New Jersey Realtor®—January/February 2021

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January/February 2021: VOLUME 7 ISSUE 1











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NEW JERSEY REALTOR® A publication of New Jersey Realtors®

10 Hamilton Avenue Trenton, NJ 08611 Phone: 609-341-7100


Jarrod C. Grasso, RCE Chief Executive Officer PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING DEPARTMENT Colleen King Oliver Director of Public Relations &

Marketing |

Erin McFeeters

Dana Fiori

Communications Coordinator

CONTENTS January/February 2021

Content Coordinator


Important Dates & Deadlines


2020 Realtor-Associate® of the Year


President’s View: A New Start in 2021


2020 Good Neighbor Awards


CEO’s Desk: Welcoming a New Year


Quarter Century Club and Emeritus Inductees


Legislative Update: Thank You for Your RPAC Support in 2020!


7 Ways RPAC Helped Realtors® During the Pandemic

2021 OFFICERS Jeffrey Jones


Robert White


Nick Manis

First Vice President

Kathleen Morin


ADVERTISING SALES Laura Lemos | 973-822-9274 DESIGN Rebecca Ryan McQuigg | Encompass Media Group

New Jersey Realtors® provides legal and legislative updates as well as information on a variety of real estate related topics solely for the use of its members. Due to the wide range of issues affecting its members,


NJ Realtors® Virtual Conference Wrap Up


Introducing Your 2021 Leadership Team

NJ Realtors® publishes information concerning those


issues that NJ Realtors®, in its sole discretion, deems the most important for its members. The content and accuracy of all articles and/or advertisements by persons not employed by or

Did You Know? A Guide to Tools and Resources from NJ Realtors®

agents of NJ Realtor® are the sole responsibility of their author. NJ Realtors® disclaims any liability or responsibility for their content or accuracy. Where such articles and/or advertisements contain legal


advice or standards, NJ Realtors® recommends that NJ Realtors® seek legal counsel with regard to any

Town Spotlight: The Borough of Belmar


Board/Association News Sudoku puzzle solution:

specific situation to which they may seek to apply the article. New


Realtor ® ,




Local Realtor® of the Year and Realtor-Associate® of the Year Award Winners


2020 Realtor® of the Year

13260. Published bi-monthly each year. Member subscriptions allocated annually from annual dues: $3. Non-member annual subscription: $10. Known office of publication: 10 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08611. Periodicals postage paid at Trenton, NJ 08611 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Editor, 10 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08611.



2 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2021



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NJ Realtors® Office Closed—New Year’s Day

Orthodox Christmas Day

Women’s History Month





Orthodox New Year


NJ Realtors® Office Closed—Martin Luther King Jr. Day



NJ Realtors Office Closed—Presidents’ Day ®



Mardi Gras



Ramadan Begins

Palm Sunday



NJ Realtors® Office Closed—Easter

Passover Begins

Valentine’s Day


Good Friday

Saint Patrick’s Day


APRIL April Fools’ Day

Daylight Saving Time Begins

Lunar New Year



Black History Month

Groundhog Day





Tax Day


Earth Day


Ash Wednesday


Orthodox Good Friday



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4 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2021

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Congratulations to New Jersey RealtorsÂŽ Past President Charlie Oppler on being named 2021 National Association of RealtorsÂŽ President!


A New Start in 2021 BY JEFFREY JONES


ome time ago, my friend and Past President Gary Large

Every other president before me has faced their share of

said to me, “you’ve done really well in real estate, but

challenges, and this upcoming year will be no different, but

now it’s time for you to give back.”

I promise I will take those challenges on thoughtfully, with the membership in mind, and the leadership team as my

I didn’t know what that meant at the time, and like I’m sure


many of you can relate, before I decided to volunteer my time, I had a preconceived idea of what it meant to be a

I think that my leadership team will be fundamentally

part of the Realtor® organization.

important to me this year because, as an independent commercial broker owner, I will need to rely on their

But I took Gary’s advice, I became involved with my

expertise more than ever. As I reside and lead in my

board and, over time, I realized that it was not, like I had

professional niche, they lead in theirs and I take their

assumed, about gaining business, but rather gaining and

wisdom and advice to heart.

maintaining relationships. I promise that, as I have done my whole life, I will continue And when I think about the past year we’ve had, when

find the positive in every situation, and always look toward

everything was stripped away, relationships were all we had

the future without forgetting where we have come from.

to survive on. I thank my wife, Marianne, and my daughters, Kelly and Those relationships were critical in sustaining our

Katherine, for their love and support, my dear friends

individual businesses through an incredibly challenging

in the Realtor® world who have guided me this far, the

market; they were vital in securing our right to continue

past presidents for all their knowledge, my local board—

working when our colleagues from other states were unable

North Central Jersey Association of Realtors®—for the

to; and they were fundamental in keeping us sane as we

opportunities I was afforded, and my past and current

took stock and pivoted, like every other industry.

leadership teams for their friendship and support.

When the world changed overnight, we reacted immediately—and so did our members with huge increases in engagement and responses from all segments of our almost 58,000-strong membership. That engagement will be necessary to help fight some of the steep challenges that will face us in 2021.

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Welcoming a New Year L

et me start the new year by saying a heartfelt thank you

do not forget this. We will face fights in the next year that we’ll

for the support we received this past year. It’s tempting

need RPAC for and we’ll need your support.

to use 2021 as a blank slate and push forward into a new year without taking a moment to appreciate what we’ve all traveled

We’re not deciding on anything for 2021 yet. We know we’ll be

through. But, with hope on the horizon for us all, let’s take a

virtual in many aspects for a while longer and we’re continuing

brief moment to think about this past year.

on our mission to keep up with that, and you, for as long as it’s necessary.

