2024 Fi n d us o n P ub l is h e d o n t h e l a s t S a t u r d a y o f eve r y mo n t h by T h e B e r k sh i r e E a gle .
2024 Fi n d us o n P ub l is h e d o n t h e l a s t S a t u r d a y o f eve r y mo n t h by T h e B e r k sh i r e E a gle .
Art Omi
Barrington Stage Company
Chatham Fire Department
Becket Atheneum
Becket Art Center
Becket Food Pantry
Becket Volunteer Fire Department
Berkshire Botanical Garden
Berkshire Busk!
Berkshire Community Action Council
Berkshire Environmental Action Team
Berkshire Hills Fund for Excellence
Berkshire Habitat for Humanity
Berkshire Humane Society
Berkshire International Film Festival
Berkshire Lyric Chorus
Berkshire Museum
Berkshire Natural Resources Council
Berkshire South Regional
Community Center
Berkshire Taconic
Community Foundation
Berkshire Theatre Festival
Cantilena Chamber Choir
Community Development Corporation Southern Berkshire
Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity
Chatham Area Business Alliance
Chatham Central High School Scholarship
Chatham-Greene Humane Society
Christian Center
Clark Museum
Colonial Theatre
Columbia Land Conservancy
Columbia County
Chamber of Commerce
Columbia-Greene Habitat for Humanity
Columbia-Greene Humane Society
Community Access to the Arts
Construct Inc
Crescendo Chorus
18 Degrees, Berkshire Center for Families and Children
Denise Kaley Fund
Eagle Fund for Local Journalism
Elder Services of Berkshire County
Elizabeth Freeman Center
Egremont Fire Department
Emerging Artists at The Foundry
Ducks Unlimited of Berkshire County
Fairview Hospital
Family Resource Centers of Columbia County
Food Bank of Western MA
Gladys Allen Brigham Community Center
Gladys Allen Brigham Camperships
Great Barrington Fire Department
Hancock Shaker Village
Hillcrest Educational Foundation
Hospice Care of the Berkshires
IS 183, Art School of the Berkshires
Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival
Kid’s Place
Kiwanis Club of Sheffield
Laurel Hill Association
Literacy Network of
Southern Berkshires
Mac-Haydn Theatre
Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center
Mass Audubon
Miles of Smiles
Monument Mountain
Regional High School
Scholarships, Booster Clubs
Norman Rockwell Museum
People’s Pantry
Railroad Street Youth Project
Red Rock Historical Society
Richmond Volunteer Fire Department
Richmond Consolidated PTA
Rocky Mountain Elks
Shaker Museum
Shakespeare and Company
Sheffield Fire Department
Sisters of the Visitation
Southern Berkshire
Chamber of Commerce
Stockbridge Chamber of Commerce
Stockbridge Library
Taconic High School
Thanksgiving Angels
The Mount Trustees of the Reservation
Volunteers in Medicine
Wahconah Boys Lacrosse Team
Wahconah Regional High School Scholarships
Watson Fund
West Stockbridge Cultural Council
West Stockbridge Farmers Market
West Stockbridge Fire Department
West Stockbridge
Historical Society
West Stockbridge Merchants Association
West Stockbridge Police Department
White Tails Unlimited of Berkshire County
t he s u n r o om whe r e w i n -
dows take in views Outdoor deck Th ree bed rooms with pr imar y suite The u nder garage is a tandem st yle for t wo cars and storage. Additional abut ting land available Minutes to Edith W har ton, Shakespeare, Tanglewood and arou nd the cor ner f rom Lau rel Lake $669,0 0 0 R 3246
P it t sf ield - L ovely Colon ial home is ne stle
Pa rk Mai n f loor - 2 ,488
O u t d o o r d e c k S e c o n d
f l o o r - 1, 5 4 6 s q f t w i t h a l a r ge e n - s u it e p r i m a r y
b e d r o o m c o m pl e t e w i t h
f i re p l a c e , l a r g e ba t h ,
3 a d d’l be d r oo m s, b a t hroom, storage Lower lev-
el - 1, 59 7 s q f t of l iv i n g / ut ilit y space, g reat room,
a b e d r o o m , b a t h , of f ic e , storage Forced hot water
h e a t i n g N e a r W il l i a m s s cho ol $ 749, 000 R 32 45
G R E AT BA R R I NGTON – Step back in time and enjoy this count r y fa r m hou se! O ve r a n a c re of op e n level la nd w it h f r u it t re e s, ga rde n s pa ce s a nd ove r 4 0 0 fe et of roa d f ront age. Located on the outsk i r ts of Housatonic village and adjacent t o t he W St o ckb r id ge t ow n l i ne, y o u c a n a c c e s s t h e H o u s a t o n ic r ai l t r ai l r ig ht t h roug h you r ba ck y a r d t o a p p r e c i a t e n a t u r e a t i t s fi ne s t! Two g la s s - e nclo s e d f r ont p o r c h e s , l iv i n g , d i n i n g , k it c h e n with sepa rate lau nd r y/pa nt r y plus a fi rst-floor bed room a nd bat h ca n prov ide one -level
a nd a la rge wal k-i n at t ic Se
st ud io A det a ched
If you would like to join this program contact your Advertising Representative or Sue 413- 496-6321 to connect you!
