SATURDAY,MARCH9-10AMTO3PM “Leap”intoSpringwithagoodbookatthe FriendsBookSale!!!! FEATURING: “AllThingsIrish,”BestSellers, ChildrenandYoungAdultFavorites,TradePaperbacks, BookSets,SignedBooks,Literature,Art,History,Science, African-American,Travel,‘Old’Books,Cookbooks, Gardening,Sports,MusicCDs,DVDs,VinylRecords(including aselectionofJazz),Puzzles,Games,BerkshiresandBeyond (MelvilletoRockwell),ANDMUCH,MUCHMORE.
1WendellAve,Pittsfield,MA413.499.9493 friends@pittsfieldlibrary.org
SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 6, 2024 • FIRST SECTION AD DEADLINE — 11:00 AM FRIDAYS! PAGE 5 DISCOVEROURFULLSUITEOF DIGITAL&PRINTSOLUTIONS REACHCUSTOMERSANYWHERE,ANYTIME 413-496-6322 TALONMEDIAAGENCY.COM EMPOWERINGBRANDSTOSOAR SEO/SEM SOCIALMEDIA GEOFENCING CONTENT WEBSITES STREAMINGVIDEO JVHOUSEKEEPINGINC. LizbethBarron Weofferalltypesofcleaning: •CommercialSpace •Residentialandmore 845-366-8722 jvhousekeeping13@gmail.com Callus!Wehaveexcellentservice. (518)3923883 673Route203,Spencertown,NY www.MadsenOverheadDoors.com MADSEN OVERHEADDOORS Fast,friendlyservicesince1954 Servingthe areaforover 65Years! MadsenOverheadDoors offersnumerousdoor optionstofitanybudget! Residential,commercial& industrialdoors,electric operators,radiocontrols, sales&service. •TVSales •ServiceInstallation •OutsideHD AntennaInstallation •WiFiEnhancements REPAIRSonall:TVs,Stereos,VintageElectronics Dave’ s TV We’veMoved! Ournewaddressis 279SmithfieldRd.,Millerton,NY12546 Callforappointment 518-789-3881 SEWING BY RACHEL. Zippers, cushions, light upholstery, dog beds, horse blanket repairs, general repairs. (208)-270-9730. SEASONED FIREWOOD 16"-20"length-$300-$350 per cord delivered/dumped. Pricing depends on delivery address. Scott Amstead 413-644-0169 (HP not cell).
Electric Inc.
MONTHRUFRI8:30-4 SAT8-12•CLOSEDSUN Celebrating7 Years InBusiness 252MainStreet,Lee,MA•413-243-0690•HenrysElectricInc.com Familyowned,operatedandcommittedtoservingBerkshireCountyandbeyondsince1946
Courtesyof Tom'sToys & JWSArtSupplies
Showoffyourartistictalentsbycoloringthecoloringpagebelowandsubmittingthefinishedpage forachancetowina$25GiftCard!Contestisdividedintotwoagegroups,children4-7and8-12.
Contest submissions mustbereceivedby 4pmonThursday, March14,2024
Emailtoads@shoppersguideinc.com. OfficehoursareMondaythruFriday8:30amto4:30pm. (8) EmployeesorrelativesofNewEnglandNewspapersInc.areineligibletoenter.
PAGE 6 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 6, 2024 • FIRST SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON Simplythebesttoystorearound. ARTSUPPLIES Downtown GreatBarrington,MA T O Y S & TOYS& A R T S U P P L I E S ARTSUPPLIES TOYS& ColoringContestEntryForm Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________AgeGroup: (circleone) 4-78-12 Parent/GuardianName: Phone: Email: CONTESTRULES: (1) Oneentryperperson. (2) Competitionisdividedintotwoagegroups,4-7and8-12,withonewinnerfromeachagegroup. (3) Colorthepictureusingcrayons, markersorcoloredpencils. (4) AllentriesmustbereceivedbyThursday,March14at4pm. (5) Winnerswillbechosenbasedonartisticmerit. (6) Winnerswillbeannouncedinthe Shopper'sGuide,Wednesday,March20,2024edition.Thewinnersparent/guardianwillbenotifiedbyphoneoremailpriortopublishedannouncement.Allentriesbecomeproperty ofthe Shopper'sGuide andcanbeprintedaccordingly. (7) Entrysubmissions:Dropofformailto,Shopper'sGuideInc.,271MainStreet,Suite4,GreatBarrington,MA01230.
Prizeswillbeawardedtoonewinnerfromeachgroup.Seecompletecontestrulesformoreinformation. Prizes will be awarded to one winner from each group See complete contest rules for morre information. gpp C o n t e s t S p r i n g p r i n g C O L O R I N G O R I 297MainStreet,GreatBarrington,MA 413-528-3330•www.tomstoys.com Simplythebesttoystorearound. ARTSUPPLIES 38RailroadStreet,GreatBarrington,MA 413-644-9838•jwsartsupplies.com E n t e r T o W i n A $ 2 5 G i f t C a r d ! ! E nter T o W in A $25 G ift Card !!
ATTIC & GARAGE clean outs and building demo. Call 413-243-2349.
CLEANING SERVICE. Do you need help cleaning your house? Let me help you!! I'm reliable, honest, experienced and thorough. I offer weekly, bi-weekly or monthly services. Call/ Text me at 413-717-0557 or send me an email at casascleaning959 @gmail.com.References available upon request.
CLEANING SERVICE: Home, rental, Airbnb, post construction, office cleaning, restaurant cleaning. Berkshire, NY, Canaan, CT, or anywhere. 12 years experience. Fully insured. (413)-645-2332, Text or call. Ramos72185@gmail.com
COMPUTER SERVICES: Windows PC tune-ups, repairs, upgrades, Wi-Fi networking, tech support. (413) 528-1141 or https:// dellea.biz
ENCLOSE YOUR DECK with a screen and glass enclosure combination. Call Southern Berkshire Builders. Fully insured. (413)-429-7101.
THE FLOOR SPECIALIST. Sanding, refinishing restoration of old floors, bleaching/white staining. When quality counts call Frank Monda (860)-671-0468. thefloorspecialist@ verizon.net
ESCOBAR'S PAINTING: Professional painter, over 25 years experience, surrounding areas. Interior and exterior painting, pressure washing of houses, decks, and fences. Fully insured, references available. Free estimates. (413)-429-6333, (845)-518-8609.
Services. Plumbing: install toilets, sinks, faucets, drain connections. Bathroom renovations. Kitchen: sinks, faucets, counter base, counter tops. Kitchen renovations. Windows, doors, ceramic tiles. Carpenterporch renovations, repairs, floors, drywall, paint. Electrical services. Small jobs welcome. 30 years experience, great references. Call Jose 860-795-3606 or send email to josehandyexpress @gmail.com
GB JUNK. (413)-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarringto njunkremoval.com
Building, renovations, kitchens, baths, and home inspections. Fully insured. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders. (413)-429-7101.
Save energy! Get new vinyl replacement windows w/low E glass. Call Southern Berkshire Builders for estimate, (413)-429-7101.
