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26 MAY 2019


GETTING RID OF YOUR PAST, LOOKING FOR THE BEST TO COME ! God told Abraham He was going to make him the father of many nations. He said that his descendants would out number the stars in the sky. The only problem was that he and his wife were well beyond childbearing years. How did he keep hope alive? It says in Romans that Abraham didn't consider his own body, but he hoped on in faith in a living God.

FAITH IN ACTION And Elijah said to Ahab, 'Go, eat and drink, for there is the sound of a heavy rain.' 1 Kings 18:41 In First Kings, chapter 18, the Samaritans had been in a great famine. For three and a half years, there had been no rain. The people barely had food; they were barely surviving. The prophet Elijah showed up and said to King Ahab, "I hear the sound of the abundance of rain!" When he said that, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. There was no sign of rain at all, yet he chose to believe what he heard in his spirit in spite of what he saw. With his eyes he saw drought, famine and barrenness, but down in his spirit he heard the sound of the abundance of rain. This is what faith is all about. You have got to believe what you hear in your heart even when what you see is just the opposite. You hear abundance, but you may see lack. You hear health, but you may see sickness. You hear rain, but you may look around and see drought. Remember today that God does not want you to stay where you are. He's got new levels. Trust Him and know that the rain of His blessing is coming.. God Bless You Abundantly.. @

Jesus Christ is saying to you today “Your sorrow which is unbearable, will turn into joy.” Do you believe this? If yes, then stop worrying and start believing His promises and claim it over your life, your situation, and over your family and loved ones. With faith, see the impossible turning into the possible. Because God is in control and with Him nothing is impossible. God Bless. 1

Today, I encourage you, no matter what your circumstances look like, get your hopes up! Find something that reminds you of God's promises. Write something on your calendar! Meditate on His goodness and trust that He is working behind the scenes. Hope on in faith because He will fulfill every promise He's placed in your heart! "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope…" (1 Peter 1:3, NIV) God Bless..



Can you see the “brand new thing” God is doing in your life? Sometimes it’s easy to see the hand of God moving, and sometimes the storms of life can cloud our vision. But no matter where you are in life today, meditate on this truth that God is working even when you can’t see Him. Like a seed buried deep in the ground, it may seem dark and lonely and there may be dirt all around, but that is place where life springs forth. Trust that God is doing a new thing! You can trust Him because He is faithful! His plan for you today is blessing. His plan is to give you a future and a hope. His plan is to do a new thing in your life. Let go of the thoughts of the past and open your heart to what God is doing today. Ask Him to show you what He’s doing. Ask Him to reveal it to your heart. Seek Him and you will find Him and see the brand new think He’s doing in you!.. God Bless..Instagram- newlifeforu. "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" Matthew 6:33 If you seek Him first in ALL things, not just when it’s convenient, but each thing, He will meet your needs and will equip you. He knows what you have need of before you ask, but still He wants to know, out of our mouth, what are desires, dreams, and needs are. Are you seeking God first in all things? God Bless..

26 MAY 2019

No matter what has been taken away from you, no matter what you've lost or experienced in the past, if you give it over to God, He will return to you more than you could ask or imagine. He'll make things right and give you more than what was lost or stolen. The Bible says that when you put your hope in God, He blesses you with a double portion. God wants to multiply your joy, peace, wisdom, health, finances - a double portion of His favor in every area of your life! The first step in moving forward into this fresh future is forgetting the disappointments of yesterday. It's time to turn loose those disappointments of your past and reach out in faith to God's abundant future. God Bless.. Pinterest -NEWLIFEforu

Satan is a word-twister. He did it in the garden when Eve was in the mood for a piece of fruit and he still does it today. He has found we are more apt to swallow half-truths than blatant lies. When we choose to trust God and start walking in faith, Satan whispers that God can do a lot, he can even do many things, but not all things. But Numbers 23:19 tells us that God is not a man that He should lie. If God said "all things," then that's exactly what He meant. Challenges teach us two things; something about God, and something about us. If we choose to believe that God will give us the victory, we will see how powerful our God is. If, instead, we choose to trust in our own strength or intelligence, we will quickly see how inadequate we are. We need to truly believe.John 15:5, which says that we can 2 do nothing apart from Jesus Christ .God Bless.. Facebook NEWLIFEINCHRIST2k17

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