2021 Newcomb Alumnae Association Board of Directors

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Welcome, and welcome back, to the Newcomb Alumnae Association Board of Directors! Enclosed is a comprehensive listing of your fellow board members. Here you can learn more about the leaders who are serving with you in 2021.

Lisa Rice (NC ’83) Board President


isa received an M.S. in Management from MIT Sloan School of Management. She is a results-driven non-profit leader with an extensive background in advocacy, political strategy, and development. She also serves as the Vice Chair of the PLEN Board of Directors and as the Director of Unite America, Inc. As an engaging, wellknown public speaker, Lisa is regarded as a mentor and advisor on political involvement best practices with her background in management, advocacy coaching, and policy education. A native Washingtonian, Lisa lives in D.C. with her husband, Tom Thompson. Her son, Thomas Lynch, graduated from Tulane in 2015. In her free time, Lisa is an avid quilter in addition to holding a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Her Newcomb and

Tulane volunteer service includes being a member of her 10-year, 30-year, and 35-year reunion committees, and a part of the Washington, D.C. Alumni Club. Here is why she volunteers for Newcomb: “I volunteer for Newcomb because of my personal experience as a student in girls’ and women’s schools. I am committed to helping women achieve career and personal goals through active mentoring and sponsorship. It’s important to give back to Newcomb to preserve its legacy and actively teach the heritage of the College. It matters to connect with current students, to support their growth and success, in college and beyond. I believe the best way to teach the lessons of women’s empowerment, and the legacy of Newcomb College is to lead by example. This is my commitment.”

FUN FACTS | Lisa’s favorite movie is Crimson Tide. Lisa loves kids and hearing new

baby news! She also enjoys gardening. Her favorite vacation destination is Aruba. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to PLEN.


Andrea Mahady Price (NC ’98) Board Immediate Past President


ndrea holds both an M.A. (2000) and a J.D. (2004) from the University of Virginia after graduating from Newcomb with a degree in French. She is currently a member of Barrasso, Usdin, Kupperman, Freeman & Sarver, LLC (New Orleans). She was a former law clerk for Hon. Jacques L. Wiener, Jr., United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Andrea also serves on the Board of Directors for the Federal Bar Association and is the former President of the New Orleans Chapter of the Association for Women Attorneys. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Todd,

and her two sons, James and Roger. She also dedicates her free time to serve as a Newcomb Town Mom and a Newcomb Mentor, attends Newcomb Networking Nights, and has spoken at Newcomb in the City. Andrea volunteers for Newcomb because, as she puts it, “I received a wonderful education at Tulane/ Newcomb and feel lucky to be part of this community of amazing women. I’d like to help keep that community alive and welcome new undergraduate women into it. I fully support the Newcomb Institute and the programs and support that it provides to current Tulane students.”

FUN FACTS | Andrea's favorite movie is Groundhog’s Day and she is an unexpected

enthusiast of hip hop/rap music. Her favorite vacation destination is Paris. She is an ardent supporter of the Newcomb Alumnae Association becoming a leader in addressing racial and gender inequity. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would donate to the Arts and Sciences.


Helene Sheena (NC ’87) Board President Elect


elene graduated from Newcomb College in 1987 and went on to attend Tulane University’s School of Medicine. Helene then began working in pediatrics in Houston where she completed her residency, citing her own childhood pediatrician as her inspiration to pursue the field. She also serves as a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a member of the Harris County Medical

Association. Helene is an avid volunteer as a life member of Girl Scouts and the Susan G. Komen Foundation, and enjoys spending her free time with her family. Her husband, Ronnie Sheena M.D., is also a Tulane alumnus (A&S ’85, M *90) as well as two of her three daughters, Michelle (SE ’16) and Brittney (SE ’18).

FUN FACTS | Helene’s favorite “guilty pleasure” is Pride and Prejudice. She enjoys cooking and likes to go snorkeling. Her favorite vacation destination is Israel for the history and culture, plus the mountains and beaches. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would split it between the Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council and the Equal Justice Initiative.


