B e r k s h i r e s • H u d s o n Va l l e y • N W C o n n e c t i c u t 5 7 , 0 0 0 R E A D E R S W E E K LY G E N E R A L 2 - 5 • B U S I N E S S S E R V I C E S 4 • H E A LT H & W E L L N E S S 5 • H o m e I m p r o v e m e n t 6 - 8 • T r a n s p o r tat i o n 8 • l aw n & G a r d e n 9 • E N T E R T A I N M E N T 1 0 • D I N I N G 11 271 Main Street, Suite 4 Downtown Great Barrington, MA 01230 413-528-0095 or Fax 413-528-4805 Monday-Friday 8:30-4:30 Locally Owned & Operated Since 1968 ads@shoppersguideinc.com www.shoppersguideinc.com I S S U E O F M A R C H 1 3 t h r u 1 9 , 2 0 2 4 Direct Mailed to 18,000+ in the Tri-State Area Spring ColoringContest SEEPAGE2FORDETAILS! 25Pittsf ieldRd. L enox, Ma. 01240 (413) 442-3001 morrisonshomeimprovement.com BE S T C ONTRACTOR PROUD SUPPORTER OF Committed to quality craftsmanship and outstanding customer serviceforover 30years. Stop by our showroom & design center
PAGE 2 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 13, 2024 • FIRST SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON Simplythebesttoystorearound. ARTSUPPLIES Downtown GreatBarrington,MA T O Y S & A R T S U P P L I E S TOYS& ARTSUPPLIES ColoringContestEntryForm Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________AgeGroup: (circleone) 4-78-12 Parent/GuardianName: Phone: Email: CONTESTRULES: (1) Oneentryperperson. (2) Competitionisdividedintotwoagegroups,4-7and8-12,withonewinnerfromeachagegroup. (3) Colorthepictureusingcrayons, markersorcoloredpencils. (4) AllentriesmustbereceivedbyThursday,March14at4pm. (5) Winnerswillbechosenbasedonartisticmerit. (6) Winnerswillbeannouncedinthe Shopper'sGuide,Wednesday,March20,2024edition.Thewinnersparent/guardianwillbenotifiedbyphoneoremailpriortopublishedannouncement.Allentriesbecomeproperty ofthe Shopper'sGuide andcanbeprintedaccordingly. (7) Entrysubmissions:Dropofformailto,Shopper'sGuideInc.,271MainStreet,Suite4,GreatBarrington,MA01230. Emailtoads@shoppersguideinc.com. OfficehoursareMondaythruFriday8:30amto4:30pm. (8) EmployeesorrelativesofNewEnglandNewspapersInc.areineligibletoenter. Contest submissions mustbereceivedby 4pmonThursday, March14,2024 2024CONTESTSPONSORS! Courtesyof Tom'sToys & JWSArtSupplies C o n t e s t S p r i n g p r i n g C O L O R I N G C O L O R 297MainStreet,GreatBarrington,MA 413-528-3330•www.tomstoys.com Simplythebesttoystorearound. ARTSUPPLIES 38RailroadStreet,GreatBarrington,MA 413-644-9838•jwsartsupplies.com f ' li E n t e r T o W i n A $ 2 5 G i f t C a r d ! ! E nter T o W in A $25 ift Card !! Showoffyourartistictalentsbycoloringthecoloringpagebelowandsubmittingthefinishedpage forachancetowina$25GiftCard!Contestisdividedintotwoagegroups,children4-7and8-12. Prizeswillbeawardedtoonewinnerfromeachgroup.Seecompletecontestrulesformoreinformation. Co l o r i n g P a g e S u b m i s s i o n D e a d l i n e : Th u r s d a y, 3 / 1 4 ! ColoringPageSubmissionDeadline:Thursday,3/14!
7 TO 7.5 CORDS OF MIXED hardwood, various diameters and lengths, for $750. If you are willing to take larger diameter logs, greater than 24", $300 per load. (413)-229-8565.
ATTIC & GARAGE clean outs and building demo. Call 413-243-2349.
Doesnotendorse productsorservices advertisednordoes itinvestigatewhether servicestobeprovided requirespeciallicensing orinsurance.Consumers wouldbewisetoinvestigateserviceproviders.
Fax:413-528-4805 ads@shoppersguideinc.com www.shoppersguideinc.com
OfficeHours: MondaythruFriday 8:30amto4:30pm
FOR SALE: Lathe (metal), Lebland, 18 inch, 3&4 jaw chucks and steady rest. Aloris tool post. $2400. 860-248-9244.
Still has yrs left. 860-671-9307.
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-1pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
PURE MAPLE SYRUP locally made, cheap. Why pay more? 361 Salisbury Road, Sheffield.
GARDEN PAVERS. Must pick up. GB. 413-528-2333. Quarry thin slate pallet, never used. $325 or BO.
ORTHO-FLEX Western saddle. Fittings, pads, silver trim, stand, cover, 16" seat. Make offer. 413-684-2227 evenings.
GREAT BARRINGTON Historical Society Trivia Question: The top of Monument Mountain is made primarily of what rock?
SETH THOMAS Bee Hive clock, looks and runs great. $250. Call 413-418-5765.
TheMAPistolLicenseCoursewillbeheldatthe StockbridgeSportsmen’sClub,andqualifiesyouto applyforaMALTCorFID,pluslicensesinCT,FL,etc. Livefireisincluded.The$160.00feeisdueincashat thecourse.IMPORTANT:Readtheno ceregarding Massachuse sandConnec cutupdatesonthehome pageofourwebsite!
Pre-registra onisrequired.Forcoursedetails,orto registeronline,gotowww.NRApistolinstructor.com.
robmcdermo @verizon.net
SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 13, 2024 • FIRST SECTION AD DEADLINE — 11:00 AM FRIDAYS! PAGE 3 WANTED: Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer. Help. Can't afford new one. Looking for used. 413-229-8636. LOOKING TO BUY YOUR cassette tapes. Mainly interested in rap, rock, and metal. Call or text 413-394-0269. I BUY OLD GUITARS, electric or acoustic. Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Guild, and Martin. Also amps, drums, saxophones, ukes. Search attics, basements, closets. (413)-528-3321. HLPropane Co.Inc. 518-794-9066•877-794-9066 ALLPROPANEISTHESAME OU R S I SCHEAPER!! WEBEATANYCOMPETITOR’SPRICE! CallM-F8amto4pm•Rte.20,WestLebanon,NY•www.hlfuel.com ADVERTISINGDEADLINE FRIDAY 11:00AM ForAdReservationsandAdCopy fortheWednesdayPublication. Adsneedingcustomerapproval(AD PROOF)mustbe submittedby11:00AMTHURSDAY.ProofApprovalsmustbe receivedby10:00amMondayortheadwillbepublishedasis. 271MainStreet,Suite4,GreatBarrington,MA01230-1749 Call413-528-0095Fax413-528-4805 ads@shoppersguideinc.comwww.shoppersguideinc.com OfficeHours:MondaythruFriday8:30amto4:30pm CommittedToBuildingCommunitySince1968! Published52weeksayearintheTri-StateArea 57,000 WEEKLYREADERS| 18,000+ DIRECTMAILEDINTRI-STATEAREA 2,100+ATKEYLOCATIONSFORPICKUP|1,200+ E-DELIVEREDWEEKLY Henry’s Electric Inc. •Lubricatingofmoveableparts. •Checkingalloperationalfunctionsontheunit. •Completeinspectionandcleaningofanaccessibleductsystem. •Checkingallsafetydevices. •Installationofanewdryerkit,ifneeded,whichincludes: anewbelt,idlerpulley,anddrumrollers. THETUNE-UPINCLUDES: MONTHRUFRI8:30-4 SAT8-12•CLOSEDSUN Celebrating7 Years InBusiness 252MainStreet,Lee,MA•413-243-0690•HenrysElectricInc.com Familyowned,operatedandcommittedtoservingBerkshireCountyandbeyondsince1946 ClothesDryer T UNE-UPSPECIAL! TUNE-UPSPECIAL! WearecurrentlyofferingaCLEANINGSPECIALonallElectricandGas residentialdryersthatwillimprovetheefficiencyandsafetyofyourdryer. VACUUMCENTER TUESFRI105,CLOSED SAT,SUN,MON 413-528-0690 JEFFSVAC@OUTLOOK.COM 2STILLWELLSTREET,SUITE2, GREATBARRINGTON,MA AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com PINE WARDROBE $300. Beautiful! 518-789-3728. FOR SALE: 2013 Brush Bandit 150 XP brush chipper; lightly used; 1,000 hours, Kubota engine, real nice. $25,000. Call 413-229-2728. FREE: 26' above ground pool. Come and take it down and take it away. We loved it for years!
Schilling TV
1948 Sales& Service
CustomHomeTheater Audio/Video
Multiservice InsuranceandTaxes YouNeedInsurance?/NecesitasUnSeguro? Life•Auto•Commercial•Home•Business AllTaxes: PersonalandBusiness Weopenyourcompany. JanethSalazar(845)745-5008•LizbethBarron(845)366-8722 Email:LJagencymulti@gmail.com•Website:https://LJagencymulti.com HablamosEspañol Contactus...we'reheretohelpyou!/Contactanosestamosparaayudarte 371NorfolkRoad,Rte.44,EastCanaan,CT06024 (860)824-9883•oldefarmsfurniture.com UpliftingComfort POWERLIFT RECLINERS Findyoursize. Findyourstyle. Findyourprice. FREEDELIVERY Pricedfrom $799 SHOPDAILY10TO5 DriveALittle,SaveALot! HOUSYDOME • 1064MAINST • HOUSATONIC,MA berkshiregrown.org Winter 2023–2024 THISSATURDAY MARCH16 10AM–2PM
since 1973. Furniture, ceramics, silver, bronzes, weapons. David J. LeBeau MFA dba LeBeau Appraisal Service. 413-229-3445. 10-5 M-F voice & text.
$144/hr Vedic/Sidereal, Full house system. Natal, with current/upcoming transits. Learn your Life path, your innate strengths/challenges. Tell me your hopes/fears and overcome them through help of the Spheres that govern our skies. Call or text 917-370-2742. Paypal/Cash.
ATTIC & GARAGE clean outs and building demo. Call 413-243-2349.
CLEANING SERVICE. Do you need help cleaning your house? Let me help you!! I'm reliable, honest, experienced and thorough. I offer weekly, bi-weekly or monthly services. Call/ Text me at 413-717-0557 or send me an email at casascleaning959 @gmail.com.References available upon request.
CLEANING SERVICE: Home, rental, Airbnb, post construction, office cleaning, restaurant cleaning. Berkshire, NY, Canaan, CT, or anywhere. 12 years experience. Fully insured. (413)-645-2332, Text or call. Ramos72185@gmail.com
CNA/PCA with excellent local references, available for home care and light housekeeping. Serving Berkshire County for more than 30 years. Flexible hours. Call Reina at (413) 347-3256.
Windows PC tune-ups, repairs, upgrades, Wi-Fi networking, tech support. (413) 528-1141 or https:// dellea.biz
ENCLOSE YOUR DECK with a screen and glass enclosure combination. Call Southern Berkshire Builders. Fully insured. (413)-429-7101.
NORBERT'S LOCKSMITH Service: Certified and bonded. Commercial and residential. Locks rekeyed, repaired, installed and sold. Call (413)-528-2221.
GB JUNK. (413)-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarringto njunkremoval.com
ESCOBAR'S PAINTING: Professional painter, over 25 years experience, surrounding areas. Interior and exterior painting, pressure washing of houses, decks, and fences. Fully insured, references available. Free estimates. (413)-429-6333, (845)-518-8609.
EXPRESS HANDYMAN Services. Plumbing: install toilets, sinks, faucets, drain connections. Bathroom renovations. Kitchen: sinks, faucets, counter base, counter tops. Kitchen renovations. Windows, doors, ceramic tiles. Carpenterporch renovations, repairs, floors, drywall, paint. Electrical services. Small jobs welcome. 30 years experience, great references. Call Jose 860-795-3606 or send email to josehandyexpress @gmail.com
FRUIT TREE PRUNING, orchard restoration. Only organic principles, pruning lessons, spring-summer organic integrated pest management for healthy plants. Degree in organic Agriculture, plant biology. $/hr based on project. Call/text: 413-281-5995.
