Berkshire Senior November - December

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19742019 A year-by-year look at the history of Elder Services Pages 4-6

Elder Services Annual Report We break down the numbers from 2019 Pages 12-13

Your Care, Your Home, Your Neighbors


New Leader of Executive Office of Elder Affairs visits Elder Services

Mission Statement The mission of Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. is to provide Berkshire elders, caregivers, and individuals with disabilities the opportunity to live with dignity, independence, and self-determination, and to achieve the highest possible quality of life.

Statement of Inclusivity Elder Services practices non-discrimination in employment practices and service delivery. Embracing diversity, our in-home and community-based services are available to all without regard to race, ethnicity, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or lifestyle.

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

Berkshire Senior


Editorial Board Lead: Donna Todd Rivers Editorial Board: Deb Aldrich, Ginger Alexander, Bonny DiTomasso, Laura Feakes, Christopher McLaughlin, and John-Arthur Miller Advertising: To place an advertisement in Berkshire Senior, please contact Kate Teutsch at 413 496-6324 or e-mail advertising@ Berkshire Senior is published bi-monthly by Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc., 877 South Street, Suite 4E, Pittsfield, MA 01201, 499-0524 or 1-800-544-5242, e-mail: or on the internet at www. NOTICE Elder Services sells advertising to defray costs. Inclusion of advertisers in no way implies that Elder Services endorses any product or service. Signed columns are the opinion of the writers and not necessarily the opinion of Elder Services. For medical, financial or other advice, seek a qualified professional in the appropriate field. Elder Services and its programs are funded, in part, by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs. State and federal funds provided to Elder Services are limited. Elder Services welcomes charitable donations to help meet the growing needs of Berkshire seniors, and gratefully acknowledges all donations.

On June 3, 2019 Elizabeth Chen, PhD, MBA, MPH was named the new Secretary of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA), replacing Dr. Alice Bonner. Dr. Chen previously served as an Assistant Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) where she was responsible for overseeing bureaus and programs that promote safety and quality health care for all residents of the Commonwealth. At DPH, she oversaw the licensing of over 300,000 health care professionals and over 4,500 hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, ambulances and other mobile care units. At EOEA, she leads an agency whose mission is to promote the independence, empowerment, and well-being of older people, individuals with disabilities, and their families. ESBCI was honored to be part of Dr. Chen’s first ever visit to the Berkshires as she toured the ESBCI kitchen in Lanesborough and enjoyed a quick lunch with ESBCI’s Leadership Team prior to her speaking engagement at Age Friendly Berkshire’s video premiere and Annual Gathering at Berkshire Community College. Dr. Chen was surprised to learn that of the 25 other organizations like ESBCI in the Commonwealth, only ESBCI and one other (Highland Valley Elder Services in Northampton, MA) operate their own kitchens. The other organizations contract with third parties who provide the meals served to seniors in their homes or at senior community dining sites. Dr. Chen was impressed with the cleanliness, efficiency and output of the kitchen, particularly when she became aware that on any given weekday more than 800 meals are prepared by the kitchen for delivery to Berkshire County’s 32 cities and towns spread over nearly 950 miles. After leaving the kitchen Dr. Chen visited ESBCI’s Administrative Offices in Pittsfield spending some time visiting with the Leadership Team over lunch. Dr. Chen’s last stop in the Berkshires prior to departing for Boston was at Berkshire Community College. We look forward to Dr. Chen visiting the Berkshires again to learn more about the Berkshires, aging in the Berkshires and the services ESBCI provides.


Twitter: @Berkshire Senior

Instagram: berkshiresenior

LinkedIn: Elder Services of Berkshire County

Contents Elder Services Update ................. 3 Volunteers ...................................... 11 Chronology .................................. 4-6 Annual Report ....................... 12-13 Donations/Grants ...................... 7-9 Nutrition .................................. 14-15 Subgrants ....................................... 10 SHINE ......................................... 16-17

Services .................................... 18-19 Support ........................................... 21 Employees ..................................22 Serving the Berkshires .............24

Volume 37, Number 7 November 2019 The bi-monthly newspaper for Berkshire County seniors Free

Diana (Toni) Fontana, President* Kathleen Luczynski, Vice President John Philpott, Treasurer* Dawn Dellea, Clerk Jacob Dabrowski Sandy Driscoll Kim Mathews*

Mary K. O’Brien David O’Neill Stephen Radin Karen Reilly Mary Shogry-Hayer* Mary Strout

2018-2019 Advisory Council Gina Armstrong, CHAIR Mary Shogry- Hayer, VICE CHAIR Bruce Bernstein Lisa Fletcher- Udel SERVING BERKSHIRE COUNTY FOR THREE GENERATIONS

June Green Kathie Loring Irwin (Tom) Renak


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Hoping all is well with you. A lot has happened since we last touched based in June when we published our final edition of Berkshire Senior before taking a hiatus to determine how to move forward with the publication. The Berkshire Summer, which was just beginning in June, has pretty much come and gone though it has moved us into a season Berkshire folks seem to treasure almost as much, Autumn. In the intervening months we at Elder Services have been busy continuing to support Berkshire seniors and celebrating our Agency’s 45th Anniversary. Special thanks to those of you joined us at the September 22nd performance of the Young@Heart Chorus that we presented at the Colonial Theatre. With the retirement of Berkshire Senior’s editor and designer of more than 30 years, we focused our energies on reimagining the format, content and distribution of the “new” Berkshire Senior. The result of that work is this issue of Berkshire Senior, the first of many publications we believe will be more contemporary, more focused on issues of interest to Berkshire seniors and will be distributed to a larger audience. Berkshire Senior will be distributed every other month (the next issue will be in January 2020, then March 2020, May 2020, etc.) in the Sunday edition of the Berkshire Eagle. The Sunday circulation of the Berkshire Eagle is its largest, reaching approximately 18,000 readers. In addition, Berkshire Senior will also be available electronically on the Berkshire Eagle and Elder Services’ websites and will be available on some social media outlets. Since the distribution of Berkshire Senior will reach more people than in the past and will be available as an e-edition on two websites and various social media outlets, we are taking a wait and see approach to e-mailing it or making hardcopies available at locations throughout the County. If, as time goes by we become aware there is enough demand for drop shipments and e-mail distribution we will consider that. To my point about Berkshire Senior being focused on issues of interest to Berkshire Seniors, our hope is to expand our editorial board to include more of our neighbors and encourage other organizations to contribute articles or other content. Our editorial board is currently comprised of one community member and six Elder Services’ employees. What better way to improve the publication and make it more relevant to Berkshire seniors than to have more Berkshire seniors have a say in what we publish? If you or anyone you know would like to serve on the Editorial Board (we meet every other month for about an hour and a half) please call us at 499-0524. We’d love to have you! We also invite other organizations who serve seniors to join the editorial board and/or contribute content. Just a reminder that Medicare Open Enrollment has begun and will end on December 7th. Open Enrollment is a major part of managing one’s healthcare and should be considered as important as preventative care. Even if nothing has changed for you it’s possible that your plan may have changed, which can potentially impact the cost of the plan and your out of pocket medical costs. Please be sure to consult with one of Elder Services’ trained SHINE representatives. Hoping you enjoy this issue of Berkshire Senior and wishing you all the best autumn in the Berkshires has to offer. Christopher McLaughlin is the Executive Director of Elder Services.

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

Monuments • Markers Lettering

Welcome Back!


2018-2019 Board of Directors



4 Information and Referral and Intake De par tment is computerized.




1975 4 Berkshire Home Care Corp. designated as county’s Area Agency on Aging, under the federal Older American’s Act. Title III Sub grants established. 4 Elder Nutrition Program becomes part of Berkshire Home Care, serving approximately 300 persons a day.

1977 4 Nursing Home Ombudsman Program launched by Berkshire Home Care.


Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019



4 Berkshire County Commissioners vote $16,000 in seed money to establish nonprofit Home Care Corporation to provide in-home services to county’s elders through contract with state’s Department of Elder Affairs. 4 June 25, 1974, Berkshire Home Care Corporation is incorporated. 4 Board of Directors hires Frederick H. Whitham to start Berkshire Home Care, which is staffed with three employees.

4 Berkshire Home Care Corp changes name to Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc.

1983 4 Adult Foster Care program and Protective Services for elders begin.

1988 4 Elder Services purchases monthly newspaper, Berkshire Senior, for $1,000.

1989 4 Catherine R. May named Elder Services’ second Executive Director. 4 Elder Services Caregiver Support Group begins.

1991 4 Elder Services’ Pittsfield offices consolidated at 66 Wendell Avenue.

1992 4 As a result of insufficient funding, fund-raising to support Meals on Wheels begins.


Fred Whitham, ESBCI founder

4 Elder Services establishes central kitchen in Lanesboro. 4 Money Management Program begins.

4 Elder Services is designated Massachusetts ASAP (Aging Services Access Point) for Berkshire County. 4 Elder Services becomes contact point for SHINE (Serving Health Information Needs of Elders) and Senior Pharmacy Programs. 4 Richard and Rita Gallagher Alzheimer’s Resource Center opens.

1998 4 One millionth meal prepared by Elder Services’ kitchen.

1999 4 Elder Services celebrates its 25th Anniversary.