Andi Richardson (NC ’99) Board Treasurer


ndrea Shippert Richardson graduated from Newcomb College in 1999 with a degree in History. She also holds a BS in Nursing and an M.F.A in Creative Writing. She lives in Houston with her family where she has worked as an RN. Previously, Andrea worked as a Program Coordinator for the National Kidney Foundation in Washington D.C. She has also been an Administrator at the Center for Improving Minority Health at the University of West Virginia in Charlottesville, VA. Recently, Andrea, now a proud stay-at-home mom to two wildly curious boys, has focused her professional life on writing. She and her husband,

Christopher, are both active Tulanian alumni and particularly passionate in supporting the University’s history in tackling tropical diseases. They have created the Christopher F. and Andrea S. Richardson Vanguard Fund for Excellence in Tropical Medicine to support the School of Public Health’s ability to respond to urgent issues in the developing world. Andrea is dedicated to supporting women’s education, which drives her commitment to Newcomb and service as a Board member. She is also a member of the Junior League of Houston, Texas Children’s Hospital Ambassadors, and the League of Women Voters.

FUN FACTS | Andi’s favorite comedian is Tig N0taro, who has deep roots in New Orleans

and performed in McAlister Auditorium in 2015. Andi is a big fan of great educational television, especially PBS kids shows. Andi is also passionate about global women’s history. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today,she would give it to Tulane School of Public Health.


Katie Lentz (TU PH ’16) Vice-President for Students


atie holds a BS in Public Health from Newcomb-Tulane College. She’s currently an administrator for the Baseball Assistance Team at Major League Baseball. BAT is a non-profit organization that assists members of the baseball family in need of financial, medical, or psychological assistance. In 2016, Katie received the Rising 25 award from Front Office Sports; the award recognized 25 up-and-coming sports business professionals age 25 or younger. She was previously an intern with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the New Orleans Baby Cakes, and has also been the in-game host at the Pittsburgh Pirates Spring Training and

Tulane Athletics. As a student at Tulane, Katie was a member and president of Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship and a violinist in the Tulane Orchestra. Currently, she is an activity volunteer with Cross Church NYC. Her interests include watching sports, exploring New York City, playing the violin, listening to podcasts, and staying informed on current events. Katie has stated that she volunteers with Newcomb because, “as an undergraduate student, I participated in several valuable Newcomb programs that prepared me for life after college. I volunteer for Newcomb so that current and future women students are able to benefit from the resources as well.”

FUN FACTS | Katie’s favorite book is While You Were Sleeping. She loves the humor,

romance, and importance of family! She loves tapping into her Newcomb roots by doing pottery. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to her local chapter of Love INC, an organization that assists people in poverty with a “love your neighbor” approach. Katie loves Colorado year-round.


Jennifer Mills (NC ’01) Vice-President for Alumnae


ennifer Mills, M.D. graduated Magna Cum Laude from Tulane University with a B.F.A in Music and a B.S. in Cell and Molecular biology. She is a graduate of the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans. She completed internship and residency training in Internal Medicine at Washington Hospital Center in Washington D.C. in 2009, and subsequently had the honor of serving as a Chief Resident in the Internal Medicine Department at Washington

Hospital Center. For the past 10 years, she has been in private practice in Washington, D.C. She has been involved with the Tulane Club of DC Leadership and joined the TAA Board in 2019. She is also Co-Chair of Washington D.C. Chapter of ACP Women in Medicine. She is the former Chair of the Washington D.C. Chapter of ACP Early Career Physicians group.

FUN FACTS | Jennifer’s favorite movie is The Princess Bride. When Jennifer is in a good

mood, she sings high soprano arias to herself. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would adopt an inner city school. She said she probably needs to raise more than $100K for new classroom supplies, teacher stipends, and teachers’ aids and tutors. However, she’d see just how far she could make that money go.


