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25 MARCH 2019





God can take bad and turn it into something good. God can turn you from being a victim into a victor and God can give you great triumph from your trials. We will never understand the Lord and His ways, but know that His wisdom and knowledge is above ours and He will do what is right in the end. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9 God Bless You Abundantly So no matter who you are and no matter how dead your situation may seem, when God shows up, He can make the world’s impossibilities a reality in your life. Are you willing to trust God, even when it looks like you should give up all hope? God can revitalize your dead dreams! Will you believe Him to do it ?


25 MARCH 2019



Prosperity of the One Who Fears the Lord. Psychiatrists call the fear of certain things phobias. There are people who fear in heights (acrophobia) and people who fear closed-in places (dhastophobia). There are people afraid of water, dogs and even other People. But there is one fear that drives out all other fears, and we find it in Psalm 112. "Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments" (v.l). All kinds of fears are taken care of if we fear the Lord. One is family fears .”His descendants will be mighty on earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed" (w.2). Commit your children to Him and you wont have to worry about their lives. Fear of the Lord also drives out financial fears. "Wealth and riches will be in his house" (v.3). This doesn't mean we will all be millionaires. It means we'll always have what we need. If we fear the Lord, we can let go of our financial fears. Some fear the dark. "Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness" (V.4). Fear God and you’ll always have light when you need it. You will have His guidance and direction. Some fear the future and change. "Surely he will never be shaken; the righteous will be in everlasting remembrance" (v. 6). God says, " Don't be afraid of the changes that are going on around you or in you. I am the God of the universe. Fear Me, and I’ll take care of the changes." Finally, some people have a fear of bad news. But verse 7 reads, "He will not be afraid of evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord." No news is bad if you’re walking in the will of God. God Bless You Abundantly

People think things like:

"God cannot work outside of our denomination."

"Every church has to be just like ours."

"God can only move in this one way."

But God is bigger than you realize!

God may have a million different ways to do something.Just look at what He created. There is not just one type of bug.No, there are millions. We know of nearly a million types of beetles alone.

So don't limit God in your thinking. He is God!

SAY THIS: I will not limit God. He is bigger than I can think.

God can revitalize your dead dreams ! Your dream may be so dried up that all you can do is wish you were dead like Peter.Perhaps you're as bad off as Lazarus and your dream is dead, buried and nothing more than a stinking memory.You need to understand this. Jesus told Lazarus' sister, Martha, "I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE." There is no pit so deep that Jesus isn't deeper still.The resurrection of your dream is a simple thing for Him, if only you'll believe. Stay out of fear. Don't believe the devil's lies that it's over.If you have not yet asked Jesus, the Prophet, to be the Lord of your life, you can do that right now. Say, “Jesus, I choose You as the Lord of my life. Be my Lord, be my Savior, be my Master, be my Dream Resurrector.” By praying that prayer, you became a member of God’s Eternal Family. You are now entitled to call God your “Father.” (Matthew 6:1,4,6)Now, pray this prayer aloud. "Father, I thought it was all over until I read this Word-based message. I see now that it's never too late. I believe You can raise my dream from the dead. I'm dealing with the Most High God, the Creator and Giver of life. Now, by the authority vested in me through the Gospel of Jesus, I say, like Jesus said, 'Dream, come forth and live, in Jesus' Name.' Thank You, Father, for restoring my hope and resurrecting my dream, in Jesus' Name." !2 Be blessed as you watch God breathe His life into your dream once again.God bless

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