LMS Issue 2 2016

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L A B O R ATO R Y M A R K E T I N G S PEC T R U M ISSUE 2 | 2016 | VOL.35 | NO.2

W W W. L M S M AG A Z I N E .CO. Z A



A clinical look at the future of pathology


Understanding the data and true value of a calibration certificate


The great LIMS challenge

© Copyright LMS 2016


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Continued Professional Development

Understanding the data and true value of a calibration certificate Guy Snelling, InterCal

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A clinical look at the future of pathology Martin Wilkinson, Laboratory Product Manager, InterSystem


Under the Microscope

23 24

Water Analysis & Purification




Immunology & Immuno Histo/Haema


The great LIMS challenge

Gas Analysis

Detecting bacteria in water

ML-T compact balances offer big features on a small scale

Cryostat with advanced ergonomics


Specialty gases market set to grow


Demanding temperature control from pilot to plant

Product Review



Laboratory safety and hygiene


Product Directory



Company Directory

The Direct Detect™ system

Pumps for the strictest food standards


Clean Environment

One stop pesticide analysis shop

Culture media for microbial food and water testing compliant

Hot to ice cold in 10 seconds

Comprehensive list of lab products offered by suppliers

Comprehensive list of company contact details

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LMS Issue 2 | 2016

under the microscope

A clinical look at the future of pathology Martin Wilkinson, Laboratory Product Manager, InterSystems


apid change has become a defining feature of pathology but can this change power a new generation of laboratory software to shape the role of the clinical laboratory of the future? It will come as no surprise to those in the clinical laboratory and pathology field that the market is undergoing rapid change. In recent decades health expectations have risen globally, with all member states of the World Health Organization committed to working towards universal health coverage worldwide. The proper scaling of pathology services is key to this growth, as pathology is involved in 70% of all healthcare diagnoses. If the pathology market follows the compound annual growth rate of 6.8% from 2014 to 2020 as predicted in a new study by market analysts Grand View Research, then the global market for clinical laboratories is expected to reach US$149 billion by 2020. Along with the rise of universal healthcare, other factors are driving change in the pathology market. These include an ageing population and the rising prevalence of chronic conditions like obesity and diabetes. We are also seeing an upsurge of new testing methods to support initiatives such as personalised medicine, also known as genomic medicine, and point-of-care testing. Just as demand for laboratory services is rising, there is downward pressure to use fewer resources. Industry consolidation is as prevalent in laboratories as in other areas of healthcare, with increased economies of scale expected to deliver more test results at a lower cost.

Upside The upside is the abundance of valuable information that flows from the life cycle of medical testing. Health informatics can now capture this insight at every stage of the healthcare continuum to deliver real-time feedback to improve process and overall management.

Laboratory information management systems These trends present a formidable challenge to many of the existing laboratory information management system (LIMS). Most were designed simply to

automate the request, test and report in a linear process tied to fixed locations, processes, and workflows. Without new kinds of LIMS, future laboratories will not be able to adapt and respond to the change demanded of them. Instead, pathology services will need modern, agile information systems that provide the functionality to capture, share, analyse, and act upon vast amounts of detailed data. These new systems will need to work in far more diverse and flexible ways, shaped by the pathology service needed rather trying to shape the service to the system. So, what must pathology services do to adapt to these challenges in climate where the pace of change is likely to accelerate?

Personalised medicine Personalised medicine, otherwise known as genomic medicine or precision medicine, is a rapidly growing field. Through advances in genetics and genomics, it is now possible to identify pre-disposition to disease or perform genetic-level diagnoses of certain types of cancer, such as the BRAC gene. At the same time, prices for this kind of testing are decreasing, the science itself is still expensive, but it’s possible now to map a human genome for aspproximately R16 000. Advances will continue, and prices will continue to fall, so that delivering personalised medicine will become a far more common expectation of clinicians. This, in turn, will have a significant impact on traditional pathology services, and change the way laboratories test. The science of genetics will force pathology units and laboratory services to install more advanced facilities, provide training in new skill sets, and recruit staff that have the knowledge and expertise to interpret and diagnose based on new results and information. Personalised medicine will completely transform the scope of the pathology service and its potential benefit for health services. Take, for example, a patient who has experienced a stroke. With a R16 000 investment to understand the patient’s genome, clinical pathologists can quickly and easily identify the best anticoagulant for aftercare. This

could cut the time the patient spends in hospital and improve the recovery period, while helping to identify the best protocol for rehabilitation in the community. The result is not just a better outcome and experience for the patient, but much-needed cost saving. Clearly, there could be huge benefit to the National Health Service (NHS). However, the investment to create this capability epitomises the need for a long-term view. Upfront costs for creating laboratories with this capability are substantial, and these are not the only challenges that personalised medicine creates for NHS pathology services. Laboratories that use genetic sequencing technology must also consider a greater demand for the security of this highly personal patient data. Strict protocols are needed for handling the custody of samples. Laboratories will therefore face more rigid controls, more audits, and more questions about the use and management of specimens. Furthermore, personalised medicine services will drive demand for clinical scientists with specialist training that is currently not met by the education ecosystem, exacerbating staff recruitment and retainment issues. Critically, these challenges will need to be addressed rapidly. In is anticipated that within the next five years, personalised medicine will be at the very heart of a pathologist’s work.

Supporting an ageing population As people live longer and survive such diseases as cancer, they will need support to manage living with chronic conditions. Many of the elderly population today are in robust health after they have undergone a procedure, but others are frail and not aging in good health. This places a number of pressures on the overall NHS service, but for pathology services it will mean more testing, and crucially more routine testing, which will constitute an ever-larger proportion of workload. The increase in routine testing is likely to lead to even greater automation. The impact for laboratories will be that the ‘hub’ in the hub-and-spoke model will

become more like factories, with these laboratories handling high volumes of essential but routine tests such as blood counts and cholesterol monitoring. In regions with a larger population of older citizens, we would expect to see more connected ‘spoke’ laboratories helping to manage demand across multiple primary and secondary care settings. If implemented successfully, a hub-and-spoke model with automation and electronic transfer of data is both faster and more secure. Results in this model need to be delivered quickly to care teams, automatically delivering results directly into the patient record. Customers (clinicians, hospitals, GPs etc.) will expect instant access to results via their Internet browsers, using the latest mobile devices, subject to appropriate security protocols. Therefore, new systems and architecture for information management will be necessary to manage this easy but secure access.

Embracing PoCT We are likely to see more pointof-care testing (PoCT) - not just at GP practices and in the home, but whenever and wherever it is optimal and affordable in the care protocol. Routine tests can now be easily performed with PoCT, and how well laboratories accommodate them with the required workflow and governance changes will be a key marker as to how well they will be able to adapt and change with the times. There is already a huge demand for PoCT, not just from healthcare professionals but from the public also. Perhaps most visible is the explosion of health apps for smartphones. Every day off-the-shelf phone devices are announced that perform routine tests such as glucose testing and heart rate monitoring. These are already transforming the way people with chronic conditions manage their care in ways not envisaged only a decade ago. Pathology services cannot ignore the consumer demand, and they need not only to accept but also manage the very different domains of data from wellness, therapeutic, and validated and calibrated clinical devices.


