Environmental Management (September/October 2015)

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Environmental Management

Southern Africa’s leading sustainable development publication

www.emmagazine.co.za September/October2015

‘Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter’ - Martin Luther King Jr




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Dear Reader


As we stride towards summer, and rejoice that the chill of winter is fast disappearing, it is hard to believe that temperature statistics published by NASA, by the Japan Meteorological Agency, and the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the USA show that the average global land and ocean temperature for July was the hottest for any month since record-keeping began in 1880.

WWF SA Living Planet 2015 award winner ..................................04 Honouring heroes ..........................06 Unearthing South Africa’s future engineers............................ 09

Land temperature last month was

year between 2002 and 2006, while

longer optional – it is a necessity.

0.96˚C above the 20th-century

the Antarctic lost 152km3 between

National Clean-Up and Recycle Week

average, while that of the sea was

2002 and 2005.

South Africa takes place from 14 – 19

0.75˚C above the average. The

To add, increased carbon dioxide

September. This is a time to reflect on

combined temperature of the land

emissions have had other effects,

what we have around us. If we protect

and sea was 0.81˚C above the

such as increasing the acidity of the

and nurture the environment, we are

20th-century average.

oceans. The Industrial Revolution,

safeguarding our own health.

NASA reports that in Africa, the

widely recognised as marking the

average temperature for July was the

beginning of the sharp increase in

Sustainability at Plastics SA and

second highest on record, the hottest

carbon emissions brought about

Chairman of the National Recycling

being in 2002.

by human activity, has resulted in

Forum (NRF) says: “Mother Nature

the acidity of surface ocean waters

supplies us with the food we eat,

caused mainly by our fossil fuel

increasing by about 30 percent, as the

the air we breathe, and the water we

economy, are being measured in

ocean absorbs increasing amounts

drink. If our environment isn’t clean

other ways, such as melting glaciers.

of carbon from the air. The amount

and healthy, neither are we.”

NOAA said the average Arctic Sea

of carbon dioxide absorbed by the

ice extent in July last year was 9.5

upper layer of the world’s oceans is

percent below the 1981 to 2010

increasing by about 2 billion

average. Worryingly, Greenland lost

tons a year.

The effects of global warming,

between 150 and 250km3 of ice per

As Douw Steyn, Director:

Let’s clean-up and recycle – it is an investment for a sustainable future. Enjoy the read!

Taking care of our planet is no


The new look Environmental Management - Keeping you up to date


Print and paper industry goes green..........................................13 How do we contain our waste? ........................................ 15


Sustainable land-use practices ........................................... 16 Oil and chemical pollution control by Spill Tech ...................... 18

20 ENERGY Mercury treatment tecniques of compact flourescent lamps ......20

22 DEFORESTATION Reversing deforestation using drones .................................... 22



Bred for the bullet ........................ 24 Plight of the pangolin .................. 26

28 LANDSCAPE 2 000 year-old termite mound .............................. 28




HEAD OFFICE: New Media House,

EDITOR: Samantha Morgan

Felicity Garbers


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iSimangaliso Wetland Park CEO named WWF SA Living Planet 2015 Award winner


ndrew Zaloumis has

acknowledge my former “boss” Valli

been named the winner

Moosa who was there at the start,

conservation practices. “The WWF SA Living Planet 2015

of the WWF SA Living

and thank all the people who have

Award is our premier award and

Planet 2015 Award for

inspired me and worked alongside me

Andrew is an immensely deserving

his dedicated role in conservation and

to make this a reality. Also, a special

winner,” commented Dr Morné du

sustainable development.

thank you to my family, especially

Plessis, CEO of WWF South Africa.

The honour was bestowed on the

my father, who inspired my love for

Addressing the importance of the

CEO of iSimangaliso Wetland Park

iSimangaliso. This has been and is a

award, Marco Lambertini, Director

at the World Wide Fund for Nature

team effort,” said Zaloumis.

General of WWF International,

(WWF) South Africa Living Planet

Under Zaloumis’ leadership,

explained that recipients can be

the 322 000 hectare iSimangaliso

catalysts beyond even their own

Wetland Park, which includes eight

expectations – which is the purpose

Hotel in Johannesburg, Zaloumis

percent of South Africa’s coastline,

of recognising their efforts. “WWF

credited the extraordinary World

was proclaimed and listed as

believes that it is these ambitious,

Heritage Site where he works as

South Africa’s first UNESCO World

cooperative and inspirational actions

allowing him to bring together his

Heritage site in 1999. His work has

which, when aggregated together,

deep-seated passion for human rights-

resulted in the economic turnaround

can halt the destruction of the

based development and conservation.

of the Park with meaningful

natural world and build a future

empowerment and benefits to local

where people live in harmony with

communities and more sustainable

nature,” he said.

Conference 2015. Accepting the award at the Maslow

“I would like to thank the WWF for this award. I would like to

Two South Africans receive Prince Bernhard Scholarships


wo South Africans,

because the organisation sees value

Lameez Eksteen and

in my work. I am very grateful.”

Kholosa Magudu, have been awarded the

Magudu says she will put the funds towards travel costs in order that she

prestigious WWF Prince Bernhard

may attend local conferences. She

Scholarships for nature conservation.

will also use some of the funding to

Every year these scholarships

support the payment of her tuition

are awarded to individuals from

costs. Her Masters research focuses

developing countries who wish to

on the role of naturally functioning

pursue formal studies or professional

ecosystems in improving in-stream

training in this sector.

water quality in urban areas.

The scholarship supports mid-career

Says Lameez Eksteen “To be

training (up to a maximum of

selected as a recipient is a great

one year) for individuals working

honour which I hold in high esteem.

in the field of conservation or

This award will support my

associated disciplines directly

professional growth in the sector

relevant to the delivery and

about which I am so passionate.”

promotion of conservation. Upon receiving news of the award,

Likewise, Eksteen will put the funding towards her tuition costs and

embracing her work at WWF South Africa.

Kholosa Magudu, who is a water

regular travel to Rhodes University

health scientist at the Duzi-uMngeni

where she is conducting her Masters

both recipients and wishes them the

Conservation Trust said, “It is so

research on green career guidance.

very best with their further studies.

fulfilling to receive an award like

As South Africa transitions toward a

this from the WWF. I am honoured

green economy, she looks forward to


WWF South Africa congratulates


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he heroic actions of

those who fight for the conservation of the rhino were recently

acknowledged, celebrated and rewarded at the Rhino Conservation Awards, held on 27 July in Johannesburg. His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco, Patron of the Awards, delivered the keynote address at the event, congratulated the winners for their exemplary efforts and was presented with the Grand Patron Award by Dr Michael Kaschke, Carl Zeiss President and Chief Executive Officer. The annual Rhino Conservation Awards, which were founded by Dr. Larry Hansen, are held in collaboration with the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) of South Africa and the Game Rangers’ Association of Africa (GRAA). Cofounder of the Awards, Ms Xiaoyang Yu, Founder Partner of China New Enterprise Investment (CNEI), cosponsored the Awards with ZEISS. Notably, the Awards were held in the same week as World Ranger Day, which is celebrated on the 31 July. to save their lives by creating mask

Nominations for the Awards were invited from African rhino range

moulds for the exposed nasal cavity,

states. From the many nominations

protecting the opening long enough

received, a short-list of finalists was

for healing to occur) and Piet Beytell

made and, from this list, the winners

(Principle Conservation Scientist

were chosen.

for the Ministry of Environment and Tourism [MET], Namibia).

The winner in the Best Field Ranger category was Patrick Mwita. With

conducts anti-poaching operations

for the highest sentence ever handed

intense knowledge of the black

and focuses on educating the

down in a rhino poaching matter)

the Best Awareness, Education or

rhino population in the Southern

communities surrounding the Balule

and Adv Ansie Venter (appointed as

Funding category. She is the founder

Serengeti, Patrick effectively monitors

Nature Reserve in the benefits of

one of the Specialised Prosecutors,

of StopRhinoPoaching.com which

the animals and has also bravely

conservation and rhino protection.

Organised Crime, Mpumalanga

has an international and national

responsible for prosecuting rhino

footprint, focusing on funding

poaching cases).

of security initiatives and ranger

averted armed poaching attempts.

Taking the win in the Best Political

He spends an immense amount of

and Judicial Support category was

time on extended patrols to ensure

His Majesty King Mswati III, the King of

the safety of this critical population

Elise Daffue won the Award in

The winner of the Best Science,

support. Elise was instrumental in

Swaziland who has played a pivotal

Research and Technology category

establishing strategic stakeholder

of Tanzania’s remaining black rhino.

role in the protection of wildlife – in

was Dr Jacques Flamand. He heads

relations on a national and regional

The first and second runners up in

particular – the rhino. Swaziland’s

up the Black Rhino Range Expansion

scale for the implementation of

this category were William Ndobe

anti-poaching success rate has been

Project, which aims to increase

efficient operational protective

(local legend in the Kruger National

hugely successful (given the current

growth and numbers of black rhino,

measures countering the threat of

Park [KNP] with 31 years of service)

climate) with only three rhinos lost

working with a diverse group of

rhino poaching.

and Jeoffrey Kubayi (KNP field ranger,

since 1992, and none in the last 12

land-owners to secure the necessary

dog handler, tracker and poaching

months. These results bear testimony

sites for translocation. The project

shown for rhino conservation, Dr.

incursion detector).