First and foremost, I hope you and your families remain healthy. I know so many New Jerseyans were faced with pain

We’re doubling down our commitment to inform our

of many kinds and I am sorry for those who had to endure

members, with a clear focus on our brokers, as that group was


invaluable during the critical moments of 2020.

Never have I been prouder to be a part of this organization

Forms, perks, benefits and more built out our offerings as we

than I was in 2020. When we faced seemingly insurmountable

navigated through the complexity of government regulations

pressure and challenges that threatened the very existence of

and orders and we’ll continue to maintain and expand.

our industry, our members and staff stepped up in big ways. All I ask of you is that the engagement, conversations, and If you take anything away from what I’m writing today, I

interest you showed in 2020, please bring it with you into

hope it’s this: New Jersey Realtors® kept working in 2020

2021, and share it with a colleague.

because of RPAC. New Jersey Realtors® were eligible for unemployment benefits because of RPAC.

So, with that, I leave 2020 behind and, readily, welcome a new year.

I talk about RPAC all the time, I speak to its core values and the way it supports your business in a myriad of ways, but this past year you experienced the real, tangible benefit of it—the ability to keep working. I hope that as the next year passes you

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Thank You for Your RPAC Support in 2020! I

nvesting in the Realtors® Political Action Committee has never been as important as it is today. During the pandemic, RPAC advocated on behalf of the 58,000 New Jersey Realtors® to ensure real estate transactions could take place in a quick, effective, and affordable manner. Since 1969, RPAC’s nonpartisan efforts helped achieve legislative outcomes that protect private property rights and

RPAC NAR HALL OF FAME $50,000 Level Christina J. Banasiak Christina P. Clemans Mary Davis William J. Hanley Charles S. Oppler $25,000 Level Judy N. Appleby Eugenia K. Bonilla Nelson Chen * Rosanne L. Citta Allan H. Dechert Drew S. Fishman William Flagg Jarrod C. Grasso Randy L. Ketive Rose LaPira * Cindy L. Marsh Tichy Robert Oppenheimer Angela Sicoli Douglas M. Tomson Ned Ward Robert White Gloria Woodward *Indicates Induction to RPAC Hall of Fame in 2021 8 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2021

the livelihoods of Realtors® in the state and across the U.S. By investing in RPAC you help elect candidates who understand and support the industry. RPAC is the key to protect and promote the interests of the real estate industry. New Jersey Realtors® would like to recognize those who invested $250 or more in 2020 to help protect the industry’s future. Thank you for your investment.

RPAC NJ REALTORS® HALL OF FAME Gold Level – (Over $10,000) Graeme W. Atkinson Janet Barton Roxanne Daiuto Genette Falk Jeffrey A. Jones Edith Josephson Ellen W. Kale David Malo Nexus Association of Realtors® Gloria Nilson Michael Oppler Bowen Pak Michael Pennisi Bruce Shapiro Robert Southwick Diane Streichert John Terebey, Jr. TREND MLS Kim Ward Bacso Ronald Woods John Zennario Platinum Level – (Over $15,000) Gene Azzalina Eric J. Birchler Annekee Brahver-Keely

Erin Brown Mary Burke Cape May County Association of Realtors®, Inc. Central Jersey MLS Sherry Chris Core Association of Realtors® James J. Elek David Fialk Bonnie J. Fitzgerald Marlyn Friedberg Tg Glazer Ilene F. Horowitz Gloucester Salem Counties Board of Realtors® Barry S. Goodman Greater Bergen Realtors® James W. Joeriman Roger Love Metro Centre Association of Realtors® Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtors® Lynne Mortimer North Central Jersey Association of Realtors® Andrea Schlosser Christian Schlueter Ann Schuld Carol Tangorra Diane S. Turton


PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE Christina J. Banasiak Eugenia K. Bonilla Christina P. Clemans Mary Davis Allan H. Dechert Drew S. Fishman Tracy Freeman Tg Glazer Jarrod C. Grasso William J. Hanley Ilene F. Horowitz Jeffrey A. Jones Randy L. Ketive Rose LaPira Kathleen Morin Lynne Mortimer Charles S. Oppler Christian Schlueter Angela Sicoli Carol Tangorra Douglas M. Tomson Robert White

MAJOR INVESTORS Platinum ‘R’ Bright MLS Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtors® New Jersey Multiple Listing Service New Jersey Realtors® North Central Jersey Association of Realtors® Charter Golden ‘R’ Gloria Woodward Golden ‘R’ Central Jersey Multiple Listing Service Nelson Chen Greater Bergen Realtors® Scott Lauri Lynne Mortimer * Bruce Shapiro Sustaining Golden ‘R’ Christina J. Banasiak * Eugenia K. Bonilla * Christina P. Clemans * Mary Davis *

Drew S. Fishman * Jarrod C. Grasso * William J. Hanley * Ilene F. Horowitz * Randy L. Ketive * Charles S. Oppler * Angela Sicoli * Robert White * Crystal ‘R’ Cape May County Multiple Listing Service Gloria A. Monks Jeanine Pescatore Carol J. Tangorra * Sustaining Crystal ‘R’ Allan H. Dechert * David Fialk Tg Glazer * Kathleen Morin * John Terebey, Jr. 1st Time Sterling ‘R’ Gene Amsel Valerie Archer Belardo Catherine Best Nora Jane Burrows Laura Castella Sherrie Clifford Christopher Coccia Suzanne R. Cooper Kristen DeLeo Larry DePalma Valerie A. Dickson Aloysius Donohue Angela Fusaro Enrique Hernandez Hyunjung Kim Marcia G. Klioze Kathleen M. McDonough Eileen O’Driscoll Nechama Polak Brenda A. Richmond Heather T. Robillard Diane Scott Bey Wendy M. Smith Colin A. Somerville

