Journal for food and beverage manufacturers
SEPTEMBER 2020 Vol. 47 • No. 09
“We’re small enough to care and big enough to make it happen” Bakery
Permissible indulgence with clean-label appeal
Water processing technology
Up your game with radical new solutions
Carton & Board
Creative & sustainable packaging at your fingertips
Sugar Reduction in Baked Goods: Mission Impossible? The solution from Symrise: Our research shows that consumers like a 30 % sugar-reduced biscuit with symlifeÂŽ Sweet Optimizer Baking MFC as much as they like the full sugar version.
SCan Me
CONTENTS SEPTEMBER 2020 | Vol. 47 • No. 09
Success depends on a lean and flexible facility 10
Entrepreneurs embrace business growth
Innovative mask sports airtight fit
Another gold for quality SA meat
Barentz acquires Royal Polak and De Weerd
Soft drinks industry steps up to the plate
Why you must strategise to go digital
“As a global innovator of taste, scent and nutrition, the newly-launched Tastepoint by IFF focuses on serving the local needs of dynamic customers in Southern Africa and capturing expansion opportunities in these fast-growing markets”
Put a stop to COVID spread now
Choose the right pump for a highly regulated industry
All you need to know about disinfection and microbial air monitoring
Food – too good to waste
Perfect conditioning for perfect water quality
Six changes that power innovation
The age of the carbon-neutral processing plant has arrived
Optimal water use impacts the bottom line
Integrity and originality moves Ishida
Adaptive processes drive baked goods
Tetra Pak meets demand for growing sustainability
Discover the wonderful world of baking
H.P. Fuller commits to creative solutions
Spread happiness with new yellow colouring
Clean label forges ahead
Permissible indulgence draws consumers
The changing world of pick-and-place technology
A new era dawns at Iberchem
Breathe new life into PP lidding
Slice, dice and all things nice
More than a gut feel
Stevia’s incredible formulation benefits
Building a culture of fermentation
A first in micellar casein isolate
Make your confectionery production shine September 2020 | Food Review
EDITORIAL Editor: Maryke Foulds +27 (0)11 715 8012 Layout & Design: Andipha Nkoloti +27 (0)11 877 6168 Contributors: Melika Seiderer & Stefan Fageräng
Why we must continue to dream of a world without waste
was incredibly moved when I watched Craig Foster’s documentary My Octopus Teacher, which follows the incredible and unlikely relationship that developed between the filmmaker and a young female octopus in the cold Atlantic waters near Cape Town. Foster was, like so many of us, burnt out physically and emotionally – and in the process lost his way a bit. One reviewer called the film ‘The love story we all need now’ and I couldn’t agree more. The cinematography is powerful and offers an exquisite glimpse into one of the planet’s most fragile eco-systems. Recyclable packaging is just one of the many challenges facing the food and beverage industry but one that the Food Review team will continue to highlight in the magazine and our various online platforms. Issues surrounding sustainability, clean and smart manufacturing, water and resource optimisation, ingredient and plant-based NPD are important, and here to stay. With that in mind, we applaud the initiative by Coca-Cola Beverages South Africa as it continues the roll-out of its 2L returnable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottle into more regions across South Africa. Returnable PET is part of The Coca-Cola Company’s World Without Waste vision, which focuses on the entire packaging value chain from how bottles and cans are designed and made to how they’re collected, recycled and reused later. The hope is, of course, that these items won’t end up in landfill or polluting our oceans and water resources. In this edition we highlight the stunning launch of Tastepoint by IFF. You can read how leveraging the global power of IFF with a unique local focus, will allow Tastepoint to work at any scale and grow with its customers. Turn to page 14 for the full story. We also
spoke to Melika Seiderer, the newly-appointed general manager of Ishida SA (page 17) about her vision for the local arm of this international packaging powerhouse. While there is no global regulatory definition or understanding of clean label, Innova research shows consumers are willing to pay more for natural products with a simple ingredient list. On page 24 we look at how you can tap into consumer willingness to pay more for natural. Water is essential and used in various ways during food and beverage processing. Radical Waters’ ECA solutions can impact the quality of water used in the F&B industry (page 40) while growing demand for sustainable carton packs continues the drive for renewable content of packs. Please remember that entries are now open for our 2020/2021 New Product Competition. Please let me know if we can send you an information pack – there are some surprises in store for competition entrants next year with a completely revamped event! Happy reading and keep on recycling!
ADVERTISING Sales Executive: Anita Raath +27 (0) 82 976 6541 Sales Executive: Carla Melless +27 (0) 83 260 6060 Sales Executive: Candida Giambo-Kruger +27 (0) 71 438 1918 càndida.giambò INTERNATIONAL SALES Germany/Austria/Switzerland: Eisenacher Medien Erhardt Eisenacher +49 228 249 9860 Italy: Ngcombroker Giacomo Rotunno +39 370 101 4694 Taiwan: Ringier Trade Media Sydney Lai +886 4 2329 7318 CIRCULATION Circulation Manager: Felicity Garbers PUBLISHING TEAM General Manager: Dev Naidoo Production Controller: Mandy Ackerman Art Director: David Kyslinger JOHANNESBURG OFFICE New Media Publishing, Ground floor, Media Park, 69 Kingsway Avenue, Auckland Park 2092 Tel: +27 (0)11 877 6111 Fax: +27 (0)11 877 6198 POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 784698, Sandton, Johannesburg 2146 Published by New Media, a division of Media24 (Pty) Ltd MANAGEMENT TEAM MANAGING DIRECTOR: Aileen Lamb COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR: Maria Tiganis BRAND STRATEGY DIRECTOR: Andrew Nunneley
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HEAD OFFICE New Media House, 19 Bree Street, Cape Town 8001 PO Box 440, Green Point, Cape Town 8051 Tel: +27 (0)21 417 1111, Fax: +27 (0)21 417 1112
EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Two doctorates in chemistry; leader in the field of palm oil; SAAFoST president 1993-2001 and honorary life member; past president, Society of Cosmetic Chemists SA.
Dr Aubrey Parsons With a PhD in biochemistry, an MBA and a Institute of Brewing and Distilling diploma Heidi also serves on the Innovation Hubs BioPark and UNISA’s Life Science advisory board.
Dr Heidi Grimmer
Food Review | September 2020
Managing director of Symrise South Africa; chairman of SAAFFI.
Rudy McLean
Food Review is published by New Media Publishing (Pty) Ltd 11 times a year and circulates to executives in the food and beverage industries. Views expressed in this journal, other than where specifically stated, are not necessarily those of the publisher. The editor welcomes for publishing consideration news items, press releases, articles and photographs relating to developments in the food and beverage industries. No responsibility is accepted should contributions be lost.
CEO of Stratcom Branding, founding member of the glba (Global Local Branding Alliance)
Gail Angela Macleod
Food Review is printed and bound by Novus Printers - Cape Town Copyright: all rights reserved. ISSN 0257-8867 Readers are prohibited from using the contact details displayed in any advertisement or editorial within the pages of this publication to generate and/or distribute unsolicited bulk emails or other forms of mass marketing correspondence.
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From one
brave team to another‌
Thank Thankyoyou u to toeveryone everyone in manufacturing and an essential d essential services serv ices for keepithe machines ng t he machines for keeping running run and heves sto cked, durin shelves stocked, duringthe the V I shutdown. th e COVID-19
You are the unsung heroes!
Our #PurplePeople salute you!
New Media, a division of Media24 (PTY) Ltd.
Sugar packs gets a sweet revamp
Huletts Sugar has introduced a refreshed and modernised look for its white and brown sugar packs (250g to 12.5kg) to create greater onshelf appeal for this legacy brand. A prime consideration of the modernisation project was to retain the brand's recognisable iconography while underscoring its 128year heritage of growing, farming, milling, refining and selling fine quality sugar products.
Reformatting a SA staple
South Africa's ubiquitously consumed mealie/maize meal porridge/pap/putu has entered the ready-to-eat food market in the innovative form of Papstix, pre-packaged rolls filled with a tasty relish centre. The on-the-go meal comes in a 250g serving, with 70% pap and 30% relish, and is available in three flavours: carrot chakalaka, tomato and onion, and chilli soy beef.
Premium wine in a can
South Africa’s favourite wines, Sauvignon Blanc, rosé and Merlot are now available from Spier in 250ml cans, each crafted by acclaimed Cellar Master Frans Smit and his team. These cans are where convenience and quality converge and they’re terrific for on-the-go adventures and make for fantastic everyday fridge-fillers.
Nestlé enters the market for plant-based seafood alternatives
Nestlé has announced the launch of a plant-based alternative to tuna, its first move into the growing market for plant-based seafood alternatives. The plantbased tuna alternative can be used in a wide range of dishes such as salads, sandwiches and pizzas. It has the flaky texture and rich flavour that makes tuna a favourite in many meals.
Food Review | September August 2020 2020
Lourensford unveils new demi-sec Cap Classique The new Demi-sec Nectar 2018 Cap Classique, a bottle-fermented 100% Chardonnay from Lourensford Estate in Somerset West, is a tantalising sparkling wine with colourful, delicate citrus notes and white peach and lemon peel. The flavours are complemented with a rich biscuity allure and velvety mouthfeel.
Are you ready for #StimorolRetro? SA’s #1 chewing gum brand, Stimorol launched its limited-edition Stimorol Retro gum. It’s a refreshing bubblegum flavour that treats your taste buds to a throwback. Stimorol Retro goes beyond just a flavour, it’s all about the nostalgia of the ’80s, '90s and '00s. And if you weren’t there for all that, don’t worry, you'll feel like you were!
Are you READY? 2020/2021 Food Review/ Symrise
New Product Competition Since its inception, the competition’s primary
platforms. The grand prize also includes a trip
goal is to provide local and international brands,
to SIAL Paris 2022, one of the world’s most
featured on local shelves, the opportunity to
exciting trade shows where future trends are
showcase their innovative new products.
set. Don’t miss this opportunity for your first-
Entrants and winners will receive extensive exposure throughout the magazine’s various
row view of the latest developments in global food and beverages.
Entries are now open,
and close on 1 June 2021! For more information, please contact Maryke Foulds at or give me a ring on 082 569 2330 to discuss.
NEWS iTRAK 5730 small-frame intelligent track system improves throughput in multi-product applications
Tray-sealing opportunities abound
ith the rise in online food and confectionery sales, Proseal maintains that the variety of tray designs in terms of shape, depth and the availability of multi-cavity formats is a solution to safely package most types of products while preserving food further after opening. The majority of trays are fully recyclable, unlike some alternatives such as pouches
and bags. Some trays are now manufactured from new materials made from renewable or recycled board, and this offers an added sustainability benefit. Proseal can design and install fully-integrated turnkey production lines for mass customisation solutions, allowing businesses to maximise opportunities in the growing online sector while tailoring products to individual customer requirements. For food items, in particular, the wide choice of seal formats, including gas flush, vacuum and skin pack, will help to deliver the required levels of product preservation to maintain freshness and quality throughout the distribution process. •
A sealed tray of salmon and vegetables
Young entrepreneurs aim for business growth
s South Africa’s unemployment rate increases to 30.1%, the far-reaching impact of COVID-19 on businesses is concerning. While access to funding and the skills transfer needed for business resilience remains the biggest challenge for many young entrepreneurs, support from larger enterprises such as Mondelēz South Africa’s Enterprise Development programme Kasivators 2.0 has helped uplift the sector. The programme currently empowers four black-owned brand activation businesses through business training, mentorship, tools of the trade and business grants. This investment, in turn, on average more than doubled their staff constituent.
Food Review | September 2020
“Entrepreneurship is often a very lonely path. There are many challenges to navigate. Having that additional support system in the form of mentorship and coaching made a real impact for me – from guidance on the day-today running of my business, to the grant which meant I was able to upscale our distribution systems. The programme helped us increase our overall profitability and, in turn, our capacity to create more jobs,” says Edwin Sebilwane, a 33-year-old at brand experience company SirBillionaire. Global brands such as Mondelēz International have the skills and experience that typically place them at the forefront of the innovation and thinking needed for success. •
iTRAK 5730 offers improved flexibility
ood and beverage manufacturers are constantly under pressure to package a wide variety of products in more types of packaging without compromising productivity. Now they can answer these trends while increasing throughput using the new iTRAK 5730 small-frame intelligent track system from Rockwell Automation. Independent cart technology offers many benefits over traditional gear, chain and belt conveyors, including unlimited machine flexibility, better traceability and increased uptime. By using magnetic propulsion, the individuallycontrolled carts can quickly start and stop with high precision, which reduces
machine wear and is energy efficient. The technology quickly manages changeovers using pre-configured move profiles that can be implemented with the push of a button from an HMI. “The iTRAK 5730 system extends the flexibility and productivity benefits of iTRAK to meet growing demand for customised food and beverage products,” explains Michaela Kaufmann, product manager at Rockwell Automation. In addition to delivering a smarter form of motion control, the iTRAK 5730 also offers integrated safety. Safety zones can increase safety without compromising productivity by allowing the motion to continue outside of the safety zone, even after a trip inside the safety zone. •
Acceleration of expansion into Africa underway
udaco is aiming to create a growing awareness of its broad portfolio of technologies, products, operational infrastructure, logistic capabilities and technical skills. Bearings International (BI), one of the group of companies within the Hudaco stable, plays an important role in its value Emile Joubert proposition. This is due to its wide product offering and extensive branch footprint to support and service its installed base on end-user
sites. “Such a capability positions BI and the other Hudaco companies as a partner for project houses, taking overall accountability for the design and seamless integration of our multi-disciplinary technical offering, as opposed to being sourced from multiple vendors,” comments Emile Joubert, group business development leader for Hudaco’s projects division. BI has the necessary product offering and technical competencies to develop clientspecified engineered solutions as part of integrated turnkey projects locally and into Africa. •
Local brand creates Sola MR2 mask
hile the world has
99.99% anti-viral efficacy.
adapted to the new
Respirators and masks are
normal of everyday
particularly vulnerable to
mask wearing, INEX has
high humidity conditions. The
created the Sola MR2. With a
sealed fit of a respirator or
soft TPE face seal, the INEX
mask creates an environment
Sola MR2 provides an airtight
that increases humidity with
fit, preventing air leakage.
every breath.
