2 minute read
Fabulous3bedroom,3.5bathscondoatWinden HillontheStockbridge/Lenoxline.Openplan livingwithfireplaceandFrenchDoorstoalarge deckoverlookingbeautifulviewsofLilyPond.First floorprimarysuiteandasecondfloorprimary suite.3rdbedroomensuite.Totallyprivateatthe endofthestreet.2cargarage.Rentaltimevery negotiable.Augustrental$12,000and$4,500 permonthafterwords.
Formoreinformation callMaryWhite413-329-6342
GreatBarrington,MA Lenox,MA|Pittsfield,MA 413-528-4423 www.barnbrookrealty.com
Quiet country setting in village of South Egremont. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Screened in porch , cathedral ceilings, private parking. All utilities included. Available August 1. Yearly lease. $3200. Per month. All inquiries : laurelgoss4@gmail.com for viewing.
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MahaiweStreet,GreatBarrington,MA Walktotown/NearBigY
$1500.00/monthplusgas&electric PrivateYard
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FOR RENT: Situated in the very heart of the So. Berkshires between South Egremont and Great Barrington, a completely renovated 2 story Dutch colonial farmhouse is available for rent. It is situated on an 80 acre farm surrounded by barns and cornfield. Five bedrooms, 2-1/2 bathrooms, full cellar, front and rear porches, oil heat, town water, upgraded septic system, kitchen and pantry, dining and living rooms with fireplace. Separate two car garage. $3,500/month plus utilities. References. Call (413)-626-3770.
LOOKING FOR A ROOM, studio or one bedroom apartment to rent. I work full-time, am a non-smoker, and have no pets. laura.light61 @yahoo.com
MONTEREY: Seasonal rental, 1920s Bungalow. Fields and woods, six rooms, 3 baths, furnished, porches, fireplace, private. Weekly rates available. (413)-650-2016.
Separatewaitingroom-hardwoodfloors 2ndFloor-includesheat&electric 305sq.ft.-$825/month
CAMEL MOVING & Storage: (413)-822-0985. Find us on Angie's List. See our testimonials at www.CamelMoving Storage.com
FOR RENT. House, GB, 3 BR, 2 bath, garage, 1 inflatable single mattress, quiet neighborhood, 1.6 miles to GB, very private and quiet, surrounded by perrenial gardens. Aug 25 - Sep 5. Please call 413-429-5989
EGREMONT: 1 bedroom ground floor apartment with office. Beautiful setting. Heat, electric, high speed internet, d/w, mowing, plowing and w/d in utility room, included along with your own patio and gardens Non-smokers only! References required. One year lease. $1,500.00 per month and one month security.? Call 516-526-0587.
FURNISHED ROOMS: Copake, NY. Private bath, refrigerator, microwave, utilities. Linens/ housekeeping services. (518)-329-1175.
GB JUNK. (413)-329-0092, Jeff Becker. greatbarringtonj unkremoval.com
LENOX SUMMER RENTAL: Condo- Fully furnished, 1st floor, 1 bedroom, new kitchen, onsite parking - Available June 2024, 3 month rental minumum. Call/text 413-281-2568.
OFFICES FOR RENT: Quiet & professional historic building at 22 Elm Street in Great Barrington. Four offices spaces available of varying sizes and prices. Newly painted and beautiful hardwood floors. All utilities included, common kitchen, and parking. Contact lamme.linscott @gmail.com if interested.
ONE-BEDROOM apartment with new carpet & new kitchen cabinetry available. $1,395 per month. No pets allowed and non-smoking. Apartment is on 2nd floor of a residence within a mile of downtown Gt. Barr. Parking available in driveway. Please inquire at 949-466-6215.
Reliable working woman with references seeks affordable room for rent anywhere in Berkshire County, Austerlitz, or New Lebanon. Nonsmoker. (518) 653-8325.
SEEKING RENTAL: Reliable couple with excellent references needs a furnished, longterm house or quiet apt. with 2 bedrooms, office space, 1-2 bathrooms in Southern Berkshire County or Salisbury, CT. Airbnb, Vrbo home owners, if you are tired of dealing with many guests, please consider the steadiness and ease of renting to us. (413)-429-6147.
AD DEADLINE: Fridays 11AM ads@shoppersguideinc.com
SMALL, PROFESSIONAL office in beautiful historic house on S Main St, GB. High speed internet. All utilities included. $500/month. Call 413-429-1554.
WINTER RENTAL: Nov 1 -May 1. Sweet one bedroom house with office. Large yard. Hot tub. No pets. References. $1200.00 a month. Includes utilities. 413 854-3295.
WE’RE HERE FOR YOU! If you need us now or when you’re ready to get back to business, we’ll handle all of your advertising needs! Call or email us today. The Shopper’s Guide (413)-528-0095. www.shoppersguideinc.com
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