Food Review March 2021

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MARCH 2021 Vol. 43 • No. 2


Always the best way to weigh

Productivity boosters that will drive transformation Powerful solutions for full line integration Third line for food grade rPET installed

CONTENTS MARCH 2021 Vol. 43 • No. 2


FOOD SAFETY & COMPLIANCE Food analysis and quality control Pass your audit with these easy steps Calibration that gets you up and running in no time


Yamato South Africa announced the launch of the versatile TSDN3, which can be used for a vast range of applications and is especially well-suited for the processing of wet items.



Pushing the boundaries of new product development

Five predictions to drive transformation



NEWS CCPB recognised as top employer

Simplify pneumatics with these seven tips

FOOD PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY Servicing the trade on five continents

Support the local liquor industry now

The future of food, today

The count is on for SAAFFI’s annual seminar!

The benefits of effective oil management

How to eat for good

Inspection technology solutions that give you the edge


MEAT, FISH & POULTRY Powerful solutions for full line integration Driving innovation in processed meat alternatives

What influences the foaming properties of dairy and plant-based systems?



Testing drives efficiency and flexibility

Third food grade recycling line up and running

Safety solutions reduce food risk

Labels for the health of the planet

Grader performance enhanced with this new grader solution

Use RFID to transform your business

Eskort goes SAFE





Secure your digital future, now

Get ready for EPR in plastics recycling





Severely constrained consumers emerge from the COVID quagmire


study, Unlocking Consumption, in 2021 that identified a rapidly growing

Layout & Design: Naresh Budraj Contributors: Raymond Dube & Janusz Luterek ADVERTISING Sales Executive: Anita Raath +27 (0) 82 976 6541 Sales Executive: Carla Melless +27 (0) 83 260 6060

South African consumers are navigating uncharted territory as they cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and its subsequent financial fallout. A whopping 78% of local consumers say they have changed their purchase behaviour since the pandemic began, with no prospect of this returning to 2019 levels anytime soon. indings stem from a new NielsenIQ

Editor: Maryke Foulds +27 (0)11 715 8012

new consumer needs within their portfolios! In this edition, we really delve into some key issues that can impact profitability while

Sales Executive: Càndida Giambò-Kruger +27 (0) 71 438 1918 càndida.giambò INTERNATIONAL SALES Germany/Austria/Switzerland: Eisenacher Medien Erhardt Eisenacher +49 228 249 9860 Italy: Ngcombroker Giacomo Rotunno +39 370 101 4694 Taiwan: Ringier Trade Media Sydney Lai +886 4 2329 7318

group of newly constrained consumers -

optimising output. Turn to page 14 for a

representing 66% of South African shoppers

comprehensive food processing technology

as compared to the 46% global average. Of

feature that looks at the competitive

the 15 countries surveyed, Thailand (73%),

advantage that can be gained through

Circulation Manager: Felicity Garbers

South Africa (66%) and Turkey (65%) had

functional ingredient and flavour system


the highest numbers of newly constrained

development, effective oil management and

General Manager: Dev Naidoo

consumers across the globe.

inspection technology solutions for greater

Production Controller: Mandy Ackerman

F&B output. To round off this edition, we look

Art Director: David Kyslinger

challenges faced by large numbers of South

at the latest innovations in the meat, fish


African consumers, they are employing new

and poultry industry (page 24); how to keep

coping mechanisms to manage household

your facility audit-ready; and a very exciting

budgets - including selecting products

development at Extrupet with the installation

based on promotions, irrespective of brand,

of its third food-grade rPET line (page 42).

New Media Publishing, Ground floor, Media Park, 69 Kingsway Avenue, Auckland Park 2092 Tel: +27 (0)11 877 6111 Fax: +27 (0)11 877 6198 POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 784698, Sandton, Johannesburg 2146

Despite the seemingly insurmountable

or actively seeking out private label options.

I am incredibly excited about our two new


Published by New Media, a division of Media24 (Pty) Ltd

More than half of South Africa’s brand-

e-book offerings – Bakery Review and Just

loyal consumers say they will stick to their

Vegan. If you would like to subscribe to these


preferred brand, while 66% will only change

publications, scan the QR codes below!


brands if the regular price increases.


Brands are under scrutiny as consumers

Just Vegan



weigh up which brand attributes really matter


to them. It is important to remember that

CEO: MEDIA24: Ishmet Davidson

64% are saying they will switch to the lowest priced option among their preferred brands and products to save money. Brands will have

HEAD OFFICE New Media, a division of Media24 (Pty) Ltd 8th floor, Media24 Centre, 40 Heerengracht Cape Town, 8001

Happy reading,

to work hard to ensure they are catering to






Two doctorates in chemistry; leader in the field of palm oil; SAAFoST president 1993-2001 and honorary life member; past president, Society of Cosmetic Chemists SA.

With a PhD in biochemistry, an MBA and a Institute of Brewing and Distilling diploma Heidi also serves on the Innovation Hubs BioPark and UNISA’s Life Science advisory board.

Dr Aubrey Parsons

Dr Heidi Grimmer

Managing director of Symrise South Africa; chairman of SAAFFI.

CEO of Stratcom Branding, founding member of the glba (Global Local Branding Alliance)

Rudy McLean

Gail Angela Macleod


Food Review is published by New Media Publishing (Pty) Ltd 11 times a year and circulates to executives in the food and beverage industries. Views expressed in this journal, other than where specifically stated, are not necessarily those of the publisher. The editor welcomes for publishing consideration news items, press releases, articles and photographs relating to developments in the food and beverage industries. No responsibility is accepted should contributions be lost.

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Kellogg’s innovates on-trend products

Following the tremendous success of their current Granola range, Kellogg's has launched two delectable new flavours. Kellogg’s Nutty Delight, with almonds and cashew nuts, and Tropical Burst, with pineapple, papaya, banana chips, raisins and coconut, are the perfect way for consumers to indulge. This is in line with Granola consumers demanding variety and a multi-sensorial food experience through wholesome, tasty, and premium ingredients. In addition, Coco Pops has extended its range to include Coco Pops Fills – a more crunchy and chocolaty addition. This exciting innovation offers South African youth (and those who are young at heart) a breakfast or snacking offering that is great on its own or with milk. •

Enjoy an Eggciting new range of Easter eggs Cadbury is back with an eggciting new Easter range. There's the melt-in-yourmouth chocolate covered Fluffies Mallow Eggs and chocolate Hollow Eggs filled with Whispers or Astros. New to the range are the scrumptious candy-coated chocolate Hen’s Eggs and the delicious Dairy Milk 170g Top Deck Bunnies slab. Cadbury is also introducing delectable Mini Eggs as well as the popular Creme Eggs into the local market.



Sir Fruit’s immunity health shot packs a punch South Africa’s favourite premium juice company has put together the new Immunity Booster Shot - packed with only the good stuff to keep you healthy throughout the period of COVID-19 and thereafter. Using a combination of cold-pressed juices, extracts and added vitamins, each health shot packs a punch. The immunity shot comprises of cold-pressed orange, apple, ginger, turmeric and lemon, with a good dose of Echinacea and vitamins. Each 100ml shot contains: • 1 6% RDA vitamin B3: Helps convert food into energy, keeping the nervous system and skin looking healthy. • 2 4% RDA vitamin B5: Like other B vitamins, pantothenic acid helps your body obtain energy from food and assists in hormone and cholesterol production – much like liver, fish, yoghurt and avocado. • 3 5% RDA vitamin B6: Helps the body use and store energy from protein and carbohydrates in food and form haemoglobin - the substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body.

• 25% RDA vitamin B12: Perhaps the most well-known of all the B vitamins, B12 is vital for neurological function, DNA production and red blood cell development. • 100% RDA vitamin C: Helps to protect cells and keep them healthy. It supports healthy skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage, and aids in wound healing. • 1 66% RDA vitamin D: Helps maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus, which strengthens bones, teeth and muscles. “The idea for this shot came about at the start of lockdown. We were talking about how we could help South Africans be as healthy as possible and specifically what we could do to play our part during the pandemic. We all agreed that getting the correct nutrients and a sufficient amount of these was an important part of building up people’s immune systems. So, we set about developing a health shot with as much good stuff in it as possible,” says head of marketing, Roanne Goldsmith. •

McCain launches the crispiest chip yet McCain SureCrisp is a new plant-based coated chip that holds its crispiness for up to 30 minutes, allowing chips to be served crispy and delicious, the way they’re meant to be served. Food items for delivery and takeaway have grown in big strides over the last couple of months. Ensuring that in-restaurant experience, when your customers are not dining in, is critical to maintaining loyalty. The extra holding time means you can maximise consumer satisfaction and loyalty – even with delivery and takeaways – and increase your order rate and profits.

Are you READY? 2020/2021 Food Review/ Symrise

New Product Competition Since its inception, the competition’s primary

platforms. The grand prize also includes a trip

goal is to provide local and international brands,

to SIAL Paris 2022, one of the world’s most

featured on local shelves, the opportunity to

exciting trade shows where future trends are

showcase their innovative new products.

set. Don’t miss this opportunity for your first-

Entrants and winners will receive extensive exposure throughout the magazine’s various

row view of the latest developments in global food and beverages.

Entries are now open,

and close on 1 June 2021! For more information, please contact Maryke Foulds at or give me a ring on 082 569 2330 to discuss.




Coca-Cola Peninsula Beverages once again recognised as a


The company has been recognised as a top employer for 2021 – its 11th consecutive award. This year, CCPB joins 221 companies across 32 African countries who have all been certified as Top Employers for outstanding HR strategies and people practices. The Top Employers Institute programme awards the certificate based on people strategy, work environment, talent acquisition, learning, wellbeing, diversity and inclusion. “This award embodies the importance of culture and the role leadership plays in ensuring we have a great and enduring culture,” says Bryn Morse, culture and people development director at CCPB. Morse believes that everyone within the company is a leader, either of themselves, others, or both. “Having a clearly defined set of values and a purpose is essential and contributes towards having a great culture. At CCPB, a co-created purpose unites team members in striving towards a common goal – ultimately helping everyone understand the importance of the role they fulfil in the company irrespective of the position held. “Continuous improvement remains one of CCPB’s core values and has been in place for some time. The development of our team members throughout the organisation remains a top priority,” he explains. CCPB established a Leadership University in 2018 to further enhance the skills and development of team members. Attendance is open to all team members. The COVID-19 pandemic put companies to the test as many faced the challenge of being able to support their employees during the lockdown period. CCPB’s ethos of “people are no.1” was the leading light in protecting its people, their jobs and keeping them safe from the virus at the workplace. This included implementing health and safety protocols and adopting policies which included adapting to working remotely, counselling and medical support, through to adjusting to new operating processes. •



South Africa recently convened representatives of PnP, the University of the Free State and former executive director of the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), Professor Demetre Labadarios, to discuss a consolidated view of the state of childhood nutrition in South Africa. The webinar was hosted under the banner of Nestlé’s flagship nutrition programme, Nestlé for Healthier Kids, which aims to educate parents and caregivers on how to make better food choices for their children. The programme has a global ambition to support 50 million children to live healthier lives by 2030. According to the 2019 South African Child Gauge Report, child obesity continues to rise in South Africa. At least 13% of children under five are overweight or obese, while one in four has chronic malnutrition and stunted growth. This increasingly concerning reality has the potential to worsen and result in approximately 3.91 million overweight and obese school children by 2025. Zumi Njongwe, marketing director at Nestlé ESAR, explains: “Nestlé for Healthier Kids is dedicated to educating parents and caregivers on how to make healthier food choices for their children in a practical and easy-to-implement way. As part of our efforts, we established this group of experts to raise awareness of the impact of unhealthy eating habits on children and engage with multiple credible stakeholders on the roles to be played in supporting individuals’ and families’ access to healthy food and making healthier food choices daily.” The webinar focused on opportunities for collaboration between public and private sectors, innovation in nutrition marketing, as well as community nutrition. A key takeaway of the discussion was that many communities often don’t have the benefit of scientific knowledge and evidencebased information. “This provides an opportunity to correct nutrition misinformation and to promote nutrition in low-income areas where information often does not reach those who need it,” said Dr Lucia Meko, lecturer of nutrition and dietetics at the University of the Free State. •

WHY IT’S CRITICAL TO SUPPORT THE LOCAL LIQUOR INDUSTRY Diageo South Africa has assisted more than 400 on-premise establishments, including bars, taverns and restaurants, to rebuild their businesses after the COVID-19 lockdowns. A total of R200 million in stock replenishments, cash, and marketing support has been given. The #WeChoose campaign was also launched by Diageo in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town in March. It aims to promote responsible drinking as well as help rebuild on-premise establishments hit by repeated lockdowns totalling many months of closure or very restricted trade hours. “We want to see businesses thrive again and people to be able to come together, but we aim to do this responsibly in terms of both trading safely and consuming responsibly,” said Diageo SA’s marketing director, Zizwe Vundla. •



19th ANNUAL SAAFFI SEMINAR If there is any truth in Rosa Parks’ illimitable quote ‘One person can change the world’, then how much faster and more effectively can an entire industry sector change the world for good?


he 2021 annual SAAFFI seminar themed “Save the Planet – WAKE UP, GROW UP, SPEAK UP!”, aims to highlight

online events.” Bolel continues, “The organising committee has been creative in putting together a

interesting additional angle of the effect of changed consumer behaviours due to Corona. The growing interest in plant-based

initiatives in the flavour, fragrance and

programme which incorporates world-class

foods and the impact on product concept

related sectors currently influencing thought

speakers, an interactive workshop and a

and development is sure to be of interest to

and practice in the areas of environmental

brilliant set-up to facilitate networking

the broader food industry. Neil Taylor, chief

awareness and actions towards sustainability.

and meetings.”

operating officer at Infinite Foods will share

The flavour and fragrance sector has much to

International speakers include Maxime

teach in this arena, and are viewed as leaders

Marchal, sustainability project manager for

in environmental initiatives internationally.