Alternative masks allow
INEX RFT filters are
air to escape and enter at
made from electrospun
the top and on the sides,
reducing protection. With
which repels water and
the use of a sophisticated
oil, maintaining maximum
filtration system, the mask
filtration efficiency. •
Acquisition of spice specialists Royal Polak and De Weerd announced
arentz International, a global distributor of life science ingredients, has expanded its activities in taste and nutrition with the acquisition of two Dutch-based spice specialists: Royal Polak Spices - a B2B cinnamon specialist, and De Weerd Spices - a specialist in natural taste development and innovation for the European food industry.
The acquisition of both companies is aligned with Barentz’ strategy to become a global leader in the life science industries and to further develop taste and nutrition knowledge, products and services within the human nutrition sector. The completion of the transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approval. •
uses an elaborate flow path that prevents moisture droplets from passing through the filter casing. Using inexpensive disposable filters, made from high-tech nanofiber material which outperforms the filtration textiles found in FFP2 or KN95 masks, the INEX mask offers
Quality Cured Meats awarded gold at the Aurora International Taste Challenge
ichard Bosman’s Quality Cured Meats has been awarded Double Gold for its popular Smoked Streaky Bacon and traditional Pepper Fuet. It also received Gold for its Prosciutto at the Aurora International Taste Challenge 2020. “I am extremely proud of this achievement and it is great to be acknowledged for the work that my amazing team and I have put in. It has taken many dedicated years to get to this point,” says Bosman, who started his business in 2009 to create world-class charcuterie using the best pork in South Africa. The top-selling Smoked Streaky Bacon awarded Double Gold is smoked for 24 hours with oak wood chips during the dry-curing process. “This provides a special and delicate smokiness and ensures the bacon crisps up very quickly when cooking,” explains Bosman. Awarded Double Gold, the Pepper Fuet is a classic plain salami with whole peppercorns. Bosman says the salami is cured the traditional way with a 48-hour ferment followed by two months of ageing. The Gold-winning Prosciutto is made Richard Bosman using pork legs, which are trimmed and salted scoops gold at the Aurora International for a month before being washed with red wine Taste Challenge and then dry-cured for up to two years. •
CCBSA continues rollout of new 2L returnable PET plastic bottles
oca-Cola Beverages South Africa (CCBSA) continues the roll-out of its 2L returnable Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) plastic bottle into more regions across South Africa. Returnable PET is part of The Coca-Cola Company’s World Without Waste vision, which focuses on the entire packaging value chain from how bottles and cans are designed and made to how they’re collected, recycled and reused later. “As a user of packaging we have a responsibility to not only recycle packaging through our various initiatives, but also to continue to invest in infrastructure that can help us develop innovative packaging to achieve our World Without Waste ambitions,” says CCBSA managing director, Velaphi Ratshefola. “By offering a returnable PET bottle, we are creating greater value for money, as well as an incentive for consumers to collect packaging, rather than disposing of it into the environment.This initiative strengthens our PET collection efforts through our various partnerships such as our membership in the PET Recycling Company (PETCO) and several buy-back centres we have established in communities around the country,” adds Ratshefola. “Last year, 62% of PET bottles were collected for recycling. Through this new returnable PET packaging and other innovations, we are set to continue improving our collection and recycling rates, until we reach our ambitious targets.” During 2019 more than 92 000 tonnes of postconsumer PET bottles were collected through the PET Recycling Company (PETCO). These bottles were diverted from landfills in South Africa, saving 612 000m² of landfill space. •
September 2020 | Food Review
Transforming your business digitally New technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and predictive analytics continue to disrupt industries.
ecognising this potential,
through collaborations with leaders and
society and a vibrant knowledge economy
government strategies emphasise
entrepreneurs committed to building a
that is more inclusive and prosperous.
the role of digital in accelerating
better future, governments on the African
Similarly, the Moroccan government
economic diversification, promoting
continent are leading the way in securing a
introduced the Morocco Digital 2020 strategy.
sustainability and ensuring citizen
viable future for their citizens. It also raises
This set of policies and reforms promote the
happiness. Digitalisation has been
their national competitiveness profile at a
effective use of and access to technology
identified as a pillar that will support the
global level.
in various sectors to position the country
future digital economies on the continent. By placing new digital and ICT
In South Africa, the National Development
as a digital economy. Nigeria has also
Plan 2030 (NDP), published in 2012,
taken significant steps to drive economic
transformation programmes at the
emphasises how ICT will underpin the
transformation, sustainability and future
heart of their national plans and
development of a connected information
skills development through technology.
Food Review | September 2020
While businesses can gain massive
value opportunities in these areas,
Digitisation spurs the development of new
companies undertaking these efforts
Apart from access to affordable
industries, as in the case of e-commerce, mobile financial services, IoT, and cloud computing. These contribute to national GDP in multiple ways, while promoting growth of allied industries such as logistics, infrastructure and payments. These opportunities are not only limited to the ICT industry, but also disrupt traditional industries to unlock speed, lower costs, and ensure higher quality. While many businesses are fuelled by competition and adopting new and disrupted forms of technology, many organisations are still using legacy IT and have shied away from digital transformation. Digital transformation essentially involves a fundamental change in how an enterprise uses its technology, its workforce and business processes to improve its performance and value to customers.
“A major obstacle to the development of internet infrastructure within Africa is a lack of experienced network engineers” PPK023-21.pdf
quickly learn that the technology in digital transformation is often the easiest part of change. Development gains from digital transformation are not automatic and can result in new divides and widen inequalities.
BUILDING INTERNET INFRASTRUCTURE AND DIGITAL SKILLS A major obstacle to the development of internet infrastructure within Africa is a lack of experienced network engineers. Without these engineers, national internet investment, policy and regulatory decisions may lack the technical foundation that will ensure an open, affordable, scalable internet. If South Africa had the required mass of network engineers who were able to shape the future of network infrastructure at both a local and national level, businesses and organisations would be able to unlock their full potential and fully utilise Fourth
connectivity and devices, there is also a need to digitally upskill people to operate or work with the advanced and/or emerging technology in 4IR. Investments in human development and digital skills are necessary to build a pipeline of future talent that can embrace this dynamic and increasingly digitised environment. This will require a massive educational overhaul that addresses basic education backlogs at all levels, from basic to tertiary education. The World Economic Forum has highlighted the importance of African educators to design future-ready curricula that accelerate the acquisition of digital and STEM skills to match the way people will work. African governments, with the help of private sector stakeholders, have an opportunity to develop tailored approaches to understanding the region’s evolving skills base and emerging jobs scenarios. •
Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies, like Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, blockchain technology and big data.
Syspro –
Tastepoint serves dynamic local markets
As a global innovator of taste, scent and nutrition, the newly launched Tastepoint by IFF focuses on serving the local needs of dynamic customers in Southern Africa and capturing expansion opportunities in these fast-growing markets. is empowering to know what Tastepoint is capable of doing when we combine local passion and expertise with the insights and innovation of a global powerhouse like IFF. We believe this combination will truly differentiate us and will help our customers to create products that stand out in the market.” Tastepoint is dedicated to deliver on the needs of fast-moving regional, national,
local, private label and entrepreneurial start-up customers. By leveraging the global power of IFF with a unique local focus,
In addition to traditional flavours and total solutions, the offerings will leverage an expanded naturals portfolio that includes colours, food protection and health ingredients.
Tastepoint can work at any scale, allowing it to grow with its customers. Its purpose? “To be the spark that advances our customers by being the perfect blend of heart and science.” This will be delivered through its structure and approach. Tastepoint’s focus is on servicing customers with the can-do approach of a smaller company, but backed by expertise traditionally reserved for companies with more global reach. Like the original Tastepoint by IFF established in North America, South Africa’s Tastepoint will offer customers an increased product portfolio through IFF’s Taste Design. In addition to traditional flavours and total solutions, the offerings will leverage an expanded naturals portfolio that includes colours, food protection and health ingredients. Darrell Gray believes that the Tastepoint difference comes to life through local expertise and optimisation, global reach and a unique business model. “We have access to the latest industry insights and technology which drive our custom
“ By leveraging the global power of IFF with a unique local focus, Tastepoint can work at any scale, allowing it to grow with its customers”
Food Review | September 2020
solutions. Our team comprises some of the n December 2019, IFF announced its intention to roll out new Tastepoint by IFF companies in multiple geographies,
following the blueprint established in the
most creative minds in the industry, backed by over 130 years of IFF flavour leadership. Our team can’t wait to show our customers how this can help them win,” he concludes. •
US in 2017. Darrell Gray, general manager for Tastepoint by IFF, South Africa explains, “It
Tastepoint –
F&B innovation evolves in the case of COVID-19 ADM has identified six emerging behavioural changes that will power innovation and growth in the months ahead.
onsumer’s attitudes, priorities and
probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics
of anxiety and stress as 35% of
behaviours are shifting significantly
can benefit the microbiome and are
consumers report being concerned
and this evolution is providing a
gaining momentum in the marketplace.
about mental health2. People are
unique opportunity for forward-looking
2. Plant-based becomes mainstream
looking for new ways to improve their
food and beverage companies to bring a
In the U.S., 18% of alternative protein
mental wellness during these stressful
suite of trailblazing new products to market.
buyers purchased their first plant-based
times, including permitting themselves
protein during COVID-19 and 92% of those
to consume indulgent, comforting
marketing, ADM. “ADM OutsideVoice
first-time buyers report they are likely to
food and beverages. They are however
research indicates that 77% of consumers
continue purchasing meat alternatives2.
tempering this desire with weight
intend to make more attempts to stay
In Germany, the U.K. and the Netherlands,
management needs and seek a careful
healthy in the future. Food and beverage
80% of consumers state they are likely
manufacturers who successfully balance
to continue eating plant-based meat
good nutrition.
consumer health concerns with affordability
alternatives beyond COVID-192. With
Food and beverages designed to elevate
are most likely to win,” she explains.
health, safety and convenience as top
mood, sustain energy and reduce stress
purchase motivators, products that
will grow in popularity in the months
This is the view of Ana Ferrell, VP of
ADM has identified six behavioural shifts that will create opportunities for
deliver exceptional nutrition and a high-
food and beverage manufacturers to gain
quality sensory experience will be poised
market share in an increasingly uncertain business environment. 1. Focus on gut health and immune function connection Globally, 57% of consumers report being
overall balance of indulgence and
and years to come. ADM also projects new opportunities for
for success.
comfort food, snacks and baked goods
3. New perspectives on weight
offering nutrient-rich ingredients and
management and metabolic health The pandemic’s consequences for individuals with hypertension,
functional health benefits. 5. Personal nutrition As COVID-19 increases consumer
more concerned about their immunity
diabetes and cardiovascular disease
awareness of individual health risk
as a result of COVID-191. As consumers
have consumers viewing weight
factors, demand for products offering
strive to enhance their immunity, they
management and metabolic health
tailored, highly personalised health
are becoming more knowledgeable
in a new light, with 51% of consumers
and wellness solutions will take off.
about how the human microbiome
indicating they are concerned about
ADM research shows that 49% of
supports the immune system and
being less active or gaining weight
consumers feel every individual is
overall wellbeing. Products containing
during the pandemic. That worry
unique and requires a customised
is likely to increase demand for
approach to diet and exercise, and 31%
functional solutions supportive of
of consumers are already purchasing
metabolic wellness and healthy
more items tailored for health and
“Food and beverages designed to elevate mood, sustain energy and reduce stress will grow in popularity in the months and years to come”
weight management.
nutrition. Products that focus on
4. S elf-care, emotional wellbeing
improving nutrition, self-care and
and nutrition
general wellness will increasingly
The difficult circumstances stemming
attract consumers’ attention2.
from COVID-19 have increased feelings
6. A Shift in Shopping Values An increased focus on health is triggering a windfall in consumer health and wellness spending. 48% of consumers plan to purchase more items related to health and wellness 2. Concurrently, manifesting concerns around widespread economic decline has prompted a shift to value-based shopping, including growing demand for basic pantry staples, stimulating trade-downs to private labels and increasing traffic to value retailers. • FMCG GURUS: Twelve-Step Guide for Addressing COVID-19 in 2020 and Beyond, April 2020 2 ADM OutsideVoiceSM 1
Food Review | September 2020
Automated solutions that meet the needs of the South African market Food security and value for money will support business growth and help feed the nation, explains Melika Seiderer, newly-appointed general sales manager, Ishida South Africa.
hen times are tough, being in
Today’s models can handle a much
the food industry is generally
wider variety of products and at higher
to identify the best-performing machines
For food manufacturers, the priority is
regarded as something of a
speeds than earlier versions. Design and
to help meet their production needs and
safe haven. The argument being that
technical enhancements have included
value proposition. At Ishida, a key benefit
even in straitened times, people still
the use of special contact surface
of its tray sealers is that all models
have to eat.
materials for sticky products and reduced
have the flexibility to cope with and
angles for fragile items.
switch easily between pack types and
When budgets are tight, cost becomes a critical factor in any purchase. Food
Equally important, software advances
materials, while being able to run at very
manufacturers must aim to deliver
have allowed the introduction of more
quality products while achieving
responsive hoppers and improved
Similarly, snacks bagmakers feature
maximum efficiencies and throughput
loadcells that deliver even greater
servo motors and software-controlled
on their production lines. The resultant
accuracy levels. In the early days of
variable seal time, jaw temperature
competitive pricing will allow these
multihead weighing, a reduction of
and pressure to deliver a high level of
companies to succeed – whatever the
giveaway to 0.1g was achievable; now
precision. Strippers plates clear the
state of the economy.
this can be as low as 0.01g. Aside from
seal area before sealing, which ensures
additional cost savings and efficiencies,
good pack quality, and servo-driven and
even deeper in South Africa. According
one of the most important benefits of
vacuum-assisted pulldown belts enable
to Stats SA, 6.8 million South Africans
the improvements in standard deviation
accurate and consistent bag lengths to
experienced hunger in 2017. Although
is that it can further increase pack
optimise film use and enhance
this number has halved since 2002,
consistency whilst minimising
pack presentation.
The need to deliver value for money goes
hunger still affects 1.7 million households across the country. Affordability therefore becomes a critical factor in having enough to eat.
product giveaway.
high efficiency.
