Book of Homes October 2022

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Fi n d us o Pn ub l is h e d o n t h e l a s t S a t u r d a y o f eve r y mo n t h by T h e B e r k sh i r e E a gle .


|EagleBerkshireTheBerkshireEagle.comWeekendEdition|Saturday&Sunday,September24-25,2022| HomesofBBook 2 (413) 528-4211 35 R AILRO AD S TREET, GREAT BARRING T ON, MA 01230 (413) 232-4253 38 MAIN S TREET, WES T S T OCKBRIDGE, MA 01266 (518) 392-0332 6 MAIN S TREET, CHATHAM, NY 12037 S T ONEHOU SEPROPER TIES.C OM CEP TIONALEX $1,750,000PITT SFIELD Onota Lake Waterfront • 4 beds, 3.5 baths Gracious estate • Almost 2 HOMES $1,200,000L ANESBOROUGH Quality and craftsmanship abound!•3 bed/2.5 bath rgeous details • Fireplace • $689,000PITT SFIELD Beautifully built in a prime area•3 bed/2.5 bath ality throughout • Close t 3.5 lmost 2 a Location ity an Gorgeo $669,500RICHMOND Scace Brook • 2.9 acres •3 bed, 2.5 baths Family room with wet bar • Seasonal studio und!•3 ace Deck • ful Quality t $525,000PITT SFIELD Southeast 1900’s Classic • 3 bed/2.5 baths Walk downtown • Harwood, fireplaces, garage e area 3 /2.5 $245,000LEE 4 bedroom, 1.5 bath • Close to Stockbridge Great potential • Ready for your updates Our Foundation Is The Lived Experiences Of Our Team Our backgrounds are diverse. Leaders in business and finance, negotiation experts and staging specialists. Civic leaders and volunteers. Skilled professionals in land management, construction, education, marketing, psychology and public health. We live and work here. While some of us are native, some hail from other parts of the country and some have lived abroad. We know our market well. Recognized as Best In Real Estate, the service to our clients is built on trust, diligence and guidance for homebuyers and sellers for nearly 40 years.

Generously propor tioned f ront parlor Two sets of French doors to the fireplaced family room

3 HomesofBook 202224-25,SeptemberSunday,&Saturday|EditionWeekend|TheBerkshireEagle|BerkshireEagle.com48 Housatonic St., Lenox • 413 - 637- 420 0 w w • Celebrating over 33 years of service to our valued clients! L A N E SB O RO Wonderf ul proper t y for your pr imar y or vacation home! This proper t y is waiting for you!! Th ree bed room, 2 5 bath contemporar y on 14 pr ivate acres Wonderf ul in ground lap pool that’s 50 f t long for exercising or just for f un. A skier’s delight located near the Jiminy Peak Resor t and many other outdoor activities Not too far f rom Williamstown heading Nor th and not too far f rom Pit tsfield with all its cult ural activities, heading South Berkshire Medical Center in Pit t sfield is about a 15 20 minute d r ive NEW PR ICE $895,000/ R3099


Nine foot ceilings and much of the or iginal woodwork th roughout the house has been untouched and never painted keeping the or iginal char m The t wo level staircase and craf tsman wood floors have int r icate detail The first floor also has a f ull bath and second floor has 4 pr ivate bed rooms $339,900/ R3091

NEWPRICE! L EE W hat a wonderf ul oppor t unit y! This circa 1935 cape has a f ull in law at tached

Spacious 1900’s colonial located in the theat re dist r ict of downtown Pit tsfield This 4 bd r m /2 bath home has been beautif ully maintained!

L EE Gorgeous colonial has ample inter ior and outdoor space, and offers exquisite views of the region’s rolling hills 4 bd r ms/2 5 baths, st un ning living room with a custom built stone fireplace, renovated kitchen with granite counter tops, expansive sit ting room with a panoramic view of yard, dining room On the second floor, you’ll find 4 bd r ms/2 baths, giving you abundant space for family and g uests Incredible outdoor space with patio and located on nearly an acre of land Shor t d r ive f rom town and all Berkshires has to offer $639,000/ R3112


