67th Brattleboro Winter Carnival
February 17 - 26, 2023
Sponsored by the Brattleboro
Winter Carnival Committee
February 17 - 26, 2023
Sponsored by the Brattleboro
Winter Carnival Committee
Please see details in the Winter Carnival Program, Website, and Facebook
Artful Ice Shanties - Retreat Farm all week
Latchis Theater Kidsfest Movies - $1 movies,11:00 am, 2/20 - 2/24, call Latchis at 802-246-2020 for details
Open Gym and Game Room at Gibson Aiken Center, 1:30 - 5 pm daily, see program for details.
Public Skating at Nelson Withington Skating Facility, 12:30 - 2:30 pm 2/20 - 2/24, skate rentals $3
Skiing and Snowboarding at Living Memorial Park $5 per person.
Sleigh Rides at Fair Winds Farm Upper Dummerston Rd. 2/19, 2/20, 2/24, 2/25, $6 kids,$10 adults, 1-4pm
Snowman Scavenger Hunt - Downtown all week
Winter Carnival Coloring Contest- Sponsored by Pine Heights
Winter & Snow Themed Craft Bags available at Brooks Memorial
Library Children’s Room, closed Sun.
Friday, February 17
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Ice Dancing at Nelson Withington Skating Facility sponsored by Next Stage Arts. Tickets are $20 each and available online at www.nextstagearts.org
Saturday, February 18
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Winter Carnival Outdoor Fun Day at Living Memorial Park: Free Snowmobile Rides, $1.00 Skating ($3.00 rentals), $5.00 Skiing and Snowboarding and much more!! See program for times.
VeryHungryCaterpillarFruitSaladMakingforKids withJamieChampney,Thursday,Feb23rd,10-11am
DIYHerbalEyeMask(Kids12-18) withBFC’sLisa Nichols&SusanStanton,FridayFeb24,3-4:15pm
It’saDosaDay!CookingClass(Ages9-14) withLeda &NashofDosaKitchen,Saturday,Feb25th,12-1:30pm
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Sugar-on-Snow at Living Memorial Park, $5. Hosted by the Brattleboro Rotary Club. Special thanks to Sprague & Sons Sugar House
Sunday, February 19
8:00 am - 11:00 am
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Pancake Breakfast hosted by the Elks, 75 Putney Rd, $6 adults, $4 ages 6-12, 5 and under free.
Glow Skate with music at the Nelson Withington Skating Facility. $5 per person, skate rentals $3.
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Glow Skate with music at the Nelson Withington Skating Facility. $5 per person, skate rentals $3.
Monday, February 20
9:30 am
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Jr. Olympics Downhill Ski & Snowboard Races at Living Memorial Park. Registration 9 am
Brattleboro Outing Club (BOC) Family Cross Country Skiing & Snowshoeing, suggested donation $10 or $20 per family. 73 Senator Gannett Dr, See program for details
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Family BINGO Night at the American Legion, 32 Linden St, $5/card for adults, $3/card for children 12 and under. Doors open at 5:30 pm, food and cash bar available.
Tuesday, February 21
10:00 am - 3:00 pm BOC Family Cross Country Skiing & Snowshoeing, suggested donation $10/$20 per family.
10:00 am - 3:00 pm Carnival Bowling Day at the Brattleboro Bowl, $10.00 + tax includes 2 games, shoe rental, & lunch.
6:30 pm
Craft & Pajama Storytime at Brooks Memorial Library Children’s Room, FREE
7:00 pm
Adult Dodgeball Tournament, Brattleboro Union High School gym, minimum of six people per team, pre-registration required, doors open at 6:30 pm, see program for details
Wednesday, February 22
10:00 am - 3:00 pm BOC Family Cross Country Skiing & Snowshoeing, suggested donation $10/$20 per family.
10:00 am -11:00 am Drumming About You with Bob Bloom, all ages, Brooks Memorial Library, Main St, FREE
2:30 pm Jr. Olympics Skating Races at the Nelson Withington Skating Facility. Registration 2 pm SHARP
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Whetstone Restaurant, Charity Bingo Night to benefit Brattleboro Winter Carnival.
Thursday, February 23
10:30 am - 1:00 pm BOC, Clothespin Scavenger Hunt, Kids up to 13 years old. See program for details.
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Chili Cook-off at Elks, 75 Putney Rd, $6.00 for Adults and $4.00 for 10 and under.
Friday, February 24
10:00 am – 3:00 pm 2-FOR-1 Cross Country Ski and Snowshoe Day at BOC, Adults $15, Youth 6-12 $10, Children 5 and under FREE, BOC members may bring a friend to ski/snowshoe for FREE.
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Musical Mystery Tour at Brattleboro Music Center, 72 Blanche Moyes Way, all ages, FREE
7:00 pm Variety Show at Brattleboro Union High School Auditorium, General Admission $7.00
Saturday, February 25
9:00 am - 11:45 am Ice Fishing Demonstration on Retreat Meadows hosted by VT Fish & Wildlife. Register on their website.
10:00 am - 1:00 pm Indoor Family Fun at Brattleboro Area Middle School Gym, $3/child 3+, co-sponsored by C&S
11:00 am - 8:00 pm Thirsty Goat Bar and Bonfire, Retreat Farm.