Confirming the quality of the sealing
If accurate weighing is
process is equally important to prevent
essential to delivering
any sub-standard packs causing early
value for money,
food deterioration. Seal testers check
this cannot be at the expense of product safety.
the integrity of snack pillow packs and top-sealed, thermoformed, flow-wrapped or lidded trays in different materials and
It is important
sizes by applying controlled pressure
to maintain
to each pack going across a conveyor in
product quality
order to detect any unwanted ‘give’.
issues are
and freshness
driving the
and to ensure
of in-line leak detection is the Airs can
that it is
system that uses laser technology to
of automated
Moral and
solutions on the production
any unwanted foreign bodies.
and packing line
to deliver products which
detect CO2 leaks from holes as small as 0.25mm in MAP packs, without stopping production and at a top speed of 180 packs per minute.
that can enable food manufacturers
A recent Ishida innovation in the field
As the testing process is very gentle, The multihead-weigher delivers pinpoint accuracy
both of these technologies further minimise food waste, so that product
are manufactured and packed safely
can be saved
and minimise waste, while maximising
and repacked.
speed and throughput to ensure the best economies of scale. This is not a new phenomenon. The multihead weigher, for example, invented by Ishida back in the 1970s, has been delivering pinpoint accuracy in the weighing of a huge variety of food products for well over 40 years. There have been many developments in the weigher’s capabilities during that time.
“Such moral and commercial issues are driving the development of automated solutions on the production and packing line that can enable food manufacturers to deliver products which are manufactured and packed safely and minimise waste”
One of the most vital areas of food quality is ensuring that packed product is free of foreign bodies. This is
Melika Seiderer
September 2020 | Food Review
output, together with the long-term reliability of the equipment, can result in low cost of ownership and a very fast return on investment. Equally important, the best suppliers combine the offer of advanced equipment with strong aftersales support to ensure machines continue to perform at their optimum. The breadth of equipment available is also critical, with a choice of machines to meet different requirements and budgets. At Ishida, the wide variety of models in all the equipment ranges includes entry-level variants that are competitively priced while still offering the advanced technology for which Ishida is renowned. This enables smaller and start-up companies to begin their automation journey. Embracing automation is the first important step to growth, and an especially significant focus for South Africa where the government’s National Development Plan 2030 is looking to SMEs to be major sources of employment and drivers of growth for the economy. The plan recognises that the potential for job creation increases as a small business matures and that it is important that SMEs receive relevant support early on, especially as over 50% say they Product transfer between various processes takes place quickly and effectively
especially critical as lines become more automated, meaning there are fewer personnel available to spot any problems. This has led to the development of X-ray inspection technology which has the ability to spot many unwanted items, including metal, stone, glass and dense plastic, as well as other quality issues such as broken, deformed or
need assistance in being able to access
“Seal testers check the integrity of snack pillow packs and top-sealed, thermoformed, flow-wrapped or lidded trays in different materials and sizes by applying controlled pressure to each pack going across a conveyor in order to detect any unwanted ‘give’” This is where the benefit of having
incorporate the company’s patented
a single supplier really comes to the
intelligent genetic algorithm (GA)
fore. Such a company will be able to
technology. For many products, the
take full responsibility for the design
contaminants found are generally similar.
and installation of the line, selecting
By analysing image data over multiple
the most appropriate models to create
generations, the machines achieve an
a bespoke solution that is best able to
extremely high level of precision and
meet the customer’s production targets
this in particular provides greater
and quality standards.
sensitivity in the detection of lowdensity foreign bodies. With such an array of equipment
It must be recognised that, whether seeking a single machine for the first steps on the automation route or the
available throughout the packing line, the
installation of a complete packing line,
challenge is not just in selecting the right
both can involve a significant investment.
machine for each part of the operation
This is particularly true for SMEs.
but to ensure that product transfer
It is important that any investment
between the various processes can take
is considered more than simply in the
place quickly and effectively and that the
context of the initial purchase price.
entire line is fully-integrated and able to
Features such as high speeds, efficiency
operate at maximum efficiency.
and flexibility to deliver maximum
Food Review | September 2020
that the industries in which they operate are extremely competitive. At Ishida, long-term customer partnerships have been fundamental to its success and growth worldwide, and the company remains focused on providing the high level of support and advice required. The range of equipment on offer, combined with longstanding knowledge of many end-markets and comprehensive after-sales and service
missing products. All Ishida X-ray inspection systems
markets and around 40% acknowledge
support, mean Ishida can assist a business on its growth path. In addition to ongoing economic challenges, the coronavirus pandemic has had serious implications for all economies worldwide. Effective automation will play a key role in the recovery and to enabling businesses to prosper in the future; and close customer and supplier partnerships will be best-placed to make the most of the opportunities. In South Africa, this will help to provide the competitively-priced foods needed to counter the hunger crisis, and the means to enable forward-looking businesses to achieve success and growth. •
Ishida –
Make your confectionery production shine Consumers are demanding healthier options and choosing new types of products and flavours with a preference for sustainable manufacturing. To create these new products requires innovative ingredients and adapted processes. Maryke Foulds spoke to James Outram to get the lowdown on the equipment and product concept that make this a reality.
onsumers of baked products are
using non-traditional ingredients
always looking for something new
will continue.
and different. If that new product
is also accessible in terms of price, and
The use of these popular ingredients also impacts on the design and
is healthy and tasty then you are
functionality of Bühler’s range
onto a winning formula.
of processing equipment.
In traditional markets there is established consumer demand for low-fat products – healthier alternatives to fried potato chips is one example. “Baked, not fried, snack products based on potato and
Traditional sheeting
and laminating lines
Bühler has developed some concept products like gluten-free shortbread, vegan brownies, and rye and chocolate bars.
were initially designed for wheat-based products, using the elastic properties of gluten and a limited range of ingredients. With new ingredients
other starches such
come new challenges in
as pulses are produced to
terms of dough properties.
perfection on our state-of-the-
“We have moved outside the
art cracker lines,” Outram enthuses.
comfort zone of wheat-based products
“Across our product range, we have
into a challenging space with new
worked with customers to make gluten-,
dough types. Stickiness, hardness
grain- and wheat-free products coupled
and elasticity are the new properties,
to low-fat and reduced-sugar products.
and these must be accounted for with
This is especially true in the area of
adapted and redesigned features,” he
cookies and cakes, which are essential
points out.
indulgent products. It is always good
IMPROVED PROPERTIES • Gauge rolls with independent drives to prevent the dough sticking • Improved hygienic design for quick allergen cleaning • High-specification gauge rolls can go to smaller gaps allowing for doughs with higher recovery rates for industry-leading dough piece weigh accuracy • Hybrid oven technology creates products with just the right texture. Sustainability and global warming are growing challenges for society and the industry as consumers bring greater focus. The days of using fossil fuels to heat bakery ovens are numbered. “It can be anticipated that we will have to change to electric ovens, so we have launched our new Turbu E oven. This has all the advanced features of even heat distribution; easy cleaning and efficiency of our Turbu 4 oven but powered by electricity. If you can source electricity from wind, solar or hydro
to take away a bit of the guilt and make them more permissible.” When new products call for more better-for-you ingredients (anything
The Turbu E oven
from fibre or protein) and less of the bad-for-you ingredients (such as fat and sugar), then the trend of
sources, then it would be possible to bake products in a carbon-neutral way,” Outram concludes. •
Bühler – www.bü
Food Review | September 2020
100 Years of baking and ingredient handling. Bakery solutions from BĂźhler.
BĂźhler (Pty) Ltd Juice Street, 5 Star Business Park Honeydew, Johannesburg, South Africa. Innovations for a better world.
Explore the wonderful world of baked goods & confectionery In conjunction with its customers Zeelandia looks at finding and honing innovative products to turn your bakery into a success story.
cake mixes, fillings, coatings and chocolate. he supplier is constantly searching for new opportunities and ingredients to improve its products
and processes: all this is underpinned by vast technical knowledge. “We inspire our customers with ingredients and better ways to bake, manage and sell. Founded in 1900 Zeelandia has become a global player in the bakery ingredients business. Zeelandia South Africa is based in Cape Town and from this base it serves South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi,” MD Francois Eksteen points out. Zeelandia SA manufactures and sells a complete range of ingredient solutions for small to very big bakeries. "We aim to deliver all you can need to create successful bread, cake, pastry, patisserie and viennoiserie; complete
To enable a good release from the pan is a critical part of a premium baked product and Zeelandia SA offers a full range of release agents and lubricants, including spray machines,” he says.
IN SEARCH OF GLUTEN-FREE The product range matches the latest knowledge about the impact of food products on consumer health such as its gluten-free range. It is produced in a certified gluten-free production facility, guaranteeing absolute product safety. “Our wide range of gluten-free mixes enables you to produce a complete assortment of great-tasting gluten-free bread and pastry products,’ Eksteen concludes. •
Zeelandia –
Zeelandia Turkey entered its Burdenno Red Velvet Cake mix to the international Superior Taste Award contest, organised by the International Taste Institute in Brussels, Belgium and walked away with the highly regarded Superior Taste Award. The institute was founded in 2005 and evaluates and certifies the sensory attributes of food and beverages from all over the world. The jury is composed of over 200 renowned chefs and sommeliers from 15 European culinary or sommeliers associations. Over the years, more than 16 000 products have been certified by the Taste Institute’s jury.
ZeroProblem Gluten Free
ZeroProblem Gluten Free
Food Review | September 2020
Carrot-based powder delivers brilliant yellows with a long shelf life GNT Group has extended its range of yellow Exberry Coloring Foods with a new powder made from carrots.
vailable worldwide in addition to the existing liquid format, the Shade Yellow – Cloudy
Powder enables manufacturers to deliver a brilliant yellow colour shade in a wider range of applications. The powder is ideal for bakery applications as well as dry mixes including custard, brioches and biscuits.
“The Shade Yellow – Cloudy Powder is pH-independent and provides good light and heat stability, along with a 12-month shelf life at <25⁰C” Both the liquid and powder formats are made from carrots grown by GNT's farmers and are manufactured without chemical solvents. As such, they ensure high levels of consumer acceptance and can provide a perfect replacement for
The Exberry Shade Yellow – Cloudy Powder is ideal for bakery applications as well as dry mixes
colourants such as carotenes. The Shade Yellow – Cloudy Powder is pH-independent and provides good light and heat stability, along with a 12-month shelf life at <25⁰C. fruit, vegetables and edible plants using
Sonja Scheffler, product manager at GNT says, "Building on the huge
extremely well across a wide range of
gentle, physical processes such as pressing,
popularity of our carrot-based liquid
applications, with great stability and
chopping, filtering and concentrating. •
yellows, this new powder opens up even
long shelf life."
more possibilities for manufacturers. Extensive testing has shown it performs
Based on the principle of colouring food with food, products are made from
September 2020 | Food Review
Are clean-label bakers the new agents of change? One in two consumers check food labels for E-numbers, according to research by Innova Market Insights. This is a clear indication of the growing consumer demand for more transparency when it comes to how food is made and what it contains.
ithin the bakery industry, the rise in clean-label claims indicates that this is no passing trend. DuPont
Nutrition & Biosciences is assisting bakers to overcome the clean-label challenge in bakery innovation: Its new toolbox for clean-label bread production is one of the outcomes.
CONSUMER WILLINGNESS TO PAY A PREMIUM PRICE While there is no global regulatory definition or understanding of clean label, Innova research shows consumers are willing to pay more for natural products with a simple ingredient list. Figures from Polaris Market Research show a strong increase in bread product launches with on-pack clean-label claims. This trend is forecast to continue until at least 2026. “Although the interpretation of clean label is complex and varies from country to country, the common denominator is that the label lists ingredients which consumers recognise. They
Clean-label bread launches is a global growth market
want to know what their food is made from, how much water is used in production and any health benefits on-pack,” says Emeline Commun, bakery marketing specialist. For manufacturers, the challenge is to understand consumer needs and which ingredients they will accept, while finding a balance between taste, texture, volume and cost. The COVID-19 pandemic has added to the
“Reformulating to a cleaner-label recipe inevitably adds an extra layer of complexity to the bakery process”
complexity, causing consumers to reprioritise their purchasing criteria. In some cases, this has meant relaxing their focus on clean label for a while. “The current situation could lead to a substantial, long-term change in consumer perceptions of clean label. The bakery industry must be ready to adapt to new consumer needs,” Commun adds. DuPont’s Label-friendly Bakery Toolbox addresses clean-label challenges in yeastraised baked goods and changes in consumer expectations, navigate these opportunities, and adopt the best solution for its formulation and processing methods. Reformulating to a cleaner-label recipe inevitably adds an extra layer of complexity to the bakery process. Dough handling and
Food Review | September 2020
the transition to a clean-label formulation by meeting bakers’ most pressing need – to maintain product quality and a consistently stable process. As part of the toolbox, DuPont also presents the newest solutions to mitigate the challenges of clean-label formulations and
tolerance may be affected, along with sensory quality in terms of freshness, softness, volume, crumb colour and bread resilience. To highlight the challenges, DuPont has identified five stages in the clean-label spectrum, starting with traditional bakery products made with emulsifiers, such as DATEM, SSL and monoglycerides, and mould inhibitors, such as calcium propionate. At the other end of the scale are formulations based purely on kitchen cupboard ingredients, like flour, yeast and salt. The scale also indicates the impact of clean-label reformulation on product characteristics, highlighting the trade-off between a cleaner label on the one hand and process tolerance and product quality on the other.