LMS Issue 2 | 2016

under the microscope

Essentially, while the role of laboratories in delivering instant results will evolve, their essential role to champion and enforce the governance of diagnostic clinical data and its use must remain. This is the only predictable and sustainable way to ensure that the information gathered from PoCT is used to deliver safe, positive patient outcomes. To harness the benefits of new testing options and to mitigate the challenges of our ageing population, it will be critically important to shape the entire care model around patients - putting them at the centre of care. To do this effectively, laboratories will need to adopt information and business management systems that inherently support connected care with support for a contiguous pathology patient record (PPR). This will be part of the electronic patient record if the laboratory is part of a healthcare group, and integrated with regional or national shared electronic health records. The PPR would include all test data relevant to patients, even pointof-care testing results. Ultimately, a new approach to laboratory computing is required to support this work, which is truly fit for purpose, and reflects the demands of the new environment. Partnerships and pathology networks that join up both public and private-sector laboratories are

emerging in the healthcare delivery model. Such partnerships present a clear opportunity for supporting the needs of the health service of the future. In fact, laboratory networks offer one of the best opportunities for public and private collaboration by helping to make best use of resources across a region. They bring a number of benefits around cost-saving efficiencies and optimising resources effectively. A network allows for interchangeability of staff, allowing people to be re-deployed where needed during peaks in workflow. InterSystems believes that the formation of networks will be key for future pathology investment, both within the NHS and externally. In the same way that information management systems will be crucial in harnessing the benefits of personalised medicine, so will they be essential in enabling the successful adoption of laboratory networks. Models like this clearly require a new approach that enables information and workflows to be shared and integrated across multiple care settings. Perhaps the greatest challenge for pathology services is not that demand is increasing, or that scientific discovery is opening a vista of new opportunity. The fundamental change required is that laboratories - while ensuring quality of patient outcomes

within their operating budgets must adopt a business-focused approach to healthcare delivery. Pathology has historically been an unpredictable demand-andsupply service. With a business approach, laboratories will implement their workflow protocols (or standard operating procedures) and cost every procedure. Clinical directors and business managers will run a fine-tuned, information-driven business with informatics that provides them with the visibility, control and accountability over business processes. Laboratory throughput and turnaround times will be constantly monitored. Software will pinpoint workflow bottlenecks without the need for custom analytics. Each laboratory or group will be able to easily configure relevant key performance indicators and relate them to service-level agreements and closely monitor them with dashboards and alerts. When laboratory systems can capture and access relevant information along every step of the testing process, they will also deliver an unprecedented ability to predict and manage variable workloads. For example, as a clinician completes a pathology test order, before the sample has even been taken from the patient, the request will feed into the laboratory workflow to improve the predictability of workloads.

Laboratory medicine today is one of the largest sources of clinical information. It is critical that laboratory professionals have the capability to analyse, slice, and dice the information to optimise their role in the healthcare delivery model today, and transform to lead the pathology service of the future. Laboratories and the vital role they play in the science of medicine is now at the tipping point. They stand between traditional volume-based testing and the new world of patient-centric, distributed tests and results for personalised healthcare. The opportunities for pathology services perhaps have never been greater - for care collaboration, the adoption of point-of-care testing, and driving the evolution of medicine with genomic testing. Yet, they must survive the demands of supporting an ever-changing population and pragmatic economic pressures. This calls for a new generation of health informatics systems that meet the needs of a modern pathology environment. Armed with such systems, laboratory professionals and the pathology services they provide will stop being the victims of market disruption - instead they will become the key enablers of changes that will herald a new age of medicine. Source: Laboratory News Feb 2016


LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Part 1


Earn CPD points!

Understanding the data and true value of a calibration certificate Guy Snelling, InterCal


n the past the calibration certificate was the ‘holy grail’ to any auditor. If you had one, then the auditor was satisfied. More recently though, international standards have become more strict and auditors have become more pedantic. Questions are now often being asked about the calibration certificate that the end user struggles to answer. In this paper I hope to be able to show you where to find those answers, and along the way you may discover that the calibration certificate is not just a piece of paper to satisfy an auditor, but a useful tool that has much more value than its cost. On our journey we’ll look at the requirements of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17025 standard regarding

calibration certificates. By studying a sample certificate we will see how these requirements have been met. We will then continue with a more detailed explanation of some of the more misunderstood points on a calibration certificate and our travels will end with a look at how a calibration certificate can be used to increase confidence in measurements and how it can save you money. Let’s take a brief look at why we have a calibration certificate in the first place. Without looking too hard, we find evidence of a system of weights and measures in several places in the Biblical book of Proverbs. Chapter 11 verse 1 tells us that ‘dishonest scales are disgusting to the Lord, but

accurate weights are pleasing to Him’ (GW). And again in Proverbs 16:11, 20:10 and 20:23 reference is made to God being ‘disgusted’ by dishonest measures. We cannot know what kind of punishment would be metered out (pun intended) to those transgressors. However, turning to ancient Egypt of about the same time period we find a story regarding the building of the pyramids. The so-called ‘Royal Egyptian Cubit’ was decreed to be equal to the length of the forearm from the bent elbow to the tip of the extended middle finger of the Pharaoh or King ruling at that time. In fact, the word ‘cubit’ comes from the Latin ‘cubitum’ meaning elbow. The ‘Royal Master Cubit’ was

carved out of a block of granite and workers, engaged in building tombs, temples, pyramids, etc, were supplied with copies of this ‘Master Cubit’ made of wood or granite. The Royal Architect or Foreman of the construction site was responsible for maintaining and transferring this unit of length to the workers’ instruments. They were required to bring their cubit sticks back at each full moon to be compared to the Royal Cubit Master. Failure to do so was punishable by death! Though the punishment prescribed was severe, the Egyptians had anticipated the spirit of the present day system of legal metrology, standards, traceability and the regular recall of measurement equipment for

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LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Part 2: CPD - MertCertification

re-calibration. (One wonders how much busier calibration laboratories of today would be, if failure to re-calibrate measurement equipment was punishable by death!). With this standardisation and uniformity of length, the Egyptians achieved surprising accuracy. Thousands of workers were engaged in building the Great Pyramid of Giza. Through the use of cubit sticks, they were able to achieve accuracies in the order of 0.01 %. Traceability today extends beyond the local National Ruler (another intended pun) and ends now in international agreements. Consequently the Egyptians could now have imported blocks of stone from the four corners of the earth and they would still have achieved similar accuracies. Of course the paperwork involved would have been extreme, and that’s where the calibration certificate comes in. Imagine if you will, that the Egyptian foreman decides to order blocks from his Aztec cousin in South America. He specifies the size of the block in ‘Royal Egyptian Cubits’ and even defines the ‘Royal Egyptian Cubit’ for his cousin.

But the Aztec king has shorter arms than the Egyptian Pharaoh and when the blocks arrive, none of them fit. (Even locally this would have been a problem as the ‘Royal Egyptian Cubit’ is estimated at around 52cm while the Near Eastern or Biblical cubit was only 46cm. The foreman then decides to send a granite ‘Royal Egyptian Cubit’ to his cousin, complete

with a note telling the Aztecs that this granite rod is exactly one ‘Royal Egyptian Cubit’ in length and may be used to check the sizes of the ordered blocks. And what would we call that note these days? You guessed it - a calibration certificate! So now the Atzec cousin knows that blocks manufactured using the certified ‘Royal Egyptian Cubit’ will be accepted by the Egyptians and everyone is happy. Everyone of course except the Egyptian auditor who is waiting for the Atzecs to submit their quality manual. Actually they did send it but it was 1345 pages carved on stone tablets, and the postal ship sank because of the sheer weight.

ISO17025 and calibration certificates Of course the note from the Egyptian foreman to the Aztec cousin explaining about the accuracy of the ‘Royal Egyptian Cubit’ was probably just a few lines long. Today however, thanks to such glorious institutions such as the ISO, calibration certificates often run into several pages and are covered in tightly printed fonts, although to the uninitiated, the information may just as well be written in Egyptian Hieroglyphics. So let’s see if we can decode this information into something useful.