FRUIT TREE PRUNING, orchard restoration. Only organic principles, pruning lessons, spring-summer organic integrated pest management for healthy plants. Degree in organic Agriculture, plant biology. $/hr based on project. Call/text: 413-281-5995.
GENERAL CONTRACTING. Building, renovations, kitchens, baths, and home inspections. Fully insured. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders. (413)-429-7101.
Save energy! Get new vinyl replacement windows w/low E glass. Call Southern Berkshire Builders for estimate, (413)-429-7101.
GRAVEL DRIVEWAYS and hardscape. Licensed and insured, free estimates. Strong Oak Landscaping. Your driveway will thank you! (413)-644-5164.
REGISTERED NURSE available for home care. Email tdnursingcare@gmail.com
GREAT BARRINGTON Historical Society Trivia Question: What famous General once encamped by the Green River in what is now Great Barrington?
GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for!
WE DO RUBBER roofing for your low pitched roofs. Please call Southern Berkshire Builders (413)-429-7101.
TAX PREPARATION Services: Local service, reasonable rates. Nadine Hawver (413)-441-4893.
HOME PROPERTY Maintenance. Interior, exterior painting, custom carpentry. 30+ yrs exp. 413-841-6268. Great Barrington and surrounding areas.
HOUSE CLEANING: Weekly, bi-weekly, weekenders welcome. Excellent attention to detail. Honest and reliable. Within 10 mile radius of GB. Excellent references. 413-644-5803.
KIND, RELIABLE housekeeper. Vacation properties, large/small properties, Air BnBs. Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. Also, deep cleaning restaurants and residential homes. Serving clients for many years. References available. Call (413)717-0791.
From tree climbing, trimming, pruning, hazards, storm damage to all things tree related call us for all of your tree work needs! With over 10+ years experience in the tree service industry, high quality work and fair prices, we are the people to call if you want your tree work done right! Call us at (413) 854-1565 for a free estimate.
SEASONED FIREWOOD 16"-20"length-$300-$350 per cord delivered/dumped. Pricing depends on delivery address. Scott Amstead 413-644-0169 (HP not cell).
TAX PREPARATION Services. Personal income tax returns, authorized IRS efile provider. I.T.I.N. 413-717-1096, 413-2433961. Liliana OrtizBermudez. Habla Espanol.
THE FLOOR SPECIALIST. Sanding, refinishing restoration of old floors, bleaching/white staining. When quality counts call Frank Monda (860)-671-0468. thefloorspecialist@ verizon.net
IS FOOD A PROBLEM for you? Try Overeaters Anonymous. For information on phone, online, and virtual meetings, go to www.oa.org
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY abre los lunes de 4-5:30pm y los jueves de 10am-12:30pm. En Saint James Place, esquina de Main St y Taconic Ave, GB, frente a CVS. Los compradores locales puede visitar una vez a la semana a eligen entre una variedad de productos, proteinas, alimentos enlatados y mas. Todo gratis. Sin requisitos de ingresos o identificaion. Protocolos Covid.
55HuldahsLane,AshleyFalls,MA01222 413.717.2494
MadsenOverheadDoors offersnumerousdoor optionstofitanybudget!
Residential,commercial& industrialdoors,electric operators,radiocontrols, sales&service.
OLDER COUPLE SEEKS older dog. Know a laid-back, medium size adult dog who needs a loving home? Phone/text 413-358-7474.
ROOM RENTAL WANTED. 19 y.o. young man, into physical fitness. No drinking, no drugs, no overnight guests. Can exchange property care also for some of the rental fee. Please call or text 413-854-8325 for more information. Thanks!
YELLOW HOUSE BOOKS is now open every day, from 12-5. We buy books and music. Call (413)-528-8227, email us at yh.book @verizon.net or come by 252 Main St., Great Barrington.
UPRIGHT 14.1 cubic foot garage ready GE Freezer for sale. $625.00. 860 671 4259.
Pleasemakecheckspayableto:PrimeTimeHoopCamp Pleaseprintregistrationformfrom
www.primetimehoopcamp.net,filloutand mailwithcheckto:RickRamsay,28TaconicLane,GreatBarrington,MA01230 REGISTEREARLY! Thereisalimitedcapacity. Pleaseindicateassoonaspossible whichweeksyouwillbeattending. PRIMETIME 21 24 REGISTER EARLY ! HoopCamp CancellationPolicy: Refundsaregivenonlyifcancellationisduetomedicalreasonandisdocumentedbyadoctor. 413-528-3192•Email:Rickramsay54@gmail.com KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients in the Monterey area. Call 413-528-1387. TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164. (518)3923883 673Route203,Spencertown,NY www.MadsenOverheadDoors.com MADSEN OVERHEADDOORS
areaforover 65Years!
local resource for all your service needs in the tri-state area
on the way!
Help is
Weofferalltypesofcleaning: •CommercialSpace
845-366-8722 jvhousekeeping13@gmail.com Callus!Wehaveexcellentservice.
MANAGEMENT. Lawn care, spring/fall cleanups, brush removal, general landscaping. Free estimates. Fully insured. Busch Property Management, LLC.
Pleasecalltojoinourfamilyofsatisfiedcustomers! ORMSBEE GASCO.
YourLocalFamilyOwnedPropaneCo.forover65years 839MillRiver-SouthfieldRoad
SEASONED FIREWOOD 16"-20"length-$300-$350 per cord delivered/dumped. Pricing depends on delivery address. Scott Amstead 413-644-0169 (HP not cell).
SALE AT Great Barrington Train Station, 46 Castle Street. Artwork, furniture, industrial, vintage. Saturday 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30. 12 to 5.
SEWING BY RACHEL. Zippers, cushions, light upholstery, dog beds, horse blanket repairs, general repairs. (208)-270-9730.
YETI COOLER, new with travel handle. $270 obo. 413-418-5765.
FOR SALE: Solid pine round coffee table, Price $50 Call 413-429-1583.
FREE! Wooden desk with 4 drawers, 24" deep, 44" wide, 29" tall. Wooden bureau, 18" deep, 50 " wide, 34" tall. Door mirrors $5 each. LP turntable, used once, new condition, $40. Cherrywood bunk beds, good condition $49. 860-435-0723.
4 FOLDING TABLES: 2 wood and 2 plastic in good condition. FREE. Text 413-429-6052.
MOTORCYCLE JACKET: Black leather vintage men's Fieldsheer. Forty years old. Excellent. I can email you photos. Size USA44/Euro56. Heavy sturdy with vest and liner. $50. 860 453 4444.
READ THE PAPER ONLINE! www.shoppersguideinc.com
Whatdoes your recoverylooklike, andhowcanwehelp?
INVERSION TABLE: Like new, good quality. $50. Text 413-429-6052.
and pitcher. $50. 413-528-0263.
AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com
However, massages
off a hectic week. According to the Mayo
more than just a relaxing way to
massage is a component of integrative medicine that is increasingly being offered along with standard treatments for a host of medical conditions and situations. Massage has long been associated with helping to reduce stress, pain, muscle soreness, and tension. And massage also can help improve circulation and lower heart rate and blood pressure. However, various studies also have suggested massage can be utilized to treat a range of additional conditions, including anxiety, headaches, fibromyalgia, and nerve pain. The Mayo Clinic notes that more study is needed to confirm the benefits of massage for treating such conditions, but massage can remain a beneficial component of wellness regimens.
SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 13, 2024 • FIRST SECTION AD DEADLINE — 11:00 AM FRIDAYS! PAGE 5 Any Classified Ad selling an item(s) for $50.00 or less is FREE for TWO WEEKS!! ICE SKATES FOR SALE: Like new, worn four times. Pur- chased from LL Bean in 2023. Womens size 7. $50 or obo. Call/text 555-555-5555. KEURIG K FOR SALE: Keurig K Mini Coffee Maker for sale. Royal blue color. Brand new, still in box. $50. Call or text 555-555-5555. Submit ads online through the MyAd-Classified Ad Portal, shoppersguideinc.com/ advertise/myad/ and choose "SG $50 AND UNDER" as your "Classification Selection." Ad Deadline: FRIDAY by 11AM for Wednesday edition. Classified ads are not accepted over the phone or via email. shoppersguideinc.com NEW CLASSIFIED AD RATE!! MASSAGES
Did you know?
massage may
STRENGTH BALANCE POSTURE 344StockbridgeRoad,GreatBarrington,MA 413-931-3211•greatbarrington@osteostrong.me THEULTIMATEBIOHACKFORALLAGES RedLightTherapy HydroMassage PEMFTherapy Normatec Compression Boots BioCharger TRY ANY 3 MODALITIES FOR $33! BIODANZA FOR WOMEN. movement/music/connection. Intro Evening, Friday March 15, 6:30pm-8:30pm, Friends Meeting House, 280 State Rd, Great Barrington. More Info: NewWorldRitualDance.com/ events The Shopper's Guide will make every effort to see that all advertising copy is neatly presented and is correctly printed. The publisher assumes no financial responsibility for ty po graph i cal errors in advertising, but will gladly reprint, without charge, that part of any advertisement in which an error may occur. Also the publisher takes no responsibility for statements or claims made in any advertisement. The publisher reserves the right to refuse to publish an ad for any reason. 321MainStreet,Suite203,GreatBarrington,MA (2ndFloor,BerkshireBlock) BookOnline:BareHairRemovalGB.com orcalltoschedule(413)3294518 ELECTROLYSIS&LASER HAIRREMOVAL
LaserHairRemoval SpringisintheAir!
be seen as the ideal way to unwind at the end
We’veMoved! Ournewaddressis
Dave’ s TV
Callforappointment 518-789-3881
andtoanyonewhoisaffectedbyaddictioninANYway. 67STATEROAD,GREATBARRINGTON,MA01230 (413)645-3564•SOUTHCOUNTYRECOVERYCENTER.ORG
BARREL WOOD STOVE. 21" diameter, 36" high cast iron door, air regulator, ceramic liner, $50.
STANGL POTTERY for sale Orchard Song pattern, hand painted. Luncheon plates, bowls
ARTISTIC TILE installations. Marble, Granite, Porcelain, Ceramic. Over 20 years experience. (413)-229-0260.