IFRA and IOFI, as well as public affairs manager

Much has been said about recyclable

at IOFI, and Dr Berangere Magarinos-Rouchat,

and refillable packaging. Dan Moleto of the

chief sustainability officer, Firmenich.

Refillery, will lead delegates on a journey

The virtual seminar, which will be held over two days, 20 and 21 April - offers a programme packed with exciting offerings.

Prof Nick Binedell, Strategy Professor at

some insights from the “inside” of this community.

through the refill revolution.

Sharon Bolel, assistant executive director

GIBS Business School, will present a keynote

Attendees are sure to take away added

of SAAFFI enthuses, “The online conferencing

closing address on economic implications for

skills, useful information, and a solid dose

package is a sophisticated platform that

South Africa resulting from the pandemic, and

of career-oriented motivation. For more

more-than replicates a live convention. We

strategies to deal with these effects.

information, and to book for the event, go to

are excited at the prospect of using ground-

Flavour and fragrance trends presentations

breaking technology partners to introduce

are always a highlight of the SAAFFI event and

our delegates to a new and exciting world of

this year the topic will be presented with the


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Knorr, Unilever’s largest food brand, has teamed up with Mr. Potato Head, the world’s most famous vegetable icon, to call on people to change the world by changing what’s on their plates. While most people are aware that climate change is a global emergency, most aren’t aware that the foods they eat play a vital role in helping to combat climate change. Food is the single strongest lever we have to optimise human health and environmental sustainability on Earth, but 70% of people surveyed across 50 countries ranked plant-based diets last as a solution for addressing climate change.


The food system is responsible for approximately 25% of all greenhouse gas emissions, with 60% coming from animals. If everyone takes action to consume foods that are better for people and the planet (Future 50


Foods) grown in sustainable, restorative, regenerative ways, we can lower

For the past 145 years, the Steinecker brand has been synonymous with brewing technology. By combining Steinecker technology with its own portfolio, Krones has positioned itself as a one-stop supplier in the brewing and beverage space. Krones wants to be there for its clients as a partner they can rely on whenever they need assistance. As part of this thrust, Krones has decided to focus meaningfully on plant and equipment construction in process technology. Beginning in April 2021, the newly founded Steinecker GmbH will offer all the solutions and equipment required in a brewery, from raw materials reception right through to the finished product. The company’s portfolio will be supplemented by appropriate after-sales and service concepts. The Krones facility near Munich, Germany, will in future be Steinecker GmbH’s headquarters. The 450-strong team comprising experienced brewery and beverage experts, engineers, technologists, project managers, and automation and production experts - will continue to look after their brewery clients’ projects globally. The entire project planning and processing team, the engineering, production and erection/installation departments, plus the product development operation, will be represented at this facility. One major focus will be on a sustainable, energy-efficient, CO2-neutral brewing process. The company’s own experimental brewing facility, the Steinecker BrewCentre, is the perfect supplement here, offering a basis for developing innovations and upgrades of products used in the brewing process. •

25% of Knorr’s product portfolio will contain the Future 50 Foods, 50% of its



the impact of the food system on climate change and future-proof our favourite foods for generations to come. Knorr is committed to helping lower the carbon footprint of its products: portfolio will be plant-based and 100% of Knorr’s vegetables, herbs, cereals and top five spices will be sustainably sourced by 2025. Currently, 95% of Knorr vegetables and herbs are sustainably sourced, globally. Liam Walsh, sustainable diets manager at WWF-UK, says: “Many people aren’t aware that the global food system has a devastating impact on the environment. In fact, it’s one of the biggest drivers of climate change and nature loss on the planet. But we can all fight for our world through our everyday food choices by eating a wider variety of plant-rich meals and cutting down on meat.” April Redmond, global brand vice president, Knorr, says, “We want people to realise that what they eat has the power to change the world for the better. World Eat for Good Day is a significant next step in our mission to reinvent food for humanity. Our ambition is to make eating a wider variety of foods that are better for us and the planet. We want to get food that is good for people and the planet on billions of plates by 2025.” Knorr’s commitments and World Eat for Good Day are part of Unilever’s Future Foods commitments, which will help people transition towards healthier diets and contribute to a new annual global sales target of €1 billion from plant-based meat and dairy alternatives by 2025-2027. •


Productivity boosting

semi-automatic weigher gives you the edge Yamato South Africa is based in Kyalami and is the SA subsidiary of Yamato Scale Dataweigh UK, based in Leeds. Yamato is a leading global manufacturer of commercial weighing and detection equipment.



he highly versatile TSDN3 can be used for a vast range of applications and is especially well suited for the

processing of wet items such as meat, poultry and fish, delicate products such as fruit and vegetables, as well as ready meals including noodles and pasta. Yamato Scale’s specialist engineers designed the TSDN3 to provide enhanced levels of hygiene with its stainless steel construction and easy, tool-free removal of conveyors to enable fast and efficient cleaning and sanitisation. The 14-head semi-automatic weigher is IP67 compliant and operates at speeds of up to 50 weighments per minute. It is suitable for both mixing and counting applications and its compact footprint means that it is the perfect space-saving option for growing businesses. The TSDN3 is fitted as standard with a 10.4 inch colour, touch-screen control unit

1. Yamato Scale Dataweigh UK, based in Leeds, is the UK business of Yamato, a leading global manufacturer of commercial weighing equipment 2. T he company celebrated its centenary in 2020. 3. A s a pioneer of multihead weighing technology, the company provides multihead weighers that are both eco-friendly and innovative to meet the needs of manufacturers today. 4. In 1988, Yamato was the first weighing company in the world to create mixing-software for multihead weighers that would enable the precise weighing of mixed applications. The introduction of the Touch Screen Command Console in 1989 revolutionised the handling and controlling of the multihead weigher. 5. Its range of multihead weighers and checkweighers are energyefficient, accurate, hygienic and easy to operate. The Dataweigh Omega multihead weigher boasts a 60% reduction in power consumption without compromising on speed or effectiveness. 6. Yamato holds over 400 patents worldwide and is continuously developing new technologies to provide better weighing solutions for customers. 7. Yamato has established an extensive worldwide network of local sales agents and agencies.

to have valuable control and insight into the cause of any problem so that it can be prevented for future production. Ian Aitchison, Yamato Scale’s product manager multiheads and export sales manager says, “The semi-automatic function of the TSDN3 increases yield and productivity, while at the same time reducing labour costs. Manufacturers that switch to automating this part of the production line will therefore benefit from a full return on their investment within six to 12 months. “Additionally, the TSDN3’s hygienic design and robust stainless steel construction means that it can be hosed down. The water will drain away freely – so there are no areas for water to sit and turn into bacteria traps, making it ideal for applications where the risk of contamination from unclean surfaces is highest. “The TSDN3 has two conveyor belt sizes to choose from, but each machine has a compact footprint. Plus, it’s a mobile system

which provides real-time data that can stored in a central computer. It is also compatible with Yamato Stats, a fully automated data collection system, running from a server

that can be moved around the factory, giving manufacturers flexibility and the ability to move it to a designated cleaning area to maintain maximum standards of hygiene.” •

or PC, that provides manufacturers with a complete inspection and data collection solution. This allows food processing firms

Yamato -





Predictions to drive transformation

Phil Lewis

Unforeseen disruptions experienced in 2020 prompted F&B producers to future proof their businesses. Focusing on expediting time-to-market; food quality and safety; supply chain resilience and the creation of omni-channel models will place companies in the strongest position to embrace and capitalise on future opportunities. By Phil Lewis.


perational excellence is driving

the need to become more efficient and

supply chain outside of the four walls of the

successful outcomes across many

reduce food, water, and energy waste, only

factory and uses data from farm to fork to

of these initiatives, as firms look to

a limited amount of food processors claim

increase quality and productivity, reduce

optimise resource efficiency, whether people,

using IoT, with a staggering amount have no

food waste and minimise food safety risks.

energy or water. Precision is becoming

plans whatsoever.

In turn, this can turn challenges into a

imperative coupled to technologies such as

These findings could be explained by

competitive advantage.

IoT critical in minimising waste while

the fact that until now, we have seen some

maximising output.

experiments in isolated domains, such as

recognition and machine learning (ML) to

Other applications are using image

image recognition in inspection equipment, IoT

dynamically determine the quality of received


devices in farming or in production lines. Yet

ingredients and using that to determine the

there appear to be few examples of IoT being

purchase price. Something which would have

Prediction 1: Cloud… There’s little doubt

used widely to drive operations. For example,

a big impact on food safety would be the use

that cloud is set for huge growth as a means

production machines have sensors to capture

of IoT sensors to check whether equipment is

of creating robustness and agility. Frankly,

a lot of data like temperatures and other

clean, with the results triggering a cleaning

there is no other way when you look at what

quality parameters, but all data remains in

order to avoid contamination risks, which

the business is asking for. It’s crucial in fully

the machine and is lost and meaningless after

brings us on to the next big trend 2021 is likely

capturing data from IoT devices and the

the production run.

to see. Prediction 5: Transparency to the

extended supply chain. There’s little point in

Product recalls are one of the greatest

having temperature readings in a structured

financial risks food and beverage companies

consumer… Consumers want more in-depth

ERP database that sits safely within the

face. Yet research shows that no firms claim

information about products to help

company’s firewalls.

to be completely digital for track and trace

drive their purchasing decisions. It’s

and quality management. The good news is

important to demonstrate the efforts being

kind of technology at hand as a service

that in 2021 more food producers will have

generated into sustainability credentials to

instead of having to do a lengthy IT project

paved the way by having a digital platform in

consumers. We are seeing a growing number

to implement something that will not scale.

place to capture data and connect this to the

of retailers putting pressure on producers to

Cloud also represents an opportunity to

transactions in their ERP system.

provide information.

A big advantage of cloud is having this

implement changes faster opposed to having

Prediction 4: Data driven… A digital

to do technical migration projects which often

platform makes it possible to use IoT in a

be expanded to more product categories and

require teams to take a step backwards before

more holistic way. The first benefit of this

used to differentiate producers and prove the

being able to move forwards.

is that faster and more targeted recalls

sustainability of the supply chain. This means

will be possible, with the ability to identify

extended control of the supply chain from

producing companies have seen a huge

and analyse the root cause of the issue

farm to fork and identifying whether the crop

shift in demand, with home deliveries

immediately. The second is that data can be

is GMO-free, what kind of crop protection has

taking precedence over restaurants and

used to drive decisions and create a smarter

been applied, and other factors. •

supermarkets. This trend is unlikely to snap

company. A good example is having insight

back to pre-pandemic levels as consumers

into the inbound overseas shipments of crops,

have simply become more used to ordering

not only with regards to their estimated time

their food online. Being omni-channel makes

of arrival, but also the storage conditions

the business less vulnerable and able to take a

during transportation so that quality and

larger piece of the market.

use before dates can be predicted more

Prediction 2: Omni-channel… Food

Prediction 3: Industry 4.0 tech… Despite



accurately. This extends the control of the

In 2021 and beyond we will see that this will

About the author: Phil Lewis is Infor VP Solution Consulting for the EMEA.

Infor -



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Crown Ingredient Solutions is a wholly owned subsidiary of Crown Food Group and is a proud member of the Bidcorp Group which originated in South Africa and now serves the food and hospitality trade on five continents.


very day, these products make their way into millions of kitchen cupboards around the world. “We subscribe to

a philosophy of ‘We’re here to help’,” says Francois Van Schalkwyk, general manager at Crown Food Ingredients. “By upholding values of transparency, accountability, integrity, excellence and innovation in all our business dealings, we have secured an exemplary reputation in both the local and the international business arenas.” Crown is driven by a steadfast commitment to customers and aims to provide service excellence through innovation and technology. This mission is augmented by synergistic partnerships with customers by understanding their needs and offering bespoke solutions using reputable

“Our state-of-the-art Centre of Excellence, which is staffed by food scientists, microbiologists and food technologists, gives the group a competitive advantage in groundbreaking product design and research of functional ingredient and flavour system development”

associations with prominent international food bodies, suppliers and marketing resources within the industry. Crown also has a close association and joint venture with Griffith Foods.