2nd Time Sterling ‘R’ Frances Blakely Angela B. Bonica-Ponticelli Dawn Braithwaite Debra A. Flower Susan Giacchi Sally B. Ponchak Sussex County Association of Realtors® 3rd Time Sterling ‘R’ Norma E. Bonilla Michael J. Brand Kenneth R. Freeman Tracy Freeman * William F. Gilsenan William O. Keleher Jairo Rodriguez Robert A. Russo Nicole Sabarese Samy B. Sabbagh Sherry J. Tamasco 4thTime Sterling ‘R’ Orna Ben-Or Jackson Daniel Corrigan Nina Eizikovitz Jacqueline Frank Nick T. Manis Judith F. Mizzone 5th Time Sterling ‘R’ Cumberland County Board of Realtors® Maritza Aleman Dennis S. DeCarlo 6th Time Sterling ‘R’ David DePaola George Scott Glenfield Patricia Gray Hendricks Kathleen Ann Houston Alireza Memar Christine Lynn Rothwell Diane Traverso Kim Ward Bacso Randolph L. Wine Zohar Zamir

NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2021 | 9

L E G I S L AT I V E U P D AT E 7th Time Sterling ‘R’ Angelo Michael DelDuca Jorge Ledesma Christian Schlueter * Albert S. Veltri John A. Zennario 8th Time Sterling ‘R’ Terry M. Brannin 9th Time Sterling ‘R’ Brian Groetsch, Jr. James W. Joeriman Jeffrey A. Jones * 10th Time Sterling ‘R’ Ronald L. Woods 11th Time Sterling ‘R’ Erin Brown Mary Burke Michael Oppler Bowen Pak Douglas M. Tomson * 12th Time Sterling ‘R’ Cape May County Association of Realtors®, Inc. Diane M. Streichert 14th Time Sterling ‘R’ Core Association of Realtors® Barry S. Goodman 15th Time Sterling ‘R’ Annekee Brahver-Keely 16th Time Sterling ‘R’ Rose LaPira * 20th Time Sterling ‘R’ Eric J. Birchler 24th Time Sterling ‘R’ Bonnie J. Fitzgerald 25th Time Sterling ‘R’ Diane S. Turton *President’s Circle Member 10 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2021

PRESIDENT’S CLUB Margaret Ajamian Susan Bakes Nicole Banbor Carolyn Bardach Marcie Borke Joan Bostonian Damon Bready Barry Bruno Ellen Calman Stephen Clyde Lorraine Colavito Brenda Connolly David Corsini Robert DeKanski Nicola Esposito Melissa Florance-Lynch Roberta Galkin Frank Glaush Scott Gleason Judy Kao Skip Kelley Gene Krutyansky Pamela McClellan Jeanmarie McSpedon Judith Moriarty Arthur Napolitano Sheldon Neal Robert Oppenheimer Chiquita Pittman Toni Ricigliano Michelle Rizzo Walter Smolenski Sandra Solomon Carolyn Strittmatter Eric Wein Wendy Wineburgh Dessanti David Wyrsch Andrew Zastko

CAPITOL CLUB Linda Alexandroff Deanna Anderson James Arakelian Marilyn Becker Rosemarie Bracco Margaret Breslin Colleen Camillo Martha Chanese Jeffrey Childers Annamarie Clementi

Nena Colligan Lisa Conner Dawn Corbo Manuel Couto Susan Cybulski Audrey Dalton Teresa DeLorenzo Patricia DiGeronimo Diane Disbrow Shani Dixon Ann Doran Sarah Drennan Christopher Edwards Donna Fahy-Waters John Falcone Gennette Falk William Flagg Brenda Foley Anthony Frederico Christine Frosini Donna Gallo Lorraine Gardenier Benjamin Garrison Deborah Graske Geraldine Grassi Daniel Griffin Susan Hughes Julia Joyce-Hall Daniel Kahn Joshua Kim Serina Lancia Bobbi Lebbing Ya Yuan Lien Daniel Lorch Susan Lucas-Sterling Margaret Ludwiczak Donna Macan Eric Macon Maureen Mamunes Peter Marron, Jr. Kathleen McDonald Rosemarie McGeehan Nancy McKerahan Harry Mehlman Jennifer Mejia Bernice Mekita Rhoda Moss-Latimer Donna Murray Mary Ellen O’Boyle Colleen Oliver Elaine Pardalos

L E G I S L AT I V E U P D AT E JoAnn Petrizzo Anne Rendle Rudy Riveron Tammy Roberts Marlene Sanchez Archana Sapre

Karen Sluyk Patricia Tahan Christopher Tausch William Thompson Teresa Trigas-Pfefferle Katty Velez

Blossom Vernon Catharine Vick Marianne Von Cappeln Lisa Yamamoto Carolina Zocco

Contributions to RPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and are used for political purposes. The amounts indicated are merely guidelines and you may contribute more or less than the suggested amounts provided your contribution is within applicable contribution limits. The National Association of Realtors® and its state and local associations will not favor or disadvantage any member because of the amount contributed or a decision not to contribute. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, any request for the refund of a contribution must be made within two (2) business days of the date on which you authorize RPAC to charge you for said contribution. Your contribution is split between National RPAC and the State PAC in your state. Contact your State Association or PAC for information about the percentages of your contribution provided to National RPAC and to the State PAC. The National RPAC portion is used to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 52 U.S.C. 30116.



[$ 901,615.00] as of December 16, 2020.

N E W J E R S E Y L E G I S L AT I V E B I L L S A1269 – Greenwald (D6), Giblin (D34) Eliminates the 1 percent fee, and the 1 percent tax, on purchasers of Class 4A commercial property transferred for consideration in excess of $1 million.