What, who, when, where and how? Taking a look at the ISO17025 standard, to which all internationally recognised calibration laboratories are accredited, we find that there is a lot of information that must be included on a calibration

certificate issued by one of these accredited laboratories. These requirements answer the questions, what was calibrated, who performed the calibration, when and where was this calibration performed and how was it performed. We will take a closer look at these requirements by examining a typical calibration certificate. The first page of this particular certificate is designed to show the customer the details about what was calibrated, when it was calibrated and under what conditions. Some of the requirements of ISO17025 are obvious on this page. These include the title calibration certificate, name and address of the laboratory, name and location of the customer, name of the authorising signatory, the date the calibration took place, the environmental conditions at the time, unique identification of the item calibrated and the unique identification number of the certificate. One other item that is shown here is the expiry date. This is a bit of a misnomer as the results shown on a calibration certificate are only valid at the time of calibration. It therefore effectively expires immediately. Possibly a better term would be recalibration date, but ISO17025 has something to say about this as well. The standard requires that no recommendation regarding calibration intervals be included on the certificate unless requested by the customer or is a legal requirement.

CONTINUED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The users’ own quality system should indicate when the next calibration is due and the italicised paragraph near the bottom of the page includes a guide to the user about re-calibration intervals. In this case though, the client has requested that an expiry date also appear on the certificate. SANAS also requires that their logo and accreditation numbers appear on the certificate. The statement about bilateral agreements is included to assist with the acceptance of the certificate by a foreign accreditation organisation. Also a copyright notice is included along with a declaration that the certificate should only be reproduced in full. This helps to avoid misleading information. In the same section is a statement about confidence levels, which is vitally important but to the uninitiated may be a bit confusing. We will cover this in Part 2 of the article under uncertainties of measurement. The page ends with the signature of the person that authorises the report (Technical Signatory) as well as the page numbering. Although it is not a requirement, either by SANAS or by ISO17025, this certificate also carries a checked by signature. This is an in-house requirement for this particular laboratory

that allows for checking of the certificate by an additional staff member. So much for page 1. We will now look at the remainder of the certificate in sections. Below this is a section that covers the ISO17025 requirement for evidence of traceability to national measuring standards. Sometimes this can simply take the form of a statement, but in this case there is a list of equipment that was used to perform the calibration, including calibration certificate numbers and calibration due dates. The section is then followed by the identification of the procedure used to perform the calibration. These procedures can often run to several pages so are here referred to by procedure number, sometimes with a brief description. A lot of work goes into writing a complete and thorough procedure, so many laboratories are hesitant about releasing them to clients. But rest-assured that the calibration procedures used in SANAS calibration laboratories are monitored by SANAS during initial and annual assessments.

And what did we find? The next section of this certificate covers the results of the calibration. For the sake of brevity, I have only included one

of the sections of results in the example below. Due to the many types of instrumentation that are calibrated by calibration laboratories, the layout and the actual results taken will vary from certificate to certificate. However there are some basic fundamentals that should be observed. In accordance with ISO17025, the results must be accurate, clear, unambiguous, objective and in accordance with the method or procedure used. As a technical document, it may be that a calibration certificate cannot be easily understood by a layman, but the user of the equipment should be able to easily extract information from it without further explanation. If the results that you need are not obvious, then ask the calibration laboratory to reformat and re-issue the calibration certificate. If available, calibration results obtained before and after adjustment and or repair must also be included. We’ll find out why this is important. The units of the measurements as well as the measurement uncertainties must also be included. What may not appear on a calibration certificate are any results that were obtained by another calibration laboratory.

LMS Issue 2 | 2016


In cases where the calibration of part of an instrument was sub-contracted, the contracting laboratory must issue a separate certificate for the results that it obtained. This certificate must also meet all the requirements of ISO17025.

Extra stuff ISO 17025 also allows for amendments and supplements to calibration certificates as well as opinions and interpretations where necessary. The requirements for these must be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and so familiarity with ISO17025 is advised. One thing that must appear, however, is a statement indicating the end of the certificate. Read the rest of the article in the next issue of LMS.

References 1. Making the Most of Your Calibration Certificate - published by the Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand 2015 Test and Measurement Conference 2. http://www.ancient-code.com/25facts-about-the-great-pyramidof-giza/ 3. RR Cook. Assessment of Uncertainties for Measurement for Calibration and Testing Laboratories, NATA, 2002. 4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Cubit.


LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Part 2: CPD - MertCertification

Understanding the data and true value of a calibration certificate Part 1:

Questions SURNAME


YOUR METCERT NO. NLA-MC-C Address: Telephone:



YES! I would like to receive LMS for FREE monthly.

True or false: 1

The first page of the calibration certificate is designed to show the customer the details about what was calibrated, when it was calibrated and under what conditions.




Not all requirements of ISO17025 have to appear on the certificate.




ISO17025 requires that calibration intervals be included on the certificate.




SANAS requires that their logo and accreditation numbers appear on the certificate.




A copyright notice should be included along with a declaration that the certificate should only be reproduced in full.




Another requirement is that the certificate carries a ‘checked’ by signature.




SANAS calibration laboratories are monitored by the body during initial and annual assessments.




In accordance with ISO17025, the calibration results must be accurate, clear, unambiguous, objective and in accordance with the method or procedure used.




The units of the measurements as well as the measurement uncertainties need not be included.



In cases where the calibration of part of an instrument was sub-contracted, the contracting laboratory does not need to issue a separate certificate for the results that it obtained.




This is to state that I have participated in the CPD-approved programme and that these are my own answers.



INSTRUCTIONS: To complete the questionnaire online, go to www.lmsmagazine.co.za and click on the CPD articles button. Click on the article on the right to access the online questionnaire. Alternatively, complete the questionnaire manually and submit it via e-mail to john.woodford@newmediapub.co.za or fax it through to 0862702680. Your certificate will be send to you within 10-15 working days.


LMS Issue 2 | 2016


Electron microscopy captures snapshot of structure coronaviruses use to enter cells igh-resolution cryo-electron microscopy and supercomputing have now made it possible to analyse in detail the infection mechanisms of coronaviruses. These viruses are notorious for attacking the respiratory tract of humans and animals. A research team that included scientists from the University of Washington (UW), the Pasteur Institute and the University of Utrecht has obtained an atomic model of a coronavirus spike protein that promotes entry into cells. Analysis of the model is providing ideas for specific vaccine strategies. The study results are outlined in a recent UW Medicine-led study published in Nature. Prof David Veesler headed the project. These viruses, with their crowns of spikes, are responsible for almost a third of mild, cold-like symptoms and atypical pneumonia worldwide, Prof Veesler explained. But deadly forms of coronaviruses emerged in the form of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2002 and of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in 2012 with fatality rates between 10% to 37%. These outbreaks of deadly pneumonia showed that coronaviruses can transmit from various animals to people. Currently, only six coronaviruses are known to infect people, but many coronaviruses naturally infect animals. The recent deadly outbreaks resulted from coronaviruses overcoming the species barrier. This suggests that other new, emerging coronavirus with pandemic potential are likely to emerge. There are no approved vaccines or antiviral treatments

Credit: Veesler Lab/University of Washington


Coronaviruses: The agents behind outbreaks of new kinds of pneumonia - employ molecular tactics to infect cells. against SARS-CoV or MERS-CoV. The ability of coronaviruses to attach to and enter specific cells is mediated by a transmembrane spike glycoprotein. It forms trimers decorating the virus surface. Trimers are structures assembled from three identical protein units. The structure the researchers studied is in charge of binding to and fusing with the membrane of a living cell. The spike determines what kinds of animals and what types of cells in their bodies each coronavirus can infect. Using state of the art, single particle cryo-electron microscopy and supercomputing analysis, Prof Veesler and his colleagues revealed the architecture of a mouse coronavirus spike glycoprotein trimer. They uncovered an unprecedented level of detail. The resolution is four angstroms, a unit of measurement that expresses the size of atoms and the distances between them and that is equivalent to one-tenth of a nanometer. “The structure is maintained in its pre-fusion state, and then

