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13 OCTOBER 2019


GETTING RID OF YOUR PAST, LOOKING FOR THE BEST TO COME ! God’s love is faithful and unfailing! His love for you is BIG even when you feel small! God wants to help you accomplish everything that He has set out for you to do - if you'll let Him. Who wants to say YES to God today?! God works in His timing not yours. Have patience! Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14! Whenever the LORD raised up a judge over Israel, he was with that judge and rescued the people from their enemies throughout the judge’s lifetime. For the LORD took pity on His people, who were burdened by oppression and suffering (Judges 2:18).

God’s faithfulness is not dependent on our good works, but on His unconditional love!

This time in the history of Israel could have been their greatest time of Your mind is not a God’s blessing. However, the Israelites never completely followed through playground, it’s a on the task of ownership that had begun when Joshua led the people battlefield! Don’t let the across the Jordan and into the Promised Land. Consequently, the enemy enter in - shut out Promised Land had never become the land fully possessed. And yet, this everything that contradicts passage summarizes that God acted out of pity toward His people. what God says! GOD God’s compassion and love for His chosen people was unending, and His BLESS character has never changed. When Jesus looked at people, “he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like Pinterest -NEWLIFEforu sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36). The people of Israel wandered like sheep, and so do we. God’s persistent mercy is often all that stands between us and destruction, yet God’s mercy is often what finally breaks through and helps us realize that the way we have been living is not our Heavenly Father’s ultimate plan. He doesn’t want us to be burdened by oppression and suffering. He has a better way of living for us and sent Jesus to rescue us and make that abundant life possible. God Bless You Abundantly

For through the blood of Jesus, ALL things are possible. No matter how long you’ve struggled, it's ALL about to change! God is the God of BREAKTHROUGHS! See 2 Samuel 5:19-20 God Bless.. Twitter- newlife4_you 1



13 OCTOBER 2019

Secret Weapons

Our Way or God’s Way?

Each man stood at his position around the camp and watched as all the Midianites rushed around in a panic (Judges 7:21). God made a practice in the Old Testament of sending His people into battle armed with songs, trumpets, and in the case of Gideon’s “army” of 300 men, clay pots. Now, those are some secret weapons! Over and over, God allowed people to participate faithfully in His great work so they could claim victory while giving God the glory. That’s why He still does extraordinary things through ordinary people—so there’s no mistaking who is doing the real work! Gideon’s men did their part, and God caused utter confusion in the Midianite camp. The Midianites ended up killing each other. If Gideon’s men had gone down into that chaos, they would have just gotten in the way of what God was doing. Often in Scripture, God instructed people to stand and watch while He accomplished amazing things. He still does that today. We get to participate. We have to step out. We need to remain faithful. But in the end, the highlight is watching what God does on our behalf. It is important to be willing and available, but once we have done our part, God will do what we could never do. God Bless

In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes (Judges 21:25). Times change, but people seem to stay pretty much the same. We read this last line from the book of Judges and realize that having a king didn’t make a significant difference for Israel. Social environments do affect people, and leadership can have a powerful influence, but ultimately, individuals are responsible for their response to God. Do you seek to live according to the One who gave you life, or do you do whatever seems right in your own eyes? The challenge for us today remains; will we follow our own way or God’s way? Will we seek His kingdom and His righteousness or try to make things up as we go along? God’s Word and God’s indwelling Spirit provide us with what we need to live His way. When people live solely by what seems right to them, things end up in a mess, as is clearly shown by the decades of chaos in Judges. We see the same lesson repeated a thousand times around us every day. It is only when we live a life of obedience that we can truly experience His joy, His favor, and His continual blessings. God Bless..

But Lord, How? “But Lord,” Gideon replied, “how can I rescue Israel? My clan is the weakest in the whole tribe of Manasseh, and I am the least in my entire family!” (Judges 6:15). Gideon is such a great example of a reluctant hero! As you read his amazing story, think about this: There is always a reason we can think of for why God can’t use us. We can always come up with an excuse for failure. Or we see a flaw that we believe makes it impossible for God to use us to benefit other people. When Gideon expressed his doubts, he was definitely overlooking Who was listening! God, the Creator of the Universe, hears it all! He listens to all our fears about stepping out and our statements of disqualification. In response, He says, “Cancelled, null, and void!” God always does something with our lives if we are only willing to be used . . . flaws and all. GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY. INSTAGRAM- Newlifeforu Man didn't write your story. It was written a long time ago by an Almighty, awesome, all-knowing God, The king of Kings, The Lord of Lords... and you're not a product of your past, or what you went through... you're a product of God- and He has Something Greater for your life! Whatever you lost is small in comparison to what you're going to gain! God will restore everything the enemy has stolen!The enemy will regret ever messing with you! God will position you in a place for the world to see His glory! Stop waiting on someone else and start encouraging yourself! Talk yourself into your own victory!Your greatest blessings come from the biggest brokenness in your life! If someone walks out of your life, God is making room for someone better to walk in! God 2 Facebook-

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