2:00 pm Artful Ice Shanties Outdoor Award Ceremony, Retreat Farm. FREE
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Glow Stick Dance Party outside at Retreat Farm for adults. FREE
Sunday, February 26
4:10 pm Withington Memorial Hockey Cup, BHA Squirts hosting Keene Squirts at the Nelson Withington Skating Facility, FREE.
Welcome to the 67th Brattleboro Winter Carnival. As the 67th Winter Carnival President it is my pleasure to share with you some of the highlights of our full program offerings of indoor and outdoor activities for 2023. We will be bringing back some of our traditional favorites that the committee has offered over the past 66 years. This includes everything from Sugar-on-Snow, the Variety Show, the Chili Cook-Off, Pancake Breakfast, Indoor Fun Day at Brattleboro Area Middle School and much more. We will continue with some new winter fun we brought forward in 2022 by teaming up with the Whetstone for Charity BINGO, a Glow Light Skate at the Nelson Withington Skating Facility, Family BINGO, and activities sponsored by Brooks Memorial Library. Again, this year we focused on sponsoring family activities that can take place in and out of your home and throughout the community. Our hope is that you will gather your family and friends and come out and enjoy our events. Some highlights of this year’s Carnival include: The Variety Show at the Brattleboro Union High School Auditorium, Cross-Country Skiing/ Snowshoeing at the Brattleboro Outing Club, and Skiing & Snowboarding at Living Memorial Park. Also on the schedule will be Ice Skating at the Nelson Withington Skating Facility, attending the Chili Cook-Off at the Elks, enjoying the Movie Matinees at Latchis, going on a Scavenger Hunt in downtown Brattleboro to finding a snowman in the windows of local businesses or grabbing your crayons entering the coloring contest. Please join us at the Brattleboro Music Center for a new offering that will bring excitement to the whole family in a musical mystery tour at the BMC across from the Living Memorial Park. You can check out our website for a complete listing of our activities at www.brattleborowintercarnival.org or you can follow us on our Brattleboro Winter Carnival Facebook page. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the committee members who used their creative energies to come up with new programs and activities in these challenging times and to personally extend a special thank you to them for volunteering their time to bring these exciting family activities to the 2023 Winter Carnival.
A special thank goes out to all of our 2023 sponsors and event venues. Please find a complete listing of our sponsors on our website. We couldn’t do it without your support! I look forward to seeing all your creative postings on our Facebook page at Brattleboro Winter Carnival and all of you out and about as you enjoy this years’ events.
Carol Lolatte 67th Brattleboro Wintear Carnival President67th Brattleboro Winter Carnival, 2023
2022 Carol Lolatte
2021 Carol Lolatte
2020 Nancy Doyle
2019 Rosemary Harris
2018 Dawn Ravenna
2017 Carol Lolatte
2016 Belinda Lashway
2015 Jamie Lynn Howard
2014 Debbie Partrick
2013 Nancy Doyle
2012 Terri Barrett
2011 Carol Lolatte
2010 Laurie Kuralt
2009 Rosemary Harris
2008 Kathleen Saunders
2007 Jackie Dix
2006 Deb Heller (50th)
2005 Samantha Houle
2004 Lisa Johnson
2003 Belinda Lashway
2002 Bruce Lawrence
2001 Carole (CJ) Cummings
2000 Patty Walior
1999 Steven Dix
1998 Steven Patch
1997 Emilie Thomas
1996 Bonnie Carr (40th)
1995 Marlene Jameson
1994 Peggy DeAngelis
1993 Carol Lolatte
1992 Charlotte Harrington
1991 Craig Bengtson
1990 Michael McKenzie
1989 Dana Nelson
1988 Linda Dierks
1987 Gene Krisher
1986 Bruce Corwin (30th)
1985 Ken Heile
1984 Greg Worden
1983 Fred Noble
1982 John Enola
1981 Desi Lane
1980 William Bengtson
1979 Jack Dempsey
1978 Gary Ferguson
1977 John Godfrey
1976 Dave Pearson (20th)
1975 Richard Waitt
1974 Richard Rousseau
1973 Andrew W Wind
1972 William M McCarty
1971 William P Bedard
1970 Francis Speno
1969 Robert G Abel
1968 David E Parnigoni
1967 David H LaMarche
1966 Robert H Jones (10th)
1965 Donald E Long
1964 Roger Miller
1963 Robert H Gibson
1962 W Robert Johnson, Jr
1961 Fred H Harris
1960 Pliny N Burrows
1959 Peter Van Iderstine
1958 Robert C Clapp
1957 Robert C Clapp (1st)
Secretary: Lynn Patno
Treasurer: Kim Isaacsen
Publicity: Erin Wessel
Program: Erin Wessel, Gwyneth Mogg-Hall, and Jessica Bennett
Directors: Jeni Clary
Ricky Davidson
Lisa JessicaJohnsonLawrence
Lynda Lawrence
Dawn Ravenna
Nina Willson
ContemporaryAmericanArt&Crafts 67
C&S Wholesale Grocers
Donations in memory of Jeff
802 Credit Union
Brattleboro Elks Lodge #1499
Brattleboro Kiwanis Club
Brattleboro Reformer
Pine Heights
Best Muffler & Auto Care
Brattleboro Savings and Loan
Professional Dental Care
Brattleboro Sunrise Rotary Club
The Richards Group
Vermont Country Deli
Berkley & Veller Inc.