2000 4 Providence Court in Pittsfield designated f irst and only Berkshire County Supportive Housing site. 4 Elder Services website is established. 4 Hospital Liaison Case Manager position established at Berkshire Medical Center and at Fairview Hospital, to provide bedside information to elders regarding available in-home services.

2001 4 Community CHOICES program begins, allowing eligible seniors to receive more hours of service than in basic Home Care.

2002 4 The Family Caregiver Support Program is introduced and the Caregiver Services Fund is established to assist caregivers with a variety of needs and expenses.

2003 4 Two millionth meal served by Elder Services’ kitchen. 4 Personal Care Assistance program begins. Eligible elders can now hire, supervise and schedule their own personal care workers, receiving more hours of care than would otherwise be possible. 4 In collaboration with the Town of Lee, Elder Services begins process to convert Lee Central School building into senior housing with enhanced services. 4 Ro b e r t P. D e a n n a m e d Elder Services’ third Executive Director.

2004 4 Elder Services operates the historic Popcorn Wagon through the generosity of the Berkshire Bank Foundation. 4 On June 8, Elder Services celebrates its 30th Anniversary with a fundraiser which nets over $20,000 for Meals on Wheels. 4 Elder Services enters a 30th Anniversary Float in Pittsfield 4th of July Parade, Hinsdale’s Bicentennial Parade, and North Adams Fall Foliage Parade. 4 Renovation of Crossway Village in Lee, formerly known as the Lee Central School, begins.


4 Sheeptacular Pittsfield event benefits Elder Services through the generosity of Pittsfield Cooperative Bank and Link-to Life who sponsored sheep.

4 Elder Services receives a second HUD 202 grant to convert the Hyde Building at the former Central School in Lee into additional units of senior housing with enriched services, to be called Crossway Tower.

2005 4 The Agency implements statewide nursing f acility screening initiative, creating collaboration between Elder Services and Berkshire County’s nursing facilities, which ensures that seniors receive the services they need in the least restrictive setting.

2007 4 Elder Services Caregiver Support Program expands so that more family caregivers can receive one-on-one and group support in the challenging role of caring for a loved one.

2010 4 Elder Services’ kitchen prepares its four millionth meal since opening in 1994. 4 T he Senior Community Service Employment Program increased the number of paid training positions for older workers from 30 to 60. 4 Despite reduced statewide funding our Home Care Programs continued to serve more than 1,000 Berkshire Seniors. 4 The Young@Heart Senior Chorus performs at the Colonial Theater for the second year in a row.

4 Elder Services and AdLib, Inc., the Independent Living Center of Berkshire County, sign a memorandum of understanding establishing an Aging and Disability Resource Consortium (ADRC) to make it easier for senior and individuals with disabilities to access the services they need. 4 Elder Services’ kitchen prepares its three millionth meal since opening in 1994. 4 Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior TV show receives the “Annie Award” from Pittsfield Community Television, in recognition of Elder Services’ outstanding achievement in the use of television programming to positively impact the local community.

2009 4 At Elder Services’ invitation, senior chorus Young@Heart performs at the Colonial Theater in Pittsfield.

4 The first wave of the nation’s baby boomers turn 65 this year. 4 In the spring of 2011 conversion of the Hyde Building, the oldest section of the former Lee Central School is converted into 13 units of senior housing with enriched services, known as Crossway Tower. 4 In October, Elder Services’ Long Term Care Ombudsman Pro g ram hosts its annual Resident Rights Luncheon in honor of Resident’s Council members from the county’s long term care facilities.

2012 4 ESBCI volunteers provided 27,000 hours of service. 4 Elder Services, BMC and BVNA jointly applied for and were accepted to participate in the CMS new community-based Care Transition Program. High risk Medicare beneficiaries who have had several recent hospitalizations may now receive enhanced support in their transitions from hospital to home, with the goal of avoiding rehospitalizations within the next 30 days. 4 Through a partnership with the Berkshire District Attorney David F. Capeless’ office, the File of Life was distributed to all Meals on Wheels consumers. Pre pared for emergency responders, the File of Life is a personal medical file displayed on one’s refrigerator. The File of Life contains vital information such as doctor’s names and numbers, medical conditions, continued on page 6

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

4 Elder Services SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) Program helps seniors enroll in the new Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit. 4 A ribbon cutting ceremony is held at Crossway Village in Lee to celebrate the completion of the renovation of the former Lee Central School into 37 units of affordable housing with enhanced services. Services offered to eligible Crossway Village residents include Meals on Wheels, case management, personal care, homemaking, laundry, health insurance counseling, and Money Management.

4 As a result of significant budget cuts to the State Home Care and Enhanced Community Options (ECOP) Programs, the Executive Office of Elder Affairs implements a statewide uniform intake procedure. 4 Elder Services prepares to break ground on construction of Crossway Tower, in Lee.




4 Elder Services’ kitchen prepares its three millionth meal since opening in 1994. 4 Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior TV show receives the “Annie Award” from Pittsfield Community Television, in recognition of Elder Services’ outstanding achievement in the use of television programming to positively impact the local community. 4 The Richard and Rita Gallagher Alzheimer’s Resource Center celebrates its 10th anniversary.



HIGHLIGHTS continued from page 5

and prescription drugs and helps personalize the type of emergency care provided.

2013 4 John Lutz is named the Agency’s four th Executive Director.

2015 4 The Agency’s home care providers provided nearly 194,000 hours of Homemaker, Personal Care or Companion hours in 2015.

4 300 seniors who were clinically eligible for nursing home care remained at home with assistance from ESBCI. 4 ESBCI nurses performed 2,499 clinical assessments in 2015. 4 SHINE served more than 3,500 individuals in 2015, helping them save money and keeping $4 million in the Berkshire economy.

Your Home, Your Care, Your Neighbors. 4 ESBCI’s Ombudsmen made 648 visits to Berkshire County’s 15 nursing homes advocating for nursing home residents. 4 134 consumers were served by ESBCI’s Family Caregiver Support Program. 4 27 Berkshire Seniors received training and skill development for re-entry into the workforce.



4 The Agency adopts the tagline:

4 For the third year in a row

ESBCI receives the Best of the Berkshires Award recognizing the Agency as Berkshire County’s best elder care organization. 4 ESBCI entered into an agreement with Fallon Community Health Plan to provide case mana g ement services to Navicare Senior Care Options members. 4 Christopher McLaughlin is named the Agency’s fifth Executive Director.

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019


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Ms. Marilyn K. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Barnes Ms. Deborah A. Barnhart Mr. Daniel P. Barnini Mrs. Pamela Barquinero Mrs. Marion Barry Mr. & Mrs. Richard Beauchamp Mr. & Mrs. George Beckwith Ms. Barbara Bednarz Mr. & Mrs. Donald Beliveau Ms. Donna Bell Ms. Kristen T. Bellofatto Ms. Jo Bellomo Ms. Nancy Benedict Ms Geraine Benham Ms. Barbara A. Benham Mrs. Barbara D. Bennett Ms. Wendy Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bergendahl Mr. Thomas R. Berkel Berkshire Communicators, Inc. Berkshire Co-op Market Berkshire County Board of Realtors Berkshire Graphics Inc. Berkshire Hills Knights of Columbus, Council 314 Berkshire Orthopaedic Assoc., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bernstein Mrs. Jane Betti Mr. & Mrs. Francis Biasin Mr. Robert Bieniek Mr. & Mrs. Jay Bikofsky Mrs. Stacia Birch Mr. & Mrs. Richard Biros Ms. Marjorie Bissaillon Ms. Claire Bissaillon Mr. & Mrs. George Bissell Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bittman Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Blanchard

Blue Q Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bluhm BMC Medical Records Mrs. Susan H Bohl Ms. Thelma Bolognia Mr. & Mrs. John H. Bonacquisti Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bond Ms. Carol Bonneville Ms. Nancy Borges Mr. Robert Boschetti Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bossio Ms. Barbara Boughton Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bourdon Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Bourgoin Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Boyer Mr. & Mrs. John Boyle Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bradway Ms. Sharon Bramson Mrs. Jeanne M. Bresnehan Ms. Catherine A. Briggs Mr. William E Briggs Ms. Donna B Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Donald Briggs Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brooks Mr. Richard Brophy Mrs. Joy M. Brown Ms. Jacqueline Browner Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bruce Mr. Aldo R. Bruseghini Mrs. Frances Buckley Ms. Pamela B. Burger Ms. Kathleen M. Burke Mr. & Mrs. John Burzimati Ms. Anita Busch Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bushika Mrs. Josephine Buzzanco Ms. Ann Cain Mr. & Mrs. Raymond F Callahan Ms. Bonnie Callanan

Grants Received: Berkshire Life Charitable Foundation Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation: Ruth P. Boraski Memorial Fund for Meals on Wheels Central Berkshire Fund Fund for Williamstown Families for Meals on Wheels James & Robert Hardman Fund Katherine L.W. and Winthrop M Crane 3rd Charitable Foundation Mount Everett Fund Neighbor to Neighbor Fund

William J. & Margery S. Barrett Fund Womans Club of the Berkshires Fund Fallon Health Greylock Federal Credit Union Mountain One Grant Katharine C. Pierce Trust City of Pittsfield St John’s Episcopal Church Town of Great Barrington Zonta Club of Berkshire County Northern Berkshire United Way Williamstown Community Chest

Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Campagna Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Carabetta Mr. & Mrs. Terry F. Cardin Mr. & Mrs. Gene Carlson Ms. Kristin Carlson Carlson Propane Ms. Kathleen M. Carter Mrs. Christine Castellon Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Cepress Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cetti Ms. Cheryl Ann Chalmers Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Charow Dr. & Dr. Alan S. Chartock Ms. Donna L. Chenail Cheshire Lions Club Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J Christiansen Ms. Carol A. Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Michael Christopher, Sr. Ms. Rita Chwalek Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Cimini Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clark, Jr. Lee High School Class of 1977 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clothier Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cobb Mr.& Mrs. Thomas W. Coen Ms. Suzanne Cohen Mr. Laurence D. Cohen Ms. Susan Coles Dr. & Mrs. Joel L. Colker Mr. William Colvin Ms. Patricia Colvin Mrs. Theresa Comeau Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Conlon Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Cook Ms. Nancy Cook Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cooper Ms. Helen R. Cooper Ms. Constance Cooper Mr. James Nicoll Cooper Mrs. Deborah Cote County Ambulance Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cowhey Ms. Lindsay Crampton Mr. & Mrs. John Crane Ms. Sheila Crane Crane Fund for Widows and Children Mr. Walter Creer Ms. Suzanne M. Crerar Crescent Creamery, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cripps Ms. Virginia Cudak

Mr. & Mrs. James Culliton, Sr. Ms. Rosemary Cummings Cupboards & Roses Mr. & Mrs. Walter Cwalinski Mr. & Mrs. Mark Daigle Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dallmeyer Dalton American Legion, Auxiliary No. 155 Daniel Burke Electrical Consulting Mr. George Darey Ms. Clara Dash Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dastoli Mr. & Mrs. Dan Daub Mr. Richard Daub Mrs. Jean Davis Ms. Patricia Dean Mr. & Mrs. Clyde W. Decorie Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dee Ms. Debra DeFoe Ms. Nancy Deforest Mr.& Mrs. Paul J. Delasco Mrs. Sydney DelDebbio Mr. James E. Dellea Mrs. Lucile Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Edward M Denault Ms. Lisa A. Denault-Viale Ms. Inez Denning Ms. Marilyn DeRosa Mr. David A. Dery Dery Funeral Home Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Desmarais Mr. David Dewey Mr. Joseph Dewey Ms. Jessica DiPaolo Ms. Elsie Disdier-Ruiz Mr. & Mrs. Remo DiTomasso Mrs. Bonny DiTomasso Mr. & Mrs. James Dobbert Ms. Ann M Dobson Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert d’Oliveira Mr. John Donald Richard C. Donati Memorial Fund Mr. Malcolm Douglas, Jr Ms. Sandra A. Driscoll Ms. Judi Drozd Mr. William C. Drumm Mr. Norman K. Durkee Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Eccher Mr.& Mrs. James Edelman Ms. Vera Edelman Mr. Robert Edwards Ms. Ursula Ehretdichter Ms. Cia Elkin Dr. Jay M. Ellis

Ms. Patricia Elser Ms. Carol A. Ethier-Kipp Michael C. Evans Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Evenchik Mr. & Mrs. George Everhart Fairview Contractors, Inc. Fallon Health Ms. M Patricia Fasce Ms. Barbara Favreau Mr. & Mrs. John Feltre Ms. Irene Ferrari Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Ferrarin, Sr. Ms. Michelle Filiault Mr. & Mrs. Peter Filicetti Ms. Bernice B. Filkins Ms. Phylis Fink Mrs. Shirley Finkelstein Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Fischer Ms. Barbara Fiske Ms. Sheila Fitzpatrick Ms. Anne Fix Mr. & Mrs. William Flaherty Mr. Steffi L. Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Flynn Flynn & Dagnoli-Bencivenga Funeral Home Ms. Diana Fontana Ms. Lorraine Forfa Mr. Dan Forsley Ms. Lois Forsley Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Fragala Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Franceschetti Francis Investment Consulting Group Frank Consolati Insurance Agency Inc. Ms. Louise H. Frankenberg Ms. Elaine Frederick Mrs. Toni Front Ms. Joan Funk Mr. Thomas Furlano Future Planning Assoc., Inc Ms. Enes S. Gaherty Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gaherty Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Galliford Mr. & Mrs. James Gaunt Geraldine C. Wallace Irrev Trust Mr. & Mrs. Albert Giacoia Ms. Sheila B. Gibeau Mr. & Mrs. James Giddens Ms. Eleanor A. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Robert Giuliani

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Aasen Ms. Donna M. Abbott Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Abramson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Adelson Adelson & Company PC Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Adler Ms. Marion Adler Ms. Carol L. Agnew Mr. Robert Ahlen Mr. Joseph F. Albano Mr. Donald L. Alderman, Jr. Mrs. Ginger Alexander Mr. & Mrs. James Allen Ms. Sylvia Allen Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Allessio Ms. Edith Almstead Mr. & Mrs. Jay Alpert Mr. James P. Amaral Mr. Michael J. Amaral Ms. Judith Ambery Ms. Louise Amstead Ancestry Memorials Mr. Dana B. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Anderton Ms. Joan Andrews Ms. Patti Annechiarico Mr. & Mrs. Robert Annelli Mr. David Ariazi Mr. & Mrs. David Armitage Mr. & Mrs. James J. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Allen Arndt Mr. Walter Asdikian Mr. & Mrs. Donald P Atwater Mr. & Mrs. Tom Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A Atwood Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Auge Ms. Amy Beth BainbridgeJordan Mr. Jon Bak Mrs. Lynn Barbieri Ms. Mary Barbuto


Thank you to Our Donors:



Mr. Craig Glaser Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Godbout Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Goggia Mrs. Karen R. Gold Ms. Sheila Goldlust Ms. Dorothy R. Gonick Mr. & Mrs. Donald Goudey Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Gozzo Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Grady Mr. David B. Grady Mr. & Mrs. Robert J Grandbois Ms. Marie Grande Ms. Linda Grande Ms. Annette Grant Ms. Rosemary M. Graves Mrs. Catherine Gray Ms. Estella Graziola Great Barrington Police Association Local 350 Mr. Hiram Greene Mr. Fred Greene Ms. Linda Greenhouse Ms. Cande Grieve Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gross Guardian Life Insurance Mr. & Mrs. Luis A. Guerrero Guido’s Fresh Marketplace Mr. & Mrs. Claire Gulick Ms. Catherine Haddad Mr. Donald Hagberg

Mr. James A Haggerty Mr. and Mrs. Charles W Hakes Ms. Lois Hall Ms. Maro Hall Mr. Philip Halpern Ms. Mabel Hamilton Ms. Mary Jane Handler Ms. Helen C. Hankey Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Hanlon Mr. Donald R. Hanson Mr. John J. Harney Ms. Evelyn Harrison Dr. & Mrs. Harry Hartford Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Hastings Mr. & Mrs. David A. Hawkins Ms. Mary E. Hayes Ms. Mary M. Hayes Ms. Joan M. Hayford Mr. Everett Heiss Ms. Fay J. Henry Ms. Sarah W. Henry Mr. William Herrick Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hillman Mr. & Mrs. Neil Hiltpold Mr. Jeffrey Hooker Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. Horn Ms. Laura Horton Ms. Judith Hoskeer Mr.& Mrs. Martin Huban, III Ms. Susan M. Hurley

Ms. Christine Hurley Mr. Charles Hyde Dr. & Mrs. Frederic P. Hyman Mr. & Mrs. David Intelisano International Laborers Union Mr. & Mrs. Keith Ives Ms. Sylvia M Jamros Mr. & Mrs. Carl Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Jones Mr. & Mrs. William J. Judge Mr. Thomas P. Kalisz Mrs. Carole Kalisz Mr. & Mrs. Philip Kaminstein Ms. Adelia Kania Ms. Flora Karbelnik Mr. & Mrs. Larry Karlquist Mrs. Betty Kasuba Ms. Linda Kaufmann Ms. Sandra Kearns Mr. & Mrs. George Keator Mr. & Mrs. George Kellar Mrs. Joyce E Kelley Mr. John E. Kellogg Mr. & Mrs. Robert M Kelly Ms. Nancy Kenison Ms. Ellen Kenwood Mr. Russell M. Kenyon Mr. William D. Kerwood Mr. Winthrop D. Kie, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kilfoyle

Ms. Kathleen J. Kilgus Ms. Nancy E. King Rev. Edward A. King Ms. Dana H. Kingsbury Kingsley Cleaning Contractors Mr. & Mrs. Ron Kinnas Ms. Carol M. Kirby Ms. Michele F. Kirby Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas E. Kirchner Ms. Elaine Dubis Kittler Ms. Judith Kittredge Mr. & Mrs. David Klausmeyer Ms. Sandra J. Kleiner Mr. Wayne Klug K-M Motor Sales Mr. Paul W. Knauth Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Koelle Mr. & Mrs. John Konopka Mrs. Susan Kormanik Ms. Kathryn C. Korte Mr. Edward S. Krzanek Ms. Roseann Kudlate Mr. Percy Kuhn Ms. Debbie Kushnet Ms. Kimberly LaFontaine Mr. & Mrs. James D. Lafrance Mr. Stefan Lamarre Ms. Jane M. Lamarre Ms. Linda Lamke