The label-friendly Bakery Toolbox takes all these factors into consideration, smoothing
to ensure that bread quality is back up to the expected level. Price continues to be a big driver for consumer food purchases, especially in the current context of COVID-19, where consumers are looking for more affordable products. Bakery products have the multiple ability to provide value for money, as well as pleasure, comfort and, to some extent, protection via nourishment. The pandemic is also causing consumers to think about how their lifestyle impacts the planet. In that light, the clean-label trend is an opportunity for manufacturers to become agents of change. •
DuPont -
Sugar optimiser for permissible indulgence Imagine a world where you can have your cake and eat it. Symrise has developed a comprehensive product solution that allows one to balance the taste in biscuits with up to 50% sugar reduction. Sugar reduction is a key innovation that can assist your brand to leverage these opportunities as we move into a world where more and more consumers are looking for that permissible moment of indulgence.
s we move into a world where
more consumers are looking
• Consumers actively seek sugar-reduced
for that permissible moment of
indulgence, the ability to reduce sugar is a key innovation that can assist your brand to leverage these opportunities. Sugar reduction is on everyone’s lips with diverse implications from the different viewpoints mainly: environmental, consumer and product perspectives:
products in the bakery due to health reasons such as obesity, diabetes, tooth decay and calories • Lacking availability of sugar-reduced products, unpleasant taste or missing natural sweetener solutions are reasons not to use sugar-reduced products • There are four different consumer segments with different expectations
“Symrise’s Symlife Sweet Optimizer Baking multi-functional compound (MFC) allows up to 50% sugar reduction in biscuits”
regarding sugar-reduced products. This incredible technology brings multiple benefits to sweet baked goods manufacturers: • easily to apply in your recipe when reducing/removing up 50% of sugar as a compound of flavour and bulk ingredients •
texture, volume, mouthfeel,
• WHO has set goals for sugar reduction
browning, colour…)
• Government push via regulations/taxes for
• enables a consumer friendly
more sugar-reduced products • NGOs run campaigns against products with an above-average amount of sugar • The industry proactively works on solutions to get away from the unhealthy image of products with a high sugar content.
creates the complex properties
of sugar in baked goods (e. g.
PRODUCTS • The key challenges are not only to rebalance taste, but rather adapt the complete recipe, since sugar reduction impacts much more than sweetness perception. It also impacts on colour, texture and overall mouthfeel of products. The symlife Sweet Optimizer Baking multi-functional compound (MFC) works with biscuits with up to 50% sugar reduction and rebalances sugarreduced product formulations in terms of sweetness perception, mouthfeel and flavour profile.
ingredient list according to EU legislation (soluble fibres, natural flavours) • Registered for patent, validated in application and commercially scalable. Research has validated the consumer perception of sugar content in baked goods, with 28% of consumers weighing sugar reduction as more important than calories. It goes without saying that innovation into sugar reduction will become a key feature when launching baked products. •
Symrise –
September 2020 | Food Review
Growth and agility underpins activity in Africa Iberchem has announced that it will expand its presence in the South African market by joining Iberchem, Scentium and Versachem under a new name: Iberchem South Africa. Maryke Foulds looks at what this venture will bring to the industry.
he announcement comes two years after the group acquired 70% of Versachem, a company specialising in
food colourants and seasonings. The group recently bought the remaining 30%, thereby fully integrating Versachem’s activity into the group’s portfolio. All three divisions will be temporarily accommodated in Versachem’s current offices in Pretoria until a new location is found. Scentium creates bespoke flavours for beverages as well as for sweet and savoury products while Versachem specialises in the production of food seasonings, dustings and colourants. With the expertise of all three combined, the group is well-positioned to service not only the local but also the export
market, creating work opportunities and earning foreign currency for South Africa. Iberchem South Africa is managed by Quentin Questiaux, who joined the company in May this year. Questiaux is well-known in the African market, with a proven track record in the flavour and fragrance industry. In the coming months, Iberchem South Africa will gradually welcome new members to Iberchem and Scentium. “We are looking to expand our equipment to be even more
food and beverage market to reformulate
autonomous and agile with shorter delivery
with low and no-sugar variants and
times of projects. Our biggest strength
meet consumer health demands without
would be the laboratory that was developed
compromising on taste. This situation is
to perfectly respond to the needs of our
expected to keep going and even more so
local clients,” he enthuses.
as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
A key focus for the company this year is
“Every year, the Iberchem Group welcomes dozens of interns into its laboratories, allowing them to complement the academic training they have received in class. For some of them, their experience evolves into a full-time job. Year after year, the Iberchem Group exceeds the minimum percentage of employees with disabilities required by law. We believe that every job has its learning process and that everyone deserves to be given the same chance” - Iberchem South Africa MD Quentin Questiaux
“Botanical ingredients like herbs
the expansion of its sensory library. It is an
and spices are innovations but are also
ongoing process as taste trends evolve and
highlighted for their health qualities,
change. “We rely on thousands
primarily less sugar and vitamin
Concerning growth on the African continent, he is optimistic. “Iberchem
of fragrance and flavour
and fibre additions. This can
South Africa is the result of substantial
references, all made available
help brands to capitalise on
investments that fall into an even larger
to our clients. If what we have is
growing consumer interest
expansion plan by the Iberchem Group on
not exactly what they’re looking
in natural and better-for-you
the African continent. Overall, it confirms
for, our teams of specialists are
products,” he notes.
the tremendous growth potential we see
at their disposal to fine-tune
The experience-seeking
in the market. We wish to support and
the selected reference until
consumer is looking for unique
be part of this growth, offering speed
we find the exact profile they
and quirky flavours, such as
to development, production, supply,
were looking for. In my opinion,
banana & chocolate or coffee
affordability, and the ability to supply both
having an extensive library is
& caramel. These flavours take
small and large volumes to service a broad
you into a sensory journey
spectrum of customers. I am confident
support that goes with it is
that can intrigue consumers
that this news is only the beginning and
even more important.”
in-store and encourage impulse
that shortly we will be making more
essential, but the technical
Quentin Ques tia
One of the biggest trends and areas
purchase.“Substitute products must be
of growth Questiaux predicts is that of
equally qualified in taste to not lose the
reduced sugar products with a clean
consumer’s attention. Working in artificial
label – especially in beverages. “The sugar
sweeteners or natural flavours is a challenge
backlash continues to put pressure on the
for the sector.”
Food Review | September 2020
announcements,” he concludes. •
Iberchem –
Precise cutting with innovative solutions Cheese characteristics vary widely in terms of fat, moisture content and hardness. These issues must be considered when assessing the desired end-product.
rominent supplier of food cutting technology, Urschel, offers a range of premier cutting solutions for manufacturers working with difficult to cut cheese
products. Its dairy solutions provide quality size reduction for a variety of products. The Affinity Dicer is the largest cheese dicer manufactured by the equipment supplier. It offers and delivers a sanitary
Detect . Reject . Protect
CEIA metal detectors by Heat and Control
design, optimal high-capacity output and precision cuts. The unit can process high-fat, cold-temperature products like cheese with additional feed assistance via the feed roll and feed drum delivered as the product transitions through the cutting zone. The Urschel family of CC/CC-D series shredders deliver precise cuts at the high yields required by the cheese industry. Each model offers continuous operation for uninterrupted production and accepts an input product size up to 89mm. Models include the longstanding, production-proven CC and CC-D along with the newer CC-DL and CCX-D. High-capacity, versatile machines feature interchangeable quicklocking double-rings, singleadjustment cutting heads that enable processors to change the type of shred in just minutes. Specially-designed knives do not require sharpening and are
Heat and Control was established in 1950 and boasts ten manufacturing facilities, 11 test centres and more than 30 offices globally.
inexpensive to replace. Types of cuts include varieties of full shreds, oval shreds, crescent shreds, wide oval shreds, strip cuts, granulations, and flat slices from a myriad of cheeses. The thickness of the shred can be adjusted to suit specific production environments. One of the key strengths of all of these CC model machines is the operating principle. Product delivered to a feed hopper enters the rotating impeller and is held against the inner surface of the cutting head assembly by centrifugal force. The cutting head assembly consists of stationery, individual cutting stations. Slices or shreds are produced as the product passes each knife smoothly and uninterruptedly, while length is controlled by the
Improve inspection results with the world’s only multi-spectrum metal detector. CEIA’s unique technology achieves the highest sensitivity to small metal fragments by applying a broad spectrum of frequencies simultaneously and continuously - with no reduction in sensitivity. CEIA metal detectors from Heat and Control assure precise, consistent detection and rejection of metal contaminants.
input product size. • Affinity Dicer – the largest product in Urschel’s range for Cheese | Cape Town +27 21 948 5934
Heat and Control - SAFoodReview_Sept2020_88.5w x 262h_CEIA_Dairy.indd 1
15/09/2020 3:54:08 PM
September 2020 | Food Review
Go with your gut and eat SA heritage food
Just over 500 healthcare professionals attended this year’s One Health Summit under the theme “Your Gut’s Instinct”. The event was hosted in webinar format at the end of August.
cientific findings on the topic of
Andrea Hardy, Canada's Gut Health Expert and speaker at The One Health Summit 2020
gut health were shared by two renowned international experts,
and South Africa’s Mpho Tshukudu, a registered dietitian with a special interest in South Africa’s food culture and heritage. Tshukudu unpacked the relevance of the international findings for South Africans, taking local beliefs,
Mpho Tshukudu
behaviours and dietary practices into account. Professor Rob Knight, founding director of the Centre for Microbiome Innovation in California, described the gut and its microbiome as the new factors impacting lifespan and health outcomes. “Your gut microbiome can be a predictor for
Professor Rob Knight, founding Director of the Centre for Microbiome Innovation in California
health and disease. Research indicates that health conditions including pain, autism, obesity, cardiovascular risk, anxiety, depression and multiple sclerosis may be affected by intestinal microbiota,” he explained. When we think of biomes under threat, we tend to think of extinction within the environment. Our modern lifestyle has led to the disappearance of large groups of microbes in the gut microbiome.
abundance and diversity in beneficial
diet. For many, these foods are seen as
bacteria, improved overall gut health
‘poverty foods’, but they provide valuable
and a reduction in inflammation. Eating
nutrients that can promote gut health
food containing probiotics is a simple,
and, based on the findings presented by
accessible way for people to consume
the other speakers, overall health too.
nutrients and beneficial bacterial
with laxatives, herbal preparations and
fermented foods are probiotics and that
enemas as a first-line approach, which
probiotics must meet certain criteria to
can be harmful long term. Tshukudu
be classified as such. These
Maintaining equilibrium in the
include the need for bacterial
gut is protective against disease when modern life stressors influence the gut microbiome negatively. The good news is that eating fruits and vegetables rich in fibre and phytonutrients coupled with fermented food may have a positive effect.
dietitian known as Canada’s gut health expert, agreed. “Nutrition is the quickest and easiest way to influence our gut microbiota,” she said, noting that Western diets, characterised by too much sugar, fat, red and processed meat and too little dietary fibre, reduces the diversity and abundance of beneficial bacteria in the gut, damages its mucous layer and leads to low-grade chronic inflammation. Eating enough fibre, phytochemicals, omega-3 fats, probiotics, prebiotics and fermented food is associated with
strains to survive in the
Probiotics must meet certain criteria. This includes the need for bacterial strains to survive in food at an efficacious dose for the duration of shelf life, and at least one positive human clinical trial to prove that it addresses a specific health outcome.
Andrea Hardy, a registered
Food Review | September 2020
Some South Africans self-medicate
cultures. She explained that not all
exhorted healthcare professionals to educate their patients around dietary intervention and the benefits of eating
food at an efficacious
or drinking certain familiar, easily
dose for the duration of
available heritage or traditional foods
shelf life, and at least
for gut health.
one positive human
Tshukudu recommends integrating South
clinical trial to prove
Africa’s traditional cuisine with modern
that it addresses a
food trends:
specific health outcome.
• Onion, ginger, garlic, black pepper,
She used the example of
yoghurt containing a blend of five cultures, including the
cayenne pepper, cinnamon, oregano, rosemary, and turmeric are prebiotics that support gut health and have been
bacterial strain Bifidus ActiRegularis,
adopted into South African cuisine
which has been shown in clinical trials to
from other cultures over time. These
reduce digestive discomfort.
could be added to pre-packed meals
Tshukudu’s presentation aligned the international findings with the
and salads. • While beans and legumes get a
South African context, calling on local
bad rap for causing bloating and
healthcare professionals to better
flatulence, sprouting, soaking and
understand all the layers influencing an
fermenting lentils and beans (grains
individual’s food choices and behaviours,
and other vegetables) avoid these
to deliver relevant, meaningful advice.
issues and is an emerging world
Some South Africans believe that
trend as well as being culturally-
traditional food has no role in a modern
appropriate. Processors should
Danone’s One Planet. One Health initiative is based on the premise that a healthy body needs healthy food and a healthy planet. It is a movement aimed at nurturing the adoption of sustainable eating and drinking habits. To date, Danone’s online nutrition education initiatives have reached more than 7 million South Africans. The company is the only yoghurt producer committed to the Plastic Pact in SA; it has partnered with Pick n Pay to improve food waste management and is working through the WWF with farmers to improve water catchment areas.
are unaware that lactose is digested by the intrinsic cultures in fermented dairy products. Maas may be the traditional version, but yoghurt has a modern appeal. To help promote digestive comfort and wellbeing, dairy processors should formulate yoghurts with a blend of bacterial strains, including Bifidus ActiRegularis. A dairy food that contains this ingredient
more of these ingredients to freshpacked ready-meals. • Fruits such as pomegranates, figs, blackberries, and baobab grow in rural areas and evoke positive childhood memories, and are fantastic additions to smoothies, baking and dressings. • South Africa has a wealth of traditional and nutritious cooking leaves. Morogo, for example, is rich in nutrients and fibre and processors can turn these
The initiative forms part of the
is Danone’s Activia yoghurt and clinical
company’s continued investment in
trials prove that it assists with digestive
education programmes that brings
comfort. When added to a reduced-sugar
together global and local scientists.
variant, it gains even more benefits. investigate opportunities of adding
Danone donated 5 million cups of yoghurt to communities in need during the COVID-19 crisis
“The health of people and the
Danone recently launched its strawberry
health of the planet is very strongly
and goji berry variant, which features 28%
interconnected. One Planet. One Health is
less sugar.
our long-term vision and is linked to the
“One of Danone Southern Africa’s
sustainability goals of the United Nations.
many efforts towards the goals set to
We believe that education on the right
achieve its One Planet. One Health vision
nutrition choices will help to strengthen
is an annual summit, hosted for the past
the wellbeing of consumers,”
three years as The Yoghurt Summit. It
he concludes. •
was renamed this year to the ‘One Health Summit’ in line with our One Planet. One Health ethos,” explains Danone MD Hendrik Born.
leaves into an excellent pesto. These leaves can also be added to salad packs and bottled smoothies. • In South Africa, meat consumption is high at the expense of vegetables, nuts, and legumes, partly because plant proteins are considered poverty food. The flexitarian diet is gaining interest and nuts and legumes fit right in there as protein sources. • Due to a high prevalence of lactose intolerance, many South Africans avoid dairy food. Many consumers
September 2020 | Food Review
Farming flavour all the rage
The stevia plant yields many powerful and highly beneficial ingredients beyond just sweeteners. Stevia flavour modifying properties are a well-known tool used by flavourists to optimise taste performance, increase mouthfeel and boost a variety of flavour notes in food and beverage applications.
onsumers are seeking out natural
enhancers, and new dairy products launched
ingredients in response to the growing
with flavour enhancers grew nearly 30%
trend of individuals taking control
year-on-year in 2019.
of their own nutrition, health and wellness.
