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IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a hard worker, occasionally, to help maintain your property for a reasonable price, call Tim. I will help with gardening, weed-whipping, brush cutting, tree work, pruning, power washing, raking, and more. Just ask! (413)-717-7372. References. MeadowFarm


(413)243-4111 www.meadowfarmorganics.com

KAREN SHREEFTER Landscape Design, creating, and maintaining captivating landscapes and gardens with my clients in the Monterey area. Call 413-528-1387.

LET US LAY THE GROUND work! Direct mailed to 18,000 in the tri-state area. (413)-528-0095. www.shoppersguideinc.com


Forallyour landscaping needs!



LOG SPLITTER. Excellent condition, new engine, $900. firm. For rent: Log Splitter, $100/day. Half cord Firewood, $150, delivered. 413-645-3108.

SPRING & FALL CLEANUPS www.pillinglandscaping.com

Let your winter debris become our problem. Free estimates. Licensed, insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.

TREE SERVICE: Residential Tree Work. Professional and safe, very skilled and efficient climbers. Busch Tree Service, (860)-307-7254. Free Estimates.

TREE WORK: From trimming to removal. First class climbers previously employed by Asplundh. Exceptional, safe, cost efficient. Licensed and insured. Strong Oak Landscaping (413)-644-5164.

AVOID SCAMS! Deal locally, face-to-face. Never give out financial info. That “amazing” deal may not exist!

ART RESTORATION by Troy Amuso, Troy Fine Art Services, Inc. Specializing in oil painting restoration and conservation for over 35 years. All styles and value levels. Sheffield/ Ashley Falls by appointment. Studio (413)-248-1309. Mobile (203)-856-1337. www.TroyFineArt.com

VENDORS & CRAFTERS needed. Apply now! For St Mary's School Holiday Bazaar, Lee, Ma, Sunday, Nov 19,2023. SMSBazaar1 @gmail.com

VOICE LESSONS: Feeling muzzled, silenced, unheard? Come find your voice again. For joy, health, and empowerment. Singing lessons. Ages 15+. Musical theater, folk, pop, specializing in classical/opera. 1/2 hr or 1 hr lessons. Maureen O'Flynn, Instr. Contact: corlynntry @gmail.com, (413)-441-2015. www.maureenoflynn.com




ANTIQUES WANTED: berkshirepicker buying furniture, workbenches, folk art, advertising, weathervanes, garden items, stoneware crocks, toys, baskets, and more. Fair and friendly. Mike (413)-717-2561.

FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. All types chair seating. 40 years experience. Free estimates. 845-444-0015.

ART RESTORATION by Troy Amuso, Troy Fine Art Services, Inc. Specializing in oil painting restoration and conservation for over 35 years. All styles and value levels. Sheffield/ Ashley Falls by appointment. Studio (413)-248-1309. Mobile (203)-856-1337. www.TroyFineArt.com

CASH PAID 1950s-1970s modern style furniture, lighting, art, sculpture, art glass, ceramics, etc. Home (413)-528-1960; cell (413)-854-1950. Photos to jasonshapiro @roadrunner.com.

FURNITURE REPAIR and refinishing. Shaker, taping, and veneer repair. Pickup and delivery. 413-822-1407.

RETIRED CARPENTER/ collector looking for old or antique woodworking hand tools. 413-854-4297.

CONNECT – It’s what we do! In print and online. www.shoppersguide.com


DIVERS: $200 reward for recovery of keys from north cove of East Twin Lake, Salisbury. GPS positive location. 860-671-1653.

GENERALLY SPEAKING.... we have what you’re looking for! Just ask our 57,000 readers every week! (413)-528-0095. www.shoppersguideinc.com


Saturday&Sunday AUGUST12&13 9AMTO3PM

BrookFarmBites FoodTruck WillbeOnSite Noonto3!

BrookFarmBites FoodTruck Noonto3!



Sale! Huge discounts on past season and slightly worn toys, clothing and accessories. Raffle prizes! 38 Main Street, South Egremont, Friday August 11th-Sunday August 13th, 11am-4pm. Come spend an afternoon at Acorn and enjoy incredible deals!


A group of designers & artists are offering items they never wanted to part with, until they realized it's time! Know the feeling? A collection of hip clothing and shoes, antiques, hand built pottery, electronics, vintage "smalls", furnishings, bric a brac, etc. Lots of everything. Great prices on cool stuff. Sat. Aug 19 and Sunday Aug. 20, 9 am, no early birds. Cash only too pls. Address 106 Egremont Plain Road between North Egremont Town Center and the Great Barrington airport.