Paula Buchanan (NC ’92) Board Member


aula is a researcher and writer with years of experience in government, nonprofit, and corporate sectors. As an independent consultant, Paula provides consulting services in the areas of data analytics and visualization techniques. A self-proclaimed data nerd, she is passionate about the effective communication of data analysis results to targeted audiences. Paula is a previous Co-President of the Tulane Club of Washington, DC. During her term,

the DC Club received an award for the Tulane Alumni Club of the Year. During her personal time, Paula enjoys traveling. She traveled through Western Europe for a summer as a part of her MBA studies to learn more about how management information systems function in various global companies. She also spent a semester conducting public health research in Costa Rica as part of her MBA.

FUN FACTS | Paula’s favorite comedian is Chris Rock. Her favorite place to vacation is

“anywhere outside of the USA.” If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to Planned Parenthood. Something she would like everyone to know is: “I am fortunate to serve for a President like Lisa Rice. I hope Newcomb and Tulane both realize how fortunate they both are to have someone like Lisa to guide us into the future.”


Liz T. Bui (NC ’91) Board Member


iz Bui, J.D., Ph.D. is a Vice President & Intellectual Property Counsel at ViaCyte, Inc. a leader in the emerging field of regenerative medicine headquartered in San Diego, California. ViaCyte’s clinical candidate products are based on the differentiation of stem cells into pancreatic beta-cell precursors, with the goal to free patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes from long-term insulin dependence. Liz oversees all matters related to intellectual property and is instrumental in the execution of corporate partnerships, licensing contracts, and other key business alliances. Prior to joining ViaCyte, Dr. Bui was with the law firm of DLA Piper in the Global Life Science Sector. Dr. Bui is also an Adjunct Faculty at University San Diego School

of Law, teaching in the Entrepreneurship Clinic and the supervising attorney for the USD Patent Clinic. Dr. Bui holds her B.S. from Tulane University (Newcomb College), an M.S. and Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of California, Los Angeles and was a National Institutes of Health postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Irvine; and received her J.D. from Pepperdine University School of Law. Dr. Bui’s passion is bringing biotech and life science opportunities and resources to San Diego area high schools and institutions and mentoring young adults to launch their passions. Dr. Bui serves on the Board of various non-profit organizations in the greater San Diego area.

FUN FACTS | Liz’s favorite book is The Death of Vivek Oji, by Akwaeke Emezi. Liz

started her own yoga branded mat, follow @zilyoga (Instagram). Her favorite vacation destination is Kyoto, Japan. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to Feeding San Diego.


Allie Shapiro Dandry (NC ’03) Communications Committee Chair


llie holds a BS in Neuroscience (2003), an MS in Neuroscience (2006), and an MBA in Management (2017). She is the Marketing Director of Krispy Krunchy Foods, LLC. and the Executive Director of the Shapiro Foundation. Previously, she worked as the Senior Executive Officer and Media Director for NewOrleans.com, a pharmaceutical representative of Coria, and a sales manager and sales representative at ADP. Her service to Newcomb College and Tulane University includes serving as

the communications committee chair for the Board of Directors. Her other service includes being the Junior League Speaker Series Chair, the communications director for the LA-SPCA, a board member of DFSNO, and a member of the YLC. In her spare time, she enjoys yoga. She volunteers her time to Newcomb because, “Newcomb helped me become the woman that I am today, and I want to help and empower the next generation of women leaders.”

FUN FACTS | Allie’s favorite comedian is Kristen Wiig. She has fostered over 40 dogs in the last 15 years and helped to get them adopted into their forever homes. She currently has 2 dogs that are available for adoption! Her favorite vacation destination is Southeast Asia. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to cancer research and animal rescue.