ST O C K B R I D G E You don’t want to miss the chance to ow n this th ree season cot tage, in a ‘’rare to market’’ com mu nit y on the Stock br idge bowl Perfect sum mer ret reat!! Just minutes away f rom Tanglewood and only a few shor t steps away f rom the pr ivate com mu nit y beach and swim ming dock This adorable cabin has a sig nat u re fieldstone fireplace, a large screen porch, 2 bed rooms with sleeping lof t and a stone patio Lovely peren nial beds en hance the g rou nds Be in for sum mer 2022! $549,000/ R 3103



Tr uly a one of a kind oppor t unit y! Located within a block of tow n yet perched on a hill with pr ivacy on 2+ acres. A circular d r ive leads to a welcoming large w rap around porch that is perfect for sum mer enter taining Inside many per iod details remain f rom the 1880 build date but moder n conveniences make for easy living. The double doors welcome you into a spacious ent r y with a cu r ved wall of windows with seating Hardwood floors in most of the house, f ront and back staircases, fou r fireplaces, fou r plus bed rooms and fou r f ull baths Room to mingle or plent y of pr ivacy with th ree finished floors of living space. Nat u ral gas heat. Also on the proper t y is a conver ted car r iage bar n that has been conver ted to g uest quar ters, but could ser ve as a home office or potential rental space Rustic by desig n, the first floor is an open plan of living /dining / kitchen There is an updated f ull bath The entire second floor is one large room. The or iginal garage bay is an nexed to the finished space Mat u re gardens, br ight open sun ny spaces complete this t r uly special proper t y! Call for details and you r pr ivate showing $1,499,000/ R3098 apar t ment 3 bd r ms/2 5 baths, hardwood floor ing, gas fireplace In law/ home office suite includes 1 2 bed rooms, f ull kitchen and bath and spacious living room Pr ivate ent rance for great separation of space At tached garage, nat ural gas heat Walking distance to Greenock Golf Cou rse and downtown Lee! $589,000/ R3127

|EagleBerkshireTheBerkshireEagle.comWeekendEdition|Saturday&Sunday,September24-25,2022| HomesofBBook 4 48 Housatonic St., Lenox • 413-637-4200 Celebrating over 33 years of service to our valued clients! Realtor Associates: Marie Bourassa, PSA, SES, SRES 212-6174 Jane Kavanau 281-6903 Mark Parsons 822-4169 Nicholas Sereda, SRES, 441-0694 Molly Thomas 441-3899 Brian Wright 822-3830 Broker/Owners: Pam Roberts, CBR, CIPS, CRB, CRS, ePro, GRI, SRES 441-9681 Tiffany Roberts, ABR, CBR, e-PRO 822-5369 Broker Associates: Barbara K. Greenfeld, ABR, C-CREC, CRS, Green, RSPS, SRES 441-5986 Anne Meczywor, CBR, CRS, MRP, RSPS, SRES 446-2179 Bonnie Parsons, GREEN® 617-719-4387 L E N OX Char ming New England far m house with inviting f ront porch! Dating f rom 1870, loaded with char m, but lots of today’s creat u re comfor ts and conveniences! Hardwood floors, first floor lau nd r y, f ull bath Second floor suite d ressing room and f ull bath Two add’l bd r ms/f ull bath New rear deck Wal k to tow n and shops $439,000/ R 3135 B E C K ET Don’t miss this wonderf ul raised ranch on 5 8 acres! Enjoy cou nt r yside views and pr ivate lake access th rough The Center Lake Estates across the st reet Large eat in kitchen and living room with access to the back deck, 3 bed rooms, and a par tially finished basement with lots of potential Close to all of the cult u ral char ms of the Berkshires $359,90 0/ R 3128 O C T. M T. L E E Spacious end u nit First floor bed room / f ull bath; updated kitchen and spacious open plan Two add’l bd r ms/f ull bath on the upper level Finished lower level family room /office. Inviting f ront porch; pr ivate rear deck Pool, ten nis, kayak /canoe storage. Minutes to Lau rel Lake, dow ntow n Lee, shopping and all cult u ral at t ractions! $384,000/C3136 RO L L I N G H I L L S L E N OX Tu r n key condo oppor t u nit y in Lenox! Condo convenience with on site amenities Light filled end u nit with pr ivate rear deck /aw ning, t wo bed rooms with pr ivate bath Open kitchen with extended cou nter for ser ving or dining Finished lower level with family room / lau nd r y/ bath with shower Gas heat, cent ral a /c Pool, hot t ub, clubhouse, kayak storage, wal king t rails, dog r u n area $314,90 0/C3134 T H R E E U N I T S T O C H O O S E F RO M $529,0 0 0 $589,0 0 0 Gated condo com mu nit y on Pontoosuc Lake! Th ree bed room end u nit with one level living, with g reat room, kitchen, first floor pr imar y suite and lau nd r y Second level includes spacious lof t area, t wo additional bed rooms and a f ull bath G reat room includes a fireplace and sliders to an ext ra large side and rear deck! At tached garage, nat u ral gas heat and cent ral air This well established com mu nit y includes clubhouse, fit ness center, heated pool, 3 ten nis cou r ts (one fit ted for pickleball) along with kayak /canoe storage and docks for the larger boats $529,000/C3131