Overwhelmed by the support

to the strong support and backing

is largely responsible for black

Hansen confirmed that; “it is a

Black Mamba APU won the

of the Game Amendment Act and

rhino numbers in KwaZulu-Natal

privilege to honour those that put

Best Conservation Practitioner

Swaziland’s rangers by His Majesty

increasing by 49%. The runners up

their lives, their resources and their

were Dr Johan Marais (responsible for

time on the line to eradicate rhino

performing surgery on poached rhino

poaching in Africa. We thank you.”

category. This Anti-Poaching Unit, which consists of 26 women,

Second place was awarded to both Adv Isabet Erwee (national record



South Africa’s first bioregional plan gazetted services. If we undermine ecosystem

been conducted at provincial level, a

instance, we will have to pay more to

municipal level plan like this can show

install and maintain expensive flood

fine-scale detail of critical biodiversity

attenuation infrastructure.”

areas. These are terrestrial and aquatic

The bioregional plan was gazetted on


he gazetting of South

He emphasised the social and

Africa’s first bioregional

economic value of biodiversity, such

plan–for the Nelson

as attenuating floods, providing clean

Mandela Bay Municipality

features that are vital for maintaining a

30 March 2015 and now provides clear

representative proportion of functional

priorities and guidelines for all decisions

ecosystems and the associated

that impact on biodiversity, including

goods and services they provide to the

land-use planning, environmental

Municipality’s residents and visitors,

assessment and authorisations, and

and which therefore need to be kept in

natural resource management in

their natural state.

the municipal area. SRK Consulting The Swartkops Estuary is the top temperate estuary in terms of subsistence value in South Africa

While broader biodiversity plans have

services like flood attenuation, for

The NMBM’s bioregional plan will

produced the Conservation

now be put to work in guiding reactive

Assessment and Plan for the NMBM

decisions on environmental impact

in 2010, which underpins the gazetted

assessment, agricultural land-use and

document, and also assisted with the

development control. It will also be

gazetting process.

used in proactive forward planning–

“One of the most exciting and

in integrated development plans,

water that is drinking quality standard,

challenging achievements of the

spatial development frameworks

(NMBM) in the Eastern Cape–is a

facilitating the pollination of important

conservation plan was to minimise the

and zoning schemes – as well

milestone on the road towards the

agricultural crops to support food

potential conflict between biodiversity

as conservation initiatives such

more sustainable development

security, and providing primary sources

and other forms of land-use,” said

as biodiversity stewardship and

of South African towns and cities,

of food like fish from the wild.

Stewart. “This involved a lengthy

expanding protected areas.

according to SRK Consulting (SA)

“Ecosystems provide a range of

process of engaging a range of players

According to Stewart, South Africa is

principal environmental scientist

valuable services that we take for

from town planners and property

fortunate to have been part of a global

Warrick Stewart.

granted because we often don’t pay

developers to municipal service

focus on biodiversity conservation

in full for the services they provide,”

departments, to understand their

because the country is home to a

and it is certainly fitting that it has been

he said. “When inappropriately

needs and to reconcile conflicts.”

number of ‘biodiversity hotspots’

achieved by a municipality with such

located, development results in the

rich biological diversity – where five of

loss of important ecosystems and

Management: Biodiversity Act

organisation Conservation

South Africa’s nine biomes converge,”

communities often end up paying for

10 of 2004 (NEM: BA) requires all

International; these include the

said Stewart. “The area boasts the

the long-term costs of losing these

government bodies – including

Succulent Karoo region, the Cape

Fynbos, Albany Thicket, Forest, Nama

important ecological assets. Good

municipalities – through the gazetting

Floristic region and the Maputaland-

Karoo and Grassland biomes – a level

planning means retaining our priority

of the Bioregional Plan to take

Pondoland-Albany region.

of diversity that is globally unparalleled

ecological assets when we develop our

biodiversity into account when planning

for a city.”

new settlements and roll out associated

and implementing service delivery.

“This plan sets a notable benchmark,

He said the National Environmental

as identified by environmental


Atlas Copco ranked best industrial company on environment Atlas Copco, a leading provider of

as energy and water use, greenhouse gas

happy to be recognised for this.”

the agency’s major conference on climate

sustainable productivity solutions, was

emissions and waste recycling. Atlas Copco

Atlas Copco’s innovative, energy-saving

change for the Group’s goals to cut carbon

listed as the top industrial company

ranked 11th in the world and highest in the

products include its variable-speed

dioxide from its products and operations.

by the Newsweek Green Rankings that

industrial segment. Atlas Copco was also on

compressors, a technology that the Group

Atlas Copco was recognised this year as one

looks at corporate sustainability and

the list last year.

pioneered in 1994 that enables compressors

of the world’s most sustainable companies

environmental impact.

“Making innovative, energy-effective

to run only at the speed necessary, cutting

in the annual Global 100 list.

U.S. magazine Newsweek analysed the

products and taking other steps to reduce

energy consumption. In 2013, Atlas Copco

world’s 500 larges t publicly-traded

the environmental impact is about business

launched the patented VSD+ technology,

companies to gauge how they fare on

leadership,” said Mala Chakraborti,

which cuts energy use by more than half

the environment. Together with research

Atlas Copco’s Vice President Corporate

compared with traditional compressors.

partners Corporate Knights Capital and HIP

Responsibility. “Our environmental targets

Earlier this year, Atlas Copco was among

Investors Inc., it looked at indicators such

are central to our business, and we are

those recognised by the United Nations at






If our environment isn’t clean and healthy, neither are we...


rom 14 to 19 September

of the local plastics industry), has

2015, South Africans from

been coordinating clean-up events

all walks of life will once

around the country. “The first

again be encouraged

International Coastal Clean-Up

to clean-up and recycle in their

was held in 1996, as an initiative

environment as part of National

of the plastics industry and KZN

Clean-Up and Recycle Week SA.

Wildlife, to remove the most visible

According to Douw Steyn, Director:

plastics litter from the coastal

Sustainability at Plastics|SA and

area. Since then, it has become an

Chairman of the National Recycling

annual, countrywide event which is

Forum (NRF), all packaging streams,

supported by the glass, cans, paper

as well as oil and e-waste recyclers,

and board industries, as well as oil

will use this week to spread the

converters, recyclers, brand owners,

message about the importance

retailers, Brand SA, KZN Wildlife,

of looking after the environment

Tuffy Manufacturing, Pick n Pay,

and ensuring that everybody takes

Garbie (East Rand Plastics) and

responsibility for recycling where they

the Department of Environmental

work, live or play.

Affairs (DEA)”, Steyn says.

“The only way forward, if we are

Highlights of this week will once

“The local plastics industry has

neither are we. We therefore urge

set itself an aspirational vision of

all South Africans to clean-up and

Zero Plastics to Landfill by 2030.

recycle the environment in order to

going to improve the quality of the

again be National Recycling Day

Mother Nature supplies us with the

give future generations hope for a

environment, is to get everybody

on 18 September and the annual

food we eat, the air we breathe,

sustainable future,” he concludes.

involved,” says Steyn. For the past 20

International Coastal Clean-Up Day

and the water we drink. If our

years, Plastics|SA (the mouthpiece

on 19 September.

environment isn’t clean and healthy,




Unearthing South Africa’s future engineers


treated to two site visits: at the First National Bank (FNB) Ferndale Call Centre Project in Randburg, and then to try their hand at water monitoring on the Jukskei River in Lonehill. Anelile Gibixego (aquatic scientist) explained the importance of water

FAR LEFT: Yashved Sewnun (structures division) explains the building function, as well as the process associated with the design and construction of the FNB Call Centre. The building utilises reinforced concrete, post tensioned concrete and structural steel for load-bearing elements, and the building design incorporates environmentally sustainable solutions. ABOVE: Anelile Gibixego shows a group of students how to use miniSASS as a biomonitoring tool to determine the health of the Jukskei River by collecting and identifying the types of macro-invertebrates found.

Human activities such as

s part of Consulting

to the engineering field, in particular to

conservation and river health. She

urbanisation, industrial waste-water

Engineers of South

consulting engineering. Learners get

demonstrated with a collection of

treatment works disposing their

Africa’s (CESA) Job

the opportunity to imagine, live work

macro-invertebrates that can be

waste into freshwater systems,

Shadow Day, Jeffares &

and play ‘engineering’ – opening their

found in the river and set out the

general pollution, solid wastes and

minds to a world of possibilities.

samples in four trays. Each group

construction all contribute to the

had an identification guide to help

depreciation of river health.