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

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Lamme, Linscott Attorney’s at Law Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lamoureaux Ms. Jo Ann Lancaster Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lanoue Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lapierre Ms. Shari Laurie Ms. Diane LaValle Ms. Fern E. Lavelle Mr. & Mrs. John Lawson Mrs. Helene Leavitt Mr. Ernest LeBarron Ms. Vera Lecocq Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lemaire Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Lemire Ms. Ida Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Peter LePrevost Mr. & Mrs. Joel A. Less Let Your Yoga Dance Mr. & Mrs. John J. Levesque Ms. Mary P. Levesque Ms. Pamela Levit Ms. Ruth A. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Lipton Ms. Katt Lissard Mr. Patrick Litano Mr. Frank Litsky Mr. Scott Little Little’s Pharmacy Mr. & Mrs. Alan V. Lombardi

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Long, Jr. Ms. Karen S. Long Ms. Miriam Lorenza Mr. & Mrs. Richard Luczynski Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lurie Ms. Florice Lynch Ms. Mary Mackle Ms. Robin MacPherson Ms. Helen Macy Ms. Christine Maher Ms. Carol Majkowski Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Mancuso, Jr. Mrs. Barbara Mandell Arlene Marchand Marcia Brady Tucker Foundation Mr. Michael Margolis Ms. Lee Marino Mark Shearer Fund Mr. Richard E. Markham Mr. & Mrs. David Markham Mr. Edward Markowski Mr. James Marshall Mr. Lawrence S. Martz Mr. John J. Masiero, Jr. Ms. June Ann Mason Mrs. Helena Matthews Ms. Catherine May Mr. Thomas Maynard Mr. Richard T. McCarthy

Mr. Raymond A. Porter Ms. Asta S. Potter Ms. Diana Potter Mr. & Mrs. Richard Powers Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Powers Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Pupo Mrs. Ruth Pytko Mrs. Kathryn Quattrochi Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rajotte Ms. Kathleen Randall Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Ranzoni Ms. Beth Ravit Mr. & Mrs. Matt Ravlich Ray Murray, Inc. Dr. Robin J. Renders Ms. Jane Reusche Mrs. Beverly J. Reynolds Ms. Susan J. Ricci Mr. Philip Rich Ms. Henrietta Richardson Ms. Jean Richer Ms. Angela Rifkin Attorney Alan J. Righi Mr. Christopher Riordan Ms. Wendy L Rippeon Dr. & Mrs. Myron Ritrosky Mr. Walter Ritter Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roberts Mr. George B. Robinson, Jr. Mr.& Mrs. Ralph A. Robinson, Jr. Ms. Nancy A. Rodovick Ms. Mary Rogers Mr.& Mrs. Joseph J. Rogge Ms. Linda M Rollins Mrs. Florence Romaniak Mr. Peter Ronan Ms. Rose Rondeau Mr. Stephen L. Root Ms. Jean Roots Ms. Irene F. Ropelewski Ms. Marian Roper Ms. Helaine Rose Mr. Howard Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Timonthy S. Ross Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Ross Ms. Debra Rosselli Mr. Philip Rossi Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rousseau Ms. Vlada Rousseff Ms. Barbara Rubin Mr. & Mrs. George Rufo, Sr. Mr. Robert Rutkoff Ms. Mally Rutkoff Ms. Jane K. Ryan Sacred Heart Parish Ms. Dorene A. Sadlow Mr. & Mrs. Charles Salinetti Mr.& Mrs. Joseph Salvadore

Mr. & Mrs. Kent Salvini Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Sands Ms. Cynthia J. Sault Sawyer LLC Ms. Della Sayres Mr. Benjamin H. Schawinsky Mr. Myron Schiffer Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schleicher Ms. Ruth Ann Schmill Ms. Tamar Schrager Ms. Lori Schrier Mrs. Sandra Schryver Mr. Michael Sebastino Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Sedgwick Mr. & Mrs. William Seely Mr. & Mrs. Merri L. Seidi Mr. & Mrs. Frederick F. Seymour, Jr. Ms. Ellen Shaby Mrs. Bernice Shainman Ms. Gerilyn Shaw Ms. Claire J. Shepard Mr. Ralph A. Sherman Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Shickmanter Ms. Enid V. Shields Mr. James Shippee Ms. Marilyn Shulklapper Mr. Leonard Sigal Mr. Martin Silver Ms. E. Bonnie Silvers Ms. Victoria Simon Rev. & Mrs. Robert H. Skidmore Mr. & Mrs. Newell Skinner Mr.& Mrs. Cifford A. Skowron, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Slade Mr. & Mrs. James Slaminsky Ms. Lisa Sloane Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smachetti Ms. Evelyn Small Mr. & Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. & Mrs. Philip Smith Ms. Ann E. Snell Mr. & Mrs. Leonard F. Sniezek Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Snyder Mr. Frederick A. Solari Mr. Joseph Sorrentino Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Spatz Mr. & Mrs. Edmund St. John Mr. & Mrs. Stephen St. Peter Ms. Joanna H. Stengle Mr. Stedman H. Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stevens Mr. Raymond Stickles Mrs. Lois L. Stockton Mr. Richard Stockwell Mr. & Mrs. Seth Stockwell

Mrs. Judith Stolzberg Ms. Marita D. Stratton Mr. Allan Streeter Ms. Bernice Streeter Mrs. Mary M. Strout Dr. Erwin A. Stuebner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Sturma Suburban Internal Medicine Mr. & Mrs. James Sulzmann Mr. & Mrs. Uldis Surmanis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sussman Mr. & Mrs. George Sweet Mr. & Mrs. Alfred G. Symonds Mr. & Mrs. George Szecsei Ms. Therese Taft Ms. Denise M. Talabach Mr. & Mrs. Robert Talanian Dr. Eugene Talbot Mrs. Janice Tassone Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tatro Mr. Lance W. Tatro Mrs. Marlene TenBroeck Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Tenney The Congregational Church of West Stockbridge The Red Lion Inn Ms. June A. Thomas Ms. Judith Ann Thompson Ms. Christine Thomson Mr. & Mrs. David Thorne Thursday Morning Club Mr. Eric Tiele Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Tirrell Tomich Landscape Design & Construction Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Tomkowicz Mr. & Mrs. Brian Tomkowicz TOPS MA 451 Mr. & Mrs. Val Tornicelli Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Torra Town of Essex Mr. Neville D. Toye, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mario Trapani Mr. Peter Traub Trudeau Enterprises Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Truskowski, Jr. Ms. Magda Tsipis Ms. Laura Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tuggey Ms. Paula Turnbull Mr. & Mrs. William Turner Ms. Daltry Turner Mr. Richard W Turner Mr. Edward Turner Mr. & Mrs. John Turner Mr. & Mrs. John S. Vachula Ms. Jo Valens

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Van Dyke, Jr Ms. Pern VanCamp Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vaughan Mr. & Mrs. Bob Veit Ms. Pauline Velmans Mr. & Mrs. Peter Viale Village of Essex Jct. Employee Assoc Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Vincent Ms. Gina Vinciguerra Ms. Catherine Visco Mr. & Mrs. Vito Vitrano Ms. Judith Voll Mr. Jeff Waingrow Mr. & Mrs. Brian Walter Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wasikewski Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Wasser Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Wasuk Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watroba Mr. & Mrs Wayne R. Weatherhead Dr. & Mrs. Terry P. Weaver Mrs. Jean Weigle Ms. Diane Israelite Weinstein Mr. Jack N. Weinstein Mr. Richard Weiskel Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Wespiser Mrs. Jane Wheeler Whitman’s Crystal Clean Ms. Sally A. Wilcox Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Wildermuth Mr. & Mrs. Norman V. Wilker Ms. Judith A. Williams Ms. Victoria E. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Howard Wineberg Ms. Ellen C. Wineberg Mrs. Rae-Ann Winters Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wirtes Dr.& Mrs. Raymond J. Wise Mr. Thomas C. Wojtkowski Ms. Julia Wolfrum Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wood Ms. Barbara Worthington Ms. Marjorie Wylde Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Young, III Ms. Christine Zaveruka Mrs. Olivia S Zegarowski Ms. Frieda Zepka Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Zepka Ms. Elizabeth Ziemba Ms. Barbara Ziemba Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Zoladz

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

Ms. Helen L. Nolan Ms. Jean M. North Northwest Farm Credit Services Mr. & Mrs. Michael Norton Mr. Peter Noyes Ms. Karen D. Oak Mr.& Mrs. Charles J. Oakes Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Obanhein Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. O’Brien Ms. Maureen O’Brien Ms. Margaret O’Connor Mr. Frederick P. Olszewski Mr. & Mrs. Robert O’Neil Ms. Joyce E Orell Mr. Thomas W. Orlando Mr. & Mrs. William Osborn Mr. Michael Ouellette Mr. James Overmyer Mr. & Mrs. Julien J. Pail Ms. Kelly Palmer Mr. Wayne Palmer Mr. Edward Paquette Mr. Carlos A. Vizcardo Paredes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Partenope Mr. & Mrs. James J. Pasquini Ms. Alba Passerini Ms. Frances Y. Patenaude Mr. William Peabody Mr. Robert Peaslee Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Peat Mr. Kent Peer-Nous Ms. E. Anne Pellerin Dr. & Mrs. Larry J. Pellish Mr. & Mrs. Donald Percy Ms. Celeste Perkins Ms. Carol Perkins Ms. Patti Pero Mr. Daniel Peterson Ms. Jane Phend Mr. Richard Phillips Ms Dorothy Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Gary Phillips Mr. & Mrs. John W. Philpott Mr. Stephan E. Pia Ms. Virginia Piekos Ms. Ann Piekos-Barber Mr. & Mrs. Allan Pike Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pikul Mr. Bernard Pinsonnault Pittsfield Cooperative Bank Pittsfield Piston Poppers Ms. Sandra Plottier Polish National Alliance, Group 1365 Ms. Sara G. Pollard Mr.& Mrs. Phillip Pomerantz Mr. Lawrence Poplaski Mr. Don Poplaski, Jr.