Burrows Specialized Sports
Dr. Robert Tortolani
Lawton Floor Design
802 Credit Union American Legion Post #5 Berkley & Veller Inc.
Best Muffler & Auto Care
Brattleboro Bowl
Brattleboro Area Chamber of Commerce
Brattleboro Area Middle School
Brattleboro Elks Lodge #1499
Brattleboro Hockey Association
Brattleboro Kiwanis Club
Brattleboro Museum and Art Center
Brattleboro Music Center
Brattleboro Outing Club
Brattleboro Recreation & Parks
BrattleboroDepartment Reformer
Brattleboro Rotary Club
Brattleboro Savings and Loan
Brattleboro Sunrise Rotary Club
Brattleboro Union High School
Brooks Memorial Library
Burrows Specialized Sports
C& S Wholesale Grocers, Inc.
DBC Rentals Plus
Donations in memory of Jeff Durborow
Brattleboro Alliance Dummerston School
Erik Kidney Distributing
Fair Winds Farm
Friends of the Brooks
Memorial Library
Maria Glabach
Latchis Theatre & Hotel
Lawton Floor Design
Living Memorial Park
Snow Sports
Marty Sprague & Son
Sugar House
Milt Gilmore
Next Stage Arts
Dental Care
Retreat Farm
The Clark Farm
The Richards Group
The Works
Trend Business Solutions
Vermont Country Deli
Vernon Trail Breakers
West Bee Nursery School
Whetstone Station
Wild Carrot Farm
Thank you to the Chili Cook-off Contestants
Saturday 2/18 - Sunday 2/26
Sponsored by Pine Heights at Brattleboro, Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation
Saturday, February 18th - Thursday, February 23rd
It’s time to have some fun, get creative and show off some amazing coloring skills! This year’s coloring contest is open to children in the following age groups: 0-4, 5-7, 8-12.
You can pick up this year’s coloring page downtown at Brooks Memorial Library, at the Brattleboro Recreation Department, or at the Nelson Withington Skating Facility. You can also find it on the back of our calendar of events, in the 2023 Brattleboro Winter Carnival program published in the Brattleboro Reformer (on page 23), and on the Brattleboro Winter Carnival website where it is available to download.
Please turn in your completed entry to the Brooks Memorial Library Children’s Room any day from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. All entries received by Thursday, February 23rd will be eligible for judging by a panel of Pine Heights residents. Only one entry per person. Be sure to include the artist’s first name, age and parent’s contact information so winners can be notified.
Please note: submissions may be shared on our Facebook page!
Retreat Meadows
Saturday, February 18th - Sunday, February 26th
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Presented by the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center and Retreat Farm, the Artful Ice Shanties outdoor exhibit is a place-based celebration of artistic talent, creative ingenuity, and the rich history of ice fishing at the Retreat Meadows.
This year, most of the shanties will be displayed on the Retreat Meadows ice, with an ice shanty “village” by the farmhouse at Retreat Farm. We’ll have free hot chocolate every day and some drop-in activities from Saturday, February 18th through Sunday, February 26th.
This is the third year for Artful Ice Shanties. In February 2021, over 1,000 people visited the exhibit, and in 2022, over 1,700 people attended. Past Artful Ice Shanties have included:
• Namaskônek, a shanty inspired by the Algonquin ancestors of the region
• A glass box that used recycled lenses to simulate the experience of the northern lights
• A shanty by third and fourth graders that displayed animals’ winter survival strategies
• An enormous black die with moon-shaped dots
• A seascape with a three-dimensional octopus
• A shanty shaped like Baba Yaga’s house
Join us on Saturday, February 25th at 2:00 pm for a wintry, wonderful outdoor Awards Ceremony where a panel of local judges will give out an array of awards for ice shanties with notably artistic, inventive, or silly qualities.
Winter Carnival Health Guidelines
We encourage everyone to enjoy our Winter Carnival Activities however we ask that you not participate if you are feeling unwell or have been in close contact with a person who has COVID-19.
Saturday, February 19th - Sunday, February 26th
Walk about town and keep an eye out for the many Carnival Snowmen posted in storefront windows of participating businesses. From Wells Fountain on the north end of Main Street all the way down to the Brattleboro Food Coop you can spy the Snowman on display. Feel free to post how many you’ve found on the Winter Carnival Facebook page, and at the end of the week we will let you in on how many were hidden!
Latchis Theater, Main Street Brattleboro
Monday, February 20th - Friday, February 24th 11:00 am
$1.00 General Admission
Come out of the cold and into the fun! Once again, Latchis Theatre is graciously providing a family friendly opportunity to see a recently released movie at a greatly discounted price! Movies sell out fast so come and get your snacks at the concession stand and find a good seat! Movie titles will be announced closer to Winter Carnival Week so check the Brattleboro Winter Carnival Facebook page for updates or call Latchis at 802-246-1500. See you there!