Green’s Johannesburg branch hosted 20 Grade 11 students in July to a day

The day began with a presentation

of learning about engineering and

on career opportunities for young

classify the bugs. Once categorised,

environmental consulting. The goal of

aspiring engineers, and the credentials

they calculated the ‘sensitivity’ scores

who attended and saw many students

The day was an inspiration to all

the CESA Job Shadowing initiative is

required for university acceptance.

and used these to establish the

motivated to follow a career in

to expose and entice school learners

Following this, the students were

ecological category.

engineering in South Africa.

Combining timehonoured engineering with cutting-edge solutions. Services

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Two companies -same ethos O

ricol Environmental

founded in 1994 and formally

protection and sustainable resource

taking R&D to market, enhancing our

Services, Environmental

incorporated in 2002, believes that

management. Oricol was founded in

service offering to existing and new

services and integrated

environmental conservation is of the

2002, with the principle of treating

customers, creating greater value for

waste management

utmost importance. It has been at

waste as a secondary resource and

all stakeholders and delivering this

company, has acquired Biobox

the forefront of sustainable, clean

with the aim of ensuring maximum

through the ongoing growth of our

Holdings (Pty) Ltd, a specialist water

technology. Biobox introduced the

diversion of waste from landfill.

national branch network. The latter

treatment company.

Biorock® system into the South

Using innovative treatment

is pivotal in Biobox’s growth strategy

Specialising in the design, supply and

African market. It is the only domestic

methods and meeting a growing

– leveraging our national presence

installation of water and wastewater

sewage treatment plant in the world

market demand for sustainable and

to provide a local, professional,

treatment systems, Biobox’s product

that requires no electricity and meets

fully integrated waste management

experienced offering and support.”

focus is simple: to recycle, treat and

the highest standards.

services, Oricol has ensured that it has

conserve water for domestic and commercial applications. Biobox, a private company

Oricol is delighted to have

been one of the fastest growing and

Oricol Environmental Services

acquired Biobox, as this aligns

expanding companies in the industry.


these two companies which have the same ethos of environmental

The acquisition of Biobox has


resulted in Oricol being able to offer a complete package of treatment solutions and integrated waste management services. David Light, Managing Director of

David Light

through its curated product


partnerships and system solutions,


to address water security at a domestic and commercial level. Plastics|SA mamadora2015 [190x118]landscape.pdf












Biobox Holdings

Biobox says: “Biobox is positioned,

Oricol’s acquisition of Biobox enables

2:04 PM

us to realise our true potential by



arla Viktor was recently

Tsogo Sun’s General Manager:

established and maintained about

crowned Miss Earth South

Corporate Affairs, who heads up the

60 vegetable gardens and delivered

Africa 2015 at Tsogo Sun’s

partnership with Miss Earth. “The

close to 8 000 stationery packs

Rosa venue at the Palazzo

partnership enables Tsogo Sun to

to South African learners.

at Montecasino. Together with the

extend our reach outwards into the

Miss Earth South Africa leadership

communities who most need this

Management Programme has

development programme, Tsogo

type of education so that they are

been making a steady impact

Sun is helping to deliver the message

equipped with the understanding to

over the years as the group

of personal responsibility towards

help them behave more responsibly

strives to improve its green

our planet through a collaborative

towards the environment.”

consciousness and reduce its

partnership aimed at raising

Miss Earth is crowned annually

Tsogo Sun’s Environmental

carbon footprint.

environmental awareness for a

and is committed to raising

greener future.

awareness among South Africans

business practices and our

“The Miss Earth South Africa

“The sustainability of our

for environmentally sustainable

communities is core to our

leadership programme empowers

communities through tree-planting,

strategy. Through our partnership

young South African women with

recycling, energy efficiency and

with Miss Earth we aim to further

knowledge about environmental

carbon-conscious lifestyle choices.

educate and change the behaviour

sustainability and provides a powerful

Tsogo Sun will continue its support

of the youth, by profiling the

platform for them, so that they can

of Miss Earth throughout the

environmental awareness of their

serve as positive role models to the

year’s activities.

peers who are credible ambassadors,”

younger generation. We are delighted

Through its partnership with the

concludes Vusi Dlamini, Tsogo Sun’s

to congratulate the new Miss Earth

Miss Earth South Africa ambassadors,

South Africa as she takes the reigns

Tsogo Sun has enabled nearly 19 000

and continues leading this good

school children to be reached and


work,” comments Candy Tothill,

educated, planted close to 700 trees,


Group HR Director.

TSOGO SUN, SHINING BRIGHT FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE. At Tsogo Sun, we are committed to minimising our impact on the Environment. Tsogo Sun has introduced property specific environmental management systems with the objective of reducing water and energy consumption, improving waste recycling and procuring environmentally conscientious products. Creating awareness about responsible environmental behaviour is a priority at Tsogo Sun and through partnerships with organisations such as Generation Earth and Miss Earth SA, we are able to reach the youth and guide them towards a sustainable future. Tsogo Sun is Africa’s largest environmentally certified hospitality group.





A mark of environmental excellence The Southern African Vinyls

responsible and sustainable use of

Product Stewardship

Association (SAVA) announced

additives, supporting a responsible

Programme and

that Belgotex Floors has become

and sustainable vinyl recycling

contributes to

the Association’s first official license

programme, ensuring an ongoing

transforming an

holder of the Vinyl. product label.

and effective communiqué between

environmentally conscious industry.

This is a mark of excellence that

the industry, public and government,

signifies the product complies with

and ensuring a healthy, robust

of taking yet another ‘first step’ that

best practice as prescribed by

industry health through growing

has become a milestone for others to

SAVA’s Product Stewardship

product development, markets and

follow. Thanks to the work SAVA is

Programme (PSP).

applications,” Delanie says.

doing, we are optimistic and excited

According to Delanie Bezuidenhout,

“Belgotex are forever looking to

Concludes Colle: “Belgotex is proud

about what the future holds for the

CEO of SAVA, the association

improve our products and services

vinyls industry in South Africa. Vinyl.

only licenses the coveted Vinyl.

in our ongoing Green Journey. We

has proven to have a wide range of

accreditation to member companies

have a proud heritage of firsts, and

applications, high tensile strength,

which, upon application, have

lead by innovation so this was the

and an excellent cost-performance

demonstrated third party verification

next logical step to become the first

ratio. We therefore support the

of compliance to the SAVA PSP.

license holder of the Vinyl. product

work the Association is doing and

“The SAVA Product Stewardship

label in South Africa,” says Belgotex

are honoured to be part of an

Programme is a stringent set of long-

Chairman, Stephan Colle. As a license

environmental drive that minimises

term, self-administered objectives

holder of the Vinyl. product label,

and manages any negative effects

created to promote the interests of

all vinyl flooring sold by Belgotex

that our activities may have on

vinyl business throughout the entire

Floors will bear the mark of quality.

the environment.

PVC supply chain. By voluntarily

This seal–a mark of environmental

signing the PSP, our members

excellence – is proof that the


have committed themselves to the

company is committed to the SAVA


Recycling partner corners a market for recycled PET and markets,” says

are currently not widely recycled in South

De Witt La Grange,

Africa, as they are difficult to recycle and

to recycling and public awareness about

whose company is a

have limited end use applications,” says Cheri

the entire value chain relating to resource

relative newcomer

Scholtz, CEO of PETCO.

management – and they do so for solid,

to the PET Recycling

La Grange tells more about why they

Clearly they share PETCO’s commitment

commercial reasons, which bodes well for


chose to develop the corner pieces as the

(PETCO’s) list of

first product to manufacture, explaining

the sustainability of their business.

recycling partners.

that the decision was based on the existing

and have already taken steps to expand

FTE is a small

FTE will not stop at one product either

market, current role-players, material used

their range. “We are in the final stages of

but growing

for existing products, shortcomings on

developing poles for trellises and security

company, based in

existing products and preference to work

fences. All these products are also made

the Western Cape

with recycled material. He explains that at

from recycled PET, and eventually we

that manufactures

present, South African fruit exporters use

would like to be part of the solution for

corner pieces using

mainly corner pieces made from carton.

pallets made from recycled PET.

“At FTE Insight we want to support

recycled PET. These corner pieces are used

PETCO in educating consumers and strive

to secure pallets and the corners of crates

deteriorates when exposed to moisture.

development and identified pallets as the

to reduce the amount of post-consumer

for the fruit packing industry, and are now in

We experimented with different materials

main challenge in the logistics chain that

polyethylene terephthalate (PET) ending

commercial production. PETCO will continue

and decided to work with recycled PET. It is

needs to be addressed,” concludes

at landfill sites. We realise that one of

working with them to help grow this end use.

strong, durable and freely available. However,

La Grange.