undergoes major rearrangements to trigger fusion of the viral and host membranes and initiate infection,” Prof Veesler explained. The coronavirus fusion machinery is reminiscent of the fusion proteins found in another family of viruses, the paramyxoviruses, which include respiratory syncytial virus (the leading cause of infant hospitalisations and wheezing in children) as well as the viruses that cause measles and mumps. This resemblance implies that the coronavirus and paramyxovirus fusion proteins could employ similar mechanisms to promote viral entry and share a common evolutionary origin. The researchers also compared crystal structures of parts of the spike protein in mouse and human coronaviruses. Their findings provide clues as to how the molecular structure of these protein domains might influence which specific animal species the virus is able to infect. The researchers also analysed the structure for possible targets

for vaccine design and anti-viral therapies. They observed that the outer edge of the coronavirus spike trimer has a fusion peptide - a chain of amino acids - that is involved in viral entry into host cells. The easy accessibility of this peptide, and its expected similarity among a number of coronaviruses, suggests possible vaccine strategies to neutralise a variety of these viruses. “Our studies revealed a weakness in this family of viruses that may be an ideal target for neutralising coronaviruses,” Prof Veesler said. There may be a way, the researchers noted, to elicit broadly neutralising antibodies recognising this peripheral peptide. Neutralising antibodies protect against infections by stopping a mechanism in a pathogen. Broadly neutralising antibodies would be effective against several strains of pathogen, in this case coronaviruses. The physical structure of the fusion peptide inspires ideas for the design of proteins that would disable it. “Small molecules or protein scaffolds might eventually be designed to bind to this site,” Prof Veesler said, “to hinder insertion of the fusion peptide into the host cell membrane and to prevent it from undergoing changes conducive to fusion with the host cell. We hope that this might be the case, but much more work needs to be done to see if it is possible.” The coronavirus spike protein structure described in this letter to Nature is expected to resemble other coronavirus spike proteins. “Therefore, the structure we analysed in the mouse coronavirus is likely to be representative of the architecture of other coronavirus spike proteins such as those of MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV,” the researchers observed.


LMS Issue 2 | 2016


The great LIMS challenge


nventory problems, traceability issues and analysis mistakes - just some of the daily headaches facing lab managers across the land. So, can a LIMS really help with all this? You bet your hand-scribbled standard operating procedure it can, says Trish Meek… Working in a lab can be extremely fast-paced and frenzied - leaving lab managers little time to focus on more than the day-to-day. Addressing broad, organisational efficiency challenges can seem insurmountable. This is especially true today, as shrinking budgets force many lab managers and analysts to do more with less. But there is a way forward: solving the obvious, everyday problems that stymie lab personnel each week can have tremendous payoff to the overall efficiency of a lab.

Challenge one: Inventory management Inventory varies from lab to lab, but is often fairly predictable within a single lab running certain tests and using consistent workflows. Let’s take a high-dollar consumable such as a disposable well tray. Suppose your lab routinely analyses samples for E. coli: you know what’s required for each workflow, you know how many tests are run each year, so you should know how many trays to keep in inventory. That’s the first step in the process - budgeting in advance based on historic patterns. Tracking what has been used, when and by whom is yet another critical, but often-ignored, step. Gas chromatography vials are a great example. Since these are in such high demand, lab technicians often hoard them, which disrupts the lab in costly ways. First, if inventory is depleted, it can have downstream impacts on other tests, affecting productivity. Second, the technician suddenly short of vials will likely hot-shot them to minimise disruption. This could mean paying double the price for expedited shipping. If this happened infrequently, the impact would be trivial, but it happens too often. The obvious answer is better budgeting and tracking, and this is where a laboratory information management system (LIMS) is highly effective. While it’s not easy to manage inventory - even with software - spreadsheets are simply not dynamic enough

to establish an inventory management system that supports proactive planning/budgeting and up-to-the-minute accuracy.

Challenge two: Identifying analytical trends Identifying errors is hard. What’s more, the way many labs go about it is also error-prone, starting with the fact that they focus on solving errors after they occur. But it’s predicting and preventing errors - small, seemingly inconsequential ones that should be the focus for labs. Errors that mask QA/QC problems, for example, can mushroom into much larger and systemic quality issues or create productivity gaps that eventually require costly reconfiguration. But how to know whether an experiment is out of spec - or trending that way - is especially challenging. Even the most experienced, high-achieving lab analyst is unlikely to discern subtle patterns and trends in data, especially at the scale most labs operate. And for those that can - or do - the analysis is retrospective, perhaps weeks after an experiment. Statistical quality control (SQC) absolutely must be built into whatever technology the lab uses each day. What this does is detect nonconformance trending before it reaches pre-defined thresholds, and this is the key for labs: real-time monitoring using statistical algorithms is critical for decision-making.

Challenge three: Controlling SOPs It takes time to develop and document standard operating procedures (SOPs), but failure to do so is a recipe for disaster. Laboratories cannot tolerate inconsistent application of procedures. Electronic SOPs (ESOPs) are the lab’s defense against techs “going rogue.” With SOPs defined in a LIMS there’s a rigid workflow with clearly defined technical corrective actions to ensure consistency and adherence to protocol. If these don’t exist - or the paper SOPs aren’t handy, clear or widely understood, it’s too easy for an analyst to err, even unwittingly. Calling SOPs one of the top problems to address in a lab is certainly not breaking news. Recommending how those

SOPs are created, distributed and tracked for productivity and compliance purpose is a different story. Many labs still use paper, and that puts them at a distinct disadvantage. The good news, however, is that technology has evolved to a point where managing SOPs is easier and more efficient than ever.

Challenge four: Traceability A single laboratory may be responsible for hundreds of tests each week, if not more. And a test is not simply a test; it’s the sum of many parts. Defending data involves painstakingly retracing steps, many of which are so embedded in the fabric of the lab and its workflows that it may be impossible to isolate them. Imagine sorting through handwritten notes from fellow analysts and still not finding what could have gone wrong - it’s frustrating. But it’s also costly analysts routinely spend a quarter of their productive time simply collecting data to defend a result. Thankfully, technology can do work in the background that can dramatically reduce the time, expense and aggravation associated with defensibility. Data management software enables measureable productivity gains, cutting into that 25% of time many must devote to defending their data. LIMS have come far from the days where labs relied on them for basic sample management and data reporting. Today, the LIMS reaches across an enterprise: it integrates with data in MRP, ERP and other enterprise systems in ways that directly impact defensibility. No more searching in multiple places; everything you need to defend your result is neatly organised for rapid analysis and reporting.

Challenge five: Instrument maintenance When many labs think of trend analysis, they don’t often associate it with instrument maintenance, but that’s a mistake. Data such as area counts, baseline conductivity and retention time provide valuable evidence that if trended and analysed can reveal much about the health of an instrument. LIMS offer capabilities that allow users to monitor instrument health so that work can be assigned more effectively on a regular maintenance schedule. Users are notified of upcoming maintenance even of wear-part failure, so that maintenance can be schedule before failure becomes an issue. Analysts will tell you that they ‘get to know’ their instruments, but sometimes signs are too subtle to sense the failure before it occurs and the instrument goes down. And with many labs cycling through new grads, transfers and others unfamiliar with an instrument type (or even a specific instrument), reliance on feeling or gut is risky. To understand what an instrument is telling you, you’re better off relying on data: If you set a sample point and watch for deviation, you’ve effectively given yourself an early warning system. I visit many labs across many industries, and I can see that most still struggle with basic problems that have troubled labs since I worked on a bench years ago. And today the pace is even more frenetic and the demands on an analyst’s or lab manager’s time are even greater. So now, more than ever, it’s time to return to basics. Labs should embrace available technology to take a much more strategic, proactive and intelligent approach to what many consider routine. Citation: Meek T. The Great LIMS challenge. Laboratory News, February 2016.