(Closed Sundays)
Pick up a Bag-o-Fun for families at the library, with winter and snow themed crafts and activities to do together, during Winter Carnival Week.
The craft bags will be available and located in the Children’s Room to be picked up.
Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department
Gibson Aiken Center
February 20th - February 24th
12:30 - 2:30 pm
The Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department is offering additional Open Gym and Game Room hours February 20 - 24, for those in grades K-12th grade at the Gibson Aiken Center. Open Gym and Game Room is a wonderful FREE program for children of all ages. It is a supervised program with a variety of activities to choose from. Along with basketball there is foosball, air hockey, pool, arts and crafts, Lego’s and more! Feel free to check children in with the Recreation and Parks staff or you can stay and play with your children!
For more information call the Brattleboro Recreation office at 802-254-5808.
Brattleboro Park and Recreation Department
Nelson Withington Skating Facility
February 20th - February 24th
12:30 - 2:30 pm
Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department will have additional Public Skating times from 12:30 to 2:30 pm on February 20 –24. Skate rentals will be available for $3.00!
For more information call the Brattleboro Recreation office at 802-254-5808 or the Nelson Withington Skating Facility at 802257-2311.
118 Fairly Wild Way (Upper Dummerston Rd), Brattleboro
February 19, February 20, February 24, February 25
1:00 - 4:00 pm
Adults $10.00, Children 2 -12 $5.00
Contact information: 802-579-1261
Weather permitting, call ahead or visit the Wild Carrot Farm Facebook page for cancellations
Friday 2/17
Presented By Next Stage Arts
Nelson Withington Skating Facility
Friday, February 17th
7:15 – 8:30 pm
Le Patin Libre is a contemporary ice-skating company from Montreal, originally founded in 2005 by ex-high-level figure skaters. They regrouped with the intention of transforming their athleticism into a means of free expression. Far from sparkles, stereotypes and champions’ demos, the creations of Le Patin Libre propose real works of art exploiting the amazing choreographic and theatrical potential of glide.
In Carte Blanche, Le Patin Libre’s founders share the essence of their contemporary skating: glide, virtuosity, freedom. With joyful authenticity and no frills, the revolutionary skating-artists combine excerpts of their most-acclaimed pieces and short pieces to create a festive, accessible and impressive entry-door to their new choreographic art form.
Tickets for the event can be purchased online at www.nextstagearts. org. The cost of a general admission ticket is $20.00 each, for more information email info@nextstagearts.org or call 802-451-0053.
Saturday 2/18
Saturday, February 18th
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Several outdoor fun and winter activities are being planned for this special day at Living Memorial Park. There is something for everyone, take your pick! There will be skating at the Nelson Withington Skating Facility, the Ski Lift will be in operation (weather permitting), snowmobile rides, or you can display your creativity by participating in the Snow Sculpture Contest. Prizes will be awarded.
Free hot dogs and Hot chocolate will be served during the Family Day Events.
Gather up your friends and family and join in on the fun at the Park!
10:30 am - 1:30 pm
11:00 am -2:00 pm
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
Snow Sculpture Contest
Snowmobile Rides with Vernon Trail Breakers
Stick Time
Resident Students $3.00 / Resident Adults $4.00
Non-Resident Students $4.00 / Adults $5.00
1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Skating $1.00 –
Rentals $3.00
Living Memorial Park
Saturday, February 18th
Noon – 2:00 pm
Hosted by: The Brattleboro Rotary Club
Come try one of the sweetest Vermont traditions of the season. Golden brown syrup warmed to the perfect temperature. Pour this amazing liquid onto a clean bowl of snow and magically it turns into a very tasteful snack. Served up with a donut and pickle to cut the sweetness. This is a must try winter treat. A special thanks to the Brattleboro Rotary Club and Marty Sprague of Sprague & Son Sugar House. Cost $5.00.
Sunday 2/19
Brattleboro Elks Lodge, 75 Putney Rd
Sunday, February 19
8:00 – 11:00 am
Adults $6.00, Children 6 - 12 $4.00, Children under 5 Free
Come start your day off with a great breakfast and good conversation with great people! This popular Winter Carnival Event is back after two years and we have missed you all! Bring the whole family for sausage, local bagels, fresh fruit salad, and pancakes you can top with locally made 100% Vermont maple syrup, donated by the Clark Farm, Maria Glabach, and West Bee Nursery School.
118 Fairly Wild Way (Upper Dummerston Rd), Brattleboro
1:00 - 4:00 pm
Adults $10.00, Children 2 -12 $5.00
Contact information: 802-579-1261
Weather permitting, call ahead or visit the Wild Carrot Farm Facebook page for cancellations
Nelson Withington Skating Facility
Sunday, February 19th
Two Sessions: 5:30 – 7:00 pm, 7:30 - 9:00 pm
Come and join us for an evening of fun on the ice! Cool new
lights, a new playlist and plenty of glowing give-aways! It was such a big hit last year, we are now offering 2 sessions!
Admission $5.00 per session which includes a glow necklace. Skate rentals are available for $3.00 per session. Participants are encouraged to bring/wear their own glow items!
Monday 2/20
Living Memorial Park
Monday, February 20th 9:30 am
Registration at 9:00 am SHARP
Young Olympians of the future are invited to participate in the Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department Jr. Olympic Races.
