New Look SS15 Lookbook

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New Look welcomes you to Spring|Summer 2015. Inside this lookbook you’ll find the design, buying and press teams’ must-have pieces for the season ahead.

le sportif S p o r t r e f e r e n c e s d o m i n a t e o u r L e S p o r t i f s to r y.

S t r i p e s a r e k e y a s w e l l a s s p o r t s t i p p i n g, b i n d i n g a n d c o l o u r b l o c k i n g. J u m p e r s a r e t i e d a r o u n d t h e waist and slogan print ribs and sweats provide an e f f o r t l e s s v i b e to t h i s c o o l a n d c a s u a l s to r y. SUNGLASSES £4.99, €6.99, 39.99ZŁ SHIRT £17.99, €22.99, 79.99ZŁ DUNGAREES £29.99, €39.99, 159.99ZŁ BROGUES £19.99, €24.99, 109.99ZŁ

ABOVE: TOP £14.99, €17.99, 69.99ZŁ JACKET £34.99, €44.99, 179.99ZŁ CLUTCH £9.99, €11.99, 49.99ZŁ LEFT: SLEEVELESS JACKET £32.99, €44.99, 169.99ZŁ HIGH NECK TOP £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ VEST £4.99, €6.99, 19.99ZŁ JEANS £22.99, €29.99, 124.99ZŁ FLATFORMS £34.99, €44.99, 189.99ZŁ

DRESS £24.99, €29.99, 119.99ZŁ JUMPER £17.99, €22.99, 79.99ZŁ FLATFORMS £34.99, €44.99, 189.99ZŁ

T-SHIRT £9.99, €11.99, 49.99ZŁ DENIM JACKET £24.99, €29.99, 124.99ZŁ SHORTS £14.99, €17.99, 69.99ZŁ

ABOVE: DRESS £24.99, €29.99, 119.99ZŁ RIGHT: SPLIT TUNIC £19.99, €24.99, 99.99ZŁ JEANS £24.99, €29.99, 129.99ZŁ SHOES £59.99, €79.99, 299.99ZŁ

amazonian O ur A mazonian s tor y ans wer s the c alls of the wild with p alms, A z te c and Ik at print s in exciting new colour combinations. The p alm print pie ces are highlight s and key silhouet tes come in the form of shir t dres se s and co ordinates. Af ric an inspire d b eading and emb ellishment give the look a luxe e dge. DRESS £22.99, €29.99, 119.99ZŁ CLUTCH £12.99, €14.99, 69.99ZŁ

ABOVE: MIDI JUMPSUIT £22.99, €29.99, 119.99ZŁ LEFT: PLAYSUIT £24.99, €29.99, 129.99ZŁ

ABOVE: DRESS £24.99, €29.99, 129.99ZŁ RIGHT: TOP £17.99, €22.99, 79.99ZŁ SKIRT £22.99, €29.99, 119.99ZŁ FLATFORMS £34.99, €44.99, 189.99ZŁ


T h e r e’s a d e f i n i t i v e r e t u r n to t h e 70 s t h i s s e a s o n, m a r k e d w i t h s o f t, f l o a t y s i l h o u e t t e s t e a m e d w i t h s t r o n g l i n e t a i l o r i n g. D e e p m u s t a r d s a n d r i c h b u r g u n d i e s a r e a t t h e h e a r t o f t h i s t r e n d, a s a r e r a w e d g e s a n d f r i n g i n g. Te a m w i t h c r i n k l e d c o t to n s a n d c h u n k y h e e l s f o r t h e u l t i m a t e h i g h s u m m e r f e e l.

SUNGLASSES £7.99, €9.99, 59.99ZŁ PLAYSUIT £24.99, €29.99, 129.99ZŁ

ABOVE: DRESS £22.99, €29.99, 119.99ZŁ SLIDERS £19.99, €24.99, 139.99ZŁ RIGHT: TOP £14.99, €17.99, 69.99ZŁ SHORTS £19.99, €24.99, 109.99ZŁ

LEFT: TOP £17.99, €22.99, 79.99ZŁ TROUSERS £17.99, €22.99, 89.99ZŁ

magical marrakech M agic al M arr ake ch is inf luence d by magic al c arp et print s, tex ture and t ales of the Eas t. This my thic al s tor y is p er fe c t for a new mys terious t ake on fes tiv al glamour. Mix and clash print s to push the look f ur ther. TOP £22.99, €29.99, 119.99ZŁ SHORTS £14.99, €19.99, 74.99ZŁ BAG £22.99, €29.99, 129.99ZŁ BROGUES £27.99, €34.99, 149.99ZŁ