A refreshing new approach to integrated laboratory management system (LIMS) Ultimately configurable – eL@b adapts to you Technologically advanced – Creatively smart eL@b offers accuracy and efficiency Intuitive user interfaces and powerful analytical features assist the lab technician and clinical expert in making the right decisions. eL@b is capable of managing a wide range of laboratory needs, starting from a single lab deployment and expanding to a local or regional chain of labs connected together. Access control and audit trails keep your data secure and help you conform to recent legislative guidelines concerning data integrity and patient security. eL@b includes all the features you expect from a LIMS and more. Key Features:

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v Remote Sample Collection

v Local and International support

…… and many more


For further information contact neville@ilex.co.za or visit our website www.ilex.co.za Distributed and Supported by ILEX South Africa


LMS Issue 2 | 2016


MAS Quality Control now available in SA


AS® Quality Control, a Thermo Scientific product is now marketed and sold directly by Thermo Fisher Scientific in SA. Products address daily, clinical chemistry and immunochemistry needs with products made to high standards and quality. Omni product line will allow the lab to consolidate a myriad of separate standalone products into a single material. It allows a diagnostic laboratory to run general chemistry, therapeutic drugs, toxicology, anaemia, thyroid function and serum proteins from a single vial in the form of MAS Omni-Core™. Products like MAS OmniCARDIO™ and MAS-OmniImmune PRO™ allows the same levels of consolidation in other areas of your routine and speciality workflows. Combine all of the advantages of the above products and the resulting data together in

comparison and reporting, with no cut-off dates or times for result uploads. The interface is simple to use and MAS® LabLink xL QAP is the perfect partner for lab who wishes to get the most out of their MAS® quality control products. With local expertise and support let Thermo Fisher Scientific help find solutions for quality control workflow and management. For assistance contact Thermo Fisher Scientific. www.thermoscientific.com

MAS® LabLink xL QAP. Thermo Scientific’s very own quality control management software, 100% web based means that no separate workstations and software are required.

It is available at any time and from any internet enabled computer as long as there is an active internet connection. Data can be appended any time with real-time peer

Thermo Fisher Scientific Contact: Dylan van Graan Tel: +27-82-725-6709; +27-11-792-6790 Email: dylan.vangraan@thermofisher.com

Preventing TB


reventing the tuberculosis (TB) bacterium from producing its own vitamin could be key in the battle against the disease, according to a study done at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) at Stellenbosch University (SU). As part of her recent doctorate in Molecular Biology, Dr Carine Sao Emani of the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the FMHS, found that is possible to stop the TB bacterium from producing the vitamin ergothioneine. Her study demonstrates that the organism needs this vitamin to survive. Humans also need ergothioneine for healthy brains, eyes and skin, and get it from eating foods like mushrooms, beans and oats. Sao Emani’s research showed that blocking the bacterium’s ability to produce this vitamin could pave the way for the development of a new drug, especially since totally drugresistant TB is on the rise. To determine what would happen if the bacterium could no longer produce its own ergothioneine, Sao Emani genetically manipulated it in a laboratory which had similar features to those of a human cell during active TB. “Sure enough, when the microbes could no longer

produce their own vitamin, they weakened and even died. We repeated this experiment, this time placing the modified bacteria in conditions similar to those found in human cells with latent TB,” said Sao Emani. “We found that the microbes struggled to grow when their nutrients were depleted. In other words, if a drug were to prevent TB bacteria from making

ergothioneine, it could be effective against active as well as latent TB.” By identifying the exact vitamin-producing enzymes in TB bacteria and blocking their ability produce each of them, Sao Emani said they hope that this information will help drug companies to develop medication that specifically targets these vitamin-producing enzymes,

Bacterial infection tuberculosis.red cells in blue background.AFB 3+

thereby helping, to cure active and latent TB. “Our finding is significant, since about a third of the world’s population live with latent TB, making effective containment of TB very difficult,” said Sao Emani. “In a country where 80% of the population has latent TB - and where HIV, diabetes, obesity, poor nutrition and alcoholism can lead to high rates of reactivation of latent TB, a treatment like this will truly be ground-breaking.” Sao Emani says the next step will be to test the behaviour of the modified bacteria in actual human cells and animal tissue samples. “Once we are sure that bacteria deprived of their vitaminproducing enzymes struggle to survive in these cells, chemists may be able to develop drugs that block the specific enzymes that we identified.” “Since we were also able to pinpoint exactly which of the enzymes were most important for producing ergothioneine, these drugs can now be tailor-made.” The resulting drug regime will likely be effective at lower doses than existing medications and treatment periods will be shorter, resulting in fewer problems with poor compliance, said Sao Emani. Source: University of Stellenbosch.


DNA as a weapon of immune defense


ur innate immune system, made up mainly of phagocytes, protects our body by exterminating bacteria. To do this, it uses two mechanisms. The first kills foreign bodies within the phagocyte itself. The second kills them outside the cell. These two strategies were already known to researchers, but only in humans and other higher animals. Microbiologists from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland, have just discovered

(ozone, hydrogen peroxide, bleach), generated thanks to the enzyme NOX2. However, when the invader is too large to be taken up, cells use a second defense mechanism, which consists of expelling their genetic material, that is to say their DNA. This DNA transforms into sticky and poisoned nets called ‘neutrophil extracellular traps’ (NETs). These DNA nets then capture bacteria outside of the cell and kills them.

approximately 20% of cells sacrifice themselves to create the stalk and 80% will become spores. However, there is a small remaining 1% that keeps its phagocytic functions. This last percentage is made up of cells called ‘sentinel’ cells. They make up the primitive innate immune system of the slug and play the same role as immune cells in animals. Indeed, they also use phagocytosis and DNA nets to exterminate bacteria that would jeopardise the survival of the slug. “We have thus discovered that what we believed to be an invention of higher animals is actually a strategy that was already active in unicellular organisms one billion years ago,” explained Dr Thierry Soldati, last author of the study.

From social amoeba to humans

that a social amoeba, a unicellular microorganism living in the soils of temperate forests, also uses both these mechanisms, and has done so for over a billion years. Since this amoeba possesses an innate defense system similar to that of humans, while being genetically modifiable, the researchers can therefore carry out experiments on it in order to understand and fight genetic diseases of the immune system. This discovery can be read in the journal Nature Communications. To defend themselves, our immune cells have two mechanisms. The first, called phagocytosis, kills bacteria within the phagocytic cell itself. The cell envelops the foreign body and exterminates it specifically by using reactive oxygen species

The ancestor of our innate immune system In collaboration with researchers from Baylor College of Medicine in Huston (US), Prof Thierry Soldati’s team from the Department of Biochemistry of the Faculty of Science at UNIGE studies the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. These microorganisms are bacteria predators. But when food is short, they come together and form a ‘mini animal’ of more than 100 000 cells, called a slug. This will then turn into a ‘fruiting body’ made up of a mass of spores on top of a stalk. Dormant spores will survive without food until the wind or other elements disperse them to new areas where they can germinate and find something to eat. To make up the slug,

This discovery plays a primordial role in understanding immune system diseases in humans. Patients with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) are for example incapable of expressing the functional NOX2 enzyme. Therefore, they suffer recurrent infections, since their immune system lacks the reactive oxygene species that kill bacteria inside the phagosome or via DNA nets. By genetically modifying Dictyostelium discoideum, the microbiologists from UNIGE are able to conduct all sorts of experiments on the mechanisms of the innate immune system. This microorganism can therefore serve as a scientific model for the research on defects in these defense processes, opening the way to possible treatments.


Université de Genève. DNA as a weapon of immune defense. ScienceDaily, 2016.

Waters named 2015 Company of the Year


icrosep is delighted to announce that Waters Corporation was recently honoured by Strategic Directions International Inc’s Instrument Business Outlook (IBO) as its 2015 Company of the Year. According to IBO, its Company of the Year award recognises an analytical and life science instrument maker for its technical, operational and financial achievements.

