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McWhinney’s Sausages is proud to introduce its new Gluten Free Sausage
Something that would stand out – or more precisely something that would be able to blend in. Blend in with the rest of the McWhinney’s range and not be identifiable as a gluten free product. It is estimated that 1 in 100 people in the UK suffer from Coeliac Disease but as much as 10% of the population are intolerant and eat a gluten free diet. It has been a sad fact that much of the gluten free food on the market has been a compromise for those who were forced to eat it – Kevin set out to change that.
So, after another rigorous period of trial, error and development, McWhinney’s Sausages is proud to introduce its new Gluten Free Sausage. Made with the same prime cuts of pork as all McWhinney’s products, the sausage does not compromise in anyway: the bite is meaty, the flavour is robust and they cook to perfection every time. When asked about the Gluten Free Sausage Kevin said:
Kevin McWhinney was raised on the family’s famous secret recipe Premium Sausages. He was able (and known) to make light work of a plateful until a couple of years ago when he received the news that he suffered from Coeliac Disease and would have to give up gluten and his beloved sausages for the good of his health. Kevin, determined as ever, set about to make a sausage he could safely enjoy. As if that wasn’t enough of a task he decided that he would make a replica of the famous Premium recipe that he had enjoyed for all those years.
It took many months and many failed attempts but eventually it was created: a Gluten Free Sausage that was so close as to be nearly identical. Unfortunately the story doesn’t end there. The search for a specific flavour had an unintended side effect: that profile didn’t hold for more than a couple of months in the freezer. The team at McWhinney’s took the decision to pull it from the market as it didn’t reach the high standard customers expect and deserve from the company. It was back to the drawing board.
It quickly became obvious that that original Premium flavour was never going to be achievable in a gluten free sausage, so Kevin turned to creating something different.
“When you are a Coeliac you have a limited range of food you can eat. The majority of the foods you knew and loved before getting diagnosed are not an option any more. That is why its so important that the food you can have is high quality. Gluten Free products are, by nature, expensive given the testing requirements and procedures that have to be in place to ensure the safety of the customer but it is a price worth paying for quality. I aimed to make a product that would put the power back in the hands of those on a gluten-free diet: to a point where they can actively choose a product and not just settle for what they can get. In this,