HERBS & SPICES Crown is proud of its heritage. Coupled with a passion for quality, thirst for knowledge and a drive for transformation in this ever-evolving industry, it has become a prominent food ingredient manufacturer and supplier of functional ingredients, spices, herbs, dehydrates, seasonings, sauces and condiments to sub-Saharan Africa. “We ensure that all materials are procured from GFSI certified establishments globally, who are audited to maintain excellence. We further remain vigilant about improved and safe farming from our suppliers, production

international supplier ingredients.

and processes. Our range of ingredients is

“Our state-of-the-art Centre of Excellence, which is staffed by food scientists,

to conduct pilot plant trials. All production

sourced and procured against EU and Codex

microbiologists and food technologists,

remains mindful of our customers’ religious

compliant specifications and our inbound/

gives the group a competitive advantage

requirements,” he points out.

outbound controls include quality control,

in ground-breaking product design and

To ensure that the company remains

quality assurance, chemical safety

research of functional ingredient and flavour

relevant to market needs with access to

and microbiological analysis,” Van

system development, as well as a facility

global trends, they have secured close

Schalkwyk explains. continued on page 16





With great pride in our heritage, a passion for quality, a thirst for innovation, and a drive for excellence, we have secured our reputation at kitchen tables across the globe. This has been achieved through our stringent Microsafe® Food Safety Programme, and our dedicated food scientists and processing specialists who perfect stabilising solutions for our dairy customers. We have further demanded improved and safe farming standards for our herbs and spices range. So, when it comes to upholding the highest standards that exceed both your needs, your customers’ expectations and that of your favourite food, you know you can count on Crown Ingredients Solutions.


The future of food processing today Food manufacturers face a wide variety of challenges. These include the need to offer a wider variety of products and reformulating recipes more often. This is the view of John Mössner, head of applications engineering at HG Molenaar.


ood processors are constantly looking to improve manufacturing, production and supply chain efficiencies. At the

Equipment design has been improved, there are new and better laboratory

same time they need to meet demand for

services, and companies have adopted

greater volumes, reduce manufacturing

Industry 4.0 technologies, which has been

costs, and maintain production output.

accelerated due to lockdown caused by the

Many producers use food retorts for in-container sterilisation. It is a reliable

global COVID-19 pandemic. Different heating options are more

process to achieve commercial sterility

suited to specific types of food and

while preserving product flavours and

beverage products. This typically limits the

nutritional value.

use of the retort based on the application

This traditional technology has benefitted

John Mössner

deal with their complex requirements.

required. Consequently, when consumer

from several innovative advances as well as

behaviour changes, demanding different

supporting technologies and services to help

types of packaging, advances today make

modern food processors and manufacturers

it possible to retrofit different modules to

continued from page 14


FSSC22000 compliance, Microsafe demands

flavoured milk, desserts or beverages, the

Crown understands that food safety is one

the implementation of a range of additional

Stabilait range of superior-quality stabilising

of the biggest risks faced by food processors

food safety initiatives including, but not

solutions meets the complexities of any

and it proactively responds to global demand

limited to:

dairy product.

for food safety standards. For this reason,

• Near-infrared technology for the QC of

the Crown Food Group implemented the Microsafe programme to ensure absolute food safety.

Complementing its stringent BRC and

dairy ingredients. • Procurement from suppliers who have passed the SQA or supplier quality audit. • Quality control of incoming shipments.


Crown Ingredient Solutions represent these international principals: • Cargill - Hydrocolloids, texturising solutions and cocoa • Dr. Suwelack Fermentation flavours • Emsland Group - Potato and pea starches and protein • Novozymes - Enzymes and microbes • Crown - Emulsipro and derivatives • ICL - Tari, Joha, Brifisol and Solva

• High pressure liquid chromatography for

optimum stability in the fresh, fermented, long life dairy and beverage industries, as well as processed cheese. Its strength lies in its range of characteristics:

capsaicin content of chillies.

• Quality - ingredients

• Microbiological analysis of pre- and poststerilisation samples. • Metal detection and X-ray scanning to

• Reliability - FSSC22000 and BRC • Suitability - formulation principles/ international associations

detect possible ferrous and non-ferrous

• Efficiency - processing experts


• Functionality - viscosity, moisture binding,

• Microsafe steam sterilisation of herbs and spices to ensure conformance with government regulations for microbial loads. • Quality assurance of finished products, with certificates of analysis to customers.

fat reduction stabilisation and enhanced texture • Optimum - all the above in a one-bag solution “With excellence at our core, Crown Ingredient Solutions will continue to


innovate products and solutions of the

In its quest to be a dairy and beverage

highest standards that exceed both our

stabilising solutions leader in Africa,

customers’ needs and their expectations,”

dedicated food scientists and processing

he concludes. •

specialists develop and perfect stabilising specifications of dairy customers.


Stabilait offers advanced, specialised, and custom ingredient solutions for achieving

the detection of aflatoxins, Sudan Red and

solutions to fit the demands and


Whether yoghurt, processed cheese,

Crown Ingredient Solutions –


“Laboratory services that help the food processors understand the heat distribution and heat transfer are increasingly invaluable in meeting stringent quality requirements,” he says. “Equally, laboratory services that lean on that skill and experience help food processors improve recipes in competitive and saturated markets.” Maintaining the equipment and ensuring maximum production output is a key focus. Industry 4.0 technologies are being rolled out to support field operations, resulting in different levels of remote support via online access to the equipment and the use of augmented reality (AR) technologies. “Helping food processors overcome the change the heating option most suited to that specific packaging.

food processing operation.” There is more to a retort than just the

“Having one retort that is capable of

challenges they encounter, has shaped these innovative new solutions and services that

mechanical components. It is the sum of

we offer,” says Mössner. “We’ve put all of

both steam and spray gives food processors

the experience and skills that go into the

our more than 70 years of experience into

options that make them more flexible in

design, which is crucial to the scientific

creating the most advanced solutions based

meeting market demands,” Mössner points

process behind achieving commercial

on dependable and reliable engineering.” •

out. “It also maximises the returns on their

sterility. Heat distribution and heat transfer

investment in the retort itself as well as

are two separate yet ferociously important

the baskets that go into it. That becomes

considerations. They determine the quality of

increasingly important as you scale up the

the product that emerges from the retort.

HG Molenaar –

RETORTS YOU CAN RELY ON. EVERY TIME. Commercial Sterility that’s accurate and preserves flavours.

The Molenaar range of Steam, Water Spray and Full Immersion retorts offer unparalleled processing quality due to their proven heat distribution and heat transfer characteristics. This ensures the highest safety standards in food processing. They offer flexible multi-mode functionality to process a wider range of products. Molenaar retorts can be further enhanced using innovative energy recovery systems, automated loading, and materials handling technologies. Contact us today for innovative equipment, proven systems, and skilled service that meet your needs.




The secret to frying success:

3 lesser-known benefits of effective oil management For over a decade, concerns around acrylamide have put frying processes and oil management under the spotlight, writes Arnaud Jansse.


n the wake of announcements from the

becoming increasingly aware of the nutritional

World Health Organisation (WHO) that

value of the foods they consume, and more

the formation of this chemical during the

selective in their preferences. The frying

frying process posed a ‘major concern’ to

process is critical to the development of the

public health, food producers and equipment

flavours, textures and colours consumers

manufacturers quickly began incorporating

expect of fried foods such as potato chips

innovative oil filtration systems, precise

and French fries, but it also has significant

temperature controls and best practice on

implications for the healthfulness and overall

choosing the correct cooking oil for each application into their production lines.

quality of the finished product. Cooking in Florigo conti-pro PC 3 oil circulation system

It has since become common industry knowledge that these measures help mitigate

degraded oil for instance, can increase the risk of acrylamide formation, in addition to causing

An effective filtration system, however, can

products to develop off-flavours and an uneven

the factors that can lead to oil degradation

significantly improve oil turnover and reduce

and the formation of harmful chemicals, but

unnecessary waste by continuously cleaning

less well understood are the host of additional

the current batch of oil and blending it with

particles and used oil from the frying kettle, an

benefits effective oil management can offer

a controlled amount of fresh oil to return

advanced oil filtration system ensures products

food producers. Here we discuss three lesser-

the fryer to ideal levels. This helps keep total

known benefits of effective oil management

operation costs (TOC) to a minimum and

that can help food manufacturers create the

promote sustainability by allowing each oil

high-quality, craveable products consumers

batch to be used for as long as possible, without

expect while improving ROI.

compromising product quality.

1. Less waste, more profit

2. Food safety first

When producers overhauled their oil

The current coronavirus crisis has put an

management strategies to comply with the

intense focus on hygiene and food safety

new guidance on acrylamides, many might

and having efficient oil filtration management

not have realised that this would also help to

systems can benefit producers on this front

are always cooked in the highest quality oil

improve turnover, by optimising the amount

too. In frying operations, it is imperative that

for the best final result – keeping even the

of time an oil batch can be used before it

equipment be kept clean to maintain the

most discerning consumers coming back

either degrades or is absorbed by products.

integrity of the cooking oil. Fortunately, oil

time after time. An efficient oil management

Factors such as the physical characteristics

management measures adopted by producers

strategy also opens the door to using a wider

of the raw product or the type of oil being

in recent years can help streamline system

range of cooking oils with varying handling

used can all affect the turnover rate, but

cleaning and prevent cross-contamination

requirements, allowing manufacturers to

in most applications the total volume of oil

within lines.

cultivate the attractive nutritional profiles that

will eventually dip below optimum levels,

The continuous circulating motion created

colour and appearance. Through the continuous removal of loose

CIP nozzle

appeal to health-conscious shoppers.

necessitating an infeed of fresh oil into

by a good oil filtration system can help shorten

the fryer.

cleaning cycles by ensuring particulate material

acrylamides, savvy producers are already

left behind from sliced products does not settle

well versed in the oil management techniques

at the bottom of the fryer kettle. The reduction

they need to prolong the life of even the

in burnt-on debris allows for quicker and easier

most delicate oils, but many may not have

changeover between frying batches, reducing

recognised that this also enables them to

downtime and promoting a higher throughput

assure product quality and ultimately

of product – all while adhering to the highest

maintain profitability. •

After years of concern surrounding

safety and hygiene standards. 3. Quality is the best policy

About the author: Arnaud Jansse,

An additional benefit of efficient oil

applications engineer-product development

management, which producers often overlook,

(food technologist)

is the production of healthier, higher quality Florigo vac-pro 3



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Inspection technology solutions for greater F&B output

Consumers require high-quality, uniform appearance for point-of-sale products. This has driven the inspection business to solve many quality and productivity issues, beginning with empty container inspection, right through to full packs at the end of the line, writes Raymond Shead.


nspection systems now perform many

distortion to ensure that no closure defect

vital checks on every container at each

is missed. Typical defects include skew and

stage of food and beverage production.

broken caps, skirt colour and texture, bullnose

They quickly detect defects to help increase

defects and broken tamper bands.

productivity, reduce waste and downtime,

Other INTELLECT modules with compact

while protecting health, legal compliance and

form factors include Vision Pressure

the product’s brand name.

Inspection for bottles and cans, Vision

These units must be modular in design with

Inspection Solution for empty cans and

open operating architectures so that they can

Photon Inspection Solutions for full packs.

easily integrate with other compliant systems to provide information sharing solutions at


each stage of production both on the line and throughout the plant. Inspection solutions must perform precise, critical inspection

The RB001 model

A filler management solution operating on a can line running at 1 200 cans per minute can

of every container using fast sensing and


return an estimated $225 000/

Platform addresses these requirements

New inspection technologies for the food

reduced downtime.

with its comprehensive family of unique

and beverage industries are considered

solutions that integrate measurement,

a requirement to elevate quality and

inspection and control technologies to

productivity. They must be designed to be

examine each container. Its modules utilise

easily installed at a low cost while taking

three principal non-contact technologies

minimal time to commission and train the

to inspect and track each container, namely

operators. This avoids the need to rebuild part


vision, photon and sensors. Vision modules

of the line to install a new piece of equipment,

The following inspection solutions summarise

inspect fill level accuracy, closure integrity,

something that all customers seek to avoid.

Filtec’s most common products that help

high-speed image capture to either accept or reject them according to quality standards. Filtec’s INTELLECT Container Inspection

label attributes, container condition and

INTELLECT Solutions come with

year through reduced overfilling, reduced sampling time and

save time and energy, while increasing

many more properties. Photon technologies

compact form factors that help avoid costly

productivity and preserving a premium brand

measure container fill levels when the content

engineering line reconfiguration. For example,

image for its customers:

is not visible. Sensor modules examine each

FILTEC’s unique Compact INTELLECT Photon

• Empty can inspection (ECI) is an intelligent

container for damage and the presence of

Filler Management Solution can be installed

automated machine vision system that

foreign objects. Powerful processors perform

between the filler and seamer on can lines.

tracks and inspects every incoming

each inspection with speed and precision to

It monitors and analyses the performance

container to prevent damaged or

ensure that both the quality specifications

of each filler valve to provide a complete

contaminated cans reaching the filler and

and productivity goals are met.

statistical data analysis of the entire filler.

seamer. Vision technologies examine the

Level measurement carried out between

shape and condition of the empty cans

connectivity from the plant floor (PLC,

the filler and seamer provides the exact fill

such that only high-quality items enter the

SCADA) to manufacturing execution systems

level for each container avoiding any spillage

process. This ensures that the downstream

(MES) with flexible open integration tools.

errors. It also supports efficient maintenance

filling and seaming processes can work at

Communication protocols include Modbus

planning and process optimisation.

the highest efficiency to reduce downtime

INTELLECT also provides complete

TCP/IP, OPC UA and OMAC. Inspection

The INTELLECT Compact Vision Closure

due to jams and increase productivity.

data is logged by each INTELLECT solution

Solution for bottles is another example of a

• Vision sorting solution for empty bottles,

and transferred to the MES platform for

form factor designed to fit into tight spaces

examine the shape, size and condition of

further analysis, process optimisation and

during the capping process. This module

bottles so that only correct, high-quality

plantwide reporting.

has a maximum depth of field with minimum

bottles enter the process.