The publication noted Waters’ strong financial performance through the first three quarters of 2015 led by a demand from the pharmaceutical segment and customer adoption of new products, as well as initiatives to expand markets for its products, while driving its technology into the clinical market segments. “Microsep congratulates its international supplier, Waters Corporation, on this prestigious

achievement, recognition and well-deserved award”, said Richard Jelley, Managing Director of Microsep. “Microsep has been a supplier of Waters instrumentation for more than 30 years and we are proud to be associated with a company that is a leading supplier of analytical instrumentation dedicated to advancing science, technology and innovation.”

LMS Issue 2 | 2016



LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Gas Analysis

Air Products first to produce helium from carbon dioxide stream


ir Products, a global leader

market position in this industry that

in helium production,

we have established and enhanced over

Gas fields

dioxide stream. Air Products extracts

Most of the helium produced

the helium from the gas stream and

recently reached a milestone at its

many decades,” said Walter Nelson,

today is a by-product of natural gas

returns the carbon dioxide to Kinder

newest helium production facility

Vice President and General Manager:

(methane) processing. However, not

Morgan CO2 for its intended enhanced

in Colorado (US) by filling its 100th

Global Helium at Air Products.

all natural gas fields contain helium

oil recovery (EOR) use. Kinder

helium International Organization for Standardization container. Air Products’ Doe Canyon plant is

“This facility could not have

and, in fact, very few gas fields have

Morgan CO2, supplies this carbon

been achieved without the

high enough helium concentrations

dioxide to the Permian Basin in West

cooperation of our site host. They

to make it economical for extraction.

Texas, where it is used for EOR.

the only one in the world extracting

allowed us to move forward with

helium from a gas stream composed

this outside-the-box thinking to

gas is composed primarily of carbon

primarily of carbon dioxide (CO2). The

helium production,” he added.

dioxide, and it contains high enough

helium from this facility strengthens

Air Products predicts that the

and diversifies Air Products’ helium supply chain to further enable the

In this case, the naturally occurring

Helium Helium is used in many unique and

concentrations of helium to make

valued applications including: Magnetic

world’s demand for helium is likely

extraction economical. The Doe

resonance imaging, lifting for high

to continue to grow. “This is not just

Canyon plant is expected to produce

altitude scientific research balloons,

reliable delivery of product for its

another liquid helium plant. By using

up to 230 million cubic feet of helium

blimps and party balloons, fiber optics

customers around the world.

cutting-edge technology, combined

per year, which can replace more than

and semiconductor manufacturing,

with world-class operations, we’re

15% of the current Bureau of Land

metallurgy, breathing atmospheres

operational performance of our Doe

able to recover helium from CO2.

Management’s (US) reserve helium

for deep diving or unique blood

Canyon helium plant, which is one-

It is one more step, in a series

supply as that system declines.

gas medical mixtures, analytical

of-a-kind and sets a new standard by

of steps Air Products has taken

producing helium from a naturally

to be the most reliable helium

occurring carbon dioxide stream. We

supplier in the world,” said Corning

will continue to make the investments

Painter, Air Products’ Executive

uses a new technology process to

other advanced applications.

necessary to maintain the leading

Vice President: Industrial Gases.

produce pure helium from the carbon

Source: Air Products Press Room.

“We are very pleased with the

chemistry, pressurizing and purging

Facility Air Products’ Colorado facility

pipes, vessels, and other critical equipment, leak detection and

Gas Analysis

LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Specialty gases market set to grow


ccording to the Global Specialty Gas Report 2015, this market

is predicted to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 9.4% over the next three years. In 2015, the global market for industrial and specialty gases reached 10.15 trillion cubic feet. Specialty gases are ultra-high pure gases that are used for specialised applications such as manufacturing semiconductor devices and flat panel displays. The purity of these gases ranges from 99.998% to 99.999%. They are used in various end-user segments to improve overall yield, reduce operational cost, and to optimise performance of various industrial or other operations.

Trends One of the major trends observed in the market is the growing

Specialty gases are used for specialised applications helps to reduce the overall cost of

energy-efficient products and

market. Specialty gases need to be

end-products, which is encouraging

the need to reduce the overall

operated or stored at an ambient

investments in these projects.

production cost have driven the

temperature to avoid explosion

demand for specialty products

or other hazardous effect.

According to the report, increased

in various end-user segments.

The operator needs to

awareness among end-users about

demand from the semiconductor

the benefits of various specialty

industry is one of the major

gases. Usage of specialty gases

factors driving the growth of the

high safety concerns are one of

avoid leakage, which poses a

during the manufacture of products

market. The growing need for

the key challenges faced by the

serious challenge.

Further, the report states that

take other safety measures to



LMS Issue 2 | 2016


Thermo Scientific spectroscopy Learning Centre


hermo Sceintific™ recently launched a new and

spectrometertry (TG/IR).

you with FT/IR terms, which

If you are considering

you are not yet familiar with. As an added personal interactive

informative Internet Fourier

implementing an FT/IR set-up,

transform infrared (FT/IR)

perhaps you have an existing

tool, any questions you might have

spectroscopy Learning Centre.

Nicolet™ FT/IR, or just researching

about your sample, your applications

the possibilities you can achieve

or FTIR instrumentation, look

site allows the user to find relevant

with FTIR? The site, just a click

no further, as you now have a

information covering everything

away is a fantastic base containing

direct link to the answers.

FT/IR - from the most basic

all brochures for the Thermo

information including what

Scientific range of FTIR products,

a click away with a personal

do ‘FT’ and ‘IR’ mean to

as well as informative OMNIC™

email response to assist you.

information covering sample

software video tutorials – assisting

preparation techniques.

users with helpful software

grows, the site content is

trouble shooting solutions.

continuously modernising

This user friendly interactive

It even accommodates

Prof Norm Mode, is also just

As the field of Spectroscopy

and updating information.

coverage on applications using

Additional features on this

hyphenation techniques, such

site include featured videos and

as thermogravimetric analysis

links, upcoming webinars and

can experience all these exciting

combined with infrared

FT/IR Glossary to further assist

benefits today.

As easy as a click away, you

Anatech Instruments Tel: 011-462-6776 Fax: 011-704-6490 Email: sales@anatech.co.za

The Direct Detect™ system


oodbye, Bradford Assays! Drive

of every protein without relying

reducing agents and other buffer

your research forward with

on amino acid composition, dye

components that interfere with

binding properties or reduction-

traditional protein quantitation

oxidation (redox) potential.

assays providing more

infrared-based (IR) quantitation. What if you never had to run another Bradford or BCA? Ever?

information from your sample

You can evaluate major components

Preserves precious samples -

With Direct Detect™, the first

of complex mixtures separable from

IR-based biomolecular quantitation

the Amide I and II region, like lipids

requires only 2μL per analysis.

system, just spot 2μL of your sample,

and carbohydrates - making lysates

A new software module can now

blank with buffer, and read!

and membrane preps easier than ever.

quantify long aliphatic chains in

No sample prep, no tedious standard curves, and no messy

you better quantitation?

cuvettes or liquid waste. The

IR spectrometry measures

Direct Detect system provides

amide bond absorbance for

more accurate results without the

higher reproducibility across

pitfalls of colorimetric assays.

all proteins and peptides

By measuring amide bonds in protein chains, the system accurately determines an intrinsic component

lipids and detergents.

How does Direct Detect give

Merck Pty Ltd Tel: 08600 63725

Improves speed and accuracy over

Fax: 0860 522329

traditional colorimetric assays

Email: labsupply@merckgroup.com

More compatible with detergents,

FastTrack your spectroscopic workflows


ettler Toledo has launched a new spectroscopic instrument

European Pharmacopeia regulations. Spectrum scans, fixed wavelength

a Mettler Toledo based instrument network that may include

provides simplicity while the UV7 complies with strict European

line, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy

absorption, quantification with


and US requirements and offers

(UV/VIS) Excellence, with workflows

calibration curves and kinetic

pH meters,

advanced automation possibilities.

optimised using FastTrack

analyses are ready to use


technology, which ensures speedy

as direct measurements.

