A Quick Guide to Robert’s Rules of Order
How do I make a motion?
• To bring business before the assembly (a main motion): “I move that [or “to”]
• To modify wording of motion: “I move the amend the motion by…”
• To kill main motion: “I move that the motion be postponed indefinitely.”
• To refer motion to the committee: “I move to refer the motion to…”
• To postpone to a certain time: “I move to postpone to the motion to…”
• To limit or extend debate: “I move that debate be limited to…”
• To close debate: “I move the previous question.”
• To lay aside temporarily: “I move to lay the question on the table.”
• To make follow agenda: “I call for the orders of the day.”
• To register complaint: “I rise to a question of privilege.”
• To take a break: “I move to recess for…”
• To close meeting: “I move to adjourn.”
How do i amend a motion?
• To modify wording of the motion: “I move to amend the motion by…”
• To cancel a previous action: “I move to rescind/amend something previously adopted.”
What is the purpose of a consent agenda, and do i need a vote to approve it?
A consent agenda (or consent calendar, according to Robert’s Rules) allows the board to streamline meeting procedures by collecting routine, non-controversial items into a group whereby all are passed with a single motion and vote.
Any items on the consent agenda are deemed as “accepted” unless further discussion is warranted.
When do i need a majority vote vs. 2/3?
A majority vote is needed for the following motions
• To bring business before the assembly (a main motion)
• To modify wording of motion
• To kill main motion
• To refer motion to the committee
• To postpone to a certain time
• To lay aside temporarily
• To take a break
• To close meeting
A 2/3 vote is needed for the following motions:
• To limit or extend debate
• To close debate
No vote is needed for the following motions
• To make follow agenda
• To register complaint
DO i Need A Second?
A second is not needed for a call to follow the agenda or to register a complaint. A second is needed for all previous motions.