PETCO’s biggest challenges is to develop

“The recycled PET corner pieces provide a

to get the material in a state in which we can

sustainable markets for recycled PET – and

good end use for coloured PET bottles like

use it, was a challenge and will continue to be


we specialise in developing such products

brown, neon and solid colour bottles, which

one in the future,” says La Grange.



“Although carton is biodegradable, it also

We completed the first phase of


Print and paper industry goes green


staggering three

This ensures that there is always

quarters of all carbon

give-and-take and a stable level of


carbon in the atmosphere. However,

are generated

the burning of fossil fuels like coal

by corporations.

and oil, releases carbon that has not

This is according to the Business

been present for millions of years,

Environmental Leadership Council

thus disrupting the carbon dioxide

(BELC) which was created in

levels in the atmosphere.

1998 by the Centre for Climate

“Biomass energy has the

and Energy Solutions in the

potential to greatly decrease

United States. The organisation

greenhouse gas emissions, it

recommends businesses consider

lessens the dependence on foreign

adding a response to climate

oil, and decreases the demand on

change as part of their core

the earth’s resources,” says Botha.

corporate strategy in an effort to

“Biomass can be used for fuels,

reduce their environmental impact.

power production, and products

The call for companies to

that would otherwise be made from

adopt ways to reduce their

fossil fuels. It does not add carbon

carbon footprint is certainly

dioxide to the atmosphere as it

demanded by the public and

absorbs the same amount of carbon

businesses need to step up and

in growing as it releases when

revolutionise their industries in

consumed with fuel.”

order to remain sustainable.

Novus Holdings has utilised this

“Disregarding the environmental

principle with its newly acquired

effect of a business affects not only

biomass boiler. This boiler works

consumers, employees, and the

on the principle of combustion and

surrounding community, but also the

is fuelled by sustainable biomass,

entire industry itself,” says Christoff

and not the traditional fossil fuels

Botha, Group Executive: Heatset at

or electricity, to generate the steam

Novus Holdings (previously known

required in the production process.

as the Paarl Media Group).

Novus Holdings’ commitment

Although the print and paper

to redirecting print and paper into

industry is often perceived as having

a sustainable industry is reflected

a negative environmental impact,

in an investment of more than

the sector has begun to transform

R100 million in environmentally

how it does business in an attempt

responsible practices to reduce,

to minimise this effect.

re-use, and recycle to ensure the lowest possible impact on natural


resources. Botha concludes: “This

Bio-energy is derived from biomass

ultimately benefits all involved –

which is a naturally occurring part

customers, employees and the

of the carbon cycle. During this

community and we challenge

process, carbon is taken in by

more businesses to find ways of

plants during photosynthesis and on decomposition or combustion it goes back into

lowering their energy consumption and reducing energy costs with environmentally sustainable business practices.”

the air. www.novusholdings.co.za





Kaytech’s groundbreaking support App

Combining construction with a healing process


Imagine having answers to all your geosynthetic queries at the touch of a button. Kaytech has developed an App that gives you access to wide-ranging geosynthetic support at the touch of your smart phone screen. Nine clearly defined buttons on your touchscreen will give you immediate accessibility to the solutions you seek in the world of Kaytech Engineered Fabrics:

1. Order request:

5. Product info:

he Al Jalila Children’s Specialty Hospital, an initiative of

If you know what

Access information

His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum,

product you want,

on Kaytech

Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE, and Ruler of

simply place a specific


Dubai, is not only dedicated entirely to children but was also

order from your phone


designed by combining innovative aspects of design and construction

or your desktop. Send

and products.

with the healing process in mind.

us your specs and we

Says Al Maidoor, Director-General of the Dubai Health Authority (DHA): “The hospital will be the first-of-its-kind facility in the region

will send you a quote

6. Bidim game:

and delivery date.

Play the recycling game.

offering super-specialty and multi-spectrum pediatric care. It will provide pediatric services from newborns to 16 year olds and will offer all necessary pediatric services under one roof for the children of the

2. Technical support:

7. Media links:

UAE and the region.”

Request a data sheet,


information from our

online to

for gardens and landscaping including a ‘healing garden’ with bright

library, ask a technical


flowering shrubs and herbs and medicinal plants. “The use of natural

question, or request


light, greenery and healing landscape are aimed at offering a high level of

training. Simply pick

Facebook and

indoor air quality, reducing noise and creating a pleasant environment.”

a topic, send details


Al Maidoor adds that of the total area, nearly half has been dedicated

The development will be highlighted by several energy saving

of your query and an

initiatives including sustainable construction techniques to reduce

expert will respond

8. Findus:

energy use, an active wall façade system to reduce ambient

within 24-hours.

Locate your nearest Kaytech

temperature inside the hospital, and rooftop gardens that provide greater insulation. As part of its focus on sustainability, the hospital will

3. Design request:

4. Account enquiry:

branch or

use recycled water for irrigation purposes.”

Get help with designs

For a new account


on subsoil drainage,

application, credit

were looking for green building materials to use for landscaping

ground stabilisation,

limit increase, invoice

9. Website:

on hospital grounds, they came across Terraforce, a South African

road maintenance,

request, statement


developed hollow core, plant friendly concrete retaining wall system.

haul roads, mine waste

request, transaction

direct to

Manufactured under license in the UAE and region by Consent LLC, the

containment, landfill

query, or to check on

the Kaytech

Terraforce system is akin to a living wall, the unique hollow-core design

linings and cappings,

your account status.


of the interlocking blocks allowing plants to become a part of the wall.

dam linings, sludge

By using water-wise plants and a good irrigation system, a sustainable,

dewatering, erosion

yet durable green wall can be created.

control, coastal erosion

When Italian architects and engineers Studio Altieri International

protection, and DIY.


design came into play, by reversing and moving forward slightly every

An expert will respond

• Contractors can place an order, check their account

third row of blocks, to provide a plant supportive pocket that could also

with application

accommodate an efficient, easy maintenance dripper irrigation system.


Out of these pockets, water-wise plants will eventually drape over

for your geotextile

the side of the block, softening the near vertical concrete surface with


As the wall progressed, the innovative facade of this Terrforce wall

curtains of greenery.

status, or get product info – when they are onsite. • Administrators can request quotes or credit applications via the app instead of phoning in. • Consulting engineers can put through a design request if they are having problems onsite. • The public can access product information for DIY

Terraforce www.terraforce.com

projects and place an order via a smartphone. • Explore KayApp - your geosynthetic guide to the galaxy www.kaytech.co.za



How do we contain our waste? Although South Africa has made some great strides in addressing key issues experienced in waste management over the past 20 years, the industry remains problematic, unsustainable and unable to achieve legislative goals and targets in its current state.


ccording to 2012

Strategy (NWMS) was developed

The Waste Classification and

statistics released

and subsequently implemented by

Management System provides a

by the Department

government in 2012. It is a legislative

methodology for the classification

of Environmental

requirement of the National

of waste and provides standards

Affairs, an approximate total of 108

Environmental Management Waste

for the assessment and disposal of

million-tonnes of waste is generated

Act (NEMWA) of 2008, in order to

waste for landfill disposal. To this

nationwide. General waste accounts

achieve the following objectives:

effect, the Waste Classification and

for around 59 million-tonnes,

• Promote waste minimisation, re-use,

Management Regulations came into

unclassified waste 48 million-tonnes, and hazardous waste the remaining one-million-tonnes. Of all this waste, only 10 percent is recycled – the rest is landfilled. With a continuously growing

recycling and recovery of waste • Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of waste services • Grow the contribution of the waste sector to the green economy • Ensure awareness of the impact of

population and economy, waste

waste on people’s health, wellbeing

generated in South Africa is expected

and the environment

to double to approximately 216 million-tonnes by 2025. “Our current lack of recycling facilities and great dependency on landfills – most of which are not compliant – means that we are rapidly running

Under the Regulations, all waste generators are required to classify each waste stream according to the SANS 10234 Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals. SANS 10234 establishes criteria

• Achieve integrated waste

for the classification and labelling of

complied with within three years

management planning

hazardous substances and mixtures,

of promulgation. This means that

including waste, to ensure safe

mandatory compliance is little

transport and disposal. Under SANS

more than a year away. I-CAT offers

10234, it must be established whether

a comprehensive range of services

the waste is hazardous based on

to assist its clients in complying with

physical, health and environmental

the new Waste Classification and

hazardous properties (hazard classes),

Management Regulations.

and the degree or severity of the hazard

“I-CAT Environmental Solutions adds

posed (hazard categories).

measurable value in assisting various

• Ensure sound budgeting and financial management for waste services • Provide measures to remediate contaminated land

out of space to contain our waste,”

• Establish effective compliance with

says I-CAT Environmental Services

an enforcement of the Waste Act

manager Rachelle Stofberg. Additional challenges include;

effect in August 2013.