ABOVE: KIMONO £19.99, €24.99, 99.99ZŁ TOP £9.99, €11.99, 49.99ZŁ SHORTS £14.99, €17.99, 69.99ZŁ LEFT: TOP £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ JUMPSUIT £22.99, €29.99, 119.99ZŁ SANDALS £19.99, €24.99, 109.99ZŁ

TOP £12.99, €14.99, 59.99ZŁ TROUSERS £19.99, €24.99, 99.99ZŁ SLIDERS £15.99, €17.99, 99.99ZŁ

FINGERTIP RINGS (PART OF PACK) £2.99, €3.99, 14.99ZŁ SATCHELS £15.99, €19.99, 89.99ZŁ EACH PARTY CLUTCH £12.99, €14.99, 69.99ZŁ TRAINERS £24.99, €29.99, 139.99ZŁ DUFFLE BAG £12.99, €14.99, 79.99ZŁ


Foot wear and accessories are as strong as ever t h i s s e a s o n, w i t h a r e a l f o c u s o n f r i n g i n g, t a s s e l s, metallic and snake print. White f ilters through the whole collec tion and complements delic ate necklaces and body chains. Chokers and bum bags make a comeback while f lat forms and ghillies really make a statement.

EARRINGS £5.99, €7.99, 29.99ZŁ SATCHEL £24.99, €29.99, 139.99ZŁ

NECKLACE £17.99, €22.99, 89.99ZŁ ARM CUFF £5.99, €7.99, 29.99ZŁ PINEAPPLE BAG £12.99, €14.99, 69.99 STRAWBERRY PURSE £4.99, €6.99, 29.99ZŁ VARSITY BAG £9.99, €11.99, 49.99ZŁ LOLLIPOP BAG £12.99, €14.99, 69.99ZŁ BRACELET (PART OF PACK) £12.99, €14.99, 69.99ZŁ RING (PART OF PACK) £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ

BRACELETS (PART OF PACK) £5.99, €7.99, 29.99ZŁ FINGERTIP RINGS (PART OF PACK) £2.99, €3.99, 14.99ZŁ SATCHEL £19.99, €24.99, 190.99ZŁ GRID CLUTCH £15.99, €19.99, 89.99ZŁ TOTES (EACH) £17.99, €22.99, 99.99ZŁ SHOES £59.99, €79.99, 299.99ZŁ

SUNGLASSES £5.99, €7.99, 39.99ZŁ NECKLACE £17.99, €22.99, 89.99ZŁ BRACELET (PART OF PACK) £12.99, €14.99, 69.99ZŁ SATCHEL £17.99, €22.99, 99.99ZŁ TOTE £17.99, €22.99, 99.99ZŁ

EAR CUFF £3.99, €4.99, 24.99ZŁ NECKLACE £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ BRACELET (PART OF PACK) £12.99, €14.99, 69.99ZŁ SUNGLASSES £5.99, €7.99, 39.99ZŁ BUMBAG £9.99, €11.99, 49.99ZŁ CLUTCH £15.99, €19.99, 89.99ZŁ SANDALS £24.99, €29.99, 159.99ZŁ

NECKLACE £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ BRACELET (PART OF PACK) £12.99, €14.99, 69.99ZŁ BACKPACKS £19.99, €24.99, 109.99ZŁ EACH

HAND CUFF £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ CLUTCH £12.99, €14.99, 69.99ZŁ SHOES £29.99, €39.99, 249.99ZŁ

HEADBAND £3.99, €4.99, 24.99ZŁ BRACELET (USED AS ARM CUFF) £12.99, €14.99, 69.99ZŁ BAG £12.99, €14.99, 69.99ZŁ

SUNGLASSES £5.99, €7.99, 39.99ZŁ CHOKER £5.99, €7.99, 39.99ZŁ BODY CHAIN £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ BRACELETS (PART OF PACK) £5.99, €7.99, 39.99ZŁ RING (PART OF PACK) £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ

CUFF £5.99, €7.99, 29.99ZŁ BRACELET £5.99, €7.99, 29.99ZŁ RING (PART OF PACK) £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ SCARF £9.99, €11.99, 79.99ZŁ SUNGLASSES £4.99, €6.99, 29.99ZŁ DUFFLE BAG £15.99, €19.99, 89.99ZŁ SHOES £34.99, €44.99, 219.99ZŁ

swimwear N e w s h a p e s t a k e o u r S S15 s w i m w e a r to a w h o l e n e w l e v e l. G o f o r b e a c h c h i c w i t h h i g h n e c k s a n d h a l t e r crops or take the plunge with deep cut swimsuit s. S l e e v e d b i k i n i to p s u p d a t e n a u t i c a l l o o k s w h i l e ‘ B e a c h P l e a s e’ s l o g a n s d e c o r a t e f l o u n c e b i k i n i s . M u l t i s t r a p d e t a i l i n g f e a t u r e s o n b i k i n i to p s a n d b o t to m s f o r t h e u l t i m a t e i n p r e m i u m p o o l w e a r. F o r d a y - to - n i g h t t r a n s i t i o n, f i n i s h t h e l o o k w i t h lace beach trousers and printed kaf tans. SUNGLASSES £7.99, €9.99, 49.99ZŁ BIKINI TOP £12.99, €14.99, 59.99ZŁ BIKINI BOTTOMS £11.99, €14.99, 59.99ZŁ

ABOVE: BIKINI TOP £16.99, €19.99, 79.99ZŁ BEACH TROUSERS £14.99, €17.99, 69.99ZŁ LEFT: SUNGLASSES £5.99, €7.99, 39.99ZŁ BIKINI TOP £14.99, €17.99, 69.99ZŁ BIKINI BOTTOMS £9.99, €11.99, 59.99ZŁ

ABOVE: BIKINI TOP £16.99, €19.99, 79.99ZŁ BIKINI BOTTOMS £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ RIGHT: BIKINI TOP £14.99, €17.99, 69.99ZŁ BIKINI BOTTOMS £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ CLUTCH £12.99, €14.99, 69.99ZŁ

BIKINI TOP £16.99, €19.99, 79.99ZŁ BIKINI BOTTOMS £9.99, €11.99, 49.99ZŁ

COVER UP £19.99, €24.99, 119.99ZŁ BIKINI BOTTOMS £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ

ABOVE: BIKINI TOP £14.99, €17.99, 69.99ZŁ BIKINI BOTTOMS £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ CLUTCH £15.99, €19.99, 89.99ZŁ LEFT: HAT £9.99, €11.99, 59.99ZŁ BIKINI TOP £9.99, €11.99, 49.99ZŁ BIKINI BOTTOMS £7.99, €11.99, 39.99ZŁ

ABOVE: COVER UP £16.99, €19.99, 79.99ZŁ BIKINI TOP £14.99, €17.99, 69.99ZŁ BIKINI BOTTOMS £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ RIGHT: NECKLACE £3.99, €4.99, 19.99ZŁ BIKINI TOP £14.99, €17.99, 69.99ZŁ BIKINI BOTTOMS £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ BEACH TROUSERS £16.99, €19.99, 79.99ZŁ

ABOVE: BIKINI TOP £14.99, €17.99, 69.99ZŁ BIKINI BOTTOMS £7.99, €9.99, 39.99ZŁ CLUTCH £12.99, €19.99, 69.99ZŁ RIGHT: HAT £9.99, €11.99, 59.99ZŁ NECKLACE £3.99, €4.99, 19.99ZŁ SWIMSUIT £19.99, €24.99, 119.99ZŁ

ABOVE: NECKLACE £3.99, €4.99, 19.99ZŁ COVER UP £14.99, €17.99, 69.99ZŁ RIGHT: BIKINI TOP £16.99, €19.99, 79.99ZŁ BIKINI BOTTOMS £11.99, €14.99, 59.99ZŁ


L i n g e r i e i s p r e t t y a n d f e m i n i n e w i t h a m i x o f w h i t e, neutral and citrus shades. And blue becomes the new black with beautif ul high waisted knickers and lace multi strapped bras. BRA £9.99, €11.99, 59.99ZŁ BRIEFS £5.99, €7.99, 39.99ZŁ

ABOVE: BRA £12.99, €14.99, 79.99ZŁ BRIEFS £6.99, €8.99, 39.99ZŁ SUSPENDER BELT £5.99, €7.99, 39.99ZŁ RIGHT: BRA £12.99, €14.99, 79.99ZŁ BRIEFS £5.99, €7.99, 39.99ZŁ

ABOVE: BRA £12.99, €14.99, 79.99ZŁ LEFT: BRA £14.99, €17.99, 89.99ZŁ BRIEFS £4.99, €6.99, 29.99ZŁ

BRA £12.99, €14.99, 79.99ZŁ BRIEFS £5.99, €7.99, 39.99ZŁ



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