Due in part to the innovations with next-
This dovetails with consumer demand for
generation, more taste-advanced stevia leaf
cleaner food and beverage product labels and
ingredients, stevia has seen a steady increase
environmentally-sustainable ingredients.
in global launches of food and beverage
One food and beverage sector recognising
“While stevia is increasing year-on-year, other nonnutritive sweeteners, including acesulfame K, aspartame and sucralose, have declined each year since 2017”
products since 2012. In 2019, the increase was
ingredients come from the leaves of stevia
these trends is the flavour enhancer and
more than 16% vs. 2018, and there have been
plants and are completely non-GMO. PureCircle
modulation space. Flavour enhancers used in
over 26 000 products launched with stevia
works alongside food and beverage companies
products with natural claims increased 32%
cumulatively since 2012.
to enable optimal taste performance across a
from 2018 to 2019, according to Innova. Sports
PureCircle is a prominent producer and
nutrition was the largest new product launch
innovator of stevia ingredients for the global
and innovative portfolio of next-generation
category for “natural” products using flavour
food and beverage industry. All of PureCircle’s
stevia leaf ingredients.
Food Review | September 2020
wide array of applications by utilising its vast
Stevia is experiencing significant growth and adoption in the dairy sector. New dairy products launched which included stevia
and sustainable supply of stevia leaf ingredients to food and beverage companies. Due to its extensive research, PureCircle
ingredients grew 22% last year. While stevia is
has discovered many ingredients in the
increasing year-on-year, other non-nutritive
stevia leaf, including ones with flavour-
sweeteners, including acesulfame K, aspartame and sucralose, have declined each year since 2017. Among all new dairy products launched in 2019,
modifying properties. These ingredients work in harmony with the stevia sweeteners, and can contribute to sweetness quality, target flavour
drinkable yoghurt and
intensity, modify taste
spoonable dairy yoghurt
and remove bitterness.
made up the largest
Stevia flavour solutions
share of launches with
can even contribute to
stevia ingredients.
reducing sodium.
The company recently announced the development of a new proprietary stevia leaf variety, which provides significant advantages compared with previous
PureCircle’s NSF-02 natural stevia flavour is one of its most versatile stevia solutions because it works across food and beverage categories to
generations of stevia plants. These new stevia
enhance sweetness quality and balance overall
plants yield greater quantities of our next-
flavour profile, while minimising off-notes and
generation stevia ingredients. This agricultural
aftertaste. Like other stevia ingredients, it is
innovation yields more efficient production
non-GMO and has no calories.
of the best-tasting stevia leaf sweeteners
NSF-02 stevia flavour is an important
and powerful flavour-enhancing ingredients.
solution for product developers working
The new stevia plant variety further improves
in the dairy category. Using it in combination
PureCircle’s ability to deliver a cost-effective
with stevia leaf sweeteners, such as the
Reb M, enables food and beverage companies to produce great-tasting products with costefficient, plant-based ingredients. Like other stevia-based flavours in PureCircle’s portfolio, NSF-02 natural stevia flavour provides different synergies depending on what application the ingredient is used in. PureCircle is the industry pioneer regarding the use of Glycosilated Steviol Glycosides (GSG) flavour. Flavour ingredients have high standards of review by the FDA and other regulatory food safety agencies like EFSA. Next-generation stevia leaf ingredients provide food and beverage companies with the tools necessary to achieve optimal taste performance, improved mouthfeel and sweetness quality parity in low and zero-added sugar products. PureCircle’s robust portfolio of stevia leaf ingredients, including stevia sweeteners, flavours and optimised stevia blends, satisfy and exceed consumer expectations for great-tasting food and beverage products, supporting healthier lifestyles. •
Savannah Fine Chemicals –
September 2020 | Food Review
Cultures to reshape the fermented dairy industry A new range of dairy cultures allows for the production of yoghurt with faster fermentation time and higher probiotic counts – important factors for consumers and producers.
uPont Nutrition & Biosciences’ new
acidity before cooling and packaging. Yo-
range ensures innovative dairy
Mix Prime 900 offers manufacturers the
culture and probiotic formulations
option to fine-tune the texture of yoghurt
“These cultures demonstrate how
according to consumer preferences.
market-driven innovation, combined
that will result in new food solutions. In combination with fermentation and higher
• Yo-Mix Fast 1.0 enables fast fermentation,
a higher dose of documented probiotics in premium probiotic yoghurt.
with local expertise in regions around
probiotic counts, it offers a mild taste and
delivers a thick and smooth texture,
the world, brings faster fermentation,
premium texture.
and can be adapted to different yoghurt
higher probiotic counts, milder taste and
The new cultures include:
recipes and processes.
a healthier brand image to fermented
• Yo-Mix Prime offers manufacturers
• DuPont Danisco LPC 800 allows for refreshing
dairy products,” explains Morten Boesen,
the ability to create optimal mildness
beverages without too much acidity, while
global product line manager, Dairy
coupled with a premium creamy texture.
maintaining high Lactobacillus bacteria
Cultures, DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences.
The culture enables the reduction of
count until the end of product shelf life.
added sugars and a high probiotic count,
Compared to market alternatives, it enables
costs for customers while maintaining
while maintaining quality throughout
faster fermentation within 24 hours, which
quality and taste for consumers,
challenging distribution channels such
assists in reducing the risk of contamination.
effectively reshaping the future
as the African continent. It also allows
DuPont Danisco LPC 800 is an ideal choice in
of fermented dairy products,”
manufacturers to save on formulation
low-sugar recipes, resulting in a more stable
he concludes. •
costs by reducing protein addition in
and refreshing flavour.
recipes, and greater process flexibility due to fast fermentation and full control of
“These cultures lower formulation
• Howaru Bifido combined with Yo-Mix
DuPont –
cultures creates new opportunities for
A first in organic dairy ingredients Arla Foods Ingredients has launched the first organic micellar casein isolate, helping manufacturers meet the demand for organic, natural and functional protein products.
icellar casein isolate is a new
they think healthy, sustainable and
and functionality with an offer of healthy
ingredient which is rich in native milk
wholesome. A shortage of natural, organic
wholesomeness that increases the appeal."
proteins. It is extracted from milk
protein ingredients has prevented many
Samples of MicelPure are available
using gentle processing without the addition
manufacturers from entering this market.
for food applications such as cooking-
of acids. The protein maintains its chemical
MicelPure Organic fills the gap, allowing
stable cheeses, yoghurts and ice cream
structure, allowing the creation of products
companies to extend their portfolios with
and puddings, as well as health and
that are as close to nature as possible.
products that are both organic and packed
performance applications, such as ready-
with high-quality protein.”
to-drink high-protein beverages and
MicelPure contains a minimum of 87% native protein. Suitable for food,
Research shows that “healthy” and
functional health food and active nutrition
“natural” are the two most important
applications, it is low in lactose and fat,
characteristics for consumers of food
heat-stable and taste-neutral.
products.1 Because it is rich in the native
As the first-ever organic micellar casein isolate on the market, MicelPure Organic meets a clear need. Research indicates
protein, MicelPure also helps manufacturers
products healthier, tastier and more
Foods explains, “Protein benefits for muscle
nutritious, with one in three saying they
growth, recovery and weight management
would buy more organic, high-protein
has driven consumer demand in a range
snacks if they were available.1
of categories. While the high-protein trend is here to stay, manufacturers
manager at Arla Foods Ingredients
also have to meet many other needs.
says, “When consumers hear ‘organic’,
MicelPure combines high protein levels
Food Review | September 2020
Lindberg International ‘Consumer study on perception of organic food products and organic purchasing habits’, 2019f
Joe Katterfield, business development manager for Sports Nutrition and Health
respond to these needs.
that European consumers consider organic
Barbara Jensen, business development
powder shakes. •
Arla Foods Ingredients –
How to stop COVID infection during food production Global hygiene and cleaning company, Diversey has applied its expertise in the food and beverage sector to provide key safety advice designed to protect against airborne transmission of COVID-19.
urope has seen a large number of
damp, are perfect environments for coronavirus
outbreaks of infection in a diverse
to linger and spread.1
For your copy of Diversey’s New Air Handling Guide, please visit: considerations-improvingfacility-air-quality
range of production facilities and in
factories that handle everything, from chilled
Change to the WHO Guidelines
supermarket ready meals, to meat processing
The World Health Organisation (WHO)
and snack foods.
initially ruled out airborne transmission,
Hein Timmerman, global sector specialist
contending that COVID-19 is spread mostly
comments, “Initially the investigation into the
through respiratory droplets, usually from
primary causes of outbreaks in food production
sneezes or coughs. This has now been re-
facilities has seen the focus directed toward
evaluated due to evidence and broader
typical working practices in F&B plants - such
lobbying by scientists engaged in emerging
as the close proximity of workers in production
research and with the recent factory
lines. With heavy physical work - such as in
outbreaks in mind. 2
meat processing - staff breathe heavily from
As COVID-19 is thought to be primarily
the effort involved; or have to shout above the
transmitted via large respiratory droplets,
loud noise of production machinery.”
an increasing number of outbreak reports
It has been identified that workers can
implicate the role of aerosols in indoor
spread infection in droplets from coughing,
environments - with the duration of
sneezing, or simply exhaling breath. Factories
infectivity depending on temperature
and indoor areas with refrigerated areas and
and humidity.
Hein concludes, “Diversey has created essential guidance for the F&B production industry. This details methods to increase air quality and reduce the risk of transmission. It is timely insight due to the growing body of factory evidence, and the WHO’s acceptance of developing scientific research of the potential threat involved. • 2 health/ap-eu-med-virus-outbreak-airbornecoronavirus.html 1
Diversey -
NOW OFFERING COVID-19 SURFACE AND ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING As employers prepare to welcome their workforces back to work, concerns about surface and environmental contamination will be top of mind, which includes restaurants, hotels and schools. Businesses across every industry sector are seeking peace of mind in terms of compliance, occupational health and safety, and their social responsibility towards employees and customers to create a clean and safe environment. NOSA Testing Laboratories, an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory facility, can help. We are now able to carry out surface and environmental sampling for the detection of coronavirus S gene specific to COVID-19, in accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) protocol for health care and public health. NOSA Testing can help South African Businesses detect the presence of COVID-19 by means of our RNA virus determination real time PCR method. NOSA Testing has more than 20 years’ experience in diagnostic and zoonotic analysis and is performed by competent HPCSA registered professionals. These laboratories meet the current biosafety and biosecurity standards according to the OIE Standards for biological risks, and all testing takes place in a BSL2 testing environment which is a minimal requirement recommended by the World Health Organization.
NOSA Testing methodology of analyses tests for two protein genes on the virus to confirm presence. They are: > E gene which detects corona viruses (Envelope protein) > S gene specific to COVID-19 (Spike protein) COVID-19 results shall be reported within 48 hours from date of sample receipt.
For more information please contact: Venisha Bachulal (Managing Director) +27 (0) 76 511 3850 | Keshav Beachen (Sales Manager) +27 (0) 76 114 9420 |
September 2020 | Food Review
Success depends on a lean and flexible facility The food and beverage industries remain important contributors to the manufacturing and FMCG sectors, as well as the local economy, writes Darryl Macdougall.
ood and beverage manufacturers
This has placed a lean, flexible
no preservatives added, which makes it
are some of the most highly-
manufacturing process as the engine
difficult to keep microbes out of
regulated (and penalised)
of a successful operation. The process
the food.
businesses – and rightly so, given the
needs to be consistent and reliable to
impeccable standards of process and
accommodate perishable
product quality, and safety, that must
ingredients, storage, short
food and drink products – with every
be maintained to protect consumers and
lead times for retail clients
batch – requires machines that are
and maintain a safe and
Modern consumer tastes and corporate
hygienic production line.
With the above in mind, being able to produce high-grade safe and quality
100% reliable, meet today’s hygiene standards and can handle
retail demands for new flavours, fashions
This process also needs
and fads have created a demand for
to be repeatable, ensuring
order, but in reality – and
ever-greater quantity of product lines.
the quality of each batch, to
when the quality of the
This demand runs somewhat contrary to
maximise on outputs and minimise
the operation of traditional dedicated
on waste and potential losses. As a result,
process lines where there is one pipe-run
production efficiencies and product
behaviour of the customer, which directly
for one product.
quality remain key performance indicators
impacts the bottom line, then – there can
for food and beverage processors.
be no shortcuts.