by Lynn Arseneau
I ’ve been a Realtor for 37 year s People f requently ask for my advice and opinions , and by sharing those ques tions and answers with you I hope to off er some helpf ul information
In accordance with new National Association of REALTORS changes, all home buyers must sign a buyer represent ation agreement before seeing one home.
If you’re a homebuyer working with an agent who is a RE ALTOR®, it means you are working with a professional ethically obligated to work in your best interest . A s of August 1 7. 2024, you will be asked to sign a written buyer agreement after you’ ve chosen the professional you want to work with. Here’s what you should know about these agreements : What is a “written buyer agreement?” What does it do? A written buyer agreement is an agreement between you and your real estate professional outlining the ser vices your real estate professional will provide you, and what the y will be paid for those ser vices
Why am I being asked to sign an agreement? Written buyer agreements became a nationwide requirement for many real estate professionals as a par t of the National A ssociation of RE ALTORS®’ proposed settlement of litigation related to broker commissions. The requirement went into effect on August 1 7, 2024.
Are these agreements new ? In some places , yes. Many states have required them for years , while some have not A s a result , it is entirely possible you or others you know have not used them in the recent past . Regardless , the y are now a nationwide requirement for many real estate professionals
Are these agreements negotiable? Yes! You should feel empowered to negotiate any aspect of the agreement with your real estate professional, such as the ser vices you want to receive , the length of the agreement , and the compensation, if any Compensation between you and your real estate professional is negotiable and not set by law In the written agreement , the compensation must be clearly defined (e.g., $0, X f lat fee , X percent , X hourly rate)–and not open-ended or a range Only sign an agreement that ref lects what you have agreed to with your real estate professional
How do I benefit from these agreements? These agreements clearly
lay out what ser vices you (as a homebuyer ) expect your real estate professional to provide , and what your real estate professional will be paid These agreements make things clear and reduce any potential confusion at the outset of your relationship with your real estate professional.
When do I need to sign an agreement? You will be asked to enter into a written buyer agreement with our real estate professional before “ touring” a home with them, either in-person or vir tually. If you are simply visiting an open house on your own or asking a real estate professional about their ser vices , you do not need to sign a written buyer agreement . Does this mean I have to pay my real estate professional out of pocket? Not necessarily While you are responsible for paying your real estate professional as outlined by your agreement , you can still request , negotiate for, and receive compensation for your real estate professional from the seller or their agent
Do agreements dictate a specific t ype of relationship I need to have with my real estate professional? No –you are allowed to enter into any t ype of business relationship with your real estate professional allowed by state law where you live.
Can I change or exit an agreement? Yes You and your real estate professional can mutually agree to change your agreement . Agreements may have specific conditions under which the y can be exited, so read the tex t of the agreement and speak with your real estate professional if you would like to change or exit your agreement . Practices may var y based on state and local law. Consult your real estate professional and/or consult an attorney for details about state law where you are purchasing a home . Please visit facts .realtor for more information and resources .
RE ALTORS® are members of the National A ssociation of RE ALTORS®