Emily Greenfield (NC ’98) Awards Committee Co-Chair


mily Greenfield is a graduate of Newcomb Class of 1998 and Tulane Law School Class of 2003. She first served on the NAA in 2006, when she initiated the Newcomb Networking program and oversaw the Town Mom program. She is currently co-chair of the NAA Awards Committee. She has been an Assistant United States Attorney

since 2013, first serving in the Eastern District of Louisiana and now in the Eastern District of Kentucky. She is the environmental crimes coordinator for her current U.S. Attorney’s Office and is a member of the Department of Justice’s Environmental Crimes Policy Committee.

FUN FACTS | Emily’s favorite movie is Fun with Dick and Jane. She loves cake

decorating and beach vacations. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to the ALS Foundation or the United Methodist Children’s Home.


Nicolette Guillou (TU SE ’13) Strategic Planning Committee Chair


icolette graduated from the School of Science and Engineering in 2013 with a degree in Psychology. During her time at Tulane, Nicolette was a Newcomb Scholar. Nicolette went on to obtain her Masters of Public Health from Columbia University. She now works as a Senior Associate at Grant Thornton LLP, in healthcare advisory. She currently volunteers as a high school speech

and debate judge and a Newcomb mentor. Nicolette volunteers for Newcomb because it “was influential in supporting my academic, personal, and professional development through my undergraduate career. I feel a responsibility to give back to Newcomb to sustain its rich legacy of women’s leadership and develop the next generation of leaders and scholars.”

FUN FACTS | Nico’s favorite books are anything and everything written by Roxanne Gay.

She loves traditional Irish music. When vacationing, she enjoys visiting historical sites and old cities. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to Georgia Public Broadcasting. Something she would like you to know about her: “I love health policy/social determinants of health work in case anyone wants to nerd out!”


Hannah Hale (TU SE ’12) Board Member


annah received her B.A. from Newcomb-Tulane College in 2012, and her J.D. from Emory University School of Law. After finishing law school, Hannah clerked for a judge on the Georgia Court of Appeals. She currently serves as Junior Vice President of Operations for Georgia School of Orthodontics (GSO), a three-year post-dental residency program and the largest orthodontic residency program in the country. Hanna oversees all legal and operational matters that

affect academics or clinical operations. She volunteers as a Tulane Alumni Interviewer and is active in the Tulane Alumni Association of Atlanta. She provides pro-bono legal help to non-profits including Fulton County Animal Services. When asked about her favorite memory from Newcomb-Tulane, Hanna replied, “The relationships I built during my time at Newcomb have been lifelong and provide a nationwide support system as I grow in my career as a young professional woman.”

FUN FACTS | Hannah’s favorite book is The Three-Body Problem. Hannah loves trivia

and her favorite travel destination is Paris. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta.


Maggie Herman (TU LA ’15) Board Member


aggie Herman graduated from Tulane University in 2015 and is currently a Legislative Assistant for U.S. Congressman Dan Kildee (D-MI). She has previously worked in the U.S. Senate and at the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission. Maggie developed a deep connection with Newcomb throughout her time on campus. As an undergraduate, she served on Newcomb Senate. In 2014, she was a Newcomb Institute summer grant award recipient. “The grant supported my internship at the New Orleans Health Department which ultimately sparked my interest in health policy.” Maggie serves on the board of the Washington D.C. chapter of Jewish Women International’s Young Women’s

Impact Network allowing her to support programming that brings together young professional women to grow as leaders in their workplaces, communities, and their personal lives. She participated in the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Glass Leadership Institute 2019-2020 program which seeks to empower young adults to fight hatred and bigotry in their communities. Additionally, she has volunteered her time as a mentor through the Newcomb Alumnae Association’s Mentorship Program. “Newcomb offered me incredible educational and leadership experiences that supported my professional and personal growth. I’m grateful for the opportunity to help Newcomb continue to empower the next generation of female leaders.”