SEASONED FIREWOOD 16"-20"length-$300-$350 per cord delivered/dumped. Pricing depends on delivery address. Scott Amstead 413-644-0169
GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS and hardscape. Licensed and insured, free estimates. Strong Oak Landscaping. Your driveway will thank you! (413)-644-5164.
WE DO RUBBER roofing for your low pitched roofs. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders (413)-429-7101.
HOME PROPERTY Maintenance. Interior, exterior painting, custom carpentry. 30+ yrs exp. 413-841-6268. Great Barrington and surrounding areas.
From tree climbing, trimming, pruning, hazards, storm damage to all things tree related call us for all of your tree work needs! With over 10+ years experience in the tree service industry, high quality work and fair prices, we are the people to call if you want your tree work done right! Call us at (413) 854-1565 for a free estimate.
Service: Certified and bonded. Commercial and residential. Locks rekeyed, repaired, installed and sold. Call (413)-528-2221.
REGISTERED NURSE available for home care. Email tdnursingcare@gmail.com
ices: Local service, reasonable rates. Nadine Hawver (413)-441-4893.
(HP not cell). ANTIQUES APPRAISED since 1973. Furniture, ceramics, silver, bronzes, weapons. David J. LeBeau MFA dba LeBeau Appraisal Service. 413-229-3445. 10-5 M-F voice & text. HOUSE CLEANING: Weekly, bi-weekly, weekenders welcome. Excellent attention to detail. Honest and reliable. Within 10 mile radius of GB. Excellent references. 413-644-5803. 271 Main Street, Suite 4, Downtown Great Barrington, MA 01230 • 413-528-0095 • Fax 413-528-4805 www.shoppersguideinc.com • ads@shoppersguideinc.com • Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:30 to 4:30 Please be advised that the Shopper’s Guide does not accept get rich quick schemes or multi-level marketing ads. Weekly Advertising Deadline: FRIDAYS AT 11 AM classified AD FORM Issue Dates To Run (Published Every Wednesday) Ad Rate (Standard or Free) $ + additional words @ _________¢ = $ ______________/wk. Ad Cost Per Week $ x number of wks. Total Enclosed $ Ad Rate Section Placement PAYMENT: Cash Check #__________ Credit Card CC # Card Holder Zip Code Exp. CSC Name Address __________________________________________ City State __________ Zip Phone Email FAIR HOUSING ACT NOTICE DISCRIMINATION IN ADVERTISING All real estate advertised herein is subject to state and federal antidiscrimination law, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, genetic information, ancestry, children, marital status, public assistance recipiency or handicap. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Sorry, we do not take classified ads over the phone. CLASSIFIED AD RATES STANDARD RATE 15 Words - $5.00 Additional words 25¢ each Advertising a product or service; help wanted,* buying or collecting items; selling multiple vehicles; seminars, classes, counseling; business opportunities; animals for sale; hay; firewood, tag sales, etc. Individuals with property for sale, for rent or to share.** * Limited to 100 words. ** Please read notice at bottom FREE UNDER $50 20 Word Limit / 2 Weeks Free Advertising an item(s) for sale, priced at $50.00 or less, will be published free of charge for two consecutive editions. Ads must be submitted by using this form or using our online Classified ad portal at: shoppersguideinc.com/advertise/myad/ No phone calls or emails please. LOST & FOUND AND FREE PETS RATE 20 Word Limit / 2 Weeks Free If you represent a shelter, use the Standard Classified Rate above. CHOOSE A SECTION TO ADVERTISE IN: Antiques & Auctions, Animals, Arts & Entertainment, Business Services, Dining, General, Health & Wellness, Help Wanted, Home Improvement, Lawn & Garden, Real Estate, Tag Sales, Transportation, Wanted NEW! BUSINESS SERVICES Your local resource for all your service needs in the tri-state area Help is on the way!
PAGE 8 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 6, 2024 • FIRST SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON TheCentralBlockBuilding 75NorthStreetSuite170B,Pittsfield,Ma.01201•413.441.8453 Instagram/Facebook@Silversolutionsmedspa Websitewww.silversolutionsmedspa.com Thankyoufor votingforus!! •DermalFillers •Sculptra •Hydrafacial •ScitonBBL •Dermaplaning •Kybella •Microneedling •LipFillers •LaserHairRemoval •ScitonMOXI •ScitonHALO •ScitonBareHR •CustomFacials •ChemicalPeels Enhanceyour naturalbeauty. Definewhatisuniquelyyou.
FOR SALE: Dewalt PSI pressure washer 3.5 GPM powered by Honda GS270 motor. Like new. Price $850. Call 413-229-8708.
TREE PRUNING and storm damage. Tree take downs. Call 413-243-2349.
FOR SALE: SCAG Cheetah 61" mower. Low 459 hours, excellent condition, used only on owner's private property. Price $9,850 dollars. Call 413-229-8708.
GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for!
Forallyour landscaping needs!
Build a better backyard this Spring!
Hire a professional to transform your yard into a beautiful and comfortable outdoor living space this spring!
Filled with professionals!
271 Main Street, Suite 4, Great Barrington, MA 413.528.0095 • ads@shoppersguideinc.com • shoppersguideinc.com
GREENER GARDENS Landscaping LLC. Sharon, CT 06069. Painting, lawn mowing, patios, wood clearing, snow plowing, lawn fertilizer, handyman work. 860-671-7850. aurelipaca @gmail.com
KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating, and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients in the Monterey area. Call 413-528-1387.
LOOKING FOR A NEW landscaping crew member. Long term. All aspects of landscaping and general contracting. Must have a valid license and be able to drive. Pay based on experience. Flexible scheduling, both part and full time. Tips and paid personal days. We work Mon-Fri depending on weather. Possibly working some weekends due to lost days and the amount of workload. Please call Frederick at 413-243-2349.
DO YOU HAVE A SPRING project you would like to do, but need help? If you are looking for a hard worker, occasionally, to help maintain your property for a reasonable price, call Tim. I will help with gardening, weedwhipping, brush cutting, tree work, pruning, power washing, raking, and more. Just ask! (413)-717-7372. References.
We'reopenMon–Fri pm 84 8am–4 8am–4pm 8am–4pm
pgg, Aipgg,, Acceptinglogs,brush, Acceptinglogs,brush, p. ad and stumps. andstumps. andstumps. A A A
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PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. Lawn care, spring/fall cleanups, brush removal, general landscaping. Free estimates. Fully insured. Busch Property Management, LLC. 413-854-1943.
TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 6, 2024 • FIRST SECTION AD DEADLINE — 11:00 AM FRIDAYS! PAGE 9 271 Main Street, Suite 4 Great Barrington, MA 01230 www.shoppersguideinc.com 413-528-0095 Open Monday-Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm CLASSIFIED ADS STARTING AT $5.00 To place a Classified ad through our CLASSIFIED AD PORTAL visit shoppersguideinc.com/myad or email your ad to ads@shoppersguideinc.com For Display Advertising contact us for more information. The Key to Finding Your Next Ride ALLTYPESOFSERVICE FOREIGNANDDOMESTIC CARSANDTRUCKS ORMSBEE’SGARAGE 839MillRiverSouthfieldRd. MillRiver413-229-2515 •Tires•Oil •Brakes•Exhaust •MassVehicleInspection •CommercialInspection Whereourcustomers sendtheirfriends! DempseyAutoSales Lookingtosellyourcar?Comeinandseeusfirst-$446StockbridgeRoad,GreatBarrington,MA•413-528-6996 NEWHOURS!OpenTuesdaythruFriday8:30to5,Saturday8to1 FINANCINGAVAILABLE CallDaveDempseyandcheckusoutat dadempsey.com 17CHEVYSILVERADO Crewcab,LTZ,lthr,1owner, NADA$35,400,#3873...................................................... $26,995 15SUBARUOUTBACKLTD leather,roof,83Kmi,#3915......... $19,995 13NISSANFRONTIER Crewcab,4x4,SV,V6,97Kmi,#3930 $16,995 13HONDACRVEX-L Leather,sunroof,95Kmi,#3935........... $15,500 12NISSANMURANO V6,AWD,#3938..................................... $6,995 12CHEVYSILVERADO Ext.cab,4x4,Z71,towpkg,#3861..... $15,995 11TOYOTASIENNALE 7passvan,6cyl,#3923.................... $11,995 10HONDACRVEX-L Leather,sunroof,109Kmi,#3939......... $11,995 10HONDACRVEX-L 4cyl,AWD,#3937................................ $10,500 08CHEVYSUBURBANLT 7pass,4x4,#3931....................... $10,995 SOLD SOLD SOLD AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com TRUSTEDAUTOREPAIR &AUTOBODYSERVICE FamilyRunBusinessfor48years LocatedinHousatonic,Massachusetts GulfGasDiesel Fuel CERTIFIEDMASSACHUSETTS STATEINSPECTIONSTATION ALSOCOMMERCIALINSPECTIONS JOHN'SGARAGE FrontStreet(413)274-3328 AllMajorRepairs•Transmissions•Stateofthe ArtComputerDiagnostic&WheelAlignment Brakes•Exhaust•Tires•ACService ForEstimates AskforDave JOHN'S AUTO BODY MainStreet (413)274-6078 BodyShop CarWash ALLMAJOR BODY&GLASS REPAIRS & 24 HOUR ROADSERVICE ForEstimates-AskforJason 14’MOVINGTRUCKSANDCARGOVANS (HalfDayRateavailableMondaythroughFriday) 1/2DAYRATE ONBOXTRUCKS&VANS taylorrentalgb@yahoo.com GREATBARRINGTON,MA 413-528-1770 2 FLATHEAD ENGINES, 8BA Ford, 8CM Mercury. Components for a stroked flathead. $2,400 for pair. Andy. dmetalwork@fairpoint.net LEFT OVER ALUMINUM and stainless steel. Assorted sizes. Angles, flat, square. SS heavy wall conduit. $1,400 bundled. Info. Andy dmetalwork@fairpoint.net THE ONLY ONE IN TOWN for all of your advertising needs is The Shopper’s Guide! SPRING & FALL CLEANUPS Let your winter debris become our problem. Free estimates. Licensed, insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
Wi We'reopenMon–Fri
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PAGE 10 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 6, 2024 • FIRST SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON HOT OFF THE PRESS every Wednesday. Check your mailbox or www.shoppersguideinc. com GET FIT FOR ADVERTISING! 1 column, 2 column, 3 column, 4 and more! For info email ads@shoppersguideinc.com WANT TO KNOW MORE about our Digital Advertising Package? Call the Shopper’s Guide today. (413)-528-0095. STRENGTH — BALANCE — POSTURE 344StockbridgeRoad,GreatBarrington,MA 413-931-3211•greatbarrington@osteostrong.me THEULTIMATEBIOHACKFORALLAGES RedLightTherapy HydroMassage PEMFTherapy Normatec Compression Boots BioCharger TRY ANY 3 MODALITIES FOR $33! BOOK YOUR AD TODAY! email: mmitchell@ shoppersguideinc.com or call 413-528-0095 Weekly Ad Deadline: Fridays at 11AM PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, IN PRINT & ONLINE 271 Main Street, Suite 4, Great Barrington, MA 413-528-0095 shoppersguideinc.com Strengthen your business with advertising in the Health & Wellness Weekly Section Aimed at fitness, wellness, and nutrition it's the ideal place to advertise your related products and services. RAILROADSTREETREALTYLLCPRESENTS: Atailoredspacefor Health&WellnessProfessionals AVAILABLEFALL2024 Reserveyourspaceandchampion accessibilityinwellness. 860-245-8364 hello@fvhealth.center https://fvhealth.center/apply •Spaciousopen1stfloordesignedfor fitnessorpilatesstudios. •Quietandaccommodatingoffices areonthe2ndfloorandareperfect forarangeofwellnessprofessionals. Elevatoraccessible. •Roomsavailableforchiropractors, acupuncture,massage,yogaclasses, physicaltherapy,communityprograms, andmore.
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THETASTEOFTHINGS themoviehouse.net
KungFuPanda4(PG) RobotDreams(NR)
Coming Soon
Service 10:30. First Congregational Church UCC, 251 Main Street, Great Barrington. ONA
MAUREEN O'FLYNN Voice Studio. Voice Lessons: classical, opera, musical theatre, American Songbook, pop. 1/2 hr or 1 hr lessons. Consults: "Tune-ups" for working pros, voice teachers, choral singers. 1 hr. Find your voice, for health, joy, empowerment. 413-441-2015. www. maureenoflynn.com
good travel fun. Beginner100 @gmail.com
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DATE AGAIN? “Wemetthroughadatingservice20yearsago.”
MONDAY (AllDay):
FRIDAY (After5pm):
OurBlackAngusBeefBurgerwith toppingsofyourchoice,friesof yourchoice&apintofourfresh craftedbeer.Chef’sVeggieBurger +$2,Grass-FedBurger+$2.
NEWENGLANDFRIED SEAFOODDINNER$20 Beerbatteredbayscallops, shrimpandcodservedwith coleslawandfries,tartar sauce&lemon.
WEDNESDAY (After5pm):
Servedwithgravy,garlicmashed potatoes&roastedvegetables.
THURSDAY (After5pm):
Servedwithgravy,mashedsweet potatoes&mixedvegetables.
SATURDAY (After5pm):
ROASTPRIMERIB$25 Choiceprimeribservedwith aujus,horseradishsourcream, mashed&veggies.
SUNDAY (AllDay):
FRIEDBELLYCLAMS$24 Friedwholebellyclams,beer batteredfries,coleslaw,lemon &tartarsauce.
SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 6, 2024 • FIRST SECTION AD DEADLINE — 11:00 AM FRIDAYS! PAGE 11 AVOID SCAMS! Deal locally, face-to-face. Don’t extend payment to anyone you haven’t met; and never wire funds; and never give out financial info. That “amazing” deal may not exist! THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-1pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols. Advertise weekly in Shopper’s Guide Dining Section! ads@shoppersguideinc.com 413-528-0095 Ad Deadline: Fridays at 11 am 271 Main Street, Suite 4 Downtown Great Barrington, MA www.shoppersguideinc.com A Recipe for Success... TAKE-OUT AVAILABLE! Shopper’s Guide is available for pick up at over 90+ locations throughout the tri-state area. Don’t miss an issue! www.shoppersguideinc.com SOLAR B R E W ED BEER BARRINGTON BREWERY &RESTAURANT Open6DaysAWeekforLunch&Dinner-ClosedTuesdays Visitusonline:barringtonbrewery.net•413-528-8282 420StockbridgeRoad,(Rte7),GreatBarrington,MA Open6DaysAWeekforLunch&Dinner-ClosedTuesdays Visitusonline:barringtonbrewery.net•413-528-8282 420StockbridgeRoad,(Rte7),GreatBarrington,MA
BarPie WED•THURS•FRI Pizza$14/$1Toppings BMB Sourdough Pizza WED thru SAT Oysters onthe Hal fS hell! $ 2.50 each SAVETHEDATE! CornedBeef &Cabbage MMARCH ARCH S PEC I A LS S PEC I A LS STARTING FRIDAY, MARCH1 CornedBeefand CabbageDinner Sunday,March10,2024 Dinnerat4:00pm ATST.PETER'SPARISHCENTER CottageandEastStreets,GreatBarrington,MA TICKETS:Adults$20;Parentsw/children under16is$50;Childrenunder6Free ForticketscallMaureenAvery,413-528-4803or MaryWhiteatBarnbrookRealty,413-329-6342 orafterMassontheweekends. St.Peter'sParishiscelebratingwitha INSERT ADVERTISING: We handle that, too! Circulars, restaurant menus, special events, store coupons, promotional post cards. More info on our website www.shoppersguideinc.com TRAVEL BUDDY. Retired, fit professional woman, Great Barrington artist and resident seeks compatible adventurer. Nothing crazy, just
SUNDAY: Worship
MUSICIANS WANTED for small trio and singer. Also, a musician who wishes to collaborate with singer/ songwriter on originals. Text 413-717-2505. SCANFOR SHOWTIMES &TICKETS 48MAINSTREET,MILLERTON,NY
samanthafish bulletproof tour satmar16at8pm Sponsoredby sing&swing ajazzatlincolncenter presentsproduction satmar23at8pm Sponsoredby metoperaliveinhd: verdi’s forzadel destino satmar9at12pm SMALL UPRIGHT PIANO: 2 ft. deep by 3 1/2 ft. long, $100. Call 860-435-0723. PIANO FOR ADULTS: specializing in adult students, my home or yours. Call Deborah Harris, (413)-528-9027. GREAT BARRINGTON Historical Society Answer: Jones was the last President of the Republic of Texas before it was annexed to the United States in 1845. STANDARD RATE: 15 Words - $5.00 per issue l Additional words 25¢ each NEW! FREE Under $50 : 20 Words - 2 Weeks Free l Additional words 25¢ ea. Advertising an item(s) for sale, priced at $50.00 or less, will be published free of charge for two consecutive editions. Ads must be submitted at shoppersguideinc.com/advertise/myad/ or by filling out the Classified Ad Form in the weekly print edition. (No phone calls or emails please.) LOST & FOUND / FREE PETS RATE: 20 Words - 2 Weeks Free If you represent a shelter, use the Standard Rate. 271 Main Street, Suite 4 Great Barrington, MA 01230 www.shoppersguideinc.com 413-528-0095 Place a classified ad online at: www.shoppersguideinc.com/ advertise/myad/ Classified AD RATES shoppersguideinc.com/advertise/myad/
14CastleStreet,GreatBarrington•413.528.0100• mahaiwe.org SeasonSponsor london’snational theatreinhd: dearengland satmar30at6:30pm
PAGE 12 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 6, 2024 • FIRST SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON Ward’sNursery&GardenCenter 600MainStreet,GreatBarringtonMA413-528-0166 Learnmoreaboutwhat’sin-storeatwardsnursery.com Spring AheadSALE almost Everything* GARDENREWARDSCLUBMEMBERSGET ADVANCENOTICEOFSALES Learnabout&receive salepricesautomatically andearnpointswitheverypurchase! NotaMember? Joinonlineorin thestore today! yp OpenDaily:9am-5pm StartingMarch11:8am-5pm *20%throughMarch19 2024March OpenHouse ProductDisplaysand TipstoGetGrowing Formoreplantideas, useWard’sPlantFinder: https://plants.wardsnursery.com/12120046/ Everythingonthisshoppinglist ORGANICSEEDS HOUSEPLANTS andmore... BIRDHOUSES DEERREPELLENTS PRUNINGTOOLS SOILS GARDENHOSE BIRDSEED ORGANICFERTILIZER COMPOST MULCH POTTERY DIGGINGTOOLS GARDENGIFTS GARDENGLOVES
271 Main Street, Suite 4, Downtown Great Barrington, Massachusetts 01230 HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM • AD DEADLINE: FRIDAY 11 AM Phone 413-528-0095 • Fax 413-528-4805 • ads@shoppersguideinc.com • www.shoppersguideinc.com 57,000 READERS WEEKLY — DIRECT MAILED TO 18,000+ IN THE TRI-STATE AREA SECTION 2 Antiques & Auctions................3 Help Wanted...........................3-6 Animals..........................................7 Home Improvement............7-9 Real Estate.................................11 BERKSHIRE PLASTIC SURGEONS SkinCancerScreening HandSurgery Cosmetic Injectables & Procedures GreatBarringtonPittsfield 426SouthSt,Pittsfield,MA (413)496-9272 berkshirecosmeticsurg.com
PAGE 2 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 6, 2024 • SECOND SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON WINDOWS ByThe THERMOEXPERT Save energy EasyCleaning! Free Estimates CallToday! 1396NorthSt. Pittsfield,MA01201 •Inbusinesssince1984,Familyownedandoperated •Superiorworkmanship,fullylicensedandinsured •Highestenergyefficiency...AllwindowsEnergyStarratedorbetter •Manyinteriorandexteriorcolorandwoodgrainoptions •100%lifetimewindowwarranty,Fullytransferable •SimpleandFastFinancing TRUSTYOURWINDOWS TOTHEEXPERTS www.thermoexp.com 413-443-2099
Lookingformotivated,reliablepersonexperiencedwithtractors andchainsawstoworktwodaysweeklyAprilthroughNovember.
to meet in person.
WelcometoGouldFarm,wherecareersarebothdiverseanddeeplyful illing! Joinadynamicteamdedicatedtohealing,recoveryandreimaginingmental healthtreatment!Ourtight-knitcommunityismadeupofguests,staff,and theirfamilieswhoshareacommongoalofhealingandhope.Locatedinthe picturesqueBerkshires,our750-acreworkingfarmoffersabeautifulandexpansiveoutdoorenvironmentthatisperfectforcandidateswholovetoconnect withnature.Ifyou’relookingforacareerthatoffersauniqueblendofmeaningful work,communityspirit,andnaturalbeauty,looknofurtherthanGouldFarm.