CARPENTER / BUILDERDavid James Valyou Renovations & Repairs. Kitchens, baths, studios, Old homes & barns my specialty. 20+ years serving Ma NY CT. Licensed/ insured. Call or text 917-538-1617. Based in Canaan, CT. Email davidvalyou @yahoo.com
PAGE 6 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 13, 2024 • FIRST SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON (518)325-4679 HILLSDALE,NY • info@claverackpump.com www.claverackpumpservice.com Mass.Lic.#Mass.971,1016,1017,1018 NY.Lic.#10351 Conn.Lic.#373 BERKSHIREROOFING 413-298-1029 MikeLinde www.bgrco.net Metal/AsphaltRoofing Siding AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com ROCKSOLID MarbleandGranite LLC Sheffield,MA 413-229-9001 Hours: *NewShowroomHours: Saturday:1stand3rdofthemonth10-3* WeeklyTuesday-Friday10am-5pm *Showroomopenbyappointmentonly* Locatedat1719N.MainSt.Sheffield,MA CustomStoneCountertopFabrication EngineeredQuartzandSolidSurface BeautifulSelectionofStoneSlabs INSTOCK TRUCKING&EXCAVATINGINC. SINCE1977 COMMERCIAL&RESIDENTIAL SEPTICSYSTEMS SUBDIVISIONS LOADERWORK BULLDOZING LANDCLEARING SITE DEVELOPMENT FILL • SAND GRAVEL • STONE SCREENEDLOAM Serving SouthernBerkshireCounty (413) 329-3906 GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for! EXPRESS HANDYMAN Services. Plumbing: install toilets, sinks, faucets, drain connections. Bathroom renovations. Kitchen: sinks, faucets, counter base, counter tops. Kitchen renovations. Windows, doors, ceramic tiles. Carpenter- porch renovations, repairs, floors, drywall, paint. Electrical services. Small jobs welcome. 30 years experience, great references. Call Jose 860-795-3606 or send email to josehandy
R NCONSTRUCTION RonLove FULLSERVICECONSTRUCTIONCOMPANY WEDOITALL! FULLYINSURED-FREEESTIMATES LIC.CS-073284 •Roofing •Carpentry •Interior& ExteriorPainting •MasonryRepair •Buildings •Renovations •Decks/ScreenedPorches Bus.Cell 413-441-3320 Office 413-258-4103 ROTTED SIDING AND trim? Deck repairs? Fence repairs? No one willing to take on your small repair job? A Little TLC Home Repair may be the answer! Small jobs are my specialty. Contact Terry at 413-854-8893. Fully insured. ResidentialDesign Kitchen/BathDesign DESIGNANDPLANNINGChristopherBlair ConstructionManagement ProjectRepresentation 413.528.4960623MainStreet,GreatBarrington,MA01230 CUSTOMFURNITURE Design&Build CabinetryMetalWork MillWorkCarpentry ADAMZAMBERLETTI 413-429-1599 azcustom413@outlook.com ALLSEASONS PAINTING,LLC (413)429-7548 WindowGlazing&Decks WaterDamage/WallpaperRemoval Sheetrock&PlasterRepair Interior&ExteriorPainting Insured Reg#134890 Workmens Comp. YourSatisfaction IsOurBusiness EXPERTMASONRY CUSTOMDESIGN BLOCK-BRICK-STONE-CONCRETE-STUCCO SPECIALIZINGIN:Steps-Sidewalks-PatiosGranite-Slate-Fireplaces-BlueStone-Cement StampColoredConcrete-CustomPoolDeckDesign Flagstone-RetainingStoneWalls-Driveways-StoneWork “CompleteMasonryWorkforOver37Years” THEBESTPRICESAROUND-FREEESTIMATES-FULLYINSURED SERVINGNY/CT/MA CALLALBERT:CELL203-509-4935 HenryA.KirchdorferIII BUILDER/CONTRACTOR 413-854-8552 www.habuilder.com QualityFinishWorkNewHomes HistoricHouseRestorationsRestorations TimberFramingShakerStyle AdditionsM.C.S.L.#019855/H.I.C.L.#117473 RemodelingP.O.115,Stockbridge,MA CRANKYYANKEEWOODWORKING CRANKYYANKEEWOODWORKING INTERIORFINISH FINEWOODWORKING KITCHENS: Installed Custom Refaced FURNITURE: Custom • Refinished • Repaired BOBHOGENCAMP BOBHOGENCAMP INSUREDHIC142147 CrankyYankeeWoodwork.com 413-822-1407 CrankyYankeeWoodwork.com ScottWodecki (413)528-3344 30yearsexperience 175PixleyRd. GreatBarrington,MA01230 COPPER • ALUMINUM •STEEL GeneralContracting CustomRenovations ReModeling WindowsandDoors CustomHomes HistoricRenovations Kitchens/Baths LightExcavation CONSTRUCTION (413) 854-4539 JKirchdorfer99@hotmail.com LicensedandInsuredCS-108339 n PO674,OtisMA01253 Electrician B.DanielLitchfieldIII MALIC.#14334-A/29530-E SERVING BERKSHIRECOUNTY 172S.SandisfieldRoad NewMarlborough,MA01230 ( P ) 413-229-2606 ( F ) 413-229-3307 INBU S INESS
PAGE 8 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 13, 2024 • FIRST SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON 271 Main St., Great Barrington, MA • 413-528-0095 • shoppersguideinc.com TRUSTEDAUTOREPAIR &AUTOBODYSERVICE FamilyRunBusinessfor48years LocatedinHousatonic,Massachusetts GulfGasDiesel Fuel CERTIFIEDMASSACHUSETTS STATEINSPECTIONSTATION ALSOCOMMERCIALINSPECTIONS JOHN'SGARAGE FrontStreet(413)274-3328 AllMajorRepairs•Transmissions•Stateofthe ArtComputerDiagnostic&WheelAlignment Brakes•Exhaust•Tires•ACService ForEstimates AskforDave JOHN'S AUTO BODY MainStreet (413)274-6078 BodyShop CarWash ALLMAJOR BODY&GLASS REPAIRS & 24 HOUR ROADSERVICE ForEstimates-AskforJason 14’MOVINGTRUCKSANDCARGOVANS (HalfDayRateavailableMondaythroughFriday) 1/2DAYRATE ONBOXTRUCKS&VANS taylorrentalgb@yahoo.com GREATBARRINGTON,MA 413-528-1770 AVOID SCAMS! Deal locally, face-to-face. Don’t extend payment to anyone you haven’t met; and never wire funds; and never give out financial info. That “amazing” deal may not exist! ALLTYPESOFSERVICE FOREIGNANDDOMESTIC CARSANDTRUCKS ORMSBEE’SGARAGE 839MillRiverSouthfieldRd. MillRiver413-229-2515 •Tires•Oil •Brakes•Exhaust •MassVehicleInspection •CommercialInspection 2008 HYUNDAI ELECTRA for sale. Power windows, power doors, sunroof, high miles, well maintained, everything works as it should. Great car for the money. $5,500. 413-854-3240. 2011 HONDA PILOT. 97K miles, highly optioned, very good condition, rust-free under carriage, 7 passenger. Text 518-822-7268 for pics. FOR SALE: 2000 Honda Shadow Spirit 1100 shaft drive. Low mileage 11075. Excellent condition. $2,800. 413-229-2101. THOMSONROOFINGLLC "WEGOABOVEANDBEYOND" STANDINGSEAMMETAL•SHINGLES BradThomson 413-854-3663•bthomson75@yahoo.com Sheffield,MA Last Week’s Puzzle Answers (3/6/24) PUZZLE SOLUTION WANT TO KNOW MORE about our Digital Advertising Package? Call the Shopper’s Guide today. (413)-528-0095. THE ONLY ONE IN TOWN for all of your advertising needs is The Shopper’s Guide! Tri-State coverage and great prices, too. Find out more at www. shoppersguideinc.com Drivewaysbuiltandrepaired Sand•Stone•GravelandTopsoil Subdivisions•Sewage&SepticSystems SpecializinginResidential&Commercial FullyInsured HatcheryRoad Hartsville,MA Phone (413)528-3364 MountEverett LANDSCAPING AllTypesofExcavation n Residential andCommercial SiteWork n SepticSystems n Driveways n LandClearing n Trucking GRAVEL n FILL STONE n TOPSOIL ILLIAMS W W.STOCKBRIDGE,MA
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E ) cwe2007@outlook.com DAVID ALLARD- Designer, Builder, Contractor. Licensed, Insured, Responsive. (413)504-3663. THOMSON ROOFING LLC. Strong, durable metal roofs that last. Call us today for a free quote! 413-854-3663 HOME PROPERTY Maintenance. Interior, exterior painting, custom carpentry. 30+ yrs exp. 413-841-6268. Great Barrington and surrounding areas. WINDOW and DOOR Restoration, repair, refitting, weather stripping. New fabrication of old style windows, doors, and storm sash. 413-854-1048. HIC.183099 CSFA 059711.Wayne Olivieri Carpentry. HeatingSystemsandRepairs,OilTanks, ChimneyLiners,andAirConditioning License#BU056967MA License#31674MA James“Jesse”Lane Southfield,MA01259 413-229-2370 Independentheating@gmail.com “Wedon’tselloil,Wesaveoil!” SEPTICTANKPUMPING Residential•Commercial DrainLinesCleaned•TankLocating SewerPumpRepair&Replacement PortableToiletRentals PortableWashStationRentals SPECIALIZINGIN InstallationofResidential&Commercial Sewage&SepticSystems MT.EVERETTSANITATION RonLeonard•GreatBarrington FREEESTIMATES •RadioDispatched •FreeComputerReminderService •FullyInsured •AskaboutourFullWarranty 413/528-3364 QualityPainting Exterior&Interior Stain Decks&Houses HomeImprovement GutterCleaning FloorRefinishing Drywall&Plaster MannySaavedra rrliberty613@gmail.com (518) 325-1423 FREEESTIMATES INSURED M ANNY ' S C LEAR V IEW P ROFESSIONAL W I NDOW CL E A N ING LLC. WINDOW CLEANING C HEYNE AWNING COMPANY AWNINGS&GUTTERS RETRACTABLE • PATIOAWNINGS COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL FreeEstimates (413)442-4742 • WWW.CHEYNEAWNING.COM
SpecializinginStoneWalls, Cobblestone,PatiosandSteps. Extensiveportfolioandexperience. Allworkperformedbyownerstoinsureexcellentquality. NOWSCHEDULINGFORSPRING&SUMMERJOBS. ServingSouthernBerkshireandLitchfieldCounties. 413-281-5731 n ryancarlsonlandscaping@gmail.com
Lawn care, spring/fall cleanups, brush removal, general landscaping. Free estimates. Fully insured. Busch Property Management, LLC. 413-854-1943.
Servingthe Berkshires for26Years
413-229-0225or 413-854-1558(c)
FullyInsured Freesitevisit andestimate
6X12 SINGLE AXLE landscape trailer, $250. 413229-0216.
FOR SALE: Dewalt PSI pressure washer 3.5 GPM powered by Honda GS270 motor. Like new. Price $850. Call 413-229-8708.
DO YOU HAVE A SPRING project you would like to do, but need help? If you are looking for a hard worker, occasionally, to help maintain your property for a reasonable price, call Tim. I will help with gardening, weedwhipping, brush cutting, tree work, pruning, power washing, raking, and more. Just ask! (413)-717-7372. References.
GROW CANNABIS? If you're growing your own this season come to Glass and Grow! We have seeds, clone plants, nutrients, specialty soils, and everything else you need for an amazing harvest. For more info and upcoming event schedule, visit us online at www.glassandgrow.comstop by at 180 State Rd in Barrington open daily 11-6, or call us at (413)-717-4009.
Come to our first Spring Smoke-Up Event, Sat. March 30th 1-7 at the GB VFW, free to the public 21+.
Let your winter debris become our problem. Free estimates. Licensed, insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
TREE PRUNING and storm damage. Tree take downs. Call 413-243-2349.
WANT TO MAKE A Difference in our community? Volunteer with the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet) and tutor both immigrant and native-born adults in our community. No prior experience necessary. To learn how you can help transform lives through literacy, call LitNet at (413)243-0471. For more info visit www.litnetsb.org
TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.
SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 13, 2024 • FIRST SECTION AD DEADLINE — 11:00 AM FRIDAYS! PAGE 9 Lawn&PropertyCare HILS LLC p:413.854.3230e:hilslawncare18@gmail.com •LawnMowing •Spring/FallCleanup •DrivewayInstallation •Drainage •LandClearing •LandscapeDesign •FoundationDigging •TreeInstallation •LawnInstallation •StumpRemoval •BrushCutting andmore... •FullyInsured• Tree Climbing AtIts Finest! FullTreeRemovals ExperiencedandInsured droptoptree413 @gmail.com 413-429-5055 GREENER GARDENS Landscaping LLC. Sharon, CT 06069. Painting, lawn mowing, patios, wood clearing, snow plowing, lawn fertilizer, handyman work. 860-671-7850. aurelipaca @gmail.com WE’RE THE ONE FOR ALL! Whether you’re a Real Estate Agency, a Salon, a Restaurant, a New Business, or anything in between, we have the coverage you need with prices you can afford! Find out more at www. shoppersguideinc.com or give us a call at (413)-528-0095. GREAT BARRINGTON Historical Society Answer: Quartzite. KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating, and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients in the Monterey area. Call 413-528-1387. FOR SALE: SCAG Cheetah 61" mower. Low 459 hours, excellent condition, used only on owner's private property. Price $9,850 dollars. Call 413-229-8708. JOHN DEERE 7 IRON commercial grade walk behind mower for sale. Kawasaki engine, fully serviced. $3,800. 413-854-3240. Hire a professional to transform your yard into a beautiful & comfortable outdoor living space this spring! patios • pool surrounds • walkways • retaining walls • stem walls PLANNOW TO BUILD A BETTER BACKYARD THIS SPRING 271 Main Street, Downtown Great Barrington, MA 413.528.0095 • ads@shoppersguideinc.com • www.shoppersguideinc.com LAWN & GARDEN WEEKLY SECTION Filledwithprofessionals! READ THE PAPER ONLINE! www.shoppersguideinc.com JOHN'S MOBILE MOWER Service and small engine repairs. 400 Rt. 7 North, Falls Village CT. 860-671-1899, 860-824-7507. gtractors53 @gmail.com LOOKING FOR A NEW landscaping crew member. Long term. All aspects of landscaping and general contracting. Must have a valid license and be able to drive. Pay based on experience. Flexible scheduling, both part and full time. Tips and paid personal days. We work Mon-Fri depending on weather. Possibly working some weekends due to lost days and the amount of workload. Please call Frederick at 413-243-2349. Forallyour landscaping needs! PILLINGLANDSCAPING (413)298-5112 Since1981 www.pillinglandscaping.com
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GREAT BARRINGTON Historical Society Answer: Jeffrey Amherst.
MUSICIANS WANTED for small trio and singer. Also, a musician who wishes to collaborate with singer/ songwriter on originals. Text 413-717-2505.
PIANO FOR ADULTS: specializing in adult students, my home or yours. Call Deborah Harris, (413)-528-9027.
OPEN HOUSE: 3-5pm, Sat., March 16, with refreshments , at Great Barrington Train Station, 46 Castle Street. Art, furniture, ephemera.
READ THE PAPER ONLINE! Every Wednesday morning. www.shoppersguideinc.com
We’ll handle all of your advertising needs! Call or email us today. The Shopper’s Guide (413)-528-0095. www.shoppersguideinc.com
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PAGE 10 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 13, 2024 • FIRST SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON shoppersguideinc.com/calendar Post and view local events on our Community Calendar! A simple and easy-to-use platform to upload your event and photos. Visit Us Today! ❯ WELCOME ANSWERS IN NEXT WEEK’S ISSUE CLUES ACROSS 1. Helps little firms 4. Political action committee 7. Allowed 12. Olivia Colman played one 15. Open 16. He had a notable lamp 18. Promotional material 19. Domesticated animal 20. Larry and Curly’s buddy 21. The best ever 24. TV network 27. Checked for 30. Dry or withered 31. Expression of annoyance 33. Dash 34. Fifth note of a major scale 35. A secret clique 37. Partner to cheese 39. school: where to learn healing 41. City in ancient Syria 42. Gasteyer and de Armas are two 44. Established practice 47. Thanksgiving side dish 48. District in Peru 49. It’s becoming more prevalent 50. State in India 52. Measure of illumination 53. Raised platform 56. Japanese warrior 61. R.L. Stevenson novel 63. Transitory 64. Advanced degree 65. Fiddler crabs CLUES DOWN 1. Prevent from seeing 2. Czech city 3. and Andy, TV show 4. A young pig 5. Removed surgically 6. Covered with 7. Chest muscle (slang) 8. Nigerian City 9. Midway between south and east 10. A way to shut 11. Stop playing 12. Marshy places 13. Takes apart 14. Ten cents 17. A gesture of assent 22. Scent 23. Teletypewriter 24. General’s assistant (abbr.) 25. Hillside 26. Taxi driver 28. Semitic Sun god 29. Town in India 32. Traditional rhythmic pattern 36. Fugitives are on the __ 38. Type of dance 40. Two letters, one sound 43. Having a strong, pleasant taste 44. Golf score 45. Mayhem 46. Drenched 51. River in northeastern Asia 54. Drug to treat anxiety (abbr.) 55. Part-time employee 56. A very large body of water 57. Aboriginal people of Japan 58. Millisecond 59. Forearm bone 60. Subway dweller 62. Royal Mail
Coming Soon Dune:PartTwo(PG-13) PerfectDays(PG) KungFuPanda4(PG)
EVERY SUNDAY: Worship Service 10:30. First Congregational Church UCC, 251 Main Street, Great Barrington. ONA
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O'FLYNN Voice Studio. Voice Lessons: classical, opera,
Whether you’re a Real Estate Agency, a Salon, a Restaurant, a New Business, or anything in between, we have the coverage you need with prices you can afford! Find out more at www. shoppersguideinc.com or give us a call at (413)-528-0095.
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-1pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
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OurBlackAngusBeefBurgerwith toppingsofyourchoice,friesof yourchoice&apintofourfresh craftedbeer.Chef’sVeggieBurger +$2,Grass-FedBurger+$2.
WEDNESDAY (After5pm):
Servedwithgravy,garlicmashed potatoes&roastedvegetables.
THURSDAY (After5pm):
Servedwithgravy,mashedsweet potatoes&mixedvegetables.
NEWENGLANDFRIED SEAFOODDINNER$20 Beerbatteredbayscallops, shrimpandcodservedwith coleslawandfries,tartar sauce&lemon.
SATURDAY (After5pm):
Choiceprimeribservedwith aujus,horseradishsourcream, mashed&veggies.
SUNDAY (AllDay):
Friedwholebellyclams,beer batteredfries,coleslaw,lemon &tartarsauce.
SOLAR B R E W ED BEER BARRINGTON BREWERY &RESTAURANT Open6DaysAWeekforLunch&Dinner-ClosedTuesdays Visitusonline:barringtonbrewery.net•413-528-8282 420StockbridgeRoad,(Rte7),GreatBarrington,MA Open6DaysAWeekforLunch&Dinner-ClosedTuesdays Visitusonline:barringtonbrewery.net•413-528-8282 420StockbridgeRoad,(Rte7),GreatBarrington,MA
WED•THURS•FRI Pizza$14/$1Toppings BMB Sourdough Pizza WED thru SAT Oysters onthe Hal fS hell! $ 2.50 each THISSUNDAY!! CornedBeef &Cabbage $ 13.95 MMARCH ARCH S PEC I A LS S PEC I A LS SOLAR B R E W ED BEER BARRINGTON BREWERY &RESTAURANT SUNDAY,MARCH17TH $13.95 AllDay! CORNEDBEEF &CABBAGE ServedwithBoiledPotatoes, CarrotsandIrishSodaBread! Open6DaysAWeekforLunch&Dinner-ClosedTuesdays 413-528-8282• barringtonbrewery.net 420StockbridgeRoad,(Rte7),GreatBarrington,MA Issue Dates To Run (Published Every Wednesday) Base Rate (Standfard or Free) $_______________________ + additional words @ ______________ _________¢ = $ _______________________________/wk. Ad Cost Per Week $ _________ x Issues Total Enclosed $ Rate Used (Standard or Free) ___________________ Section Placement _______________ PAYMENT: Cash Check #____________ Credit Card (See Below) Card Holder Zip CC # Exp. CSC Name _________________________________________________________________ Address City/State Zip Phone Email FAIR HOUSING ACT NOTICE DISCRIMINATION IN ADVERTISING All real estate advertised herein is subject to state and federal antidiscrimination law, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, genetic information, ancestry, children, marital status, public assistance recipiency or handicap. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Sorry, we do not take classified ads over the phone. CLASSIFIED AD RATES STANDARD RATE 15 Words - $5.00 Additional words 25¢ each Advertising a product or service; help wanted,* buying or collecting items; selling multiple vehicles; seminars, classes, counseling; business opportunities; animals for sale; hay; firewood, tag sales, etc. Individuals with property for sale, for rent or to share.** * Limited to 100 words. ** Please read notice at bottom FREE UNDER $50 20 Word Limit / 2 Weeks Free Advertising an item(s) for sale, priced at $50.00 or less, will be published free of charge for two consecutive editions. Ads must be submitted by using this form or using our online Classified ad portal at: shoppersguideinc.com/advertise/myad/ No phone calls or emails please. LOST & FOUND AND FREE PETS RATE 20 Word Limit / 2 Weeks Free If you represent a shelter, use the Standard Classified Rate above. CHOOSE A SECTION TO ADVERTISE IN: Antiques & Auctions, Animals, Arts & Entertainment, Business Services, Dining, General, Health & Wellness, Help Wanted, Home Improvement, Lawn & Garden, Real Estate, Tag Sales, Transportation, Wanted NEW! Weekly Ad Deadline: FRIDAYS AT 11 AM classified AD FORM 271 Main Street, Suite 4, Downtown Great Barrington, MA 01230 • 413-528-0095 • Fax 413-528-4805 www.shoppersguideinc.com • ads@shoppersguideinc.com • Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:30 to 4:30 Please be advised that the Shopper’s Guide does not accept get rich quick schemes or multi-level marketing ads.
PAGE 12 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 13, 2024 • FIRST SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON Ward’sNursery&GardenCenter 600MainStreet,GreatBarringtonMA413-528-0166 Learnmoreaboutwhat’sin-storeatwardsnursery.com Spring AheadSALE almost Everything* GARDENREWARDSCLUBMEMBERSGET ADVANCENOTICEOFSALES Learnabout&receive salepricesautomatically andearnpointswitheverypurchase! NotaMember? Joinonlineorin thestore today! yp OpenDaily:8am-5pm *20%throughMarch19 2024March OpenHouse ProductDisplaysand TipstoGetGrowing Formoreplantideas, useWard’sPlantFinder: https://plants.wardsnursery.com/12120046/ Everythingonthisshoppinglist HOUSEPLANTS ORGANICSEEDS andmore... BIRDHOUSES DEERREPELLENTS PRUNINGTOOLS SOILS GARDENHOSE BIRDSEED ORGANICFERTILIZER COMPOST MULCH POTTERY DIGGINGTOOLS GARDENGIFTS GARDENGLOVES d g com/12120046/
*Leasepaymentsubjecttoprimarylenderapproval.MusthaveaminimumFICOcreditscoreof740toqualify.^3.29%AnnualPercentageRate,48-monthterm.$0DownPayment,excludestax,title,and.$29permonthper$1,000financed.1vehicleavailableatthisprice.†SellingPrice:$27,999. Priceincludes:$1,711DealerDiscountanda$2,000SellDownCash.1available./Kona:*$259firstmonth’spayment, and$650acquisitionfeedueatinception.1available.Closed-endlease.Auto,AWD, 4Cyl,4dr.STK#:H4936.MSRP $29,019. Sellingprice$27,999.Totalpayments:$9,324.Lease includes10,000milesperyearwithacostof$0.25peradditionalmile.Lesseeresponsibleformaintenance&excesswear&tear.*Leasepaymentsubjecttoprimarylenderapproval.MusthaveaminimumFICOcreditscoreof740toqualify.†SellingPrice:$26,999.Priceincludes:$1,020Dealer Discountanda$1,000RetailBonusCash.1available./KonaEV:*$259firstmonth’spayment,and$650acquisitionfeedueatinception.1available.Closed-endlease.Auto,Fwd,4cyl,4dr.STK#:H4973.MSRP$38,750.Sellingprice$37,999.Priceincludes$7,500EVspecialfinancing.Totalpayments: $9,324.Leaseincludes10,000milesperyearwithacostof$0.25peradditionalmile.Lesseeresponsibleformaintenance&excesswear&tear.*Leasepaymentsubjecttoprimarylenderapproval.MusthaveaminimumFICOcreditscoreof740toqualify.^0.99%AnnualPercentageRate, 36-monthterm.$0DownPayment,excludestax,andtitle.$28permonthper$1,000financed.1vehicleavailableatthisprice.†SellingPrice:$30,493. Priceincludes:$757DealerDiscountanda$7,500RetailBonusCash.1available./Tucson:*$339firstmonth’spayment,and$650acquisition feedueatinception.1available.Closed-endlease.Auto,AWD,4cyl,4dr.STK#:H4794.MSRP$37,985.Sellingprice$35,988.Priceincludes$2,000specialleasecash.Totalpayments:$12,204.Leaseincludes10,000milesperyearwithacostof$0.25peradditionalmile.Lesseeresponsiblefor maintenance&excesswear&tear.*Leasepaymentsubjecttoprimarylenderapproval.MusthaveaminimumFICOcreditscoreof740toqualify.^0%Annual PercentageRate,36-monthterm.$0DownPayment,excludestax,andtitle.$27permonthper$1,000financed.1vehicleavailableat thisprice.†SellingPrice:$34,488.Priceincludes:$1,997DealerDiscountanda$1,500RetailBonusCash.1available./SantaCruz:*$459firstmont h’spayment,and$650acquisitionfeedueatinception.1available.Closed-endlease.Auto,AWD,4CY,4dr.STK#:H4835MSRP$37,189.Sellingprice $35,488.Totalpayments:$16,524.Leaseincludes10,000milesperyearwithacostof$0.25peradditionalmile.Lesseeresponsibleformaintenance& excesswear&tear.*Leasepaymentsubjecttoprimarylenderapproval.MusthaveaminimumFICOcreditscoreof740toqualify.^2.99%Annual PercentageRate,48-monthterm.$0DownPayment,excludestax,andtitle.$22permonthper$1,000financed.1vehicleavailableatthisprice.†SellingPrice:$33,988.Priceincludes:$1,701DealerDiscountanda$1,500RetailBonusCash.1available./Palisade:*$499firstmonth’spayment,and
271 Main Street, Suite 4, Downtown Great Barrington, Massachusetts 01230 HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM • AD DEADLINE: FRIDAY 11 AM Phone 413-528-0095 • Fax 413-528-4805 • ads@shoppersguideinc.com • www.shoppersguideinc.com 57,000 READERS WEEKLY — DIRECT MAILED TO 18,000+ IN THE TRI-STATE AREA SECTION 2 Antiques & Auctions................2 Help Wanted...........................3-6 Animals..........................................6 Real Estate...................................7 HaddadHyundai.com ALESEVENT SPRING Allofferswithapprovedcreditplustax,title&$499docfeedueatsigning.Elantra:Auto,FWD,4CY,4dr.,Stock#:H4508,MSRP:$28,345.SellingPrice:$26,988.Priceincludes:$1,357DealerDiscount.1available.Sonata:*$238firstmonth’spayment,and$650acquisitionfeedueatinception.1 available.Closed-endlease.Auto,FWD,4CY,4dr.STK#:H4829.MSRP$31,710.Sellingprice$26,499.Priceincludes$2,000selldowncash.Totalpayments:$8,568.Leaseincludes10,000milesperyearwithacostof$0.25peradditionalmile.Lesseeresponsibleformaintenance&excesswear&tear.