Saturday 8/12, 9AM-3PM (no early birds) MT. Grove Association, 494 Otis Rd., Rte. 8 South, (near Otis line) Becket. Housewares, home decor, tools, small appliances, furniture, toys, etc. Rain dateSunday 8/13.

ESTATE-BARN-TAG SALE: Barn filled with antique furniture country and primitives including cupboards, dry sinks, tables, workbenches, baskets, crocks, yellowware, paintings, rugs and more…incredible apothecary cabinet, secretary desk, set of 6 hand painted chairs, clothing, bags and household furnishings. August 11-13 Friday - Sunday, 9 to 4. 2 Lukeman Lane, Stockbridge MA. Hope to see you there!

HUGE MULTI-FAMILY Tag Sale, 10 Meadow St. Housatonic. 9a - 5p, Aug 25, 26, & 27. Come see all the treasures Shea & Skwirl are purging.

TAG SALE. 402 Main Rd., Monterey. Items and furniture. Aug 11 & 12, 8-5. Raindate Aug 18 & 19.

GENERALLY SPEAKING....we have what you’re looking for!

162MainStreet•GreatBarrington,MA01230 s ANTIQUES&ESTATEBUYERS Bu

JOIN THE COPAKE FALLS Day Community Tag Sale! Bring your own table. Space is free, but registration is requested. Participants keep their own proceeds, and are responsible for disposing of unsold items. Saturday August 19. If interested, please contact cfdtagsale @gmail.com

MANIC PIXIES Rockin' Resale Pop-up Boutique is back! Edgy, Funky, Eclectic, Glam, Punk, Grunge. Special summer rack: Barbie! Friday 8/11, Saturday 8/12, Sunday 8/13. Hours: 12pm - 5pm. 506 Sheffield Plain (Rte 7), Sheffield.

MOVING SALE: 8/12 & 8/13, 9am-4pm, 68 Amory Lane, Sheffield. Cash only. Tools woodworking incl: saws, jointer, band saw, Hand held various DeWalt & Makita, household Goods & collectables, garden tools, Mantis cultivator, chain saw, 2 snow blowers, canning supplies, complete bee hive w/access., Old Town fishing kayak, 10 ft. canoe, tree stand and more !!!

TAG SALE: 15 Main St., Sheffield, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Aug 11,12, 13, 9-3. No junk. Limoges, glassware, quality furniture,housewares, etc.

TENT AND ESTATE SALE. Years of collecting. 94 Cheever Rd, Richmond. Aug 11-13, 9-3.



Take(R)onChurchStreetatlightinCheshire; Take(L)onMainStreetallthewaytoRoute116(approx. 4miles);Take(R)onRoute116;Take(L)onHenrywood Road;Take(R)onWallingRoad.







•SideTablesincluding MarbleTopTable








Joinadynamicteamdedicatedtohealing,recoveryandreimaginingmentalhealthtreatment.The KitchenWorkTeamLeaderworksasamemberofamultidisciplinaryteamthatcontributestoeachguest’s treatmentandrecovery.ReportingtotheKitchenManager,thispositionisresponsibletoassistinthe successfuloperationoftheGouldFarmkitchenfacility,whichfeedsapproximately60to100peopleper day,threemealsperday.Thispositionassistswiththegeneraloperationsofthekitchen,includingmeal preparation,maintenanceofaclean,safetyconsciousandef icientworkenvironment;andleadership oftheguestworkprogram.ThispositionisresponsibleforthepromotionofthevaluesofGouldFarm, re lectedintheMissionStatementandparticipationasacontributingmemberofthecommunity. ForafulldescriptionandadditionalinformationaboutGouldFarm,visitwww.gouldfarm.org

Qualif ications:ThispositionrequiresresidencyattheFarmasaconditionofemployment(living atGouldFarminprovidedhousing).Shouldsuitablehousingnotbeavailableatthetimeofhire, agreementtomovingtotheFarmassoonassuitablehousingisavailableisacontingencyof employment. Thispositionrequiresfoodserviceexperience,andtheabilitytoworkcollaboratively asateammember.Excellentcommunicationandorganizationskillsandtheabilitytoassistwiththe integrationofcommunityfeedbackintoacontinuousimprovementinitiativeareessential.