A1372 – Holley (D20), Wimberly (D35)/S1147 – Ruiz (D29), Cruz-Perez (D5) Requires lead paint inspection prior to home purchases and tenant turnover; establishes educational program on lead hazards.

New Jersey Realtors® Position:


We strongly support this bill repealing the 1 percent buyer’s fee on commercial properties sold for over $1 million as a way to strengthen the commercial real estate market and encourage buyers to locate their businesses in New Jersey. Bill History: 1/14/2020 – Introduced in Assembly and referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee 10/19/2020 – Transferred to Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Committee 10/22/2020 – Reported out of committee and referred to Assembly Appropriations Committee

A1841 – Timberlake (D34), Quijano (D20)/S1411 – Bateman (R16) Allows gross income tax deduction for amounts paid for lead or asbestos hazard abatement in taxpayer’s primary residence. New Jersey Realtors® Position:

New Jersey Realtors® Position:


We strongly oppose this bill due to the added costs and time it will add to home sales and rentals in New Jersey without providing any resources to assist homeowners in meeting the requirements of this bill. Bill History: 1/14/2020 – Introduced in Assembly and referred to Assembly Housing Committee 2/3/2020 – Introduced in Senate and referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee 3/5/2020 – Transferred to Senate Economic Growth Committee 9/17/2020 – Reported out of committee with amendments, 2nd reading in Senate 9/21/2020 – Referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee


We strongly support this bill as it provides an alternative to a time-of-sale requirement for lead hazard abatement in the forms a new tax deduction. Bill History: 1/14/2020 – Introduced in Assembly and referred to Assembly Health Committee 2/13/2020 – Introduced in Senate and referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee 12/14/2020 – Transferred to Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee and reported out of committee

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NJ Realtors ® Virtual Conference Wrap Up




very December for more than 50 years, Realtors® across New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York head down to Atlantic City for the Triple Play Realtor® Convention and Trade Expo. It’s a time to network, attend sessions on the latest industry topics, and discover new products at the trade show. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, Triple Play was canceled this year. NJ Realtors® knows how important Triple Play is to our members and wanted to provide an experience where members could connect with their colleagues and earn needed continuing education credits. The NJ Realtors® Virtual Conference, held during the week that would have been Triple Play, featured top speakers including Marki Lemons-Ryhal, Maura Neill, Sean Carpenter, Fred Underwood, and more. Sessions covered crucial topics such as Diversity and Inclusion in Real Estate to The Top 10 Environmental Issues Affecting Residential Real Estate. NJ Realtors® General Counsel, Barry Goodman, Esq. provided viewers with an update on New Jersey legal issues affecting all licensees, and NJ Realtors® Chief Executive Officer Jarrod Grasso and National Association of Realtors® Chief Advocacy Officer Shannon McGahn discussed current state and federal legislation affecting the real estate industry. With 14 sessions spanning over four days, members had the opportunity to attend as many as their schedules allowed. Also featured during the conference were six on-demand content videos featuring Antoine Dupont and NJ Realtors® staff where members watched quick tips on various topics. The content included: Easy Tips to Optimize Your Facebook Page, Marketing Tips to Get More Leads For Your Business, Facebook Ad Tutorials, How To Make Custom Graphics on Photofy, How to Create and Amazing Customer Experience, and the 2020 Educational Foundation Scholarship Recipients.

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CONFERENCE The conference closed out with a special virtual event— the 2021 President’s Installation and Awards Ceremony. The evening began with 2020 President Angela Sicoli introducing the 2020 Good Neighbor Award winners, 2020 Realtor® and Realtor-Associates® of the Year, Emeritus Inductees, and Quarter Century Club Inductees. Following the virtual Awards Ceremony was the President’s Installation. President Sicoli made closing remarks as 2020 President, and Jeff Jones was inducted as 2021 NJ Realtors® President along with the rest of the 2021 Leadership Team—Robert White, President-Elect; Nick Manis, First Vice President; Kathleen Morin, Treasurer; and Angela Sicoli, Immediate Past President. Congrats to the 2021 Leadership Team!


ones, a Realtor® since 1983, is the Broker Owner of Amerisource Realty Network, LLC in Parsippany, a commercial real estate firm specializing in office, retail, industrial land sales, and leasing. On the state level, Jones served as New Jersey Realtors® 2020 President-Elect, 2019 First Vice President, 2017 Treasurer, 2015 Association Operations Division Officer, and 2014 Professional Conduct Division Officer. He has also served on NJ Realtors® Board of Directors, Executive Committee, and has chaired and served on numerous committees.


On the local level, Jones has been a member of the North Central Jersey Association of Realtors® Board of Trustees for several years, serving as Secretary and Treasurer twice. On the national level, Jones served on the Commercial Committee, Legislative Committee, and Regulatory Committee as well as a special Presidential PAG on commercial real estate in 2018. He has also been a Realtors® Political Action Committee Major Donor since 2013. In addition to his association work, Jones has authored a commercial course for North Central Jersey Association of Realtors® continuing education classes, and currently serves as one of North Central Jersey School of Business instructors. Jones is a National Association of Realtors® certified Mediator and has served as a member of the New Jersey Supreme Court Ethics Committee. Jeff and his wife Marianne have been married for 37 years and have two daughters, Katie and Kelly.

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hite is a lifelong resident of Monmouth County, became a Realtor® in 2001 and earned his broker’s license in 2005. He is currently the Branch Vice President-Managing Broker of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Spring Lake. Since 2008, White has been an active Director of the Board for the National Association of Realtors®. Currently, he serves on the Broker Engagement Council and is a representative on the Top 75 Large Firm Directors. He is also a Realtors® Political Action Committee Golden “R” and in 2016 White was inducted into the NAR RPAC Hall of Fame. White has also served on the NJ Realtors® Board of Directors since 2008. He was New Jersey Realtors® First Vice President in 2020, Association Operations Division Officer in 2019, Professional Development Division Officer in 2018, and has chaired and served on numerous committees.


