play with him even though he is very slow. I love my dog, she’s really weird but she is still my perfect pet.


ponus papers

grade 5

Kara Ventura


ponus papers

grade 5

Chuck Warren A ROMAN LETTER Dear Mater and Pater, The last few weeks have been Hades in the army. After I finished my training, I took an oath to the emperor. I had no idea that the army would be so rough. We started out the day by walking 18 miles, it really was not fair that our leader was able to ride on horse back and we all had to walk and carry everything. After we finished our 18 miles, we built a camp, just as practice for the real battles. We worked and worked in the hot sun and finally, the camp was finished. It was astonishing, but when we saw it get taken down, it tore our hearts out. Then we started our training drills, we had lots to do. First we ran. I thought this was strange because we had already covered 18 miles. Then, we did something like a long jump. This was not for fun, but to improve our agility. After that, we swam many laps in a lake. It was freezing cold but we had to swim or we suffered the brutal punishment of being whipped like animals. Some soldiers were unlucky and had to do extra work as landscapers. The army thinks that it will help us if we have more scouts. It will be hard to endure this for twenty more years. At least soldiers have some advantages. For example, I will get paid 225 certse every year. I am also provided with food and shelter and, when I retire, the army will provide me with work and very good pay. I really miss you. I wish I could just see you. I would do anything just to hear your voice.




ponus papers

grade 5

Mimi White


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grade 5

Louis Williams


ponus papers

grade 5

Bo Zeigler I Shoot, we Score The score board flips to 9-9. Blue Wave just tied it up. “Vegas, you’re on,” coach spits at me. “Yes sir,” I reply with the same tone. I grab my stick and shift on the fly. Bodies clash and people cheer. “Pass the ball, I’m open! Here’s your help!” I scream desperately. The ball gets flung out of Major’s stick and rips the air to get to me. I spring off my feet, bounding to the other goal. A blue wave of pinnies sprint at me. Without thinking I throw the ball back to Major. Major runs down the line, and sets a roll dodge on the way. Major lets the ball go out of his stick and into Matias’. Matias quick-sticks the ball to me and I struggle to keep it in my stick and out of Darien’s. I pass the ball to major and he sprints to the net. Having a perfect shot, I watch him. All of a sudden, he slows down and passes it to me behind the back, down at the goal line. Quickly I look where I want to place my shot. I wind up, and for once notice the play clock. Only 20 seconds to go in the game. I stop my shot and go behind the net. Kicking myself for not shooting a perfect shot, passing it to Matias and he passes it to Major. This time Major cuts to the goal and does not stop. As he winds up I inch closer to the goal. In the middle of his windup, the ball falls out. I spring in and power through to get the ball. With only five seconds left. This time I don’t stop. I wind up and rip it. The second I let the ball go, I knew it was going to be a goal. As if in slow motion, I watch the goalie step towards my shot, moving his stick up high to save the shot. GOAL! I look up to the clock, zero seconds. Soon enough a red wave of pinnies pile on top of me. 10-9, Senators win.


ponus papers

grade 5

Catherine Ziac The Story of Unferth In the story of Beowulf, you meet the less-than-likeable Unferth. But you don’t know the whole tale of this man. Unferth was born on the hottest, buggiest, slimiest day of the year. There had been a plague of diseased toads that popped when frightened, squirting out orange goo. Unferth had been hit by this goo, giving him a large boil on his neck. Unferth’s family was not the most pleasant family. His mother was more toad than woman, with a large, lumpy body, slimy, wrinkled skin, wide, thin mouth, and small, squinted eyes. His father was never without his strong mead. His thick, scratchy beard hung with the sharp smell of rotting fish, onion, moldy Gorgonzola cheese and, of course, mead. And then there was Unferth’s brother, Nimblerod. Nimblerod had been dropped on his head, thrown out a window, dropped in a lake and sat on as a baby, causing him to never be quite right and to require lots of attention. Unferth hated him for that. One day when Nimblerod was walking home from the market, he saw a leprechaun running into a cave. Legend says that if you catch a leprechaun he has to give you his pot of gold. So, Nimblerod followed him into the cave. But there was no leprechaun in the cave, only Unferth smiling with a knife. Since Nimblerod had gone “missing”, Unferth had to do all the chores. On a sunny day, Unferth saw a trail of soldiers winding through the market. Unferth, not happy to be doing all the chores, threw a rotten apple at a soldier’s helmet. The soldier grabbed Unferth and stuffed him in a bag. When the bag was opened, Unferth was in a great castle with King Hrothgar. Unferth, who had no respect for the king, ran up to him swearing and screaming, “Let me go, let me go!” After Unferth settled down, Hrothgar told him he had broken the law by throwing that apple and that he would have to stay in the dungeon for three weeks. As the weeks went by, the king got news that Unferth’s village had been burned. Not having the heart to send him out in the cold, the king let Unferth stay in the castle. So, whether you like it or not, now you know the WHOLE story of Unferth.


ponus papers

grade 6

Justus Armstead

Greta Baker



Spring brings some pollen

Dogs are better than anything on earth.

People want to hide indoors

There is nothing better than playing fetch.

They want the winter

They are the cutest things ever even at birth. They wake up and twist in a nice long stretch.

Dogs are better than people by a lot, because they don’t ask annoying questions. They listen nicely more often then not. They don’t say aggravating suggestions

Then your best friend and loyal dog will die. There is nothing worse than a dog’s sad death. For the last time, you look in those big eyes And then, when your dog breathes his final breath

You wish your best friend ever were still living. All of the memories, like how he was so forgiving.


ponus papers

grade 6

Emily Barnard

Mac Ballentine



Deep, light blue ocean

Everyone has dreams every time they sleep

Sea waves roll against the boat

Dreams are amazing and mind blowing too

But now they are gone

Some dreams you talk about, others you keep What are dreams about, are they about you?

My mind is working while I am napping. Thinking about things that came up before Until my mom will wake me up snapping Dreams feel awfully real, can’t wait for more

Although, plenty dreams are terrifying Some dreams are impossible to forget Some don’t make sense, some need clarifying Dreams that don’t finish make people upset

You could describe dreams in a hundred words Dreams are like visions that never occurred


ponus papers

grade 6

Cayden Brodnax Classes at School I love to go to school because its fun. We go to class even though we are bad. I love to play with my friends in the Sun. But when we get to class we get so mad.

In school we play lots of super fun Sports. The teachers teach us about boring things. At recess I go so hard on the Courts. In music class we always have to sing.

We always have homework but we hate it. Kids distract me even though it is bad. When the teacher gives work we have a fit When I get kicked out of class, I get sad.

I will always love the classes at school. And the classes there will always be so cool.


ponus papers

grade 6

Andrew Butcher No Miracle Cure Do you know how sometimes you want to stop something but you know it will happen no matter what? That’s how I felt on one of the worst days of my life. Sometimes someone else can stop it. That’s not what happened this time. No miracle cure, no final goodbyes, just what happened. And sometimes you have to accept it. Because you can do nothing else. It started off like any other day. But that was only until my dad came home from the gym. He walked in the door, dropped his bag and sighed. Then he looked up at his expectant family and said, “They’re giving him about 24 hours.” It had been five weeks since my grandfather had fallen, but everyone was hoping that something might happen, some doctor might pull a “House” and say, “I GOIT IT!!” but no one did. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Everyone stared at him, and we were all thinking, “This can’t be happening,” but it was. We all knew this day would come eventually. As hours passed I almost forgot about the events that happened. That’s what happens when you do other things. The important thing gets stuffed into the wayback of your mind. You don’t think about it until something causes it to barge into the front of your mind. Like that night. My dad had just picked me up from a movie night at my friend’s house and the second I stepped in his car I felt a chill in the air. We drove back in absolute silence, which for my dad is not good. At all. As we pulled into our driveway, I knew something had happened because the windows were dark and icy. I trudged the footpath up to my house and opened the dark green door. When my father closed the door, he looked to us with sad eyes and said, “Granddad passed away tonight.” When something bad happens a lot of times there is a moment you think, “A, senor? No comprendo!” That was what was going through my head. “My grandpa…Is dead?” but it was the truth. Sometimes, you hope when something bad happens, life will be like a fairy tale. Blah, blah, blah, happily ever after, but this rarely happens. You might try and rely upon a “House” but usually there is not “House” to rely upon. No miracle cure. This ending came with a lesson, and a vow. A vow that simply states, “He will never be forgotten.” Never.


ponus papers

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Andrew Butcher


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William Byrne


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grade 6

Liam Carroll

Max Chermayeff

The Day’s Sail


‘Twas night before day’s gale

A crash, a bang, who knew how much my pain

That the ship would sail

A puck, a stick, a hit, the world went dark

Dead straight into the rocky bay

The struggle was really hard to contain

The mast did snap

The hit was hard and left a deep-down mark

Into the crackling wave swallowing ocean of disarray The children dressed in grey tunic

No light, no noise, no friends, just a big haze

Were a big part in this dramatic lunatic

In a big, silent, empty box, I rest

Mama and Papa were split into the oceans swale

Thoughts and dreams swirl like a crazy maze

So I am here to recall this tragic tale

I can’t help but think this is a big test

So if you shall put me for foul play Then do so, but not on this beautiful bright,

It did steer me in the right direction

unfortunate day

And I learned to appreciate it all I avoid this and that for my protection But life must go on after my big fall

This was my the biggest challenge yet I am stronger that I will not forget.


ponus papers

grade 6

Seanie Clark Falling for the Falls “Welcome to Dunn’s River Falls in Montego Bay, where the water falls as fast as the people,” the guide said. I was so excited to be at the waterfall. I couldn’t wait to climb it! We got out of the car and started walking down to the start of the waterfall. Hundreds and hundreds of steps were wandering down to the bottom. The water was pelting at us even from ten feet away. No wonder there are no tourists here. It seemed a little advanced for us. Down, down, down I went to the start of the raging, rapid water. When I finally got to the bottom, I turned around to ask everyone what route we should take, but everyone was gone. “Mooooom, Sabbyy, Chapin, guys Come on. It’s getting dark, and it takes a few hours to get up!” I ran up the last of the steps to see if the slow pokes were close, but they vanished and nowhere to be found, poof. “Oh my gosh, I’m going to die, I should get started on my will. There is no way I can get up alone. I’m going to starve. Ahhh,” I thought out loud. I was definitely hyperventilating. “No child. No worry. Go to top and pray,” said a man that was right out of a Wendy Woo Warrior movie. “Oh my gosh, I’m already hallucinating from thirst. I wonder if I can drink the waterfall water.” I worried. “No child, go and good things will happen,” he whispered. “But I -,” “Shhh,” he said. “I really shouldn’t -,” I started. “Shhh, go girl,” he ordered. I reached up to as far as I could and began to climb. My hands were glued to the rock. I refused to fail. I clenched my fists and fought the shooting water. I finally got to the top of the first summit, only 10 more to go. As I began the next one, it quickly got dark. Uh-Oh. I heard a shot. I woke up lying on a rock with a man that looked surprisingly like Sean Connery; his lips were puckered and 5 inches away. I slapped him in the face. “What is this Cinderella? I don’t think so, buddy, but here’s my glass slipper,” I yelled as I was about to push him down part of the falls. “No, no, please. You don’t understand. The names Bond, James Bond,” he said in a British accent. “Oh please,” I whined. Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 6

Seanie Clark The only thing I was confused about was the fact that he did look exactly like Bond. “How am I supposed to believe you? You shot me,” I said looking down at my bleeding ankle wondering how I wasn’t dying from the pain. “I didn’t mean to. I thought you were Dr. No. He’s here. I can feel it, and he is trying to get both of us,” he explained. “So first I’m an evil man, and then you try to kiss me. Really?” I said in a full rage. “Come quick, he’s climbing over there,” he said while handing me a weapon and some gadgets. “I really don’t think I should be holding these. I’m a little bit clumsy, and ah, where did these come from?” I said remembering all of the clumsy moments I’ve had, oh gosh. As I set the weapons down on a rock carefully, the sound of a gunshot startled me and the Uzi gun flew out of my hand. I got a glimpse of the evil villain’s face. As I turned around to get Bond’s opinion, he was on the rock with a bullet in his hand. He caught it! He caught the bullet that came from Dr. No. It was amazing! I was about to rejoice and give him a hug when he pulled out his gun and pointed it at me. “Woah, buddy, I thought we were friends,” I said confused and mad out of my mind. “Eh, changed my mind,” he said while pulling off the face mask that I had no idea was there. Underneath, he was a completely different person. “Wendy Woo Warrior guy?” I asked. “Not quite,” he said pulling off a mask once again and revealing a plump, baby-like body with crispy wings and chubby cheeks. “CUPID?” I said so shocked that I was feeling a little dizzy. “Oh just one more,” he said while revealing his true self, Dr. No. He laughed in an evil way while loading his AK47. I begged him not to kill me, but he already made up his mind. He aimed at my stomach, and his finger grazed the trigger. He latched his finger on to it and BAM. The bullet came at me at 300 miles an hour, but I stuck out my chest, and it bounced off my necklace and hit evil Doctor No in the eye. “Bye, bye,” I said and kicked him as far as I could. “The name’s Clark, Seanie Clark,” I said laughing. I thought about how I would get to the top. I had barely made any progress since the beginning. I climbed and climbed until I heard a small murmur from the top of the falls, “Seanie, Seanie,” I heard thinking I was dreaming. “Seanie, Seanie.” It was getting loader. Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 6

Seanie Clark I looked up and couldn’t believe my eyes. There was a huge sign being pulled by a helicopter that read “Watch the Story of How a Little Girl Defeats the World’s Worst Villain Today: Only on Youtube!” “Oh My GOSH there were cameras all along the falls to take pictures of the people like they did at Disneyworld,” I was so happy to see my family up at the top. A helicopter hovered over me and sent me a rope. I grabbed it and began to climb. I was gazing at the people rushing to see the dead villain. I heard a speaker blast, “Seanie, we are sorry we didn’t come sooner. It was our day off.” I was so overjoyed; I didn’t even care. I climbed up the rope until, oops, I told you I was clumsy. I fell all the way to the rock, and the ground vibrated from all the laughter and screaming. I hopped up and screamed, “I’m okay!” This time they sent a ladder. As I climbed, a song played, “At the waterfall, we will stand tall and go together, let the water fall as it rushes we will stand tall.” Sung by Adele herself. When I was finally back at the hotel doing some R+R (rest and relaxation), the phone rang. “Hello, Seanie. There’s a man who says he is James Bond, and he says it’s urgent that he speaks with you… something about recruiting to the service,” the lady said. “Eh, take a message,” I told her.


ponus papers

grade 6

Joia Criss Perfect World Rawr-Grr-Planet-Land is the perfect place. It is so far out that no spaceship can make it. There are cushions everywhere so that if the people there fall they won’t get hurt. The people there are clumsy, bubbly, and either a vampire, werewolf or a mixture of both. They try to play off their falls as if they never happened even though people see them. Food is yummy but healthy all at the same time. Chicken nuggets are way healthier along with the fries. There is nothing that is flammable except for the fire pit at the Grr-hall to keep everybody warm when they are outside. Just about everything is electronic and free. There is no money whatsoever. Everybody lives in mansions made of gold and silver. Everybody has diamonds and other jewels. When a kid is born, they have that month’s stone as their belly button. Everyday the people of Rawr-Grr-Land go for a serious session of exercise at the Rawr-nasium. After the warm-up workout, they go into a serious, very competitive game of soccer on the biggest field on the planet. Then they share apps and play multiplayer games on their Grawr products such as Gphone, Gmac, Gmac book pro, Gpad and Gpad smallies. The rules of Rawr-Grr-Land are simple and there is only one. Stay happy, stay careful, not a lot of violence unless for entertainment (which is decided by the queen) and stay electronic. If one person commits a crime, their sentence is horrible. Fifteen days of school without recess or breaks that goes from 8:15-4:19. There is absolutely nothing that can hurt anybody. No broken bones, which means no need for doctors, and no trials, which means lawyers would be useless. The food is gourmet cuisine. Served for breakfast is ham and Gruyère Waffle Tartines every morning because they never get old. For lunch we have the delicious minted English pea soup. The soup has a very light and fresh taste made with the best mint leaves on the planet. For teatime, we have the tastiest mango, chocolate, vanilla, peach, ginger peach, and caramel flavored teas, along with hot cross buns. For dinner, then dessert, we have asparagus and green pea risotto with fresh herbs and chocolate bacon cookies. The planet is the best!