GouldFarmisanequalopportunityemployer;theorganizationoffersemployment,advancement opportunitiesandbene itswithoutregardtorace,color,gender,genderidentityand/orexpression, sexualorientation,pregnancy,religion,maritalstatus,parentalstatus,physicalormentalability,mental health,age,veteranstatus,ancestry,nationalorethnicorigin,genetics,politicalbeliefs,andanyother basisprohibitedbyapplicablestate,federal,orlocallaws.CandidateswhocancontributetoGouldFarm’s commitmenttodiversityareencouragedtoapply.

Compensation:$17perhour,withagreatbene itspackageincludingallmeals/food,lowcosthousing/ utilities,medical/dental,lifeinsurance,generousPaidTimeOff(PTO)and401K.





•CARPENTERS (Minimumof4yrs.ofexperience)

Seekingdependable,motivatedanddetail-orientedindividuals tojoinourteam.Weareawell-establishedcompanywitha 40hour/4-dayworkweekandanemphasisoncareer development.Excellentpayandbenefitspackageavailable. PleaseCallusat413-298-5156oremailresumeto assistant@michaelwhitecontractors.com

BARRINGTON OUTFITTERS is hiring full/part time, yearround sales help. We offer great employee discounts, a fun environment to be in and great pay, starting at $19/hr, or more with experience. Weekends required. Please contact Stacy at 413-528-5145. Email barringtonoutfitters @verizon.net or stop in to 289 Main Street in Great Barrington to apply. Immediate start!

HELP WANTED for home renovations. Will train. (413)-429-7101.

THE BERKSHIRE SCHOOL Theater Department is seeking a part-time Assistant Director. This multifaceted role combines scene direction, costume design, food/event planning, frontof-house oversight, and student mentorship through three full-scale productions per year. Seeking someone with great habits of caring and a true belief in the power of teenagers, and who demonstrates cultural competency in all aspects of their work with young people. Mostly afternoons, but some evenings during production time. Starts in late August/early September. Call 413-429-6292 to inquire.

LICENSED PLUMBER/ HVAC installer.Moran Mechanical Systems located in Lee MA. is looking for a few good Men or Woman who have at least a Journeyman plumbing license or 5 years experience installing HVAC equipment. We are primarily a service company working on every type of HVACR equipment and our plumbing division is also primarily service and kitchen and bathroom installations, however we are looking to expand to new construction. We have a new Ford Transit ready for a plumber to start driving it and we will buy another new Ford Transit for our HVAC installer. Please contact us at info @moranmechanical.com or call us at 413-528-0072 to have a private conversation on what we have to offer and how we can address any concerns or needs you may have about joining our company.

COOKS, DISHWASHERS , and food service workers wanted. Lakeville, CT. Email: info@toryhilldining.com

AdministrativeAssistant/ PolicyCoordinator


Performsstandardadministrativesecretarialdutiesfor DirectorofRegulatoryComplianceandotherdepartment directors.Performsdiversifiedsecretarialfunctions includingproficienttyping,ditation,filing,interfacingwith hospitalstaffandthepublic,schedulingofmeetings. PolicyCoordinator:Ongoingmaintenanceofpolicies throughMedSeek;ongoingreviewofpoliciesthrough CouncilstoensurecompliancewithJointCommission Stadardsandotherregulatoryagencies.

 POSITIONQUALIFICATIONS (Minimumqualifications arerequiredunlessstatedotherwise.)


• Minimumof3years’experienceasadministrative/ executivesecretary.


• AssociatedegreeorExecutiveSecretarialprogram desiredorequivalentexperience.


• None.


• Demonstratescriticalthinkingskills,verbal,written communicationskills,tact,goodjudgmentand organizationalskills.

• Mustbedetailoriented,aself-starterwithanabilityto workindependentlywithinjobguidelinesandbeateamplayer.

• Excellentsecretarialskills(abilitytotype60wpm,shorthand). Ifyouareinterested,pleaseapplyonlineatwww.berkshirehealthsystems.organdclick oncareers CONFIDENTIALITYNOTICE:Thise-mailcommunicationandanyattachmentsmay containconfidentialandprivilegedinformationfortheuseofthedesignatedrecipients namedabove.Ifyouarenottheintendedrecipient,youareherebynotifiedthatyou havereceivedthiscommunicationinerrorandthatanyreview,disclosure,dissemination,distributionorcopyingofitoritscontentsisprohibited.Ifyouhavereceived thiscommunicationinerror,pleasenotif yBerkshireHealthSystemsimmediatelyby e-mailatpostmaster@bhs1.organddestroyallcopiesofthiscommunicationandany attachments.

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