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1 JULY 2019


GETTING RID OF YOUR PAST, LOOKING FOR THE BEST TO COME ! When you allow God’s Word to work in your life, you suddenly discover that you have the ability to do the impossible. You suddenly recognize that as a child of God can overcome any obstacle set before you. You begin to believe the fact that since Christ is victorious over the world, the flesh, and the devil, you are more than a conqueror!

JESUS IS THE ANSWER TO YOUR PROBLEMS Have a winning mentality. If God be with you, who can be against you? In your journey to progress, be watchful of the users, the cautious and the encouragers. You need the different categories of people in the fulfilment of your destiny! You are the apple of God's eye, you are untouchable! Fear no obstacle. Pursue your dream with every sense of purpose. Achieve destiny to benefit humanity, be blessed and fulfilled. You cannot afford to fail. You are loaded. Utilise the gifts and talents with your skills to cause progress in your life, you are unstoppable! There shall be celebrations of God's faithfulness in your life, do the needful and watch yourself! Heaven will rejoice on your behalf. Have a fantastic Month ahead.. God Bless You Abundantly

If you’re going through the fight of your life, if you’re going through the darkest valley you have ever gone through, if you are fighting the biggest beast you have ever faced, lift up your head and rejoice. God is getting ready to give you an answer, a supernatural answer to your problem. Heaven is about to open and unleash blessings upon you that you cannot contain! Pinterest NEWLIFEforu

For through the blood of Jesus, ALL things are possible. Whatever you might be going through that’s difficult or painful or challenging, believe it is temporary, everything will be okay, you will rejoice and be glad because God is going to place a new song in your mouth. The best is yet to come! God bless 1



It appears David was in a dark time in his life. He asks "how long". But he never stopped trusting God and his steadfast love. Even in the dark moments David had hope "my heart shall rejoice in your salvation." God is good all the time but he wants us to come to him with however we feel, even when out life feels like a mess. It's okay to cry and lament asking God "why" or even "how long". God can turn our problems (sorrow) into rejoicing if only we keep the faith (trust). God promised Joshua and his leadership that "[the LORD your God] will NEVER leave you or forsake you" (Deuteronomy 31:6). We are called to cast out all fear to our Loving, Saving God even in times of suffering And difficulty. Only these times of difficulty will make us stronger if we trust God Keep on keeping on! God Bless.. Instagram- Newlifeforu God is always victorious, and we have victory over the world because Jesus Christ won us the victory at Calvary!

1 JULY 2019

Your Best Days are Ahead “He heals the brokenhearted.” Ps 147:3 NKJV If you’re trying to recover from a broken relationship, don’t rush into another one. As you become healthy you begin to make healthy choices. Some hurts take a long time to heal, but don’t be discouraged; “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Give God a chance. Take time to search His Word and find out how He feels about you, for that’s the true basis of all self-worth. If God can love and accept you with full knowledge of your imperfections, then the message is: “Lighten up on yourself!” You can love, and be loved again, but only with the same wholeness with which you love yourself! (See Mt 22:39). Next time make sure your choices are healthy ones, and not based solely on need, or the fear of being alone. And be careful; when you don’t value yourself, you attract people who feel the same way about you, including those who seek to control you. You deserve better, so hold out for it. Remember, you train others how to treat you by how you treat yourself. As you become whole, you’ll start to see how unwholesome some of your relationship choices have been. If some people walk away, “so be it.” Sometimes you’ve got to give up less so that God can give you more. He has new relationships in store for you, but He’s waiting until your values, perceptions, and self-worth line up with His Word. So take it step by step, one day at a time. And rejoice— your best days are ahead! God Bless..

Your past does not determine what your future holds. Your past doesn’t determine your potential. Have the daring to see yourself living your life without limitation, because the Bible gives you the right to live that way! Refuse to adopt the mentality that says that other people have it better than you do. Refuse to think that other people are more favored by God than you are. Nothing could be less true. God is no respecter of persons. You are a child of God! Lift up your head and rejoice in that fact. Live with the confidence that out of all the people in the world, God chose you to be with Him for eternity! God Bless "Rejoice always,pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus"

1Thessalonians 5:16-18

Sometimes we wonder looking at our lives. We never understand what is happening. We try to understand but things don't seem to be concise. We try to figure out, but fail. We try to help ourselves, but nothing happens. We stand clueless, helpless and hopeless. The one who has been watching all the things from above enters our life. He works and wonders happen. Therefore kneel before him and He will make a way for you. He can change things around you in the blink of an eye.ALWAYS PRAY. NEVER GIVE UP. God Bless You Abundantly. Facebook- 2

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