MustbewillingtopromotethevaluesandspiritofGouldFarm,toactively participateasamemberofthecommunityandtocontinuouslyseekwaysto improve,bothselfandfunction.Forfulldescriptions,moreinformationabout GouldFarmandotheropportunities,pleasevisitwww.gouldfarm.org.
Toapply,pleasesendacoverletter and resumetoMichaelJ.Covell,Human ResourcesDirectoratHR@gouldfarm.org.
ComejointhestaffoftheTriplexCinema,anewlyformed nonprofitmovietheaterintheheartofGB.TheTriplexisseeking anorganized,energeticpersonwithexcellentmanagementskills.
•Monitordailyoperations,includingticketsales,inventorylevelsand orderingconcessionstanditems.
Toapply,pleasesubmitcoverletterandresumetojobs@thetriplex.org thetriplex.org
COOKS, DISHWASHERS , and food service workers wanted. Lakeville, CT. Email: info@toryhilldining.com
position available. MondayFriday 9-5. Must be proficient in QuickBooks and Microsoft Office. Individual must be organized, work independently, and reliable. Please call 860-824-9955 ext 105 for more information or email resume to amy@lamric accounting.com
2024 season April 1 to November 30, 3 days a week. Interest in native plants. Enthusiastic, friendly and upbeat. Physically fit. Own transportation. Fine gardens, maintenance and installation. Space to learn and grow. Women strongly encouraged to apply. Call 347-496-5168.
HELP WANTED for home
renovations. Will train. (413)-429-7101.
HELP NEEDED for a Great Barrington Spa. Three days a week. Requires high degree of focus and multitasking abilities to manage staff of 10 therapists with complex scheduling accuracy and coexisting volume of clients providing high degree of "above and beyond" service accompanied by a welcoming smile. Please email resume to: spa@bodyandsoulgb.com
INSERT ADVERTISING: We can handle that for you.
cleaning, grocery
ClutterIntoCASH ! Weekly Ad Deadline: FRIDAYS at 11 AM For the Wednesday Edition Place your ad at the Shopper’s Guide office or online at shoppersguideinc.com under the tab, Place A Classified. Pickup your FREE Tag Sale Posters at the office. 271 Main Street, Suite 4, Great Barrington, MA 413.528.0095 • ads@shoppersguideinc.com www.shoppersguideinc.com Ask for TAGFREEyour SALE POSTERS! ADVERTISE IN THE TAG SALE SECTION GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for! HOT OFF THE PRESS every Wednesday. Check your mailbox. FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. Shaker, taping, and veneer repair. Pickup and delivery. 413-822-1407. BerkshireHillsCoins&EstateJewelry 222ElmStreet,Pittsfield (413)499-1400 www.berkshirehillscoins.net WebuygoldandsilverSCRAP,collectorcoins, goldandsilverbullion,andPaperMoney. IMMEDIATEPAYMENT THEBERKSHIRES’LARGEST ESTATEJEWELRYOUTLET Mon.-Fri.9:30am-5:30pm•Sat.9:30am-4pm Afterhourspleasecall&leavemessage HOURS ThankyouforVotingus 15timesBestintheBerkshires forCoin/CollectableDealer GreatBuysonNativeAmericanJewelry, SemiPreciousStones,Diamonds, andGold&SilverJewelry. Wehaveover2,000Pieces ofSterlingJewelry! SENIOROWNED, SENIORFRIENDLY ANTIQUES WANTED: berkshirepicker buying furniture, workbenches, folk art, advertising, weathervanes, garden items, stoneware crocks, toys, baskets, and more. Fair and friendly. Mike (413)-717-2561. FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. All types chair seating. 40 years experience. Free estimates. 845444-0015. A NTIQUES APPRAISED since 1973. Furniture, ceramics, silver, bronzes, weapons. David J. LeBeau MFA dba LeBeau Appraisal Service. 413-229-3445. 10-5 M-F voice & text.
WANTED for help getting to appointments, house
shopping. Must like dogs. Monday through Friday, with flexible hours. $19.50 per hour. Call to make appointment
MountEverettSanitation,alocalBerkshires company,iscelebrating50yearsinbusiness andislookingtoexpandtheiralready growingworkforcebyaddingHeavyEquipment Operators(min.$28/hr),CommercialTruck Drivers(min.$24/hr),Laborers.
MassachusettsEmployment DiscriminationGuidelines
Learnaboutavailable opportunitiestoday.
(Gummy)Bearwithus... Ourcandyisgood'nPlenty butourteamisshort"3Musketeers"
*DISABILITY:physicalormental.Qualifiedhandicappedpersonsareentitledtoreasonableaccommodations,unlessthataccommodationpresents anunduehardshiptotheemployer.AGE:(40and older)FederallawandMassachusettslawboth prohibitemployersfromdiscriminatingagainst theiremployeeswhoare40+yearsoldbased ontheirage.ARRESTRECORD:Itisillegalforan employertoaskcertainquestionsaboutajobapplicant'soremployee'scriminalrecord.TheCORI ReformActpreventsemployersfromseeking disclosureofjobapplicants'criminalrecordinformationpriortotheinterviewstageofthehiring process.GENDERIDENTITY:Itisillegalforanemployertopublishajobadvertisementthatshows apreferenceforordiscouragessomeonefrom applyingforajobbecauseofhis/herrace,color, religion,sex(includinggenderidentity,sexual orientation,andpregnancy),nationalorigin,age (40orolder),disabilityorgeneticinformation. Also,DiscriminationLawsrefertoArtinEmploymentadsaswellascopyie:nowhitemaleunder theageof40canbedepictedinanemployment adallbyhimself.
GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for!
BERKSHIRE HUMANE Society, a socially conscious nonprofit animal welfare organization, seeks one or more versatile full-or part-time licensed veterinary technicians or veterinary assistants to serve animals and people in Berkshire County and beyond. Join our team of shelter veterinarians and vet techs in the second year of our medical program for companion animals, to prepare homeless animals at our Pittsfield shelter for adoption and to offer quality, affordable and accessible veterinary care to the public at our Wellness Clinic. $18 - $25/hr. based on experience. Sent resume and cover letter to John Perreault, jperreault@berkshire humane.org.
Wewanttoenhanceourteam,socomework withwinners!Wehavefullandpart-time2024 seasonalopeningsfromApriltoNovemberinthe followingdivisions: Maintenance,whichhandles landscaping,generalmaintenance,andsmallrepairs. GuestServices,whichworkswithourvisitors, providescustomerservice,personalinteraction,and givingdirections. Housekeeping, whichhandles cleaningofourbuildingsandhospitalities.Weare lookingforsmart,reliable,hardworkingpeoplethat takeownershipoftheirwork!Theshifts/hoursvary fromMon.toFri.,Tues.toSat.,Wed.toSun.,7ato 3:30p,8ato4:30p,9ato5:30p,(canbemutually adjusted).Youmustbeavailableforallmajorevents: MemorialDay,LaborDay,etc.Ifinterested,please sendacopyofyourresumetojocko@limerock.com orcall;860-435-5012.Avaliddriver’slicenseis required.Weareanequalopportunityemployer.