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grade 6

Portia Cummings Snow When I went to The Giver and experienced snow, it was like nothing I had ever felt before. The snow was very cold, as if you were in it for too long your body would become frozen like ice. When you touched it, it was like you were touching cold—not something that actually is cold. The coldness touched your whole body, even if it wasn’t exposed, and made you shake quickly. It made your hands red (which was like a darker version of pink) and numb as if you couldn’t feel them or weren’t even touching them. The snow looked fluffy like a pillow, and light as if it weighed nothing. Its color was white like The Giver’s beard. It looked fresh and clean when it hadn’t been touched, but had a clear and opaque look to it when you saw it up close. The little pieces of snow were called snowflakes and looked like shards of glass, but they felt soft and furry. When the snowflakes touched you, it felt like a tiny soft pinch that didn’t hurt at all but relaxed you gently. When you stepped on the snow it made a strange crunching sound, as if you were eating pretzels. Your foot would make an indent in the snow and you could see exactly where you stepped. When you picked up the snow in your hand and squeezed it, it would shape the style of your hand. Eventually the snow would melt in a liquid that was also cold like the snow. The snow’s texture was smooth like a baby’s skin but also rough like a rock. The snow was nothing that I had ever seen before. One day I hope to experience it again.


ponus papers

grade 6

William Dale What is Happening: A Poem in Ali’s Perspective

A Sonnet to My Hockey Wand

What is happening?

Oh, wand, oh, Nexus 1000, score goals!

Parvana is now a boy,

You never let me down, you never will.

There is no more joy.

You’re like, super dece, and you have no holes. When opponents see you, they drop, in chill.

What is happening? We only have nan and tea,

You’re like a weapon to his soldier to me.

I’m always hungry.

You’re always there for me, no matter what: You’re unbreakable, as strong as can be.

What is happening?

Unlike woodies, you won’t give me a cut.

Now we are in a big car, Heading to Mazar.

You are the god of my idolatry. You are the best; you make my life easy.

What is happening?

When we snipe, the puck could knock down a tree.

Will I ever see father?

Oh, wandy, wandy, your moves ain’t cheesy!

Is he not bothered? The goals you help me get tighten our bond. What is happening? I hope it’s safe in Mazar. I hope it’s not far.

What is happening? I hope we can come back soon, Hopefully at noon!


There is nothing better than you, my wand!

ponus papers

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Olivia DeGulis

Harry DeLana

Sonnet 35

My life is like lightning

The light shines yellow when you are opened wide.

my life is like lightning I change with

Thank you for keeping my food fresh and cold.

every flashing moment,

No matter what curdled milk is inside,

I see people go in and out of my life in an instant.

With you by my side, I can be pretty bold.

Thoughts of religion go in and out so fast I have never

You always tell me the time on your clock.

even taken the time to know my religion.

In the summer, you hold my lemonade.

But when I go this fast in life it feels good to slow down

You keep cold the bread that feeds the bird flock.

for once and actually learn my heritage.

You will never have a bone shoulder blade.

I’ve seen seen family members come and go and it

Whitney’s might hold some goo chicken potpies.

saddens me that I never got to meet them.

And Will Dale’s would hold some big, nice wrenches.

God and religion does not matter to me in my fast

O! With you in the kitchen how time flies.

paced life. I’ve never really thought about it until

I won’t leave you on any park benches.

now, but in my fast paced life all that matters is taking

I will never be your biggest hater.

advantage of my time now.

I love you, my dear refrigerator.


ponus papers

grade 6

Ellie DeSouza Grey They were wrong. My eyes didn’t adjust; they just blurred. I couldn’t see 10 feet. The fog must have clouded my mind because I began to think of worst-case scenarios. I knew that they couldn’t happen, but I wondered if I should turn back and run. I couldn’t see anyone. The only thing I had to look for was a small blue light, but at this point everything was one color, grey. The van ride to the beach was quiet, not only because the teachers had told us this was time to start reflecting, but I think no one knew what to expect. As we made our way out to Surfside, the fact set in about how dense the fog really was. We stepped out of the van. The light rain that was falling made me try to zip up my jacket even farther than it could. “The purpose of us going on this beach walk is to reflect, find inner peace, and just have a moment alone,” Ms. Taylor said. It sounded nice, even relaxing, but we really had no idea what we were in for. While walking on the downward-sloping sandy path, I began to actually think. “What if a car drives at me?” or “What if I run into people I don’t know?” Before I knew it, we were on the beach. The teachers told us we were safe; nothing could happen to us, but that didn’t stop my “What if” thoughts. The activated glow sticks the teachers held created small blue lights. When Mr. Randolph and Mr. Johnson started walking in opposite directions their blue lights’ glow started fading, blending. I was sitting down when Mr. Seymour tapped me and told me to walk to the right. I started walking but turning back a little too often trying to make out the group. The group had completely disappeared within two minutes. At first, my eyes could make out where the water seemed to be and where the grass was. But as only seconds passed, things blurred into each other. Now all I had to go by were some footprints in the sand. I wasn’t sure whether they were those of kids from our school or strangers, but it was something to go by. Ahead was a blue light. Faint but it was there. As I walked toward it, I thought about everything. About my roommates, about how much I learned from them, about the activities, about how I could feel myself growing up during the trip. Then I thought just as I could see the blue light clearly, in 20 minutes we will no longer be on this beach. There still wouldn’t be stars, we still wouldn’t be able to see the ocean, and there would be no blue light. It would just be grey.


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Holly Diomede Family Visiting from North Carolina Jumping up and down Happiness fills the whole house Hugs and laughs travel


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Holly Diomede


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Holly Diomede


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Anna Edwards Trees The never-ending tree that grows by the rivers all over the world It stretches on and grows to Europe, where Protestants were burned at the stake It covers the sea where a boat sank, and the immigrants swam to the shore It reaches out to Ireland, where thousands were affected by the potato famine It extends to North Carolina, where people are signing the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence The never-ending tree Covers the whole World.


ponus papers

grade 6

Tyler Frederick The Best Day of My Life One day my mom, my brother Cole and I were all driving around town. We had always thought about getting a dog, but suddenly my mom said to Cole and me, “Let’s get a dog.” We were so excited. When we got home, we went on the computer to see the litter of puppies that we could choose from. They were all so cute – but we fell in love with one. She had white fur with three black markings on her back. One even looked like a Mickey Mouse head. We got to see many videos of Sammi (the dog we had fallen for) and her brother. The cutest dogs I had ever seen, they were small and ran like rabbits. I could not wait for the day we would pick her up at JFK Airport, because she was being flown in from Georgia. The next few days went by in a flash. My wish was coming true! On the day we were to pick up Sammi I just woke up and popped out of bed. It was going to be the best day of my life. I got dressed and went to school. I remember, I was with my class in the library when I heard the door open, and I saw my mom. I was really confused. Why was my mom here? She said, “Tyler, come on. We need to go. Cole is waiting in the car. Let’s go!” “Go where?” I asked. “Go pick up your new dog, Samantha,” my mom reported. We ran out to my car. When we arrived at the airport, we found that Sammi’s flight had been delayed. It would be hours for the delay to end. After five hours, a pizza, and a movie in the back of our car, the delivery arrived around eleven forty-five. Puppy cries and sounds of scurrying came from their cages. We finally got to meet our new dog. She was the only one not crying. She was so small, she could have been a stuffed animal. Cole and I were excited to finally see her in real life! But we still had to get back home because it was midnight by then and we were an hour away. We took turns holding her in the car. As soon as we got home, we put her in her crate, but she started crying. So we stayed by her and used her toys for the first time. We played with her until three in the morning. It was the best day of my life. Now Samatha is four years old, about a foot and a half long, and still my first and only dog.


ponus papers

grade 6

Alex Galik A Sonnet to Music Oh, the joy of hearing music in your ears! The combinations of the beats and sounds, Makes you want to share it with your peers, Even if they sing like rabid hounds.

All of the wonderfully lively notes, Weaving a beautiful, melodic rhythm, Audible even from people’s boats, So beautiful you want to sing it with them.

Music has always lived on in history, Bringing joy to people that are near, And why it is so is not a mystery. For if you read, you shall find out right here:

Music in our lives is everywhere; Hiding in this poem, floating in the air.


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Alex Galik


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Alex Galik


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Alex Galik


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Alex Galik


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Nikhil Goswami The Light Night It wasn’t a very dark night, but it was a peaceful moment and had a sense of importance, the waves crashing like a punch in the face and the moon like a piece of ancient paper in the sky. It was a time to forget about everything else, to be yourself and not to worry about other people and observe the silence. It was the beach walk. I am Nikhil Goswami from NCCS. I am in 6th grade and every year the 6th grade goes to Nantucket for five days. We go on a beach walk during the night to “observe the silence” and walk for a ¼ mile, totally alone. When we arrived at the parking lot, I took a look around. There was a building and some cars. The teachers said that cars would be on the beach. Then I looked at the sky. The white on blue was an ice cool, magnificent sight. I spotted a crooked little fence. We walked down to the beach. The sand was like a fuzzy little toy. We were told to spread out. They said it was not a time to spend with our friends. They said we could sit or stand. I sat down, like most of the people. I was sitting next to J.J. and Liam Carroll. I observed the stars in the sky. They were charming. A white car had come, but soon it vanished and it felt as if it would never come back. Sand was getting all over my clothes, but I didn’t care. The crashing waves made this night seem important, as if some ancient god had summoned us here. The teachers said that they would bring us up one by one and we would walk down the beach to a teacher who was holding a glow stick. In another twenty minutes or so… I was one of the last ones to get called up. I was in my jacket with my hood and gloves, so I must have looked like a big bush. The beach looked so different at night. It wasn’t vibrant; it just seemed tired from all the people and vehicles coming on it. I moved along. I couldn’t hear anything but the waves and the wind. I was mainly focused on my destination, wondering what I would do after this. Later, I could barely see any of the teachers behind me or any kids. I was enjoying shuffling in the sand. The plants on the side looked dead. The ocean looked very unique in the moonlight, like it would go forever. Then, I could make out a black figure. Was it Mrs. Taylor? No, it seemed to be moving farther from me. Then I realized it was a kid. It was cold by now. Soon, I spotted Mrs. Taylor, in her white jacket. The mysterious figure in front of me turned out to be Portia. Soon, I reached Mrs. Taylor. “How are you?” she asked. “Fine,” I replied. She told me to sit down for a little bit. I was between Portia and Liam G. Two cars interrupted the silence. The waves had been my favorite part of the beach walk. I like waves; it was very interesting to hear them but not to see them. They had the feeling of being Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 6

Nikhil Goswami annoyed. Sooner or later, I started to make a wall in the sand. The wind was like a teacher walking through the class during a test, with no one daring to peep. Mrs. Taylor started calling kids up one by one. I was the last kid to go, because I had been the last to come. I started to walk back and think about the beach walk. I was wondering if it was over or there was something else to do. When I arrived, Ms. Etzold asked, “Were you the last one from your group?” “Yeah,” I replied. When Mrs. Taylor arrived, we all piled into the dark blue NCCS van. The beach walk had taught me that you don’t always need to be with someone or doing something, but that you can just relax yourself and observe your surroundings.


ponus papers

grade 6

Liam Griffiths March 25, 1593 I have been traveling for many years now and have

The Hunt Big, small, young and old

decided to trade for this journal in order to keep track

Searching for hidden treasures

of my voyage. It was a very long and hard trip to Xi’an,

Baskets full of smiles

China. We traded our horses for camels when we arrived at Antioch, Turkey. My men and I then made the long journey across Asia, stopping at a few places on the Silk Road. Xi’an is located in the Shaanxi, China. It was famous for its silk. People came from miles around to trade for silk. I visited a silk maker and watched him make silk. He told me that on its own a larva produces a single, several hundred-yard-strand of silk. It breaks the strand when it emerges from its cocoon. They plunged the cocoons into boiling water before the larva hatched in order to make silk. There is a story about how silk came to be and it goes like this: Once apon a time the Emperor’s wife was standing under a mulberry tree when all of the sudden a cocoon dropped into her cup of hot tea. The cocoon began to unravel, much to her surprise. She took the long, delicate thread and wove a beautiful robe for her husband, the emperor. When I first felt the silk I was surprised that it was strong, but so thin. The silk was so thin when clothes were made out of it. When I visited the bazaar with the silk maker I saw how many people come to the bazaar every day. I watched the silk maker bargain with another individual on the price. I could not understand them, but I knew from my experience as a merchant that they were arguing about the price.


Griffin Grise

ponus papers

grade 6

Alex Hackett Popsicles Today is red-hot The sun is melting away My popsicle, drip

Christina Halloran My Bedroom BANG! BANG! BANG! This is the sound of me walking to my bedroom when it’s pitch black. When I finally get to a room which I think is my room, I feel to my left on the wall for the light switch. When I feel something that doesn’t feel like my bright yellow wall, I press on it, and my eyes meet my bunk bed with the brown ladder hanging down from the top bunk. I smell the food from downstairs that my mom is making, and the smell of my bed. Under me, a comfy and fluffy feeling meets my cold toes. I look down, only to see one of my neon green circle rugs waiting for me to arrive. In my mouth, I am swallowing down the last piece of my afternoon snack. I walk into my room and plop down on my bed, and just after a few seconds of my final relaxation time, I suddenly hear my mom calling, “DINNER TIME!” and dash down the stairs.