Karl Fischers,

based on cuvette measurement

and reliable measurements within a

Simply enter parameters,


suit the UV5Bio best and the

compact, notebook-size footprint.

define the workflow, store


UV5Nano only requires one

as a shortcut and start the


micro-litre of sample.

state-of-the-art components

measurement with the


into a unique design. FastTrack

one click user interface.

The instruments integrate robust,

comprises modern fibre optics in

LabX 2016

combination with array detection

software allows

and a xenon flash lamp and allows a


full spectrum scan to be performed


in just one second. Instrument


specifications are compliant with

integration into

Life science UV/VIS applications

melting point apparatus. Four models are included in the new UV/VIS Excellence series: UV5, UV7, UV5Bio, and UV5Nano. The UV5

Microsep Contact: Rudy Maliepaard Tel: 011-553-2300 Email: rudy.maliepaard@microsep.co.za


LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Laboratory safety and hygiene

Pumps for the strictest food standards


abotec supplies KNF Flodos AG diaphragm liquid

pumps in Southern Africa.

These pumps comply with the

conforming to NSF/ANSI 169.

for protracted and expensive

US National Sanitation Foundation

These models are identified as

individual certification.

(NSF), International NSF/American

.51 versions on the name plate

National Standards Institute (ANSI)

and offer flow rates from 0.05l/

this certification is firstly, pumps

169 standard certification for special

min to 3l/min, suction heights up

with the NSF mark guarantee

to 6mWg and pressure heads up

that liquids are being conveyed in

to six bar. The pumps, which are

accordance with the strictest food

self-priming, are highly reliable,

equipment standards and secondly,


maintenance free, have a long service

simplifies certification of the devices

processes and

life, guarantee and dry running.

in which the pumps are used.

purpose food equipment, which means the pump design, materials,

the qualities of the

Thanks to the fact that individual

final product makes

components and subassemblies

them ideal for conveying

are modular, configuring pumps

liquids as diverse as milk, coffee, water or fruit juice concentrates. The entire OEM diaphragm

to specific customer requirements is usually very simple. KNF Flodos AG tailor-make pumps to NSF/

liquid pump range is now available

ANSI 169 standards with the

in versions with the NSF mark

NSF mark, eliminating the need


are the perfect solution for

Ideal all-purpose cleaner Depending on the type of


manufacturing defect is covered

to Merck Millipore’s well-

be cleaned, the Extran® range of

for a large variety of bottles

known quality standards.

products offers the ideal solution

and flasks, combine the latest

for the cleaning of laboratory

in dosing technology.

possible with thorough, residue-

Put your trust in many years

The solid, yet simple construction is made up of high-

free cleaning. Only in this way

of Extran experience from Merck

tech materials and ergonomic

is it possible to ensure proper

Millipore and use our detergents for

design. As a result, users benefit

scientific working procedures.

manual cleaning or machine cleaning

from ease of operation, superior

in laboratory washing machines.

safety and low maintenance.

Everything that comes into contact with chemicals or biological

Both processes generally require

substances must be free of

different detergents.

impurities, both before and after use.

The calibre bottle top dispensers are available in six models that

For further

cover a range from 0.25ml to 100ml.


They have excellent chemical and

new additions to the range, safety data sheets and of course certificates of analysis, please see the website: www.merckmillipore.com, and search for ‘Extran’. Extran was developed especially for use in laboratories, but can also be used in production facilities. The consistent composition means that

mechanical resistance and fast and reliable volume setting. Adjustment is fast, even with a gloved hand, and an efficient clickstop mechanism prevents unwanted alteration. They are autoclavable at 121°C in a fully assembled state, thereby offering in-lab calibration. The construction is simple, so no tool is necessary for disassembling. Each Calibrex dispenser, approved

processes and applications do not

for safety by TÜV, German

have to be constantly adjusted.

organisations that work to validate the safety

Merck Pty Ltd Field Marketing Manager: Lennet Maduray Tel: +27-11-372 5148 Email: lennet.maduray@merckgroup.com

Email: sales@labotec.co.za

quality control certificate. Any

Swiss made precision dispensers

utensils and production locations.

Fax: 011-315-5882

dispensers from Socorex, a

contamination and the material to

and product facilities are only

Tel: 011-315-5434

alibrex digital bottle-top

cleaning laboratory utensils

Reliable processes in laboratories


Solid simple Socorex bottle top dispenser

Perfect solution for cleaning laboratory utensils xtran® laboratory cleansers

The twin benefit of pumps with

of products of all kinds to protect humans and the environment against hazards, bears its own serial number and

by a 24-month warranty.

Labotec Tel: 011-315-5434 Fax: 011-315-5882 Email: sales@labotec.co.za



LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Speed up high-throughput application workflows


The user easily controls the speed

ettler Toledo’s Rainin Liquidator 96 is a manual

of pipetting with the Liquidator

avoid contamination that can compromise data integrity. Minimal training and simple,

bench top pipettor that provides a

96. For rapid filling polymerase

convenient, efficient, and easy-

chain reaction (PCR) master mix

routine maintenance ensure

to-use manual pipetting solution

into a PCR plate, for example,

that the Liquidator 96, a unique

to improve the workflow of many

the user can choose the quickest

and flexible tool that speeds

project based experiments that

aspiration and dispensing time.

liquid handling, provides top

occur in drug discovery research.

For more viscous samples or

The Liquidator 96 system allows

precious samples that need slower

users to fill 96 or 384-well plates

flow rates to prevent shearing, the

very rapidly, yet requires no

researcher can manually slow down

electricity or set up time.

the aspirate and dispense rates.

performance and increased workflow efficiency.

Rainin’s BioClean tips, which are

Rainin’s Liquidator 96 is easy to use, and has a sturdy,

a part of every Liquidator 96 run,

portable design that allows users

further ensure that researchers

to easily move it from benchtop to laminar flow hood. The system increases speed and accuracy compared to hand-held single or multi-channel pipettes, and also provides an efficient, cost-effective alternative to complicated robotic systems.

Microsep Contact: Frances Renwick Tel: 011-553-2300 Email: frances.renwick@microsep.co.za

Culture media for microbial food and water testing compliant


ranuCult™ granulated

Inspection Service methods for

including World Data Centre for

media and ReadyPlate™ and

testing food and water samples.

Microorganisms (WDCM) numbers Incubation temperature

These updates to the Certificate of Analysis provided with the granulated media and ready-to-

ReadyTube™ ready-to-use media

Labels on these culture media now

for quality control applications in

list individual reference standards for

microbial food and water testing

which the media are in compliance

Reference medium where applicable

labour of incoming quality control

comply with new, mandatory

in addition to EN ISO 11133.

Test method

and streamline audit preparation

Test specifications

for customers in the food and

Batch results.

pharmaceutical industries.

European Union/International

GranuCult, ReadyPlate and

Organization for Stardardization

ReadyTube media are quality-

(ISO) 11133:2014 standards for

controlled according to EN

media preparation, production,

ISO 11133:2014 under ISO 9001

storage and performance testing.

certification. The Certificate

GranuCult, ReadyPlate and

of Analysis includes a range

ReadyTube are the new brand names

of information such as:

for Merck’s existing granulated,

Storage temperature

dehydrated culture media, as well as

Technical parameters

solid and liquid ready-to-use media

Microbial performance testing

that comply with the new EN ISO 11133:2014 standards as well as other ISO standards and US Food and Drug Administration-Bacteriological Analytical Manual/US Department of Agriculture/Food Safety and

and length

use media reduce the time and

Merck Pty Ltd Tel: 08600 63725 Fax: 0860 522329 Email: labsupply@merckgroup.com

Clean Environment

LMS Issue 2 | 2016


ScanAir pro system for cleanroom monitoring


integrated touch screen display.

ighthouse Worldwide Solutions

microbial, environmental and facility

only easy and lightweight

(LWS), a provider of particle

monitoring, and contamination

method for testing and scanning

counters, software for particle,

monitoring systems, offers the

polytetrafluoroethylene, fibreglass

monitoring devices such as microbial

and other filter media for leaks.

samplers, liquid particle counters,

ScanAir Pro system,

Lighthouse provides accurate

Incorporating an ergonomic

and airborne particle counters to the

sampling and

lightweight scanning probe with

defence, aerospace, pharmaceutical,

downstream filter

touchscreen user interface, the

semiconductor, and many other

scanning system.