60WhiteHollowRd,Lakeville,CT | limerock.com
LOOKING FOR A NEW landscaping crew member. Long term. All aspects of landscaping and general contracting. Must have a valid license and be able to drive. Pay based on experience. Flexible scheduling, both part and full time. Tips and paid personal days. We work Mon-Fri depending on weather. Possibly working some weekends due to lost days and the amount of workload. Please call Frederick at 413-243-2349.
READ THE PAPER ONLINE! www.shoppersguideinc.com
AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com
HIRING GARDENERS for Spring 2024 season AprilNovember. Full time/ part time. Garden business caring for established gardens and cultivating new ones. All aspects of garden care including garden set up, planting, pruning, and container design. Experience is not necessary. Strong interest in working outside together with other gardeners. Great opportunity to learn and grow! Call 914-874-3068.
Diagnose,repair,solve and/orserviceourcustomerHVACissues.
Applyinperson oremail:rgennari@aol.com
MountEverettSanitation,alocalBerkshires company,iscelebrating50yearsinbusiness andislookingtoexpandtheiralready growingworkforcebyaddingHeavyEquipment Operators(min.$28/hr),CommercialTruck Drivers(min.$24/hr),Laborers.
ADMINISTRATIVE Assistant needed to facilitate the operations of a busy Kitchen and Bath showroom with a background in Construction in North Canaan, CT. Duties to include: Answer and transfer phone calls, screening when necessary. Welcome and direct customers in showroom, maintain filing systems as assigned, retrieve information as requested from emails and other written summaries of data when needed, coordinate and schedule appointments and meetings for designer. Required skills: excellent verbal and written communication skills, excellent interpersonal and customer service skills, proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, excellent organizational skills and attention to detail, basic understanding of clerical procedures and systems such as bookkeeping and filing, ability to work independently, basic understanding of construction projects. Please call 860-824-2426 to schedule an interview or email resume to sharon@rigaconstruction.com
GreatBarrington,NewMarlboro, Sheffield,MillRiverArea
PaperDraw: 107-120DailyThruSunday
Time: 3-3.5Hours
Approx.Pay: $900Bi-Weekly
PaperDraw: 180+DailythruSunday
Time: 3.5hours
Approx.Pay: $590
Learnaboutavailable opportunitiestoday. Call413.528.3364
HOME HEALTH AIDE: part time Sheffield, MA. Call for more information. 518-965-2611.
ROGER TRUCKING has positions available for Non CDL drivers/laborers. Contact 413-528-8128.
MECHANIC –FulltimepositionforaSchool BusCompany.Dieselexperience,Airbrake experienceneeded.Weareasmalllocalcompanywithafleetof20schoolbusesand107D vans.MACDLBrequiredbutwewilltrainand licensetherightpersonifneeded.Non-smoker, Randomdrugandalcoholscreening,Full benefitpackage,affordablehousingoption.
SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 6, 2024 • SECOND SECTION AD DEADLINE — 11:00 AM FRIDAYS! PAGE 5 PleasecontactEricShuman, CirculationManager 413-496-6343
Needextramoney? Wanttobeyourownboss?
AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com CLUES ACROSS 1. Chaps 5. Currently fashionable 9. Collision 11. More slim 13. European city 15. Implicitly 16. The side of something that is sheltered from the wind 17. The Mount Rushmore State 19. Gold or silver wire cord 21. Muscles along insects’ diaphragm 22. Trent Reznor’s band 23. Sweet juicy gritty-textured fruit 25. Broken branch 26. Indicates ten 27. Expression of annoyance 29. Brings together 31. Ancient city in Thrace 33. Sailors’ spirit 34. Looked into 36. Muckraking woman journalist Rheta 38. A type of cast 39. One’s responsibility 41. Where golfers begin 43. Make a mistake 44. Semitic Sun god 46. Ancient Italian-Greek colony 48. Beheaded 52. A place to stay 53. Unwise 54. Most supernatural 56. “Dennis” is a famous one 57. Ointments 58. Exam 59. Leaked blood CLUES DOWN 1. Baseball managers assemble it 2. Revised 3. Mountain is a popular kind 4. Takes to civil court 5. Pouches 6. A type of veil 7. Chants 8. Boston hoopster 9. Elongated appendage 10. Sailboat 11. 2017 Oscar-winning film 12. Actor Gosling 14. Monetary units 15. Assembly 18. Russian pop duo 20. Embellished with expressions 24. Infrequent 26. Temperature unit 28. Hydrophilic amino acid 30. Honk 32. Legislative body 34. Swinish 35. Russian assembly 37. Take over for 38. Put in advance 40. Satisfy 42. Felt 43. Dutch cheese 45. Witnesses 47. Strong insects 49. Gasteyer and de Armas are two 50. Ancient people of Scotland 51. Cheerless 55. Sick ANSWERS IN NEXT WEEK’S ISSUE
FarmingtonRiverRegionalSchoolDistrict, OtisandSandisfield,MA,seeksaqualified SCHOOLBUSINESSMANAGER
Overseesthefinancialoperationsofasmallrural regionalschooldistrictwith130studentsPK-6,120 studentstuitionedtosurroundingdistrictsforgrades 7-12,28staff,andanannualbudgetofabout$5M.
Responsibilitiescommencingonorbefore7/1/2024 wouldincludethecreationofannualbudgetswiththe superintendent,negotiationofcontractswithservice providers,supervisionofthepayrollandpayables specialist,humanresourcesandemployeebenefits administrationand,withthedistrictTreasurer,oversight ofallfinancialoperationsfortheschooldistrict.
•CurrentMAlicensureasaschoolbusiness administrator(SBA).
•Knowledgeoffinancialmanagementand accountingsystemssuchasMunisorVADAR
•KnowledgeofMA-specificmunicipalfinance regulationsandprocedures
•MinimumBA/BSinFinance,Accounting,Public orSchoolAdministrationorrelatedfield.
•IfnotcurrentlyinpossessionofMASBAlicense, willingnesstosecurethislicensurewithinthefirst yearofemployment.
•Minimum5yearsexperienceineducational administration,financeoraccounting,and/or publicadministration
Thispositioncanbefull-time,benefits-eligible,and in-person;however,qualifiedindividualsandretirees interestedinlessthanfull-timeand/orhybridworking arrangementsarealsoencouragedtoapply.
Toapply,pleasesendcurrentresume,a coverletter ofinterest,twolettersofprofessionalreference,and documentationoflicensureto:
TimothyLee,Superintendent FarmingtonRiverRegionalSchoolDistrict 555NorthMainRoad Otis,MA01253 tlee@frrsd.org
GARDENER WANTED: Positions open for PT and FT work. Work for a small organic gardening business. Must be physically fit and able to endure all weather conditions. Relaxed work environment and great pay for the right person. Call or text: 413-717-9881 or email: gardenphocus@gmail.com
MUSICIANS WANTED for small trio and singer. Also, a musician who wishes to collaborate with singer/ songwriter on originals. Text 413-717-2505.