Dreaming of Sum mer in the Berkshires? Don’t miss this oppor t u nit y at Birchwood Village in Lenox Well maintained end u nit feat u r ing one level living! Spacious g reat room living room with fireplace and vaulted ceiling opens to dining room K itchen with sk ylight, g ranite cou nters, stack lau nd r y

First floor pr imar y suite, plus half bath A pr ivate open side deck and large rear screened porch with sk ylights make for g reat sum mer enter taining Spread out the g uests or family the second floor has 2 3 bed rooms (one being used as family room) plus an office/lof t space Bonus is the wal k out finished lower level Storage galore, family room, bed room, f ull bath and large cedar closet Com mu nit y pool, and ten nis and close proximit y to Miraval, Wy nd hu rst and golf $549,90 0/C3057. H I T E PI N E S

Beautif ully maintained Car r iage Bar n condo! This move in ready condo feat u res 2 bd r ms/2 5 baths Open plan with fireplaced living room and wet bar; a spacious dining area and enclosed su n porch! Oversized windows en hancing nat u ral light The galley kitchen with lots of storage and cou nter bar The pr imar y bed room with pr ivate bath, wal k in closet and access to lof Incredible amenities include an indoor pool, whirlpool, exercise room and har t r u ten Take the wal king path or d r ive to the beach on Stockbr idge Bowl where you’ll enjoy westerly views and canoe/ kayak storage Enjoy easy access to Tanglewood, K r ipalu, dow ntow n Lenox and more! $549,000/C3097

L E NOX DA L E rare oppor t unit y with acreage and access to public t ranspor tation in the village This 1860 colonial is a mix of old world char m f rom a large enclosed w rap around porch to the recently updated kitchen with quar tz counters! On the 6 5 acres is a 66 x 22 bar n with power making for a perfect workshop Hardwood floors, tow n water and sewer and nat u ral gas heat Minutes to the pedest r ian br idge leading to miles of hiking, biking in the October Mountain state forest! $359,000/ R 3116


t area










DA LTON Beautif ul parcel of land on 3+ acres Conveniently located, com pletely cleared, level, open parcel bor dered by woods for pr ivacy Access to public sewer and public water sou rce at the ent rance to the lot Gorgeous mou n tain views du r ing ever y season ready for building you r new home $149,90 0/ L3113

O T I S Create you r d ream home on these five acres in the Berkshires on the Otis/Ty r ingham border! Hillside set ting has stone outcroppings/old stone walls/ glacial rock Minutes to M A Pike Exit 2, shopping, restau rants Pr iced to sell! $47,90 0/ L3133

SAVOY Escape on 130+ acres on a count r y Road Over 2,000 f t of f rontage with acreage on both sides of the st reet The 1870s old homestead has been used for sum mer seasons only (no heat ing system) 100+ acres of recently timbered and wooded acre age on the ‘’lef t side’’ while the ‘’r ight side’’ is another 30+ acres of open manicu red, level law ns and paths abut ting state forest! First time offered. New Price $495,000/ R 3055