On the local level, White has been an active member of Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtors® since 2002, been a member of the Executive Committee since 2008, and served as President in 2014 and 2015. He has also chaired many committees such as Associates, Budget and Finance, Grievance, MLS, Legislative & Political Affairs, and RPAC. In 2005 and 2015 White was named MORR Realtor® of the Year. Over the years White has volunteered for a number of local organizations and is currently on the Board of Trustees for the Boys and Girls Club of Monmouth County. Most recently he served four terms as President of the Interlaken Borough Council and was the Chair of the Administration & Finance Committee and the Public Safety Committee. White lives in the Wayside section of Ocean Township with his husband of 24 years, Andrew DePrisco.


anis was New Jersey Realtors® Treasurer in 2018 and 2019, and has held roles as a Division Officer since 2014. In addition, Manis served as Chair and Vice Chair of several committees, has been a member of the Executive Committee since 2014, and served on the Board of Directors since 2011.


2021 FIRST VICE PRESIDENT 14 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2021

On the national level, Manis is the 2021 Chair of the Federal Taxation Committee and has been a member of several additional committees since 2009. Currently, he is the National Association of Realtors® Federal Political Coordinator to U.S. Senator Cory A. Booker. On the local level, Manis served on the Board of Directors for Hunterdon/ Somerset Association of Realtors® in 2010. Manis was awarded the New Jersey Realtors® Good Neighbor Award in 2012, the National Association of Realtors® Good Neighbor Award in 2013, and the NAR Realtor® Heroes Award in 2012. Nick lives in Franklin Park with his wife, Ioanna, and their two children, Siena and Constantine.


orin currently serves as a New Jersey Realtors® Educational Foundation Trustee and has served as Chair and Vice Chair of numerous New Jersey Realtors® committees including Political Affairs, Convention Committee, and she was a member of the Affinity Relations committee. Morin was a Realtors® Political Action Committee Trustee in 2016 through 2019 and NJ Realtors® Professional Development Division Officer in 2019.

On the local level, Morin serves on the Metro Centre Association of Realtors® Board of Directors and currently serves on committees including Budget & Finance and RPAC Fundraising. In the past, Morin served on Metro Centre’s Public Relations, Bylaws, Education, Installation, and Realtor® of the Year Committees. She also served her local association as a mediator.


Morin has also been a member of committees on the national level such as Member Communications in 2020, Association Executive Committee Voluntary Leadership Advisory Board in 2019, and Professional Development in 2018. In 2017, Morin was named New Jersey Realtors® Realtor® of the Year and Metro Centre Association of Realtors® Realtor® of the Year.


icoli, ABR, AHWD, became a Realtor® in 1983 and the Broker/Owner of Century 21 Award Agency in Nutley in 1986. She served as New Jersey Realtors® President in 2020, President-Elect 2019, First Vice President 2018, Treasurer in 2014 and 2015, and is a former Divisional Officer of Association Operations, Professional Conduct, Industry Advocacy, Communications and Public Relations and Professional Development, she is currently serving as New Jersey Realtors® Political Action Committee Trustee.



Sicoli is a past president of North Central Jersey Association of Realtors® and is currently a trustee for the North Central Jersey Association of Realtors®. Since 2014, she has been a National Association of Realtors® director and a National Association of Realtors® Federal Political Coordinator. In 2015 she was inducted into the NAR RPAC Hall of Fame, served on the Major Investors Council for NAR, and currently serves on the Realtor® Party Trustee Campaign Services Committee. She and her husband, Michael, reside in Fairfield.

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ocated in Monmouth County along the Jersey Shore, the Borough of Belmar is a small beach community known for its boardwalk and bustling Main Street. If you live in Central New Jersey, the sandy beaches of Belmar are just under an hour away via Route 195 East. “Belmar is like two towns in one,” said the Borough of Belmar Mayor Mark Walsifer. “Our Borough is very unique. During the winter months, we have approximately 6000 year-round residents but during the summer we swell to about 10 times that amount, 60,000.” With nearly 50 shops and more than 70 dining spots, Belmar has something for everyone—whether you’re a beach lover, shopper, craft beer connoisseur, or restauranteur. Plus, you can walk or bike anywhere in town since the borough is just over one square mile in size. Belmar is “a small quaint shore town, with a smalltown Main Street,” said Joe Rizzuto, Owner of Main Street Donuts. His shop features an array of donuts with unique flavors like the Brooklyn Blackout, inspired by the chocolate cake he grew up eating in Brooklyn, the Holy

Cannoli, and French Toast. Belmar is “hustling in the summer, but the off-season also is beautiful,” said Rizzuto. Unlike many beach towns along the Jersey Shore, Belmar isn’t a ghost town after Labor Day—seasonal events, hosted during what’s considered the off-season, keep Belmar a destination to visit throughout the year. The borough’s beaches and mile-long boardwalk are open year-round—swim and surf in the summer and stroll the brick-paved sidewalks of Main Street in the winter. “Belmar’s economy greatly depends on tourism and summer visitors. We have many great events throughout the year like our St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Seafood Festival, the Feast of San Gennaro and our Dine & Discover Restaurant Tour,” said Walsifer. “Visitors to these events help our businesses immensely. The influx of visitors during the summer is great for our businesses as well and they are much appreciated, but it puts a major burden on Belmar as far as our staff is concerned.” When the influx of summer visitors hits, the police department triples in size, the beaches become fully

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TOWN SPOTLIGHT staffed, and more first responders are hired. According to Walsifer, even though summer visitors tax the town financially, they are needed to help businesses and sustain the services offered by the town. The Borough of Belmar has an array of home types and price points—there is a home or second home for every beach lover. According to New Jersey Realtors® October 2020 Housing Statistics, the median sales price for singlefamily homes in Belmar Borough is $625,000 year-to-date, while townhouses and condos have a median sales price of $290,000 year-to-date. October 2020 marked eight years since Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc along New Jersey’s coast and destroyed Belmar’s boardwalk and beachfront. Walsifer isn’t sure they will ever be fully recovered but since the historic event, “policy changes were made such as stricter hurricane requirements for all new construction, flood zones were changed and drainage was improved and our infrastructure is in the process of being upgraded,” said Walsifer. “If we ever have another weather event like Sandy again, we will be much better prepared.”