Monday, February 20th 9:30 am
Downhill & Snowboard Races (Living Memorial Park)
Wednesday, February 22nd 2:30 pm
Skating Races (Living Memorial Park)
Students from school grades 1-12 are eligible and are encouraged to enter the events. All events are free of charge; there will be five grade groups for each event; grades 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, and 9-12. Each event will have a boy’s division and girl’s division. Ribbons will be awarded to the first five winners in each division and participation ribbons to all. Register for each event the morning of the event.
Carol Lolatte, Recreation and Parks Director, Sarah Clark, Assistant Director, and Matt Tibbs, Program Coordinator will direct the Junior Olympics. These events are co-sponsored by the Recreation and Parks Department and Winter Carnival. Special thanks goes to Living Memorial Park Snow Sports for operating the Ski Lift on Monday for the downhill and snowboard races.
Brattleboro Outing Club
Monday, February 20th - Wednesday, February 22nd 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Enjoy snowshoeing or cross country skiing on the trails at the Brattleboro Outing Club, located at the Brattleboro Country Club. There are miles of well-groomed ski trails, for beginners and advanced skiers, as well as several miles of snowshoe trails.
The suggested donation is $10.00 for an individual or $20.00 per household. Please place all donations in the box located on the kiosk just outside of the BOC Ski Hut. Please be sure to sign in at the kiosk to use the trails.
You may bring your own ski or snowshoe equipment or borrow snowshoes from the Brooks Memorial Library. Alternatively, rental equipment will be available for a fee from the BOC Ski Hut. All rentals will need to be returned by 3:00 pm.
For more information, visit www.brattleborooutingclub.org/ cross-country-skiing
Latchis Theater, Main Street Brattleboro
Monday, February 20th - Friday, February 24th
11:00 am
$1.00 General Admission
Come out of the cold and into the fun! Once again, Latchis Theatre is graciously providing a family friendly opportunity to see a recently released movie at a greatly discounted price! Movies sell out fast so come and get your snacks at the concession stand and find a good seat! Movie titles will be announced closer to Winter Carnival Week so check the Brattleboro Winter Carnival Facebook page for updates or call Latchis at 802-246-1500. See you there!
Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department
Gibson Aiken Center
February 20th - February 24th
12:30 - 2:30 pm
The Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department is offering additional Open Gym and Game Room hours February 20 - 24, for those in grades K-12th grade at the Gibson Aiken Center.
Open Gym and Game Room is a wonderful FREE program for children of all ages. It is a supervised program with a variety of activities to choose from. Along with basketball there is foosball, air hockey, pool, arts and crafts, Lego’s and more! Feel free to check children in with the Recreation and Parks Staff or you can stay and play with your children!
For more information call the Brattleboro Recreation office at 802-254-5808.
Brattleboro Park and Recreation Department
Nelson Withington Skating Facility
February 20th - February 24th
12:30 - 2:30 pm
Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department will have additional Public Skating times from 12:30 to 2:30 pm on February 20 –24. Skate rentals will be available for $3.00!
For more information call the Brattleboro Recreation office at 802254-5808 or the Nelson Withington Skating Facility at 802-257-2311.
118 Fairly Wild Way (Upper Dummerston Rd), Brattleboro
February 19, February 20, February 24, February 25
1:00 - 4:00 pm
Adults $10.00, Children 2 -12 $5.00
Contact information: 802-579-1261
Weather permitting, call ahead or visit the Wild Carrot Farm Facebook page for cancellations
Brattleboro American Legion, 32 Linden Street
Monday, February 20th
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Doors open at 5:30 pm
Join us for a night of family fun and BINGO at the Brattleboro American Legion! Doors open at 5:30 pm with yummy food and drinks available for purchase. Bingo begins at 6:00 pm and will run until 8:00 pm. Enjoy a variety of prizes and take a chance in the 50/50 raffle. All ages welcome!
$5.00 per card (good for all games)
$3.00 per card for children 12 and under.
Brattleboro Outing Club
Monday, February 20th - Wednesday, February 22nd
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Enjoy snowshoeing or cross country skiing on the trails at the Brattleboro Outing Club, located at the Brattleboro Country Club. There are miles of well-groomed ski trails, for beginners and advanced skiers, as well as several miles of snowshoe trails.
The suggested donation is $10.00 for an individual or $20.00 per household. Please place all donations in the box located on the kiosk just outside of the BOC Ski Hut. Please be sure to sign in at the kiosk to use the trails.
You may bring your own ski or snowshoe equipment or borrow snowshoes from the Brooks Memorial Library. Alternatively, rental equipment will be available for a fee from the BOC Ski Hut. All rentals will need to be returned by 3:00 pm.
For more information, visit www.brattleborooutingclub.org/ cross-country-skiing
Brattleboro Bowl on Putney Rd.
Tuesday, February 21st
10:00 am to 3:00 pm
On Tuesday, February 21st, children are invited for a day of bowling at the Brattleboro Bowl from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm. This event is open to all
ages, children under the age of 10 need to be with an adult. For just $10 plus tax you will get to bowl two games, get bowling shoes, a hot dog, and a drink. Of this fee Winter Carnival will receive $1.00 per person. For more information: please call the Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department at 802-254-5808.