5 HomesofBook 202224-25,SeptemberSunday,&Saturday|EditionWeekend|TheBerkshireEagle|BerkshireEagle.com48 Housatonic St., Lenox • 413-637-4200 Celebrating over 33 years of service to our valued clients! L EE Almost 190 acres of panoramic views boast this spectacular, one of a kind, undeveloped proper t y located in the hear t of the Berkshires in Wester n Massachuset ts Conveniently located off I 90, a main ar ter y bet ween Boston and New York, this proper t y has unlimited potential for those seeking a vibrant cult u ral area nestled in all things nat u ral From a t ranquil brook to ample locations for pr ivacy and views f rom each potential building point, the apex of this proper t y offers breathtaking vistas that go on for miles and miles Open areas of land and dense wooded spots give this proper t y a diverse range of options for developers Located within minutes of Tanglewood and, for those itching for the outdoors, Goose Pond and the Appalachian Trail are nearby $1,495,000/ L3003 LENOX Compare for value! Desig n you r d ream home and make this Lenox cul de sac neighborhood the site of you r new home! Underg round utilities, nat u ral gas, tow n water and sewer This 1 8 acre parcel is in an area close to Lenox center, and close to the Lenox Middle and High School Minutes f rom cult u ral at t ractions and outdoor recreation! $209,000/ L2970 SAVOY Take me home count r y road First time offered, this lightly wooded 11+ acre parcel on Adams Road could be you r new homesite! $49,900/ L3096 PI T TSF I EL D - Incredible oppor t unit y to build the home of your d reams in a wonderf ul com munit y. Well is done. Spectacular location. $45, 500/ L3121 N EW C ON ST RUC T ION AT B E R K SHI R E C OU N T RY ME A D OWS Select finishes to you r ow n personal taste Contemporar y one level open living plan Hardwood floors, gas fireplace, 2 3 bed rooms, generously sized pr imar y suite, Screened porch, at tached t wo car garage, nat u ral gas, cent ral a /c Pool /ten nis/clubhouse on site. $759,000. C3050

R ICH MON D Much more than a piece of land, this estate parcel conveys with many per mits in place to st reamline you r building process Unique mou ntain top ret reat on over eight pr ivate acres border ing a large t ract (14 acres) of tow n ow ned conser vation land Beautif ul views over mou ntains and meadows Hike and explore you r ow n forest with mat u re t rees and year rou nd brook Per mits for sep tic, well, scenic mou ntain and conser vation work in hand Dr iveway to the top of the parcel is in! Two miles/five min utes to Tanglewood’s and /or K r ipalu. $585,0 0 0/ L2733



|EagleBerkshireTheBerkshireEagle.comWeekendEdition|Saturday&Sunday,September24-25,2022| HomesofBBook 6 Full Ser vice Local, Long Distance Residential and Commercial Moving Specialty Items Including: Pianos • Safes • Medical Equipment Commercial and Residential Climate Controlled Storage Single Item or Entire Contents of Home

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|EagleBerkshireTheBerkshireEagle.comWeekendEdition|Saturday&Sunday,September24-25,2022| HomesofBBook 8 Andrew Schnopp 446-3163 Ellen Kushi 684-1653 Gus Schnopp C har les Kulas 358-5524 H P rofessional Ser vice H Seller Representation H Buyer Representation H Free Market Evaluation H Call the Professionals of Dalton Town & Countr y today to list your home or speak to one of our Buyer agents. You can also get on our automated email list for listing sheets. Dalton Town & Count r y413 - 684 -2001 Da l ton Ra nc h hous e ce nt ra l y o c ate d w t h re p lace me nt w indow s, v iny l s id ing , newe r ro of, s o la r pa ne s wo o d t e, a nd c a r p e r fl o or s , force d hot wate r oi hea comp e e y up date d k tc he n a nd bat h, f ront a nd s d e p orc he s a nd bac k d e c k , ex t ra a rge ya rd, $20 9 9 0 0 C a l Cha rles at 413 358 5524 Dalton PineCrest Estates 8 ro o m , 4 b e d ro o m , 2 5 bat h h o m e w t h fi r s t fl o o r ma s te r b e d ro o m s u i te, o p e n fl o o r p la n c at h e d ra l c e l i ng g reat ro o m w t h fi re p lac e, fo r ma l d n ng ro o m k i tc h e n w i t h b rea k f a s t n o o k fi r s t fl o o r au n d r y t wo c a r ga rage






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PineCrest Estates, large lot, 3.2 acres $94,900 with distant views smaller lot s, $65,000 also available Acre lot, $34,900 Charles at 413-358-5524