Learn to sell with confidence during the heating season! Earn FREE CE credits on Zoom with our 2-credit, 2-hour elective CE course “Overcoming Obstacles Selling Oil-Heated Listings” designed to help you sell! You’ll learn how to address the most common objections and misconceptions while showcasing the many benefits of owning an oil-heated home. We’ve moved our classes online, so you can upgrade your knowledge from the safety of your own home! To book a class for your office, go to Paid for by the National Oilheat Research Alliance and the Fuel Merchants Association of New Jersey

18 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2021














Cape May County Association of Realtors®

Metro Centre Association of Realtors®

NEXUS Association of Realtors®

Cumberland County Board of Realtors®

North Central Jersey Association of Realtors®

Atlantic City and County Board of Realtors®

Ocean City Board of Realtors®

CORE Association of Realtors®

Greater Bergen Realtors®

Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtors®

Sussex County Association of Realtors®

Liberty Board of Realtors®



Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtors®


Liberty Board of Realtors®

NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2021 | 19





onks is a licensed real estate broker in New Jersey and Pennsylvania and is the managing broker of Berkshire Hathaway Home, Fox & Roach Realtors® in Princeton Junction. Since 2011, she has served on the Leadership Team and Board of Directors for Core Association of Realtors®, and as President in 2020.

Who inspires you and why? My husband inspires me the most. I greatly admire his perseverance and determination. He has the kindest heart and is always giving of his time. He is also my greatest cheerleader, always seeing the good in me and helping me through any challenges I face.

What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self? If I could give advice to my 18-year-old self I would say, never give up. Keep moving forward no matter how many times you want to stop—there will be some really tough days and some really good days. Always remember, the really tough days will make the really good days that much better.

What’s your favorite spot in New Jersey? I love the beach and traveling. For a quick getaway, my husband and I will go to Atlantic City where we can go to some amazing restaurants and walk on the boardwalk. Being by the beach gives me such a sense of peace. Locally, one of our favorite places to go is Uno’s Restaurant. My husband and I love to travel, yet when we get back home, we cannot wait to go to Uno’s to see good friends.

You will have some great people in your life, and they will give you some great advice. Continue to listen and learn, as they will have some incredible insight. What is your favorite motivational quote? “People may forget what you said, and people may forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou What do you love most about your work? I love working closely with my agents and mentoring them. Seeing them fulfill their dreams fills my heart.

20 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2021

Do you have any tips for new Realtors®? I would tell them to get involved in community events and more importantly, volunteer for your local and state Realtor® associations. You will get to know your neighbors and fellow agents at all levels and learn first-hand why we love what we do. When I started volunteering at my local association, I knew it would help me professionally, but I never considered how happy it would make me. I am forever thankful to our Realtor® family for all it has given me.





eon “Lee” Burach has been a licensed real estate agent with Weichert Realtors® since 2004. He currently chairs the Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtors® Associates Committee and is the Associates Representative on their Board of Directors. What is your favorite motivational quote? “To be successful you have to have your heart in your business and your business in your heart.” — Thomas J. Watson What’s your favorite spot in New Jersey? My favorite spot in New Jersey is Cape May. The pristine beaches, gourmet dining and the Victorian bed and breakfasts are highlights. Visiting the lighthouse, the wineries, the brewery, along with music and food festivals make Cape May the ideal place to visit, relax and enjoy life. How have you been keeping busy during the pandemic? First and foremost was the health and safety of family, friends, and clients. I watched on TV as people in cars lined up for hours waiting to receive food donations and this inspired me to act. As chair of Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtors® Associates Committee, I reached out to our Public Relations committee and together with the support of MORR, we organized a food drive for Fulfill, the local foodbank. Together with fellow Realtor® volunteers we collected over 800 pounds of food and nearly $500 in monetary

donations. This helped feed hundreds of residents of Monmouth and Ocean counties. We have scheduled our pre-Thanksgiving food drive for Nov. 18. We now have more volunteers and drop off sites and are excited about the prospects of helping so many more families especially during the holiday season. Do you have any tips for new Realtors®? For incoming Realtors®, I would tell them that your most valuable assets are your time, and the ability to listen and learn. I also recommend learning to manage your time. Schedule your days between work related activities and time for your personal life, especially if you have a family. Growing your business will take discipline and adhering to a schedule to become successful could be overwhelming but essential. Staying focused and balanced will help you stay on track. Having the support of your family as you begin to develop your career is paramount. I have learned over these past 17 years that if I listen to what my clients have to say I will learn what I need to know to assist them with their real estate needs. Realize that you are working with and handling what may very well be the largest monetary decision of their life. Ask questions and understand the answers. Remember, it’s not about you, the Realtor®, but about your clients’ needs and desires for their families. Following my own advice has led to my success.

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JEANETTE SCHLAPFER $2,500 for Toms River Police EMS Local 4846


chlapfer is a RealtorÂŽ with Crossroads Realty in Toms River. In response to community members suffering from food insecurity due to COVID-19, the Toms River Police EMS Local 4846 started a food distribution program to fulfill the needs of the community. Schlapfer joined the efforts and has been volunteering over six hours a week distributing food and soliciting and securing donations of produce and non-perishables. Schlapfer also shares the work of the organization through Facebook Lives. Her social media presence has helped get other organizations involved and grow awareness of food insecurity in the community.

