Are your quality processes the best they can be? In the meat industry quality control is critical. The quality process needs to be accurately documented from farm to retail to packed products. With ever evolving processes and product lines, it is important for quality control to evolve too.
his process can be time consuming and tedious, often leading to reactive corrections after results
are collected. These challenges have led to the need for instant, bespoke solutions that fit each level of the production line. With instant data collection, data analysis can be done faster and pro-active solutions can be implemented. Matrix Software has developed a customisable, integrated quality control
“Matrix Software has developed a customisable, integrated quality control module that allows for the elimination of paperwork by allowing users to electronically capture predefined customised templates”
module that allows for the elimination of paperwork by allowing users to electronically
The platform is aimed at being easy to use,
capture predefined customised templates.
customisable, and able to fit into and evolve
These documents are web-based giving
your quality control system. This is done
support to use with tablets and mobiles.
through the creation of your own document
These templates can be populated with information from processes automatically, as well as update relevant data within the
templates which is used to capture your data instantly. The easy to use platform gives quality
process for Matrix Software. These allow
controllers the chance to manage the
for improvements to quality control to be
process on the move and as part of the
pro-actively managed resulting in quality
production process, with visibility of product
products for the customer.
flows at all times. •
Matrix – www.matrixsoftware.co.za
March 2020 | Food Review