This ensures that downstream filling, closure

leaking containers prevents sealing failures,

terms of productivity, quality and profitability

and labelling processes work properly and at

product contamination and potential

for the food and beverage producer including:

the highest efficiency.

collapse of packaged cases.

- Base inspection

• Filler management solutions for cans and

• Vision shrink sleeve inspection: detects

bottles: comprises four applications that

label quality defects including sleave

- Finish inspection

includes fill level, filler valve monitoring,

positioning, bar code presence and label

- Foreign object detection

sampling and filler performance analytics.

damage. This helps reduce waste by

- Inner and outer sidewall inspection

The Solution tracks each container through

alarming and rejecting defectively labelled

- Date code inspection

the filler and closer or seamer and inspects

containers from proceeding further down

- ACL inspection.

the fill level, removing each non-conforming

the production line.

container. A quantitative analysis application

• Vision glue-on label inspection for bottles

- Capping flaws


analyses the fill level performance of each

and applications include paper, plastic and

Automated inspection solutions improve

filler valve to pinpoint faulty and non-

ceramic labels where the discrete neck and

operations through continuous, high-

performing filler valves.

body labels cover part of the container. The

speed inspection of empty containers, full

inspection capabilities cover over twenty

containers, labels and cases. They improve

defects including skew and broken caps,

different label conditions, helping produce

both quality and productivity through process

skirt condition, bull nose defects and broken

uniform appearance and improved quality

visibility and process analysis that helps

tamper bands. This helps ensure consistent,

by rejecting of defectively labelled bottles.

pinpoint maintenance requirements that

• V ision technologies identify all closure

accurate and safe (non-contaminating) container closure. • V ision pressure inspection for bottles

• Full pack inspection: technologies are to ensure that each pack has no missing

and cans: Ultra high-resolution cameras

or underfilled containers that are neither

and laser optics provide an accurate 3D

damaged nor leaking.

topography image of the closure area. A sophisticated application detects any

optimise the process. •

applied at the packing stage of manufacture

In addition, there are a range of

deformations in the closure due to pressure

applications that can be integrated with these

variation. The inspection and removal of

solutions that provide even greater benefits in

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Raymond Shead is the product marketing manager for Filtec in the US.

Filtec –

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Simplify food & beverage pneumatics selection with these 7 tips

Pneumatic component selection in the food and beverage industry requires special care and consideration. Strict quality and hygiene standards must be followed, and the environments in which equipment operates can vary widely, writes Giles Wilcox.

each have their own regulations. Standards

minimise machine downtime and wasted

related to hygiene are strictest in the food

energy. From leak detection to pressure and

zone where food product directly contacts

consumption monitoring, smart pneumatics

machinery. In the splash zone, food product

solutions can be seamlessly integrated into

may come into contact with parts of

systems. Edge computing solution, like

equipment but is cleaned off and doesn’t

Emerson’s RXi2-LP Edge Computing Device,

move into the handling process. In the

provides real-time operations control that

non-food zone, food product doesn’t touch

delivers key insights into equipment and

machinery or components.

systems that help end users increase uptime and overall efficiency.

3. Understand hygienic requirements According to regulations, food and beverage

7. Talk to pneumatics experts

equipment must be designed and built

Working with a proven pneumatics supplier

achine designers are expected to

to avoid any contamination risk. It’s also

in the food and beverage industry makes the

commission pneumatic systems with

essential that it’s built to withstand the rigors

design process quicker and easier. An expert

excellent compressed air quality and

of industry demands. To make them durable

supplier will have a complete pneumatics

hygienic designs quickly and efficiently. Here

and easy to clean, pneumatic components

portfolio, often with preassembled actuator

are seven tips that make pneumatic selection

must be made of corrosion-resistant, non-

control systems, freeing engineering

faster and easier.

toxic, non-absorbent materials.

resources and streamlining procurement. For

1. Ensure pneumatic system efficiency

4. Consider compliance requirements

can provide resources for the design and

When precisely designed, pneumatic systems

National and international regulations shape

implementation of pneumatic positioning

save a significant amount of energy. To

the way equipment used to produce food

systems that use IIoT and advanced feedback

properly size actuators, it’s important to

and beverage products is designed. These

control, like the Aventics Series AES fieldbus

consider the required force, pressure and

regulations vary from region to region, so

module. These systems can be easily

mechanical limitations of an application. Find

it’s important to know which apply in your

designed to monitor the correct position of

appropriate components in a few clicks and

manufacturing location as well as where the

a cylinder and load while transferring critical

save engineering time by using online sizing

machine will be used. Compliance has extra

machine data to a PLC for analytics and

software and cylinder configuration tools.

advantages too. It often extends equipment

predictive maintenance. •

When the appropriate pneumatic valve is fit

service life and reduces maintenance.


instance, Emerson’s pneumatic specialists

near an actuator, it provides just the right flow requirements needed for the cylinder to

5. Recognise operational demands

move the load and can reduce cycle times by

From high-pressure cleaning to chemical

improving overall machine performance.

agents, food and beverage washdown

In addition, mechanical or electro-

processes can be harsh. It’s important to

pneumatic pressure regulators ensure that

know where components will be located

processes only use the energy they need by

and which processes, they’ll be subject to.

giving users precise pressure control, and

Pneumatic components should be built to

some even offer customised pressure control.

endure frequent cleaning, like Emerson’s

Integrating vacuum sensors into machines

Aventics Clean Line Air Valves Series CL03.

with vacuum components can save energy,

With an ingress protection rating of 1P-69K,

too, since sensors automatically switch

these valves are robust enough to not require

pressure on and off when vacuum levels

a protective cabinet in washdown areas.

About the author: Giles Wilcox is the subSahara African Manager, fluid control and pneumatics at Emerson

have been met. 6. Incorporate smart pneumatics 2. Know the food zones

The diagnostic and preventive maintenance

There are three zones typically recognised

data that smart pneumatic solutions provide

in the food and beverage industry, and

can help anticipate wear and significantly,



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The features of the Gramec Twin Shaft Paddle Mixer are as follows: MIXED IN 60 SECONDS

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Our mixers are manufactured in 12 sizes from 28 to 5000 litre batch capacity. Batch levels range from 30% to 100% of nominal.

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ONLY MIX WITH THE BEST GRAMEC (PTY) LTD Contact: Niels Ellefsen Tel (011) 882 1914 Fax 086 615 1547 Cell 082 653 6069


Powerful solutions for full line integration

The plucker and scalder unit

Marel’s poultry processing systems are known for high yields, reliable performance, ease of operation, low cost of ownership and excellent maintenance models. Maryke Foulds digs into how the company can assist in retrofitting existing plants, turning them into state-of-the-art processing facilities.


egardless of the desired production

highly-dynamic industry and it would be very

packing. Using these software solutions,

capacity and the type of end products,

difficult for food processing companies to

food processors can take complete control of

Marel has effective, reliable, profitable

operate without the support of an intelligent

their value chain: they can maximise yields,

and quality solutions. Whether processing

software platform. In such a complex

throughput and uptime while reducing costs,

500 or 15 000 broilers per hour. Poultry

environment, Marel’s plant-wide Innova

stock and give-away.

companies can always find tailor-made

solution makes it possible to think smart and

automation for each process step – from

act quickly. Data-driven processing is critical

extended with modules such as traceability,

live bird supply, anaesthetising, plucking,

to make informed decisions that can be

order management, quality control and

evisceration, cooling, cut-up, deboning,

implemented with very little notice.

IMPAQT that offer even more control of plant-

sorting, packing and labeling to convenience food processes.

Marel offers all the tools required for the resilience and speed-to-market processors to

The company invests 6% of its revenues

be competitive in the industry. Across all the

in innovation and research and development

departments in the poultry processing plant,

every year. This translated to €82m in 2019.

modular Innova software solutions connect

Innovation projects are often conducted

and serve the needs of the staff on the

in collaboration with renowned research

factory floor or in the control room.

and scientific institutes, resulting in

Marel’s Innova software system is fully

groundbreaking advances. Many of these

prepared to be integrated into existing lines.

solutions have set new standards in the

Innova offers a highly-flexible and fully-

industry, allowing processors to maximise

scalable production control software suite

yield, quality and throughput.

that empowers processors to efficiently

Marel pays also considerable attention to

control, monitor and improve every aspect

This software package can be

wide processes.

“The modular system can grow from straightforward production of chicken parts to a powerful inline cut-up solution” Optimised traceability through the whole

important themes such as animal well-being,

of the production process, from live bird

production chain is at the forefront of food

traceability, food safety, sustainability and

handling up to the dispatching orders

safety. The traceability functionality links

CO2 footprint.

and QC processes. It’s a completely modular

every process step of the production chain

platform to which modules can be added

to ensure that products can be traced back


according to the processors’ needs and

to their source. Quick action can be taken to

requirements. It’s possible to start controlling

minimise the impact of recalls.

Adding ‘intelligence’, in terms of software, is

the weighing, packing, labeling, pricing

the best way to integrate new options into

and palletising processes with end-of-

module (Intelligent Monitoring of

an existing processing line without having to

lines modules such as final goods manager,

Performance, Availability and Quality Trends)

make big investments. Food processing is a

inventory, weighing and labelling and

will unleash the full potential of a Marel



Implementation of the Innova IMPAQT


The CoreTech infeed line

The inventory department at a major chicken supplier

(yellow product). While being able to meet the

production line. Innova IMPAQT measures


the trends in losses in the process over time;

When making the switch from manual

changed customer demand, the new machine

it’s the perfect analysing, signalling and

operations to automated processes, or when

setup will blend perfectly with the existing

optimising tool which starts in the primary

an upgrade to a higher capacity is needed,

automated or manual processes.

process. Optimally-improved production

Marel’s modular solutions can integrate into

processes and highest added value will be

the process at any required level. With its

grow along with the processors, without

the result.

modular setup, Marel systems can seamlessly

needing big investments every time. In

combine with other equipment and with

this way, it’s possible to integrate new

factory, from quality control manager to

manual processes. They can also be flexibly

features into existing lines without incurring

production planner and technical manager,

adapted to available space and budget,

prohibitive costs.

offering real-time dashboards for paperless

ensuring tailor-made integration.

There are modules for every role in the

control of every production process.

Let’s take the defeathering department

Marel machines also offer the option to

The Nuova CoreTech, for example, is an eviscerator that can grow in line with its

as an example. To make the defeathering

user’s needs without the need to invest

machine shows a drop in performance, if

process fit for new products, it is possible

in a completely new machine. The first

customers suddenly change their order, or if

to reuse existing scalders and pluckers and

investment in a Nuova CoreTech means the

a recipe needs to be changed, Innova gives

add a second or third plucker with its own

direct availability of all basic features and

real-time insight into how processes can be

specialty. An existing plucker can become a

technical characteristics of a full-scale Nuova

adjusted to solve the issue. Processors who

dedicated attack plucker, while the new one

system. Later on, when capacity grows, the

decide to integrate Innova into their daily

will function as a finisher. Combined with new

number of units can be doubled without a

operations will from then on know exactly

scalding settings, it’s now possible to produce

big investment and finally, the drawn viscera

what’s happening in the factory in real-time.

the specific end products that customers

pack can be transferred automatically to a

They’ll have a stable digital component on

ask for, such as skin-on poultry meat with

separate pack shackle, so that the eviscerator

which everybody can rely.

epidermis removed (white product) or not

has evolved into a top-class machine, without

If an incoming flock varies in weight, if a

having to buy new machines. In the same way, a first investment in an ACM-NT Compact cut-up system – custom-designed to match every budget – will immediately give access to first-class automated cut-up, making use of the same modules as a full-blown ACM-NT solution. If customer demand increases even more, upgrading is easy with gradual investments over time. The modular system can grow from straightforward production of chicken parts to a powerful inline cut-up solution, achieving multiple cuts intelligently and simultaneously without manual interference. •

The traceability scanner

Marel –




Clean label:

The fil-rouge driving innovation in processed & meat alternatives Even though it’s a non-scientific consumer term, ‘clean label’ has nonetheless been accepted by the food industry, consumers, academics and even regulatory agencies. Maryke Foulds looks at why this trend is now considered the new normal in F&B manufacturing.


n its simplest form, clean label means

considered to cause health issues, such

developing and manufacturing a

as phosphates - whether scientifically

consumers. In France, a third of people

food or beverage product using as

proven or not.

interviewed by Mintel specialists agreed

few ingredients as possible and ensuring

Clean label represents a big

The same feeling is shared by French

that processed plant protein food (e.g.

that those ingredients are recognised

opportunity for food manufacturers

soy burgers) are just as bad for health as

by consumers. It also includes products

to increase market share and value

processed meat.

that feature no artificial ingredients or

proposition. According to a survey

synthetic chemicals, or that substitute

2017 Food Manufacture survey of 1 300

food additives (identified in Europe as

consumers across Europe, North America

E-numbers) with natural items.

and Asia-Pacific, 76% of respondents


Although it has no legal or commonly

said they would be more likely to buy a

The bio-ingredients division of Lallemand,

accepted definition, clean label pushes

product that contained ingredients they

and savoury segment specifically, focuses

the industry to re-evaluate ingredients,

recognised and trusted. In the same

on high-value yeast products from

formulations and processes. It can be

survey, 52% of respondents said they

Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Torula

interpreted as “all natural”, “minimally

would spend over 10% more on a food

yeast. It includes whole cell nutritional

processed” and “non-GMO.”

or beverage product that contained

yeast, yeast extracts and yeast

ingredients they recognised and trusted.

derivatives. Yeast and yeast derivatives

In a Mintel study, A year of innovation

in meat poultry 2020, analyst Stefania Apostol highlighted the three main areas of opportunities in processed meat: To satisfy customer’s needs with clean label and sustainability, animal welfare issues, and paying more attention to consumers’ dietary needs. The processed image of meat and poultry products can be a purchase barrier for many consumers. As a result, brands are committing to cleaner labels by removing additives and preservatives, artificial ingredients, hormones and antibiotics, amongst others. A point that consumers are not willing to compromise on is great taste and food safety. The past few years have seen movements aimed at avoiding ingredients

DOES THE CLEAN LABEL TREND IMPACT ON MEAT ALTERNATIVES? Producers of meat alternatives should pay attention to their ingredient selection. Mintel’s report presented during FIE 2019 What’s next for plant-based diets? indicates that plant-based products must deliver on consumer expectation for transparency and naturalness. Up to 44% of UK consumers agree that it is unclear what ingredients are used in meat-free foods, 41% of them consider meat-free food with a short ingredient list more appealing than a long one, and 31% maintain that meat-free food is too processed to be healthier than meat.

have been used for thousands of years in the production of bread, beer and wine. It is well-known and appreciated globally for its functionality. One of the drivers for Lallemand’s applied research is to find applications where the original properties of inactive yeast and yeast fraction are not yet tapped, with the target of playing an active role in the development of clean label solutions for customers.