P ro p e r t y c o n s i s t of t h r e e h o m e s w i t h a to t a of 10 u n i t s , t wo 4 u n t s a n d o n e 2 u n i t , s o l d fo r $6 0 0 , 0 0 0 , ba s i c CO-OP!

a l y a n i nve s t m e n t p ro p e r t y C a l Cha r es at 413 358 5524 P i t tsfield 1 bedroom 1 Bath condo upda es nc ude new sk yl gh 4 years o d, new water hea er 2 years o d, t le and wood flooring updated bath gas hot water and heat $201 11 a month HOA ncludes sewer, water master insurance, $149 90 0 C a l Cha rles at 413 358 5524 Dalton PineCrest Est ates T h s refined am ly home cons s t s of 4 bedrooms a ma s ter bedroom su e w th ma s er ba h a ong w ith t wo fam ly baths T he great room features a vau ted ce ing and a firep ace Cathedra ce ing enhances the d ning room plus t ha s a break a s t nook and a 2 car garage C a l Cha r es at 413 358 5524 SOLSOLD D SOLD WITH

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See comple te te stimonial and a dditional pho to s o f this project a t w r ris on sh om ei mp rovem m

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" We asked the comp an y t o do a major exp ansion o f our scr eened por ch so that it mor e than doubled in size and functioned as a thr ee-season r oom. The final pr oduct c ame out e v en be t t er than w e ha d anticip at ed.

9 HomesofBook 202224-25,SeptemberSunday,&Saturday|EditionWeekend|TheBerkshireEagle|BerkshireEagle.comBefore After WWW.MOR RI SO NS HO MEI MPRO VE MEN T.COM

Our thanks t o St e v e Morrison and e v ery one in v olv ed in bringing this pr oject t o comple tion. This thr eeseason r oom will giv e our family man y y ear s o f pleasur e and has a dded value t o our home."

|EagleBerkshireTheBerkshireEagle.comWeekendEdition|Saturday&Sunday,September24-25,2022| HomesofBBook 10 Testimonials Inve s tment in s ecur itie s, including mu tual f unds, invol ve s the r isk of lo s s Ber k shir e Money Management, Inc 161 Main S tr eet, Dalton, MA 01226 322 Main S tr eet, Gr e at Bar r ing ton, MA 01230 (8 8 8) 232- 6072 We Couldn’t Have Said it Bet ter This is a testimonial of Berkshire Money Management (BMM) by a client of the firm. BMM has not provided any direct or indirect compensation for this testimonial. BMM nudged us to st ar t t asks that ever yone should be doing but probably aren’t, including college planning that goes beyond saving s. They’re the best decision we’ve ever made. — Mike & Jen

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13 HomesofBook 202224-25,SeptemberSunday,&Saturday|EditionWeekend|TheBerkshireEagle|

You’ve Got Questions? Lynn has answers. Happy Autumn! by Lynn Arseneau

“ T he lit t le pieces of br ick t hat st ick out in a lmost a random pat ter n, cont r ibut ing so much to t he tex t ura l qua lit y of t he ex ter ior, are c a l led chiclet s, like t he chew ing g um, ” says L eslie Saul, founder of architect ure and desig n f ir m L e sl ie Sau l & A s soci ate s.

“Bra ss doork nobs w il l t y pic a l ly di sinfect t hem selves in about eight hours,” ex plain s Vancouver-ba sed Rea ltor Sha nnon McNu lt y. “ T hi s i s bec ause t he met a l ion s in bra ss and copper are act ua l ly tox ic to mold, v ir uses, and ot her liv ing t hings.”

If you have a question, email: 413 - 82

You k now t hose t imes when you just c an’t t hink ? You just c an’t “put a f inger on it”, or “ it’s on t he t ip of your tong ue?” T hen t he t imes when c an’t get creat ive or have a brain fog? I’m hav ing one of t hose days!

T hat matchy-matchy k itchen might not y ield a s many high of fers a s you’d ex pect . According to Zil low’s dat a, k itchen s w it h upper and lower c abinet s in dif ferent colors, or w it h an i sland in a dif ferent shade f rom t he rest of t he c abinet r y, ear ned sel lers an addit iona l $1,547 on average.

c a l ling a painter. Yel low ex ter iors mean an average of $3,408 less in a sel ler’s pocket , according to Zil low.