FUN FACTS | Maggie’s favorite comedians are Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. Maggie is

a certified Kansas City Barbecue Judge. Lately, Maggie has really enjoyed visiting the national parks, but she can’t wait to take an international vacation after the pandemic. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight and Planned Parenthood.


Lucinda Huffman Kittrell (NC ’75) Board Member


ucinda received her B.A. from Newcomb College in 1975. She is a retired Texas Realtor and spends her time volunteering in her community in Tyler, Texas; her commitments include Historic Tyler, Inc.; Smith County Preservation Board; Smith County Historical Society; Greater Tyler Association of Realtors Board; McClendon House Preservation Board; Tyler Civic Theatre; Summer Theatre Arts Review [for children]; Junior League of Tyler; Women’s Symphony League of Tyler; Tyler Museum of Art; Texas Rose Festival; Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Association; Parent-Teacher Association; Tyler Jr. Garden Club; Criterion Club; and Marvin United Methodist Church. Her interests include theatre, historic preservation, travel, family, singing, playing Bridge, and learning how to golf.

When asked about her favorite memories from Newcomb, Lucinda replied, “The Tulanians—I was a member of the popular singing group The Tulanians. In 1973 we received a USO appointment to tour Germany and the Netherlands for 8 weeks. Yes, we had fun! The Tulanians continue to have singing/ dining reunions in New Orleans. Tulane Theatre in the ’70s was vibrant. Dr. Buzz Podewell, who was instrumental in founding the Summer Shakespeare Festival here in N.O., was one of my professors and chaired my Senior independent study. My sorority sisters in Pi Beta Phi were great fun and several are friends today. A group of us were the first women to reside in co-ed housing at Tulane!”

FUN FACTS | Lucinda’s favorite books are To Kill a Mockingbird and Pride & Prejudice.

Lucinda loves to go to the horse races. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to Alzheimer’s disease research; cystic fibrosis research; historical preservation efforts; our local Civic Theatre, Symphony, Art Museum. Lucinda’s favorite travel destinations are New York City and California, where she enjoys a good Manhattan cocktail and lively conversation.


Christina Le-Short (TU LA ’07) Board Member


hristina Le-Short graduated from Tulane in 2007 and went on to attend Tulane University’s School of Medicine. She is double board-certified in Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine by the American Board of Anesthesiology. Christina is the Pain Medicine Fellowship Program Director

and Vice Chair of the Graduate Medical Education Committee at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. She is also a yoga teacher. She has a strong connection to Newcomb and her most treasured memories of her time at school are of her pottery classes.

FUN FACTS | Christina’s favorite book/movie is Alice in Wonderland. Her favorite

vacation destination is Japan. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to the Red Cross. She is due to have her first child the weekend of January Board meeting, so if she isn’t in attendance, everyone can know to celebrate the baby!


Norma K. Lombard (NC’83) Board Member


ollowing her graduation from Newcomb College, ’83 with her Bachelor of Arts in History, Norma entered into Tulane’s University College and obtained a Certificate in Paralegal Studies. She has Certification from the Louisiana Institute for Administrative Assistants and is a Certified Lay Health Advocate and former Certified Facilitator in Racial Sobriety. She is also a graduate of the City of New Orleans Citizens Leadership Academy and New Orleans FBI Citizens Academy. She has worked as office administrator and paralegal for twelve years at various law firms specializing in personal injury, successions, government relations, tax and healthcare. She has spent the last twenty years working as a Judicial Administrative

Assistant at state and appellate courts in New Orleans. Norma is an avid community volunteer. She currently serves as Vice-President of New Orleans Business & Professional Women’s Club and Vice President of the Police Community Advisory Board for the 4th District of New Orleans. She is a current member and former Executive Board Secretary for the New Orleans FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association, and current Social Outreach Chair for the Knights of Peter Claver, Ladies Auxiliary. Post Hurricane Katrina, she was appointed by the Archdiocese of New Orleans as a Facilitator for the process of merging parishes and establishing mission churches in the Archdiocese of New Orleans.