A variety of tools have been

increased complexities of waste

developed to assist in achieving the

streams, historical backlogs of waste

goals set out in the NWMS. These

timeframes for achieving goals set out

sectors, by offering specialist services in

services and a limited understanding of

tools include:

in NWMS have not been met. “In cases

waste classification and management,

waste flows and South Africa’s national

• Waste Classification and

where particular standards have been

environmental compliance monitoring

developed, we are observing a slow

(water, dust, and noise), environmental

waste balance. Under-pricing is a major

Management System

Stofberg indicates that most of the

operations in the industrial and mining

issue in local waste management, and

• Norms and standards

progression by industry to comply with

authorisation processes, and

there are also few compliant hazardous

• Licencing

the latest regulations and standards.”

comprehensive annual audits and

waste management facilities.

• Industry waste management plans

In response to these challenges, the National Waste Management

Certain compliance, such as the

• Priority waste

NEMWA Waste Classification and

• Economic instruments

Management Regulations, must be

reviews,” Stofberg concludes. www.i-cat.co.za

Change that doesn’t cost the earth Environmental solutions: • Environmental Licensing and Permitting • Legal and Performance Auditing • Compliance Monitoring (Dust, Water and Noise) • Green Star Rating Assessments • Sustainability and Integrated Reporting • Specialist Assessments 086 112 ICAT www.i-cat.co.za














Sustainable land-use practices aspects of the project. It includes an Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) Programme that specifically addresses erosion which impacts not only water quality and quantity but also the livelihoods of communities


in the Highlands. Rainwater runoff is the main erosion agent in this he Lesotho Highlands Water

mountainous landscape and erosion is

Project (LHWP) is a bi-

exacerbated by insufficient land cover.

national project between the

The ICM implementation plan includes

Kingdom of Lesotho and the

construction of diversion furrows above

Republic of South Africa which, through

crop fields to channel storm water into

a series of dams and interconnecting

natural waterways and the construction

tunnels, transfers water to South Africa

of gabions in dongas to reduce the

and generates hydropower for Lesotho.

sediment load of water entering the

The Treaty governing the project

dams at Katse and ‘Muela. Stone lines

specifies the quantity and quality of

have also been built along contours to

the water delivered to South Africa

reduce the rate of flow of runoff from

annually. The treaty also commits both

degraded rangelands that are devoid of

parties to take all reasonable measures

vegetation cover. Recognising the need

to ensure that the implementation,

to work with communities to ensure

operation and maintenance of the

sustainable soil protection, the LHDA

project are compatible with the

has also implemented a programme to

protection of the existing quality of the

teach sustainable land-use practices

environment and pay due respect to

focusing on range management and

the maintenance of the welfare of the

erosion control in agricultural lands.

communities affected by the project. Catchments around the LHWP

In the ‘Muela area, for example, LHDA field officers work with the local

dams are socio-ecological systems

communities to raise awareness of

supporting rural communities that

the benefits of practicing conservation

derive their livelihoods from communal

agriculture, holding workshops with

natural resources. The Lesotho

farmers to introduce them to methods

Highlands Development Authority

that do not disturb the soil and natural

(LHDA)’s Environmental Action Plan

vegetation. This includes encouraging

addresses the social and environmental

farmers to use a hoe to plant seeds


ENVIROMNENTAL REHABILITATION rather than ploughing furrows, and

After consultation with the ‘Moteng

gabions. The Bokong Nature Reserve

the planting of grass around crop

Community Council, the Ministry of

boasts spectacular scenery, unique

fields to protect the soil and terracing

Forestry and Land Reclamation, the

high altitude fauna and flora species

of their fields. A recently introduced

area chief and the owners of fields

including the bone-eating bearded

initiative has seen LHDA field workers

on steep slopes, (which have high

vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) and the

working with the Ministry of Forestry to

erosion risks), the owners have stopped

ice rat (Otomys sloggetti robertsi),

encourage farmers to plant peach trees

using those fields. Silt traps have

both being a high tourist attraction

on the terraces, which will both hold the

been constructed above most of the

due to their life strategies and habits.

soil intact and provide nourishment for

fields, and aloes and grass have also

The nature reserve also boasts a

their families.

been planted to enhance cover. In the

picturesque waterfall where the

Phahleng catchment area, three high

Lepaqoa stream flows over a cliff.

Working with community structures – voluntary grazing associations and

risk erosion fields which were on the

herders associations – the LHDA is

steep gradient are no longer being used

teaching livestock owners and herders

and they have grown vegetation cover,

the benefits of controlling their herd

and as a result, the amount of sediment

sizes, practising rotational grazing and

into the ‘Muela Dam has been reduced.

discouraging the traditional practice

One of the greatest challenges facing

of allowing livestock to wander over

the LHWP was the degradation of the

vast areas as this encourages selective

Bokong Wetlands, a restricted area in

grazing and eventual invasion of

the Bokong Nature Reserve, as a result

rangelands by woody vegetation.

of the construction of roads in the area

Since 2010, the LHDA has made great

PR Manager LHDA, Masilo Phakoe

and creation of footpaths by animals.

strides in combatting the sedimentation

These wetlands are a source of the

that has resulted from broken diversions

Bokong River which is a tributary of the

and terraces at an area in the north

Malibamatso which feeds water into

part of the country, Bela Bela. This

the Katse Dam. Now a protected area

destruction was brought about by

and an important tourist attraction,

free ranging cattle, as the Moholeng

the wetlands have been restored using

eroded livestock paths and encroached

a variety of methods which include

into fields.

re-grassing and the construction of





Combatting environmental hazards


Durban based company, Spill Tech, leads the market in oil and chemical pollution control, including the specialised field of bioremediation, backed by a Cat earthmoving fleet.


herever there’s industrial activity, from petrochemical

unstable substances. Spill Tech’s


waste management, industrial

HAZMAT technicians are trained to

Allied to these activities has been

cleaning (including cleaning of

NFPA standards, and the company

a major ramp-up in the highly

Core Spill Tech services encompass

bulk tanks), and spill response.

supports the full range of solutions

specialised field of bioremediation,

plants to manufacturing centres,

More specifically, this includes

in this specialised field. This includes

the process of restoring

underground services, sewage

fire decontamination and debris

comprehensive stocks of oil and

contaminated land to its original

treatment works, mining and

removal; industrial flood damage;

chemical absorbents, plus pneumatic

state by adding micro-organisms and

construction, Spill Tech provides

asbestos stripping and removal; and

chemical and acid pumps and

enzymes. This either takes place at

a 24-hour emergency response

bioremediation of polluted soil.

compressors, pneumatic hydrocarbon

the source of the spillage or under

solution to counter unexpected

Spill Tech has a national spill

and solvent pumps, as well as 10kl

controlled conditions.

environmental threats. “Regardless of whether the

response network with branches in all nine regions throughout South

mobile Super Suckers. Additionally, in the municipal

Spill Tech is probably the largest bioremediation specialist in Africa

spill is the result of human error,

Africa for quick response, as well as

market, Spill Tech has a fleet of

in terms of project scale, working on

mechanical failure or environmental

cross-border capabilities in countries

Super Sucker trucks that respond to

sites that can range from 10m³ up to

conditions, such as severe

that include Namibia, Botswana,

sewer pump station failures at waste

10 000m³ and beyond.

storms, the clean-up needs to

Mozambique, the DRC and Zimbabwe.

treatment facilities, vacuuming out

be an immediate priority for the

Wide ranging emergency response

build-ups in the system.

“Typically following a spill, a geo-hydrologist will carry out core

organisation responsible for the

situations include oil and chemical

incident,” explains Spill Tech’s Head

spills, over-turned tankers, ruptured

and Southern Africa are also covered

of the plume of the product and

of Sales, Christopher Boyce, based

process lines and tank failures, as

for downstream environmental

then together with Spill Tech will

at the Group head office in Durban.

well as the reacting of dangerous and

remediation associated with spillages

formulate a bioremediation process,”

and other pollution hazards.

says Boyce. “This will also determine

Power stations within South Africa

sampling, as well as mapping

the depth of the excavations, which in the past have gone as deep as 18m on some projects.”

Spill Tech works on sites that can range from 10m3 up to 10 000m3 and beyond SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2015 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT

ENVIRONMENTAL REHABILITATION Whilst spill impacts may appear

transported specialised trailer

irreversible, many potentially harmful

design that carries a Cat 428F as

compounds can be efficiently broken

well as skips, which is available 24/7,

down through bioremediation.


In a typical working application,

“Boom and stick regeneration

the contaminated soil is excavated

circuits save energy during boom-

and housed in geotechnical cells, or

down and stick-in operation, which

biopiles – that need constant forced

increases efficiency, reduces cycle

aeration – after which the remediated

times and pressure loss for higher

material is backfilled. A major factor

productivity, lower operating costs,

is the management and prevention

and increased fuel efficiency,”

of cross contamination, taking into

Spill Tech teams responding to an oil tanker spill.

account ground water sources, as well as nearby streams, rivers or reservoirs.

explains Barloworld Equipment Durban Cat Sales Professional, Egon Muller, highlighting key product

Biozorb will absorb hydrocarbons

Spill Tech deploys a comprehensive

features. (Barloworld Equipment is the Cat dealer for Southern Africa.)


and can be utilised as a vapour

Cat earthmoving fleet to carry out

One of Spill Tech’s intervention

suppressant. It can be used on

mechanised solutions on larger-scale

measures for the effective absorption

land or water and is hydrophobic.

sites that have been contaminated.

intensive and fast-paced, so we

of hydrocarbon spills is Biozorb, a

Biozorb meets sanitary landfill

Smaller scale bioremediation projects

researched the market extensively

revolutionary oil and hydrocarbon

disposal requirements according

are dealt with traditionally by a

before deciding to standardise on

absorbent made from premium

to EPA regulations.

deployed work crew.