22 | NEW JERSEY REALTORÂŽ | January/February 2021





$1,500 for Shore Medical Center

$1,000 for Develop Philippines, Inc.


onihan was born and raised in Ocean County and is a Realtor® with Ocean City’s longest family owned and operated real estate firm, Monihan Realty. During the pandemic, Monihan and his neighbors started a healthcare heroes lawn sign fundraiser in support of Shore Medical Center, who was in need of donations to purchase personal protective equipment. The lawn signs feature artwork from Monihan’s daughter and symbolize appreciation for essential workers. Monihan paid out of pocket for the production of the signs and all donations went directly to the hospital. The project has raised close to $15,000. Monihan also created a food collection system at his office, Shore to Share, which encourages renters to drop off food items that are no longer needed when they turn in their keys. The food is then delivered to a local food pantry, Ecumenical Food Pantry.


homas in a Realtor® with Keller Williams Elite in Metuchen. During a visit to the Philippines, Thomas witnessed first-hand how schools struggle with having school supplies and educational materials for the students. His experience inspired him to cofound Develop Philippines, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that collects and ships books and school supplies to schools and libraries in the Philippines. Since 2016, Thomas has been committed to finding ways to help improve the education of children in underprivileged areas. He dedicates a lot of time to gathering donations, purchasing additional items, and coordinating the schools’ needs. This past January Thomas was able to visit two schools in the Philippines to provide everything from food to laptops and directly serve the schools’ students and teachers.

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QUARTER CENTURY CLUB Valarie Ellis Friedman Neal W. Evans Sr. Michelle S. Evans Donald Fegan Carol Filimonchuk Miklos C. Foltiny Frances Forjan Frederick E. Frisch Michael S. Frusci Myles Garvey Joseph Gizzi Margarita Greer Harold “Wayne” Henderson Mary Jo Herr Elsie R. Howard Kathi Howell Linda Iriarte Margaret “Peggy” James Donna Kmec Joseph P. Koribanics Patricia A. Kraft Andrea Lacerda Janet M. Larsen Lori Lettieri Joshua E. Levin Joan Logan

Martha Y. Aguilar Eugene Alford Frank W. Anderson Mark Ang Aurelio Arias Rhonda Becker Dorothea Bello Mark Birnholz Patricia E. Blaney Daniel Boddy Awni Boutros Maha A. Boutros Marilynn Bradin Veronica “Ronnie” Brancato Jennifer Brito Mara Browndorf Debra J. Brus Audrey Callahan Nancy J. Campione Peck H. Chan Lee Corcoran Ilene R. Daniels Teresa DaSilva-Choinski Edward J. De Castro Samuel Delfin Albert Elgrissy

Ann Malesardi William J. Mckeever Colleen A. McMahon Harry F. Mehlman, Jr. Elizabeth Toni Moretti Anne M. Muth Linda A. Olivacz Janet Pike Jelani Ptah Jessica Ranieri Juan “Ralph” Rodriguez Alice Rooth Norma Sellers Mary Lynn Shiposh Margaret “Gretchen” Stevens Suzanne Stoinski Sandra L. Stradling Linda L. Stulack Kathleen Troy Teresa Vanenberg John L. Volpe Jr. Barbara S. Wallace-Haley Jacqueline Werner Elissa Danielle West


EMERITUS INDUCTEES Frank Anthony North Central Jersey Association of Realtors®

William Lawrence North Central Jersey Association of Realtors®

Nancy Vaccaro Greater Bergen Association of Realtors®

Bernard McNichol North Central Jersey Association of Realtors®

Gail Middleton North Central Jersey Association of Realtors®

Terry Cassidy Sussex County Association of Realtors®

Leslie Hamilton Sussex County Association of Realtors®

Linda Musser NEXUS Association of Realtors®

Kenneth Walker Monmouth Ocean Regional Realtors®

24 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2021


Ways RPAC Helped Realtors® During the Pandemic


he Realtors® Political Action Committee helps in the fight to ensure good laws are passed and bad ones are defeated. RPAC works by staying engaged with the legislature’s agenda—­building relationships with key politicians on a local, state, and federal level. RPAC also works with state agencies to make sure proposed rules take into


E-Notary Law: Successfully advocated for legislation signed by the governor allowing remote notarial acts during a Public Health Emergency and State of Emergency.


Pandemic Unemployment Assistance: For the first time in history, independent contractors were eligible for unemployment benefits.



Clarification on Real Estate Transactions and Open Houses: Received clarification from the governor’s office allowing real estate transactions and open houses to continue. Short-Term Rental Commission Refunds: Opposed legislation that would amend contract law, and require commissions to be returned on canceled short-term rentals.

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consideration the views of property owners and Realtors®. Now, more than ever, RPAC entrusts that New Jersey Realtors® can properly advocate for the needs of Realtors® and make certain real estate transactions take place in a quick, effective, and affordable manner.


Certificate of Occupancy Inspections: New Jersey Realtors®’ Government Affairs Team reached out to nearly every municipality to ensure that a process for completing Certificate of Occupancy inspections was in place to allow real estate transactions to proceed during the public health emergency.


Taxes on Real Estate: New Jersey Realtors® continued to oppose any taxes or fees on the real estate industry such as a realty transfer fee, tax on commissions or seasonal rental tax.

Time-of-Sale Requirements: New Jersey Realtors® continued to raise concerns with time-of-sale requirements that would make it more expensive and time-consuming to purchase a home.