FUN FACTS | Norma’s favorite movie is The Color Purple. Norma is a people-watcher who

loves to do it while feeding the squirrels in New Orleans' City Park. Norma loves to cruise, especially to Mexico. She also enjoys crocheting and jigsaw puzzles. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to Children’s Hospital, Ozanam Inn, Covenant House and the Salvation Army.


Betsy Lopez (TU LA ’10) Board Member


etsy Lopez is a two-time alumna (BA, 10 and MS, 18) and former Newcomb Institute staff member. As one of the Louisiana residents that was a member of the undergraduate class the year following Hurricane Katrina, she experienced the unprecedented change of the community not only as a student, but as a life-long resident of the Gulf Coast. Her time as an undergraduate further shaped her passion for community development, and she credits what is now the Newcomb Institute as supporting her personal growth. As an undergraduate, Betsy helped start and later served as the President

of the Service Fraternity, was a Public Service Fellow, and was involved in several Newcomb organizations. After working in the non-profit field to support the revitalization of the recovery school system and foster care system, she was thrilled to return “home” to work at the Newcomb Institute, where she found the spirit of Newcomb strong. Her personal and professional path led her to her current work, supporting communities with mitigating, planning, responding, and recovering from disasters. She is also an electroforming jewelry artist and enjoys being a part of the New Orleans art community.

FUN FACTS | Betsy’s favorite movie is Real Genius. Betsy is a cat person, functions only

after espresso, walks in the Krewe of Tucks, and loves making art. She also has an extreme sweet tooth.


Helen Marsh (TU LA ’19) Board Member


elen received her B.A. from NewcombTulane College in 2019. While a student, Helen served as the Newcomb Senate President (2018-2019) and the Tower and Crescent President (2018-2019). She is currently the Associated Dedicated Advisor at National Journal / Atlantic Media in Washington, D.C. She is a Membership and

Engagement Committee Member for Women in Government Relations and a College Committee Member for Son of Saint. When asked about her favorite Newcomb memories, Helen replied “Monday night meetings in the old Newcomb Institute house and putting on my Newcomb ring every day.”

FUN FACTS | Helen’s favorite movie is The Parent Trap. An interest of hers that might

surprise people is her enjoyment of needle-pointing. Her favorite vacation destination is anywhere in the mountains. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today she would give it to Tulane Medical School to find a cure for cancer. Something she would like the other board members to know about her: “Roll wave!”


Libby Nelson (TU SE ’14) Board Member


ibby holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from the School of Science & Engineering. Since she graduated in 2014, Libby has worked at Jacobs Engineering in the upstream oil and gas industry where she currently serves as the Process Engineering Supervisor. As well as being part of the NAA Board, Libby also serves on the Junior Board of Advisors to the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at Tulane. In her free time, she enjoys checking

out the newest restaurants in the city as well as taking ballet classes whenever she can as she grew up dancing her whole life. Libby volunteers for Newcomb because she “was fourth generation at Tulane, but the first of my family who has stayed in New Orleans after graduation. My days at Tulane hold some of the best memories, and I want to stay involved to continue making more great connections/ memories with Newcomb-Tulane alums!”

FUN FACTS | Libby’s favorite movie is Pitch Perfect. She enjoys ballet. Her favorite

vacation destination is Switzerland. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today she would give it to the School of Engineering.