Cat machines for our bioremediation

Canadian sphagnum peat moss.

“Safe and easy to apply, Biozorb

Current units in Spill Tech’s

“Spill Tech’s operations are capital

projects. Performance to date

The high grade material is harvested

is also simple to dispose of with

earthmoving fleet comprise Cat

has met our exacting output

and dehydrated through a unique

up to 20 times less landfill volume

428F backhoe loaders, a Cat CS533E

requirements,” adds Boyce, “as we

proprietary steam process, which gives

compared to current standard

vibratory soil compactor, and latest

progressively expand our footprint

it unparalleled absorption capacities

absorbents,” Boyce explains.

generation Cat 320D2 L hydraulic

in this niche segment across South

excavators. Spill Tech has also

Africa, as well as Southern Africa.”

through a wicking or hydraulic action. For example, one kilogram of product


developed a rapid mobilisation

absorbs up to 10 litres of oil.

In the bioremediation scenario,

solution in the form of a truck






Compact fluorescent lamps mercury 75% treatment techniques


Hg Hg



BROKEN CFLS RELEASE MERCURY wan Edison Lighting Laboratory under Demand Management Centre of Expertise in Eskom

Research, Testing and Development business unit was established in 2013. The main aim of the laboratory is to provide a testing facility for newly emerging illumination technology and also be used as a training facility for young engineers at Eskom. The Integrated Demand

Intact and unbroken CFLs do not pose any risk of mercury vapour emissions that may impact public

Management identified the phasing

health and the environment. However,

emissions. The toxicity of mercury

out of incandescent lamps in

mercury is a silvery, heavy metal

mainly affects the central nervous

favour of energy efficient compact

also called quicksilver, that is volatile

system and the kidneys. More

fluorescent lamps (CFLs) as an

and liquid at room temperature.

importantly, it may cause damage

energy savings strategy to address

This chemical substance is normally

to the neurological development

energy shortages experienced by

released when CFLs are broken

of foetuses, infants and children.

the company. CFLs were globally

accidentally or intentionally during

Mercury can also pollute the

introduced in the lighting industry

disposal. Upon CFL breakage, about

environment, thus affecting aquatic

to promote energy efficiency. The

80-97 percent of the elemental Hg

life resulting in mercury poisoning.

benefits of CFLs include about

can be dispersed in air and absorbed

75 percent energy savings and

by a human body through inhalation.

ten times more lifespan than

Despite the fact that mercury

In order to reduce the risk of mercury environmental pollution, a research project was initiated.

incandescent bulbs. Although the

released from broken CFLs is

The purpose was to compare the

advantages of using CFLs are clear,

insignificant, it contributes to overall

effectiveness of sulphur powder

these lamps contain mercury (Hg)

global mercury emissions. South

and sodium selenite chemicals as

of up to 5mg, used for generating

Africa is currently rated as the sixth

treatment techniques for capturing

radiant light with value-added

largest emitter of mercury in the

mercury released by CFLs when

energy efficiency.

world, with about 50 tons of annual

broken. Sulphur powder was chosen


ENERGY as one of the treatment techniques

be applied for mercury emissions

for mercury emissions because it

treatment from broken CFLs.

is inexpensive: 500g amounted to

Where there are large quantities

about R35. Alternatively, sodium

of CFLs, effective treatment is

selenite had a great affinity for

required prior to disposal, to minimise

mercury as well but was more

the impact of mercury to human

expensive than sulphur powder.

health and the environment. Careful

The findings from this research



handling of a broken CFL must

showed that mercury was released

also be considered, including good

constantly from new CFLs for the

housekeeping to avoid injury from

three hour testing period after

broken glass as well as inhalation of

breakage. The mercury vapour

mercury vapour. Individuals should be

emitted during the three hour

evacuated as soon as possible after

testing period exceeded the

accidentally breaking CFLs, the room

Occupational Health and Safety

should be sufficiently ventilated,

Act limit of working with mercury

and rapid removal of broken CFLs is

related products of 0.05mg/m3

advised. The glass fragments and

for eight hours exposure. These

other lamp components should be

findings highlighted the importance

safely placed in a plastic bag. The

of gaining further knowledge on

broken CFLs must be kept outside

mercury treatment techniques that

where there is more air circulation.

are practical and inexpensive. To

Furthermore, broken CFLs should be

add, the sulphur powder was more

disposed of as hazardous waste.

effective in capturing the emissions of mercury vapour than sodium

Lerato Lethea

selenite in terms of lower mass

Eskom Holdings SOC,

required for the treatment.

Sustainability Division

Nevertheless, sodium selenite

Research Testing and Development lerato.lethea@eskom.co.za

treatment technique that can

(011) 629-5222



needs to be considered as a potential









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Reversing deforestation using

drones An Oxford-based startup has an ambitious plan to combat deforestation by planting one billion trees a year by using drones.


ioCarbon Engineering is

the success rate of restoration.

exploring new precision

Then, the drones descend lower and

planting methods and

spread out pods filled with pre-

mapping techniques to

germinated seeds that are covered in

achieve this goal. “We are going to

a nutritious hydrogel. (source: www.

change the world one billion trees at


a time,” said CEO and former NASA

Where two humans could manage

engineer Lauren Fletcher. “The only

to plant up to 3 000 seeds per day,

option we had previously was hand

Fletcher says that his drones would

planting, which is slow and really

aim to plant up to 36 000 seeds

expensive. This method can’t keep up

a day. Another benefit is that the

with industry scale deforestation. We

drones can penetrate areas that

are hoping that our technologies will

people would find difficult to access.

provide opportunities to really scale up reforestation and replanting rates.”

Fletcher has highlighted Brazil or South Africa as the first possible

Ecosystems, on the other hand, are

At the current rates up to 26

sight for the project. The project

communities. They include microbes,

billion trees are being destroyed

was the finalist in the Drones for

fungi, animals small and big, and

every year in comparison to the 15

Good competition in the United

many different types of vegetation,

billion that are being replanted.

Arab Emirates, reaching the semi-

all interacting together and with

BioCarbon has improved previously

final stage.

their environment (soil, water, air).

flawed dry seeding by air methods

Ecosystems work because the existence of one species enables

needed in the process. It uses drones


to fly above an area and estimate

There is a world of difference between

create a balance in the environment

just planting trees and restoring

and ensure long-term viability and

entire ecosystems. Monocultures

sustainability of the area restored.

and minimised the human effort

26 billion

trees are being destroyed every year

find their use in agriculture. Planting

other species to thrive. Ecosystems

on ecosystem restoration as the

single crop that requires much human

driving goal of the technology

input to be sustained in the long

and hopes that this approach will

run. Monocultures are susceptible

become a standard tool that forest

to diseases, pests, pathogens and

restoration organisations will be able

adverse environmental conditions.

to use when it is the right tool for the

Monocultures of trees provide little

right location and conditions.

resources for wildlife and exist for one


3 000 seeds per day

BioCarbon Engineering is focused

a monoculture means planting a

purpose: further harvesting of trees.

Two humans can plant up to


Drones can plant up to

36 000 seeds a day


New study proves FSC certification profitable for businesses


n addition to numerous

the premise of certification, and it is

environmental and social

the success of FSC,” remarked FSC

benefits resulting from Forest

Director General, Kim Carstensen.

Stewardship Council (FSC)

Most interestingly the study shows

certification, a new WWF study has

that tropical forest companies, and

shown that there is a definite economic

small/medium producers benefit

benefit to having this accreditation.

the most from FSC certification, as

On average, forestry companies can

they typically receive the largest

earn an extra US$1.80 for every cubic

premiums, regardless of region or

metre of FSC-certified timber.

country. “Tropical forests are vital

“Previous studies have shown

to the future of our planet, and the

that FSC certification has a positive

communities who rely on them

impact on the environment and

for their livelihoods need better

the people who live and work in

market access. FSC certification

forests, but it has been harder to

helps provide that, and the price

show the true financial benefit for

premiums reflect the high-end and

the businesses who partner with us.

niche markets they tend to supply.