Previously, if a company wanted to produce more lines of products,
There are challenges
they needed to build more
with the multi-product
production lines,
line approach that
products with care. A tall
product can directly impact the safety, experience and buying
Directives from the European Hygienic Engineering Design Group (EHEDG) – which have been accepted and are
recommission an
every production
widely applied across related industries
existing line or
line manager will
in South Africa – are aimed at setting
suffer downtime
invariably face.
universal standards that are founded
cleaning and
Deciding on how best
turning around a
to manage the transition
line in operation.
of one product to another
Modern production facilities – particularly in food and beverage
when using the same line for batch production is an example. A
on science-based knowledge in the hygienic engineering and design of food and beverage production equipment and facilities. As an example, a core aim of the EHEDG standards is to prevent
production – have moved from a
potential hazard to a multi-product line
contamination of consumable products
dedicated production line for each
approach is cross-contamination, which
– and directly related to this, one of the
product to an innovative multi-product
can result in spoiled product, shorter
major directives from EHEDG states that
line which could be processing several
shelf life, production downtime
every part of the production line should
different foodstuffs, liquids or slurries
and risks to employees during the
be accessible for cleaning.
every day.
cleaning process. A multi-product line can increase
“Modern production facilities – particularly in food and beverage production – have moved from a dedicated production line for each product to an innovative multi-product line which could be processing several different foodstuffs, liquids or slurries every day”
Food Review | September 2020
The cleanability requirements – including, clean in place (CIP) and
the exposure risk to microbes, which
sterilisation in place (SIP) – to meet
present an ever-looming threat to food
hygiene standards alone present
and beverage manufacturers. This has
several challenges for processors, and
also been compounded by the current
particularly those operating multi-
consumer trends in food,
product lines. With a modular design,
as the sector
however, there is a great opportunity
has seen an increase in favouring fresh,
to address many of the challenges presented by a multi-product line and the
foods with little sugar, salt, and less to
For example, modular design to the production line can allow
processors to add, remove, change out
hygienic pumps with a modular design
or undertake maintenance to machines
can be integrated. Such solutions allow
and equipment on a production line
for ready disassembly, cleanability
processes must be reliable, repeatable
with minimal disruption, which also
and reassembly.
and error-free – and integrating
means less downtime. Taking this a step further, and at
Additionally, when reviewing the
3A-certified manufacturing processes. In the food and beverage industries,
the right equipment is critical to
production line, processors should
maintaining this sustainably. Navigating
the heart of maintaining the highest
consider speciality twin-screw pumps
the technical obstacles of selecting the
levels of hygiene standards means
that were designed for reliable pumping
right pumping solutions for specific
selecting fit-for-purpose hygienic
– from low- to high-viscous, volatile
applications can be complex.
pumping solutions that have been
or gaseous products – across multiple
designed and built to eliminate any risk
applications and fulfil the utmost
therefore, need to look to a trusted
of contaminants during production. For
hygienic and efficiency requirements
and reputable brand that can offer not
example, throughout the production
according to the highest hygienic
only a wide range of pumping solutions
process, there are many areas where
specifications such as EHEDG and
but solutions that are long-lasting,
Food and beverage processors,
cost-effective and efficient – because they are 100% fit-for-purpose for
Production efficiencies and product quality remain key performance indicators for food and beverage processors
the application. •
ABOUT THE AUTHOR DARRYL MACDOUGALL is managing director of Verder Pumps South Africa.
Verder Pumps –
At Verder Pumps we offer a wide range of fit-for-purpose pumps and solutions for every phase in the food and beverage manufacturing process.
VERDER HYGIENIC PUMPS Offering a wide range of hygienic solutions
Our range of hygienic pumps and solutions include the Packo Centrifugals, Verderair double diaphragm, Verderflex Peristaltics and JEC rotary lobe and twin-screw pumps. With this complete range of solutions we can address all your hygienic pump requirements! Your benefits:
Verder is manufacturer of: Verderflex, Verderair, Packo and JEC pumps VERDER PUMPS SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD Tel.: +27 (0)11 704 7500
September 2020 | Food Review
The lowdown on disinfection, HACCP management & microbial air monitoring Food suppliers, manufacturers, and regulatory bodies are adapting to keep their products, industry workers and the consuming public safe. There is an increase in demand for accurate and reliable food and safety testing.
erck has created easy access
Food Review explores some of the industry-
portals for key testing products and
leading products used in food and beverage
training materials requested by the
in-process control testing:
industry. These products and trainings support disinfection control, HACCP management and
• Semi-quantitative disinfectant testing MQuant test strips These items are pocket-sized laboratories
pathogen testing.
for quick and simple analyses of chemical 1, 2: Merck Millipore offers a range of semi-quantitative disinfectant testing
of your production line after disinfection. Digital value readout and data storage is available with the MQuant StripScan app for instructions on sample preparation for inprocess control of disinfection makes the process simple and effective. • Reflectoquant system The RQflex 20 reflectometer is an economical mobile laboratory that performs critical analyses in the fields of agriculture, food,
The need for improved food and beverage safety is resulting in frequent in-process disinfection control testing. Merck has increased production of reagents for reflectometry, photometry, traditional and rapid surface monitoring, sterilisation process validation, and certified disinfection reference standards. Attention to hygiene during the manufacture of food and beverage products is paramount due to the ever-present risk of dangerous microorganisms that can cause foodborne illness by infection or intoxication. Equally thorough disinfection control testing of filling and processing equipment must also be conducted to ensure that disinfectant residues do not remain and subsequently contaminate final food and beverage products. The group continues to develop efficient, sensitive and compliant disinfection control testing solutions based on its Supelco analytical reagents and Millipore biomonitoring tools expertise.
beverages, water analysis and during disinfection control. The peracetic acid test strips are suited for the selective determination of the peracetic acid concentration in aqueous solutions and to check for the absence of peracetic acid after rinsing processes, also in cases in which hydrogen peroxide is present. • Spectroquant Move instruments A robust portable handheld colorimeter for rapid on-site analyses with reliable results for disinfection control: no matter what or where you need to test. Spectroquant Move instruments offer dependable in-process testing in a broad range of pre-programmed parameters with an independent instrument.
HACCP & ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Discover a complete HACCP management system with audit-ready reporting that combines high-sensitivity bioluminescent detection with room-stable sampling swabs that are resistant to sanitiser interference, allowing for fast, accurate detection of low levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and other parameters on surfaces after cleaning,
“Attention to hygiene during the manufacture of food and beverage products is paramount due to the ever-present risk of dangerous microorganisms that can cause foodborne illness by infection or intoxication”
Food Review | September 2020
and more temporary workers, there is an increased need for training on the correct protocols to help keep staff and products they produce safe and compliant.
disinfectant parameters to ensure the safety
selected test strips. Application notes with
FAST FACT: With reduced staff
and even after sanitising. The MVP ICON is the first system to provide true HACCP management capabilities. It features advanced photon counting sensor (PCS) technology; the MVP ICON provides superior accuracy, sensitivity, and reproducibility for ATP,
pH, temperature, conductivity, and concentration. The innovative design is sleek, lightweight and features an easy to use touch-screen interface. The ICON Dashboard software displays key performance metrics at a glance, allowing quality assurance managers to instantly determine if sanitation standard operating procedures (SSOPs) are being followed and are effective. Dashboard data is updated in real-time after results are synched. A wide selection of print-ready reports, including Action, Trending, HACCP, and raw data will allow you to generate necessary documentation in seconds.
MICROBIAL AIR MONITORING Hygiene standards in a production environment are directly linked to the microbiological safety of the finished products. Merck’s technology ensures that active microbial air sampling solutions generate precise, reliable and reproducible results for effective use in the food and beverage industry where regulations are on the rise, and standards are becoming more stringent. The range of air samplers are based on different principles, enabling selection of the technology to suit your needs. The range includes MAS-100 air samplers which are based on the Anderson impaction principle that uses settle plates or contact plates, as well as RCS (Reuter Centrifugal Sampler) that uses dedicated agar strips. There are product variants specifically designed for explosion hazard areas and for monitoring of compressed gases. •
2 Merck Millipore –
MVP ICON® System Your daily defense in the battle for food safety Bring your HACCP and hygiene monitoring program to the next level with the MVP ICON®, the only system that lets you monitor multiple HACCP parameters using a single instrument. Results for all parameters are automatically compiled and reported in a colourful, intuitive dashboard format allowing effective management of your quality assurance program.
KEY BENEFITS • Superior ATP swab design with best-in-class sample release • Room-temperature stable swabs are ready for immediate use • Flexible testing options that complement existing workflows • Perform instrument calibrations and verifications on site, anytime • Easily track failure rates, retest compliance and monitor overall program effectiveness
To find out more, visit
For further information please contact: Tel: 08600 63725
When food is too good to waste BiobiN is an easy and efficient on-site waste management system, which processes food and organic waste into rich compost. Food Review looks at how this technology could impact waste streams at processing facilities, retailers and restaurants that handle fresh produce waste and offcuts. DID
patented in-vessel composting
black bins is increasing rapidly,” Küsel
unit, the technology is designed
points out. “Composting with a BiobiN
with on-site waste management
is a cost-effective and long-term
in mind. “It is a great food waste
sustainable solution for managing food
management solution for facilities
waste and at the same time enriching
such as shopping centres, retailers,
our soils.” •
restaurants and fast-food outlets,” managing director Brian Küsel explains. Food waste poses a big environmental issue at landfill sites. When it biodegrades in landfills, methane and
Methane is a greenhouse gas that has 84 times more atmospheric warming potential than carbon dioxide2.
leachate are produced. Methane is a greenhouse gas that has 84 times more atmospheric warming potential than
BiobiN -
carbon dioxide2. Leachate consists of water that seeps through the landfill layers and mixes with liquid waste from decomposing food waste; it is a contaminant that has the potential to
Turning organic wa ste into rich compos t
pollute nearby groundwater resources. South Africa has introduced waste management regulations that place stricter requirements on the disposal of food waste to avoid burdening landfill sites. “These new waste regulations are starting to put owners of hotels, shopping centres, restaurants, and fast-food outlets under pressure and the cost of ‘dumping’ food waste in
FAST FACT: South Africa
generates a total of 10 million tonnes1 of food waste per year, with the majority ending up in landfills. The BiobiN model diverts food waste from landfills and gives it back to the soil.
An outside view of a BiobiN unit
BiobiN® is a clean and simple solution to managing organic and wet waste that would otherwise end up in landfill.
Find out more about this innovative way to deal with your company’s food waste, visit
Food Review | September 2020
Quick and precise testing at every production step Supelco® test strips, reflectometer & colorimeter for accurate food and beverage analysis We offer rapid, flexible and reliable analyses for accurate food and beverage testing. Find ideal methods to support your production process and analyses. Select the sensitivity you need from the diverse portfolio, which includes: MQuant® test strips are high-tech products – your laboratory on just a few square millimetres of backing, which can be used anywhere. Suitable for semi quantitative detection of ions, organic and inorganic substances. • Pocket-size for quick and simple analyses • Broad field of applications for various checking -quality of frying oils, ensuring safety after disinfection or testing concentration content in food. • Digital value readout and data storage is available with MQuant® StripScan app for selected test strips. MQuant® Test Parameters visit: Reflectoquant® system is an economical transportable laboratory to perform critical analyses, for monitoring raw materials in all stages of the production processes in food & beverage manufacturing, hygiene control, industrial and rapid QC analysis. This Quantitative analysis system comprises of RQflex® 20 reflectometer, Test Strips & Kits for rapid, precise and reliable results directly on-site. RQflex® 20 • • • •
Light and compact Display shows easy-to-follow pictograms AQA supported – RQcheck for total system monitoring Calibration for easy reset of baseline – reliable results
Test Strips • Barcode with batch specific calibration • Mobility with accuracy Reflectoquant® Test Parameters visit: Application Notes offer step-by-step sample preparation guide to determine various parameters for agriculture, food & beverage or disinfection control processes. Over 100 applications for finding the ideal method to support your production. • Rapid quantitative detection of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in honey • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – for over 15 sample materials • Monitor acrylamide formation in fried or baked goods For further information please contact: Tel: 08600 63725
Perfect control of process water quality The food processing industry is one of the largest in the world and the entire sector strives to make sure that fresh ingredients are converted to tasty finished products. Maryke Foulds asked Nikki Wilson to explain how ECA solutions can impact the quality of water used in the F&B industry.
hen done right, processing helps
the water unknowingly, but some, such as
food look and taste good while also
Legionella, are born in water.
allowing for consistent shelf life.
Harmful microbial intruders can make the
When done wrong, these aspects are affected
water extremely hazardous, especially when
in extremely negative ways. This is most likely
we look at its importance to food processing.
caused by poor-quality water, that may lead
Microorganisms can be introduced into the
to food spoilage and the possibility of product
system from the environment and could
returns and harm to the consumer.
be present in piping or from contaminated
Water is essential and used for a variety of
Water is used extensively in the food processing industry
equipment. Once in the water, they begin to
purposes in food processing. In many cases,
thrive. Manufacturers must ensure that the
water comes into direct contact with food
water used in food processing is of the best
and food contact surfaces. The quality of the
possible quality – with Radical Waters ECA
significant benefit is that the consumption of
water used must be of the highest standard;
(electrochemical activation) this is a guarantee.
harmful and undesirable chemical reagents is
otherwise, there is a risk of food contamination and the spawning of disease. When treated using outdated and ineffective
Radical Waters’ electrochemically-activated (ECA) water generators produce two solutions
markedly reduced or can be avoided altogether. Radical Waters is a global leader in
by running an electrical current through a
electrochemically-activated (ECA) water
methods, the condition of the water is greatly
weak brine mixture. The first is a detergent
technology and has spent more than 24
reduced. In these cases of negligence, bacteria
known as catholyte. This is a weak sodium
years developing and commercialising this
and viruses will develop in poor-quality water.
hydroxide solution with a pH greater than 11.4
patented technology. Dozens of patents have
Such pathogens are often transferred into
and a concentration of between approximately
been granted to Radical Waters, meaning
400PPM to 1 000PPM, which can be used to
industries such as meat processing, beverage
clean. The second solution is a potent natural
manufacture, CIP processes, treatment of
disinfectant called anolyte, used to disinfect/
raw grains and starches, dentistry, sterilising
sanitise with. Anolyte is a hypochlorous acid
of medical and healthcare equipment and
solution with a neutral pH of around 6.7 and
microbial resistance management all fall within
between 170PPM to 500PPM of free available
their ever-expanding portfolio.
“The quality of the water used must be of the highest standard; otherwise, there is a risk of food contamination and the spawning of disease”
chlorine depending on the ECA generator’s
Radical Waters has installed and maintains
configuration. The two solutions are also
ECA technology in 27 countries over six
compatible, so rinsing between applications is
continents, primarily for blue-chip companies,
no longer needed.
with some very high-profile clients like Coca-
Radical Waters’ ECA solutions are 100% natural and safe to use with foodstuffs. ECA is
Cola, Danone Water China, Suntory, aQuellé and Valpré along with several others. •
such an efficient cleaning and sanitising agent that it has started to replace the widespread use of chemicals in many factories. Another
food & beverage ECA hygiene technology
Radical Waters –
* of tested organisms
* k i l l s 9 9 . 9 % m i c ro
Trusted by QA around the World.
