As the largest, most highly regarded, and only Realtor® trade publication in the state, New Jersey Realtor® Magazine reaches 64,000+ licensed Realtor® professionals, providing them with industry development news, trends, and guidelines affecting the real estate industry. Promoting your business with New Jersey Realtor® Magazine will allow you to connect with thousands of readers through a print and digital platform. No other publication reaches the top industry professionals with market data, business tools and resources, and special features including growing businesses and industries in the state.
New Jersey Realtor® magazine is the largest real estate trade publication in the state, reaching over 60,000 licensed Realtors® in New Jersey. New Jersey Realtor® members utilize the magazine as a trusted source for the industry news, latest technology and design trends, legislative issues, and market updates their businesses depend on.
Circulation: 60,000+ Realtors® Frequency: 6 times per year Details: 8.5” x 11”, four-color, saddle-stitched
For added convenience, New Jersey Realtor® magazine is available to Realtor® members as a fully digital, interactive version, hosted by Issuu at This digital version is accessible by desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. Readers have access to past issues and may download and share content through social channels and email.
Theeditorialcalendaristentativeandsubjecttochange without notice.
Meet your 2023 NJ Realtors® Leadership Team and discover what’s trending in the NJ real estate industry in the January/February issue. Special features include design trends, market predictions, marketing trends, and more.
Learn more about the bustling cities and booming businesses in New Jersey. Discover potential redevelopment projects, multigenerational living, and what’s trending in the commercial industry.
SPACE CLOSE: NOV. 16, 2022 DEC. 2, 2022
Spring clean your business. Discover how to freshen up your social media for new potential clients, learn how to incorporate technology to simplify your business, and learn more about real estate education requirements.
SPACE CLOSE: JAN. 18, 2023
Let’s talk legislature. Find out more about the scoop on issues we’re watching in the state, learn the difference between independent expenditures and the Realtors® Political Action Committee, and see why redistricting matters for Realtors®
Gather tips on ways to make your business financially stable and understand where the market is headed with mortgage rates.
Wrap up the year with a Realtors® Triple Play preview, plus sustainability preservation in New Jersey state parks and green projects.
Ad cancellation. If an ad insertion is canceled after the closing date for the next issue, or if ad materials are not received when due, that insertion cost will be billed based on the prevailing insertion order. Advertiser may not change its order after the space reservation closing date of the issue in which the ad is scheduled to appear. No-fulfillment of ad contract. The contract term is one year. To earn the frequency discount the contracted number of ads must be inserted within 12 months of the first insertion. Publisher may cancel any order if Advertiser fails to pay accounts when due. The difference between rates billed and rates earned on
of any
for space. No cash rebates will be issued. NJ Realtors® reserves the right to deny
tion of a contract nullify all rate protection for the remainder of a contracted
All digital color and grayscale artwork must be supplied at 300 dpi. High-res PDF, EPS, TIFF, and JPEG files are accepted. Images from the web are not suitable for printing.
All color artwork must be CMYK mode; black-and-white artwork must be in either grayscale or bitmap mode. RGB mode artwork is not accepted, and if supplied, will be converted to CMYK mode which will result in a color shift.
All screen and printer fonts, including linked images, must be supplied if not embedded into the file.
Ad production assistance is available at $100/hour. All ad production will be estimated and approved by the advertiser prior to work beginning.
Ads may be submitted by email to Laura Lemos at
1. Truth. Advertising must be truthful and reveal all facts that may materially affect the reader’s conduct or decision. Advertising may not make any misrepresentations or mislead the reader by omitting any such material information. Practices that are misleading include, but are not limited to, false representations; inadequate disclosures; use of bait and switch techniques; failure to perform; inadequate or misleading information about real estate for sale or lease, employment or sales opportunities, and franchises; failure to perform; promises or warranty obligations; and incomplete or misleading information concerning prices, salaries, fees and compensation.
2. Substantiation. Advertising claims, both express and implied, shall be substantiated by evidence in the possession of the advertiser before the advertisement is placed. Such evidence immediately shall be provided to NJ Realtors® upon request.