GARDENING ASSISTANT wanted 3 days per week Apr 1-Nov 30. Fine gardens in Sheffield, Copake. Small ecological company. Sincere interest, conscientious, detailed, dependable, physically able, own car. Voicemail 860-601-1751.
FOR HIRE: Well established Help Wanted section connecting readers with employers for over half a century! The Shopper’s Guide, serving the tri-state area every week. (413)-528-0095. www.shoppersguideinc.com
HighwayTruckDriver/ EquipmentOperator
TheTownofEgremontisseekingapplicantsforthe positionofHighwayTruckDriver/EquipmentOperator.Thisisafull-timeforty(40)hoursperweek position.Seasonalovertimeisrequired.Themain purposeofthispositionistoassistinmaintaining alltownrights-of-way,equipmentandotherpublic propertybyperformingskilledandlabor-intensive tasksthatrequiretheoperationofalltypesofheavy constructionequipment,includingmediumandlight dutytrucks,powertoolsandequipment,aswellas handtoolsandinstruments.AHighSchoolDiploma orGEDisrequiredwithapreferencefor2yearsof construction,heavyvehicledrivingorheavyequipment operation,plowingandroutinevehiclemaintenance experience.AvalidMassachusettsClassBCommercial Driver’sLicense(CDL)anda2A4GHoistingOperators Licenseispreferred.
Excellentbene itpackageincludingvacation,personal andsicktime,seasonalovertimepay.
Applicationsandajobdescriptioncanbeobtainedat theEgremontTownHall,SelectBoardof iceduring thehoursof7:00amto3:00pmorbycalling413528-0182oronlineatwww.egremont-ma.gov.EEOE.
HELP WANTED: Carpenter and carpenter's helper needed. Minimum 5 years experience. Pay based on experience. Must have transportation and tools. Call Ron, RN Construction Co., (413)-441-3320.
INDIAN LINE FARM seeks experienced part-time Floral Designer. Do you love flowers? Come work with us! July-September. Job includes: Thursday afternoon harvest and Friday bouquet making. $18-21 per hour depending on experience. Contact Elizabeth Keen 413-429-5978 or email resume and letter of interest to ekeenfarms@gmail.com
TEAM PLAYER WANTED for local furniture mover; someone who takes pride in their work. Flexible hours. (413)-822-0985.
READ THE PAPER ONLINE! www.shoppersguideinc.com
SE BUSCA OBRERO Agrícola Indian Line Farm (57 Jug End Road, South Egremont) es una granja de todo tipo de verduras. Se busca un empleado(a) quien tenga por lo menos una temporada de experiencia trabajando en agricultura o hortaliza. El trabajo es físicamente exigente y de ritmo rápido. Pagamos $17.00 por hora (o mas depende en experiencia). Abril hasta los mediados de noviembre. 7:30-4:30. Las responsabilidades incluirán todo tipo de tareas relacionadas con la producción de verduras y flores. Verduras y frutas gratis. Elizabeth 413-429-5978 or mande un email ekeenfarms@gmail.com
We’ll handle all of your advertising needs! Call or email us today. The Shopper’s Guide (413)-528-0095. www.shoppersguideinc.com
ClinicalSupport Representative
ThispositionislocatedatEastMountainMedicalin GreatBarrington.Pleaseapplybygoingtoourwebsite at www.berkshirehealthsystems.org andclickoncareers
TheClinicalSupportRepresentativeisapartofthe BerkshireFacultyServicesmultispecialtyphysician practiceteam.Theincumbentisresponsibleforthe successfulcompletionofday-to-daytasksofthefront officetoensureaccesstoqualitycare,efficiencyand excellentcustomerservicetoourpatients.TheClinical SupportRepresentativeworkscollaborativelywith othermembersoftheteamtoensuretimelyandsmooth officeflow,alwayskeepingtheneedsofthepatient first.Dutieswillinclude,butarenotlimitedto,patient registration,scheduling,reception/greeting,collection ofpayments,appropriatetransferoftelephonecalls andtheabilitytoaccessandcalmlydiffusepotentially problematicsituations.
POSITIONQUALIFICATIONS: (Minimumqualifications arerequiredunlessstatedotherwise.)
•Onetotwoyearsofadministrativeexperienceina busyoffice,preferablyaphysicianpractice,isrequired.
•Experienceinhandlingmultipletelephonelines required.
•Experienceworkinginafast-pacedcustomerservice environment.
•WorkingknowledgeofWindowsbasedPCapplications required.
•Insuranceknowledgeandbillingexperiencestrongly preferred.
•Twoyearsofcollegeorequivalentworkexperience preferred.
•Excellentinterpersonalskillswithprovenabilityand experiencedealingwithagitated/dissatisfiedpatients, familyandphysicians.
•Abilitytoworkeffectivelyunderpressureandinafast pacedenvironment.
•Demonstratedcompetencyinhandlingconfidentialand sensitiveinformationrequired.
•Demonstratedabilitytoreadandfollowwritten/verbal direction.
•Flexiblehoursrequiredtocoverforvacationsand earnedtimeabsences.
•Selfmotivatedandabilitytobeindependentand flexiblewithinateamframework.
•MustbeabletospeakandwritetheEnglishlanguage inanunderstandablemanner.
at TheHotchkissSchool n Lakeville,CT
NTERESTED? mail nfo@to
OFFICE MANAGER/ Bookkeeper: Full time, responsible for daily operation of all office functions for a New Marlborough propane company. Must have strong attention to detail, QuickBooks experience and excellent Customer Service skills. Call John for more information. (413)-229-2800 or (413)-446-2446.
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
server bartender cook
call4135287786. or applyafter3pm
420Stockbridgerd GreatBarrington,MA
Nowhiringfulltimepositionstojoinour growingteam.Customhomesandrenovations inBerkshireCounty.Experiencepreferred. SubContractorswelcome.Submitinquiriesto shielsbuilders@gmail.comorcall413-441-5367
Manager/SalesClerk forbusyPaintDepartment
CaligariHardware, Lenox,MA01240
CaligariHardwareinLenox,MAhasanopening forafull-timemanager/salesclerkforit’sbusy paintdepartment.
Wearelookingforacustomer-orientedperson, paintexperiencepreferred.Mustbeabletolift 50lbs.andhavebasiccomputerknowledge.Retail salesexperienceisaplus.OccasionalSundays.
Benefitsincludehealthanddentalinsurance,401K, vacationandemployeediscount.