Ms. Lee McClelland Mrs. Ursula McGowen Mr. & Mrs. Frank J McKeever, Jr. Mr. Franklin McLaren, Jr. Ms. Theresa A. McMahon Ms Michelle McMurray Mr. James McNeice, Jr. Ms. Jennifer B McNeice Mr. James Meaney Ms. Leona Meczywor Mrs. Leda Melideo Ms. Barbara Melle Mr. John Mendel Ms. Mary Mercuri Mr. Robert D. Mercurio Ms. Carol L. Messerschmitt Ms Connie Metall Michael Petrides High School Ms. Marsha Mikuszewski Ms. Virginia Miner Mrs. Mary Miner Mr. & Mrs. Tim Minkler Ms. Judith Mizhir Ms. Laurie N. Moffatt Ms. Victoria Moncecchi Mrs. Joann Monk Ms. Tina Monteleone Ms. Ann Monti Mr. Irv Moon Mr. & Mrs. Richard Moon Mr. Edward Morandi Mr. & Mrs. Bob Moresi Mr. Harry Morey Mr. William D. Morrissey Ms. Maydene Mort Mr. & Mrs. David Morton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mottershead Mr. & Mrs. Raymond H. Moulthrop Ms. Linda Mullany Mr. George Munson Ms. Diana L. Murphy Mr. James C. Murphy Mr. Peter Thomas Murphy Ms. Generosa A. Murray Ms. Marie T Musante Mr. & Mrs. Gene Nadeau Ms. Sheri Nadeau Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Nardacci Ms. Gail A. Nassif Dr. & Mrs. James Nesti Ms. Margaret A. Neville Mrs. Marcella Nevin Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Nicastro Mr. Richard Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Edward Noel, Jr.



FY 2019 Subgrants awarded In 1965 Congress passed the Older Americans Act (OAA) to address the lack of community social services for older persons. Although older individuals may receive services under many other federal programs, today the OAA is considered to be the major vehicle for the organization and delivery of social and nutrition services to Older Americans and their caregivers. The purpose of Title III of the OAA is to encourage and assist state and local agencies in the development of comprehensive and coordinated in-home and community based long-term services for older adults (age 60 and older). ESBCI allocates federal Older Americans Act funds to support community-based and in-house services for older adults in the form of Subgrants. In FY 2019 ESBCI awarded the following subgrants:

2019 Sub Grants: October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019

Berkshire Family YMCA, Enhance Fitness The Berkshire Family YMCA will provide its Enhance Fitness Program to individuals 60 years or older giving priority to those elders with the greatest social and economic need who reside within the Berkshire Family YMCA’s service area.

Berkshire Area Health Education Center (AHEC), Educational Workshop Berkshire AHEC provided an educational workshop for family and professional caregivers of those 60 years and older. Every effort was made to address the needs of low income and minority elders through outreach and collaboration with other agencies including Elder Services of Berkshire County. Outreach was extended to rural elders through councils on aging located in the hill towns or other rural areas though the workshop was offered in the central county (Pittsfield) area.

Porchlight Visiting Nurse Association, Skilled in Home Nursing Visits

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

Community Legal Aid, Elder Law Project


Community Legal Aid serves low income and socially needy elders with a special focus on elders who maintain themselves in their own homes with the assistance of government benefits, elders with protective services, elders with no other means of access to the legal system and elders whose legal issues threaten their independence and dignity. Services include free legal representation, advice, referral and community education for individuals 60 years or older throughout Berkshire County.

Berkshire Public Health Alliance, Falls Prevention Program This project engaged older adults who attended flu clinics in fall 2018 around the topic of falls prevention. Community Health Workers perform testing for seniors aged 60 and older to ascertain their risk for falls. All participants received brief education around their risk of falling, information about how to prevent falls and an introduction to the Matter of Balance Program, an evidence based, eight session class to reduce the risk of falling in older adults. Matter of Balance was offered in Great Barrington, North Adams, Dalton and Williamstown in the spring of 2019.

Berkshire Center for Justice, Inc., Attorney Services Berkshire Center for Justice serves low income and socially needy elders with a special focus on elders who maintain themselves in their own homes with the assistance of government benefits, elders with protective services, elders with no other means of access to the legal system and elders whose legal issues threaten their independence and dignity. Services include free legal representation, advice, referral and community education for individuals 60 years or older throughout Berkshire County.

A Porchlight Registered Nurse provided one-time in-home visits for care not covered by Medicare to individuals 60 years or older throughout Berkshire County. Medication pre-packs and monitoring of patient anti-coagulant levels are limited to one visit only. Examples of these one-time skilled nursing needs included but are not limited to: enema administration, wheelchair evaluation, single injection, review and clarification of medications, removal of catheter and wound care or dressing change.

Sheffield Council on Aging, Wellness Program 2018 The Sheffield Council on Aging provided its Wellness Program to individuals 60 years or older giving priority to those elders with the greatest social and economic need who resided within the Sheffield Council on Aging’s service area.

Rainbow Seniors of Berkshire County, LGBTQ Community and Social Services Rainbow Seniors of Berkshire County provided LGBTQ community and social services for individuals 60 years of age or older living in Berkshire County. Due to recent growth in demand for the Program, Rainbow Seniors expanded and strengthened its programming to include LGBTQ elders from all parts of Berkshire County and encouraged the participation of women and people of color.

Adams Council on Aging, Expanded Medical Transportation for Cheshire and Savoy residents The Adams Council on Aging used its vehicle to provide expanded medical transportation for Cheshire residents age 60 and older giving priority to those elders with the greatest social and economic needs.

Board of Directors Diana (Toni) Fontana, President* Kathleen Luczynski, Vice President John Philpott, Treasurer* Dawn Dellea, Clerk Jacob Dabrowski Sandy Driscoll Christopher King, Finance Committee only Kim Mathews* Mary K. O’Brien David O’Neill Stephen Radin Karen Reilly Mary Shogry-Hayer* Mary Strout

AAA Advisory Council Gina Armstrong, Chair Bruce Bernstein Lisa Fletcher-Udel June Green Kathie Loring Kim Mathews* Irwin (Tom) Renak Mary Shogry-Hayer*

Money Management Advisory Council

Berkshire Senior TV Dave Bubriski Connie Bullard* Diane Chicoine Andrew LaPatin* Jeff Turner

Home & Community Based Programs Nancy Apkin* Mariah Auman Zenfiza Baghirova* Linda Barry Yvette Bastow* Deena Berman Marina Bobrovsky Janice Brindisi*

Money Management Program Elizabeth “Bet” Azar Sharon Bartels Yvette Bastow* Joyce Boivin Beverly Clarke Nathan Doctrow Norma D’Oliveira

Terrill Douglas* Judith Douville Marianne Fresia Jasmine Gage* Tanya Haas* Susan Holland Kristina (Tina) Kelly Heather King Paula Morey* Karen D. Oak* John Philpott* Alice Rodriguez Victor Roy Patricia Salvi Jane Tant* Ronald Terry Joseph Tirrell Gini Titterton* Donald Usher Mark Vadnais*

Nutrition Program Sandra Aasen Rose Alessio Bonnie Andrews Maureen Avery Zenfiza Baghirova* Anna Beining Paula Bergeron Angela Burke Ruth Clairmont Eileen Clarke Frank Clarke Carol Colabatista Deborah Coody Anita Cook* Holly Coon Judith Corbett* Linda Cox Rosemary Cummings Michelle Dargie Marie Daury Lorraine Dean Barbara Delmolino Veronica Deome Dennis DeVergilio Elizabeth Di Grigoli Jane Diaz Michael Ende Joy Engels Janice Fisher Rose Fitzgerald- Casey Joanne Flynn Louise Frankenberg* Kathryn Furcht John Galt Gordine Galusha

JoAnn Garzone Andrea Gaylord John Gilligan Celine Godbout Eric Paul Greenberg Marie Grull Thomas Hardy Rosemary Houghtlin Thelma Hover Charles Joch Julia Kaplan* Butch King Sue Kormanik William L Kormanik Patricia LaBagh Margaret Lavalette Jeanette Lupiani Rosanne Marsh Christina McCarthy Alan Metzger Joseph Molleur Susan Morris Joan Moylan John Moynahan Herbert (Sonny) Nelson Gail Nelson Nancy O’Brien Terry O’Brien George Oleen Marianna Pacheco Wesley Petersen Jenifer Picard* Donald Pulver Marcel Rajotte Teresa-Cristena Roberts* Warren Robertson Eleanor Rosier Jane Rozak Richard Rozak Dennis Sears Betty Shepard Elaine Shindler Adele Siter Roberta Smith Robert St. Peter Kathy Staropoli Barbara Steele Joanne Stegner Sharon Stevens Ron Stewart Arlene Stockley Julia Taylor Gail Tighe Gini Titterton* Floyd Tuler Hunter Wallace Charles Webster Beth Wiggers

