Brochure2014 usa v2

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NEWCOMB + ASSOCIATES is a highly specialized real estate project strategy, pre-construction (strategy, design, docu-

mentation, project management) and construction management firm with a special focus in Latin America and the Northeast of the United States.

INTRODUCTION Newcomb + Associates, leverages more than 26 years of experience in the United States and Latin America helping its clients manage their strategic projects and real estate development strategy providing state-of-the-art design, preconstruction and construction services. As a premier New York pre-construction management firm we ensure that the entire gambit of pre-construction and construction management services can be supported in any country of Latin America. We have key experiences in a wide variety of building and project types; experience working in the United States, and Latin America region with extensive contacts and experience in Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Panama and other countries. As such we work closely with and support our allied partner WINCO in Mexico. There is in our mind no firm nor alliance that can better support client needs in the region, making them our own, and ensuring your projects business success.

KNOWLEDGE OF THE REGION Latin America is a unique region of the world to work in. It maintains its status and nomenclature of a region under development, while the truth of the matter is that Latin America and many of its countries and economies have indeed are very developed and full of opportunities. Mexico, Brazil and Colombia are countries whose GNP has exceeded expectations and as their citizens demand services have proven to be wonderful and successful places for many corporations to set up business and succeed!. Newcomb + Associates has been working in this arena for more than 25 years. We are cognizant of the issues and what may be called the “pain points�. Processes are different in each country and it is imperative to realize that there is no one single way of managing a project, each one having a mind and temperament of its own! Whether you have previous or no previous experience in the region, Newcomb + Associates adds a level of comfort to your endeavors in the region, and most importantly we provide this comfort from the United States with no need to travel, deal with other languages, time zones, and with the ability to see us face to face as needed. Our Latin America experience was garnered leading and working with entities like KMD Architects, TEN Arquitectos, Hewlett Packard Critical Facilities and Newcomb + Associates.

HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAM The principals at Newcomb + Associates have worked together in the United States and Latin America. Each one brings a level of professionalism and high performance to all projects. Whether its an opinion, recommendation, analysis, study, design, and/or implementation project, the team will always support your needs and interests providing not only high performance but clear communications, direction and focus.

The complexity of the region and the demand for quality, timeliness and accountability are but some of the expectations of our clients that we excel at understanding and delivering.

WHY NEWCOMB + ASSOCIATES Newcomb + Associates directly address client needs across their entire portfolio. We have a specialized approach for each project and our model encompasses any combination of pre-construction and construction management services to specifically meet the needs of our clients. Our experience allows us to communicate and reach every aspect of our clients’ projects offering peace-of-mind, risk mitigation and handling and substantial and time saving value. We simultaneously offer the relationship of a local firm as well as the experience, resources and reach of an international firm earning, every day, our reputation for service, performance, quality and achievement. We mitigate the issues, ensure that all risks and difficulties are understood and that a plan to ensure a projects success can be developed, implemented and monitored.

KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE- LATIN AMERICA Latin America is a fast growing, dynamic and energized place for business. It is essential for many corporation to be there or to continue to be there and it is essential to ensure that international corporate values and business etiquette and vision is transferred effectively. Real Estate expertize is provided and supported by us, by the real estate brokerage community of experts in selecting, finding, negotiating and closing real estate sites and space. At Newcomb + Associates we not only support and validate from a preconstruction and construction management vision the real estate decisions but as program managers we provide services that are professional and experienced because of our work over 25 years in the region. Newcomb + Associates is a world-class venture managing and delivering to client expectations in Latin America. Our program, pre-construction and construction management services, are based from our live and real experiences of managed and delivered projects to the private-sector throughout the United States and Latin America.

SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS Regardless of your project need or project type, Newcomb + Associates has the experience and knowledge to assemble the right subject matter experts for your project. The “dream team” approach to project implementation allows you to have an unsurpassed level of confidence in regards to your project needs.

Our ability to meet and exceed our clients expectations is borne from our embedding QA/ QC measures into each step of the programming, pre-construction and construction management process, Achieving timely completion, limiting and controlling setbacks and costly delays.

SERVICES Our team offers a broad platform and resources to handle all our clients’ needs: PRE-CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT • • • • • • • • • • • •

Architectural Project Management Market and Project Location Strategy Problem Resolution - Project Forensics Project Guidance and support Project Integration and support Site Analysis, Capacity and Project Recommendations Site and Space Planning Exercises Pre-Design layouts Selection and procurement of local service and product vendors AE/ Design (Schematic, Design Development, Construction Documents, specs) Support of client preferred service and product vendors in the region. Cost Analysis


General Contracting Construction Management Design-Build (DB, DBB, DAB) Integrated Project Delivery (IDP) Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Lump Sum Time & Material

QUALITY CONTROL Quality Assurance and Quality Control across all phases of the work is essential to the projects success and meeting of expectations. Our built-in procedures include: • • • • • • • • • • •

Interdisciplinary Document Reviews Design and Constructability Reviews Bid Package Manuals Mock-up recommendations Specification and Submittal workshops Pre-Construction RFI’s Meeting Notes governance and follow-up Pre-Bid and Post-Bid Interviews Pre-Work Meetings Continuous Improvement Reviews Scheduling Reviews ensuring that we are on schedule and mitigating the effect of issues and delays.

Newcomb + Associates has experience in a wide variety of project types. Regardless of the project type, we are cognizant of the high expectations placed on regional execution by our clients and aim to deliver the highest level of quality possible regardless of the challenges of the locale.

