DIY and Industrial Trade News - February 2022

Page 48



Making a positive impact on local manufacturing For more than 30 years, Lemaitre has supported South African workers with locally manufactured, top-quality safety footwear, and responsible sourcing that supports local industries.


ow more than ever, it’s about one

production work. This ensures that Lemaitre

worker supporting another for the

is contributing to the local economy and the


company to play its part in boosting

communities beyond which even includes some

By manufacturing and distributing safety footwear

the economy and getting South

of its own workforce.

products of the highest quality, the company is

Africa back on its feet.

looking out for the hardworking people who are


building a stronger South Africa. Lemaitre Safety

BBF Safety Group, has long been a staunch

Lemaitre believes in what it accomplishes locally.

Footwear is proudly manufactured by workers,

supporter of not just manufacturing locally,

As a company with over 400 employees, it takes

for workers and the company continues to build

but sourcing local suppliers and components

job creation seriously. Most of the work and labour

a stronger South Africa through supporting local

as far as possible to support the people and

required in manufacturing its safety footwear goes

suppliers across various industries.

communities of this great country. With the

into the upper construction of the boot. Lemaitre

economic potential this country holds, it is

uppers are produced in South Africa, in a factory

the social and economic development of the

essential for the business to support local

in Port Elizabeth and through various independent

communities it operates in by creating an enabling

products, services and businesses wherever

CMTs. Together, Lemaitre produce proudly South

environment for job creation and skill development

possible, to fast-track the route to an

African safety footwear that protects workers

Lemaitre believes achieving this requires

economically strong South Africa.

across various industries and lays the foundations

collaborative ways of working with its suppliers,

of positive change.

workers and communities to secure stronger

Lemaitre Safety Footwear, as part of the


Its local procurement aims to contribute to

community bonds for at least another 30 years.

Lemaitre is committed to playing its part,


and if serious about building a strong and

Lemaitre’s safety footwear is in demand

sustainable local economy, it starts with its

throughout Africa, it hopes to use the capability

procurement processes. Lemaitre recognises

of local companies to get it there, which includes

its responsibility to earnestly support local

transporting, warehousing and reselling. After all,

businesses and SMMEs by sourcing key

South Africans have always shown the ability to go

components and outsourcing some of its

the extra mile.

// Lemaitre Safety Footwear, as part of the BBF Safety Group, has long been a staunch supporter of not just manufacturing locally, but sourcing local suppliers and components //

Follow Lemaitre Safety Footwear on Facebook or Visit: for more details or to find your nearest distributor. FEBRUARY 2022 DIY & INDUSTRIAL TRADE NEWS

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