Erin Rusonis (TU LA ’14) Board Member


rin graduated Cum Laude and holds a BA in English Language & Literature from Tulane University. As a student at Tulane, she was involved in leadership at the Newcomb Institute as the Co-President of the online magazine for collegiate women, Her Campus Tulane. Erin was also a Newcomb Grant Recipient, which provided her the opportunity to intern with Blue State Digital, a digital strategy and technology firm in Washington, D.C. Through this internship, she worked closely alongside nonprofit organizations including the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. After graduation, Erin relocated to San Francisco and has been working in the technology sector at Yelp. She has continued

to stay connected to the Tulane community as an Alumni Interviewer in the Bay Area. Erin is passionate about creating pathways for the advancement of women in technology and also serves as a volunteer for the organization 81cents, a company that is working to close the pay gap between men and women. As of 2020, Erin has returned to Newcomb as an NAA Board Member and sees this opportunity as “a way to continue to shape the development of women and minority groups in the education space. The Newcomb Institute is groundbreaking in its approach to education and leadership. My commitment to Newcomb is to repay the opportunities presented to me as a student and to ensure a pathway forward for our future leaders.”

FUN FACTS | Erin’s favorite TV Show is Schitt's Creek. Erin is interested in Beekeeping.

Her favorite vacation destination is St. Barts. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today she would give it to Solitary Gardens Project in New Orleans. Erin’s 2021 resolution is to watch every movie Meryl Streep has ever been in.


Lauren Lee Pettiette Schewel Esq.(TU LA ’09) Board Member


ince moving to Brooklyn in 2014, Lauren Lee Pettiette Schewel, Esq. served as a leader and advocate as the Senior Director of Education at HeartShare St. Vincent’s Services (HSVS). She developed and led the education coaching and support model of the American Dream Program and inspired its expansions into younger grades and other agencies. Lauren Lee also founded the Junior Board of Directors, worked in grant writing and fundraising, and managed teams of 4-8 members, as well as led Town Hall Motivational and Well-being Checks for staff members. She received trauma-effective training from Alia Innovations and engaged in college-ready and persistence seminars. Lauren Lee is a true Louisiana lady bursting

with generosity, sincerity, and joie de vivre. Lauren Lee graduated from the University of Miami School of Law where she has been recognized as “30 under 30,” a part of Iron Arrow Honor Society, and a part of their Alumni Boards. She is also a part of the Newcomb Alumnae Association and Lupus Foundation of America. She is a barred NY attorney who has membership with the ABA, NYC City Bar’s Education and the Law Committee, and National Lawyers Guild. At her heart, she is an advocate and educator committed to ensuring every child feels loved, successful, and unstoppable. She still keeps in constant, meaningful touch with over 100 young people currently and formerly in care with HSVS.

FUN FACTS | Lauren’s favorite books are I Am Charlotte Simmons and A Confederacy of

Dunces. An interesting fact that surprised people about Lauren is that she was a member of Gloria Estefan’s fan club and has even met her (twice). Her favorite vacation is to anywhere warm. She is a Lupus warrior and ran the New York Marathon before her diagnosis. This year, she will be welcoming her first child, a baby girl due in June. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to the American Dream Program (foster care).


Ashley Lynn June Sheed (TU LA ’10) Board Member


shley holds a B.A. in English from Tulane and an M.S. in Nonprofit Management from Columbia University. She is currently the Associate Director of Major Gifts at Cambridge in America. She fundraises for programs and initiatives across all areas of the University of Cambridge from need-based scholarships to special research projects. Previously, Ashley was the Senior Major Gift Officer at the Earth Institute at Columbia University where she raised funds for climate and sustainability initiatives. She stays busy through her involvement with the Museum of Modern Art, JDRF, and of course, Newcomb/Tulane. In her free time, she enjoys exploring New York City (parks, museums, restaurants), writing, cooking, traveling, and spending time with her husband and two cats.

While a student at Tulane, Ashley volunteered as a “reading buddy” at a local charter school, helping middle-schoolers improve their reading and writing skills. She was also a member of the English Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta. She volunteers her time with the NAA because, “Little did I know that Newcomb would have such an impact on my current career. While a student I had a work-study job at the Newcomb Alumnae Association that I held all four years while studying at Newcomb-Tulane. The Newcomb (College) Institute was my home away from home. I participated in the Newcomb Town Mom program, and I’m still close with my Town Mom to this day. I give back to Newcomb because Newcomb was always there for me.”