Food Review | September 2020
The age of CO2-neutral bottling plants has arrived
he aim is to build an entirely CO2 -neutral factory but also reduce water consumption to
a minimum, treating and re-using as
Following years of contract bottling, Dutch-based smoothie and juice producer innocent has decided to build its own bottling plant. Krones won the order for four complete PET bottling lines and the corresponding Food Manufacturing Africa, 132 mm, CC-en46-AZ416 11/19 ITx 200 landscape. CO2-neutral bottling plant is equipped with four Krones PET bottling lines
much of it as possible. Each of the four identical PET lines handles up to 32 000 containers an hour. The new plant has been tasked with filling about 400 million bottles of chilled drinks a year. “The company invested approximately $250m in this project,” explains Sam Woollett, engineering and facilities lead. The Contipure AseptBloc DA blow-moulder/filler block consists of a Contiform 3 Pro stretch blowmoulding machine and a Modulfill Asept aseptic filler. The Contipure D preform sterilisation module is a very sustainable version. This ensures a reduced total cost of ownership, thanks to lower consumption of hydrogen peroxide, steam and energy, plus shorter preparation times. All containers, after being filled, are fitted with a tamperevident seal and – depending on the format involved – dressed in a wraparound or pressure-sensitive label. The modular Topmodul labeller is blocksynchronised directly with the Variopac Pro FS packer. As the group’s digitalisation specialist, the Krones subsidiary Syskron has developed a turnkey MES concept for innocent that through appropriate interfaces also integrates the ERP system, the process control and warehouse management systems in the new plant. This concept includes various solutions from the SitePilot IT family brand, not least the Planning production planning system, the Line Management
Vision. Feasibility. Cost-Efficiency. We embrace a holistic approach to your beverage factory.
order and administration system, plus Line Diagnostics for production data acquisition and analysis. From the category of Share2Act services, innocent will in future be using Connect: this enables all information, such as shift
schedules, to be made available to all staff in digital form. •
Krones – CC-en46_AZ416_11-19.indd 1
11.11.2019 11:11:43
September 2020 | Food Review
Optimal water use can support food security Wastewater re-use presents a sustainable solution to support food security amid looming water shortages, but the cost of the necessary infrastructure means it is not being widely adopted in South Africa.
anufacturing plants, particularly local branches of international food and beverage producers,
are increasingly investing in treatment facilities, enabling them to re-use their own wastewater and achieve zero liquid discharge status. This is according to Hennie Pretorius, industry manager water and wastewater at Endress+Hauser South Africa, who will participate in IFAT Africa next year. Endress+Hauser, recently named by Frost & Sullivan as 2020 Global Company of the Year in the global liquid analyser market, is seeing growing adoption of wastewater treatment and analysis solutions in the South African private sector. This contributes to food security by eliminating megalitres of waste in food processing, Pretorius says. However, the re-use of treated wastewater in agriculture has some way to go. “In South Africa, treated wastewater is not being used directly for agriculture at scale,” he notes. “The reasons for this include the costs of infrastructure to pipe treated wastewater to remote farms, and the fact that many of the country’s wastewater treatment plants are not operating optimally. Inadequately treated wastewater used for agriculture could pose a risk to crops, farmworkers and groundwater.” With megalitres of water wasted daily, more efficient wastewater use will become
“Wastewater re-use presents a sustainable solution to support food security amid looming water shortages, but the cost of the necessary infrastructure means it is not being widely adopted in South Africa”
gap between water supply and demand –
not sustainable. The Minister of Human
expected to top 17% by 2030.
Settlements, Water and Sanitation, Lindiwe Sisulu, and her team appears
water demand is met from surface
to have the political will to change the
water resources, but this approach is
water environment, but we will have to move faster towards more sustainable approaches to water and wastewater use,”
FAST FACT: Endress+Hauser
has been recognised with Frost & Sullivan’s 2020 Global Liquid Analyser Company of the Year Award. The group impressed the jury with its robust product line, customeroriented approach and industryleading knowledge of liquid analysis. The global award recognises a high degree of innovation with products and technologies and the resulting leadership in terms of customer value and market penetration.
he points out.
ADDRESSING FOOD WASTE TO REDUCE WATER DEMAND IN MANUFACTURING Prof Linda Godfrey, Manager: Waste RDI Roadmap Implementation Unit, DSI and Principal Scientist: Waste and Circular Economy at the CSIR, notes that better utilisation of resources in production and manufacturing would go a long way to addressing food security in a sustainable way.
Food Review | September 2020
and energy needed to produce food,” she says. With around a third of edible food produced either lost or wasted each year, a great deal of work is now being done to address the issue, in support of the Sustainable Development Goals: the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, in partnership with the CSIR, have developed consumer food waste prevention and management guidelines
increasingly important in closing the
“Currently, most of the country’s
“Addressing the food waste problem would impact on resources such as water
aimed at preventing avoidable food waste, and minimising and properly managing unavoidable food waste in South Africa. The Consumer Goods Council of South Africa is collaborating with the EU and the South African government to establish a food loss and waste voluntary agreement, Prof Godfrey says. The agreement on reducing food waste and loss is expected to be signed later this year at the annual CGCSA summit, and is intended to mark the beginning of initiatives to ensure that surplus food which is still safe for human consumption can be donated to needy families in South Africa, where an estimated 13 million people go to bed hungry every night. •
Endress+Hauser –
C A R T O N & B OA R D
Growing demand for sustainable carton packs Retailers and brand owners are driving greater demand for renewable, recyclable and more sustainable carton packaging than before, writes Stefan Fageräng.
hese businesses want to assist
Tetra Pak is on a mission to increase
in lowering the impact on the
the renewable content of its products
climate while reducing their
and role players at the company are
carbon footprint. Consequently, they
looking at some of the elements of the
are looking at alternatives to fossil fuel-
packs, such as the polyethylene layers
based packaging. One such example is
and the closures, which are increasingly
carton packaging that is manufactured
being derived from renewable sources.
mainly from paperboard – sustainably-
That grows the renewable content of the
sourced from renewable forests that
carton packs and reduces the carbon
are certified by the Forest Stewardship
impact on the environment.
Council (FSC).
The approach takes into
The corporation works closely with customers and suppliers to develop safe, innovative and environmentallysound products that meet the requirements of hundreds of millions of people in more than 160 countries. With more than 25 000 employees globally, it believes in responsible industry leadership and a sustainable approach to business.
consideration the entire lifecycle of the carton packs and the full climate impact Tetra Prisma Aseptic is made mainly from paper, a renewable source, and is available with FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified packaging material, ensuring that the wood fibre is sourced from responsibly managed forests and other controlled sources
of the liquid paperboard packaging. An
recovered from used liquid cartons is
important part of that is post-consumer
carton packaging reel cores. Tetra Pak
waste and it’s great that it is recycled
uses these reel cores at the converting
right here in South Africa.
factory in Pinetown. Cartons are
Gayatri Paper Mills and
manufactured as flat packs and
Mpact Recycling, for example,
wound around reel cores, which
are paper mills that collect and
are an important component
process used liquid carton to
in maintaining the health and
make packaging from recycled
safety integrity of the packs
materials, such as container-
throughout the supply chain.
board and carton-board. These two organisations specifically benefit from the good quality
The latest development Stefan Fageräng
fibre they can extract from the
with regards to the polyethylene and aluminium recycling is the manufacturing
post-consumer carton packs for use in their
of a rigid plastic pallet. The pallet is a
paper products manufacturing process.
key component of the logistics value
Liquid cartons are a valuable source
chain and Tetra Pak is exploring how to
of raw materials for paper mills. This
make use of this pallet to distribute new
is because liquid cartons are made
packages to customers’ sites.
with high-quality virgin fibre. At the
The value of the liquid cartons
mills, paper is extracted for use in
extends down through the chain
manufacturing secondary packaging
to support a nationwide kerbside
products and the other components
collection programme that feeds
of the carton, such as polyethylene
through to the two mills for recycling.
and aluminium, are recovered for
Carton packaging helps retailers and
onward recycling. Polyethylene and
brand owners meet their sustainability
aluminium are combined and used in
objectives and affords them a credible
manufacturing rigid plastic products.
means to engage consumers on the
One of the latest products that
issues that resonate with them. •
is made from recycled paperboard
“The value of liquid cartons extends down through the chain to support a nationwide kerbside collection programme that feeds through to the two mills for recycling”
Food Review | September 2020
ABOUT THE AUTHOR STEFAN FAGERÄNG is managing director of Tetra Pak Southern Africa.
Tetra Pak –
C A R T O N & B OA R D
Ambitious plans underpin growing demand for adhesives
H.B. Fuller has announced the opening of its new business office in Johannesburg. Food Review looks at how this expansion, which includes a network spanning three warehouses across the country, will support its ambitious growth plans in the sub-Saharan region.
Head office in Johannesburg
“The ability to learn quickly and leverage digital technologies to meet with customers, develop creative solutions at distance, and attend to shifting priorities has been a game changer for the company”
the shipment and storage processes. It should be easy to handle, safe to transport, and resistant to injuries and punctures. • Agricultural packaging needs to be different from traditional carton closing applications because of the higher humidity conditions, heavier package contents and coated stocks to help fight moisture. H.B. Fuller’s adhesives for food packaging delivered reliable bond
he global adhesive manufacturer
their reparability and reuse, as well as
is committed to strengthening its
creating the opportunity to minimise waste
relationship and product scope
and recycle materials through end-user
with an impressive portfolio of the latest
responsibility initiatives.
adhesive technology for high-impact sustainable packaging. South Africa business manager Ronald
Prinsloo explains, “We can offer customers
By promoting resource-efficient design,
local adhesive expertise and a globally
production and consumption, H.B. Fuller
connected team with deep industry
technologies are playing a key role in helping
knowledge spanning 28 market sectors. We
food and beverage packaging manufacturers
approach customers with the same quality
meet their sustainability goals.
and expertise, no matter the market they
Global associations, consumer demand,
operate in. We are committed to following
and regulatory changes are significantly
common values by developing customised
impacting industry trends and have set
products and leveraging our substantial
the need for change. H.B. Fuller’s new
research and development capability.”
Sustainable Packaging Solutions section of its website, along with new product
upgrades, will enable customers to deliver
Adhesives and sealants make everyday
food, beverage and consumer goods.
products possible, playing an essential
role in thousands of items. In many
Innovative packaging solutions for the
cases, they also empower manufacturers
South African agriculture market:
to produce more cost-effectively and
• Agricultural packaging has taken on
sustainable packaging for their range of
responsibly, allowing them to work with
a new level of importance due to
more sustainable substrates, improve
increased food waste. Everyone in the
efficiencies, and reduce materials usage,
food industry, from farmers to retailers,
energy consumption, and greenhouse gas
rely heavily on the packaging to deliver
(GHG) emissions.
fresh products to consumers while
These products are true enablers of the
minimising food waste. The packaging
benefits of the circular economy, including
is an important medium to conserve
extending the durability of products and
the quality and reduce loss during
strength to a wide range of packaging materials, even in the hot and sunny South African climate. The range of adhesives enables food to stay fresh longer, thereby reducing food waste. Additionally, our food-safe packaging adhesives are externally approved for direct food contact. As packaging manufacturers search for more sustainable case and carton closing options, H.B. Fuller has introduced low application temperature hot melts: • By maintaining hot melt tanks at a lower temperature, manufacturers will use less energy than with traditional hot melt technology. Depending on the energy source, these energy savings can translate directly into carbon dioxide savings. • The patented low application hot melt adhesives are versatile and work with a wide range of substrates. To help customers improve efficiency on their lines, the company’s adhesive technology is designed to close more cases and cartons with less adhesive. Food waste reduction is a value of flexible packaging: • H.B. Fuller’s global line of Flexa adhesives safely protects food as it moves throughout the supply chain. This product range includes both solvent-based and solvent-free products for medium- and highperformance applications.
September 2020 | Food Review
C A R T O N & B OA R D
Sustainable Packaging Solutions
Sustainable Packaging Solutions RENEW Developing bio-based adhesive solutions
Aligned with UN goals for sustainable growth
RENEW Developing b adhesive solu
Aligned with UN goals for sustainable growth
Enabling Packaging Sustainability
Committed to reduce water, energy, waste and GHG
Committed to reduce water, energy, waste and GHG REDUCE Reduce energy use, packaging materials and food waste
REDESIGN Circular-ready packaging design solutions
Enabling Packaging RECYCLE Enable recycling of primary Sustainability packaging materials
Advanced portfolio of adhesives for manufacturing paper straws is expanding as the market and consumer needs grow and develop:
Detect . Reject . Protect
CEIA metal detectors by Heat and Control
REDUCE Reduce energy • Consumers are aware of use, the packaging impact of convenience packaging materials and on the environment andfood arewaste demanding low-impact alternative options to conventional plastic packaging. One area of focus is replacing plastic drinking straws with paper straws. • Scientifically-designed Swifttak adhesives deliver food-safe solutions that maintain straw integrity while the consumer is enjoying a beverage.
SOUTH AFRICAN EXPANSION Prinsloo and his highly-skilled team will draw on H.B. Fuller’s global network capabilities and technical centres, especially in Europe, India, the Middle East, and Africa by supporting sales in local currency. It also offers ex-stock deliveries. The new commercial organisation aims to grow H.B. Fuller’s share of the substantial local market for adhesives, leveraging significant combined experience to increase the company’s share of a potential €100m per year market1. “Our in-depth understanding of specific customer needs and local market requirements, together with H.B. Fuller’s high-quality solutions, technologies, and research capabilities, means we’re ideally placed to meet the increasing demand for
Improve inspection results with the world’s only multi-spectrum metal detector. CEIA’s unique technology achieves the highest sensitivity to small metal fragments by applying a broad spectrum of frequencies simultaneously and continuously - with no reduction in sensitivity. CEIA metal detectors from Heat and Control assure precise, consistent detection and rejection of metal contaminants.
adhesives in South Africa,” Prinsloo explains. “This fits with our overall strategy to build on our success around the globe and expand our business footprint in key market segments through strategic investments. We are now in a better position to offer outstanding local knowledge of customers’ production processes in the hygiene, graphic arts, paper converting, end-of-line and flexible packaging, and labelling markets, among others, and help customers find a competitive advantage through their adhesive applications.” With safety as its top priority, H.B. Fuller wants to be first and fastest at serving customers. The aim is to provide quick technical expertise on-site combined with the latest adhesive technologies across the African continent. During the pandemic, the local team embraced a completely new way of working – either on-site or at home. The ability to learn quickly and leverage digital technologies to meet with customers, develop creative solutions at distance, and attend to shifting priorities has been a game changer for the company. With this new commercial expansion in South Africa, H.B. Fuller enhances its capacity to respond to the rising demand | Cape Town +27 21 948 5934
from customers in what is considered one of the largest and fastest-growing markets on the continent. •
H.B. Fuller -
SAFoodReview_Sept2020_88.5w x 262h_CEIA.indd 1
Food Review | September 2020
5/08/2020 9:25:46 AM
RECYCLE Enable recyc packaging m
Pick and place without a hitch Manufacturing processes used to consist of a line of workers solely responsible for an operation’s material-handling functions. Whether assembly, picking or packaging, it was a manual, laborious process.
he detrimental effect on worker
While the usual suspects, such as the
biggest benefits of pick-and-place robots as
health has been well-documented:
automotive and pharmaceutical industries, are
they do the work that would prove too much for
many employees were subjected to
already deeply invested in the use of industrial
human workers.
conditions that resulted in serious illness,
robots, the South African food manufacturing
injury, and death.
sector has also embraced this technology.