Mariya Zade* Barbara Ziemba

Ombudsman Program Conlin Bradley Michael Evans Diana (Toni) Fontana* Eileen Gabriel Virginia Lafond Ruth Richardson Bonnie Saunders Deborah Wehry

SHINE (Serving the Health Information Needs of Everyone) Teresa Bragdon Janice Brindisi* Hedy Burbank Karen DeOrdio Terrill Douglas* Frank Engels Michele Gilligan Carol Gramm* Judith Hyde Sue Kucharski Candace Marks Paula Morey* Juan Ramos Steven Rosenthal Larry Shea Catherine Spinney William Tarmey Gini Titterton* Winnie Veretto

Partnership Volunteers Berkshire County ARC* Berkshire Vocational Services* BFAIR* Guidewire Riverbrook Residence* Guardian/Berkshire Life Employees *these volunteers offer their time in more than one program area

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

Marianne Fresia Tanya Haas* Virginia Stanton Smith Gini Titterton*

Connie Bullard* Paul Burda* Carolyn M. Coco Anita Cook* Judith Corbett* Carol Couture* Ella Deane* Fay Dimanche Terrill Douglas* Flavio Fernandes* Diana (Toni) Fontana* Louise Frankenberg* Jasmine Gage* Sheila Gibeau* Michele Gilligan Cathlyn Goggins Carol Gramm* Ken Hayden Glen Hillebrand Alexandra Huber* Julia Kaplan* Maris Katsir Pamela Kight Andrew LaPatin* Monica Lapin* Mary Ellen Levin Joseph Levin* Cliff Love* Susan Ludwig Helena Matthews Nancy Meehan Lorraine Moresi Paula Morey* John Morse Karen D. Oak* Edward Oshinsky* Jenifer Picard* Raymond Ranzoni Teresa-Cristena Roberts* Laurie Schwartz Naomi Schwartz Lois Storch Lora Tobias Bernice Turetsky Gary Turetsky Mark Vadnais* Mariya Zade*


2019 Volunteer List



Elder Services Supports Independence for Berkshire Seniors

Annual Report 2019

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

Caring for the Berkshire County elders and their families since 1974.


3,305 Calls to our

1,759 consumers

Information and Referral line phone.

screened by Elder Services RNs to determine clinical eligibility for our programs and admission to Berkshire County nursing homes.

Elder Service’s case managers assisted 1,586 individuals enrolled in our State Home Care by securing and managing a range in-home services, allowing these elders to maintain their independence and continue to live at home. As part of the Primary Care Team, Elder Services’ staff helped to coordinate care and access supportive services for 292 enrolled in Fallon’s NaviCare SCO plan.

2,398 unduplicated consumers served through Meals on Wheels or at one of the 16 Senior Community Dining Sites in Berkshire County.

1,375 Meals on Wheels consumers on average were served each month.

210,086 meals served by our Central Kitchen in Lanesborough.

60 consumers received 312 emergency meals after a hospital or nursing home stay.

96 active MOW volunteers plus volunteers through our partnerships with other Berkshire County non-profits compassionately provided 17,776 hours of their time.


AnnualReport 2019 Elder Services Programs Enhance Seniors’ Health and Well-being

REVENUES 2019 $1,859,216

Omsbudsmen made 551 visits and spent 941 hours advocating for Berkshire County nursing home residents.


166: Consumers supported by Caregiver Services.

112: Consumers supported by Options


Counseling Services.

48 Money Management Clients received $11,476,084

monthly assistance with sorting mail, prioritizing bills, writing checks and balancing checkbooks.


Elder Services Volunteers Give from the Heart


14 Home & Community Based Program volunteers spent 215 hours with 94 seniors. Assisting with shopping, transportation and companion time. $1,014,858



Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

3,361 Consumers assisted with health insurance access and assessments by 35 certified SHINE volunteer counselors.


NUTRITION Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019 14

Elderly Nutrition Program Overview What We Do:

Benefits of the Program:

The Elderly Nutrition Program is a federal and state funded nutrition program, administered by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, which allows Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. to provide nutritious meals to older adults. Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. is one of twentyfive nutrition projects located throughout the state serving over 9 million nutritionally balanced meals to approximately 75,000 elders each year. Meals are provided at approximately 400 Senior Community Dining sites and more than half of total meals served are delivered to frail elders in their homes. Over 7,000 volunteers across the state contribute approximately 450,000 hours yearly to the program. Both meals and nutrition education and counseling services provided through the program are vital for improving the nutritional status of elders. The Nutrition Program also addresses multiple problems faced by elders – ranging from poor nutrition, food insecurity, and chronic disease to social isolation. Nutrition services and meals are a vital support that enables many elders to live in the community independently.

The Nutrition Program at Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. is a critical component of the Executive Office of Elder Affair’s mission to promote independent living for elders in the community. By providing at least one meal a day, and in many cases additional meals including supper, holiday and weekend meals the program helps to reduce hunger and improve nutrition intake for elderly in Berkshire County. In addition, elders who participate in the program receive close to half of the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables in a single meal. Diets high in fruits and vegetables have been found to lower the risk of chronic disease and contribute to healthy aging.

Our Services: Nutritious meals are provided by Elder Services of Berkshire County at sixteen Senior

Community Dining sites and through home-delivered meals to older adults (age 60 or older) and individuals with disabilities under age 60 who live in housing facilities occupied primarily by the elderly where meals are served. Home-delivered meals are for those individuals unable to leave their home due to illness, disability or frailness as determined after a thorough in-home assessment by Elder Services’ Nutrition Case Worker or a Client Services Coordinator. Elder Services’ Nutritionist provides individual nutrition counseling for both homedelivered meals clients and meal site participants at their request or referral. In addition, twice a year our meal site participants receive nutrition educational training on topics that are trending or relevant to elders. Menu standards are based

on current federal and state guidelines, including the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI), established by the Food and Nutrition Board and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. E a ch m e a l c o n t a i n s at least 1/3 of the current daily Recommended Dietary Allowance of nutrients and considers the special dietary needs of the elderly participants. Special dietary needs may include lactose-free, cardiac, puree, and diabetic. In addition, Kosher meals are prepared and served by the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires in partnership with Elder Services. Elder Services is a member of the Meals on Wheels Association of America and is the official Meals on Wheels provider for the County.

Participating in the Program: If you believe you may be eligible for home-delivered meals, or have a relative or friend who may be eligible, contact Elder Services’ Information & Referral department at 413-499-0524. Our Nutrition Case Worker or Client Services Coordinator will make contact within 24 hours to set up an appointment for an in-home assessment. Are you, a relative or friend able to join others for a noontime meal? We welcome your attendance at any one of our sixteen meal sites listed on page 15 of the Berkshire Senior. Just call ahead so we can be sure to set a place for you.


Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc.


We served 2,398 unduplicated consumers through MOW and at Senior Community Dining Sites in FY 2019 We served an average of 1,375 consumers each month during FY 2019 We served 210,086 meals overall in FY 2019 We accommodated more than 60 consumers with emergency meals after a hospital or SNF stay serving 312 emergency meals in total We are consistent with more than 96 active volunteers plus volunteers through our partnerships with other Berkshire County non-profits Our Nutrition volunteers compassionately gave 17,776 hours of their time in FY 2019


SPITZER CENTER 116 Ashland St.


11:30 am


HARPER CENTER 118 Church St.

VARIES – Call ahead

11:30 am

ADAMS 743-8333



11:30 am

CHESHIRE 743-9719

SENIOR CENTER 119 School St.


11:30 am

LANESBORO 448-2682

TOWN HALL 83 North Main St.

T & TH

11:30 am

DALTON 684-2000

SENIOR CENTER 40 Field St. Ext.

M & TH

12:00 pm

BECKET 623-8934

TOWN HALL Route 8 P.O. Box 60

T & TH

11:00 am




11:30 am

LENOX 637-5535



12:00 pm

LEE 243-5545

SENIOR CENTER 21 Crossway Village


11:30 am


SENIOR CENTER 917 South Main St.


11:30 am




12:00 pm




11:30 am




11:30 am




12:00 pm

SHEFFIELD 229-7037



12:00 pm


NO. ADAMS 662-3125

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

Nutrition accomplished the following:





Medicare Savings Benefits Expanded in 2020 For the first time since 1966 Massachusetts will be expanding the eligibility guidelines for three benefit programs, collectively known as the Medicare Savings Programs or Buy-in Programs, beyond the federal guidelines. Starting January 1st 2020 the income limit for these programs will increase from 135% of the federal poverty level to 165% of the federal poverty level. The asset limit will also double from $7,730 to $15,460 for an individual and from $11,600 to $23,200 for a couple. Primary residence and one vehicle are not included in the asset test. The Medicare Savings Programs provide premium assistance as well as a wealth of other benefits. Individuals who qualify for the richest tier, QMB, will receive coverage for any applicable Part A premiums and Medicare Part A and B coinsurance in addition to payment of the Part B premium (2019 standard $135.50) and any applicable penalties. These benefits also allow individuals to apply for Part A and/or Part B outside of the General Enrollment Period. Beneficiaries who become eligible for any of the Medicare Savings Programs (SLMB and QI1) will also be deemed eligible for Full Extra Help as well as the Full Health Safety Net.