Unless you ’ ve recent ly repainted,

Lynn Arseneau, tsfield, For

ques tions and answers with you , I hope to off er some helpf ul information


Dear Readers,

opinions , and

|EagleBerkshireTheBerkshireEagle.comWeekendEdition|Saturday&Sunday,September24-25,2022| HomesofBBook 14

CBR , GRI, ABR , CRS , is affiliated with Signature Associates in Pit

MA or call

more info, visit LynnMovesYou .com or HomesInTheBerkshires .com ?

I ’ve been a Realtor for 3 6 year s . People f requently ask for my advice and by sharing those

So, here’s some f un st uf f f rom best Enjoy!

Before you put your yel low house on t he market , it might be wor t h

Just bec ause you have a garage doesn’t necessar ily mean you have enough room to keep your c ar out of t he element s. In fact , according to one 2015 st udy conducted by Gl adi ator Ga ra gework s, a quar ter of A mer ic an s pol led said t hei r ga ra ge s were so packed w it h stuf f t hat t here wa sn’t room for t heir vehicle.

your home’s ex ter ior color could prov ide some va luable in sight into it s age.

“If a house i s painted in brow n s or yel lows, it’s likely to have been built in t he ‘70 s or early ‘80 s, ” says Ly nch. Meanwhile, if it’s painted g ray or black, it’s more likely to have been built or repainted in t he pa st decade.

T hose br ick s st ick ing out f rom your Tudor home share a name w it h a popular confect ion.

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|EagleBerkshireTheBerkshireEagle.comWeekendEdition|Saturday&Sunday,September24-25,2022| HomesofBBook 16 Toni Mar ie Gage Broker/O wner 413-822-5444 Penney Cardonnel Broker/O wner, CBR 413-822-2385 AssociAtes inc. ReAl estAte Go to www. sigre alt y .com to see ou r oth er listi ngs. 127 Elm St., Pittsfield Phone (413) 443-3441


Lau r ie’s e x tensive k nowledge of t he a rea ma kes it a w in w in sit uat ion for a l l you r rea l estate needs. W hen Lau r ie isn’t sel l ing rea l estate, she enjoy s spend ing t ime w it h her fa mi ly, f r iends and t ravel ing.

A nat ive of Berk shire Count y, Lau r ie is wel l versed in a l l t hat t he a rea has to offer. Lau r ie has been act ive in rea l estate for t he past five yea rs and a lso is employed at Wi l l ia ms Col lege in t he Theater Depa r tment. She is a g raduate of MCL A , where she obta ined a Bachelor’s Deg ree in Business. Shor t ly a f ter obta ining her deg ree, Lau r ie ow ned and operated a successf u l business for 10+ yea rs. Lau r ie loves work ing in rea l estate and bu i ld ing relat ionships w it h her c l ients. Because buy ing or sel l ing a home is one of t he biggest decisions you ’ l l ma ke, Lau r ie w i l l go above and beyond to ma ke t he process as easy as possible, f rom sta r t to finish.


Penna Associate Cell: 413-822-0514 Michele Purcell Associate Cell: 413-441-2879 Lynn Arseneau Associate CBR, ABR,GRI,CRS Cell 413-822-2132 Mar y Blair Associate Cell 413-441-6648 Tony Blair Broker/Associate Cell 413-441-6648


Jennings Associate Cell 413-717-1777

Booth Associate Cell 413-446-0564 Lanesborough Contemporar y S-1177 $634,000 Call Toni Marie Gage Pittsfield Colonial S-1181 $238,000 Call Mark Har ris/ Lynn Arseneau Dalton Colonial S-1182 $315,000 Call Penney Cardonnel/ Toni Marie Gage W illiamstown Commercial Proper t y S-1180 $579,900 Call Michele Purcell Pittsfield Raised Ranch S-1178 $299,000 Call Mark Har ris/ Lynn Arseneau 413 4 4 6 056 4 Welcome to the team Laur ie Boot h NEWLISTING PENDING NENEWLISTING WLISTING NEWLISTING

Broker/Associate ABR, SFR Cell 413-822-9317

Lindhardt Associate Cell 413-345-6222

Harris Associate USN Retired Cell

Mark 413-770-3092

Deb DiMassimo

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