Send a check to your local Realtor® board made out to “RPAC” OR Invest online at and Click ‘Invest in RPAC Online’

Contributions to RPAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions are voluntary and are used for political purposes. The amounts indicated are merely guidelines and you may contribute more or less than the suggested amounts provided your contribution is within applicable contribution limits. The National Association of REALTORS® and its state and local associations will not favor or disadvantage any member because of the amount contributed or a decision not to contribute. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, any request for the refund of a contribution must be made within two (2) business days of the date on which you authorize RPAC to charge you for said contribution. Your contribution is split between National RPAC and the State PAC in your state. Contact your State Association or PAC for information about the percentages of your contribution provided to National RPAC and to the State PAC. The National RPAC portion is used to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 52 U.S.C. 30116.

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Did You Know?

A Guide to Tools and Resources from NJ Realtors®


ew Jersey Realtors® is the voice for real estate in New Jersey and serves as a leading advocate for the real estate industry and private property owners. NJ Realtors® provides essential programs and services for Realtors®, including government affairs, continuing education, market statistics and many other benefits. Whether you’re a new member or seasoned agent check out all NJ Realtors® has to offer its members.

New Jersey Housing Market Data Understanding local markets is the key to success as a Realtor®. Members receive free access to in-depth market analysis on the state, county, and municipal levels—visit to get started. The data is broken down into single-family, townhouse/ condo, and adult community markets, and within each category, the data includes median sales price, inventory levels, percent of list price received, and more. You can also visit NJ Realtors® YouTube channel for data videos you can share with your clients.

26 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2021

NJ Realtors® Library of Forms New Jersey Realtors® Library of Forms Library—a free member benefit. You don’t need any special software or program so you can be up and running in no time at all. View our comprehensive library with of contracts and forms at All members have access to the complete libraryof forms through zipFormPlus, and they are consistentlyupdated for new laws and regulations. Unlimited e-sign is also included and free of charge for all members.

Legal Resource Library New Jersey Realtors® Legal Resource Library is a brand-new free member benefit where attorneys and qualified staff answer your legal questions. Whenever a legal real estate question comes up in your day-to-day business, post it to Your question will be sent to New Jersey Realtors® Legal Counsel and New Jersey Realtors® staff for review. Answers will then be posted for all members to see—check out already posted questions today!

NJ Realtors® Member Perk Partners

New Jersey Realtors® Academy of Continuing Education Boost your business with a top-notch education classes with New Jersey Realtors® Academy of Continuing Education. Fulfill all your state-mandated education credits with best-in-class online sessions that can be taken from the comfort of your home. Don’t forget continuing education must be completed by April 30, 2021 to maintain your license and to avoid a $200 late fee. Visit to register for classes.

New Jersey Realtors® and Photofy It’s hard to find the time to be an expert marketer for yourself when you’re busy juggling deals, clients, and properties. The National Association of Realtors® has partnered with Photofy, a mobile content creation tool, for their national ad campaign—That’s Who We R. This past year New Jersey Realtors® also partnered with the company to offer you New Jersey-specific assets for your marketing. This partnership allows you to easily personalize and share marketing assets right from your phone. Get started by visiting

New Jersey Realtors® partners with companies to offer members products and services at special rates. Log in to to view specific deals and offers with each company. You can save on everything from food delivery, office supplies, computers, insurance, and more!

NJ Realtors® Communications Stay up to date on everything happening in the industry by checking your inbox every Wednesday for New Jersey Realtors® Weekly. With features such as State of the State you can stay informed on laws and regulations impacting your business, and with the tip of the week feature you can learn something new to spice up your business. Follow New Jersey Realtors® on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube for industry news, business tips, real estate trends, and more!




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B O A R D / A S S O C I AT I O N N E W S

Ocean City Realtors® Install 2021 Officers Ocean City Board of Realtors® held a socially distant installation ceremony last month to swear in its 2021 Leadership Team. The Ocean City police closed the block in front of OCBOR’s office for the ceremony and members of OCBOR’s Board of Directors participated in a celebration 2021 officers take their oath of office outside the board’s car parade. headquarters.

Realtors® Help Make Thanksgiving Possible The North Central Jersey Association of Realtors® held a turkey drive in November for the Community Food Bank of New Jersey. The drive yielded over 10,300 pounds of fresh turkeys and made Thanksgiving possible for 8,633 families in New Jersey struggling with food insecurity.

Over $200,000 Donated to Organization in North Jersey The Greater Bergen Realtors® Care Foundation and the New Jersey Multiple Listing Service held their first virtual grants awards ceremony where they awarded $285,848.00 to 41 organizations in the northern New Jersey region. Since its inception, the Greater Bergen Realtors® Care Foundation has made it their mission to work with other local organizations through their grant program to help the communities where they live and work. Every year, through volunteerism and fundraising, the Realtors® Care Foundation has been able to increase the number of grant awards they give each year, and 2020 was no exception.


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Community Food Bank of New Jersey Staff with NCJAR President David Weisbrod.


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28 | NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2021

Allow your clients to DREAM BIGGER NJHMFA’s $10,000 down payment assistance program can help. Qualified homebuyers can take advantage of NJHMFA’s First-Time Home Buyer mortgage program coupled with the $10,000 Down Payment Assistance Program to make their homeownership dream a reality.

The $10,000 loan is interest free, requires no payments and is forgivable after five years. Whether New Jersey residents need a mortgage, down payment assistance or housing counseling, NJHMFA can help. Our staff of housing professionals and approved lending partners are dedicated to pairing home buyers with the programs and resources to help them reach their goal of making a home their own.

Learn more at To partner on homebuying webinars for your current and potential clients, email NJHMFA is a self-sufficient agency of state government dedicated to offering New Jersey residents affordable and accessible housing. NEW JERSEY REALTOR® | January/February 2021 | 29

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