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Nicole Humphrey

Alex Ivanov


A Woman’s Request

It was hot outside

We are desperately in need.

A red drop fell on my foot

We can’t even express,

My tongue turned bright red

And it’s all because of Taliban’s creed That we the people are in brutal stress, This way we cannot proceed. We are forced to digress, Our only need. But you can make a difference, If you try to help us the best you can Without Indifference Starting with Afghanistan.


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Turner Ives


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Walker Ker


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Caitlin Lefferts I’ll Rise

We Will Never Give Up

You won’t write us down in history

Kabul, that sad place,

With your bitter thoughts and crimes.

Where all hearts end

You may throw me in that very dirt,

Where the poverty tunnel extends

But still, like dust, I’ll rise.

Where hope is a dream, And where the sun never gleams.

Just like the ocean waves,

The Taliban took away our place,

With the crumbling of waves,

Our hope,

Still they come back strong,

Our freedom,

Still I’ll rise.

Our family But, still we must march on.

You may tell me what to do,

We live out,

You may cut off my hands.

We believe,

You may kill this earth with bombs,

And we will fight back whatever the cost may be.

But still, like explosions, I’ll rise.

I am a human too, With thoughts And a mind. And with every last part of me, I’ll rise, I’ll rise, I’ll rise.


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Campbell Lewis Rock’n’Roller Coaster Adrenaline surge. Twirling and flipping all night. Coming to a halt.


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Kevin Li


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Avery MacLear Trapped I started to cry. I was so confused. I missed my dad. I didn’t know what was happening. All I knew was that my dad fell coming off the ice in a hockey game and was rushed to the hospital. No one told me anything more than that. I was so scared. I just wanted to hear his voice, see his face, and most of all I wanted him to walk in the door that second. But I knew that couldn’t happen. I thought about all the possibilities that could have happened. I thought back on that day. I was in the car. Driving to the Saunders’ house. I had just slept over at Kayla’s house. We were almost at the Saunders house. “Why do you have to go to the Saunders’ house why can’t you just go home?” Kayla asked. “I don’t know,” I said. We pulled into the driveway. I hopped out. “Bye Kayla!” I say. She rolls down the window. “Bye Avery!” She yells back. “ Hope I get to see you before I go to my new school!” “Ya! I will talk to my mom!” “Okay!” “Bye!” “Bye!” I walked to the door. Knock. Knock. Knock. “Hi Avery!” It was Mrs.Saunders. “Hi!” I say back. “Come on in!” “Thanks.” Just put your coat there.” “Okay.” “Hi Avery,” It was Ben who just walked into the kitchen. “Hey,” I say back. “How’s your dad?” “Good as far as I know.” “Oh... Okay. Want to go upstairs?” Continued on next page


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Avery MacLear “Sure.” Did Ben know about my dad something I didn’t. I kept thinking. What else happened that day? We were upstairs. We played some games on the X-box. Then we went downstairs for lunch. The doorbell rang. It was my grandmother. She was there to pick me up. Things were getting weird. Why would my grandmother be picking me up. I said bye to Ben and his mom. His dad! He wasn’t there! His dad was probably with my dad at the hospital. We drove home. I got into the house. And was told what happened. I was now sitting on the couch. I was so upset. I had so many different feelings. I didn’t know what to do. I was so scared for what could happen. Everyone tried to cheer me up. Nothing worked. I even tried to cheer myself up. Just then the phone rang. It was my mom. I didn’t want to talk to her. I was so upset. Then I thought how much harder is it for her. So I talked to her. Even though I didn’t want to. We talked. She was sad. It sounded like she was just crying. I missed her too. I really want them both. I wanted everything to be okay. Everything to go back to normal. I knew that it would be awhile before that happened again.


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Katherine Marcus Katherine I’ve known nights, Walking through the mountains, Seeking freedom on the other side. Leaving everything behind. My home, my friends, my country

To escape death unavoidable, Hunted for my loyalty To the crown

I’ve known nights, Where all was to be feared, Not knowing if you were to make it, Not knowing what to expect, On the other side

I’ve known nights, Long, endless nights, Fleeing for freedom.


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Jackson McManus The Past The past is just time, whether good or bad. You can change the future, but not the past. The past can be happy, but also sad. The present is now, but it will not last.

When I was younger, time went very slow. Now that I’m older, it seems to go fast. What will happen later, I just don’t know. One thing’s for sure, you should learn from the past.

Mistakes from the past will haunt you for years. The lessons you learn can help you for life. Never forget them and save many tears. Ignore them, and life will be full of strife.

As I get older, my life can be great. The choices I make determine my fate.


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Sophia Meloni


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Daltanette Mitchell Youth Enjoy life simply embracing your youth Energy, vigor from early ages Just learning to tie shoes, losing a tooth The starting point of your own life’s pages

Build self-character and discover you Open your mind to all sorts of knowledge Prior knowing what you’re going to do As you step foot into your great college

But youth doesn’t last as long as we think Slips away from us when we need it most When thoughts of adulthood begin to sink Memories that we all must keep so close

So enjoy being youthful while it lasts There’s only one year to be in Mr. J’s class!


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Anya Mohindra-Green


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Susanna Montgomery Grampy Dedicated to Merlyn McCarthy (1933-), a grandmother of ten children. You think of family as being people that you love and that they love you too. You think of family as being a group of joyful people that you can go to when you are sad. You think of family as being these people who will always be there for you, every day, every moment. But sadly, God had different thoughts when He made the earth. The circle of life isn’t only about living. It’s about dying too. It’s said, but it’s true and that very thing happened to my grandfather on a cold day in January. I looked at my feet. My hands played with the button on my sweater as if they were in control without my mind knowing. Though there was craziness all around me, I felt as though I was in a bubble of thoughts. Five minutes ago my mom had told me to stay here, meaning, I wasn’t able to go and see my grandfather in his hospital bed. She had said, “Grampy doesn’t want you to see him like this, but once he gets better you can see him.” Here words were still echoing in my head. Will there be a time to see him? I couldn’t tell because she said he was fine, yet she didn’t act it. My grandpa, whom we call Grampy, had been sick for a while. Though, I could still picture him in my mind— him sitting there in his red chair in the apartment that he and my grandmother Memere lived in, with a smile on his face giving me kisses. He was a happy, proud person who didn’t have any doubt, at least when I was around. When I did stay with them, in the middle of the night I heard him. Watching baseball. In his red chair. And after a while, I heard snoring. And then I found him in the morning. In his red chair. But as I sat there in the hospital waiting room I thought if I would ever hear him in the middle of the night again. Three weeks after that day in the hospital, in the middle of the night, my grandfather died in his sleep. He had been suffering and it hurt everyone to see him the way he was. It was sad, yet everyone was glad inside to see him be put out of his suffering. Grampy was a great grandfather of ten, a great father of five, and a truly great husband to my grandmother. I miss him; everyone does. But in our hearts we know he is watching over us. And the tears I sometimes cry today, I know are just reminders that I miss him.


ponus papers

grade 6

Tommy Murillo The Description of the Ocean The ocean is a large mass of water that is salty, so you wouldn’t want to drink it. The salty water is blue, cold, and it is not very clear. The water moves on its own, going toward land and creating big lumps of water that eventually crash onto the land. Then water goes back into the ocean. These clumps of water are called waves, and they can be any size and usually stay that same size for a long time. Little parts of rock that are so small that you can barely see them make up the bottom of the ocean. Those little pieces of rock are called sand, and the sand at the bottom of the ocean is several feet deep. There are also things that are in the water that are alive, not human, slimy, can be the size of your finger to the size of three buses, move quickly, get to places easily under this salty water, and don’t need air to breathe. These things are called fish, and the ocean is where they live. Some fish bite, but most do not hurt humans. When it is hot out, it is nice to go into the ocean because it is cold, but don’t worry, you won’t sink if you learn how to move in the water like a fish. It can be an exercise if you learn to travel in the water like fish do, which is called swimming. There are some materials that can glide on top of the water like a tube filled with air. With these materials that can glide on water, you can make a craft that allows you to drive on top of the water, and it carries a lot of passengers and gets them to places more quickly than swimming.


ponus papers

grade 6

Meghan Musto


ponus papers

grade 6

Jack Neafsey Bones Digging up bones in the graveyard, I look at Shauzia and she’s perspiring. Digging up bones is really hard, All the light of the day is expiring. Next to our bone hole was a big mound. Blown up buildings all over the place. There’s bones in the ground. The sky is so clear you can almost see space. It’s getting late, I should go home soon. There are lots of skulls all over the dirt, In the graveyard you could smell the scent of doom. I wish I were at the water tap to get a squirt.


ponus papers

grade 6

Grady Norton


ponus papers

grade 6

Ashley Orser


ponus papers

grade 6

Mimi Pastor Soaked We sat on the shoreline looking out on the Sound. A time that would last weeks in our heads but only seconds in time. I was in drawing and painting, “Of course.” Whitney, Daltie and Ellie, some of my classmates from NCCS, were there too, in Nantucket. We sat on the crusty, damp sand trying to make out what to draw on our papers. As Daltie was trying to train the waves, we all sang with laughter. We took a glance out to sea as we saw the ferry boat escape out of the fog like a ghost. The ferry crept along entirely sneaking out of the fog. It was white and had big white letters across the side saying “Courageous.” The waves bounced off it like an ant trying to beat up a giant. As soon as I noticed the waves, so did Whitney, Daltie and Ellie. We all stared at it like we were watching a really good movie (mouths open, eyes fixed on that one thing, and nothing else crossing our minds). The tide was creeping up and the waves were getting closer and closer. We were trying to make walls so the waves would not pass us but in one way or another nothing worked. We furiously thought, and finally Daltie came up with a plan! She put her fingers down just about where the water was rising up to. She decided she was going to train the waves. “If you guys pass my finger, we’re going to have to go down the long road,” Daltie exclaimed with a wide smile across her face. As soon as she said this to me everything dropped out of my mind and we laughed and laughed and laughed, until we could laugh no more. I was trying to draw a boat and I was halfway done with the sail when… I felt the cold water rush from my boots to my waist like a slug slithering up a branch. It was wet and froze me for moments in time. The wave gathered everything and it into the water. Our brushes, note books and ME. We all screamed as we freaked out, in annoyance, but ended in a laugh that made us fall to the ground. You know when you wish something did not happen at first, but then ended up happening and it made you laugh? Well, this is how I felt. Maybe to you this was a stupid story and maybe it really is, but I know I will never forget this moment because it made me laugh harder than I have ever laughed before - and now I know a pair of wet and disgusting pants in my suitcase was all worth it.


ponus papers

grade 6

Wyatt Pastor Nelson Mandela And Robert Mugabe Nicolo Machiavelli was a banker and a poet who lived in the 16th century during the Renaissance. Machiavelli wrote a book called The Prince, in which he proposed that as a leader it is “better to be feared than loved.” Robert Mugabe, leader of Zimbabwe, agreed with this quote. On the other hand Nelson Mandela South African leader believed that as a dictator you should be loved not feared. Mandela and Mugabe are both modern day leaders. Mandela was the former president of South Africa, while Mugabe is the current dictator of Zimbabwe. Both are very intelligent people but there thoughts are very different. Overall Mugabe was a better example of a Machiavellian leader because very few people challenged his ideas for fear of retaliation. Nelson Mandela grew up in a shanty town growing up in Mvezo, South Africa and did not have much money. But, Mandela still managed to become a very well educated man, as his tribe pooled their money and sent him to boarding school in the United Kingdom’s. Mandela went to prison for fighting for black peoples’ rights. This is why he was highly respected by the black community in South Africa; because he paid a price for standing up for his believes. While his supporters liked his ideas he could have been a more effective leader if he was feared by those who opposed him. If he had done this many of his white opposition members would have had little choice but to go along with his ideas. Robert Mugabe leader of Zimbabwe had a good reputation from the black community early in his career, but once he got into power he became corrupt. Mugabe had a similar early life as Mandela. Both were well educated and attended the same university. Mugabe began as a teacher and also went to jail like Mandela. After he was let out of jail, Mugabe was voted to be the leader of Zimbabwe. But, he became corrupt because people didn’t like his ideas and he didn’t want to listen to other people’s opinions. If they disagreed with his ideas, they knew there would be consequences and Mugabe might have them killed. These actions caused him to be a much feared leader, which brought him great success. He could rule how he wanted to with no disagreements from his people. Robert Mugabe was a better leader because he was feared and his rules were obeyed because his people wanted to live. Both Mugabe and Mandela were very power hungry and either one of their ways of leading can be successful if they are done right. Overall Mugabe was a better example of a Machiavellian leader because he was more feared than loved. Ruling with fear can make ruling easier because fewer people will change you authority.


ponus papers

grade 6

Javier Peters Future The future has many options for me With all the possibilities, it is bright From NBA to the presidency I know I can do this with all my might

I look ahead toward the bright future I have my family and friends to help I will have a good future; I am sure This is the greatest thing I have ever felt

But I could mess up and not enjoy life I could fail if I don’t take the right path If I do bad things, my life will be strife Fame and a lot of fortune I won’t hath

My life will be very great down the line My wish is that it will be very fine


ponus papers

grade 6

Cameron Raker


ponus papers

grade 6

Cameron Raker The Cyclone “Aaahhhhh!” I screamed as the arm swung down. It wasn’t as scary as it looked, but it was super scary on my first try. It was twisting and spinning at the same time. It wouldn’t have been as scary if it just swung, and if it just spun, it would just make me plain dizzy. Swinging and spinning was the perfect combination for it. Every year, in July or August, I go to Ocean City, New Jersey with my dad’s entire family. When I was eight I had a very special day where I tried a new ride that is now my favorite. Earlier that day, I had had my normal Ocean City day, including good food, going to the beach, and playing mini golf. After all that, everyone went to one of my favorite places on earth, Castaway Cove, which is one of the two amusement parks in Ocean City. The other one is a little better, but Castaway Cove includes The Cyclone. Since it was a faster and scarier ride, there was a fairly high height limit. I was eight and I had just reached it. I had never even thought about going on it because The Cyclone looks VERY scary. It is an arm that swings while the four fingers circle around each other making it a fast scary ride. When I had finished with bumper cars, my aunt came up to me and my cousin Kyle and said, “Do you guys want to go on The Cyclone with me?” That question was hard to answer for a couple of reasons. I normally would’ve had said no right away because of how scary and intimidating it looked. To me, it was a huge scary arm of death that wanted to reach out and grab me in its crazy swing and spin, but before I could say no, Kyle said, “Sure!” I thought, “Hey, maybe he’s right. It might be fun!” At that point I still would have said no but thought, today I’ve been on a lot of rides I’ve done before. Why don’t I try something new? So I replied, “Why not?” “Let’s see if you reach the height limit,” my Aunt Courtney said. I was about an inch and a half above the line, but Kyle was only about a quarter of an inch above. “Let’s go!” I said. We found three seats next to each other and immediately took them. This was the first time on the ride for all of us, so there was no one to tell us, “It’s not as scary as it looks.” If someone had been there to say that, I might not have been as scared. The ride started as the floor below our chairs went down. It started to swing slowly, back and forth. It was not going high now so it was fun, but I thought when it would get high is when it would get scary. Then when it swung over fifteen

Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 6

Cameron Raker feet, it started to spin. This ride doesn’t spin fast; it’s a slow spin. We were now going over forty feet in the air. I started to scream, “Aaahhh!” I was screaming because it’s scary on your first try. I thought it had to go thirty more feet in the air, but to my relief it only had to go five. The arm went flying down. “I think it’s at maximum height!” Courtney screamed. I sighed in relief. “This isn’t so scary; in fact, it’s really fun!” The ride had died down and it was almost time to get off. When it stopped, I got out of my seat and walked out the exit gate. “How was it?” my dad said. “Great!” I replied. Then when Courtney and Kyle went out the gate, I turned around and looked at them. “Again?” I asked.


ponus papers

grade 6

Whitney Rintoul


ponus papers

grade 6

Whitney Rintoul


ponus papers

grade 6

Ben Saunders Homa Searching for a New Home: A First Person Scene From The Breadwinner “NO!” I yelled, as they dragged my family into the streets. My brother, mother and father had just been brutally killed by the Taliban, armed forces who beat women and have ruled Afghanistan for twenty-three years. Twice as long as I have been alive. When the Taliban dragged my family outside, I hid in a closet for a long time, crying. After a while, I ended up having to get out of the closet because I couldn’t stand how cramped it was. It was about 4am when I stepped outside. I saw the bodies of my family on the ground and immediately got sad, but I knew I had to run. Just run. The Taliban had been searching the streets all night for escapers, trying to run away from the city of Mazar, my home city. I decided to try to make it out by car. When I got outside to start running, I spotted a truck; its engine was on. I ran over as fast as I could, hopping into the truck just before it left. As I got settled behind a crate, I could not go to sleep, but after about thirty minutes of the truck’s soothing sound of its wheels on the ground, I got drowsy and soon I was asleep. I was awakened by a screeching noise, as I looked outside the vehicle. I saw a marketplace, just like the one my father and mother used to work at while my brother was at school. At the sudden thought of my family, I got teary-eyed, and suddenly got off the truck and ran to the nearest enclosure I could find. When I got there I cried very quietly, still thinking that the Taliban would find me. I’m not sure how long I was there, but I just wished I could have had a chance to say goodbye to my family. I just wanted to stay in this bombed out building forever, not coming out ever. Then, I heard a voice. “Hello?” the voice asked.


ponus papers

grade 6

Roan Scanlon-Black


Jack Schulz

My Godfather

Enjoying Life

He was always there for my family

A good life has so many things to offer

He always acted happily near me

You really have to take advantage of

He used to bring me to the fair quickly

the joys of life before light gets softer.

He always loved to drink a cup of tea

Or life will end with no sprinkles of love.

We used to take a lot of peaceful walks

The way the sun shines makes me want to cry.

We ate lots of junior mints; they were very good

It goes down without a sound or whisper.

And talk long lasting, wonderful talks

The way I’m living, I never want to die.

I want to talk to him, I wish I could

And because the days are getting crisper.

But, he went peacefully and in his sleep

But as the great long days come to an end

So I can’t be very mad because of that

You wish you could do it all over again.

He didn’t tell us, didn’t make a peep

Even though life will conclude and pretend,

And his shoes were left there silently on the mat

life can never be enjoyed in a den.

His sister put his ashes in a ring

A great life can’t always last forever,

When I remember, my heart makes a ding

but that doesn’t mean it isn’t great ever.

ponus papers

grade 6

JJ Sisk


ponus papers

grade 6

Virginia Smith Mirrors All right. I don’t really know how to tell this story, so I’ll just start at the beginning. Before any of this happened. I didn’t know who I was, or what I was put on this planet for. I was confused, with no one to turn to. I just did as I was told. I was living in this place called “Shirleyanne Wilhelmina’s Home For Troubled Girls” They said that they would reform any troublesome teenager into the perfect picture of a modern woman. They take us away from our homes if they get a call, shove us in the back of a truck with no windows that smells like barf, (all right, so I might have contributed to that smell just a little) and you go for the bumpiest ride of your life. I swear they do it on purpose. Then when you’re finally at The Facility, (what most girls there call it for short) you look into a mirror and they take away all memories of your home. They say it’s because they don’t want you getting homesick, but most girls there think it’s so you won’t know where to go if you escape. There aren’t any mirrors after that. The staff has mirrors to look into so they can look perfect, but the “students” aren’t allowed to see an image of themselves ever again. The staff say what they are told to when anyone asks why. “To prevent any insecurity, so our girls can have a stress free time here!” But I know better. My only friend here, Number Twelve, (they give the girls numbers when they first come, but she calls herself Phoenix) says that mirrors will reverse the effect of the mirror they used to wipe our memories in the first place. I’ve done all I can to get hold of a staff mirror, but I’ve been caught every single time. I want more than anything to remember what I did to deserve The Facility. What anyone did to deserve this prison. One day, while my favorite staff member was looking in her mirror (I had snuck into the staff room for a chance) I stood behind her while she raised the mirror. It seemed like the slowest half a second of my life. She raised the mirror while I was anxiously looking over her shoulder, and I saw. I saw everything. How my parents had loved me. Loved me more than anything. But I went astray. I was like a runaway train. I was being so mean, and I couldn’t stop myself. I was doing horrible things, and it was like I was watching from a distance. I remembered my house, my cat, and my bedroom. I couldn’t believe how I had thrown it all away. Then a second later, I remembered one night I had done The Awful Thing. I was so full of hate and angst that I had done it. I won’t talk about it (I’m still too overcome with guilt) but I can just tell you that it was awful. I ran, and jumped out the window into the bushes below. I ran and ran and ran, until I was sure I was free of that awful place. I ran all the way home.


ponus papers

grade 6

Jack Spain Elevator Scare “Bang” The elevator fell and then it stopped, my whole world stopped. I am getting ahead of myself. I’m Jack Spain and this is the story of how I was trapped in a elevator on a cruise when I was 7 years old. Me and my family went on a cruise to Mexico. One morning my brother, my mom, and I went to get breakfast. We got into the elevator, there was a man about 25 and a pregnant woman. My mom pressed the 2nd floor and the elevator just went down. There was a bang. We all fell to the floor. When we got back up the man called for help, no one picked up. We just waited and I was scared. After about 1 1/2 hours we heard the radio say “hello” the guy in the elevator said “we need help the the elevator stopped”. The man on the phone said hold on, “We are sending someone” When the man got there he had to shut down the elevators. It was pitch black, Carter was really scared. When it came back on it fell to the bottom floor. When it came down he opened the elevator and we were saved. We got out of the elevator, thanked the man and went back to our room. We told dad what happens and we got a free meal at the restaurant . This was one of the many times I felt trapped, because we could not move for hours. It was scary to see how some animals have to be trapped all the time, and they can never do anything about it. Being trapped physically is much worse than being trapped emotionally. Since you can’t do anything, but when you are emotionally trapped you can do other stuff when you are living your everyday life.


ponus papers

grade 6

TJ Stoker Dialogue Between Me and My Dentist A nervous TJ Stoker walks into the dentists office hoping no sharp, pointed instruments of death touch his mouth. He sat down nervously in the waiting room, hoping it would be over quick. “TJ Stoker?” the dentist called wondering if I had bothered to show up. Being the brave person I am, I responded, “That’s me!” trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible. “You are going to have a cavity filled today.” she answered. And that’s when it hit me, that sick feeling in my stomach that I knew I could not escape or do anything to prevent. “Ok then,” I said nervously. “Let’s get this over with.” She sat me down in a very comfortable chair. That was the only good part about coming to the dentist. As she lifted the chair with a lever, she asked me the classic questions that dentists ask to help kids feel better. “How old are you? What grade are you in? Where do you go to school?” “12, 6th and New Canaan Country School.” I babbled, trying to speak as clearly as possible. Then came the moment of truth, when those terrifying, pointed instruments went into my mouth. Another woman came in and introduced herself. “Hi my name is Lucie and I’m going to be here whenever you feel pain. What’s your name?” she asked. “TJ.” I replied. “If you feel any pain, just give me the “thumbs down” signal, but otherwise keep your thumb up.” she explained. “Ok, thanks Lucie!” I exclaimed. Lucie seemed like a nice person who could comfort anybody which is probably the reason that she was hired there. “Let’s get this over with.” I announced. “Yes.” Lucie and the dentist agreed. The dentist lifted the chair up to put the novocaine (novocaine is the stuff that make your tooth fall asleep so that you don’t feel what may hurt without it) in. “Will this hurt?” I asked. “It will only hurt for a few seconds, as the novocaine goes into your gum.” the dentist explained. Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 6

TJ Stoker Then the part that hurt most came. Lucie put on my glasses so that I would not get anything in my eyes. I held my thumb up high and closed my eyes as tight as I could waiting impact. Then, all I heard were the happiest words of my life. “The novocaine is done!” Lucie exclaimed. It was an odd moment. I didn’t know that the novocaine was in yet. I got up and rinsed my mouth. “Woohoo.” I emphasized while gargling my water. It was so exciting, I forgot that I had barely started the appointment. I still didn’t have my cavity filled yet. By that time, I could no longer feel my lip. “You’re almost done” Lucie indicated. Now it was time to fill my cavity. I lied back down the chair and braced for impact. I put my glasses back on and shut my eyes as tight as I could. I held my thumb up high waiting for it to hurt. After what seemed like days of excruciating pain that I never felt, it was finally over. Lucie and the dentist were both very surprised on how well I did. “Congratulations!” they roared. I was so excited to go home. Although, I did have fun there, I never want to go back. From that day on, I have always brushed my teeth twice a day. I will never forget Lucie and the dentist. Without them, I don’t know what would’ve happened that day.


ponus papers

grade 6

Tyler Swirbul Vacation Nightmare I was in the car when it happened. Bang! The fire’s hungry tongues licked out at me, burning my face. I was deaf except for a high-pitched ringing in my ears, the ringing of silence. The car flipped over, pieces of shattered metal flying around cutting me. Droplets of blood stained the clean interior of the suburban. I was launched from my seat as the car rolled down the cliff, smashing the car to a metal pancake for intruding its lair. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as I was flying upside down in the carcass of the once strong, black, suburban. I was flung out of the window down toward the forest of dark, angry, swaying trees. Somewhere lightning struck, lighting up the sky like a flicker of a light bulb. It was its last feeble attempt for life. I knew the fall was too big to survive. That was my last thought before I blacked out. It was a nice day in Vermont; the sky was gray and fat snowflakes were falling from the sky, covering the already dirty and worn out snow on the ground. We were in our black suburban driving on the highway to get to Mad River Glen, the ski mountain we were going to. All of a sudden lightning flashed across the sky, and after the blinding flash faded away, I saw a cloud in the shape of a skull. Then it was gone. “That can’t be a good omen,” I said to myself. And then the thunder came so loudly it shook the ground like a mini earthquake. I looked out of the window at the endless gray line ahead of us, wondering how much longer this journey would take. I looked back and saw a car swerve into another. Behind them was a black sports car. “Oh my gosh! A car just crashed right behind us!” I yelled to my family. “Really?” they were surprised and shocked. I told them what had happened. I looked across the highway to the other side in shocked disbelief. And then another car skidded and made a roadblock. Then it was rammed into by another car. There was an explosion, then, an exact copy of the black sports car I saw earlier drove right through the smoke driving the wrong way down the highway: the same way as us. “Ahhh! I saw that car explode!” my brother shouted. “Two of the same black sports cars were right behind the accidents!” I observed, “One is on the wrong side of the road!” And then I heard a machine gun fire. Huge boulders fell from a brown rock cliff on our right. We swerved out of the way at the last second, but others weren’t so lucky. The sound of machine guns burst through the silence, shattering the back windshield of our car. Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 6

Tyler Swirbul The sports car caught up with us and was driving alongside us. On closer inspection, I noticed it was a Ferrari. They opened the window, and a guy leaned toward our car and broke the window with his gun. I grabbed it and pulled him out of his car, through ours and over the highway. He hit the ground with a crack that was carried away by the wind. The sports car was much faster than our suburban, and they had guns. We hit the brakes hard, and the car flew past us. It tried to skid around but hit another car and flipped onto its back. We kept on driving on the highway as there was still another car left. The car came over to our side of the highway, knocking over orange cones. We were approaching a cliff that was a few hundred feet high, the railing looked weak. I heard something click and saw something attached to our car. Bang! The fire’s hungry tongues licked out at me, burning my face. I was deaf except for a high-pitched ringing in my ears, the ringing of silence. The car flipped over, pieces of shattered metal flying around cutting me. Droplets of blood stained the clean interior of the suburban. I was launched from my seat as the car rolled down the cliff, smashing the car to a metal pancake for intruding its lair. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as I was flying upside down in the carcass of the once strong, black, suburban. I was flung out of the window down towards the forest of dark, angry, swaying trees. Somewhere lightning struck, lighting up the sky like a flicker of a light bulb. It was its last feeble attempt for life. I knew the fall was too big to survive. That was my last thought before I blacked out. I woke up caught in the branch of a tree. Blood was dripping down my face. “Must have been a bomb,” I thought. I couldn’t hear. I tried to get up but my chest greatly protested. It was screaming in agony. I looked at my shirt and saw the chest area soaked in blood. I felt my screaming ribs. “They must be broken,” I thought. I still could not tell. I felt my face then pulled my hands away immediately. It was charred and burnt terribly. I slowly climbed down the tree. My mind was willing me to go, but my body was telling me not to. I stumbled over to a small, oval, pond and looked at my reflection. I had cuts all over me, half of my face was black, and the whole thing was covered in blood. My shirt was torn up and bloody. I stumbled through the forest looking for my family, but they weren’t there. I saw flashing blue and red lights up on the highway. The police were there. I heard them say something into the megaphone, but I still couldn’t hear very well. I was able to hear that my family was safe and not hurt up there. I tried to build a fire to show smoke to the police, but I couldn’t. Eventually the police left, and I was alone in the forest. I had to find the way back to my home, an hour’s car ride away, by myself through the woods.

Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 6

Tyler Swirbul I started walking back, hoping I could find a police station. After a few minutes, I heard a stick break and leaves rustle. I looked around for the source of the noise. Then a man in a black T-shirt and jeans jumped out from behind a tree. I did a barrel roll to the side and jumped up. “It must be someone from one of the black Ferraris,” I thought. His fist slammed into the tree just as I dived away. As I was falling, I hooked my ankle around his leg and brought him down with me. I got up and started running away. I ran until I saw the river running into the lake that I looked at my reflection in. I jumped over it, but instead of keeping on running, I spun around and used my velocity to kick the man in the air behind me. His face had a look of surprise on it as he fell back. He ran at me and swung his leg in a roundhouse kick and hit me right on the side. I was flung into a tree, and I fell to the ground. He ran at me again, but I rolled away. I popped up into a battle stance, but he hit me in a vicious uppercut to the chin followed by a kick to the stomach. I flung backwards onto the ground. I knew it was the end when he walked towards me, and I couldn’t get up. I looked around for my last hope. Then I saw it a foot to my right. I grabbed it without trying to look suspicious. The cold rock hurt my hand. I knew I couldn’t throw it at him. He would dodge it, or it wouldn’t hurt him. I chucked it up at the tree above me and the branches were easily dropped; gravity finally won the battle for the branches. It won the battle for me too; a thick branch fell on the man’s head. There were too many branches for him to avoid, and he fell down unconscious. The reason the branches had fallen so easily was because that was the tree I had fallen in and broken all of the branches. They had been resting on a few unbroken branches of the tree. I started stumbling back toward the highway. My side was burning like it was on fire. I looked at my shirt, and it was stained with blood on the side where I had been kicked. I walked for a long time; I didn’t know how long, until I reached a town. It was a small town with a grocery store, a few houses, and a police station. I went to the police station. I started opening the glass push door, and then I fainted.


ponus papers

grade 6

Audrey Trussell


ponus papers

grade 6

Jack Truwit

Laura Velez

What Is Enough?

Losing Your Friend

We hail from the heart of Europe.

Friends come and go, imprinting like tattoos

Land of Warsaw palaces and castles.

The worst part is when your friend has to leave

Home of no less than Marie Curie.

But, you can get through these small times of blues

Were her discoveries for cancer cures not enough?

The worst thing you could do is disbelieve

To stop the slurs against us? Was our Chopin’s piano playing not enough?

All you need to do is try to hold on

To get your respect?

It’s terrible not having a friend here

Were the three genius mathematicians who broke the

Then just carrying on like nothing’s wrong

Enigma Code not enough?

Not seeing friends is a very big fear

To impress you? Was cracking 500 trillion Nazi combinations not enough?

Losing a friend should not be over thought

To catch your attention?

You don’t have to worry, they’re in the past

Were our IQ scores that are higher than the US not

Memories are meant to last, but worry not


New memories will be created fast

If not all this, then what is enough? To stop the jokes?

As lost friends leave signatures inside us

To end the prejudice?

Always remember to forget the fuss

To be treated fairly?


ponus papers

grade 6

Chris Zegarra My Loyal Companion My dog is very fantastic with me He is such a loyal companion He’s as friendly as any dog can be Playing with him is an addiction

He loves to run outside and have fun He likes to go for long walks in the park He likes playing fetch in the hot sun He likes eating treats and snacks when he barks

It is almost like he is addicted We have so much in common with each other My dog and I will always be My dog and I are like brothers

He’s a super crucial part in my kin I could not imagine life without him


ponus papers

grade 7

Nate Aliapoulios Monologue Hey, I first off want to say that I’m not very good at this so…here I go. (Stands awkwardly for 5 seconds) (Starts to stutter) Can you just give me a sec? You can do this…just believe in yourself. (Awkward pause) So…lovely weather we’re having I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I’m horrible at this. Maybe I can just start over. Hello my name is Nate and I am going to be presenting my monologue called “Far Away from Wonderland” Listen I’m just trying to seem successful in front of my parents so can I just tell a joke and you all laugh at it or something? Thanks So…what’s a karate expert’s favorite drink? Kara-tea! Ha-ha-ha…. you know what, um, maybe I…you know…tell a riddle or something… What goes around the world but stays in the corner? A stamp!


ponus papers

grade 7

Claire Collins


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grade 7

Grace Consoli


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grade 7

Aren Craft


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grade 7

Nick English


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grade 7

Haley Fuller “Just A Change in the Weather” Waking up on December 21st, 2012, Lexi knew something was weird as her alarm went off, singing a Christmas carol. A strange purple light filtered in through the window, and she saw green crystals on her windowsill. Something was definitely up, and it was not what the Mayan calendar predicted for today. The eerie purple sky was kind of creeping her out on the way to school; however, even just the little bit of snow and “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” on the radio was enough to distract Lexi from the grape-colored sky. As she walked through the side door of the Upper School at Fairview Academy, there was a sign on the stairwell that read: Please DO NOT use the stairs! Lexi asked Mrs. Hoherchak, a teacher, why the students couldn’t use the stairs, although she was thrilled to use the elevator that only handicapped people could use. Her reply was this: “Lexi, we thought that you guys deserved a break from going up and down the stairs all the time, so we decided that no one can use the stairs until further notice.” Well, Lexi wasn’t about to complain, and hopped into the elevator next to her best friend Klara. “Hey girl! How was dance last night? Did I miss a lot?” “Nah, we didn’t do much. I’ll teach it to you at recess. It was a really easy part too. You’ll be fine,” Klara responded. “Okay, thanks. Did you think that math homework was hard? I had some problems on the fraction problems, but you know that fractions and I don’t mix.” “Yeah, are you in a fight again with those pesky fractions, Lex?” “Always Klara, always,” Lexi replied to her friend. The next thing that happened that day was even weirder. When they went to their lockers, they found that on each one a meticulously painted cool pattern in bright colors had been painted, and they had expanded; therefore there was almost twice the amount of space as before! Also, their advisor, Mrs. Legutko said that the first two periods would be an advisory period, and they were going to have a ping-pong tournament. When their classmate Tristan asked Mrs. Legutko a question about the homework from the night before and when their test would be, the teacher responded, “The homework? Don’t worry about it, we’ll go over it, and there’s no more homework for the rest of the year. Mr. Alden said that we have been overloading you guys too much, so no more homework, in ANY subject!!!” That elicited some whoops and cheers from Lexi’s classmates. The next peculiar thing that happened was during recess, when it was discovered it snowed nine whole inches of electric green snow! Instead of being banned from throwing snowballs, a game was encouraged, and sundry snow forts were built, most able to fit several people. The teachers brought out creamy and rich hot chocolate that was savored by


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ponus papers

grade 7

Haley Fuller some, and gulped by others who were eager to get back to their snowball fights. A group of ninth graders built a whole snow family, complete with a mom, dad, little brother, baby sister, big brother, big sister, dog, cat, bird, fish, and guinea pig. An extended recess was announced, and all two hundred Upper Schoolers frolicked happily in the lime-colored, freezing fluffy stuff that brought excitement to hundreds of kids in one flake. As Lexi and Klara were walking around the back of the building, they saw a shadow in their division head, Mr. Anderson’s, office. Lexi had a suspicious feeling about this whole new atmosphere from the beginning; therefore, she wanted to listen in on what these important figures in her school were talking about, as it might have to do with what made the world spin the opposite way. She heard Mr. Anderson’s voice clearly say, “At last, I have developed my plan! The students are thrilled with all of these new policies and the loosening up on the rules, but they don’t know what’s coming at them! In a week, when they are used to all of these systems, I will pull the flash drive out of my computer, and they will get more homework than ever, less recess, and snow will never be green again! Mwahahahaha!!!” When Klara spotted the flash drive in the computer, she told Lexi they had to get it out of the computer fast, so that no one was extremely disappointed when the plug got pulled. The two girls devised a plan: when Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Torres were on their lunch break during their seventh grade recess, they would sneak into the office. Their excuse was saying Mrs. Legutko needed something from the room, just in case anyone was suspicious. As soon as they were let out of Latin, Lexi and Klara sprinted to their lockers, threw their books in pell-mell, and dashed into the downstairs elevator. When they stood in front of Mr. Anderson’s office the girls looked at each other and exchanged nervous glances. If their mission failed, they could be subject to multiple detentions, suspension, or even expulsion. They were beyond scared, but must save themselves and their classmates from disappointed misery. Lexi nodded and slowly opened the creaky door. The next thing they saw was a flashing light on Mr. A’s computer that read: DO NOT TRY AND DAMAGE MY PLAN! I AM WARNING YOU IT WILL NOT WORK! Lexi was unshaken, but Klara saw the danger ahead. There were laser beams they had to navigate without touching to even get to where the computer was. They pulled out the karate moves they had learned from Klara’s younger brother and jumped, leaped, kicked, and ducked across the blindingly bright beams of light to the machine. Lexi reached out a trembling hand and wrenched the flash drive out from the computer. The room turned black. Seconds later, everything flashed back on at full brightness. Before anyone noticed, Klara and Lexi scrambled for the door and ran down the hallway to the doors leading outside. They kept on racing, and didn’t stop until they were around the back of the building. The snow was white again, and the sky had turned back to blue. The stairs were open, and to everyone’s dismay, homework was posted on the website once more. Everything went back to normal, and that was just the way Lexi liked it.


ponus papers

grade 7

Chase Glover


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grade 7

Lila Kirchoff


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grade 7

Chase Landis I am always offered a friend… for five dollars. Five dollars is not that much; the little kids caress the money and want it so badly. Right now I am outside with Lucy and it is so hot that I feel like the sun was going to singe all my hair off. Lucy, Rachel and I finally got our bike so we decided to ride it. Walking towards the bike I got so excited that I changed my gait, when we got there we all started fighting about who got to ride it first. Lucy was menacing, so Rachel and I got really quiet to listen to her. “Let’s all ride it at the same time. Since I have the longest legs, I will pedal, Rachel you’re the smallest so you can sit on the handlebars and Esperanza you sit in the back.” We got on the bike and we started to flounder; we finally got balanced but when Lucy couldn’t see in front of Rachel for a little bit my instinct was to jump off the bike. But I stayed on because I thought they would call me a wimp. When I got home I saw that there was food out on the table so I consumed it before anyone could see me eating it. I walked up stairs and the chills came across me and I felt some heat thawing at me at the same time, but I was intimate with this feeling so I left it alone. When I got upstairs I had to tell Nenny about the bike and how we would get to share it every two days, but I didn’t want to expose the bike to her with the chaos that the family was in. After dinner I went to bed and dreamed about what would happen when I told Nenny about the bike. I dreamed about riding the bike through the big yard at our future house.


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Elizabeth Laub


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Zachary Liston


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grade 7

Kathryn McCaughey The Clearys It was a sad day for all of Ireland.

We sometimes receive a letter,

T’was the day the potatoes were gone.

From William across the pond,

My family’s life just rotted away.

His life has become better.

The potatoes were all kinds of wrong.

He met a girl of whom he is very fond.

The stench was unbearable, The color was bold,

He sends us some money

The faces of our children were just so cold.

To keep us together, There is no work here in Ireland,

Sadness filled our hearts,

Life hasn’t gotten better.

While our stomachs ached in pain. Our pockets became empty

Six years passed,

The attempts of England were of something to

Then we received the letter,


It was news from William and his wife,

We decided to send William over the seas,

Of the life that had become better.

In hope of a better life,

They have had three daughters.

One filled with ease.

Just received their third. I am officially a grandfather,

We all stood on the dock,

I just got the word.

Waving him good-bye, As we watched William and the ship go by.

We have not reunited with William, Our family still torn in two,

The rest of us stayed in Ireland.

We hope to see him some day,

There was no other choice but to part ways.

We hope to see him soon.

Oh how we hope to see William again, We long for those days.


ponus papers

grade 7

George McGlade “Burning Anger” (Winter 1776 Boston) Wakiza looked for five years for James, when finally, there he was, just… walking. Wakiza’s heart started to race. He started to run, approaching the man, and grabbed him around his head, throwing him to the ground. Wakiza tried to stab him, but James rolled out of the way. James ran toward Wakiza, and grabbed him around the waist, and tackled him to the ground. He kicked James off him, and just and as he was about to punch him, he felt a sharp pain in his back. He looked down, and saw the tip of a bayonet sticking out of his stomach. He fell backwards as James’s men surrounded him. They started beating Wakiza, who was helpless on the ground. One of them picked him up and held him standing. Another man took the butt of his bayonet and hit him in the stomach, then his face. He was thrown to the ground, and left to die. Just as the men left, laughing, he heard them say “Ha ha, look at that weak excuse for a man. Let’s go get an ale at The King George Pub.” Wakiza went in and out of consciousness, and when he came to, his vision was blurred and he could barely stand, but he knew where he needed to go. He tried to walk, knowing that if he ran he could injure himself even further, but he couldn’t hold back. He started to walk faster and faster. He started to jog, and although the pain was agonizing and he could barely stand, he had to keep going. He stumbled and fell over, writhing in pain, screaming. A man walked up to him and tried to help, but he pushed him away, got to his feet and started to walk again. Finally, he reached his destination. Memories of his mother trapped under the burning logs flashed in his head. Five years of anger and hatred filled him. He pounded on the door with his clenched fist until it was opened. He pushed away the woman who opened the tavern door and staggered in. He looked around, and although his vision was blurred he knew the man when he saw him. He stumbled to the table where the man was, and pulled out his tomahawk. His heart pounded faster than ever. A shot of adrenalin went through him as he walked up to James. He pulled his chair out from underneath him. The man hit the ground. He lifted his tomahawk over this horrible man, and brought it down, ending the life that had ended his. As he watched James breathe his last breath, he finally felt free. Wakiza collapsed next to him and he felt his racing heart start to slow. His breaths started to shorten, and now he felt he could die with dignity.

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ponus papers

grade 7

George McGlade (Summer 1771- Summer 1773) Over the next few years, Wakiza searched and searched for the men who burned his village and killed his mother. He talked to many people; he learned that there was a group of British soldiers that were known for extreme cruelty toward Native Americans. He was told that the leader, named James, was the one who gave the command to burn the village with the people still in it. He still remembered the man’s face, so for the next year, every day, he searched, and tried to find this man that ruined his life, the man named James.