PHOSPHATE REPLACEMENT IN PROCESSED MEAT The mineral used in meat and meat products has several functions, such as pH adjustment, buffer properties, sequestration of selected cations, changing ionic charge distributions and/ or bacteriostatic effects. Sequestration of metal ions which are present in meat, such as Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Fe3+ etc., will enhance the water holding capacity of meat and meat products, improving the degree of tenderness and the meat’s colour. Whole cell yeast has emulsifying, flavour enhancing, water and oil binding properties that can be useful




in processed meat products.

flavour of a meat or meat alternative

is Savor-Lyfe FB (fish, boiled). The

Combining the characteristics of

preparation without adding allergens.

allergen-free light beige powder with a

selected inactive yeast and specific

Imagine delicious oriental-style

characteristic umami and sweet base

process suggestions, Lallemand has

marinated skewers without the presence

note of boiled fish is the perfect building

reached very interesting results.

of soy or gluten. This is possible thanks

block for fish taste foundation. It is

to Savor-Lyfe SSC, a yeast extract-based

suitable for fish fingers, crab soups,

ingredient with increased water holding

natural flavour that can donate the

surimi and veg-surimi, and many more

capacity. The inclusion in the meat matrix

authentic soy sauce taste without the

delicious preparations.

contributes to the colour stability and

headache of allergens.

Toravita 033 is a yeast-based specialty

If you are looking for a clean label

From the same product portfolio,

smoked touch in your meals, Bakon is

produce cleaner label emulsified sausages

Savor-Lyfe BEC is a great ingredient to

the equivalent of traditionally smoked

and deli hams, as well as fish fingers,

substitute beef extract. This allergen-

torula yeast. Manufactured using a

surimi and others.

free light brown powder provides

unique process, this range of ingredients

characteristic beefy notes. It is useful

adds umami and smoky flavour notes

repeated purchase and other product

to enhance and add savoury, meaty

to different food applications. Bakon

attributes. It can be targeted for

notes to vegan and vegetarian soups,

Memphis style, with its robust hickory

innovation, keeping clean label in mind. A

sauces, snacks, meat analogues, meat

essence profile, evokes the traditional

key concept that goes together with clean

preparations and stews. Thanks to its

BBQ cooking style of the Memphis area.

label, is ‘free from’. Emma Schofield, in the

taste and flavour profile, Savor-Lyfe BEC

previously mentioned Mintel report, also

helps to lower the salt content without

about these products? In South Africa,

cites consumers’ interest in free-from

compromising the savoury experience.

Lallemand Bio-Ingredients Savory

flavour release - a big opportunity to

Taste is one of the main drivers for

dieting. Free from and cleaner labels are

Savor-Lyfe CB (chicken, boiled) is

mentioned as drivers for the 'new' plant

characterised by a long-lasting boiled

protein ingredients.

chicken flavour, ideal for nuggets as

Lallemand Bio-Ingredients yeast extracts, inactive yeast and yeast-based flavours can play a role in defining the

Are you interested in knowing more

products are successfully distributed by Savannah Fine Chemicals. •

well as for plant-based meals, soups, sauces, etc. The most recent product launch

Savannah Fine Chemicals –




On premise ERP factory floor solutions | Time driven stock control | Multiple warehouses Industry specialists | Unique serial numbers | Accurate stock aging Hardware integration (Scales, Printers, Probes etc) | Forward and backwards traceability Manufacturing technologies used (Mobile Solutions included)




Thermo Scientific Salmonella Precis Method simplifies workflows and encompasses challenging food matrices

Salmonella testing drives efficiencies,

enables flexibility and solves problems A quick and easy culture-based method for the enrichment, detection, and confirmation of Salmonella species has been validated for the broadest range of food, animal feed, and environmental samples, and is ready to slot into standard laboratory workflows.


Bernd Hofmann, VP Thermo Fisher

xtension of the validation scope for

including challenging samples such

the Thermo Scientific Salmonella

as cocoa and chocolate (up to 375g),

explains, “Our customers work in a pressured

Precis Method according to

infant formula (with and without

environment, handling many different types

ISO 16140-2 brings the opportunity for

probiotics), infant cereals, and related

of samples, with varying timelines and

increased efficiency by eliminating the need

ingredients (up to 375g), and animal feed

demands. We want to help them do all they

for multiple broths, plates, supplementation,

(up to 150g).

can to streamline processes, become more

and incubation temperatures. Historically, alternative, more rapid,

Confirmation is available in just two minutes using the Thermo Scientific

efficient, and reduce the likelihood of costly errors. “The extended validation scope for the

Salmonella testing methods have required

Salmonella Latex Test, meaning laboratories

specialised enrichment broths and

can act quickly and decisively on behalf

Salmonella Precis Method means laboratories

supplements, and incubation temperatures

of their clients.

can run multiple Salmonella testing methods, including PCR, using the same enrichment

have differed from those for other forms of

procedure. When compared to the ISO

the difficulties of testing larger samples of


substances like chocolate, infant formula, and

• Uses a single, overnight enrichment

broths needed from three to one, the number

bacterial screening. This, combined with

animal feed, have presented laboratories with something of an efficiency challenge. By incorporating Buffered Peptone Water as the enrichment medium for the Salmonella Precis Method, laboratories can reduce handling and increase workflow efficiency. The same sample preparation can now be used for other procedures such as quality indicator enumeration and detection of other bacterial targets that also use BPW for enrichment. Crucially, the method has been validated for the broadest range of food matrices,



step for fast time to result • Uses a BPW enrichment enabling

reference method it cuts the number of of plates from two to one, and uses a single, widely available culture-medium supplement.

quality indicators enumeration

It frees up incubator space, is validated for

from the same broth reducing costs

a broad range of foods together with large

• Uses liquid supplementation for higher throughput at a lower cost • Uses fewer consumables, compared to traditional methods • Is effective at between 34°C and 38°C,

sample sizes for challenging food matrices, and uses a quick, reliable confirmatory step. It slots seamlessly into standard working practices to provide greater flexibility and increased efficiency.” •

reducing the need for alternativetemperature incubators • Uses widely available broths and supplements for increased confidence in supply.

Thermo Fisher salmonella-testing-food


F&B safety solutions reduce food risk

Biotecon’s foodproof STEC Screening LyoKit and STEC Identification LyoKit in combination with the StarPrep Three extraction kit received AOAC-RI Performance Tested MethodsSM (PTM) Certification (Certificate No. 102004).

AOAC Certification for foodproof STEC Screening and Identification LyoKits awarded


he rigorous evaluation, which was

Its foodproof STEC Screening and

conducted with raw ground beef and

Identification LyoKits were validated in

raw beef trim, was found to meet the

comparison to the reference method USDA-

appropriate standard for its intended use.

fast, demonstrating its compatibility and versatility. “We are proud that our assays continue to

FSIS MLG 5C.00. The foodproof STEC method

be recognised by this globally acknowledged

successfully detected STEC in fresh raw

agency. AOAC approvals have a reputation

beverage safety solutions to reduce the risk

ground beef and fresh raw beef trim after

for the highest standards of excellence

of individuals becoming sick from foodborne

eight and 22 ± 2 h incubation time for 25g test

and thorough analysis. Such independent

illnesses. Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia

portions; and after 12 and 22 ± 2h incubation

assessments give us the assurance we need

coli (STEC or VTEC), such as E. coli O157, E.

time for 375g test portions.

to continue safeguarding our customers’

“Our core business is to provide food and

coli O145 or E. coli O104 are known to cause

Furthermore, when using the mTSB

businesses and protecting end consumers by

diseases such as diarrhea, hemorrhagic

enrichment medium there was no need for

providing trusted, reliable testing products to

colitis (HC) and the potentially fatal hemolytic

additional antibiotics. This rapid workflow with

the food and beverage industry. Furthermore,

uremic syndrome (HUS).

only two PCR tests ultimately leads to cost-

this new certification also demonstrates our

“This is something we take very seriously

savings and opens up good opportunities for

commitment to producing easy-to-use, rapid,

and we have made it our mission to help our

the food sector, especially the meat industry,

molecular biological solutions that improve

customers in any way we can to build brand

to generate new sales.

lab productivity while achieving outstanding

trust and loyalty. With this AOAC approval,

Finally, the STEC screening and

we highlight the reliability and high level

identification method, with its open

performance of our STEC screening and

platform, is AOAC-RI PTM validated on

identification methods,” said Dr Kornelia

the following cyclers: LightCycler 480,

Berghof-Jäger, CEO of Biotecon Diagnostics.

LightCycler 96, AriaMx, CFX96 and ABI 7500

results,” concludes Berghof-Jäger. •

Biotecon –




New belt design

The full Flex-Grader unit

enhances grader performance Ishida Europe has enhanced its market-leading Flex-Grader for fresh poultry and meat with the introduction of a new high accuracy weighing platform which allows for more accurate grading and improved overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).


he Slack Belt weigh bed incorporates

The Flex-Grader bin arms

a single belt mechanism which eliminates product transfer issues

to and from the weigh bed. This creates a more stable weighing environment for even greater accuracy. Besides, the weigh bed features a scraper that removes any product debris, which ensures a more consistent and accurate auto zeroing of the load cell. The Slack Belt’s hygienic construction to IP68 certification is fully protected against water ingress, making it ideal for harsh, high care environments; the belt can also be easily removed for cleaning. A windshield is

Expert service advice, from a distance

provided as standard to ensure protection against environmental factors during the weighing process, wastage, while maintaining

DID YOU KNOW? The company’s aftersales service has continued to support customers across the EMEA region throughout the current pandemic using the latest in support technology, such as augmented reality for the delivery of remote training and servicing.

hygiene standards.” The Ishida Flex-Grader offers a high-speed and accurate solution for the grading of fresh specifications, including specified weight, minimum weight or number per pack. It can also deliver target batching with tolerances and priorities, including product overlapping. An intuitive touch screen remote control ensures ease of set up and changeovers. The Flex-Grader features a modular

The Slack Belt

The full Flex-Grader unit

poultry and meat to a variety of different

design that is easily integrated into existing processing and packing lines which can be modified and adapted for changing requirements. It can incorporate between four and 32 collection bins in a variety of

“… the Slack Belt’s hygienic construction to IP68 certification is fully protected against water ingress, making it ideal for harsh, high care environments; the belt can also be easily removed for cleaning"

configurations including single, double and twin line layouts, handling pieces from

Ishida’s global network provides full local

100mm to 400mm in length at speeds from

support for every Flex-Grader installation

175 to 500 per minute.

to ensure optimum performance. The

As part of Ishida’s ability to supply

company’s aftersales service has continued

complete turnkey lines tailored to individual

to support customers across the EMEA region

customer requirements, the company

throughout the current pandemic using

understanding their specific challenges, in

also offers a full range of complementary

the latest in support technology, such as

particular tackling areas of inefficiencies,”

machines. The portfolio includes multi

augmented reality for the delivery of remote

explains Ciaran Murphy, Ishida Europe’s

head-weighers, tray sealers, leak detectors,

training and servicing. •

business manager EMEA – quality inspection

checkweighers and X-ray inspection systems

control. “For the FLEX-Grader, our focus was

and the IX-G2 model specially designed for

to develop a solution that helped to minimise

the detection of low-density contaminants

the impact of product giveaway and food

such as bone fragments in chicken fillets.

