Chartered: 1780
Area: 13.1 sq. mi.
Population: 380
Town Office: 25 Brookline Rd. 802-869-3370
Hours: Mon. & Thur.: 9 am - 1 pm
Town Clerk & Treasurer: Hannah Regier
Selectboard: David Bemis; Denise Randall; Janet Perry; Sandi Capponcelli; Krista Gay Selectboard meets 3rd Thursday of the month, 7 pm
State Legislature
Senators: Harrison, Hashim Representative: Chase
Chartered: 1753
Area: 32.4 sq. mi.
Population: 12,184
Census-designated Places: Brattleboro (CDP), West Brattleboro
Municipal Offices: 230 Main St. 802-254-4541
Hours: M - F: 8:30 am - 5 pm
Town Clerk: Hilary Francis 802-251-8157
Town Manager: John R. Potter 802-251-8151
Selectboard: Daniel Quipp, Chair; Elizabeth McLoughlin, Vice Chair; Richard Davis, Clerk; Franz Reichsman; Peter Case
Selectboard meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6:15 pm
Brattleboro Fire Department 103 Elliot St. | 802-254-4831 brattleboro.gov/brattleboro-firedepartment
Leonard Howard, Chief Brattleboro Police Department
62 Black Mountain Rd., Suite 101. Non-emergency line: 802-257-7946 brattleboro.gov/brattleboro-policedepartment
Norma Hardy, Chief Public Works Department 211 Fairground Rd. | 802-254-4255
Dan Tyler, Director dtyler@brattleboro.gov
State Legislature
Senators: Harrison, Hashim Representatives: Burke, Kornheiser, Toleno
Brookline brooklinevt.com
Chartered: 1794 Area: 12.9 sq. mi.
Population: 540
Town Office: 734 Grassy Brook Rd. 802-365-4648
Hours: Tu, Th: 9 am - 2 pm 1st Sat. of the month: 9 am - noon Town Clerk: Guy Tanza 802-365-4648
Selectboard: Dorothy Maggio, Chair;
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Stanley E. Noga Jr., Vice Chair; Bruce Mello; Doug Wellman; Michael Desocio
Selectboard meets 1st and 3rd Wed. of the month, 6:30 pm
NewBrook Volunteer Fire & Rescue
698 Vt. Rte. 30, Newfane newbrookfire.org
Todd Lawley, Chief State Legislature
Senators: Harrison, Hashim
Representatives: Bos-Lun, Goldman
Chartered: 1810
Area: 35.3 sq. mi.
Population: 1798
Unincorporated Communities: East Dover
Town Office: 102 Rte. 100
Hours: M-Th: 9 am - noon, 1 - 5 pm F: 1 - 5 pm
Town Clerk: Andrew McLean
802-464-5100 ext. 2
Selectboard: Victoria Capitani, Chair; Sarah Shippee, Vice Chair; Joseph Mahon; Daniel Baliotti; Scott Salway
Selectboard meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month
East Dover Volunteer Fire Co. 22 Dover Hill Rd., East Dover 802-348-6600
doververmont.com/ eastdoverfiredepartment
Jon Abel, Chief West Dover Fire Department 253 Rte. 100 | 802-464-8227 doververmont.com/ westdoverfiredepartment
Richard Werner, Chief Dover Police Department 246 Rte. 100 | 802-464-2020
Michael Arbogast, Chief Highway and Transfer Station 11 Landfill Rd.
Transfer Station: 802-464-9965
Highway Dept.: 802-464-2000
Travis Briggs, Road Commissioner
State Legislature
Senators: Harrison, Hashim
Representative: Sibilia
Chartered: 1753
Area: 30.8 sq. mi.
Population: 1865
Town Office: 1523 Middle Rd.
Hours: M, Tu, Th, F: 9 am - 3 pm
W: 11 am - 5 pm
Town Clerk: Laurie Frechette 802-257-1496
Selectboard: Todd Davidson, Chair; Alex Wilson, Vice Chair; Maria Glabach, Clerk; Paul Adler; Tom Nolan
Selectboard meets every other Wednesday, 6 pm
West Dummerston Fire Department
226 West St., Dummerston 1049 East-West Rd., Dummerston
Larry Pratt Jr., Chief
Town Garage: 1103 East-West Rd.
Lee Chamberlin, Highway Foreman
State Legislature
Senators: Harrison, Hashim
Representative: Mrowicki
Chartered: 1754
Area: 38.4 sq. mi.
Population: 645
Town Office: 117 Main St.