3. Comparisons. Advertising concerning the products, services or employment of a competitor or a comparison of the prices, salaries, fees or compensation offered by a competitor must provide all relevant facts and not be misleading in any way.
4. Bait Advertising. Advertising shall not offer products or services for sale unless such offer constitutes a bona fide effort to sell the advertised products or services and is not a device to switch readers to other goods or services. No statement or illustration shall be used in any advertisement that creates a false impression of the nature, quality or origin of the product, service or employment offered, and all offers for “free” products or services must avoid any possibility that readers will be misled or deceived.
5. Guarantees and Warranties. Advertising of the terms and conditions of guarantees and warranties must be explicitly stated, with sufficient information to advise readers of their principal terms and limitations. If space or time restrictions preclude such disclosures, the advertisement must clearly and conspicuously reveal where the full text of the guarantee or warranty can be examined.
6. Testimonials and Endorsements. Testimonials and endorsements always must reflect the endorser’s honest opinions, beliefs or experiences and cannot include any representations that could not be substantiated if made directly by the advertiser. An advertiser also only may use a testimonial or endorsement for as long as it has good reason to believe that the endorser continues to subscribe to the views presented.
7. Political Advertisements. Advertisements endorsing, supporting, criticizing or campaigning for candidates for public office or public officials, as well as political, ideological or similar issues that are unrelated to real estate, will not be accepted. Issue advocacy ads placed by Realtor®-affiliated organizations may be accepted as long as the organization paying for the ad is identified in the advertising copy. NJ Realtors® reserves the right not to print any political or other advertisement that it deems in its sole discretion inappropriate for publication in its magazine.
8. Taste and Decency. Advertising must be free of statements, illustrations or implications that are offensive to good taste or public decency, or that condone or incite violence or encourage unlawful or reprehensible behavior. Advertising shall not offend on the grounds of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability or age, or condone any such form of discrimination. Advertising also should not contain any statement or visual presentation that could have the effect of harming any minors (individuals under the age of 18 years).
9. Responsibility. The advertiser understands and agrees that it is solely responsible for complying with NJ Realtors®’ advertising policies and for the content of its advertisement. The advertiser will hold NJ Realtors® harmless from any liability, claim, judgment or award, as well as all reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, arising from the advertisement.
10. Modification. NJ Realtors®’ advertising policy may be modified at any time without notice and at the sole discretion of NJ Realtors®
11. Compliance. All advertisements shall fully comply with the National Association of Realtors® Ethics Code, all New Jersey laws, including but not limited to all Real Estate Commission regulations and the New Jersey Real Estate Brokers Licensing Law, N.J.S.A. 45:15-1, et seq., and all federal laws.
12. Discretion to Publish. NJ Realtors® may decline to enter into an advertising agreement with any applicant/advertiser and/or may decline to publish any advertisement submitted for publication in New Jersey Realtor® Magazine for any reason. Furthermore, in doing so, NJ Realtors® may elect to consider only its own interests and is not required to consider the effect of any such decision on the applicant/advertiser and/or the advertisement.
13. Correct Use of REALTOR®. Realtor®, Realtors®, and Realtor-Associate® are collective membership marks that serve to identify members of the New Jersey Realtors® and the National Association of Realtors® and distinguish them from non-members. Members are licensed by the National Association to use one or more of the marks in reference to themselves and their real estate business.
The term Realtor® denotes membership, not the jobs performed by members, and should only be used in contexts which relate to membership. Realtor® should not be used interchangeably with the titles “real estate broker” or “agent” or a person who provides those services. The word Realtor® should not be hyphenated. It is incorrect to use descriptive words or phrases to modify the marks (i.e. Top Realtor® or Successful Realtor®).
All advertising materials must conform to this policy. The advertiser will be charged for any corrections made.
Commissions and Billing Procedures.
All advertising rates are net with no agency commission. Invoices are rendered when issues are mailed and due upon receipt, payable to “Bayard, Oot, Jones & Associates.” Invoices unpaid within 60 days are subject to suspension of advertising privileges until the account is current, and invoices unpaid within 120 days are subject to interest at the rate of 1.5% per month or the maximum lawful rate, whichever is higher.