We are an NGO, but we are also an

Investing in sustainable tropical

important tool in the marketplace,

timber is essential to the future of our

and we can only be successful in

forests,” noted Carstensen.

safeguarding the world’s forests if it makes good business sense. That is



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Bred for the

Canned lion hunting has become a brutal, insidious commercial venture and it needs to be stopped. Annually, over 800 captive, hand-reared lions are shot in South Africa – mostly by international hunters – fuelling a multimillion dollar industry.

bullet T

oday in Africa, there are approximately 32 000

lions. 11 000 of those are found in South Africa.

That’s the good news. The bad news is that approximately 8 000 of those are in breeding captivity. To further the bad news, of those 3 000 that remain in the wild, approximately 2 500 are diseased: they carry feline AIDS or TB, both of which are easily transferred and are virtually impossible to eradicate. Most of these captive predators live in appalling conditions with inadequate protocols in place to protect them or regulate either their welfare or the genetic integrity of their bloodlines. The breeders of

misapprehension of ‘helping and

this. Wild populations of lions have

these animals claim they are involved

saving the lion’? In reality, what is

declined by 80 percent in 20 years,

in conservation, educational and

happening is that these cubs are

so the rise of lion farms and canned

research initiatives and that the

taken away from their mothers just

hunting has not protected wild

captive-bred population will be

days after birth to force the lionesses

lions. In fact, according to Fiona

the saviour of wild lions. However,

into intensely repetitive reproductive

Miles, Director of Lionsrock, a big cat

recognised and respected lion

cycles. In the wild, a cub lives with its

sanctuary in South Africa run by the

ecologists, conservationists and

mother for two years.

charity Four Paws, it is fuelling it. “The

animal welfare experts advise that almost all these

Breeders squeeze as many cubs

lion farms’ creation of a market for

from their adults as possible –

canned lion hunts puts a clear price-

claims are in fact far

five litters every two years. These

tag on the head of every wild lion,”

from the truth.

cubs are then used in a variety of

she says. “They create a financial

income streams from petting and

incentive for local people, who

‘walking with lions’ facilities, to

collude with poachers or turn a blind

luring unsuspecting volunteers, who

eye to illegal lion kills. Trophy-hunters

pay large sums of money, to work

who begin with a captive-bred lion

on the farms. These animals are

may then graduate to the real, wild

being factory produced to feed the

thing.” ***

Desperate to make a contribution and passionate to save the lion, young volunteers sign up for programmes where they can come to South Africa and nurture these ‘abandoned’ cubs. After all, who can resist adorably cute cub lions which are only a few weeks

volunteer tourism industry. It is a massive con. Breeders argue it is better that

HOW CAN THIS BE LEGAL? Once they reach adulthood, many

old? What would be more appealing

hunters shoot a captive-bred lion

lionesses are shot for their bones to

than coming to South Africa on a

than further endanger the wild

be shipped to Asia as supplements

volunteer programme to bottle-feed

populations, but conservationists

to the rapidly burgeoning ‘tiger wine’

and cuddle these cubs, under the

and animal welfare groups dispute

and ‘tiger cake’ industries. Almost


*** www.theguardian.com/environment/video/2013/jun/03/lions-canned-hunting-south-africa-video



BLOOD LIONS THE MOVIE Blood LionsTM was recently launched at the Durban International Film Festival and follows internationally acclaimed environmental journalist and safari operator, Ian Michler, onto the breeding farms to witness the results of battery-farmed lions – a stark contrast to their wild cousins. Aggressive farmers resent his questioning, but the highly profitable commercialisation of lions is plain to see: cub petting, volunteer recruitment, lion walking, hunting, and the new lion bone trade are on the increase, and all are

Every day in South Africa, at least two to three captive bred, hand-reared, tame lions are being slaughtered in canned hunts

being justified under the guise of conservation and research. In parallel the movie follows Rick Swazey, an American hunter, who volunteered his services after seeing footage of canned hunts. Rick purchases a lioness online from his home in Hawaii and then travels to South Africa to go on the path canned hunters follow: to kill it. Blood LionsTM explores in intimate detail how lucrative it is to breed lions for the bullet. It illustrates how the authorities and most professional hunting bodies have become complicit and how simple it is to set up a canned hunt. There is also hope in the story, as the very latest developments with the Australian government are shown,

reserves. Millions of photographs

announcing a complete ban on the importation of all African

and hundreds of thousands of happy

lion trophies into Australia. The film is a compelling call

visitors attest to the ongoing allure

to action and shows how one can get involved in a global

of the African wilderness – but for

campaign to stop lions being bred for the bullet.

those that visit the private farms,

Executive producer Dr Andrew Venter, CEO Wildlands,

have they been conned? There is

says, “Lions are one of our planet’s iconic species. Their

darkness at the heart of this picture

dominance, strength and leadership abilities anchor cultural

– something is rotten in the country’s

tradition across Africa, Europe and Asia. Their behaviour

wildlife kingdom and it is the king

and spirit are revered in song and dance globally. They are a

himself who is in the crosshairs!

primary attraction for Africa’s eco-tourism industry. Simply

In 2007 the South African Government attempted to regulate

put, they epitomise Africa’s wildness.” He makes the point: “Unfortunately, in South Africa

captive lion breeding and canned

the greed of a small group of tourism and hunting

hunting by passing new legislation

operators is downgrading their status to that of a simple

all the male lions become victims

in parliament. The Predator

tradable commodity.”

of the ‘canned’ or ‘captive’ hunting

Breeders Association of SA took the

“These unethical operators are actively deceiving our

industry: a so-called sport, where

government to court, and while they

Government, and the hunters and tourists that they host.

tame lions become targets in the

lost the first ruling, their appeal

They are prostituting lions for their own benefit whilst

sights of wealthy trophy hunters.

was upheld and the proposed

promoting their activities as conservation efforts. This is

legislation was overturned

simply not true; their activities are unethical, fraudulent

taken from its enclosure to an area of

on a technicality.

and corrupt. Harnessing the volunteer tourism industry to

limited size: the lion is not in the wild

Since that landmark

enable the breeding of lions for hunting is a con. Hunting

and knows nothing about survival, as

decision, the predator

captive-bred lions that are drugged and have never roamed

he has been hand raised in captivity.

breeding and canned lion hunting

or socialised in the wild, is a con. They need to be stopped.”

He will wander listlessly for a short

industries have thrived.

A fully-grown, captive-bred lion is

time before being shot dead by a

Blood LionsTM will help do this, exposing the rotten core of the lion industry in South Africa and will lay a foundation for

hunter with a gun, standing safely


on the back of a truck or shooting

The campaign will form a cohesive and powerful motivation

from very close range. These men

for all those determined to put an end to the breeding

“Many people have asked me what made me decide to

and women pay anything from

of lions purely for the bullet. It will provide information,

make this film. There were a number of reasons – animals in

US$5 000 - $48 000 for a trophy in

direction and a constant monitoring of the progress of

general, but our wildlife in particular, have always mattered

order to shoot the king of beasts in

the efforts of everyone involved. It is aimed at the general

to me. However, Martin Luther King Jr best summed it up for

circumstances which are anything

public, both local and international, who believe that what

me when he said, ‘Our lives begin to end the day we become

but wild or sporting. And it is all

is happening on the breeding and hunting farms is simply

silent about things that matter’.”

completely legal.

not right. It will also target government agencies and

Tourists from all over the world

lawmakers, tourism bodies, ecologists, conservationists

flock to South Africa for sightings

and all media. It will provide leadership for all those who

of the Big Five and a host of other

seek to change the status quo.

an effective campaign aimed at ending these activities. Pippa Hankinson, Producer of Blood Lions, concludes:

wildlife in the country’s many




Pango Plight of the

Pangolins are both the most trafficked wild mammals, and among the most ignored when it comes to conservation. It is believed that more than one- million have been killed in the last 10 years for the illegal international wildlife trade.

England was presented with an armoured suit made from pangolin scales. More recently, tens of thousands of pangolin skins were sold internationally


each year throughout the 1980s and 1990s to feed a fashion craze reat Britain’s Prince

for pangolin leather shoes and

William recently noted

boots. The main consumers were

that, “The pangolin runs

Japan, Mexico, and the USA: 167 000

range countries and the United

the risk of becoming

pangolins were legally exported to

States sat down for the first time

the United States from 1980 to 1985.

to foster collaboration to conserve

The leather trade finally stopped

pangolins. The meeting, co-hosted

extinct before most people have even heard of them.” Scientists know little about this

when parties to the Convention on

in DaNang by the governments of

elusive animal. All eight species

International Trade in Endangered

Vietnam and the USA and organised

are threatened but are rarely

Species (CITES) adopted a ‘zero

by Humane Society International,

encountered in the wild in any of the

export quota’ in 2000, banning all

convened national wildlife and

48 African and Asian countries in

commercial trade in three wild-

enforcement agencies, conservation

which they live, which makes it nearly

caught Asian pangolin species.

organisations and the world’s

impossible to estimate how many

CITES regulates cross-border

top experts. West, Central and

remain. Nor are they often seen in

wildlife trade under a treaty signed

Southern African countries came

zoos: they are so sensitive that few

by 181 nations.

together, wanting to work with

survive in captivity. Trade in pangolins dates back centuries. In 1820, King George III of


Restricting all commercial trade

Asian countries. “There was this

In June this year, delegates from

recognition that together, everyone

31 African and Asian pangolin-

is more powerful than one country

Photos: Tikki Hywood Trust


olin alone taking action — because


forward at the 2016 CITES meeting.

pangolins were being ‘harvested’

an animal rescue and conservation

Up-listing to Appendix 1 would

each year,” says Dan Challender,

facility in Zimbabwe. “People would

you need both importing and

exporting countries to work towards

bring higher profile conservation with

Co-Chair of the Pangolin Specialist

be horrified if they knew how many

solutions,” says Rosemarie Gnam,

more funding and would restrict all

Group for the International Union for

of these animals were illegally

who heads the Division of Scientific

commercial trade. However, it is not

Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

leaving the African continent,”

Affairs for USFWS. “Countries

as easy as it sounds.

need to stand together on this.”