$650acquisitionfeedueatinception.1available.Closed-endlease.Auto,AWD,V6,4dr.STK#:H4877.MSRP$51,820.Sellingprice$48,249.Priceincludes$750leasecash.Totalpayments:$17,964.Leaseincludes10,000milesperyearwithacostof$0.25peradditionalmile.Lesseeresponsiblefor maintenance&excesswear&tear.*Leasepaymentsubjecttoprimarylenderapproval.MusthaveaminimumFICOcreditscoreof740toqualify.^5.99%AnnualPercentageRate,84-monthterm.$0DownPayment,excludestax,andtitle.$15permonthper$1,000financed.1vehicleavailableat thisprice.†SellingPrice:$48,999.Priceincludes:$2,821DealerDiscount.1available.*AlloffersaresubjecttoprimarylenderapprovalandaminimumFICOcreditscoreof740.Allrebatesretainedbydealer.Seedealerfor alldetails.Pricesandincentivesbasedoncurrentmanufacturer’sprograms whicharesubjecttochange.Photosforillustrationpurposesonly.Dealernotresponsiblefortypographicalerrors.Offerscannotbecombined.Offersexpire4/1/24orifthevehiclesaresold. (413)997-2277 HaddadHyundai.com 689EastSt.,Pittsfield,MA SALESEVENT SAAL E S E V ENNT SPRING $100GAS CARD WITHTHEPURCHASEOFANYNEWORUSEDVEHICLE WITHTHISAD HICLE Cannotbecombinedwithanyotheroffers.Excludespriorsales.ExcludesTires,OilChangesandStateInspections.Presentcouponattimeof write-up.Cannotbecombinedwithanycoupon,offeroradvertisedspecial.Hyundaisonly.Doesnotincludetax.Maximumdiscountis$100. Mustpresentcouponatthetimeofwrite-up.Restrictionsmayapply.Pleaseseeserviceadvisorforcompletedetails.Offerexpires4/1/2024. Plus,taxesandapplicablefees.Pricesmayvarybymodel.Pleasepresentcouponatthetimeofwrite-up.Cannotbeusedwithanyother applicableoffer.Excludesdieselvehiclesandheavy-dutytrucks.Hazardouswastefee,ifapplicable.Couponhasnocashvalue.Limit1per customer.Doesn’tapplytopriorservices.Thecouponexpireson4/1/2024andcanonlybeusedatHaddadHyundai. SPRINGSERVICESPECIALS SPEND&SAVEBONUSSPRINGPOTHOLESPECIAL $169.95 Spend $100.00-$149.99, get $15off Spend $150.00-$199.99, get $20off Spend $200.00-$499.99, get $25off Spend $500.00-$999.99, get $50off Spend $1,000andup, get $100off Serviceincludes: -4-WheelAlignment -Balance/RotateTires -FullBrakeInspection -FreeMultipointInspection -ComplimentaryAlignmentCheck +TAX NEW2024 HYUNDAI KONAEVSEL NEW2024 HYUNDAI KONASEL NEW2023 HYUNDAI ELANTRA LIMITED NEW2023 HYUNDAI SONATASEL NEW2024 HYUNDAI TUCSONXRT NEW2024 HYUNDAI SANTACRUZ SEL NEW2024 HYUNDAI PALISADE LIMITED 23 AI A EL T Z SEL 24 AI EL $238 $339 $459 $259 $499 $259 PERMO. 36MOS. PERMO. 36MOS. PERMO. 36MOS. PERMO. 36MOS. PERMO. 36MOS. PERMO. 36MOS. LEASE FOR LEASE FOR LEASE FOR LEASE FOR LEASE FOR LEASE FOR LEASE FOR $26,988 BUY FOR Availabletoqualifiedbuyers*|$3,999DueatSigning $0SecurityDeposit+Taxes,Title,andAcquisitionFeeDueAtSigning* Availabletoqualifiedbuyers*|$3,999DueatSigning $0SecurityDeposit+Taxes,Title,andAcquisitionFeeDueAtSigning* Availabletoqualifiedbuyers*|$3,999DueatSigning $0SecurityDeposit+Taxes,Title,andAcquisitionFeeDueAtSigning* Availabletoqualifiedbuyers*|$3,999DueatSigning $0SecurityDeposit+Taxes,Title,andAcquisitionFeeDueAtSigning* Availabletoqualifiedbuyers*|$3,999DueatSigning $0SecurityDeposit+Taxes,Title,andAcquisitionFeeDueAtSigning* Availabletoqualifiedbuyers*|$3,999DueatSigning $0SecurityDeposit+Taxes,Title,andAcquisitionFeeDueAtSigning* 0.99% FINANCING FORUPTO36MOS. OR SAVEWITH 5.99% FINANCING FORUPTO84MOS. OR SAVEWITH 3.29% FINANCING FORUPTO48MOS. OR SAVEWITH 0% FINANCING UPTO36MOS. OR SAVEWITH 2.99% FINANCING FORUPTO48MOS. OR SAVEWITH ORBUYFOR $30,493† ORBUYSTARTINGAT $48,999† ORBUYFOR $27,999† ORBUYFOR $34,488† ORBUYFOR $33,988† ORBUYFOR $26,999† SAVE $2,000 OFFMSRP ONALLPALISADE MODELS! 24 AI DE SPRINGSPECIALS SALES A L E S E V E N T Priorsalesexcluded.Seedealerforcompletedetails.Gascardwillbereceivedupondelivery ofvehicle.Musttakeretaildeliveryby3/31/24.
PAGE 2 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 13, 2024 • SECOND SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON WANT TO MAKE A Difference in our community? Volunteer with the Literacy Network of South Berkshire (LitNet). No prior experience necessary. To learn how you can help transform lives through literacy, call LitNet at (413)-243-0471. For more info visit www.litnetsb.org TAG SALE: Sat., March 16, 8am-2pm at the Stockbridge Grange, 51 Church St., Stockbridge MA An assortment of items. Something for everyone. Place your ad at the Shopper’s Guide office or online at shoppersguideinc.com/advertise/myad/ Pickup your FREE Tag Sale Posters at our office, Monday thru Friday, 8:30 to 4:30. 271 Main Street, Suite 4, Great Barrington, MA 413.528.0095 www.shoppersguideinc.com Ask for TAGFREEyour SALE POSTERS! Weekly Ad Deadline: FRIDAYS at 11 AM For the Wednesday Edition ADVERTISE IN THE TAG SALE SECTION Turn your Spring Cleaning Clutter into CASH ! 2ESTATESALEAUCTIONS •BothWellCaredandClean• TheUptownStore.org LENOX,MA-FINEESTATE: InternationallyTraveled:Art,Furnishings,Collectibles BIDSCLOSE:SUNDAY,3/17/24 LEE,MA-BEAUTIFULHOMEESTATE SterlingSilver,Furnishings,Collectibles BIDSCLOSE:MONDAY,3/18/24 TAG SALE AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com ANTIQUES WANTED: berkshirepicker buying furniture, workbenches, folk art, advertising, weathervanes, garden items, stoneware crocks, toys, baskets, and more. Fair and friendly. Mike (413)-717-2561. BerkshireHillsCoins&EstateJewelry 222ElmStreet,Pittsfield (413)499-1400 www.berkshirehillscoins.net WebuygoldandsilverSCRAP,collectorcoins, goldandsilverbullion,andPaperMoney. IMMEDIATEPAYMENT THEBERKSHIRES’LARGEST ESTATEJEWELRYOUTLET Mon.-Fri.9:30am-5:30pm•Sat.9:30am-4pm Afterhourspleasecall&leavemessage HOURS ThankyouforVotingus 15timesBestintheBerkshires forCoin/CollectableDealer GreatBuysonNativeAmericanJewelry, SemiPreciousStones,Diamonds, andGold&SilverJewelry. Wehaveover2,000Pieces ofSterlingJewelry! SENIOROWNED, SENIORFRIENDLY NO SCAMS, no commissions. Shopper’s Guide classifieds are the deal of the century! WEPAYCASHFOR: GOLD,SILVER,PLATINUM INANYSHAPE,CONDITIONORFORM NeedCash? TAKE ADVANTAGEOF THEHIGHEST GOLD,SILVER &PLATINUM PRICES BUYINGatGUARANTEEDHIGHESTPRICE S Gold-SilverDiamond Jewelry&Watches GIACertified Diamonds BUYING&SELLINGINVESTMENTGOLD&SILVER: BULLIONBARS,ROUNDS&COINS 93FirstSt.,Pittsfield,Massachusetts (CornerofFirst&EagleStreets) DOWNTOWNPITTSFIELD FreeCustomerParkingatRJ’s(Rainbow)ParkingLot (413) 443-3613 Mon-Fri10amto5:30pm•Sat11amto3pm www.pittsfieldmetals.com PCGS,NGC,ANACSAuthorizedCoinDealer Pins, Chains Diamonds Rings WatchCases SchoolRings Bracelets Charms Earrings DentalGold Coins Bullion SterlingSilver Flatware,Tea Sets,etc. PayingHigher Premiumsfor LargerQuantities andDesigner Pieces Tiffany&Co, Cartier,Bulgari, VanCleef& Arpels,etc. PITTSFIELDPRECIOUSMETALS Comeseeourhugeinventory,getmorevalueatlesscost! JEWELRY SALE 75% OFF up to LuisaEconomou GraduateGemologist,GIA OnPremises 44Years Same Location Same Owners BERKSHIRES’OLDEST PRECIOUSMETALSBUSINESS ANTIQUES APPRAISED since 1973. Furniture, ceramics, silver, bronzes, weapons. David J. LeBeau MFA dba LeBeau Appraisal Service. 413-229-3445. 10-5 M-F voice & text. FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. All types chair seating. 40 years experience. Free estimates. 845444-0015. PREMIERING EVER Y Wednesday free of charge! The Shopper’s Guide weekly edition is direct mailed to 18,000 readers in the tri-state area. Available at 60+ locations. Read us online, too! www.shoppersguideinc.com FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. Shaker, taping, and veneer repair. Pickup and delivery. 413-822-1407. BuyingSingleItems,CollectionsandEntireEstates OpenThursdaythroughSunday•Parkinginrearofthebuilding TheEmporium•413-528-1660 162MainStreet•GreatBarrington,MA01230 GOLD•SILVER•ESTATEJEWELRY ANTIQUES•ART•FURNITURE ArtGlass•VinylLPs•VintageMerchandise gbemporiumllc@gmail.com MovingorDownsizing?CallUs! s ANTIQUES&ESTATEBUYERS Bu RALPH FONTAINE ANTIQUES TOPCASHPAID OLDFURNITURE ANYCONDITION POCKETWATCHES OLDPOTTERY PAINTINGS CLOCKS CROCKS LAMPS RUGS DOLLS CHINA GLASS QUILTS JUGS Nothingtoolargeorsmall,wewillbuyoutrightorwewillauctionitforyou. 413-442-2537
MountEverettSanitation,alocalBerkshires company,iscelebrating50yearsinbusiness andislookingtoexpandtheiralready growingworkforcebyaddingHeavyEquipment Operators(min.$28/hr),CommercialTruck Drivers(min.$24/hr),Laborers.