Latchis Theater, Main Street Brattleboro
Monday, February 20th - Friday, February 24th
11:00 am
$1.00 General Admission
Come out of the cold and into the fun! Once again, Latchis Theatre is graciously providing a family friendly opportunity to see a recently released movie at a greatly discounted price! Movies sell out fast so come and get your snacks at the concession stand and find a good seat! Movie titles will be announced closer to Winter Carnival Week so check the Brattleboro Winter Carnival Facebook page for updates or call Latchis at 802-246-1500. See you there!
Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department
Gibson Aiken Center
February 20th - February 24th
12:30 - 2:30 pm
The Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department is offering additional Open Gym and Game Room hours February 20 - 24, for those in grades K-12th grade at the Gibson Aiken Center. Open Gym and Game Room is a wonderful FREE program for children of all ages. It is a supervised program with a variety of activities to choose from. Along with basketball there is foosball, air hockey, pool, arts and crafts, Lego’s and more! Feel free to check children in with the Recreation and Parks Staff or you can stay and play with your children!
For more information call the Brattleboro Recreation office at 802-254-5808
Brattleboro Park and Recreation Department
Nelson Withington Skating Facility
February 20th - February 24th
12:30 - 2:30 pm
Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department will have additional Public Skating times from 12:30 to 2:30 pm on February 20 –24. Skate rentals will be available for $3.00!
For more information call the Brattleboro Recreation office at 802254-5808 or the Nelson Withington Skating Facility at 802-257-2311.
Brooks Memorial Library Children’s Room
Tuesday, February 21st
6:30 pm
Put on your pjs and join us at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, February 21st for our Craft & Pajama Storytime. Perfect for families and kids of all ages. We will start with a craft and a yummy snack. Miss Lindsay and Miss Chloe will read their favorite bedtime stories and finish with a lullaby or two. The Children’s Room is located on the top floor of Brooks Memorial Library at 224 Main Street in Brattleboro. For more information call the Children’s Room at 802254-5290 ext 1210 or visit brookslibraryvt.org/kids/events/.
This event is free and open to the public.
Brattleboro Union High School
Tuesday, February 21st
7:00 pm
If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball! Join us at the BUHS Gymnasium February 21st for the FIRST EVER Brattleboro Winter Carnival Adult Dodgeball Tournament! Balls fly at 7pm sharp. Local area businesses and residents will take each other on in a double elimination bracket, competing for the BWC Adult Dodgeball Tournament Champion title! Come watch it all go down or register a team to compete!
You can find team registration information as well as rules and regulations on the Brattleboro Winter Carnival Facebook page. Teams must have a minimum of 6 players, with up to 6 additional alternates/substitutes. The registration fee is $50 per team of 6, plus $5 for each additional player (up to 12 total players).
PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED for this event and is DUE 2/14/23. We need at least 12 teams to run the tournament and will limit the total number of teams to 15, so send in your registration fast! Registration forms can be sent to: info@brattleborowintercarnival.org (use subject line: DODGEBALL to ensure it doesn’t get lost) or to the address listed below. Once we confirm your registration, fees can be cash or check (paid to Brattleboro Winter Carnival) and mailed to P.O. Box 66, Brattleboro, VT 05302. Participants will need to sign a waiver prior to the tournament. Spectators of all ages are encouraged to attend at no charge, but donations will be accepted. See you there!
Brattleboro Outing Club
Monday, February 20th - Wednesday, February 22nd 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Enjoy snowshoeing or cross country skiing on the trails at the Brattleboro Outing Club, located at the Brattleboro Country Club. There are miles of well-groomed ski trails, for beginners and advanced skiers, as well as several miles of snowshoe trails. The suggested donation is $10.00 for an individual or $20.00 per
household. Please place all donations in the box located on the kiosk just outside of the BOC Ski Hut. Please be sure to sign in at the kiosk to use the trails.
You may bring your own ski or snowshoe equipment or borrow snowshoes from the Brooks Memorial Library. Alternatively, rental equipment will be available for a fee from the BOC Ski Hut. All rentals will need to be returned by 3:00 pm.
For more information, visit www.brattleborooutingclub.org/ cross-country-skiing
Brooks Memorial Library
Wednesday, February 22nd
10:00 am
The Brooks Memorial Library is going to rock Wednesday, February 22 with Drumming About You. Bob Bloom is bringing a colorful cargo of drums for everyone to get their hearts and hands around.
Together with Bob Bloom, we’ll sparkle with legendary songs that have high-octane melodies and joyous beats. The event is free of charge.
Latchis Theater, Main Street Brattleboro
Monday, February 20th - Friday, February 24th
11:00 am
$1.00 General Admission
Come out of the cold and into the fun! Once again, Latchis Theatre is graciously providing a family friendly opportunity to see a recently released movie at a greatly discounted price! Movies sell out fast so come and get your snacks at the concession stand and find a good seat! Movie titles will be announced closer to Winter Carnival Week so check the Brattleboro Winter Carnival Facebook page for updates or call Latchis at 802-246-1500. See you there!
Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department
Gibson Aiken Center
February 20th - February 24th
12:30 - 2:30 pm
The Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department is offering additional Open Gym and Game Room hours February 20 - 24, for those in grades K-12th grade at the Gibson Aiken Center.
Open Gym and Game Room is a wonderful FREE program for children of all ages. It is a supervised program with a variety of activities to choose from. Along with basketball there is foosball, air hockey, pool, arts and crafts, Lego’s and more! Feel free to check children in with the Recreation and Parks Staff or you can stay and play with your children!
For more information call the Brattleboro Recreation office at 802-254-5808.
Brattleboro Park and Recreation Department
Nelson Withington Skating Facility
February 20th - February 24th
12:30 - 2:30 pm
Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department will have additional Public Skating times from 12:30 to 2:30 pm on February 20 –24. Skate rentals will be available for $3.00!
For more information call the Brattleboro Recreation office at 802-254-5808 or the Nelson Withington Skating Facility at 802257-2311
Living Memorial Park
Wednesday, February 22nd 2:30 pm
Registration at 2:00 pm SHARP
Young Olympians of the future are invited to participate in the Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department Jr. Olympic Races.
Monday, February 20th 9:30 am
Downhill & Snowboard Races (Living Memorial Park)
Wednesday, February 22nd 2:30 pm
Skating Races (Living Memorial Park)
Students from school grades 1-12 are eligible and are encouraged to enter the events. All events are free of charge; there will be five grade groups for each event; grades 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, and 9-12. Each event will have a boy’s division and girl’s division. Ribbons will be awarded to the first five winners in each division and participation ribbons to all. Register for each event the morning of the event.
Carol Lolatte, Recreation and Parks Director, Sarah Clark, Assistant Director, and Matt Tibbs, Program Coordinator will direct
the Junior Olympics. These events are co-sponsored by the Recreation and Parks Department and Winter Carnival. Special thanks goes to Living Memorial Park Snow Sports for operating the Ski Lift on Monday for the downhill and snowboard races.
Whetstone Station
Wednesday, February 22nd
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Whetstone Station hosts BINGO from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm with ten prize rounds and buy-in is just $1 per bingo card! We can all use a little time with friends so what better way to cozy up with great food and drinks than to play a classic game of bingo and support the continued offerings of Winter Carnival.
Whetstone Station is located downtown at 36 Bridge St., Brattleboro.
Brattleboro Outing Club
Thursday, February 23rd 10:30 am - 2:30 pm
Kids up to age 13 are invited to go on a scavenger hunt on the BOC snowshoe trails.
Collect clothespins of 4-5 different colors to earn a treat at the BOC Ski Hut.
The Brattleboro Outing Club Ski Hut is located at the Brattleboro Country Club.
Snowshoes are available on a first-come, first-served basis:
**For loan at the Brooks Memorial Library.
**For rental (free to BOC Members; $5.00 for Non-members) at the BOC Ski/Snowshoe Hut
Latchis Theater, Main Street Brattleboro
Monday, February 20th - Friday, February 24th 11:00 am
$1.00 General Admission
Come out of the cold and into the fun! Once again, Latchis Theatre is graciously providing a family friendly opportunity to see a recently released movie at a greatly discounted price! Movies sell out fast so come and get your snacks at the concession stand and find a good seat! Movie titles will be announced closer to Winter Carnival Week so check the Brattleboro Winter Carnival Facebook page for updates or call Latchis at 802-2461500. See you there!
Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department
Gibson Aiken Center
February 20th - February 24th
12:30 - 2:30 pm
The Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department is offering
additional Open Gym and Game Room hours February 20 - 24, for those in grades K-12th grade at the Gibson Aiken Center. Open Gym and Game Room is a wonderful FREE program for children of all ages. It is a supervised program with a variety of activities to choose from. Along with basketball there is foosball, air hockey, pool, arts and crafts, Lego’s and more! Feel free to check children in with the Recreation and Parks Staff or you can stay and play with your children!
For more information call the Brattleboro Recreation office at 802-254-5808.
Brattleboro Park and Recreation Department
Nelson Withington Skating Facility
February 20th - February 24th
12:30 - 2:30 pm
Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department will have additional Public Skating times from 12:30 to 2:30 pm on February 20 –24. Skate rentals will be available for $3.00!
For more information call the Brattleboro Recreation office at 802254-5808 or the Nelson Withington Skating Facility at 802-257-2311
Brattleboro Elks Lodge (75 Putney Road)
Thursday, February 23rd
5:30 - 7:30 pm
$6.00 - Adults
$4.00 - Children 10 and under
Brattleboro Winter Carnival would like to welcome back the Chili Cook Off
Come out and support your local restaurants as they compete for the honor of “best chili”. Sample delicious chili and cast your votes!
Friday, February 24th
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
The Brattleboro Outing Club invites the public to share the freedom and fun of cross country skiing and snowshoeing on the trails at the Brattleboro Outing Club, located at the Brattleboro Country Club. There are miles of well-groomed ski trails, for beginners and advanced skiers, as well as several miles of snowshoe trails.
Participants fees are as follows - $15.00 Adults, $10.00 Youth ages 6 -25, free children 5 & under. Pairs of participants should pay for one
pass at the higher rate, if two rates are involved. BOC XC Ski and Snowshoe members may bring a friend to ski and snowshoe free. Please place all trail fees in the box located on the kiosk just outside of the BOC Ski Hut. Please be sure to sign in at the kiosk to use the trails.