ApplyinpersontoColleenFoisy,StoreManageror mailresumeto:CaligariHardware,224Housatonic Street,Lenox,MA01240
PAGE 6 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 6, 2024 • SECOND SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON HELP Wanted? Advertise in the Help Wanted Section and find qualified candidates fast! ads@shoppersguideinc.com 413-528-0095 Weekly Ad Deadline: Friday at 11 am
Caligari’s HARDWARE 224HousatonicSt Lenox,MA 413-637-0488 Mon.-Sat.7:30-5:30;Sun.9-3
yh ld n ng.com ..,..,er.-....-.= orv sit ourwebs te to yhi d n ng.com/ca ee s Tory Hill LLC isan EEO/M inorit Female Disabi it Vete anEmploye I NTERESTED ? CallBecky860-435-3238 orvisitourwebsitetoryhilldining.com/careers ToryHillLLCisanEEO/AA/Minority/Female/Disability/VeteranEmployer CATERINGSERVICE WORKER EVENINGLINECOOK PERDIEMEVENTSERVICE WORKERS FOODSERVICE WORKER Full&Part-TimePositionsAvailable Full-timepositionsareeligibleforbenefits
BerkshireHumaneSociety CommunityCatProgram Trap/Neuter/Return 413-447-7878x143 214BarkerRd.,Pittsfield,MA www.berkshirehumane.org
BALEAGE FOR SALE: 4'x4' Rounds, $75 per bale. Will load at farm. 413-528-4091.
HAY FOR SALE: 4'x4' Rounds, first cutting, excellent quality. $85 per bale. 413-528-4091.
HAY FOR SALE: Round bales. 413-446-2446.
Tovolunteer,donateor reportferalcatspleasecall 413-447-7878x143 Susan&GeorgeClark,ABCDT 88CountyRte.21•Hillsdale,NY12529 518.764.1320
OLDER COUPLE SEEKS older dog. Know a laid-back, medium size adult dog who needs a loving home?
Phone/text 413-358-7474.
Lovingcareofyour animalsintheirhome whenyou’reaway
20 GALLON FISH TANK, with all heathers and bubblers. 8 fish and one large Pleco, about 8". Free to a good home but buyer will have to remove tank, fish and related. 603-777-6206.
DebDodge 413-528-0105 debdodge45@aol.com
RESCUE KITTENS, lovingly fostered, available for adoption. Please call 518-3032910. Ancramdale, NY
SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 6, 2024 • SECOND SECTION AD DEADLINE — 11:00 AM FRIDAYS! PAGE 7 ResidentialDesign Kitchen/BathDesign DESIGNANDPLANNINGChristopherBlair ConstructionManagement ProjectRepresentation 413.528.4960623MainStreet,GreatBarrington,MA01230 EXPERTMASONRY CUSTOMDESIGN BLOCK-BRICK-STONE-CONCRETE-STUCCO SPECIALIZINGIN:Steps-Sidewalks-PatiosGranite-Slate-Fireplaces-BlueStone-Cement StampColoredConcrete-CustomPoolDeckDesign Flagstone-RetainingStoneWalls-Driveways-StoneWork “CompleteMasonryWorkforOver37Years” THEBESTPRICESAROUND-FREEESTIMATES-FULLYINSURED SERVINGNY/CT/MA CALLALBERT:CELL203-509-4935 CRANKYYANKEEWOODWORKING CRANKYYANKEEWOODWORKING INTERIORFINISH FINEWOODWORKING KITCHENS: Installed • Custom • Refaced FURNITURE: Custom Refinished Repaired BOBHOGENCAMP BOBHOGENCAMP INSUREDHIC142147 CrankyYankeeWoodwork.com 413-822-1407 CrankyYankeeWoodwork.com 413-822-1407 HOT OFF THE PRESS every Wednesday. Check your mailbox. READ THE PAPER ONLINE! Every Wednesday morning. www.shoppersguideinc.com THE ONLY ONE IN TOWN for all of your advertising needs is The Shopper’s Guide! HOME PROPERTY Maintenance. Interior, exterior painting, custom carpentry. 30+ yrs exp. 413-841-6268. Great Barrington and surrounding areas. ARTISTIC TILE installations. Marble, Granite, Porcelain, Ceramic. Over 20 years experience. (413)-229-0260. DAVID ALLARD- Designer, Builder, Contractor. Licensed, Insured, Responsive. (413)504-3663. THOMSON ROOFING LLC. Strong, durable metal roofs that last. Call us today for a free quote! 413-854-3663 ScottWodecki (413)528-3344 30yearsexperience 175PixleyRd. GreatBarrington,MA01230 COPPER • ALUMINUM •STEEL Drivewaysbuiltandrepaired Sand•Stone•GravelandTopsoil Subdivisions•Sewage&SepticSystems SpecializinginResidential&Commercial FullyInsured HatcheryRoad Hartsville,MA Phone (413)528-3364 MountEverett LANDSCAPING AllTypesofExcavation Electrician B.DanielLitchfieldIII MALIC.#14334-A/29530-E SERVING BERKSHIRECOUNTY 172S.SandisfieldRoad NewMarlborough,MA01230 ( P ) 413-229-2606 ( F ) 413-229-3307 INBU S INESS berkshirehumane.org BERKSHIRE HUMANE SOCIETY 214 Barker Road, Pittsfield, MA • 413-447-7878 Pet of the Week! NORMAN “Adopt a Rescue Guinea Pig Month!” This handsome little 2-year-old dude is Norman. Norman is here because his owner didn’t have time for him, so now he’s looking for an adopter willing to spoil him with all the love and attention he deserves. Norman was initially very shy upon his arrival
the shelter, but with continual handling and attention
and volunteers is coming out of his shell. He is now greeting visitors
the front of his enclosure and will “wheek”
attention. If you have the
provide Norman the continual socialization he needs, please reach out to the Berkshire Humane Society small animal staff today at (413)-447-7878 ext. 124! Find Your New Best Friend From cats and dogs to small mammals and birds, Berkshire Humane Society is the place in Berkshire County to adopt your next companion animal. At Berkshire Humane Society, our adoption counselors love to be match makers and help you Berkshire Humane Society HELPING ANIMALS AND PEOPLE SINCE 1992 413-447-7878 • berkshirehumane.org PetPartners oftheTri-StateBerkshires Thankyouforhelpingtheanimals. ForhelporinformationcallthePetPartnersOffice: Faith(518)781-0362 www.petpartnersberkshires.org PLEASEHELPUSHELPAREA PETSANDTHEIROWNERS. PetPartnerswascreatedtohelppetownerscarefortheir companionanimalsduringtimesofeconomicstress, sotheirpetscanremainintheirhomeandnotbe surrenderedtosheltersorrescuegroups. PETPARTNERSPROVIDES: FoodforNeedyDogsandCats ReducedRateSpay/Neuter AssistancewithBasicVeterinaryCareCosts Donationscanbemadeonline throughourdonationpageat www.petpartnersberkshires.org or bymail: PetPartners,POBox67, WestStockbridge,MA01266 Yourdonationistaxdeductibleand all donationsgodirectlyforthecareoftheanimals. c ompanion’s c ompanion Dog&CatSittinginyourhome! INCLUDINGOVERNIGHT FEEDING•WALKING•PETTAXI
from staff
time to
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SPACIOUS SUNNY 1BR fully furnished duplex apartment in the heart of Housatonic, 1100 square feet. Includes: fully equipped kitchen, large dining table, LR smart TV, 11/2 bath, 2 parking spots, W/D, dishwasher, multiple closets, heat, electric, a/c, wifi, water, garbage & snow removal, lawn care. Shared: back deck, bbq, basement storage. No pets, no smoking. References & credit check required. Available April 1, $2500/month. Call 203-856-2447.
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