FUN FACTS | Ashley’s favorite book is Wuthering Heights. She enjoys quilts and textiles. Her favorite vacation destination is Malaga. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to Type 1 Diabetes research.


Sue Strachan (NC ’86) Board Member


ue Strachan is a freelance writer, editor, and publicist in New Orleans, LA. After covering New Orleans art and culture for more than 25 years for local magazines and NOLA.com/The Times–Picayune, Sue is continuing it on her own, in addition to her work as a publicist. Her most recent project is a book for Louisiana State University (LSU) Press, tentatively titled, Café Brûlot: The Devil Made Me Do It, part of a series about New Orleans cocktails.

Sue is also an avid volunteer whose passion focuses on food insecurity, working with Hands On New Orleans and Creative Aid. She has also helped out Creative Response, an arts organization; and more recently, volunteered with ResQue to feed those affected by Hurricane Laura in southwest Louisiana.

FUN FACTS | Sue’s favorite book is The Night Circus and her favorite movies are Doctor

Zhivago and Star Wars. Her favorite comedian is Dave Chapelle. Sue loves board and card games, which she doesn’t get to play enough. She loves to travel, especially to Italy. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today she would give it to organizations that deal with food insecurity and housing.


Kathy Brands Sukenik (NC ’17) Board Member


athy Sukenik attended Newcomb College where she studied early childhood education and psychology, graduating with a B.A. in Psychology in 1997. She earned an M.A. in counseling from DePaul University. Additional classes in educational leadership and special education were completed at Northeastern Illinois University and NationalLouis University. Kathy currently works as a special education teacher at an elementary school in Arlington Heights, IL. Previously, she has worked as a school counselor, special

education teacher, intern supervisor and tutor. After working in Chicago Public Schools for ten years, Kathy moved to Glenview where she resides with her husband and two children. She served as co-president of the Tulane Alumni Association Chicago Club from 2001-2002. Kathy is a Board member for the Glenview Education Foundation and the Glenview AYSO, she is an active member of the Glenview Women’s Club. Kathy enjoys cooking, hiking, and traveling with her family.

FUN FACTS | Kathy’s favorite book is Kite Runner and her favorite movie is Love Actually.

Kathy lived in Australia and wants to take her kids there when they are a little older. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today she would give it to Save the Children, an organization that works in over 100 countries to help children with basic needs and education.


Janice Killebrew VandenBrink (NC ’74) Board Member


anice VandenBrink earned her B.A. in Musicology from Newcomb College of Tulane University in 1974 and toured with the USO in 1973 with The Tulanians singing group. She is a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority Alumni and was treasurer at the Beta Omicron chapter of Newcomb from 1973-1974. Soon after graduation, she completed SED Engineering and Programming School in Dallas, Texas with Electronic Data Systems. Now a professional Consultant, Janice retired from Visa where she worked in various roles for 34 years; her final position was Senior Vice President responsible for the Visa Europe Liaison function within the Corporate Strategy and Europe organization. Prior to joining

Visa, Janice worked at Foremost McKesson, where she was responsible for design and management of drug data processing systems. Her experience at Electronic Data Systems (EDS) includes development management positions at AMFAC Corporation and Blue Shield of New York. She was Visa’s representative to TTI/Vanguard (Advanced Technology Research Group), the California Women’s Conference hosted by Maria Shriver (2005-2010), and the Senior Women’s Mentor Program. She was a member of the 40th reunion planning committee for Tulane. Janice is married with two children, and enjoys both snow and water skiing, and tennis. Her real passions are music and playing the piano.

FUN FACTS | Janice’s favorite book is A Gentleman in Moscow and her favorite movie is

The Fifth Element. Janice loves B-rated sci fi movies. Janice would love to go on a vacation to anywhere right now, but does love the Squaw Valley Lake Tahoe. If she had $100,000 to give to a charity today, she would give it to local restaurant associations.


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