Town Administrator: Morgan Wilbur 802-843-2552 townadmin@graftonvt.org
M - Th: 9 am - noon, 1 pm - 4 pm
Town Clerk & Treasurer:
Kimberly Record
Hours: M, Tu, Th, F: 9 am - noon, 1 - 4 pm
Selectboard: Joe Pollio, Chair; Cathy Siano-Goodwin, Vice Chair; John Gregory; Stephen Sargent; Anna Keegan
Selectboard meets 1st and 3rd
Monday of the month, 6 pm
Grafton Volunteer Fire Dept. and Rescue Squad: 711 Rte. 121 East 802-843-2401 (leave message)
Robbie Sprague, Fire Chief Town Garage: 220 Bell Rd. 802-843-2456
State Legislature
Senators: Harrison, Hashim
Representative: Chase
Chartered: 1754
Area: 40 sq. mi.
Population: 2120
Designated Village Centers: Algiers, Guilford Center Village Town Office: 236 School Rd. 802-254-6857
Hours: M - Th: 7 am - 5 pm
Interim Town Clerk: Elly Majonen 802-254-6857 ext. 102 townclerk@guilfordvt.net
Town Administrator: Erika Elder 802-254-6857 ext. 105 townadmin@guilfordvt.net
Selectboard: Zon Eastes, Chair; Verandah Porche, Vice-chair; Michael Becker; Tara Cheney; Fred “Chip” Carter
Selectboard meets 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, 6:30 pm
Guilford Volunteer Fire Dept.
108 Guilford Center Rd.
Jared Bristol, Chief guilfordvt.gov/guilford-volunteerfire-department/ Town Garage: 114 Bennett Rd. 802-254-2755
Dan Zumbruski, Road Commissioner & Foreman
Guilford Free Library 4024 Guilford Center Rd., Guilford, VT 05301-8454
Hours: Tue 9:30 am - 6 pm; Wed 1 pm - 8 pm; Thur 3 pm - 6 pm; Sat 9:30 am - 3 pm; CLOSED Sun, Mon, Fri guilfordfreelibraryvt.org 802-257-4603 staff@guilfordfreelibraryvt.org
State Legislature
Senators: Harrison, Hashim Representative: Coffey
Chartered: 1750 Area: 39.8 sq. mi.
Population: 771
Unincorporated Communities: West Halifax Town Office: 246 Branch Rd.
Hours: M, Tu, F: 8 am - 3 pm W: noon - 3 pm
Sa: By appointment
Town Clerk: Patricia Dow 802-368-7390
Selectboard: Edee Edwards, Chair; Karen Christofferson, Vice Chair; Tristan Roberts; Rhonda Ashcraft; Randy Pike
Selectboard meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6 pm Halifax Fire Co.: 802-368-7673
Dennis Anear, Chief Town Garage: 2044 Branch Rd. 802-368-2803
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Michael Fournier, Road Commissioner
State Legislature
Senators: Harrison, Hashim
Representative: Roberts
Jamaica jamaicavermont.org
Chartered: 1780
Area: 49.5 sq. mi.
Population: 1005
Town Office: 28 Town Office Rd.
Hours: M - Th: 8:30 am - 4 pm
Town Clerk: Sara Wiswall
Selectboard: Jessica Pollack, Chair
Greg Meulemans
Andy Coyne
Kate Ullman
Len Beman
Selectboard meets 2nd and 4th Mon. of the month, 7 pm
Jamaica Volunteer Fire & Rescue: 4017 Rte. 30 | 802-874-4393
Daniel Kunesch, Chief
Town Garage: 802-874-4265
Keith Hazard, Foreman
State Legislature
Senators: Harrison, Hashim
Representative: Sibilia
Londonderry londonderryvt.org
Chartered: 1780
Area: 35.9 sq. mi.
Population: 1919
Town Office: 100 Old School St.
Hours: M - F: 8:30 am - 4 pm
Town Clerk: Allison Marino
802-824-3356, ext. 101 townclerk@londonderryvt.org
Town Administrator: Shane O’Keefe
802-824-3356, ext. 105 townadmin@londonderryvt.org
Selectboard: Thomas Cavanagh, Chair
Martha Dale, Vice Chair
James Ameden, Jr.
James Fleming
Taylor Prouty
Selectboard meets 1st and 3rd Mon. of the month, 6 pm
Champion Fire Co. #5 (South Londonderry Fire Dept.)
60 Main St. | 802-375-3650
Jeffrey Duda, Chief Phoenix Fire Co. #6 5862 Vt. Rte. 100 | 802-379-5978
James A. Ameden, Chief Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad: 6068 Rte. 100
Pete Cobb, President
Road Foreman: Joshua Dryden
State Legislature
Senators: Campion Representative: Vacant
Chartered: 1761
Area: 40.7 sq. mi.
