Check90 Presentation

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Our GOALS More New Customers Raise Average Ticket Repeat & Loyal Customers and...

Pr o f i t=Ma r k e t i n g

Why are there lines of Cars going to McDonalds but only a few at Wimpy’s Burger Basket?



$ 267.00

$ 435.00

$ 289.00

$ 14.83

$ 550.00

$ 2,300.00

Wha ti st heAve r a ge Cus t ome rAc qui s i t i onCos t s

f ort he Aut oRe pa i r/Ti r eI ndus t r y?

$202.00 Why would they spend over $200 to bring a new customer through the door?

LV = $3,200 Because the Lifetime Value of a LOYAL customer in the Auto Repair/Tire industry is over $3000.00.

But, the brightest marketing minds in this field are scratching their heads in disbelief! This marketing model is NOT working...


Price Shoppers = NO LOYALTY

Key to Success # 1 The Marketing Message must NOT be about PRICE

Key #2 Utilize Modern Marketing Strategies like: Co-Op Advertising Cross-Promotion and Forming Strategic Alliances

Key #3 Must be Noticed and Motivate Buying Behavior. The average American Consumer is bombarded with over 3,000 ad messages a day! There is TV, radio, newspapers, out-door billboards, mail, Internet... you name it! And 85% of this advertising is designed and produced by Madison Avenue type marketing firms spending millions on marketing research, surveys and group studies on people who buy.

How can the Small Business Owner Survive & Thrive under THESE Conditions?

3 , 0 0 0AdMe s s a g e s Ev e r yDa y !

Profit = Marketing + Co-Op Advertising Cross-Promotion Community Communication Cost-Effective Commitment! And ‌.


“ NoCr edi tNeeded”

The90Da y “ NoCr e di tNe e de d” Pa yme ntPl a n

In the NEWS:  From June 30, 2008 to June 30, 2009 there were 75,000,000 fewer Visa/Master Cards in circulation in the U.S.  In 2009 charge offs in the credit card industry reached over 10% for the first time in history.  In December 2009, Over 24,000,000 credit card holders, that had never been late on a payment, had their available credit limits slashed by an average of $5,100.00. This caused their average credit scores to drop by 40+ points.  In the last 2 years the minimum credit score required to be approved for an un-secured credit line has risen over 70 points.  54% of the families in the U.S. are now classified as living Paycheck to Paycheck.  General Motors, in July 2010, spent $3.5 BILLION to buy AmeriCredit - a Sub-Prime Loan Group, in order to market to the 40% of Americans with Credit Scores under 620.

Lo we s tPr i c e

Ab i l i t yt oPu r c h a s e


The family pet needs an $800.00 operation.

The father of three needs $1,200.00 in car repairs. What can these people do?

The Solutions

Check90 is the 90-Day program that allows you to offer your customers up to $1,500 in-house financing on their purchases with...

No Credit Check! No Risk to You! and

Up-Front Funding! Over 54% of all Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck. More and more do not have the available cash or credit to make an unexpected purchase of $1,000 if they needed to! Do you know what that means for auto repair shops, medical and dental practices, furniture stores and other merchants just like you?

Lost sales! Lost revenue! Lost profits! The key to unlocking this vast and ever growing market of potential buyers and additional customers are the three, simple words that are more powerful and enticing than any high-priced, Madison Avenue advertising slogan.

No Credit Check! is the consumer side of the Check90 Program that is marketed directly to the public in order to drive customers to participating Merchants. The mission statement of is: consists of a growing group of caring Merchants that have agreed to offer their customers the ability, through the innovative Check90 Program to make a purchase of their products with up to $1,500 with...

No Credit Check! advertises in the following ways:

1. Newspapers: Would newspaper and magazine ads like this draw customers to your business?

Newspapers Ads Would these signs and banners draw customers to your business?

www. Hol dMyCheck. com

Doe s n' ti tma kegood Bus i ne s s" Ce nt s " !

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