PROJECT TYPES CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS and CORPORATE INTERIORS Corporate Headquarter buildings are hubs for business. We specialize in ensuring that global corporate guidance is followed as well as ensuring that local context, practices and guidance are implemented. Corporate Interiors need to be flexible while following corporate project standards to properly communicate the overall corporate message. MUSEUM and EXHIBITITION SPACE Museums and Exhibition spaces require great flexibility as well as a variety of museology standards eliminating glare, appropriate ilumination, climate control and viewing perspective. Today Museums and exhibition spaces are in themselves architectural statements. HEALTHCARE US norms and codes are not always more stringent than those used in Latin America. HOSPITALITY Hospitality work in Mexico and Latin America presents an opportunity to take advantage of local materials and un-specified materials. Design as a craft exists in the hands and hearts of creative craftsmen playing an active role in the construction of hospitality projects.


INDUSTRIAL AND INFRASTRUCTURE Latin America demands huge growth of its Industrial and Infrastructure framework. The catalyst for sustained growth is the ability to produce, distribute, and feed economies. MASTER PLANNING Growth, growth and more growth in a manner that does not come from a Master Plan will lead to un-sustainable and un-livable municipalities, cities, developments. Master Planning is at the catalyst of the needs of all of those who participate in the development of Latin America. MISSION CRITICAL IT growth is essential to the well-being of business and the ability of business to support its clientele’s needs. There is no project today that does not have a mission critical component programmed. MIXED USE PROJECTS Mixed use was non-existent in Latin America until a few years ago. The key to mixed use developments is that its component’s entire business model be met and sustained. RESIDENTIAL There is significant demand in all sectors of the economy for quality residential projects. Demand is constant as families grow and demand independence, credit is available, and a positive attitude towards the future exists. RETAIL Retail has shown explosive and sophisticated growth in the last decade in Latin America.


PROJECTS and EXPERIENCE New York, San Francisco, Boston, Mexico, Panama & Bogota


Mexico City

The Cinepolis headquarters building designed by KMD has many sustainable features making a strong statement about Mexico’s capacity to design and build Sustainable Buildings. Some of these features include the use of a green roof which catches water, provides for naturel cooling and the use of energy efficient systems. This building follows Cinepolis desire to have a corporate headquarters building that is forward thinking yet sustainable and well situated in its natural context. Advanced lighting systems, energy efficient free cooling ventilation systems help reduce water and energy use. KMD


3M, MEXICO Mexico City

The 3M Corporate offices, designed by KMD Architects in Mexico City is an example of the use of a hybrid structure (concrete base and steel frame superstructure) as well as the use of precast concrete panels furred with locally sourced stone. Designed to be expanded in the future, this building served as the catalyst to development in Mexico City’s Santa Fe Business District.




Mexico City

PEPSI is just one key example of corporate interiors that have been designed, developed, and constructed in Mexico. Like this project there are many others where the corporate brand’s guidance was followed and at the same time local materials and identity icons implemented in the design and execution.




San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato The Rosewood Artesana in San Miguel de Allende is a premier resort hotel developed from the ground up in this culturally vibrant heritage center in Mexico. All new construction yet evoking the old wold charm of this unique location in the heart of the Village, enjoying the views and nestled within the Village while having the creature comforts of home.



MERCK, COLOMBIA Bogota, Colombia

This project is one of many projects developed and executed for Merck in Latin America. We were involved in projects in Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela. Mercks request to follow corporate standards included life safety, security protocols, administrative and standards guidance in addition to redundant Mechanical, Electrical and Communication systems.




Having worked for Hewlett Packard both as an architect as well as Principal of the firm provided me with great insight into the workings within this world class hardware and software manufacturer. It doesnt matter if the corporation’s primary line of business is not within the real-estate world it, like all corporations, have people, who work and produce within the world of Facilities. Our ability to communicate with the men and women in charge of delivering, and maintaining facilities is key to the success of our business. KMD


BANYAN TREE, MEXICO Acapulco, Guerrero

Designing, Detailing, Coordinating and building world class hospitality projects in Mexico and Latin America requires an intelligent use of modern building materials integrated and accomodating heavy use of local materials, including stone, wood, tile, stucco,a nd decorative elements.




Mexico City

Developing Mexico’s largest and most important Exhibitition and Performance Arena required a tremendous entitlement and permitting effort by its owners and developers. Extensive planning, entitlement, permitting and negotiations with utility, and local and neighborhood groups ocurred long before a single line was drawn. Newcomb was involved the inception of the idea, converting the meatpacking district of Mexico and creating the vision of what it is today. KMD


This speculative office building project is to be developed in Bogota Colombia’s new corporate office corridor. The sleek, ondulating and expansive high performance glass facade building creates an elegant facade that is friendly to its context. Mimicking the Andean mountain range to the east the west facade picks up the reflectiones from the surrounding context. A wide, tree lined public realm pedestrian level serves as the access point to the building as well as a number of retail, entertainment and food venues.

ARTESANA, MEXICO San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato San exer acing ex ex eugueratie doluptat lam volestrud magnis at. Ut praestie tie core faciduisl irit ing et prat, quiscip suscipit aliquis eriustio odolorer ipsummodigna facidunt vero odiat augait ut lorem volessectem vel ut amet utpat. Uscilismod magnit nulla ad molore mod dolore delit ipsuscipis nullum iriliquamcor sit wiscin ercilit ip ex et, cortionsecte facincilit lorper ipis eum il ipisi. Magnim quis diam zzriusto ea conulla orting eugue delessi. Lorerat augue dolesequisi esed esto et nos alisci bla facin vel utatis eugue mincinim do eu feugait

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