You may bring your own ski or snowshoe equipment or borrow snowshoes from the Brooks Memorial Library. Alternatively, rental equipment will be available for a fee from the BOC Ski Hut. All rentals will need to be returned by 3:00 pm.
For more information, visit www.brattleborooutingclub.org/ cross-country-skiing
Latchis Theater, Main Street, Brattleboro
Monday, February 20th - Friday, February 24th
11:00 am
$1.00 General Admission
Come out of the cold and into the fun! Once again, Latchis Theatre is graciously providing a family friendly opportunity to see a recently released movie at a greatly discounted price! Movies sell out fast so come and get your snacks at the concession stand and find a good seat! Movie titles will be announced closer to Winter Carnival Week so check the Brattleboro Winter Carnival Facebook page for updates or call Latchis at 802-246-1500. See you there!
Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department
Gibson Aiken Center
February 20th - February 24th
12:30 - 2:30 pm
The Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department is offering additional Open Gym and Game Room hours February 20 - 24, for those in grades K-12th grade at the Gibson Aiken Center. Open Gym and Game Room is a wonderful FREE program for children of all ages. It is a supervised program with a variety of activities to choose from. Along with basketball there is foosball, air hockey, pool, arts and crafts, Lego’s and more! Feel free to check children in with the Recreation and Parks Staff or you can stay and play with your children!
For more information call the Brattleboro Recreation office at 802-254-5808.
Brattleboro Park and Recreation Department
Nelson Withington Skating Facility
February 20th - February 24th
12:30 - 2:30 pm
Brattleboro Recreation and Parks Department will have additional Public Skating times from 12:30 to 2:30 pm on February 20 –24. Skate rentals will be available for $3.00!
For more information call the Brattleboro Recreation office at 802-254-5808 or the Nelson Withington Skating Facility at 802257-2311
Brattleboro Music Center
Friday, February 24th
1:00 - 3:00 pm
Free for all ages
Have you ever wondered how music started, or how it works?
The Brattleboro Music Center’s (BMC) Musical Mystery Tour will explore these questions and more through role play, instrument making, and explorative performance! Participants will place themselves in the role of early humans to “discover” music, and through hands-on trial and error, will explore the science behind instrument making and music. At the end of the tour, we will jam out on our newly crafted instruments!
118 Fairly Wild Way (Upper Dummerston Rd), Brattleboro
February 19, February 20, February 24, February 25
1:00 - 4:00 pm
Adults $10.00, Children 2 -12 $5.00
Contact information: 802-579-1261
Weather permitting, call ahead or visit the Wild Carrot Farm Facebook page for cancellations
Brattleboro Union High School Auditorium
Friday, February 24th
Box office opens at 6:00pm, Show begins at 7:00pm
$7.00 General Admission
The Brattleboro Winter Carnival Variety Show is back on a new night and better than ever! Come in from the cold, sit back and relax as some amazing local talent takes the stage! Singers, dancers, acrobats, drama, comedy and more! This is a night of family fun for all!
Brattleboro Area Middle School Gymnasium
Saturday, February 25th
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Join us for a morning of fun as we welcome back Carnival Indoor Family Fun Day. Co-sponsored by C & S Wholesale Grocers. The indoor air bounce activities will be provided by Rentals Plus include: two bounce houses, and a giant obstacle course. These different activities are open to ages three and up ONLY.
In addition, there will be face painting, and activities provided by local businesses and organizations.
The cost of this event is $3.00 per child and parents are free. Come out and enjoy the fun!
118 Fairly Wild Way (Upper Dummerston Rd), Brattleboro
February 19, February 20, February 24, February 2
1:00 - 4:00 pm
Adults $10.00, Children 2 -12 $5.00
Contact information: 802-579-1261
Weather permitting, call ahead or visit the Wild Carrot Farm Facebook page for cancellations
Retreat Farm
Saturday, February 25, 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
Come join us at the Thirsty Goat bar from 11:00 am - 8:00 pm as we serve Vermont Craft Brews, Vermont ciders and wine from the porch of the Retreat Farm Farmstand. You can also dine there with Jaci’s BBQ Joint!
Retreat Meadows
Saturday, February 25, 9:00 - 11:45 pm
This demonstration hosted by VT Fish & WIldlife will run from 9:00 am - 11:45 am. You can register here: https://www.register-ed.com/events/view/193168
Retreat Farm
Saturday February 25, 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Come dance in the snow at our Glow Stick Dance Party! Located in the front lawn of Retreat Farm. Dance, explore the ice shanties at night, and have some yummy food and drink!
Nelson Withington Skating Facility
Sunday, February 26th 4:10 pm
The Brattleboro Hockey Association will be presenting the 21st Annual Withington Memorial Cup Game on Sunday, February 26th at 4:10 pm at the Nelson Withington Skating Facility. Each year a Brattleboro team invites a worthy opponent to compete for the cherished Withington Cup. This year the BHA Squirts will be hosting the Keene Squirts.
Dress warmly and come out and enjoy a great game of hockey!