“Working closely with customers is key to



Ishida –


Global benchmarks for local pork producer

Eskort is a well-established farmers’ cooperative that supplies a comprehensive range of pork products to local consumers. Since 2000, the company’s focus on consistently investing in product development and technology has paid off, discovers Maryke Foulds.


t was in the early 1990s that Eskort decided to improve its throughput with the acquisition of a series of optimising and

automated high-speed lines. This allowed the company to become competitive and volume driven. The move to include fresh value-added meat products in 2000, from the factory in Heidelberg, was also a major move for the company. The line included products such as marinated ribs, fresh pork and spiced and marinated products that are near-ubiquitous at South African braais. Smoking rooms were installed by Schroter with oak woodchips imported from Germany through local supplier PHT. “We blend our flavour profiles and don’t depend on batch packs. We also found that our authentic woodsmoke flavour profile really sets us apart from our competitors,” enthuses Eskort’s group technical manager, Melindi Wyma. “Most raw ingredients are sourced locally, in line with PUR standards.” The listeria scare in 2018 changed the meat industry significantly. “While Eskort was not affected, it was a very bad situation for all of us. We broadened our investment in our laboratory and testing services, PPE and cleaning schedules,” says Wyma. This has benefitted protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic. “SMT is our accredited

NEW BADGE ACKNOWLEDGES PRODUCT QUALITY Eskort’s new quality assurance badge – SAFE – acknowledges the company’s commitment to pork product quality in South Africa. The new look was introduced in the second half of 2020. The globe aims to communicate the global benchmarks that Eskort’s quality assurance practices meet while the acronym neatly summarises the four cornerstones of its quality assurance programme: • Sustainable & Accountable This addresses Eskort’s superior farm practices, including food safety and traceability systems, pig welfare and sow-friendly practices, and biosecurity and environmental sustainability programmes. • Farm-to-fork Quality control programmes address the entire value chain, including processing and manufacturing. This means that Eskort grades and enforces compliance concerning how manufacturers and processors maintain their facilities, and how they look after the pigs’ welfare once they

are delivered into those facilities. These are just two critical links in the post-farm supply chain. • Excellence The fourth cornerstone is evident in the company’s 103 years of uncompromised quality, its rigid commitment to quality and hygiene practices, and its many safety principles in place. “We place our customers’ health and well-being above all else. It is, therefore, crucial for us to take ownership of every element of the supply chain,” says Eskort’s CEO, Arnold Prinsloo. “The critical difference between our quality assurance approach and the farm assurance mark most other producers adhere to is that Eskort addresses every link in the supply chain. The adoption of the SAFE badge conveys our holistic approach to quality assurance. “We think this approach is worth acknowledging and celebrating with the SAFE badge, and are certain our customers will agree with us,” he says.

partner and we subject our facilities to weekly verification tests and monthly hygiene checks. Ecowise is our contract cleaning partner at both our sites and both factories are HACCP certified and obtained FSSC certification through SABS.” Eskort is busy with a concerted campaign to educate consumers about the benefits and ease of eating pork, as well as its focus on Pork 360, herd health and its state-of-the-art food safety management system. “Since the pandemic, we have seen an upswing in the volume of value-added pork products as being a component of a main meal, as opposed to merely processed meats. This is great news for the future of the pork industry in South Africa," Wyma concludes. •



FOOD SAFETY & COMPLIANCE Analysing grated cheese on the integrating sphere of the MPA II

Food analysis and quality control with FT-NIR spectroscopy

Food quality requirements are steadily growing and the need for rapid, but user-friendly methods to monitor and ensure food integrity is on the rise worldwide.


• In-line process control

T-NIR has proven to be a powerful


technology for the control of raw

Modern multi-purpose spectrometers

With fibre optic probes, the point of analysis

materials as well as intermediate and

combine different measurement

can be inserted directly into the reactor or

techniques in one system and thus cover

container. Specific quality parameters

a wide range of applications in food

can be controlled in real-time directly in

usually takes less than 30 seconds, can

analysis, including not only dairy, oil and

the process, leading to shorter cycle

simultaneously answer several analytical

meat applications but also flour and milling,

times, better product quality and less

questions. It offers a practical alternative to

confectionary, condiments and beverages.

out-of-spec batches.

the time-consuming, wet chemical methods

Dedicated sampling accessories can be

and chromatographic techniques. FT-NIR

adapted for any type of liquid, powdered,

is non-destructive and requires no sample

semi-solid or solid sample.

finished products along the production chain. Only one measurement, which

preparation or chemical reagents.

This opens an array of applications, making

FAST & EASY ANALYSIS AT LOW COST Especially in comparison to wet chemical

FT-NIR a valuable tool for raw materials

analysis, NIR offers practical as well as


inspections in the warehouse, in process-

economic advantages:

FT-NIR spectroscopy simply measures

control and final quality testing.

• no sample preparation required, no waste • simple sample presentation and handling

the absorption of near-infrared light of the sample at different wavelengths. The

• Raw materials identification

recorded NIR spectrum is characterised

Every organic material has a unique NIR

by overtones and combinations of the

spectrum – like a fingerprint. Therefore,

fundamental molecular vibrations of

NIR is widely used to test if a raw material

molecules containing C-H, N-H or O-H

is identical with the expected substance

groups. This is why NIR spectroscopy is first

(identification) and if it meets its dedicated

choice for the analysis of organic materials in

specifications (authentication).

classic methods • analysis of several components in less than a minute • suitable for solid, semi-solid and liquid samples. FT-NIR spectroscopy is a powerful

the food and beverage industry. Sample pretreatment is eliminated, which

• no typical user errors as with

• Multi component quantitative

tool for the food industry. The fast and

saves a lot of work and eliminates a common


reliable analysis results help to optimally

source of error. From the high information

The amount of light absorbed by the

control raw materials, production

content of the spectra, several parameters

sample depends on the concentrations

processes and finished products. It is the

can be determined simultaneously. In the

of its ingredients. Since the NIR spectrum

tool of the future and already replaces

food sector, the most important parameters

contains the analytical information of

many of the slower, especially wet-chemical

such as fat, protein, moisture / dry matter,

every component simultaneously,

analytical methods. •

lactose and even inorganic parameters

the operator receives all quantitative

like salt and the ash content can be analysed

information by collecting just

as well as many more specialised parameters.

one spectrum.



Bruker –

Quality Control of

Feed & Ingredients

with FT-NIR Spectroscopy

MPA II: Unrivalled flexibility for your daily QA/QC work as well as for sophisticated method development. TANGO: The next generation FT-NIR spectrometer with touch screen operation and intuitive user interface. MATRIX-F: On-line FT-NIR for direct measurements in continuous or batch processes, enabling a close production control. FT-NIR is a powerful and effective technology for control of raw materials, intermediates and finished products. The major application areas of NIR spectroscopy include feed and feed ingredients as well as forages, silages, amino acids and other additives. In contrast to most wet-chemical and other reference methods, FT-NIR technology is quick, cost-effective, non-destructive and safe, since it does not use chemicals, solvents or gases. Bruker Optics has the industry‘s most comprehensive FT-NIR product-line; from the very intuitive FT-NIR spectrometer TANGO to the versatile Multi Purpose Analyzer MPA II and award-winning MATRIX systems for online measurements.

Contact us for more details: |

Innovation with Integrity



Pass your audit in nine easy steps Audits are an operational requirement in the food and beverage manufacturing industry, but they can make even the most seasoned professional sweat a little.


ven the smallest infraction can result

assessment is conducted across the

in low or failing scores, which in turn

entire site and that your contract

could see your factory having to

stipulates specifics, including which

5. Notify your pest control provider of your audit date so that they can be on standby or on-site for the audit. 6. Review on-site documentation and

halt operations for an extended period of

pests will be treated for and the

time - severely impacting your bottom line.

frequency of visits per pest. Not all pests

organise it according to your audit

In addition, this time-consuming process

have the same breeding cycle so you

requirements (if you are a Rentokil

requires multiple departments to work

might need more scheduled visits for

customer, myRentokil will have this

together, as auditors often look at processes

particular pests. Other areas that need

that stretch across the entire operation.

to be assessed are pest history, building

To assist customers, Rentokil has put together a basic guideline of common audit actions to help you prepare, although it

information ready for you). 7. Walk the interior of your factory or

integrity, surrounding environment and

warehouse and confirm that all interior

audit requirements.

pest control devices are indicated on the

2. Clearly communicate which

floor plan, identified correctly, and labelled

pays to remember that audit standards

audit standards your organisation

with the correct pest control service

are constantly evolving as processes and

follows - along with any internal

information. Confirm that these devices

technology develop.

auditrequirements - to your pest

are serviced as per the service schedule

control provider at the start of the

indicated on your contract, and are

contract period.

placed correctly in accordance with

The following steps will help you with basic compliance and food safety but need to be supplemented with your specific auditing requirements.




3. A ction any pest control recommendations

your auditing standards. For example,

put forward by your provider as soon

Insect Light Traps ILT’s not above a food

as you receive them, to better manage

surface or at least 3m away from the

infestations. This proactive approach will contribute to positive audit findings. 4. Don't leave your audit planning for the last minute.

production lines. 8. Walk the exterior of the facility and confirm that all exterior pest control devices are indicated on the floor plan,


via your online pest control reporting system (like myRentokil) or in a logbook binder that has been sorted into categories as per your audit requirements. Ensure that you are familiar with your pest control audit system or file as you will need to confidently talk your auditor through it and answer any questions. “Rentokil is here to help. As prominent leaders in the pest control industry, we form close partnerships with our customers as well as auditing and regulatory bodies, including the GFSI, AIB, identified correctly, and labelled with the

the ground;

YUM and BRC Global Standard

correct pest control service information.

- in good condition which means that they

to ensure that we are abreast of the latest

Confirm that these devices are serviced

should not be broken or heavily chewed

audit standard changes and internal audit

as per the service schedule indicated on

on and;

requirements,” concludes Nathalie Leblond

your contract and that devices are placed correctly in accordance with your auditing standards. For example, rodent bait

- clean and free of decomposed rodents

category manager at Rentokil. •

or other animals. 9. C onduct a final review of the interior and

stations have to be:

exterior of the facility and ensure that all

- t amper-resistant, locked and secured to

pest control documentation is accessible

Rentokil Initial –

When food is at the core of your business, nothing can be left to chance. Pest problems disrupt production, hit revenue and pose major threats to compliance in the food industry. These are significant risks for any business, but with Rentokil on your side, you’ll stay firmly in control. We are trusted by our customers to deliver ground breaking solutions and expert advice to advance food safety standards.

Contact the Experts in Pest Control, today.

Part of

t: 0800 77 77 88 w:




Uninterrupted mobile calibration gets you up and running in record time

Calibration always results in an interruption of the process. On-site service and calibration from WIKA minimises the impact of these interruptions, and gets your processes back online in record time.


IKA South Africa operates

would otherwise have to

three mobile calibration vehicles

be replaced. For sensitive

that are equipped for pressure

instruments, there is always

and temperature calibration in Gauteng,

the risk that they would be

Eastern Cape and Western Cape provinces.

damaged in transit.

DID YOU KNOW? WIKA’s vehicles in Gauteng and Western Cape are also ISO 17 025 accredited for pressure and temperature. The Eastern Cape vehicle will be upgraded to SANAS status as the need for this type of certification increases in the region. All of the mobile calibration technicians are MetCert certified metrologists.

The WIKA vehicles in Gauteng and Western Cape are also ISO 17 025 accredited for pressure and temperature. The Eastern Cape vehicle will be upgraded to SANAS status as the need for this type of certification increases in the Eastern Cape. All of the mobile calibration technicians are MetCert certified metrologists.

MEASURING RANGES WIKA South Africa’s mobile calibration The company’s Namibia operation also

equipment covers pressure ranges from

operates a mobile calibration vehicle that

-1 bar to 700 bar, and temperature ranges

can offer a 3.1 certificate for pressure and

from -20°C to 550°C.

temperature calibration. The vehicles are all air-conditioned for


temperature and humidity control, which is

The question often arises as to how often

recorded by a data-logger. The vehicles are

instruments should be recalibrated. Of

plumbed for external power connection, but

course the individual installations and

also have generators for back-up power.

applications have a great deal of influence

If there are more than 10 items to be

on this, but instrument manufacturers

calibrated, then on-site calibration becomes

recommend a calibration cycle of one year.

an attractive alternative and has several

WIKA is quite happy to assist customers in

advantages. Aside from the greatly reduced

developing a re-calibration protocol.

out-of- service time, there are also no With a technician on site, small repairs


are also possible for instruments that

WIKA’s fixed and mobile calibration facilities

freight charges for the instrumentation.



Janusz Luterek


make use of the best-in-class calibration equipment. Mobile pressure calibration is facilitated by the Mensor CPG 2500 reference standard which has an accuracy of 0.01% of full scale. Pressure generation is handled by the CPP1200-X Hydraulic Comparison Test Pump. Temperature calibration is done using the CTB9100 oil bath or the CTD9100 dry-block calibrator. Temperature measurements are performed using the CTP2000 Standard Thermometer or the CTP5000 Reference Thermometer. Climate control is recorded using the CPU6000-W weather station. All of these items are available for purchase from WIKA. All WIKA metrologists are not only all experienced calibrators, they also have a lot of insight into best-practice methods for instrument installation and are ready to share this experience. •

WIK A Instruments -


How manufacturers can

secure their digital future over the next 12 months Over the past year, manufacturers and distributors needed to contend with multiple supply chain disruptions, huge operational inefficiencies and a lack of integration between disparate systems, writes Paulo de Matos.