(Spring 1771 the Woods of Massachusetts) He pulled back the arrow, aiming at the elk’s eye. Just as he was about to shoot, his friend yelled, “Wakiza come, quickly!” “Flo, you startled the elk. What is so important?” “The village is burning and many people are trapped. Hurry!” Wakiza dropped all his things and ran as fast as he could to his village. On the way, a convoy of British came along on the same road. He knew these were the people who burned his village, so he studied the men’s faces, and made sure that he would be able to find them later. When he got to the village all he could see or smell was smoke. It burned his lungs and eyes; however, he continued on into the middle. He went directly to his home, and looked for his mother. Wakiza entered the home, and saw the collapsed walls and the fallen logs. He looked around franticly, trying to find his mother. Then he saw her trapped under a fallen log on the other side of the house. He crawled on the burning straw and grass and under the fallen logs, the flames burned his legs and arms. Finally, he reached his trapped mother. “Mother!” he screamed, while he tried to lift the beam, although it severely burned his hands. “No,” his mother said, “Leave, Wakiza. It is my time to die, and so I will.” “No, mother, I must save you.” he cried. “I am your mother and I am telling you to leave, now,” she said, as tears rolled down her cheeks. And so Wakiza left his village for the last time, with the image of his mother trapped burned into his mind.


ponus papers

grade 7

Dana Mills The Rusty Old Mailbox That rusty mailbox under the hood of my porch, slightly bent, hasn’t been touched in years. The date of putting up that mailbox is unknown, for the sake of keeping it safe, and not being stolen for an antique. The black box hanging there slightly ajar can barely take any more. One more piece of mail, shoved into that little crack, can hardly hold itself up. But that box, that box means something to my family. That box means the many years we have come, to stay here and remember the meaning of a box. Nothing but a box to others, but to me that box means many things. Why, why is it in such terrible condition? No one cares but me, no one cares about when our mail is delivered, that the mail man has to force his hand into a tiny space, and risk cutting his hand on the sharp edges like teeth, and just for us. But nobody cares but me. My family and I are strong, strong like that box that hangs there for years, representing us. We are together, sometimes in rough patches like that mailbox. But just like that mailbox, we are rough around the edges together. Nobody dares to fix that box; laziness has fallen upon the willing for a change. Change is what I’m ready for, and it’s time for me to step up and take a role. The role I have in my family is important, knowing each other is also important. But me knowing myself is more important to me than it is to others. My mom’s role is a strong, hardworking, supportive woman who loves her family very much. My dad’s role is also hardworking; he’s always there, and he loves his family very much. My role is something that I am still trying to figure out, but something I do know is my responsibilities. Just the easy stuff: make my bed in the morning, load the dishwasher, unload the dishwasher, fold my clothes, put them away, and be a kid. As a kid, I shouldn’t have to worry about a simple mailbox. Sure, one might brush it off and say it’s just a mailbox. But no one’s ever thought of how that mailbox makes our family look. It’s not something passed down or something rather significant to anyone else. Now that I think about it, I wouldn’t do a single thing to that box. The rusty old box is something that I love about me, my family, and my house. That rusty old mailbox is my role. To search for a role now would be extra work. I already know my role, and my role has already been played. I know my role in my family, and that is what I intend to fulfill as long as I live in my house with my rusty mailbox. I am a kid. I am a kid who cares about representing her family the right way, knowing how much you could hate and love something at the same time, but wouldn’t want to change a thing.


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grade 7

Daniel Pfrommer


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Hannah Reigel


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Alexandra Schwartz


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grade 7

Tucker Seth “The fire raged with inconceivable violence and in its destructive progress swept away all the buildings between Broad Street and the North River. Several women and children perished in the fire, their shrieks joined to the roaring of the flames the crash of falling houses, and the widespread flames’ ruin, which everywhere it appeared formed a scene of horror great beyond description and which was still heightened by the darkness of the night.” The bees here, they are again making nests in my head. As I read this I remember being stuck in the house with nowhere to go, helping Lady Seymour. I begin to shiver as I read this because in the house my only memory of Ruth is left behind. I know that Ruth was in the house that day she saved me; she woke me up and told me to run. She knows the sweetness of Lady Seymour; she had to spare her but she knew I must spare my doll to the fire. The dreams are the worst—seeing the fire all over again, wondering if it’s real, then seeing Ruth and hoping it’s real. And then I wake up and work all day and go to sleep hoping to see Ruth again at night. I go back to the ruins looking for my doll, hoping a piece of her would be exposed. When I arrived home, Lady Seymour grabs me with a caress and says, “Thank you.” I nod and walk away. I later noticed the fire has signed Lady Seymour’s leg; I tended to the wound and went to bed. I floundered all night, dreaming about where Ruth is and what she is doing. I woke up feeling very flimsy as a result, I dropped a dish in the kitchen and I was censured and sent to go get water. On my way back from fetching water I saw the houses all burned; then I passed the house where I was almost burned. All I want to do is be liberated by the end of this war, but the probability is unlikely. The weather looks menacing so I begin to run home. When I arrive I overhear master Lockton speaking to a British commander saying that the red coats obliterated the continental army. Master Lockton says that he had anticipated this from the beginning of the battle. After serving dinner I go to my tranquil room where I sit and just pray that momma will bring me to Ruth or bring Ruth to me. The next thing I know, it’s morning, and I am sent to help the British Army clean up all the ashes. I was on my way to go help when I noticed that the ashes were not the only thing we were cleaning. Burned bodies, everywhere all red with blood and melted flesh. I cannot imagine the pain, I only compare it to my missing of Ruth. And all I can hope is that Ruth is okay. This reminds me of the article I read the other day with all the lives given to the fiery beast. It makes me feel so lucky, I could have died in the house with Lady Seymour but

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grade 7

Tucker Seth I didn’t. I am lucky to be alive, am I? I have given my sister away she could very well be chopping cotton or getting abused by a master worse than the Locktons. The fire it burned all, all my memories of Ruth it took away the only thing that mattered to me. As I begin digging through ash I notice, on the street across, a red hat; Curzon is there. The bees again. Why now? I knew I had to do something about it, talk to him at least. When I walk over he tells me he is sorry about the fire and wonders if I was hurt. I tell him no and that soon I will bring him food. I leave with only fire on my mind. The one word has ruined me. I will never see Ruth or have her spirit with me again.


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grade 7

Victoria Song


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Ben Sosnow


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grade 7

Kate Tapscott Lost Forever Catrina walked silently through the woods, listening as tree branches swayed gently in the wind and tiny raindrops fell softly to the forest floor. The sun filtered through the top tree branches, illuminating the leaves below and casting patterns of light to the smooth ground. Catrina loved this time of year, when her foster family traveled to San Antonio, Costa Rica, where she had been born. When Catrina was a little girl, she and her little sister Nina used to walk in the forest with their mom, at the time when the sun began to set, but when they could still see the rays of light sparkling in the distance. Her mom used to hold her up, so she could see the Costa Rican mountains standing silently as if painted on the pale sky. But her mother was gone now, and all that was over. Catrina had a foster family, and she lived in noisy New York City, where she stayed in a crowded apartment, and the only sounds of wildlife were at the zoo. Things would never go back to the way they used to be. The sound of talking and laughing interrupted Catrina’s thoughts. She glanced ahead, seeing the silhouettes of her foster family, and hatred rose inside her like fire. How dare they, she thought. How dare they interfere with her thoughts and memories, how dare they pretend to be her parents! They walked with her, but she couldn’t hold their hands. They smiled at her, but she couldn’t smile back. They hugged her, but she couldn’t hug back. They did everything with her, but Catrina despised them. Hate rose inside her still, as her eyes rested upon her sister Nina, laughing with them. She was a traitor, thought Catrina. Years after her mother’s death, Catrina was still shaken. She had lost the only part of her family she had to hold onto. But Nina, she’d bounced back within a few days. And already her foster parents had filled the space in her heart. Nina seemed to have replaced her parents, had forgotten about them. Within a blink of an eye she had become just as much of a daughter to her foster parents as she was with her real parents. Plus, just as quickly, her foster parents had accepted Nina as part of their family. To them Nina was friendly and adorable, but Catrina felt like a moody nuisance in their eyes. They had barged into her life, expecting her to pour her heart into them without delay, but at her reluctance to do so she felt as if they had forever labeled her as sulky and apathetic. Catrina supposed they were nice enough. But they could never replace her real parents. The thought of her parents making her eyes watery with tears, Catrina sharply turned her head away and focused her mind on the beauty and wildlife of the forest. Now that her mother was gone, the forest was the only memory she had left. She immersed herself in this thought for a while and seemed to lose all awareness of the natural world. But when the sound of a loose branch hitting the ground interrupted her thoughts, Catrina suddenly became aware of the absence of noise. She looked around, only to find that her surroundings were no longer familiar. Her heart beat faster and faster. Catrina was lost. Continued on next page


ponus papers

grade 7

Kate Tapscott Determined to stay calm, she surveyed her surroundings once more, searching for a familiar sign. Finding nothing recognizable, Catrina grew only more and more frantic. Suddenly, she heard the sound of footsteps in the distance. She tensed and stood alert and ready for a wild animal. But as the footsteps grew closer, both relief and anger swept through her at the sight of her younger sister. Their eyes met, unsure and wary of each other. “I left my binoculars on the trail,” squeaked Nina. Catrina nodded coldly in response. “We’re lost, aren’t we?” her little sister continued. Catrina nodded with the same iciness as before. Without speaking, Nina joined her sister in searching for the trail. They walked in silence together, each immersed in their own thoughts. Catrina grew uncomfortable, walking with this traitor who was her sister beside her. Anger raced through her. But her sister’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “Why don’t you take care of me?” Nina sobbed. “You’re my big sister! You’re supposed to look out for me. You never have. You never would!” Catrina recoiled with shock. She never realized the big sister role she failed to fulfill. She never thought Nina needed it. Her little sister just seemed so secure on her own, so happy and easygoing, that it had never occurred to Catrina to look out for her. A wave of shame washed over her as she realized how selfish she had been. Unsure of how to respond, Catrina stayed silent. Nina, shocked by her own outburst, did the same, and the two sisters once again resumed their uncomfortable silence as they walked through the forest. Fear dawned on her face as Catrina realized how long she and her sister had been lost. She was used to the forest; however, her unfamiliarity with her surroundings frightened her. It was her fault, Catrina knew. If she hadn’t left the trail, they never would have gotten lost. She was the big sister, like Nina said, and she was supposed to look out for her. Absorbed in her self-critical thoughts, Catrina almost didn’t notice the branch swinging precariously above her sister’s head. Realizing just in time, she grabbed her sister’s hand, pulling her out of the way with all of her strength. The massive branch fell heavily to the ground, just missing Nina. If Catrina had not grabbed her, she could have been killed. The two sisters gasped in shock, stunned and breathless. Catrina realized her hand was still grasped with Nina’s. It was a strange feeling, but she understood that it was the first time she had stuck up for her sister. Catrina and Nina exchanged a glance. Without words, for the first time, they understood each other. Catrina realized that she hadn’t lost her family after all. It was with her all along. At the same time, she heard footsteps rushing her way. Her foster parents, worriedly searching the forest with fear in their hearts, embraced her and Nina with open arms, and this time, Catrina hugged back.


ponus papers

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Felicity Taylor


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CJ Woodberry


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Leigh Young-Lawler


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grade 8

Whitney Balanoff


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grade 8

Jason Gold Ubiquitous Breaking News Reports

As I Complete My Work

Everywhere I look,

I sit and glare,

I see it,

Read and write,

I hear it.

Question and answer,

Every email,

I look up for inspiration,

Every notification,

Back down with vision.

As I complete my work…

Every voicemail, Every radio station,

As I complete my work…

Every television channel,

I look outside,

All day,

My eyes wander,


My brain ponders,

not one cessation,

The house creaks,

The workers never sleep,

The pipes drip and drop.

Oh how it is so nettlesome, To be bombarded by this very issue,

As I complete my work…

Every solitary moment of the day,

My mom cooks,

Ever so ubiquitous,

My dad talks,

Sandy, please,

My dog barks,

just go away.

I sit, I contemplate, For I, I complete my work.


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grade 8

Olivia Jebrine


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grade 8

Olivia Jebrine Mondays Ring, ring, buzz buzz, the first sounds I hear when I wake up. I smack my iPhone, trying to make the ungodly noise disperse. Trudging out of bed, my hair’s a mess; Contemplating whether or not I should go back to sleep. Scrub my face with bursting beads of face wash, and feeling the bitter cold water being splashed onto my face, in an attempt to wake me up. Unsuccessful. As I rush downstairs for a full bowl of Cheerios, I realize I have no time to waste. Quickly, I race upstairs to my room, for I know it will take me about a whole lifetime to choose what to wear. Before I know it, It’s time to leave my home sweet home, and go to a little place I call school.


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Abigail Ker


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Abigail Ker


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Maggie McManus


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Stella Noels


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Bret Pastor Viva Cuba En la película “Viva Cuba,” Jorgito y Malú son buenos amigos. Jorgito y Malú van a la escuela juntos, y los dos caminan juntos todos los días. También, Jorgito y Malú juegan con otros amigos muchas veces durante la película. Un día, Malú le dijo a Jorgito que su madre quiso irse Cuba, porque su abuela murió. Entonces, Jorgito le dijo a Malú una buena idea. ¡Jorgito y Malú van a Punto Maisí! El padre de Malú vive en Punto Maisí y el padre de Malú firmaría los papeles para irse de Cuba. El próximo día, Jorgito y Malú comienzan a ir a Punto Maisí. Los dos montaron un tren hasta que el conductor realizó que Jorgito y Malú no tuvieron boletos. Jorgito y Malú corrieron mucho. Un hombre con dos caballos lleva a Jorgito y Malú hasta que el hombre tuvo que ir a su casa. Jorgito y Malú caminaron en el bosque por el día, y después los dos durmieron debajo de un árbol. Jorgito tuvo un sueño sobre los guijes, y Jorgito se puso muy enfermo, y los trabajadores llevaron a los dos a un hospital. Después, Jorgito se puso ropa de una chica y Malú cantó una canción en un festival de la independencia de Cuba. Jorgito y Malú se escaparon y Jorgito está muy enojado con Malú. Entonces, Jorgito y Malú no son amigos. Los dos caminaron en el bosque y los dos conocieron a un espeleólogo, y el próximo día, el espeleólogo llevo a los dos a Punto Maisí, y Malú encontró a su padre. Los otros padres de Jorgito y Malú están esperando por los niños. Jorgito y Malú decidieron quedarse juntos y los dos nunca vuelven a sus casas. En vez de esto, los dos saltaron en el océano. Los dos nadaron a un puerto y fueron en un barco a los Estados Unidos. Jorgito y Malú se casan y viven felices para siempre. Después, los padres de Jorgito y Malú vuelven a sus casas y se fueron de Cuba para siempre.


