Food Review March 2020

Page 28


Are you still using traditional chemicals? Electrochemically Activated Water (ECA) is a natural hygiene solution. Comprised of water, salt and electricity, ECA hygiene solutions are said to be three times more potent than traditional chemicals.


adical Waters’ ground-breaking

Sanitising is best carried out just prior

ECA technology is fast becoming

to equipment use because a variety of

the choice solution for many

micro-organisms may remain on food

blue-chip companies as an alternative to conventional, halogen-based chemical disinfectant and cleaning agents. ECA is suitable for a wide range of

processing surfaces after cleaning. Once implemented, Radical Waters’ ECA solutions have proven to reduce the incidences of foodborne illnesses

hygiene applications, especially where

by eliminating up to 99.9% of all

the use of hazardous chemicals poses

dangerous tested bacteria, while also

a risk to the environment, product and

ensuring optimum final product quality

personnel safety. Many micro-organisms

due to reduced levels of contamination

develop a tolerance or resistance to

and spoilage. ECA is safe and can

conventional chemicals as a result of

be applied directly to food and

continuous exposure. ECA solutions have

food surfaces.

a unique mechanism of biocidal action

It is non-toxic, free rinsing and does

distinct from chemicals. The technology

not affect the nutritional status, colour

has proven its consistency in destroying

or texture of the final food or beverage

bacteria, biofilm, spores, fungi, viruses

product. Interestingly, ECA has also

and yeasts.

shown to improve certain products’

“Radical Waters’ ECA solutions have proven to reduce the incidences of foodborne illnesses by eliminating up to 99.9% of all dangerous tested bacteria”

ECA technology is an alternative to halogen-based chemical disinfectant

shelf life.

procedures. ECA generators used to make the solutions are European grade and highly specialised; tailored to suit various applications and customer requirements in any product sensitive manufacturing environment. Radical Waters’ ECA generator onsite offers ease of operation, complete user safety, cost savings because of a reduction in the use of water, energy and a much lower lifecycle cost than chemicals. Big industry players who initially bought into the technology picked from an array of ECA suppliers in the market with varying degrees of experience and reliability. This often costs the ECA brand a bit of its reputation. When choosing Radical Waters, you choose proven professionals in the industry with over

ECA solutions are Kosher and Halaal

20 years of experience.

approved, providing a safe, fast and

"ECA is our speciality, and we will

powerful alternative which is highly effective in the fight against food and

ECA solutions are generated onsite

beverage contamination and spoilage.

and can be used on multiple surfaces,

Without the correct sanitisation, a rapid

eliminating the logistical nuisance

build-up of micro-organisms will occur.

of ordering and storing specialised

This can result in severe recontamination

chemicals. It is easily and safely applied

of the foodstuff when reusing equipment.

without requiring special handling

food & beverage ECA hygiene technology

strive to deliver first class service and maintenance no matter where you are in the world," Nikki Wilson, vice president of Radical Waters concludes. •

Radical Waters -

* of tested organisms

* k i l l s 9 9 . 9 % m i c ro

Trusted by QA around the World.


Food Review | March 2020

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