ComejointhestaffoftheTriplexCinema,anewlyformed nonprofitmovietheaterintheheartofGB.TheTriplexisseeking anorganized,energeticpersonwithexcellentmanagementskills.
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(Gummy)Bearwithus... Ourcandyisgood'nPlenty butourteamisshort"3Musketeers"
Toapply,pleasesubmitcoverletterandresumetojobs@thetriplex.org thetriplex.org
BERKSHIRE HUMANE Society, a socially conscious nonprofit animal welfare organization, seeks one or more versatile full-or part-time licensed veterinary technicians or veterinary assistants to serve animals and people in Berkshire County and beyond. Join our team of shelter veterinarians and vet techs in the second year of our medical program for companion animals, to prepare homeless animals at our Pittsfield shelter for adoption and to offer quality, affordable and accessible veterinary care to the public at our Wellness Clinic. $18 - $25/hr. based on experience. Sent resume and cover letter to John Perreault, jperreault@berkshire humane.org.
Wearecurrentlyhiringbothlaborerandexperiencedmason positions.Bothpositionsarecompensatedbasedonexperience.Alongwithverycompetitivewageswealsoofferpaid holidays,yearlybonuses,andretirementplans. MercierStoneisagrowingcompanythatvalueshardwork andpromotesconstantlearning.Ourbroadrangeofhigh endjobskeepstheworknewandchallenging.Withourlarge scopeofprojectsyoucanexpecttoworkonbrick,stone, exteriorandinteriormasonry,fabrication,excavation,site planning,andlandscaping.
Ifyou'reinterestedinjoiningourcrewcallSamat 508-560-7844oremailtomercierstone@gmail.com
Learnaboutavailable opportunitiestoday. Call413.528.3364 askforKoreyorTravis MOUNTEVERETTSANITATION
SUMMERDAYCAMPCOUNSELORS: Seekingenthusiasticand dedicatedsummercampcounselorstojoinourteam!Candidates mustbeatleast16yrsold,capableofworkingwithchildrenages 5-14ofdifferingskilllevels,andabletoleadamultitudeofactivitiessuchasarts&crafts,athletics,groupgames,andmore.Must beavailableMon-Frifrom8am-5:30pm,June24ththroughAugust 22nd(nocampJuly4th).
LIFEGUARDS: Seekingpart-timesummerlifeguardsforpoolandlocalwaterfrontlocations.Weekendavailabilitydesirable.Lifeguards closelysuperviseswimmers,rescueswimmersindanger,andadminister irstaidasneeded.Theyareresponsibleforenforcingpool rulesandmaintainingasafe,cleanenvironment.Mustholdacurrentlifeguard,CPR/AED,andFirstAidcerti ication.BSRCCoffers lifeguardcerti icationcourseswithfullcoursecostreimbursement foremployees.Mustbeatleast15yearsold.Potentialopportunity foryear-roundemployment.Startingrate$17perhr.
Seefullpositionlistingsatberkshiresouth.org/employment Allemployeesgetafreemembership!EOE.
Nowhiringfulltimepositionstojoinour growingteam.Customhomesandrenovations inBerkshireCounty.Experiencepreferred. SubContractorswelcome.Submitinquiriesto shielsbuilders@gmail.comorcall413-441-5367
Diagnose,repair,solve and/orserviceourcustomerHVACissues.
Troubleshootingandrepairskills. Usediagnostictoolsandunderstandtestprocedures.
Highlycompensatedalongwithagreatbenefitpackage. Bonusmaybegiventoqualifiedapplicants!
Allapplicationswillbekeptconfidential. Applyinperson oremail:rgennari@aol.com
ADMINISTRATIVE Assistant needed to facilitate the operations of a busy Kitchen and Bath showroom with a background in Construction in North Canaan, CT. Duties to include: Answer and transfer phone calls, screening when necessary. Welcome and direct customers in showroom, maintain filing systems as assigned, retrieve information as requested from emails and other written summaries of data when needed, coordinate and schedule appointments and meetings for designer. Required skills: excellent verbal and written communication skills, excellent interpersonal and customer service skills, proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, excellent organizational skills and attention to detail, basic understanding of clerical procedures and systems such as bookkeeping and filing, ability to work independently, basic understanding of construction projects. Please call 860-824-2426 to schedule an interview or email resume to sharon@rigaconstruction.com
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call4135287786. or
MUSICIANS WANTED for small trio and singer. Also, a musician who wishes to collaborate with singer/ songwriter on originals. Text 413-717-2505.
Learnaboutavailable opportunitiestoday.
HELP WANTED for home renovations. Will train. (413)-429-7101.
AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com
ClinicalSupport Representative
ThispositionislocatedatEastMountainMedicalin GreatBarrington.Pleaseapplybygoingtoourwebsite at www.berkshirehealthsystems.org andclickoncareers
TheClinicalSupportRepresentativeisapartofthe BerkshireFacultyServicesmultispecialtyphysician practiceteam.Theincumbentisresponsibleforthe successfulcompletionofday-to-daytasksofthefront officetoensureaccesstoqualitycare,efficiencyand excellentcustomerservicetoourpatients.TheClinical SupportRepresentativeworkscollaborativelywith othermembersoftheteamtoensuretimelyandsmooth officeflow,alwayskeepingtheneedsofthepatient first.Dutieswillinclude,butarenotlimitedto,patient registration,scheduling,reception/greeting,collection ofpayments,appropriatetransferoftelephonecalls andtheabilitytoaccessandcalmlydiffusepotentially problematicsituations.
POSITIONQUALIFICATIONS: (Minimumqualifications arerequiredunlessstatedotherwise.)
•Onetotwoyearsofadministrativeexperienceina busyoffice,preferablyaphysicianpractice,isrequired.
•Experienceinhandlingmultipletelephonelines required.
•Experienceworkinginafast-pacedcustomerservice environment.
•WorkingknowledgeofWindowsbasedPCapplications required.
•Insuranceknowledgeandbillingexperiencestrongly preferred.
•Twoyearsofcollegeorequivalentworkexperience preferred.
•Excellentinterpersonalskillswithprovenabilityand experiencedealingwithagitated/dissatisfiedpatients, familyandphysicians.
•Abilitytoworkeffectivelyunderpressureandinafast pacedenvironment.
•Demonstratedcompetencyinhandlingconfidentialand sensitiveinformationrequired.
•Demonstratedabilitytoreadandfollowwritten/verbal direction.
•Flexiblehoursrequiredtocoverforvacationsand earnedtimeabsences.
•Selfmotivatedandabilitytobeindependentand flexiblewithinateamframework.
•MustbeabletospeakandwritetheEnglishlanguage inanunderstandablemanner.
Caligari’s HARDWARE
DANDELION HILL FARM in Sheffield is looking for an apprentice. Someone excited to learn about Dairy goats and vegetable production. 30-32 hours a week. Call for details. 413-429-7898. www .dandeliohillfarms.com
GARDENING ASSISTANT wanted 3 days per week Apr 1-Nov 30. Fine gardens in Sheffield, Copake. Small ecological company. Sincere interest, conscientious, detailed, dependable, physically able, own car. Voicemail 860-601-1751.
Wewanttoenhanceourteam,socomework withwinners!Wehavefullandpart-time2024 seasonalopeningsfromApriltoNovemberinthe followingdivisions: Maintenance,whichhandles landscaping,generalmaintenance,andsmallrepairs. GuestServices,whichworkswithourvisitors, providescustomerservice,personalinteraction,and givingdirections. Housekeeping, whichhandles cleaningofourbuildingsandhospitalities.Weare lookingforsmart,reliable,hardworkingpeoplethat takeownershipoftheirwork!Theshifts/hoursvary fromMon.toFri.,Tues.toSat.,Wed.toSun.,7ato 3:30p,8ato4:30p,9ato5:30p,(canbemutually adjusted).Youmustbeavailableforallmajorevents: MemorialDay,LaborDay,etc.Ifinterested,please sendacopyofyourresumetojocko@limerock.com orcall;860-435-5012.Avaliddriver’slicenseis required.Weareanequalopportunityemployer.
60WhiteHollowRd,Lakeville,CT | limerock.com
FarmingtonRiverRegionalSchoolDistrict, OtisandSandisfield,MA,seeksaqualified
Overseesthefinancialoperationsofasmallrural regionalschooldistrictwith130studentsPK-6,120 studentstuitionedtosurroundingdistrictsforgrades 7-12,28staff,andanannualbudgetofabout$5M.
Responsibilitiescommencingonorbefore7/1/2024 wouldincludethecreationofannualbudgetswiththe superintendent,negotiationofcontractswithservice providers,supervisionofthepayrollandpayables specialist,humanresourcesandemployeebenefits administrationand,withthedistrictTreasurer,oversight ofallfinancialoperationsfortheschooldistrict.
•CurrentMAlicensureasaschoolbusiness administrator(SBA).
•Knowledgeoffinancialmanagementand accountingsystemssuchasMunisorVADAR
•KnowledgeofMA-specificmunicipalfinance regulationsandprocedures
•MinimumBA/BSinFinance,Accounting,Public orSchoolAdministrationorrelatedfield.
•IfnotcurrentlyinpossessionofMASBAlicense, willingnesstosecurethislicensurewithinthefirst yearofemployment.
•Minimum5yearsexperienceineducational administration,financeoraccounting,and/or publicadministration
Thispositioncanbefull-time,benefits-eligible,and in-person;however,qualifiedindividualsandretirees interestedinlessthanfull-timeand/orhybridworking arrangementsarealsoencouragedtoapply.
Toapply,pleasesendcurrentresume,a coverletter ofinterest,twolettersofprofessionalreference,and documentationoflicensureto:
FarmingtonRiverRegionalSchoolDistrict 555NorthMainRoad Otis,MA01253 tlee@frrsd.org
MECHANIC –FulltimepositionforaSchool BusCompany.Dieselexperience,Airbrake experienceneeded.Weareasmalllocalcompanywithafleetof20schoolbusesand107D vans.MACDLBrequiredbutwewilltrainand licensetherightpersonifneeded.Non-smoker, Randomdrugandalcoholscreening,Full benefitpackage,affordablehousingoption.