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Harlene Samra


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Billy Schulz


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grade 8

Kate Somerby Ocean Cool refresher from scorching sun, and desiccated winds Instead now dominate tides and a brief pull Fingers drag through a panorama of translucent shades of blue Each grain of sand slowly curdles underneath you. You have been surrendered to a different worldview

Lost Soul Her body trembles Anxiety of reality extends to everyone around Tension is high in her radius Her voice struggles to get a glance Cluelessness is a fraud People lie to her Then they lie to themselves Her bulging belly shows the chain of regrets The obvious elephant is now the terror for the unborn baby Guiltiness controls the conscience The fate depends on you like rocks on shoulders No one helps her No one believes her She is a lost soul


ponus papers

grade 8

Kate Somerby My moon My most loyal companion, Follows me through thick and thin, Bends each corner As I wait for him Guides me through the darkness Sheds light upon us Ivory reflection drowns my perception He’s looking down on me I am the one out of billions Sadness fills my soul For my friend has to go But not for long Just from morning till noon He’s my best friend He’s my moon

Aging Beginner’s days fade away The days when everything had a brighter outlook When the gossip was what flavors of your ice cream The memories of the glory of youth Make you excited Make you sad You stand on an edge, ready to plunge into the next chapter of your long-awaiting life But still you stand there Attempting to remain what you are Instead of becoming what you will be Then You fall off the edge


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Sophie Vos


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grade 9

Cecilia Arntzen The Group Each of them never let go of their bags; in them they held their whole lives. Sarah, the oldest of the group, carried a picture, the one thing her mother had ever given her. Sarah never accepted that her mother didn’t want her, or her little brother; that’s why she kept it. Sarah’s mom had left her, at a very young age, to fend for herself. That is how she ended up in the group. Everyone in the group looked up to her; she was a sort of mother to them, especially to Charlie; Charlie is Sarah’s little brother. Only being 5, Charlie is the youngest. Just like a normal little kid, he never lets go of his teddy. It’s the one thing that makes him feel like he has a home, even if the group is changing where they sleep every night. The person that took everything the hardest was Gordon, the newest of the group. Since he had only been in the group for about a week or so he still had his iPod and, luckily, his guitar. He always made sure that everyone was fed and not thirsty. That’s why he was like a father to everyone; even though he was new, he immediately took on the role. Gordon never stopped playing his guitar, he even used it to get make some money for the group. The only reason Gordon had come to their group was because of Sarah. Sarah forgot—she made herself—but Gordon never did. Gordon remembered the little girl smiling on the street corner; he knew her before they were left on the streets. When he left his parents, he knew where to go, he knew he had to look after Charlie and Sarah. They are a family, even if Sarah doesn’t realize it. Sarah tries to never look at the picture, the family picture. The last family picture from the barbecue on the front porch, of the house on the corner. Everyone was happy back then, no one was alone, no one mad at each other, everyone had to a place to escape to. Not anymore. Everything had changed. Luckily for them, everything was about to get a lot better, all because of Gordon and his guitar.


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Cecilia Arntzen


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Luke Bazemore Run Run. Run. Run until you run out of breath. Run until you collapse. Run until you cross that Mason-Dixon Line. That was all Jim could think about. Once he made it north he was a free man, if he made it. Dogs and southern police were chasing him throughout Virginia, although he did not know he had made it that far north. The year was 1810. He had been working on Mr. Williams’ cotton farm in Georgia for the past 20 years. He was now a man of 40, able bodied and tall, like most slaves. He had been running for over a month and had just begun to believe that he could make it, when a group of southern police and their bloodhounds caught up to him in the woods. He was running for his life, with no one to protect him, through the Virginia wilderness. Run. Run. It was mid-August in Georgia. Blistering heat threatened the plantation workers every day, yet they continued on. One man, Jim, seemed especially exhausted. He had been through summers on the plantation before, but nothing like this. The work seemed harder, the days seemed hotter, and slaves were being injured every day from heat stroke. Stories circled of escaped slaves making it all the way to Canada. It was unbearable staying here at this terrible place. Jim decided that he could not spend yet another year here. He had to get out. A plan formed in his head about how at the beginning of September he would make a run for it. He spent his last days at the plantation working harder than he ever had. He pushed himself to the limit and crossed it every day. Finally, the beginning of September arrived. With it came the beginning of his walk to freedom. His last day on the plantation was an uneventful, normal day on the plantation. He wore two shirts and a pair of pants for the journey, they would be the only possesions he would have if he made it to freedom. That night, at midnight, he ran for it. He followed the North Star until he got out of the plantation. He had made up his mind that he would run in the nights and find a place to stay during the day. He almost made it out of Georgia without being noticed, but he came upon a town and decided that it would be easier to try and go through than to go around. He took the alleys and back ways until he was almost out of the town. It was then that he noticed a poster on a building. He realized that he was staring back at his own face. They knew that he was gone, and they were looking

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Luke Bazemore for him. He lost himself, and started walking down the sidewalk. All of a sudden he heard horses behind him. He broke into a run. He made for the woods as quick as possible and climbed the first tree he saw. From there on, he was never went through a town and was always on alert. He made it uneventfully through South Carolina. The only two things that he still carried with him were one of his two shirts and his pair of pants that had been cut into shorts. Throughout North Carolina, he felt as if someone were following him. He could not explain it to himself but he believed that someone was there. It turns out that someone was following him. He was so close to freedom, but still so far away. He was not consciously thinking as he ran through Virginia. His legs led him north and the rest of his body followed suit. If he completed his run he would be a free man, but if he did not he would be caught and possibly killed, or worse, sent back to the plantation. Unfortunately, we will never know if Jim made it or didn’t.


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Jack Brill Stud Muffin’s Story Stud Muffin was a nice little guy. Every day he’d wake up in the morning and smell the cool crisp air, and look up at either a clean blue sky, or a fluffy grey mess of clouds up in the sky. A lot of folks might get sad seeing a grey sky; not Stud Muffin. He was an optimist. He’d always think about the fluffy grey clouds as a clutter of squirrels’ tails floating in the sky. He loved squirrels’ tails. They made him feel at home; always curled up in his tail. His tail was a source of comfort. A security that made him feel safe from the scary predators that would so badly want to eat him alive. When Stud Muffin woke up on this bluebird morning, he went through his morning routine: gathering nuts, burying nuts, eating nuts, throwing nuts at the other squirrels, and rearranging his nest to try to attract a mate. Now one thing that Stud Muffin did that was different from the other squirrels was that he would engrave each nut that he found with a number representing the tree he found it in. In his nest, he had a piece of birch bark with written keys for which number represented which tree. His key was his prized possession. It was a reminder that every tree meant something to him; it was his source of food, his home, and his safe place.


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Ian Connelly Vagabonds The squeaking of trolley wheels rattled down the pavement as a man with a weathered face skidded his feet down the sidewalk. He was wearing a pair of clothes smelling of urine which seemed to be designed by Goodwill, if they had made a clothing line. Walter had been let go from his job more than decade ago. Almost three months after being let go from his job as a locomotive engineer. And he could no longer afford his small apartment flat on the outskirts of London, causing him to live out his remaining days as a vagabond. It was getting late now as Walter decided to make his way back to his Shantytown community of other vagabonds and bag ladies. This one in particular was based just outside of London in an abandoned apartment complex. On his arrival, his two dearest friends, Rufus and Harold, greeted him. You could classify the three as the most normal of the community; not all people stay sane after all of the years living day in and day out scavenging for crucial supplies in order to survive the long winter season. The three walked to their shack they had made of corrugated roof and whatever else they could find in the scrapyard a few miles off. All three pulled out clothes that bulged with different shapes, and laid them on their table. The bags opened on impact. Two half-eaten apples, one green one red, six tea bags, and two slices of cold, moldy pizza. They all stared in sorrow to see what they had gathered for dinner this night, as it was less share then they had hoped. Then Walter uncovered what seemed to be a half-eaten coffee cake. This made the faces of both Rufus and Ronald to drop in disbelief about what their friend had found. They felt eyes watching them as Rufus prepared boiling water over their fire for their tea, and the other two dished up their food in equal rations. The eyes felt like a ticking time bomb as people crouched forward on what they were sitting on or slid their backs down the corridor. Ronald could be seen watching Mary May, the beady-eyed, longfingernailed cat woman, who was watching them on beams above, ready to pounce. They were successful in eating their meal in peace that night without being confronted by a fellow vagabond, knowing they could wait because of the festival held in the center of London called the “Bakers Dozen.” The boys’ approach was to wake up very early that morning in order to pocket the loaves of bread, the pastries, and Éclairs they could fit in their pockets. The three woke at dawn, opening their eyes to the embers of the fire from the night before. They rallied and quickly unloaded their trollies of their personal belongings except their trench coats and satchels

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Ian Connelly they would use this day. Rolling their trollies slowly out of the lot without waking any of the competition, they were off, pushing their trollies along with their feet like children in the grocery store, grinning as their stomachs grumbled and their eyes teared up in the cold morning air. Their trollies came to a halting stop as they reached Winston Street, where they could practically taste the pastries and baked goods on their tongues. They parked their trollies under a nearby tree and then threw a tarp over the top, not wanting to be displaced. They arrived at the first stand of baked goods, tag-teaming each clerk by distracting while the others slipped pastries and loaves of bread into their large coat pockets. When they decided they had gotten their share, they walked to a nearby park where they enjoyed each and every last treat until the sun, that beacon of hunger, had gone low over the horizon, when it knew the three men had had their share and they were perfectly content.


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Ian Connelly


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Ian Connelly


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Jaylen Craft Noveno Grado A mí me gusta el noveno grado. Me gustó el Outdoor Action Trip, me gusto el fútbol norteamericano y basquetbol, y mis clases de arte, pero yo creí que iba a ser mejor que el octavo grado y creí que nosotros haríamos más actividades de diversión. Parecía que el previo noveno grado fue muy divertido. Mis partes favoritas del noveno grado fueron basquetbol, fútbol norteamericano, short film, y SDLC. Mi deporte favorito es basquetbol. Me gustan mis compañeros de equipo y me gusta jugar con ellos, aunque éramos malos. Yo siempre jugué en el equipo de Varsity Basquetbol desde niño. Ganamos segundo lugar, en el FCDS torneo, pero no ganamos un juego desde entonces. Además, solo hay un juego más y espero que ganemos. Ahora, me gusta el fútbol norteamericano casi tanto como el basquetbol. En el pasado, no me gustaba el futbol norteamericano, porque no tenía ninguna idea como jugar. El juego era confuso para mí y los jugadores eran más grandes que yo. También, los jugadores en el octavo grado y el noveno grado tenían más experiencia que yo. Ahora yo estoy en el noveno grado, tengo más experiencia que los jugadores menores, y me gusta jugar con mi hermano, Aren. Es el segundo año que tomé short film para arte. En el primer año me gustó, pero no me gustaban mis compañeros de la clase. Pero este año, yo estuve en la clase con mis mejores amigos en el trimestre de invierno. Nosotros hemos hecho muchos buenos videos sobre películas. Hemos hecho un video de Taken. Me gusta short film más que dibujo porque no me gusta dibujar. Espero poder tomar short film por tres trimestres. En Diciembre fui a SDLC en Houston, Texas con otros estudiantes de NCCS. Fue una buena experiencia y me gustó mucho la conferencia. Algunas clases fueron muchas horas, pero fueron informativas y divertidas. Me gusta mucho conocer a muchas personas de nacionalidades diferentes y otros Afro-Americanos de escuelas privadas. Ojalá que vaya a la conferencia con mí próxima escuela, también. No sé si yo estoy alegre que yo me quedé en NCCS o si debí ir a una otra escuela. Me gustan las escuelas de día y abordaje que yo visité y me gustan los estudiantes, pero me gusta NCCS y yo no me gusta dejar a mis amigos. Me gusta el tiempo extra para hacer decisiones y no sé si casi estoy listo para irme.


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Jaylen Craft


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Sam Evarts Trek to the Top As Caleb and I got out our survival packs and sleeping bags, we would hear cold winds, blowing from left to right. Both of us were wondering if it could be lethal, but we had to keep sorting supplies out before midnight came, and the winds would pick up. Personally I had brought with me a sleeping bag, a lighter, some peanuts, and a knife. I was packed to be a survivor. Caleb, on the other hand, packed pictures, letters, his journal, and other camping supplies like a flashlight, jacket, and sleeping bag. He was packed to never forget what he was climbing for. Along with our tangible supplies, we carried things that were very valuable to us. We both carried memories and emotions. I decided to carry positivity, confidence, and a memory of my first time getting to the top of the big rock outside in my back yard, and seeing everyone cheer for me. That helped me keep my eye on the prize, and motivated me to see everyone cheer for me on top of a rock for the second time. Caleb carried intelligence, kindness, and a memory of his first Christmas, when he got his first pair of hiking boots. The next morning, I woke up, and felt the slump of my body weight being pulled down farther away from the summit, due to gravity, and that’s when I remembered we were in a tent suspended by two poles implanted into the side of Mt. Everest. As I woke, my body creaked with sores and pains of the past day. I looked around and stuck my hand forcefully into the right side of my tent, hoping it would hit Caleb’s, in order to wake him. Oddly enough, I felt nothing. I punched harder again; still nothing. At this point I was on my knees and unzipped my tent to look out. Caleb was nowhere to be found. I looked to the right, to the left, and up, but I finally found him, about 10 feet below my tent. It seemed to be that the weight of Caleb’s tent had forced the poles to slide down the mountain. My body filled with fear, hoping he was OK, but thankfully I had my knife. I shouted down: “CALEB!” There was no response. “CALEB, WAKE UP!” I cried again, and then I started to see his tent shake. “What?” I heard. “Get up and get ready to climb. “ “But it’s so early, and why is my tent crooked?” “Look outside and look up.” I saw the zipper of his tent unzip the flap, and I saw his pale face, and his brown shaggy hair emerge from the tent. “WHAT HAPPENED?”

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Sam Evarts “Your tent is too heavy, I’m going to toss you my knife, and I want you to climb up here with as much supply as you can, OK?” “OK” he responded. I tossed my knife down toward him, and with such luck, the wind didn’t take it off course, plummeting towards the ground. Caleb grabbed his bag, blanket, picture, and letters and started heading up towards me. As he made his way up, I noticed a calling sound in the back of my head. It sounded like a mother calling for her child, telling him that it was time to stop playing and that it was getting late. All of a sudden, my eyes open, and there is Caleb sitting next to me, inside of our small cardboard box we called a tent, that was suspended by a rope from a tree in my backyard. We both opened our eyes, and smiled at each other. We hopped out of the box, and my mom and Caleb’s mom were standing there, talking to each other while they waited. As we walked up to the adults, Caleb’s mom said to us: “Did you have a good time?” “Yes” he said, with a smile on his face. “Well, unfortunately we have to get home for dinner,” she said with a smile while looking down at Caleb. As they made their way to the car, I made eye contact with Caleb, and tossed to him his survival pack, which was really just his lunch box. As he stepped into the back seat of the car, I said to him “You may want that for tomorrow.” He then looked back at me with a warm, and thoughtful smile, that I knew, meant “I’m ready when you are.”