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

Benefits include:


Full Extra Help: premium assistance with Part C or D plan, payment of any applicable penalties, elimination of drug deductible, additional special enrollment periods, drug copayments limited to $3.40 for generic or $8.50 for brand name drugs within the plans formulary. Individuals can also receive temporary bridge drug coverage should they lose their plan. Full Health Safety Net: covers the Part A hospital deductible ($1364, 2019), the Part B deductible ($185, 2019), and the Part B 20% coinsurance at participating Health Safety Net Providers. Beneficiaries can also receive significant dental, vision, and hearing services through participating Health Safety Net providers. Prescriptions written by participating providers can be filled by Health Safety Net Pharmacies at very low cost. Applications received on or after January 1st will be processed under the new guidelines. Please contact your local SHINE Counselor, Certified Application Counselor, or Navigator for application assistance. and the new Plan Finder Tool Medicare beneficiaries can now create personalized accounts on via internet connected computer, smart phone, or tablet. accounts allow beneficiaries to monitor their benefits and retrieve information in real time. These personalized accounts also make utilizing the new Plan Finder on easier than ever. Beneficiaries will be able to evaluate their medication coverage options in one centralized location with a drug list populated from past claims.

Account creation tips: • Create a user name that is unique to you and does not contain any portion of your birthday, Social Security number, or Medicare number. • Create a password utilizing a variety of letters, numbers, and symbols. Do not reuse passwords. • Record your security question answers. • An email address is not required, but can be beneficial. • Store all account information in a secure location, do not carry it with you. • If you are unable to remember your account information, make three attempts. Upon the 3rd failed attempt you will be presented with the option to reset your account. • Utilize your account on to access the Plan Finder. • Utilize your account on for all other purposes.

SHINE Counselor locations Adams Visitor Center 3 Hooac Street, Adams 413-743-8333

Becket Town Hall 557 Main St, Becket 413-623-8934 ext. 140

Otis Town Hall One North Main Road, Otis 413-269-0100 ext. 114

Dalton Senior Center 40 Field Street Ext, Dalton 413-684-2000

Claire Teague Senior Center (Great Barrington) 909 Main Street Great Barrington, MA 413-528-1881

Hinsdale Town Hall 39 South Street, Hinsdale 413-655-2310 or 413-655-2929

Lanesboro COA 83 North Main Street, Lanesboro 413-448-2682 / 413-243-5545

Lenox Community Center

Stockbridge Senior Center

65 Walker Street, Lenox 413-637-5535

50 Main Street 413-298-4170 ext. 263

Spitzer Center (North Adams)

Harper Center (Williamstown)

116 Ashland Street, North Adams 413-662-3125

118 Church Street, Williamstown 413-458-8250

Ralph J Frio Senior Center (Pittsfield)

New Ashford COA

330 North Street, Pittsfield 413-499-9346


Elder Services of Berkshire County

21 Crossway St # 2, Lee, MA 01238 Phone: 413-243-5545

877 South Street, Suite 4E, Pittsfield 413-499-0524

188 Mallery Road, New Ashford 413-458-5461

2020 will bring the first major changes to the Massachusetts Medicare Supplement p l a n s t r u c t u re s i n c e t h e implementation of Part D drug coverage in 2006. Under the current system all Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Parts A and B can opt to purchase Supplemental Medigap plans wh i ch p rov i d e a d d i t i o n a l coverage regardless of age or health (excluding individuals under 65 with ESRD). The decision to purchase a supplemental plan is highly personalized and should be considered carefully along with existing coverage and public benefits.

Current plan options include: Medicare Supplement Core Plans: • c ove r t h e 2 0 % Pa r t B coinsurance, • do not cover the Part B deductible ($185 for 2019), • do not cover the Part A hospital deductible ($1364 for 2019) • do not offer enhanced skilled nursing facility coverage.

Medicare Supplemental 1 Plans:

Both types of plans: • are accepted by all U.S. Medicare providers without referral • are available to Medicare benef iciaries cur rently enrolled in Part A and B (excluding beneficiaries under 65 with ESRD) • have rolling open enrollment with no underwriting criteria. • Neither plan provides prescription drug coverage

Beneficiaries should note, that supplemental plans in M a s s a ch u s e t t s a re h i g h ly regulated and standardized by the Division on Insurance. A Core Plan is a Core Plan and a Supplement 1 Plan is a Supplement 1 Plan regardless of who is selling it or how much it costs. Savvy consumers would do well to consider price point rather than brand name in this instance. SHINE Counselors are available to provide detailed comparisons at no cost. Medicare beneficiaries also have the option of enrolling into the Blue Cross Blue Shield Medex Choice Program which provides similar benefits to the Supplement 1 plan at a reduced cost but within a provider network.

Starting in 2020: Individuals who become eligible for Medicare either through age or disability on or after January 1st 2020 will not be eligible to enroll in a Supplement 1 plan due to new regulations under the MACRA 2015 legislation. Newly eligible Beneficiaries will instead have the option to purchase Supplement 1A plans. These plans will offer coverage that is nearly identical to the current Supplement 1 plans (Part B co-insurance, Part A deductibles and copays, no network restrictions etc) but will not cover the Part B deductible ($185 in 2019). Core plans will also remain available. Beneficiaries who are eligible to enroll in Part A and B by age or disability prior to 1/1/2020 will continue to be eligible to enroll in Supplement 1 plans regardless of their enrollment status. These individuals will also continue to be eligible to purchase Core plans and may also opt to purchase the Supplement 1A plans.

Because of the lack of underwriting criteria (excluding individuals under 65 with ESRD) Beneficiaries have the opportunity to change their coverage in response to clinical need or financial benefit. Some beneficiaries may determine that the premium savings of the Supplement 1A outweigh the benefit of a covered Part B deductible. Beneficiaries seeking to change their coverage level within the same company should contact customer service. Beneficiaries seeking to change Supplement companies should f irst contact their current provider and confirm

disenrollment prior to enrolling with a new provider in order to avoid duplicate coverage. To prevent coverage gaps, the current plan should end on the last day of the month with the new plan beginning on the 1st of the following month. Enrollment in the Blue Cross Blue Shield Medex Choice Plan, will be suspended as of 12/01/2019. Beneficiaries that are actively enrolled in the Medex Choice plan on 1/1/2020 may remain so with a standard monthly premium of $153.81. For additional information or assistance please contact your local SHINE Counselor.

Praise for SHINE from community stakeholders: “Once again the help and guidance from Ms. Titterton was absolutely magnificent! It is not always possible for me to understand Health Safety Net/money matters, to know what I’m doing or how to do it. I often have to ask the same questions more than once for my heart, brain, and spirit to cooperate with myself. Ms. Titterton is an incredible teacher with wonderful warmth, clarity, and patience!” “Phyllis DeMartino was wonderful. The SHINE Program is critical considering the complexity of Medicare and Supplemental programs.” “Extremely valuable help. I would have been quite lost trying to do this without Michele. Very organized, efficient, and made everything clear.” “Winne Veretto was excellent!” “We tried to do the online research but it was very confusing. So many terms. Judy was so patient and a TREMENDOUS help.” “I was at SHINE because I transported my son to his appointment. When he and Larry were discussing drug coverage options I mentioned I paid $78.00 per month for my coverage for two generic drugs (for years!) In about five minutes Larry found a new company and I will now be paying $14.00 per month for insurance and no cost for the drugs! I have been telling everyone to go there! Thank you Larry and all the wonderful volunteers.” “Paula was very patient and thorough in explaining the choices I had for a drug plan. She helped me find a cheaper choice and also was very professional in her presentation. Just a wonderful experience in dealing with her.” “We would not be able to wade through all the insurance information without the help of Candace Marks. She is extremely knowledgeable, kind, and generous with her time to everyone.” “Patty was wonderful- She helped us with our insurance and was very patient with all of our questions. She is a wonderful asset to our community.”

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

• c ove r t h e 2 0 % Pa r t B coinsurance • cover the annual Part B deductible ($185 for 2019) • cover the Part A hospital deductible ($1364 for 2019) • cover skilled nursing facility copay for days 21-100 (under applicable rules)

(beyond drugs billed under A or B) • several plans offer worldwide emergency coverage • many plans have available riders which can provide additional coverage for vision, hearing, and dental services.


Changes to Medicare Supplement Plans in 2020



Long Term Care Ombudsman Program The Long term Care Ombudsman Program provides services and assistance to residents of nursing homes and their families. The four main goals are: 1) to receive, investigate and resolve complaints made by, or on behalf of residents of nursing and rest homes, 2) to protect residents’ rights, 3) to provide information, and, 4) to advocate for positive changes in the Long Term Care system. Both family members and residents often have unresolved issues or questions about Long Term Care. The Ombudsman Program has state certified volunteers who visit each home weekly to fill this gap. They help to resolve issues and complaints relating to quality of care, comfort, legal rights, and treatment by staff. The Ombudsman Program advocates for these vulnerable, frail elders, providing them with a voice and effecting change on their behalf.