MassiniBusCo.413-229-7962 M-F,8:30-4:00
CDC South Berkshire (CDCSB) Small Business Technical Assistance Program (SBTA) seeks skilled Business Consultants committed to helping small businesses succeed! Join the SBTA list of consultants who can provide business support in strategic planning, marketing, sales, bookkeeping, and human resources. Projects range from 5-15 hours of assistance over weeks or months to help address issues that help start, stabilize, and grow businesses. Services are funded by state and donor funds for marginalized communities. Our services empower businesses and startups in Southern Berkshire County, and serve lowincome, individuals with disabilities, and marginalized communities, overcoming obstacles and achieving their entrepreneurial goals. Remote and in-person assistance. Applications are rolling with no deadline. We provide independent consultants with competitive rates aligned with charitable organizations on a 1099 contract basis. Volunteer opportunities are also available to support local businesses. Contact Giulia Laveto-Emery at giulia @cdcsb.org or 413-528-7788 to learn more.
SE BUSCA OBRERO Agrícola Indian Line Farm (57 Jug End Road, South Egremont) es una granja de todo tipo de verduras. Se busca un empleado(a) quien tenga por lo menos una temporada de experiencia trabajando en agricultura o hortaliza. El trabajo es físicamente exigente y de ritmo rápido. Pagamos $17.00 por hora (o mas depende en experiencia). Abril hasta los mediados de noviembre. 7:30-4:30. Las responsabilidades incluirán todo tipo de tareas relacionadas con la producción de verduras y flores. Verduras y frutas gratis. Elizabeth 413-429-5978 or mande un email ekeenfarms@gmail.com
FULL-TIME BOOKKEEPING position available. MondayFriday 9-5. Must be proficient in QuickBooks and Microsoft Office. Individual must be organized, work independently, and reliable. Please call 860-824-9955 ext 105 for more information or email resume to amy@lamric accounting.com
HELP WANTED: LB Corporation General Contractor Lee, MA looking for Tri-Axle Dump Truck Drivers and Laborers for early Spring 2024 hire. Call 413-243-1072 or stop in to 95 Marble St. Lee to apply M-F 8:00-3:00
TOWNOFEGREMONT HighwayTruckDriver/ EquipmentOperator
TheTownofEgremontisseekingapplicantsforthe positionofHighwayTruckDriver/EquipmentOperator.Thisisafull-timeforty(40)hoursperweek position.Seasonalovertimeisrequired.Themain purposeofthispositionistoassistinmaintaining alltownrights-of-way,equipmentandotherpublic propertybyperformingskilledandlabor-intensive tasksthatrequiretheoperationofalltypesofheavy constructionequipment,includingmediumandlight dutytrucks,powertoolsandequipment,aswellas handtoolsandinstruments.AHighSchoolDiploma orGEDisrequiredwithapreferencefor2yearsof construction,heavyvehicledrivingorheavyequipment operation,plowingandroutinevehiclemaintenance experience.AvalidMassachusettsClassBCommercial Driver’sLicense(CDL)anda2A4GHoistingOperators Licenseispreferred.
Excellentbene itpackageincludingvacation,personal andsicktime,seasonalovertimepay.
Applicationsandajobdescriptioncanbeobtainedat theEgremontTownHall,SelectBoardof iceduring thehoursof7:00amto3:00pmorbycalling413528-0182oronlineatwww.egremont-ma.gov.EEOE.
HELP WANTED: Looking for a welcoming person to fill the role of part time Parish Secretary for the offices of St. Peter Parish and St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish. Duties include answering phone calls and emails, relaying messages to the pastor, scheduling Masses, filing and preparing the weekly bulletin to name a few. Familiarity with Microsoft Word, Excel and Publisher are required. $16/hour up to 25 hours a week. Please call 413-274-3443 or email st.teresa9@gmail.com for more information
HIRING GARDENERS for Spring 2024 season AprilNovember. Full time/ part time. Garden business caring for established gardens and cultivating new ones. All aspects of garden care including garden set up, planting, pruning, and container design. Experience is not necessary. Strong interest in working outside together with other gardeners. Great opportunity to learn and grow! Call 914-874-3068.
TEAM PLAYER WANTED for local furniture mover; someone who takes pride in their work. Flexible hours. (413)-822-0985.
GreatBarrington,NewMarlboro, Sheffield,MillRiverArea
PaperDraw: 107-120DailyThruSunday
Time: 3-3.5Hours
Approx.Pay: $900Bi-Weekly
PaperDraw: 180+DailythruSunday
Time: 3.5hours
Approx.Pay: $590
SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 13, 2024 • SECOND SECTION AD DEADLINE — 11:00 AM FRIDAYS! PAGE 5 PleasecontactEricShuman, CirculationManager 413-496-6343 Needextramoney? Wanttobeyourownboss? BeaCarrierforTheBerkshireEagle
IS DIGITAL ADVERTISING for you? Contact cheryl@ shoppersguideinc.com
andchainsawstoworktwodaysweeklyAprilthroughNovember. Competitivecompensation,callJeff860-824-0233.
ESTATEMANAGER'SASSISTANT Lookingformotivated,reliablepersonexperiencedwithtractors
2024 season April 1 to November 30, 3 days a week. Interest in native plants. Enthusiastic, friendly and upbeat. Physically fit. Own transportation. Fine gardens, maintenance and installation. Space to learn and grow. Women strongly encouraged to apply. Call 347-496-5168.
GARDENER WANTED: Positions open for PT and FT work. Work for a small organic gardening business. Must be physically fit and able to endure all weather conditions. Relaxed work environment and great pay for the right person. Call or text: 413-717-9881 or email: gardenphocas@gmail.com
at The HotchkissSchool n Lakeville,CT
Full&Part-TimePositionsAvailable Full-timepositionsareeligibleforbenefits
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Trap/Neuter/Return 413-447-7878x143 214BarkerRd.,Pittsfield,MA www.berkshirehumane.org
Tovolunteer,donateor reportferalcatspleasecall 413-447-7878x143
facebook.com/ BerkshireAnimalDreams/ www.instagram.com/ communitycatberkshirehumane/
our adoption counselors love to be match addition for your family and lifestyle –Purradise, our satellite feline adoption center, in Great Barrington.
Berkshire Humane Society
LOOKING FOR A NEW landscaping crew member. Long term. All aspects of landscaping and general contracting. Must have a valid license and be able to drive. Pay based on experience. Flexible scheduling, both part and full time. Tips and paid personal days. We work Mon-Fri depending on weather. Possibly working some weekends due to lost days and the amount of workload. Please call Frederick at 413-243-2349.
HELP WANTED with lawn mowing, weed whacking, brush cutting, leaf blowing, pulling weeds, planting, and watering on a large private estate. Part time or full time from May through November. Leave message at 518789-0944.
HELP WANTED: Carpenter and carpenter's helper needed. Minimum 5 years experience. Pay based on experience. Must have transportation and tools. Call Ron, RN Construction Co., (413)-441-3320.
FOR HIRE: Well established Help Wanted section connecting readers with employers for over half a century! The Shopper’s Guide, serving the tri-state area every week. (413)-528-0095. www.shoppersguideinc.com
INDIAN LINE FARM seeks experienced part-time Floral Designer. Do you love flowers? Come work with us! July-September. Job includes: Thursday afternoon harvest and Friday bouquet making. $18-21 per hour depending on experience. Contact Elizabeth Keen 413-429-5978 or email resume and letter of interest to ekeenfarms@gmail.com
NIGHT CAREGIVER positions in Monterey, 20 minutes from downtown Great Barrington. Care for one senior with Parkinson's in private home. Men and women welcome to apply. Call Richard for details at 413-528-2492.
THE PEOPLE'S PANTRY is open Mondays 4-5:30pm and Thursdays 10am-12:30pm, at Saint James Place, corner of Main & Taconic Ave, GB, opposite CVS. Local shoppers may visit once a week to choose from a variety of produce, proteins, canned foods and more. All free. No income or ID requirements. Covid protocols.
HOME HEALTH AIDE: part time Sheffield, MA. Call for more information. 518-965-2611.
HAVE YOU GONE DIGITAL with your advertising? We can help. Call Cheryl at the Shopper’s Guide (413)-528-0095.
AssistantDirector ofAdvancementServices
TheHotchkissSchoolisseekingacustomerserviceoriented andprocessorientedindividualtojointheAlumni& Developmentteam.TheAssistantDirectorofAdvancement Servicesworkswithdonorstofacilitate,processand acknowledgealldonationstotheSchoolandisanintegral today-to-dayoperationsoftheAlumni&Development office.Weseekindividualsthatexhibitstronginterpersonal andcommunicationskills,attentiontodetail,familiaritywith financialprocessesandadonor-centeredmindset.
ThescheduleisMonday-Friday8:30a.m.–5:00p.m.must beavailableathighvolumetimesatcalendar(December)and fiscal(June)yearend.Hourlypay.
TheHotchkissSchooliseasilyreachedfromTorrington,CT, GreatBarrington,MA,andnorthernDutchessCounty,NY. Pleasesubmitacoverletterwhenapplying. VisittheCareerspageofourwebsite,under StaffOpportunitieswww.hotchkiss.org/careers
READ THE PAPER ONLINE! Every Wednesday morning. www.shoppersguideinc.com
NO SCAMS, no commissions. Shopper’s Guide classifieds are the deal of the century!
BALEAGE FOR SALE: 4'x4' Rounds, $75 per bale. Will load at farm. 413-528-4091.
OLDER COUPLE SEEKS older dog. Know a laid-back, medium size adult dog who needs a loving home? Phone/text 413-358-7474.
HAY FOR SALE: 4'x4' Rounds, first cutting, excellent quality. $85 per bale. 413-528-4091. Accessible
HAY FOR SALE: Round hay bales. Stored inside. No waste. $45. 413-446-2446.
Lost & Found and Free pet ads are no charge for 20 words and can be placed for 2 weeks. Place your ad online at shoppersguideinc.com or stop by the office at 271 Main St., Suite 4, Gt. Barrington.
ORGANIC HAY For Sale: square bales and tube wrapped baleage round bales. Canaan, CT 413-626-8808
CHARMING SENIOR KITTY pair lost home due to owner's death. For information and to adopt: 518-303-2910. Ancramdale, NY
Is your dog or cat due for a vaccine and you can’t get an appointment with your vet before the expiration date? Having trouble making ends meet and can’t afford preventative care for your pet? Berkshire Humane Society’s Wellness Clinic may be the place for you!