Population: 1722
Town Office: 510 South Rd.
Hours: Tu, Th: 9 am - 4 pm, research by appointment W: noon - 4 pm
Town Clerk: Forrest Holzapfel 802-254-2181
Town Administrator: Nick Morgan 802-254-2181
Selectboard: Molly Welch, Chair
Jeff Skramstad, Vice Chair
Kate Kirkwood
Selectboard meets 2nd and 4th Thurs. of the month, 6 pm
Marlboro Volunteer Fire Co. 779 South Rd. | 802-254-2860
September 25, 2024
Dan Elliott, Chief Town Garage: 3849 Rte. 9 802-257-0252
Andrew Richardson, Road Foreman
State Legislature
Senators: Harrison, Hashim Representative: Long
Newfane newfanevt.com
Chartered: 1761
Area: 40.4 sq. mi.
Population: 1645
Incorporated Villages: Newfane Village
Area: 0.2 sq. mi. | Population: 87
Unincorporated Communities: South Newfane, Williamsville Town Office: 555 Rte. 30 802-365-7772
Town Clerk: Carol Hesselbach 802-365-7772 ext. 0 tclerknewfane@newfanevt.com
Hours: M-Th: 8 am - 5 pm
Selectboard: Angela Litchfield, Chair; Ann Golab, Vice Chair; Michael Fitzpatrick; Katy Johnson-Aplin; Jeffrey Chevalier Selectboard meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month, 6 pm
NewBrook Volunteer Fire and Rescue: 698 Vt. Rte. 30
Todd Lawley, Chief 802-365-7590
Newfane Town Garage
Williamsville, Vt. | 802-348-7949
Jay Wilson, Road Foreman
State Legislature
Senators: Harrison, Hashim Representative: Long
Putney putneyvt.org
Chartered: 1753
Area: 26.8 sq. mi. Population: 2617
Town Office: 127 Main St. 802-387-5862
Office Hours: M-Th: 8 am - 4:30 pm
Town Clerk: Jonathan Johnson 802-387-5862 ext. 13 clerk@putneyvt.gov
Town Manager: Karen M. Astley 802-387-5862 ext. 11 manager@putneyvt.org
Selectboard: Peg Alden; Aileen Chute; Eric McGowan; Fletcher Proctor; Nathaniel Snell
Selectboard meets every other Wednesday, 5:30 pm
Putney Fire Department 21 Carl Snyder Dr. | 802-387-4372
Brian Harlow, Interim Chief Town Garage: 19 Town Garage Rd. 802-387-5730
Lenny Howard, Highway Superintendent
State Legislature
Senators: Harrison, Hashim Representative: Mrowicki
Rockingham rockinghamvt.org
Chartered: 1753
Area: 42.3 sq. mi. Population: 4832
Incorporated Villages: Bellows Falls: Incorporated: 1909
Area: 1.4 sq. mi. | Population: 2747
Saxtons River: Incorporated: 1905
Area: 0.5 sq. mi. | Population: 479
Town Hall: 7 Square, Bellows Falls
Municipal Manager: Scott Pickup 802-376-9780 manager@rockbf.org
Town Clerk: Kathleen Kelly 802-463-4336 ext. 1102 clerk@rockbf.org
Selectboard: Rick Cowan, Chair; Bonnie North, Vice-chair; Elijah Zimmerm, Clerk; Peter Golec; John Dunbar
Selectboard meets 1st Tuesday and 3rd Tues. of the month, 6 pm except for the months of June/July/August when it meets the 1st Wed. only. The
Selectboard meets jointly with the Bellows Falls Village Trustees on the 5th Tues. of the month, or quarterly.
Bellows Falls Village Trustees
Paul Obuchowski, Village President; Wade Masure; James McAuliffe; Conor Floyd; Taylor Pichette Trustees meet 2nd and 4th Tues. of the month at 6 pm except for the months of June/July/August when they meet the 2nd Tues. only.
Saxtons River Village Trustees
Amy Howlett, Chair; Carl Ball, Vice Chair & Clerk; Matthew Brennan; Ellen Clark-Lawrence; Kristen Swartwout Trustees meet 1st and 3rd Mon. of each month at 7 pm except for the months of July/August/September when they meet only once.
Bellows Falls Police Department: 170 Rockingham St. Non-emergency line: 802-463-1234
David Bemis, Chief david.bemis@vermont.gov
Bellows Falls Fire Dept.: 170 Rockingham St. | 802-463-4343
Shaun McGinnis, Chief bffire@rockbf.org
Rockingham Volunteer Fire Dept.: 5 Transport Park, Bellows Falls