40 Years of Quality Senior Living

Berkshiretown Apartments Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

Let us


“Welcome You Home” What we offer • • • • • • • •

Rent is income based All Utilities Included On-Site Laundry Resident Activities Professional Staff Resident Services Convenient Location Private Balconies (for most apartments)

176 Columbus Ave. Pittsfield, MA 413-443-9125 Marketed & Managed by

Elder Services’ Caregiver Coordinators Joe Choon and Vicky Linscott lead monthly caregiver discussion groups. • 2nd Tuesday, 10 - 11:30 a.m., at Elder Services • 3rd Wednesday, 1- 2:30 p.m., Gt. Barrington COA • 4th Thursday, 1 - 2:30 p.m., North Adams’ Spitzer Center New members are always welcome. There is no charge. Come for conversation, support, & helpful information. For information call 499-0524.

Elder Services Speaks 200 Languages! Beginning English speaker? Did you know that Elder Services has the ability to communicate with individuals speaking over 200 different languages? Don’t let language be a barrier to getting services for you, your aging parents or grandparents. Call us today at 499-0524 for more information.

Options Counseling

Transportation Services

Options Counseling is an interactive, short-term decision suppor t process to assist consumers, family members, caregivers, and/or significant others to make an informed choice about long term services, supports, and settings. Emphasis is placed on the person centered decision process in providing options that are of interest to the consumer. Topics may include housing, transportation, home services, personal care or any other consumer concerns during phone or in-person counseling sessions

T he Volunteer Services Department of Elder Services c a n p r ov i d e e l d e r s w i t h transportation. Volunteers who are trained, screened and supervised provide rides free of charge to medical appointments and shopping. Advance notice of at least 48 hours is needed. . In addition to Elder Services, other social service agencies in Berkshire County provide transportation. Elder Services maintains a complete list of transpor tation options available.

A strong Partnership ADRC Aging and Disability Resource Consortium

The Family Caregiver Support Program is available to help caregivers in need of assistance and support. The program is available to all caregivers caring for someone 60 years of age or older, caring for someone under the age of 60 who has a physical d i s a b i l i t y, d e ve l o p m e n t a l disability or mental illness, or caring for someone under the age of 60 with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Services can include individual support, support groups, information and resources, and education.

Caregiver Support Groups in Berkshire County 2019 Elder Services of Berkshire County, Inc. 877 South St, Suite 4E; Pittsfield 2nd Tuesday of the month, 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Joseph Choon and Vicky Linscott, Facilitators 413 499-0524 Claire Teague Senior Center 909 Main Street; Great Barrington 3rd Wednesday of the Month. 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Joseph Choon and Vicky Linscott, Facilitators 413-528-1881 or 413-499-0524

Information & Referral I&R is the gateway to Elder Services and to resources available throughout the state for residents of Berkshire County. They are the place you can call when you don’t know who to call. I&R’s knowledgeable Community Resource Specialists are a free comprehensive information resource for questions about: home care services, public benefits, housing options, transportation, nutrition and much more. They help people understand their problem and make informed decisions about possible solutions. After assessing a caller’s needs, I&R’s Specialists access their large resource database to help connect people with the appropriate information, services, and agencies to address their specific issues and concerns. They may advocate on behalf of those who need special support. I&R also serves as a single point of entry for ESBCI programs, assisting elders,

individuals with disabilities, and their families in accessing a comprehensive range of services that support them so that they can maintain well-being and independence in the community. If it appears you, or the person you are calling on behalf of, might be eligible for some of ESBCI’s state-subsidized services, I&R will ask you some questions and make a referral to a specific program. Over the past year, the three person I&R team handled over 10,000 calls for assistance. I&R’s Specialists are certified by The Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS), t h e n at i o n a l p ro f e s s i o n a l membership association for community Information and Referral. They are certified SHINE Counselors, trained in the most up-to-date health insurance infor mation for Medicare beneficiaries of all ages and their caregivers. I&R regularly contributes articles to the Berkshire Senior newspaper providing timely and valuable information to the community. In addition, the I&R team regularly maintains and updates the Berkshire County portion of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs’s online searchable 800AgeInfo webpage.

Home Care Services Elder Services provides a variety of in-home services designed to enable an elder to remain at home with dignity and independence. Services include homemaking, personal care, meal preparation, home delivered meals, home health services, medication management, laundry, shopping, companion, Social Day Care and Adult Day Health. To receive home care services, someone must be age 60 or older, or under the age of sixty with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia and be need eligible. There are no income limits, and the fees are based on a sliding scale.

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

AdLib, Incorporated, Center for Independent Living is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower people with all types of disabilities to live more independently and have control of their own lives. Elder Services is the Aging Services Access Point (ASAP) and Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for seniors living in Berkshire County. AdLib and Elder Services partnered to form Berkshire County’s Aging and Disability Resource Consor tium (ADRC). T his collaboration is designed to make access to information on services and supports for seniors and individuals with disabilities easier. With a “no wrong door” approach, someone can call either AdLib or Elder Services and receive information on programs and services available to seniors and individuals with disabilities. Procedures, implemented in September, 2009 allow for cross referral between the two agencies. For more information on programs and services for seniors and individuals with disabilities, call AdLib at 442-7047, 1-800-2327047 or Elder Services at 499-0524, 1-800-544-5242.

The Family Caregiver Support Program

Spitzer Senior Center 116 Ashland Street, North Adams 4th Thursday of the month, 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Joseph Choon and Vicky Linscott, Facilitators 413 662-3125 or (413) 499-0524


Home & Community Based Programs



Elder Services’ Richard & Rita Gallagher

Alzheimer’s Resource Center It’s here for YOU! Located at Elder Services, 877 South Street in Pittsfield • books • videos • brochures • journals • and more Use this invaluable free resource when you or someone you know needs Alzheimer’s information. Call 499-0524 for more information.

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

Looking for Quality Affordable Senior Living?


You’ve just found the right place! Columbia Arms Rose Manor Wahconah Heights

Currently airing on PCTV Channel 1301 Access Pittsfield

Francis Plaza Supportive Housing Program at Providence Court Pittsfield Housing Authority 65 Columbus Avenue Pittsfield, MA


Broadcast schedule: Pay only 30% of Your Income for Rent All Utilities Included 24 Hour Maintenance Service


PCTV channel 1301 Mondays at 5 p.m., Tuesdays at 3 p.m., Thursdays at 11 a.m. & Saturday 11:30 a.m. Or watch online, ON DEMAND on Thank you to our friends at PCTV for all their help in making Berkshire Senior TV accessible to our community.


YOUR SUPPORT AT WORK Providing these vital services to Berkshire elders, caregivers and individuals with disabilities

Community Services Supportive Day Programs Adult Day Health Aging and Disability Resource Consortium Caregiver Support Services Senior Community Dining Sites Long Term Care Ombudsman Nursing Home Screenings Older Americans Act – Title III Subgrants

In Home Services Alzheimer’s/Dementia Coaching

Options Counseling SCSEP (Senior Community Service Employment Program) SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone)

Case Management Companionship Complex Care, Training & Oversight Elder Care Fund

Community Housing Options Group Adult Foster Care

Home Health Aide

Residential Service Coordination

Homemaking - Personal Care

Service-Enriched Housing at Crossway Village / Tower (Lee)

Laundry Service Meals on Wheels Medical Dispensing Systems Money Management Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) Respite Care Supportive Home Health Care Transitional Assistance Transportation Volunteer Services

Supportive Housing at Providence Court (Pittsfield)

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

Grocery Shopping


EMPLOYEES Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019 22

To our Employees past, present, and future whose dedication to service has made it possible for thousands of elders to remain independent and achieve the highest possible quality of life.

HEALTHCARE SERVICES Providing homecare to Berkshire County residents for over 20 years

Personal Care Meal Prep Companion Care Medication Reminder Overnight Care Light Housekeeping Grocery Shopping Laundry 166 East Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201 413.499.4562 or 800.649.4562

We are proud to offer: • Compassionate, highly trained staff certified in hospice and palliative care • Comprehensive team available to provide a wide range of services including: • Full range of services focused on managing pain and improving quality of life


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The difference is in our care

Take it From Those Who Know Us Best

Berkshire Healthcare is proud to provide superior care to the residents who call our community home. From senior housing to skilled nursing, memory care, hospice and palliative care, and short and long-term rehabilitation, we strive for effective, high quality outcomes for even the most complex medical conditions.



We’re Perfecting the Art of Superior Care.

– Resident, Berkshire Healthcare Affiliate, June 2018

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019

Berkshire Healthcare – A Community of Caring

“After I was in a bad car accident, I spent almost three weeks in Williamstown Commons’ worldclass rehab program. The intensive rehab process exceeded my high expectations. Williamstown Commons is truly a community of healing.”


Elder Services of Berkshire County employees assembled to illustrate the 32 cities and towns we serve. Elder Services staff also live in 17 of those communities as well as in neighboring communities located in Hamden and Hampshire County and Upstate NY.

Elder Services’ Berkshire Senior, November-December 2019





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