As automation became widely
“Speaking specifically about the KwaZulu-
In the first industrial revolution, workers’ health and safety were at risk when they lifted heavy items and handled hazardous materials
accepted and implemented
Natal region, we’ve seen an increase in
and liquids. Fortunately, advancements made in
throughout various
the implementation of pick-and-place
technology ensure safer working environments
industries, robotics took it one step further with robots designed for specific applications, such as handling, packaging and palletising. These new pick-and-place robots allowed for
Yaskawa was founded in 1915 and is one of the largest manufacturers of industrial robots, with over 400 000 robots installed worldwide. Since 1991, Yaskawa Southern Africa has installed more than 2 500 Yaskawa Motoman robots in the automotive, manufacturing and packaging industries in South Africa.
robots in food manufacturing,
where the robots are responsible for these
especially in the big
demanding and repetitive tasks. Whether it be
bakeries,” says Yaskawa
handling litres of burning-hot cooking oil or
Southern Africa’s Durban branch manager, Rudi
moving around thousands of glass milk bottles. “Palletising in the beverages industry is
von Fintel. “The bakeries
another area where we’ve seen a massive
produce over 8 000 loaves
uptake,” Von Fintel explains. “Due to the different sizes of bottles, cans or cartons, it is important to have robots that are easily adaptable to the products coming down the line. Since the volumes are so high, the
more speed and consistency
robots are instrumental at the end of the
in throughput, while also
production line.”
customisable to meet
Another notable example in the beverage
production requirements.
industry is Bavaria Brewery, which now manages to palletise 100 000 beer cans per hour after the business decided to revolutionise its picking, packing and palletising processes. More impressively, it boasts a high process
Some bakeries produce over 8 000 loaves of bread an hour, 24 hours a day, so speed and consistency are vital
reliability with maximum fail-safety. It is results like these that you simply cannot ignore, especially if you’re looking for more efficiencies in your processes. While many businesses might be concerned about robots taking up additional floor space or being too bulky to operate, the opposite is true. Pick-and-place robots are capable of operating in the tightest spaces with minimal hassle. The end-of-arm tooling is simple enough to swap out, while fewer components means easier Palletising in the beverages industry is massive for pick-andplace robots
“As we move into a world where production needs to happen without ‘human touch’ or intervention, pickand-place robots could be the solution to many industry concerns”
of bread an hour, 24 hours a day, so speed and consistency are vital to their operations. In terms of application, the robots are responsible for taking the bread out of hot ovens and placing them onto the conveyor belts.” Considering the sheer amount of loaves in production, as well as how hot the loaves are,
access for maintenance. Since robots support a wide variety of communication protocols as well as digital signals, they are easily integrated into existing automation or production lines. As we move into a world where production needs to happen without “human touch” or intervention, pick-and-place robots could be the solution to many industry concerns. At the same time, they could also prove to be the productivity boost that every business so desperately needs. •
it is a task that would be difficult to do without the assistance of robots. It’s almost physically impossible. Undoubtedly, this reveals one of the
Yaskawa –
September 2020 | Food Review
Mono material polypropylene lidding films launched Global flexible packaging and lidding films supplier KM Packaging has launched a new range of mono-polymer material lidding films, made from polypropylene (PP), that is designed for recyclability.
he sustainable films seal and peel
would be a really difficult thing
to PP and PE-lined PP trays and can
to segregate and put into a
be used during microwave cooking
recycling stream.”
as well as being suitable for ambient, chilled, or frozen applications. Part of KM’s K Peel range, it allows food manufacturers to meet the growing demand, particularly from supermarkets,
It is anticipated that the globally extended packaging producer responsibility regulations, will penalise packaging like this that is difficult to recycle. The new PP lidding film is also designed
for mono-material packaging that is
for recycling around the world, with some
designed for recycling.
countries having well-developed recycling
The lidding films are ideal for the
infrastructures for polyolefin (polyethene
packaging of poultry, meat, and chilled
and polypropylene) plastics.
prepared foods. Features include:
In the UK, front-of-store recycling facilities
• Mono structure made of one
allow consumers to return polyolefin-based
material type.
flexible packaging. A similar approach
• Designed for recyclability.
is taken in other markets. For example,
• Ideal for use during food preparation
Australia’s REDcycle initiative and, in South
and microwave cooking. • Peelable from the tray. • Suitable for ambient, chilled, or
Africa, polyolefins are the largest plastic commodity recycled by weight. Therefore, putting a tray/film
• Protecting products throughout the entire process, from the factory to table. • Presenting food in a way that is attractive, professional, and recognisable. • Preserving food and extending shelf-life across the food industry.
frozen applications.
combination of polypropylene onto
Graham says, “The main goal of our
• Exceptional transparency.
the market feeds into an already well-
packaging is to look after and protect
• Excellent anti-fog capability.
established recycling system.
food. We don't compromise on that. We're
• Available with or without barrier.
And the new Designing for Circular
also trying to make sure it’s designed for
As well as satisfying the needs of
Economy guidelines from CEFLEX focus on
recyclability and, when appropriate, it's
supermarkets and consumers who are
polyolefin-based flexible packaging. This is
thinner and lighter. These are big drivers
seeking more recycle-ready solutions,
due to the material making up an estimated
in our product-development process.”
KM is helping to future-proof its
70 to 80% of the flexible packaging waste
food packaging.
stream and because the ability to sort and
products follow KM’s recent launch of all-
mechanically recycle it is already proven at
polyester (PET), weld-seal, mono-material
an industrial scale in Europe.
lidding films within its K Seal range. •
KM Packaging’s commercial director Graham Holding explains, “If you have a piece of flexible packaging that, for
KM Packaging’s main purpose is to
example, is a combination of paper,
“protect, present, preserve”. That is
plastic, and aluminium foil, then that
delivering the best packaging solutions by:
Food Review | September 2020
The new polypropylene lidding film
KM Packaging -
Electronic position indicator for absolute spindle adjustments Instrotech is offering the Siko AP20 position indicator, ideally equipped to detect the position of spindle adjustments in machines. It displays the corresponding positional data to the operator and passes it on to the machine control system.
imple system integration in
that protects the cable mean that star-
maximum efficiency in application and
combination with modern
shaped wiring to the control system is
job set-up.
interfaces is all that is required.
no longer essential.
This ensures the shortest possible
The performance features of the AP20 combine the functionality of a high-
precision multi-turn absolute value
provide loss-free data communication between the position indicator and the
The AP20 must achieve a certain level of
still in an extremely compact form with
machine control system.
connectivity to satisfy the requirements
dimensions of 48 x 88 x 61mm. It can
of Industry 4.0. For the smart factory of
be installed in the machine in an area
suitable for flexible manufacturing
the future, pure exchange of operational
roughly the size of a credit card.
with production machines such as
process data is no longer adequate.
downtimes, on the other the interfaces
The compact system is particularly
encoder with a position indicator, but
and machines for further processing of
extend evaluation of the device
printed products.
packing machines, printing machines
Comprehensive diagnostic options status in this connection and convert
The AP20 also has numerous advantages
Wherever manual adjustment is
position indicators such as the AP20
from the perspective of the operator.
carried out on production machines,
into intelligent automation systems.
The option of displaying the target
bus-compatible Siko position
The latest network technologies and
and actual position directly on the
indicators are able to optimise the
the electronic type plate take care of
adjusting spindle significantly increases
production process in such a way that
this. The latter serves to identify the
convenience and usability for the
costly refitting times during product
device type, serial number and current
machine operator. The inverted backlit
changeovers are kept to a minimum.
software version. Additional integration
display plays a part in this, as it makes
Once installed, position indicators
aids, function modules, libraries and
the information displayed easy to read
provide 100% process reliability. During
add-on instructions make installation
even under the most unfavourable
product and size changeovers, incorrect
and commissioning easier and provide
lighting conditions. Two-coloured status
machine settings and the associated risk of damage to tools or batches with defects can be eliminated consistently with the AP20. In addition to the SikoNET5 and
Siko AP 20 position indicator
LEDs also aid intuitive user guidance. In addition to the positioner status (InPos or OutPos), the LEDs indicate the direction of rotation required to reach the intended target position. Product
CAN interfaces already on offer,
and size changeovers can therefore be
Siko is now extending its AP series
carried out very quickly and without
position indicators to include the most
much work.
common industrial Ethernet-Fieldbus
All Siko position indicators feature
interfaces, namely Profinet, Ethernet/IP,
a hollow shaft, which facilitates the
EtherCAT and Powerlink., thus meeting
easiest assembly possible. The basic
requirements for easy integration into
configuration of the AP20 comes with a
almost any current control system from
hollow shaft with a diameter of 20mm.
a wide range of manufacturers without
Hollow shaft diameters up to 25.4mm
any other accessories.
are also possible without changing the
Compared to a converter solution, the variety of components is reduced, as is
compact dimensions of the product. The hollow shaft of the AP20 is
the space required in the machine. This
made of stainless steel. In conjunction
significant gain in flexibility ensures
with the protection rating of IP65, the
loss-free communication between the
position indicator is also suitable for
machine control system and position
applications in the food industry, and
indicator at all times, in particular for
beverage manufacturing sector. â&#x20AC;˘
systems that run a complex production process and for which, as a result, a large number of sensors or long cable lengths are required. Two M12-D coded bus connections for a bus line design
Instrotech â&#x20AC;&#x201C;
September 2020 | Food Review
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1. Octopuses are widely considered to be the most intelligent of all invertebrates. 2. Octopuses have three hearts and blue blood. 3. They aren’t called “tentacles,” they’re called ‘’arms.” 4. Each arm has a mind of its own. 5. If Houdini were an animal, it’s safe to say he would have been an octopus. 6. Octopuses are considered erotic in Japanese culture. 7. Their camouflage abilities are out of this world. 8. They can “see” with their skin. 9. Rather than swimming, octopuses often walk along the seafloor. Source: HuffPost
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ADVERTISERS’ INDEX SEPTEMBER 2020 Bü Endress & Frutarom SA ..............................OFC, / Heat & Control SA ........................27, ISW KHS Manufacturing SA Krones Southern
Food Review | September 2020
Merck ..............................................37, Polyoak Radical Waters Savannah Fine Symrise SA........................................ Syspro Tetra Pak.......................................... Verder Pumps Vivit Foods..................................... 23, Zeelandia SA
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BMPE is the leading supplier of superior quality New and Refurbished food processing equipment to the African market. Our primary focus is to provide a professional service to the food industry with regards to Equipment, Spares and the latest Technological innovation. With more than 30 years hands-on experience, we provide our customers with an excellent service in all areas of the food processing industry and have over the years achieved a good For over 40 years Formpak reputation for being efficient, cost-effective and professional. We import machines for our local clients across the whole of has supplied specialised Africa, ensuring that they benefit from machines of the highest qualityand at an excellent price. processing, packaging Our staff have extensive knowledge of current Machines, printing machinery to the and Consumables and we also provide a modern Technologies Service and Maintenance Department to support our customers pharmaceutical, cosmetic, throughout the process. plastic, glass, chemical, We service a diverse range of customers, from Large & Small Butcheries to Abattoirs, Supermarket Groups, Franchise Outlets food and dairy industries. and Corporates.
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Our diverse range of software offerings features a unique module listing of more than 700 modules (program nodes). Our software solutions are tailored for the Feedlot/Abattoir/ Debone / Production Retail industries. Matrix Software is deployed in 8 countries throughout Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Seychelles.
PARTNER FOR HYGIENE AND TECHNOLOGY Leading through Innovation PHT is the leading provider of state-of-the-art technology for hygiene and food safety. Our unique systems offer efficient, effective and sustainable solutions for your hygienic challenges. We develop both individual and integrated hygiene solutions for your company. We are always there for you and we support you through our actions, professionally and reliably. Hygiene and food safety is our passion. We care about our customers, our suppliers and our people – we measure our success by the way we touch their lives. Because we care, we design innovative and holistic solutions. Tel: +27 861 777 993 | |
• Supplier to the hospitality trade and food factories • Service excellence, Your No. 1 industry leader for the most comprehensive • Quality, portion controlled products ranges of both synthetic and natural colours – used in food, (chilled/frozen /dried) pharmaceutical, cosmetic and industrial applications. • Innovation & Flexibility Our technical team is available to shade and Full demonstration positioned ontothe standsrequirements and this will and / or match specific • Meat & chicken products tailored forof exclusive machines will be strategically colour receive a great deal of attentionPantone which references and to give legislative support special applications in the food industry will be of great interest to you our customer. We look forward to seeing you at the show. • Dried meat products – real meat THE BMPE TEAM on colours. real flavour! Tel: +27 (0)11 032 8600 Manufactured, marketed and distributed under email: licence of SPECTRATEC INC. CANADA Tel: +27 (0)15 516 1515/4 email: Canada . South Africa . Ireland . Germany . Australia . UK
What if
food packaging were carbon-neutral?
Go nature. Go carton. Food packaging plays a critical role in getting food safely to consumers around the world. But it can also cause problems for the planet. What if all food packaging came from plant-based materials and didn’t impact the climate? At Tetra Pak, we already have paper-based carton packages with reduced climate impact. But we won’t stop there. Our aim is to create cartons made solely from plant-based materials that are fully renewable, fully recyclable and carbon-neutral. It’s all part of our journey to deliver the world’s most sustainable food package. Learn more at