PAGE 6 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 13, 2024 • SECOND SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON PetPartners oftheTri-StateBerkshires Thankyouforhelpingtheanimals. ForhelporinformationcallthePetPartnersOffice: Faith(518)781-0362 www.petpartnersberkshires.org PLEASEHELPUSHELPAREA PETSANDTHEIROWNERS. PetPartnerswascreatedtohelppetownerscarefortheir companionanimalsduringtimesofeconomicstress, sotheirpetscanremainintheirhomeandnotbe surrenderedtosheltersorrescuegroups. PETPARTNERSPROVIDES: FoodforNeedyDogsandCats ReducedRateSpay/Neuter AssistancewithBasicVeterinaryCareCosts Donationscanbemadeonline throughourdonationpageat www.petpartnersberkshires.org or bymail: PetPartners,POBox67, WestStockbridge,MA01266 Yourdonationistaxdeductibleand all donationsgodirectlyforthecareoftheanimals. RESCUE KITTENS, lovingly fostered, available for adoption. Please call 518-3032910. Ancramdale, NY Find Your New Best Friend From cats and dogs to small mammals and birds, Berkshire Humane Society is the place in Berkshire County to adopt your next companion animal. At Berkshire Humane Society,
AND PEOPLE SINCE 1992 413-447-7878 • berkshirehumane.org
Preventive Pet Care
and Affordable
Need Help With...? Wellness Clinic Call to see how we can help: 413-203-4330
Humane Society Wellness Clinic 289 Dalton Avenue, Pittsfield, MA 01201 wellnessclinic@berkshirehumane.org
STANDARD RATE: 15 Words - $5.00 per issue l Additional words 25¢ each NEW! FREE Under $50 : 20 Words - 2 Weeks Free l Additional words 25¢ ea. Advertising an item(s) for sale, priced at $50.00 or less, will be published free of charge for two consecutive editions. Ads must be submitted at shoppersguideinc.com/advertise/myad/ or by filling out the Classified Ad Form in the weekly print edition. (No phone calls or emails please.) LOST & FOUND / FREE PETS RATE: 20 Words - 2 Weeks Free If you represent a shelter, use the Standard Rate. 271 Main Street, Suite 4 Great Barrington, MA 01230 www.shoppersguideinc.com 413-528-0095 Place a classified ad online at: www.shoppersguideinc.com/ advertise/myad/ Classified AD RATES shoppersguideinc.com/advertise/myad/
SUZANNWARD OWNER/AGENT CELL413.329.3031 OFFICE413.274.5065 suzannward@gmail.com
163FRONTSTREET,HOUSATONIC,MA$845,000 Arareopportunitytoownathrivingcommercialbusinessthat hasbeenfamilyownedandoperatedsince1966.Thisproperty offersarangeofpossibilities,includingafull-servicegasstation, afull-serviceautogarage,a2-bayautoshop,and2apartments. Withamplestorageforuptosixcarsandadditionalparking,this propertyisadreamcometrueforentrepreneursandinvestors.
1270 CAPE ST. LEE, MA. 1 bedroom apartment, $850/ month, first, last, security required. Available March 10. Contact Martin 413-281-1112 for details.
2 BEDROOM, 1 bathroom duplex apartment in the center of Housatonic. Large kitchen, living room and Dining room. $1,800.00 a month, heat included. First, last and security expected after application approval. Please send email 274GPllc@gmail.com if interested.
APARTMENT RENTAL. Immediate availability. Housatonic, MA. Newly renovated, 1150 sq. ft. 2-bedrooms plus 3rd small bedroom, office, or pantry. 1 bath with separate w/c. W/D, dishwasher, wood floors, porch, privacy fencing of back yard. $1900 per month plus Utilities. 1st, last and security required. Call 954-609-3648.
lease. 2nd floor Main Street
GB office suite. 380 sq ft sun filled rooms, south/east facing, 2 parking spaces included, shared amenities, includes heat/electric, $1,200/ mo. Please text if interested: 917-623-9866.
GREAT BARRINGTON: In town apartment "on the hill". 2nd and 3rd floors of a well kept, nicely renovated house, but still with old trim and charm. New windows, well insulated, new heating systems. Fresh paint, new wool carpets and rugs. Stainless steel kitchen appliances. 1 tiled bathroom, small washer and dryer. Spacious bedroom and living room. Fully finished loft/attic, perfect for 'work from home' office. Radiators for heat, new minisplits for A/C. Large landscaped garden with sitting area. No pets, please, as there's another apartment in the house, and we are very careful about noise. Off street parking. 1 year lease. All utilities included (heating, hot water, electric, A/C, water, trash pickup, mowing, plowing, etc) except for internet. $2775.00 Email: variousprojects@me.com
CHARMING APT: West Otis, quiet setting, 1BR, 1bath, LR, kitchen, dining area, high ceilings, onsite parking; No Smoking, No Pets, monthto-month lease only. 413-269-4894.
FURNISHED ROOM for rent/ house share. Housatonic. $1000 monthly, utilities included. Bright, clean, WiFi. Non-smoking, no pets. Work references required. (413)-429-5771.
Allrealestateadvertisedherein issubjecttostateandfederal antidiscriminationlaw,which makesitillegaltoadvertise anypreference,limitation, ordiscriminationbecauseof race,color,religion,sex,sexual orientation,nationalorigin, geneticinformation,ancestry, children,maritalstatus,public assistancerecipiencyor handicap.Wewillnotknowingly acceptanyadvertisingforreal estatewhichisinviolationof thelaw.Allpersonsarehereby informedthatalldwellings advertisedareavailableonan equalopportunitybasis.
HOUSE FOR RENT. Southfield Village Center. This charming light-filled classic two-story 1100 square-foot gray clapboard house with white trim is nestled just behind the Southfield store, a bucolic country environment in a lovely Berkshire village. The entrance/mudroom leads to a delightful well-equipped kitchen that cooks with love, an open plan dining and sitting area, a cozy living room and a full bath with tiled walk-in shower complete the first floor. Enjoy cocktails and grilling dinner on the back deck overlooking a lawn and surrounding woods. Just up the stairs is a comfortable bedroom, half bath, and a sitting room/office. Great for work, reading, and streaming movies. One year lease. Rent $2200/ month, unfurnished. First/last months rent in advance. Security deposit $2200. Rent includes lawn care, water, snow removal. Tenant is responsible for utilities. Interested parties email Tim tdnew555 @gmail.com or call 413-329-8682 with questions, to schedule a visit, request photos or an application form.
GB JUNK. (413)-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarringtonj unkremoval.com
GreatBarrington 413-528-1006
Stockbridge 413-298-3786
79St tR dG tBi tMA
3,400sq/ftMortonbuildingavailableonStateRd(Rte7).Youcanusethisstructure, builtin1985,fortheoperationofarepairshop,retailstore,warehouse,ormany otheruses.Thispropertyfeaturesalargeopenspacewith13'ceilings,currently containing6overheaddoors,5automobilelifts,andlotsofopenspaceincluding loft.Inaddition,thebuildingcontainsacustomerwaitingroom,restroom,office andseparateemployeerestroom.Italsoincludesamplesecureon-siteparking, alongwithparkingonthesideofthebuilding.Thepropertyisservicedbya200 ampelectricalservice,publicwater/sewer,andnaturalgas.Thispropertyisbeing offeredasaturn-keyautomotiverepairshop,ortheselleriswillingtoremovethe interiorfixturestoallowotherfutureuses.Don'tlethighin-demandlocationand flexiblebuildingslipaway! $1,200,000
FOR RENT: Centrally located in Great Barrington, MA in the Berkshires charming 1820 Colonial on 7 acres for rent, annual lease $4,800.00/ month. available March 1. Floor plan includes home office, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, large sunny living room, and central room with pellet stove, all with windows. Large kitchen is updated, well equipped and has new appliances. Lawn and snow maintenance covered by owner. Utilities and heat covered by renter. For more information contact pzlgiles@gmail.com.
Condo. Walk to town. Fully furnished, 1 bedroom, 1st floor, new kitchen, new bathroom, onsite parking. No pets, no smokers. Available June 1, 2024 through Oct 1, 2024. Call/text Bob at 413281-2568.
LEE: Lovely 4BR Ranch home available monthly beginning April 2024. Summer Rental ok as well. Please call or text for pix and to arrange showing. 413-258-0634.
SeparateWaitingRoom–IncludesHeat&Electric 413-528-9841ext.1
NOT TOO EARLY. Monterey seasonal rental. Lovely and private. Updated traditional home. Six rooms, three baths. Monthly or summer. 413650-2016.
SHORT TERM RENTAL: April-Nov. 2024. Small furnished studio apartment for rent in Copake, New York. Utilities, WiFi, sauna, and use of grounds and pool included. Amazing views. No smoking. No Pets. Security & references required. Email copakenurse@gmail.com for pictures and more information.
SPACIOUS SUNNY 1BR fully furnished duplex apartment in the heart of Housatonic, 1100 square feet. Includes: fully equipped kitchen, large dining table, LR smart TV, 11/2 bath, 2 parking spots, W/D, dishwasher, multiple closets, heat, electric, a/c, wifi, water, garbage & snow removal, lawn care. Shared: back deck, bbq, basement storage. No pets, no smoking. References & credit check required. Available April 1, $2500/month. Call 203-856-2447.
rental. Furnished 2 bedroom, 1 bath darling cottage on quiet street in GB. W/D, internet and trash removal, all utilities included. No smoking, no pets. $2500/ $3200. marysunshine1956 @yahoo.com
SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 13, 2024 • SECOND SECTION AD DEADLINE — 11:00 AM FRIDAYS! PAGE 7 b k lt b b b b b b m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m barnbrookrealty c y c ookrealty com b m CALLMETODAY! TOPSELLINGAGENT FIVEYEARSRUNNINGINTHEBERKSHIRES MAUREENWHITE-KIRKBY 413-446-5634 TOP SELLINGAGENT BERKSHIRECOUNTY2023 Big, Small, Tiny, Large, Country, City, Old, New. WE HAVE WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR! 271 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA 01230 413.528.0095 • www.shoppersguideinc.com INSERT ADVERTISING: We can handle that for you. www.shoppersguideinc.com AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com WE’RE HERE FOR YOU! We’ll handle all of your advertising needs! Call o r email us today. The Shopper’s Guide (413)-528-0095. www.shoppersguideinc.com CAMEL MOVING & Storage: (413)-822-0985. Find us on Angie's List. See our testimonials at www.CamelMoving Storage.com WINTER/ SEASONAL
PAGE 8 SHOPPER’S GUIDE ISSUE OF MARCH 13, 2024 • SECOND SECTION 271 MAIN STREET, DOWNTOWN GREAT BARRINGTON SALECOUPONSVALIDTHROUGH3/19/24 Millerton Agway ROUTE22 MILLERTON,NY 518-789-4471 StoreHours:Mon-Fri8amto5pm; Sat8amto4pm;ClosedSun Claverack Agway ROUTE9H CLAVERACK,NY 518-851-5391 StoreHours:Mon-Fri8amto5pm; Sat8amto5pm;ClosedSun Chatham Agway ROUTE66 CHATHAM,NY 518-392-3241 StoreHours:Mon-Fri8amto5pm; Sat8amto4pm;ClosedSun GreatBarrington Agway 30MAPLEAVE. (ROUTE23) GREATBARRINGTON,MA 413-528-2390 StoreHours:Mon-Fri8amto5pm; Sat8amto4pm;ClosedSun Malta Farm+Garden 2712STATERT9•MALTA,NY http://maltafarmandgarden.com 518-348-6374 StoreHours:Mon-Fri9amto6pm; Sat8amto4pm;Sun10amto3pm EarlySpring StockUpSale! ForMoreSpecialsVisit www.agwayny.com MUSTPRESENTORMENTIONCOUPONATTIMEOFPURCHASE - EXPIRES3/19/24 JonathanGreen ® LawnCareProducts Choosefromourlargeselectionofsuperiorproducts fromJonathanGreen.Qualitygrassseedandfertilizersdesignedforallyourlawn'sindividualneeds. MUSTPRESENTORMENTIONCOUPONATTIMEOFPURCHASE - EXPIRES3/19/24 Allnaturalandorganic.Premiumquality blendsoilsenhancedwithMyco-tone Mycorrhizae.Fertilizersarekid,petand environmentallyfriendly. Espoma ® Organic Soils&Fertilizers
Scotts ® Lawn& GardenProducts
WEOFFER: CompleteWildBirdDepartmentwithSeedsandFeeders•CompletefeedlinesofNutrena, Purina,BlueSeal,PoulinandTripleCrown•CarryingHay,Straw,PineShavingsandotheranimalbedding WecarrymostmajorbrandsofPetFood•ManyFrequentBuyersClubs•PropaneTankRefills. Mustpresentormentioncouponattimeofpurchase•Whilesupplieslast•Somequantitiesmaybelimited•Notresponsibleforprintererrors.
Oursalesstaffcanhelpyouwithanyquestionsyoumayhaveaboutour current promotionsandsales.Theyarehighlyknowledgeableaboutourproductsandare alwayswillingtoassistinfindingtherightproductforeachcustomer'sindividualneeds.
supporteachother, thestrongerour community becomes.
on Zoom and at Berkshires • Hudson Valley • NW Connecticut 57,000 READERS WEEKLY