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PETSANDTHEIROWNERS. PetPartnerswascreatedtohelppetownerscarefortheir companionanimalsduringtimesofeconomicstress, sotheirpetscanremainintheirhomeandnotbe surrenderedtosheltersorrescuegroups.



ReducedRateSpay/Neuter berkshirehumane.org

AssistancewithBasicVeterinaryCareCosts Donationscanbemadeonline throughourdonationpageat www.petpartnersberkshires.org or bymail: PetPartners,POBox67, WestStockbridge,MA01266 Yourdonationistaxdeductibleand all donationsgodirectlyforthecareoftheanimals.

Pet of the Week! KENALI

Won’t you let the soulful eyes of Kenali win you over? Kenali is a sweet 1.5-year-old American Pit bull terrier mix who’s yearning for a patient and confident adopter to show him the world is not a scary place. Having not had a lot of exposure to the outside world in his previous home, Kenali tends to be nervous in new situations and around strangers. The staff have been working diligently on building his confidence and he’s made great progress. He loves people, he just needs to warm up to you and once he does his bond is strong. Kenali is fully housetrained but may need a refresher in a new home. He could potentially live with another dog, but no small pets please. Older children may be suitable as well. If you’re an experienced dog owner willing to work with this handsome boy, please reach out to the kennel staff at (413) 447-7878 ext. 126 to learn more about him!


214 Barker Road, Pittsfield, MA • 413-447-7878 www.berkshirehumane.org

ForhelporinformationcallthePetPartnersOffice: Faith(518)781-0362

HAY FOR SALE: Round and square bales. 413-446-2446. Lovingcareofyour animalsintheirhome whenyou’reaway

RESCUE KITTENS: healthy and adorable! For adoption information, please call 518-303-2910. Ancramdale, NY

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DebDodge 413-528-0105 debdodge45@aol.com

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1. A way to pick up

5. Presents

10. Type of guitar

14. Actor Idris

15. A citizen of Iran

16. Creative

17. Harness

18. Weight unit

19. You better call him

20. Utterly devoted

22. Male cat

23. Spiritual leader of a

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