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Lula Gallipoli A Walk in the Woods “Are you sure it’s safe? It’s a dangerous place, you know. Make sure to bring some bug spray! Oh! And don’t forget to bring your cellphone in case something goes wrong. Are you sure it’s safe? And also-” “Mom. I’m going on an hour-long walk in the woods. Besides, the trail is three miles long. If anything went wrong you would find me in less than an hour. This isn’t that big of a deal...” I tried to explain. “Okay well be safe. Have a good walk!” “Will do, Mom.” I laughed as I was walking out of the door. “By the way, I forgot to clean my room but I totally will later. Maybe.” “April!-” The closing door cut her off. I clasped the necklace around my neck that my grandmother gave me, glanced up at the sky, and smiled. The sun’s rays wrapped me in a light blanket of warmth. Opening the door, I slung my purse into the car, sat down, and drove off towards the trail. Wow, it’s a nice day! I thought. I don’t think it’s been this beautiful in months! I turned right on to Spring Road, parked, and turned the car off. This is so exciting! Walking in the woods on a beautiful day. It’s a great way to clear my thoughts and just observe nature. Once the car was off, I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. I need to do that math homework that was due yesterday. I already missed an assignment. No. Stop thinking about school. I’m supposed to relax. Just relax. I opened my eyes, slid on my sunglasses, and grabbed my water bottle from my purse. I took a sip. Ah yes, cool water on a hot day. The trail is empty, as usual. I thought about all of the times that my dad had taken me here. The memories started coming back to me. The way the river sounded, how I felt like I was five stories high when he lifted me up on to his shoulders, and the smell of the forest. Once I was on the trail I felt much more relaxed, even though I was still very close to my home and school. One time five years ago, when Dad and I were here, we saw a squirrel with no fur. It was an interesting sight. Wait, that was around that time when you sent that kid a letter, right? No, spare me from thinking about that. I continued up and along the trail past a creek where Dad and I used to stop and catch frogs. That was really stupid. I’m so stupid. That’s so embarrassing. I wonder if that kid Josh even remembers. I sat down with my journal and wrote about the past week. I flipped to old entries and started to read. Why did I feel the need to express my sixth grade love through a creepy letter? Then he told his friends, and they told their friends, and then the whole grade knew. This is stupid, it doesn’t matter, it was in sixth grade. Even so, it was really dumb. Wow, look at this entry.

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Lula Gallipoli January 19th, a little over 8 months ago. The date was very familiar; I had read this entry so many times. It was from the day that my dad had died. It wasn’t about him at all, actually. I had written it before he died. Why did I do this? I’m such an embarrassment. Reading the entry made me cry, as always. One of the worst parts about reading it was that I didn’t see it coming. It’s not your fault. How were you supposed to predict it? It wasn’t predictable. But it was though. I could’ve helped him. No, I couldn’t have. Could I? Should I have asked? It’s not my fault is it? Was I not enough? Was it me? Then I started to feel angry. It wasn’t my fault though. It wasn’t How could he have done this to us; he was so selfish. I was still crying. I still feel like it’s my fault though. This is ridiculous, why am I reading through this. I closed the book and walked out of the forest. Once I sat down in the car, I waited a while before driving so that it wouldn’t look like I had cried by the time I arrived home. “How was your walk?” My mom asked when I walked through the door. “It was fine.” I went up to my room and didn’t clean my room. I burned the journal, and all of the memories in it.


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Lula Gallipoli


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Lula Gallipoli


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Lula Gallipoli


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Albert Huang


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Alice Hudson THE KEY She lay by her grandfather’s side. “Don’t go,” she said glumly. The heart rate monitor was a piercing steady alarm. Nurses were coming in and out of the room, putting new IV’s and medications into his body, screaming for doctors, and giving him oxygen. “Don’t leave, I need you here.” He tried to talk, “In-n-n the at-t-tic, find the key to the---, box. Don’t tell anyone.” “What? Grandpa, please. What are you talking about? Stay here, don’t go.” The heart rate monitor flashed “0”. He was gone. She cried. The tears rushed out of her eyes like they had been waiting to do so for the longest time. Emotions filled her body. She felt the enormous weight of his loss falling on her shoulders. What was it he said? A key? In the attic? For what, a box? She couldn’t think about this right now. She looked into his clear, crystal blue eyes, turned her head, and slowly stood up. She picked up her heavy backpack and walked home. A few weeks later, she began to ponder what her grandfather had said at the hospital that night. Why in her attic? And what was this box to which the key unlocked? Why did she have to find it? Questions circled in her head. She decided to look. Why not? It was what her grandfather had asked her to do. She climbed up to the attic, one stair at a time. When she reached the top, she looked around. She didn’t know where to start. There were big boxes and old furniture everywhere she looked. Which box was the right one, and where was the key? She lifted one heavy box out of the way at a time, looking for a key. It got dark, so she went back downstairs, disappointed. The next day, all day, her backpack felt heavier. She began to think about her grandfather. She wished he were with her. She remembered all the fun times she had with him, the board games, the occasional tea-time dates together, and just the laughs she shared with him and his sense of humor. She carried the burden of his loss everywhere she went. She remembered his odd quirks. His love for Boston terriers, and the pride he had in his 1929 armoire from France. The armoire, of course! She raced home, the backpack hitting her sides. She ran up the stairs to the attic and thrust open the doors of the armoire. There lay a key. She held it in her hands. It was cold and rough, but a beautiful key all the same, elegant, and engraved with intricate designs. She took it from its spot, tied a string to it, and hung it around her neck. There it would hang until she found the box which it opened. Continued on next page


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Alice Hudson “What were you doing in the attic last night?” asked her mother the next morning. The girl didn’t know what to say. The weight of this secret was too much for her to carry by herself. However, her mom might not let her look for the box at all, and her grandpa told her not to tell anyone. “I was just looking for some baby pictures for a school project, and I found them,” she lied. “Okay, well it is time for school, so get ready,” her mom told her. She needed to find this box before her mom got more suspicious. She went to school and brought her friend Brittney over. She contemplated whether to tell Brittney about her secret or not. Brittney could help the girl a lot, and wouldn’t tell anyone. So, the girl told Brittney, everything. The girl told Brittney what her grandfather told her right before he died, she explained how she found the key, and the fact that she needed to find this box. Brittney and the girl looked and searched for hours. Finally they looked in the girl’s grandfather’s room, and behind his chest of drawers was a box. Just then the doorbell rang. Brittney and the girl went downstairs, and there was Brittney’s mom there to pick her up. The girl said goodbye to Brittney, gave her a hug, and then went back upstairs to the box. The box was a raw umber color, with the same complex and beautiful designs and engravings as the key. She turned the box over and at the bottom were her grandfather’s initials, WRB. She then looked back to the front where the keyhole was. The girl was so excited to see what was inside this box. She reached to her neck to get the key, but there was nothing there. She felt all around her neck. The key was gone.


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Alice Hudson


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Lucy Lefferts


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Brooke Lowe


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Addi MacKenzie Don’t Call Me Spot On my person, I carry a myriad of things-- perhaps fleas, maybe a few ticks, and possibly even ringworm here and there. And lets not forget the assortment of toys in my stomach: Boy’s Lego piece, Girl’s hair tie, and, of course, Woman’s diamond ring—that one actually hurt going down. Oh, and how could I forget? Man strapped this demeaning collar around my neck. With each step, the bell jingles. Rabbit wants to thank you for that, Man. Me, on the other hand… I am not so grateful. Yes, you’ve guessed it: I’m a dog. Being the more sophisticated, and perhaps most intelligent breed, the English Bulldog (obviously), life is rather ruff living with these pea-brained humans. For instance, they insist on calling me Spot. Everyone, even the Golden Retriever, knows my name is Maxwell. Additionally, why do the humans feel so inclined to clean up my every accident? You don’t see me cleaning up after them. Now that you know a little bit about me, I can tell you my story. One morning, Woman let me outside upon seeing Deer. As per usual, the humans were using me as a guard dog to scare the deer away from their plants. Admittedly, this was a fun game for me, too. As I was charging full speed at Deer, I was forced to skid to an unexpected, and rather clumsy stop. Usually on these hunts, Deer runs away before I can get within barking distance. Not this time. Deer turned around, and stood up ferociously on his hind legs. Before I knew it, I was being passed back and forth between his front legs like the bowling pins amid the hands of a juggling clown at the local circus. After that, I remember nothing more, save for a few shouts from Woman before everything turned as black as Postman’s soul. Next, I awoke under the heavy speculation of Vet, who competes for darkest soul right along with said Postman. I quickly realized the strange sensation I was uncomfortably becoming accustomed to was the IV drip shoved into my front paw. As my groggy senses slowly sharpened I overheard Man and Woman talking outside the room with worried voices. After an afternoon full of torturous events inflicted by Vet, Woman took me home. Despite my throbbing head injury, Deer taught me a valuable lesson: Never trust humans. From that day forward, I decided to only depend on my own instincts.


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Addi MacKenzie


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Olivia McCaughey Before and After Before: She wrapped the bracelet around my wrist, and tied it with a knot. I stared down at it for a moment. It was knitted together with four strings. One blue, one pink, one green and the one yellow. The colours reminded me of the people I knew. They were vibrant, fun, friendly, and utterly hilarious. I looked up at Ana’s face; she had the biggest grin plastered onto her face. “Thanks” I said to her, returning the smile.

After: I pushed the sleeves of my sweatshirt up in an attempt to cool myself down. The science room was scorching as usual. And as usual, I was bored. For a while I aimlessly stared around the room, I looked at the posters of the periodic table and the structure of a plant cell, though nothing seemed to interest me. I then stared at my nails, and contemplated whether or not to cut my nails. I then rearranged the bracelets that I wore. My eyes then fell upon the thin bracelet that was in between the leather and spike cuffs that I wore. The bracelet had never been taken off; for three months it never left my side. I remember when Ana first tied it around my wrist. For a second I saw the ghost of bright colours, though it disappeared within the blink of an eye. The memories flooded my head. A smile graced my lips, and a tear glided down my face. I remembered all the people who had filled me with endless joy, the people who had given me laughter for hours, the people who accepted me for me. “Victoria, please tell me what I just said” Mrs. Shepard said with a smug smile on her face. She just loved to make an example out of me. “I’m sorry, but I do not have a clue what you said” “Right, that’s it. You’re going to see the vice principle for consistently not paying attention in class, and talking back to me.” “I didn’t eve-“ “That’s it, we are going to see him right now.” She stormed out of the room, assuming that I would follow her. I picked up my bag and ran in the opposite direction. I skidded across the floor as I approached each sharp turn. After about five turns, I saw the large red doors at the end of the corridor that is the exit. I sprinted as fast as I can down

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Olivia McCaughey the hall. And finally I held my hands out to pry the doors open and run out into the great beyond. I ran for as far as my legs would carry me. And when I felt like I was about to faint, I sank down behind a tree and closed my eyes. Faces flashed before me. The faces of the friends I will never see. I snapped my eyelids open as I couldn’t bear to see their faces. They were happy and content as I had known them, but they wouldn’t be happy now. I looked down at my wrist to see the one thing of them that I had left. I was surprised to find the bracelet gone. I must have lost it along the way. The world around me became a blur of colours. And I eventually could not differentiate green from black; everything was grey. I blinked and the world came into focus again. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. And for a while I sat under that tree, weeping.


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Olivia McCaughey


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Olivia McCaughey


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Erin Murphy


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Grace O’Halloran


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Grace O’Halloran


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Rory Shinnick


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Rory Shinnick


ponus papers

grade 9

Alyssa Thomas Mi noveno grado hasta ahora Mi noveno grado año ha sido divertido y mejor de lo que yo esperaba. Esperé que este ano fuera divertido pero la ha sido mucho más. Durante el otoño cuando no hice el equipo varsity de futbol estuve decepcionada, pero me recuperé y todo salió mejor. Además, el resto del año nada malo pasó que yo recuerde. Tengo buenas notas porque he trabajado mucho. Me he convertido amigos con personas que no era buenos amigos con el año pasado. He pasado más tiempo con personas de escuela y me siento más contenta que en años pasados. Estas amistades han hecho este año más agradable, interesante y feliz que otros años. También, este año yo he tenido tres experiencias memorables y geniales. Han sido el viaje al aire libre, las olimpiadas especiales y El Estudiante Diversidad Liderazgo Conferencia. Todas las experiencias fueron diferentes de algo que he hecho antes. Ya escribí un ensayo sobre mi experiencia con las olimpiadas especiales pero en otra ocasión, fue bastante divertido, interesante, emocionante e inspiradora. Yo conocí a muchas personas que son cómicas y únicas en su propia manera. El viaje al aire libre fue difícil a veces pero cuando yo completé una excursión sobre una montana me hizo feliz. También, yo tuve la oportunidad de conocer a personas en un manera diferente y me gustó. Yo lo haría otra vez porque estas experiencias al aire libre parecen ser las mejores. El Estudiante Diversidad Liderazgo Conferencia fue una de mi favoritas experiencias aunque soló ocurrió con nueve estudiantes en el noveno grado en nuestra escuela. Fue muy divertido conocer a personas extranjeras de todo el mundo que eran diferentes como yo. Todavía habló con algunas de los personas. Ellos son preciosos. Estoy emocionada para mi viaje a Yellowstone en Abril. Será otra experiencia para añadir a mi lista de experiencias. Estoy segura que este viaje será bastante interesante, cómico y divertido porque yo tengo un grupo divertido. Yo espero que el resto del año sea tan interesante y divertido.


ponus papers

grade 9

Alyssa Thomas


ponus papers

grade 9

Jack Wood Noveno Grado Ensayo El noveno grado que yo predije pero no es la realidad. Es un poco diferente de mi predicción. Por ejemplo, sabía que habría mucha tensión por las aplicaciones, y no sabía que después de que las aplicaciones habían terminado, todavía habría tensión. Hay muchas cosas que no predije. Cuando la escuela empezó, una cosa que yo realicé inmediatamente fueron los privilegios. Obviamente, hay cosas como la sala de actividades y el césped del noveno grado, pero no creí que habrían muchos pequeños privilegios. Un ejemplo es la tostadora. Añade muchas opciones para el almuerzo. Hay personas que dicen que el asiento libre es increíble, pero creo que es malo. Señor Delehanuty dijo “Encuentra a las personas que tú no conoces”, entonces es mejor que debamos tener asientos asignados. Típicamente, las mesas son sólo niños o sólo niñas, entonces he conocido a muchos niños pero no he conocido a muchas niñas. La tarea es una gran parte de la escuela. En el primer y segundo trimestre había un montón de tarea. Espero que el último trimestre tenga menos tarea que el primer y segundo trimestre. Tuve que trabajar mucho para completar mis aplicaciones. Debo estar más agradecido porque algunas personas tenían que escribir muchas aplicaciones por ayuda financiera cuando yo tenía que escribir sólo tres. Estaba sorprendido que los profesores todavía nos daban mucha tarea. Espero que nosotros recibamos menos tarea. En el noveno grado los deportes son diferentes. Es un poco triste que el noveno grado del año pasado no esté aquí. Me gustó mucho ese grado, y los deportes eran el tiempo cuando podíamos estar juntos. También es diferente ser los líderes. Los equipos de este año son menos exitosos que los dos años pasados. No es porque los equipos sean malos este año, pero los equipos de los dos años pasados eran increíbles. El primer y segundo trimestre fueron divertidos pero hubo mucha tarea. A veces, no me gusta hacer tarea en algunas clases y he dicho que debemos recibir menos tarea, pero me gustaría agradecerle a mis profesores porque ahora estoy preparado para el colegio. He aprendido mucho y mis profesores han enseñado más que sólo información. Ellos me han enseñado buenos hábitos para el futuro. Hasta ahora, estoy feliz que decidí permanecer en NCCS.


ponus papers

grade 9

Emma Zachary


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