The question is, where do manufacturers


smart manufacturer is already busy with

strike a balance between competitive

For any business planning an Industry 4.0

preparations to ensure future-readiness

advantage and unnecessary expenditure?

initiative, the plan should start with the

lthough these businesses are

indispensable in translating efficiency and

still in the midst of a short-

productivity gains back into the business.

term stabilisation process, the

for the long term. Many organisations have realised that a fundamental shift needs to take place by revising operational strategies and embracing digital technologies. The drive towards Industry 4.0 is truly underway. While the market has spoken about Industry 4.0 for quite some time, most midmarket manufacturers have limited

“During the pandemic, manufacturers realised the importance of connectedness to both suppliers and customers within their eco-system”

the digitalisation process due to perceived

requirements of the end customer in mind. During the pandemic, manufacturers realised the importance of connectedness to both suppliers and customers within their ecosystem. Any delays in customer delivery could have resulted in long term reputational damage and revenue loss. Here Industry 4.0 plays a vital role in real-time engagement. Careful application of Industry 4.0 can

capital commitments and a lengthy

also reinvent the customer experience


altogether. Over the last few months, supply

conversation regarding Industry 4.0 begins with enthusiasm at the endless possibilities

Ultimately, the drive towards Industry 4.0

needed to think ‘out of the box’ to secure

available, but the reality of the costs involved

needs to be a unique project addressing the

ongoing profit margins.

in setting up some of the more basic

requirements of the business. Manufacturers

requirements like Shop Floor Data Collection

need to think about which business pain

70% of businesses indicated that they would

(SFDC), Industry 4.0 is reconsidered.

points they need to resolve, what these pain

be exploring new revenue models with the

Additionally, there is trepidation when it

points are worth to them, and how their

aim for increased customer engagement

comes to investing in emerging technologies

digital strategy needs to maximise ROI.

through digital channels. B2B leaders started

implementation and payback process. Every

that will be replaced by newer technologies

When approaching industry 4.0 to become

in the near future, even before the current

future ready, manufacturers and distributors

investment has been recouped.

should consider digital changes to their

Despite the hesitations of the past, the

chain restrictions meant that manufacturers

According to our recent CFO 4.0 study,

adopting new digital selling models, resulting in accelerated adoption of eCommerce. Improving customer service has always

enterprise on two dimensions:

been a major priority for successful

disruptions of the pandemic have proven

• Customer experience

manufacturers, and with the continued

that the uptake of Industry 4.0 is now

• Operational efficiencies.

integration of technology within

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FOOD SAFETY & COMPLIANCE manufacturing, should assist in improving it

of their deliveries. Over the last year,

automation, the recent Syspro-led CFO 4.0

even further.

manufacturers have realised that with

study also showed that 52% of businesses

supply chain disruptions, data was of value in

identified the investment in enterprise


understanding their businesses’ stable source

technology such as ERP, BI, and CRM as a key

of supply and ability to maintain healthy

strategic focus area to improve operational

inventory levels.

efficiencies. The goal being to achieve better

Most manufacturers are aware that Industry

totally new business models involving remote

across the whole business to enable

4.0 involves the implementation of revised

working and dark factories. As a result,

enhanced decision-making in real-time.

processes, redesigned operations and

there has been an increase in the uptake of

integrated automation to create the factory of

automation in almost every industry.

the future. At a basic level, the rollout of Shop

The last year also resulted in the rise of

IDC expects that by 2023, 75% of Global

clarity and transparency of information

With both operational and customer experience lenses in mind, Industry 4.0 needn’t be an unnecessarily expensive

Floor Data Collection, is regarded as one of

2000 IT organisations will adopt automated

investment, but rather an opportunity to

the cornerstones of the Industry 4.0 initiative.

operations practices transforming their IT

transform the business for enhanced growth

workforce to support it on an unprecedented

and long-term sustainability. Strategic and

against schedule, and identification of any

scale. Automation has been around for a

focused shifts in Industry 4.0 investments in

delays. Most integrated SFDC capabilities

while – so what has changed? With the

the company can help to ensure success in

require an ERP, the SFDC software, the

introduction of connected services and APIs,

the near future and beyond. •

appropriate adapters, and software drivers

systems have become far more integrated,

to get all the information to where it needs to

often using the cloud as the vehicle for this

go and assist the business with real

inter-connectedness and orchestration. The

About the author: Paulo De Matos is the

time decisions.

market is therefore seeing an evolution

chief product officer at Syspro.

It involves the real-time tracking of jobs

As the data collection and monitoring

of point-to-point systems talking to one

tools of Industry 4.0 become more

another, rapidly improving the effective

common in the factory and across the

execution of business processes for

supply chain, customers will have more

those that have adopted it.

visibility into production status and tracking

Beyond the application of SFDC and

Syspro –




Influence of alpha-

Cyclodextrin on the foaming properties of dairy and plant-based systems Cappuccino (espresso with milk foam), latte macchiato (espresso with foamed milk and warm milk layers) and Asian bubble tea (tea with pearls and topping) are becoming more popular as new lifestyle products.


he resulting coffee and tea-based

2.5% almond content). Foam was produced

beverages use aerated/foamed

either by infusing steam through a coffee

toppings, which must develop a fine,

machine or through the use of a milk frother.

smooth foam with substantial volume and

Various properties of the resulting foam were

satisfactory stability over time. These food

then analysed.

products are made either fresh in food

Alpha-cyclodextrin is a ring-shaped

service restaurants, by the consumer at home

oligosaccharide based on six glucose units,

or in vending machines; nearly all types of

which is produced by Wacker Biosolutions

these applications involve the use of liquids or

in a patented fermentative process based

powder premixes.

on starch, a renewable raw material.

In addition to resistance to drainage,

Wacker markets ACD under the brand name

coarsening and foam collapse, another highly

CAVAMAX W6. Its unique molecular structure

valuable property in toppings such as these is

and three-dimensional interactions give the

a smooth, creamy mouthfeel. While research

molecule an internal lipophilic area (referred

aimed at understanding and optimising the

to as the “cavity”) and an external

corresponding mechanisms in dairy foams

hydrophilic area.

has a long history, increasing demand for

Due to this highly unique molecular

vegan diets requires the same properties for

structure, ACD has a huge variety of proper-

plant-based toppings as well.

ties that can be used in multiple food appli-

Dairy powder: powdered dairy and non-

cations. The hydrophobic inner cavity of ACD

dairy toppings varying in fat content; milk:

allows other lipophilic molecules to form host-

UHT milk varying in fat content; plant-based

guest inclusion complexes through non-co-

milk alternative:(in this case almond milk with

valent interactions.

Figure 2: Foaming capacity of different barista formulations: The foam volume of a reconstituted, medium-fat dairy powder system (4g powder in 100g water, fat content: 20 – 25%) was analysed either on its own, with 1.4% maltodextrin or with 1.4% alphacyclodextrin (ACD) (n = 3).

The spontaneous interaction of ACD with triglycerides at the oil-water interface of food systems gives ACD-TG complexes emulsifying properties (“emulsifier-in-situ”). Hydrogen ABG print press at S&N Labels Figure 1: The Technical Service Unit of the Nutrition Team at Wacker has explored the beneficial impact of alpha-cyclodextrin (ACD) on various foam properties in different model systems



bonds between the exterior part of ACD and long-chain molecules, such as proteins or polysaccharides in food ingredients, make the system more viscous and therefore positively


The milk containing ACD, on the other hand, was characterised as having more body, less bitterness, improved creaminess and better mouthfeel. Cyclodextrins are also known for their potential to mask undesired flavors in various matrices. As part of this study on the influence of ACD in barista toppings, this masking effect was demonstrated to either balance the cooking off-taste of dairy liquid systems and to cover/trap the rancid offnotes of the vegetable fat fraction of non-dairy powder systems. It also reduced the partial astringent or bitter note of almond milks – for other plant-based milk Figure 3: Foam stability and foam half-life-time in the presence of ACD Reconstituted, high-fat dairy powder (4g powder in 100g water, fat content: 50 – 60%) was analysed either on its own, with maltodextrin or with ACD (n = 3).

alternatives (those based on legumes such as soy or pea), the typical “beany”

influence the foaming/whipping properties

powders (fat content 50-60%) reconstituted

of the food matrix. As an additional beneficial

from 4g powder in 100 g water: the addition

consequence, the various interactions of ACD

of ACD increased foam stability even at low

also stabilize the desired food matrix.

dosage rates, extending the foam half-life-

Regarding the specific application of

time (the time it takes for the foam volume

barista toppings, an evaluation of various

to shrink by half) from three to 15 minutes

examples of the model systems in this study

– this will enable a longer serving time with

shows that ACD significantly improves

appropriate foam appearance.

foaming capacity, i.e., the amount of foam

Barista products are luxury lifestyle

achieved in such systems could be increased

products. This means that, in addition to

substantially, as shown in Figure 2.

the volume and stability of the foamed

The addition of 1.4% ACD nearly doubled

topping, consumers also place a great deal

the overrun. The same amount of an inert

of importance on the overall impression: the

linear oligosaccharide (maltodextrin) was

appearance of the foam should be nicely

used as a direct comparison. Maltodextrin

creamy and homogenous. 1% ACD in an

caused only a slight increase in the overrun,

almond milk foam has a positive effect. For

due to the increase of dry matter – not

the consumer, this homogenous, creamy pore

comparable to the significant increase in

structure correlates to a full-bodied beverage

foaming capacity achievable by the presence

and an improved mouthfeel – especially in

of ACD.

plant-based barista toppings, which often

Adding ACD to barista toppings not only improved foaming capacity – the stabilising

need an additional boost in that regard. a professional taste panel (n = 18 panelists)

retarded foam degradation reactions (Ostwald

confirmed in a blind triangle test (DIN ISO

ripening, drainage, coalescence, deformation

4120) that 12 out of 18 panelists prefer the

and bubble creaming) and therefore positively

almond milk with ACD. The pure almond milk

influenced foam stability in these toppings.

was described in the following terms: watery,

stability for the model dairy and non-dairy

consumer acceptance. Wacker responded to the challenges of food technologists by developing barista products with convincing foam properties for the consumer. This involved controlling for various parameters, such as the type of raw material (seasonal variations), the foam generation method and processing, and adapting accumulated expertise from dairy systems to plant-based (vegan) matrices. Three model systems were used (milk: UHT milk of varying fat content; dairy powder: different types of dairy and non-dairy powder systems of varying fat content; and plantbased milk alternative: UHT almond milk with 2.5% almond content). In variations of these systems, alpha-cyclodextrin (CAVAMAX W6) significantly improved the specific properties of barista foam toppings. •

The sensory evaluation of almond milks by

effect of CAVAMAX W6 in the foam also

Figure 3 shows the increase in foam

profile is a major concern and has to be balanced for

About the authors Dr. Ulrike FischerNägele and Yvonne Haslauer, technical service, nutrition, Wacker Chemie AG

no body, nutlike, bitter and astringent.

Wacker -




Extrupet listens to the market Extrupet recently installed and commissioned its third food-grade line and is now supplying global brands from its premises in Johannesburg. Food Review spoke to Jiney Jutley about this exciting journey; what this installation means for recycling food-grade rPET in South Africa and the way forward.

The Phoenix PET Starlinger line


: Tell us how the installation of your third food-grade line has been going.

A: Wow, what a journey. The start of lockdown, at the end of March 2020, brought with it the arrival of our new Starlinger and all installation plans had to be pushed back to the end of the year, while lockdowns around the world took their course. We thankfully justified the arrival of the engineers from Europe over December 2020 and have been running the new line since end MARCH 2021. Q: Much has been said about the flagship PhoenixPET® brand, which has grown into an rPET that we believe is now used commercially in 100% mineral water applications. Do all three of your food-

the driving force behind a rPET recycler

Q: Have you seen the recycling

grade lines use the same technology?

being so focused on quality?

space change much with the advent

A: We currently have one Vacurema line and

A: I think many of these requirements

of the pandemic?

two Starlingers, all making food-grade rPET.

have come directly from our multinational

A: We have seen pressure placed on the

Our total capacity now is just under 3 000 MT

partners that have global standards in place.

supply of raw materials, due to slower

per month.

We have been blessed to work with such

economic activity, but we did prepare for

wonderful partners over the last two decades

this in advance and thankfully are in a good

Q: The certification levels are remarkable,

and the quality standards are the output of

position to keep our three lines running well

from BRC to ISO, FDA, EFSA, GRS. What is

these collaborations.

into the future. However, the quality of the



Three lines are better than one Extrupet’s additional Starlinger reco STAR PET 165 HC iV means we become part of an exclusive 3000 MT per month name plate capacity solution provider. Two Starlingers, one Vacurema and every ton globally certified.

Better for the environment and our economy. Putting the future in your hands.

Product of

Proudly associated with



Our accreditations


Food Grade Plant

Contact: 011 865 8360 | Email: | Website: FOOD REVIEW | MARCH 2021



feedstock has become very important. We’ve noticed that it hurts the whole value chain when brand owners do not take a relevant position on how their packaging will be reused or recycled in a South African context. Q: What do you mean by relevant position?