Last year, more than six tons of African pangolin scales were seized

comments Lisa. “When you do the math, the


in Asia. In the first six months of

numbers are astounding. Six tons of

2015, that figure jumped to eight

scales (12 000 pounds or 5 443 kilos)

Making the trade illegal did little to

tons. “In light of this alarming

would require the slaughter of about

they should be up-listed to

curtail the Chinese market. “Demand

increasing trend we are realising

2 000 Temmincks Ground Pangolin

CITES Appendix 1 — its most

for pangolin has skyrocketed, in

that these seizures represent the tip

(Smutsia temminckii) or 1 000

stringent international trade

tandem with the increasing wealth

of the iceberg of a vast smuggling

White-bellied Pangolin (Phataginus

rule. That would require a vote

of some of China’s 1.4 billion citizens.

industry,” says Lisa Hywood, CEO

tricuspis),” she notes. Lisa calls it ‘a

if the recommendation is put

During the 1980s, up to 160 000

and founder of the Tikki Hywood Trust,

grave situation’.

A science committee chaired by Gnam determined that all eight species are in such peril that

without her scales cutting into my skin or creating more fear

and harmless mammal and preys only on ants and termites.

in her already terrified body. I watched in amazement, as

These prehistoric, gentle creatures (the earliest pangolin

never before had I encountered such an animal. Sitting down

fossils date back about 80 million years) are being poached at

very quietly behind her, not too close, but not too far either, I

such alarming rates that they could all but disappear before

watched this prehistoric looking animal slowly, scale by scale,

most people will have even heard of them.

unroll and with a gentleness I had yet to see in any animal,

be a voice for these overlooked and unusual mammals. They

towards the ants. Sniffing the air once or twice and then the

may be armoured, but they still need protection.

ground–with just the slightest movement, she would freeze -

HOW THE TIKKI HYWOOD TRUST BEGAN “I gently placed her down upon the ground, close to an ant mound. My heart was pounding and my hands shaking. I did

Tikki Hywood was my dad. A man who inspired me, someone

wait until she felt she had the all-clear and then proceed. Her

whom I not only admired but looked up to and wanted to be

pace quickened, the sniffing and digging sounds replaced the

like. My dad made me smile; he loved life and what nature

silence, and bits of earth flew past where I was sitting. The

freely offered to each and every one of us. He was my hero. So

energy from this graceful creature intensified.

it was only right that after his death, I did something to honour

Her eyes were tightly closed, her rapidly moving pink, long

his memory and make him smile. That was to establish the

tongue glided in and out of her cylindrical mouth, barely

Tikki Hywood Trust.”–Lisa Hywood, CEO and founder of Tikki

stopping to breathe as her feasting continued unabated. There

Hywood Trust

was no stopping her: she was hungry and had found her prey.

The Tikki Hywood Trust is a non-profit charitable

At that moment, I was not aware that this was to be one of

organisation offering a fresh and positive contribution to

my many experiences with the most poached mammal on our

Zimbabwean conservation. The Tikki Hywood Trust fills a niche

planet, the pangolin.

that is often overlooked in wildlife conservation, being the

Twenty years on and I fear that our knowledge of this almost

not want to upset either the ants or this incredibly nervous

unknown species has not progressed that far. We still do not

mammal who smelt, oddly enough, of earth. She was a victim

know how many pangolins exist in the world. So often I have

of the illegal wildlife trade and who knows how long she had

asked myself, “How can we save a species from the verge

not eaten, or had been bound up in the smelly sack.

of extinction when we do not even

There was no noise–just an eerie silence and the sound of

This outcome can change–each one of us, has the power to

slowly unfold and start walking up-right on her hind legs

preservation of species that lack the charisma and appeal of the larger, more publicised rare animals. www.tikkihywoodtrust.org

know how many there are or even

my heart pounding in my ears. Each one of my movements

where they are?” The pangolin is

had to be slow and gentle; a quick reaction would cause her

silent, nocturnal and small. Despite its

to instinctively roll into a tight ball. She was difficult to carry

armoured appearance, it is a nurturing





year-old termite mound found

An ancient mound confirms insects can live in the same homes for millennia

woods in the Lubumbashi region of

a single termite queen, which rarely

were active, with termites residing


exceeds 20 years,” write scientists

in the top part of the structure.

thought to have been abandoned

in the journal Palaeogeography,

Two were abandoned, and in each

for decades. However, the study

Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.

category the researchers sampled

reveals termites regularly used

a smaller mound standing less than

it 500 to 800 years ago, during

3.5 metres tall, and a larger one more

an especially warm period in

than six metres tall.

the region. Its use 2 200 years


ermites are remarkable

standing more than 10

was built upon an ancient

down the vertical axis of each mound.

mound that was 675 to 766 years

Republic of Congo (DRC). “The sheer

Mounds are resilient to the ravages of

old, confirming that termites

size of the mounds suggests that

time and fire.

continue to build on the same

their age surpasses the lifespan of

engineers, capable of building mounds

The researchers took samples

Upper Katanga in the Democratic


Of the four mounds tested, two

mounds for centuries. The 2 200-year-old mound is

metres high and 15 metres wide at

Led by Hans Erens, a team of

their base. Their mounds regulate

researchers from Ghent University

the age of the earth used to create

Centuries, also infers termites use

heat and the condition of the

in Belgium and the University of

the structure increased towards

the same sites for millennia.

air inside, and are used to home

Lubumbashi in DRC dated four large

the ground, with the base of the

and raise generations of the tiny

termite mounds using a technique

mound dating between 2335–2119

interpreted as minimum

social insects. But a new discovery

called Carbon 14 dating. This samples

years before present. The smaller

estimates,” say the researchers

reveals how even more astounding

the ratio of the radioactive Carbon 14

abandoned mound showed a similar

in the journal. “Nonetheless, some

these structures are.

isotope in the soil of the mounds. The

profile, its base being 684 to 796

of the mounds are much older

In the Miombo woodland area

ratio of the isotope present relative to

years old.

than previously estimated.” There

of central Africa, scientists have

normal carbon accurately reflects the

found an abandoned termite

age of the structure.

In the larger abandoned mound,

The active nests were more modern, but the larger nest

ago, and then in the 12th to 15th

“These ages should be

have been previous claims of 4 000-year-old termite mounds

mound that is more than 2 200

in South Africa, with the insects

years old. That makes the mound

being identified as the creators

the oldest termite structure ever

of geological structures in the

dated, notwithstanding those

country known as Heuweltjies.

that have become preserved as

However, recent evidence

fossils. Another mound studied is

suggests these features were

at least 750 years old, confirming

caused by soil erosion.

the ancient mound was not an anomaly. The discovery suggests

Follow Matt Walker and

that termites used the same

BBC Earth on twitter.

structures for millennia.


The mounds were built by the termite species Macrotermes Falciger, in an area of the Miombo

Image: Zoonar GmbH/Alamy)


Termites regularly used it 800 to 500 years ago, during an especially warm period in the region SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2015 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT



The International Geological Congress (IGC) is the principal event of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) – held every 4 years, the 35TH IGC congress will be held in Cape Town, South Africa between 27 August and 4 September 2016. Three core topics provide the framework for what is planned to be a cutting-edge and topical scientific programme: • Geoscience for Society • Fundamental Geoscience • Geoscience in the Economy The programme comprises some 49 themes within this framework, and over 220 symposia have been proposed to date (www.35igc.org/Themes). Contribute to symposia covering; environmental geoscience, mine rehabilitation, geoscience at the nexus of industry, water, sustainability and social impacts of the extractive and power industries, hydrogeology and isotopic tracing of environmental contamination. In addition some 50 field trips are being planned across the length and breadth of Africa, offering a unique opportunity to see some of the great geological features and mineral districts of the Continent. Abstract submission has opened and Super Early Bird registration opportunities are also now available! Further details regarding the scientific programme, exhibition space, field trips, sponsorship, courses/workshops and Registration for the 35TH IGC can be found on the website.





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