MARCH 1, 2020
Nothing can stop God's plan for your life! NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT God is about to do in your life! Rest tonight. The things you have been worrying about, God is already working on! "Come unto me all ye that labor and I will give you rest" Matthew 12:12! Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feed it faith. Feed it truth. Feed it with love! Their offspring shall be known among the nations, and their descendants in the midst of the peoples; all who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are an offspring the LORD has blessed. - Isaiah 61:9 The Word of God is a book of promises. Promises to bless you, prosper you, heal you, deliver you, and promises to defeat enemies that march against you. God has promised to meet your need above all that you could contain and to guide you through all the difficult days of your life. God promises to stand beside you when everyone else walks away from you and promises to make a way when there seems to be no way. He promises to give you hope when you seem to be lost, joy when there’s nothing to be happy about, peace when the world has lost its mind, and victory right from the jaws of defeat. These promises are the legally binding specified declarations of the living God over your life. The Lord is not slack in performing His promises!
Pray until your situation changes. Miracles happen everyday, so never stop believing. God can change things very quickly in your life! Christ has the power to CHANGE everything He touches! God Bless You Abundantly Pinterest -NEWLIFEforu Are you overwhelmed? Go to the cross and cast your cares upon Jesus, because He cares for you. Jesus!!
God Bless You Abundantly
For through the blood of Jesus, ALL things are possible. Is there a situation in your life today that seems impossible? As a child of the Most High God, you are not limited by what you see. You are not limited by your circumstances, the economy, or what others say because with God all things are possible! It doesn't natter how it may look in the natural, when you see things through your eyes of faith, you will see new possibilities. You will see the answer that is on its way! God Bless You Abundantly..Twitter- newlife4_you 1