Final product ready for despatch

A: There needs to be an understanding of what is relevant in the specific geography that you are doing business in. Our reality in South Africa is that most of the raw material we use originates from landfill. Therefore,

Q: Do you have an example of this?

economy and that’s something the entire

when designing packaging, brands need

A: There are many. For example, PVC and

value chain needs to be aware of. Ribena is a

to understand how their packaging will be

rPET shrink sleeve labels cannot be recycled

great example of a company making a change

collected from landfill and whether there is

in South Africa. They cause real problems on

and looking to improve recycling rates. They

value in the chain to make sure they

our line if they slip through our system. But it

have redesigned the sleeves on their plastic

are recycled.

is not just that - brands need to understand

bottles to prevent down cycling and ensure

the circular nature of their choices. Extrupet

that more bottles are collected.

Q: But surely anything can be recycled?

is constantly challenging the 'alleged' benefit

A: Unfortunately, that is not the case. From a

of recycling shrink sleeve labels.

Q: That’s just incredible. I am sure

'green washing' perspective, anything can be

It simply doesn’t exist in South Africa or

many more brands will be taking this

recycled yes, but from a practical repurposing

anywhere else in the world. Post-consumer

to heart and making sure their design

perspective, unless the packaging is designed

recycling faces huge issues when processing

choices have a circular view when

well enough in advance, the packs are

rPET bottles with rPET or PVC labels.

implementing changes.

doomed to an end of life end up on

Polyolefin wrap-around labels are the

A: I think that it’s important to have the

the landfill or in our oceans. For instance,

preferred option as there is less adhesive,

courage to talk about real solutions that are

Sprite bottles are now clear instead of

again reducing issues at the point of

relevant to your geography and economy.

green, as brand owners have taken the

recycling. In an ideal world, no label would

Standing up for what you believe in does not

correct steps to ensure that the bottles are

be preferred.

always make you popular, but it is still the

designed better for greater recyclability.

We are fighting hard to change this

Coloured bottles have limited use and are

perception and along with PETCO, we’re

harder to recycle. Although bottle design is

educating the industry - both converters and

progressing, the same cannot always be said

brand owners. However, it starts at the very

about the labels on the bottle - that’s

beginning with packaging and bottle design.

another challenge entirely.

The design is imperative to the whole circular



right thing to do. •

Extrupet –


Labels for the health of the planet Sustainability is on the forefront of most packaging headlines, but it remains a complex and challenging topic for the industry, brand owners, and major retailers, writes Grant Watson of Rotolabel.


here is often a misconception around

labels can be recycled, but a critical factor

the various options available due to

is to ensure that the right label material is

a lack of knowledge or just being ill-

applied to the relevant package to provide

informed. While the industry is becoming more aware, there is still a disconnect

maximum benefit. It is critical to get the right advice

between the packaging industry, retailers

upfront from an informed person and a

and consumers.

reputable company.

Self-adhesive labels is a desirable option

Rotolabel is passionate about the

in the Western Cape for backing paper/liner (Soon to be rolled out nationally); • Using less label material for equivalent performance;

for a wide variety of products. This is partly

environment and implementing the right

due to the wide availability of different

processes and there is currently a focused

new project in conjunction with key

materials that can be used. When the option

approach on minimising any negative impact

stakeholders to be the first to bring in 100%

to separate the label from the primary

our product range may have on

PET recycling for food grade rPET.

packaging (e.g. a PET bottle) becomes

the environment.

part of the conversation, it means the

Rotolabel has been the driver and leader of

• Rotolabel is currently running an exciting

Our experienced account managers are trained and up to speed to advise customers

primary packaging can also be recycled,

innovation within the label printing space in

on what substrates will be best-suited for

all while ensuring the label solution stays

South Africa, with some notable initiatives:

their products and which ones will have the

commercially viable and competitive

• A ll paper labels are FSC ® (Forest

least impact on the environment. •

to others. Depending on the recycling process,



Stewardship Council) certified; • Running the first-ever recycling programme

Rotolabel –


How RFID can transform your business Food Review asked Marcel Coté, director of sales and market development for intelligent labels at Avery Dennison to share his insights about the rise of RFID and the unprecedented opportunities it offers for converters and end-users alike.


: What are labels enabled with radio

RFID facilitates the wireless transfer of

label far exceeds the limits of a printed code,

frequency identification (RFID)?

data enabling a label to extend any physical

which opens up a world of possibilities.

A: It’s a pressure-sensitive label or

product to the digital world. Tagging an

non-adhesive tag with an RFID inlay attached

item with an RFID label creates the item’s

Q: Can you say more about those

behind it, which we call an Intelligent Label.

digital twin, with its very own unique ID,


It comprises a tiny microchip which holds

visible across the supply chain and inventory

A: Intelligent Labels provide a multitude of

data, a very thin aluminium antenna which

management systems. RFID improves on

benefits, particularly in managing inventory

transmits and receives radio signals, and a

barcodes and QR codes in important ways,

and tracking and tracing items across

carrier material, typically paper or PET, which

not least of which is that the amount of data

logistics and supply chains. First, they offer

holds it all together.

that can be stored and protected in an RFID

a much higher level of visibility and accuracy




throughout the supply chain - from the

Also, inlays with our SmartFace™ top

whether your RFID application fully delivers

original raw material source locations

laminate use paper instead of PET. All of

a ROI and achieves the anticipated long-

through to the real time instore location -

our inlays with paper constructions use

term integration benefits. We’ve seen many

letting you see any tagged item, wherever

paper certified by the Forest Stewardship

problems occur because the quality was

it is across the globe, whenever you want

Council - we developed the industry’s first

overlooked by brand owners. We’ve even

to. Intelligent Labels also eliminate the need

FSC-certified tag. We’ve also developed

observed cases of RFID programmes being

for direct line-of-sight barcode scanning. A

a proprietary “strap attach” process that

discontinued after 12 months because of

box of 100 items with Intelligent Labels can

enables us to use 70% less plastic, and our

inconsistent performance results due to

instantly be identified with an RFID reader

antenna production process enables 100%

low quality RFID inlays used across the

without the need to even open the box.

recycling of waste aluminium. In terms of

supply chain. At Avery Dennison, we test

how our products advance sustainability in

every single inlay - 100% of them. We are

accuracy to 99.9% and allow for real-time

products and systems they’re part of, there

the only company globally to hold the

stock-checking and replenishment. They can

are many compelling benefits. At the top of

highly respected Auburn University Quality

prevent counterfeit products from entering

the list is the fact that they help reduce

Certification for manufacturing. A successful

legitimate distribution channels and make

waste, energy use, and transportation by

RFID deployment starts with the quality of

product recalls faster.

optimising inventories. One great example

your tag. If you compromise there, you’ve set

is food waste. It is proven that RFID tags

yourself up for failure. •

They improve inventory management


Q: Consumers and regulators are

can cut it by up to 20% which is a significant

increasingly demanding sustainable

sustainability benefit given the linkage to

packaging. How do RFID-enabled labels

global issues surrounding food shortages

fit the bill?

and climate change.

A: In terms of product design, we’ve taken many steps to reduce the

Q: What’s the one thing a converter or end-

environmental impact of our RFID inlays.

user should know before diving into RFID?

We’ve dramatically reduced their carbon

A: Consistent, dependable inlay quality

footprint relative to competing products.

is essential. It makes all the difference in





Avery Dennison -


Be proactive when

it comes to packaging waste South Africa is a rapidly growing and developing country. Growth in our country’s population has led to an increased waste generation rate. With 59 million people, there is enormous pressure to reduce the amount of packaging waste that is either sent to our country’s landfills or ending up as visible litter in the environment.


s a pro-active response to the

Through the updated Section 18

informal waste pickers, small and medium-

growing national concern around

regulations of the Waste Act, all producers

sized enterprises and large-scale mechanical

waste and its impact on society

are now called upon to demonstrate their

recyclers. In addition, there is a strong focus

Extended Producer Responsibility, or EPR.

on the development of new end-use markets

and the environment, South Africa recently published the Section 18 Regulations to the

EPR refers to the measures that extend a

to consume these recyclable materials,

National Environmental Management: Waste

producer’s financial or physical responsibility

as well as on the education of consumers

Act on 5 November 2020, which refers to the

for the product they make to the post-

to make them aware that used packaging

Extended Producer Responsibility aspect

consumer stage, when the consumer is done

materials have value and can be recycled into

of the National Environmental Management

with the product, and include, but is not

a whole range of new and useful products.

Waste Act (NEMWA). The regulations are now

limited to:

effective from 5 May 2021.

• supporting and initiating waste minimisation

South Africa recently published the Section 18 Regulations to the National Environmental Management: Waste Act on 5 November 2020, which refers to the Extended Producer Responsibility aspect of the National Environmental Management Waste Act (NEMWA). The regulations are now effective from 5 May 2021

and collection programmes, • financial arrangements for any fund that has

and industry. As an industry, we are committed to continue working closely with

re-use, recycling and recovery of waste;

government as this process unfolds.

• awareness programmes to inform the public of how to recycle, why to choose well-

These are some of the requirements

designed products, and what the potential

for producers:

impacts of product waste are on their health

• E xisting producers to register with the

and that of the environment; and

Department of Environment, Forestry and

• any other measures to mitigate the potential

Fisheries by 5 November 2021 (as per the

impact of the product on human health and

amended EPR regulations released on 15

that of the environment. Luckily, South Africa is well positioned for this next stage of environmental legislation as voluntary, EPR schemes for packaging have been running for many years now. There are several Producer Responsibility Organisations (or PROs) operating in South Africa who, between them, cover the different packaging streams, namely PETCO for PET, Polyco for multi-layer), the Polystyrene Association

January 2021). • Be part of an EPR scheme that includes the entire value chain. • Be accountable for the operation and performance of an EPR scheme. • Pay the appropriate levy to the EPR scheme – payments and contracting by end 2021. • Fulfil monitoring and reporting obligations – to begin Q1 2022. • Implement labelling of packaging to indicate disposal information. •

for polystyrene, Southern African Vinyls

approach of producing, using and discarding

Association for vinyl, The Glass Recycling

valuable materials such as plastics, paper,

Company for glass, Fibre Circle for paper and

glass and metals, our focus is now on

MetPac-SA for metal packaging.

developing circular economies within South

collaborative approach between government

been established to promote the reduction,

polyolefins (PP, HDPE, LDPE/LLDPE and Instead of supporting the outdated, linear

The new Section 18 regulations is a welcome step forward towards a more

Each of these PROs collect voluntary EPR

Africa. The value of should never be lost, but

fees from their members. However, this will

kept within the economy by ensuring that

become compulsory with implementation of

these materials are diverted from landfill to

the Section 18 EPR. The revenue generated,

be reused and recycled into many new and

will be used to support the collection, sorting

useful materials.

and recycling of recyclable materials by

Please take note of the following important dates and timeline: • End Q1 – Focus group to revise regulations for review (publication before 5 May) • 5 May 2021 – Effective date of regulations • 5 Nov 2021 – Revised date for final compliance with regulations.

Plastics|SA –

FOOD REVIEW | MARCH 2021 202 1


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AD INDEX FOR SA FOOD REVIEW – MARCH 2021 Avery Dennison...............................

ISW Shrink.........................................

AWH Neumo Ehrenberg Group......

Matrix Software...............................

Bruker SA .........................................

Plastics SA.......................................

Capdan and Allied Equipment......

Polyoak Packaging........................

Certification Partner Global...........

Rentokil Initial.................................

Crown Food Group.......................... 15




Gramec .............................................

TNA Packaging System SA............

Heat & Control SA ........................... 9,

Wika Instruments ..........................

HG Molenaar.....................................

Yamato Scale Dataweigh (UK)......






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PARTNER FOR HYGIENE AND TECHNOLOGY Leading through Innovation PHT is the leading provider of state-of-the-art technology for hygiene and food safety. Our unique systems offer efficient, effective and sustainable solutions for your hygienic challenges. We develop both individual and integrated hygiene solutions for your company. We are always there for you and we support you through our actions, professionally and reliably. Hygiene and food safety is our passion. We care about our customers, our suppliers and our people – we measure our success by the way we touch their lives. Because we care, we design innovative and holistic solutions. Tel: +27 861 777 993 | |


• Supplier to the hospitality trade and food factories • Service excellence, Your No. 1 industry leader for the most comprehensive ranges of both • Quality, portion controlled products synthetic and natural colours – used in food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and (chilled/frozen /dried) industrial applications. Full demonstration of exclusive machines will be strategically positioned on the stands and this • Innovation & Flexibility Our technical team is available towill shade and receive a great deal of attention which colour match to specific requirements and / or • Meat & chicken products tailored for will be of great interest to you our customer. We look forward to seeing you at the show. special applications in the food industry THE BMPE TEAM Pantone references and to give legislative support on colours. • Dried meat products – real meat real flavour! Manufactured, marketed and distributed under Tel: +27 (0)11 032 8600 licence of SPECTRATEC INC. CANADA email: Tel: +27(0)15 516 1514 email:

Canada . South Africa . Ireland . Germany . Australia . UK



Complete Prepared Food Solutions designed for your business •

Preparation & Processing

Frying & Oil Management

Batter & Breading

Branding & Searing

Cooking, Roasting & Drying

Coating & Seasoning

Product Handling

Across industries and applications, we design specialised solutions. Bringing together leading brands in processing and packaging equipment for the Value-added industry. Our fryers, ovens, branders, searers and breading/batter applications can prepare and cook the highest quality meat, poultry and seafood products. Whatever your product needs, we can meet it with precision and passion.


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