Advertiser and/or its advertising agency (collectively referred to as “Advertiser”) shall be jointly and severally liable for monies as are due and payable for any ad that Advertiser ordered and was published.
Ad Cancellation. If an ad insertion is cancelled after the closing date for the next issue, or if ad materials are not received when due, that insertion cost will be billed based on the prevailing insertion order. Advertiser may not change its order after the space reservation closing date of the issue in which the ad is scheduled to appear.
Non-fulfillment of ad contract. The contract term is one year. To earn the frequency discount the contracted number of ads must be inserted within 12 months of the first insertion. Publisher may cancel any order if Advertiser fails to pay accounts when due. The difference between rates billed and rates earned on space used shall become due and payable immediately. Cancellations of any portion of a contract nullify all rate protection for the remainder of a contracted schedule. Credits earned by increasing frequency during a contract year will be applied to future billing for space. No cash rebates will be issued.
Collections. Advertiser agrees to pay all costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees expended in collecting overdue charges and interest on the unpaid balance at the rate of 1.5% per month or the maximum lawful rate, whichever is higher. Rates. Rates are subject to change upon notice. In the event of a rate change, Advertiser may cancel space reserved at the time the change becomes effective without incurring short-rate charges, provided the ads published to the date of cancellation are consistent with the appropriate frequency rate.
“Advertorials.” Publisher reserves the right to add the word “Advertisement” prominently above and/or below the copy. Errors and Omissions. NJ Realtors® shall not be liable for errors in material submitted by Advertiser, including, without limitation, electronic materials. Publisher assumes no responsibility or liability for lost profit, business, or any other damage as a result of any error or omission in or related to an ad.
Hold Harmless. Advertiser represents and warrants it has the right to publish the contents of the ad. Advertiser shall hold Publisher, their officers, directors, agents, and employees harmless from and against any and all costs, claims and expenses, including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees, resulting from any claims arising out of publication of such ads, including but not limited to, those resulting from claims for libel, violation of rights of privacy, plagiarism, or copyright infringements.
Corrections. All ads must conform to this Agreement as well as the specifications outlined in the media kit. Advertiser will be charged for any corrections.
Copy Requirements. All ads must be in compliance with Publisher’s advertising policy as set forth in Exhibit A, which is attached and made a part hereof, and all other advertising policies that Publisher may adopt. Publisher may, in its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement if Advertiser fails to comply with Publisher’s advertising policy or this Agreement.
All insertion orders are accepted subject to provisions of the current rate card.
Publisher reserves the right to select ad location for the ROP ads, unless Advertiser has paid for a special position.
Any dispute arising under this Agreement shall be arbitrated and settled pursuant to the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association. The decision of the arbitrator and award is final and binding. Publisher shall select an arbitrator and such arbitration shall be held in Mercer County, New Jersey. The prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, in addition to any other relief that may be proper.
Conditions, other than rates, are subject to change by Publisher without notice.
No party shall be liable for delays in delivery and/or nondelivery due to causes beyond its control, including but not limited to, acts of God, fire, flood, or other catastrophes, strikes, lock outs, work stoppages or other labor difficulties, denial of service attacks, damage to transmission lines or devices and power failures. No conditions, other than those in the advertising rate card, shall be binding on Publisher unless specifically agreed to in writing by Publisher. Publisher will not be bound by conditions printed on order blanks or copy instructions that conflict with the rate card provisions.
No Endorsement. The parties acknowledge that NJ Realtors® does not endorse Advertiser or its products and services. Advertiser will not refer to this Agreement or infer any such endorsement by NJ Realtors® in connection with any of its advertising, marketing, or promotional materials.
Notices. Any notice required or permitted to be given pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shall be effective as of the date of electronic mail or facsimile transmission, the date delivered by a recognized courier service providing proof of delivery or, if sent by mail, three (3) days from the date deposited with the United States Postal Service as evidenced by the date stamped on the envelope, prepaid, certified mail return receipt requested, and addressed to the intended receiver at his last known address.
Non-Assignability. This Agreement shall not be assigned or transferred by Advertiser without the written consent of NJ Realtors®
Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey without giving effect to principles of conflicts of law.