ScanAir Pro system also includes a

manufacturing sectors.

a smart upstream

The Lighthouse

SOLAIR portable particle counter and a

ScanAir Pro system

dual-port diluter that can be remotely

is a particle counter

switched between measurements

based high efficiency

from the touch screen handle.

particulate air/

The ScanAir Pro system allows one

ultra-low particulate

to take upstream and downstream

air filter scanning

measurements that display real time

system. It is the

percent leak information on the

National Separations Contact: Frances Renwick Tel: 011-553-2300 Email: frances.renwick@microsep.co.za

One stop pesticide analysis shop


esticide residue analysis in food is one of the most important

Anatech Instruments offer certified reference standards from leading

and challenging tasks encountered

supplier, Ultra Scientific, ranging from

in routine laboratory practice. The

individual standards in solution, or

European Legislation, currently the

neat, to mixed, for specific American

most stringent legislation (reference:

Society for Testing and Materials or

European Regulation 396/2005 and

European Pharmacopeia methods.

Commission Directive 2006/125/ EC), sets maximum residue limits (MRL) for pesticides in different

QuEChERS kit QuEChERS are available from

AH and UV grade as well as pesticide

Pesticide GC-MS/MS analyser showed

various suppliers for sample

grade solvents. A recommended

that all parameters met international

extraction and clean-up - whether

sample preparation instrument is

standards, namely: Selectivity,

are based on that of European

you are looking for a complete

the Biotage Turbovap®, for complete

linearity, response factor and matrix

Union levels. This presents a

QuEChERS kit with tubes, individual

worry free solvent evaporation.

effect, as well as accuracy, precision,

significant analytical challenge

weighed salts or bulk reagents.

products of plant and animal origin. Most of the MRL levels SA follows

with respect to the low limits of

Specific solid phase extraction

The Thermo Scientific TSQ™8000 Evo gas chromatography-mass

quantification (LOQ) required for

(SPE) cartridges are also supplied

spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) system

some specified food matrices.

for a more specific sample clean

is ideal for routine multi-residue

up. The SPE phases are available

pesticide analysis in various matrices.

from suppliers, namely Biotage

In a recent validation study (https://

and Thermo Scientific™.


Solution Anatech Instruments has the solution, which is experienced

Solvents are available from


globally, from certified standards

respected supplier, Honeywell

quadrupole-gc-msms.html), the

to instrumental analysis.

Burdick & Jackson , these include

Thermo Scientific TSQ™ 8000 Evo


robustness, limit of detection and limit of quantification.

Anatech Instruments Contact: Corlien Bezuidenhout Tel: 011-462-6776 Email: corlien@anatech.co.za


LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Water Analysis & Purification

Waste water analysis in treatment plants


perators of wastewater treatment plants are obliged

to monitor their installation and control its performance. Part of this duty − depending on the size of the treatment plant − is regular determination of various parameters in the laboratory.

Chloride as per DIN 38405-1 Alkalinity CaCO3 as per EPA 310.1 Total hardness, Ca2+, Mg 2+ as per DIN 384063-3 Anions, e.g. F-, Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-, PO43-, SO42- etc. as per ISO 10304-1 and EPA 300.0/EPA 9056 Cations, e.g. Li+, Na+, K+, NH4+, Mg 2+,

Metrohm provides fully automated solutions (titration, ion chromatography, voltammetry) for the following parameters: Chemical oxygen demand (COD) as per ASTM D 12552 and DIN 38409-44 Fluoride as per EPA 340.2

Metrohm SA Contact: Ravi Issari Tel: 011-656-2686 Email: ravii@metrohm.co.za

Ca2+ etc. as per ISO 14911:1998 Oxyhalides as per EPA 300.1, Part B Chromium(VI) as per ISO 10304-3 and EPA 218.7

Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Tl, Ni, Co as per DIN 38406-16 EDTA, NTA as per DIN 38413-5.

Detecting bacteria in water


or the simultaneous detection

handling (laying and removing)

compared to 90 mm plates. Storage

with low bacterial background is

of coliform bacteria and

of membranes on and from the

at ambient (15°C-25°C) frees up

usually combined with membrane

Escherichia coli (E. coli ) in

media. The special plate design

refrigeration space and shelf life

filtration - it is important to note the

drinking water and waters with

allows stacking and has the added

is up to six months from date of

type and quality of membrane filter

low bacterial background flora.

safety feature of being lockable.

manufacture. The ready-to-use

can affect the size, colouration and

format results in savings as no testing

number of colonies significantly.

Our convenient new readyto-use product allows for easy

These features maximise incubator space, more plates can be stored

of the media batch and filter batch is needed - reduced QC time. Fully compliant to International

Merck Millipore mixed cellulose ester filters (gridded, 0.45µm pore size, 47mm) were used in ISO

Standardization Organization

validation studies and supported the

(ISO) 9308-1:2014 and 11133:2014.

colour formation and the growth

Chromocult® Coliform Agar

of colonies efficiently.

membrane filter method has also been approved and accepted by the US Environmental Protection Agency for monitoring total coliform bacteria and E. coli under the Total Coliform Rule (40 CFR 141.21). According to ISO9308-1, the method for drinking water and waters

Merck Pty Ltd Tel: 08600 63725 Fax: 0860 522329 Email: labsupply@merckgroup.com

Titration excellence


ettler Toledo’s new generation of Titration Excellence

as well as future requirements. The standard addition technique for

line combines all benefits of its

sodium determination is an essential

predecessors with exciting new

part of the new Titration Excellence

features, such as automated sodium

line. The fully-automated direct

determination, coulometric Karl

sodium determination allows analysis

Fischer titration and an integrated

of an entire sample series, saving

SmartSample™ reader. Thanks to

time and increasing daily analysis

the unique modularity, Titration

throughput. Even sample preparation

Excellence can be optimally

can be automated using additional

SmartSample reader

configured and adapted to existing

dosing units and a homogeniser.

on all Titration Excellence

The modularity of Titration

instruments, wireless data

Microsep Contact: Rudy Maliepaard Tel: 011-553-2300 Email: rudy.maliepaard@microsep.co.za

With the integrated

Through the intuitive and easy-to-

Excellence now enables coulometric

transfer from balance to titrator

understand One Click® user interface,

Karl Fischer titration to be

is now possible on single samples,

Titration Excellence offers configuring

performed on all instruments. The

eliminating transcription errors

of user specific settings to ensure a

feature allows analysis of water

and mix-ups. The SmartSample

safe and simple operation. This truly

content down to 1ppm. This new

solution is therefore an intelligent

powerful titration system meets

coulometric option also improves

choice for both single- and

regulatory compliance and is tailored

Bromine Index determination.

automated multi-sample titration.

exactly to customers’ needs.


LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Water Analysis & Purification

Reduce, reuse, recycle

The living filter at Penn State encompasses 600 acres of land split between two separate sites. Both contain agricultural and forested areas. This is the astronomy site.


armers in drought areas are

ending up. What were the possible

especially concerned by this

implications of these low level

question. As fresh water resources

compounds in the environment on

become scarce, one option for

human, animal, and ecological health?”

water-conscious farmers is to water crops with treated wastewater.

Environmental paths

Photo credit: Zahary Larson.

What can you do without water?

This effluent is becoming a more

Dr Franklin and her team set

popular option for applications that

out to follow the environmental

the compounds on the outer surfaces

parts the study provided more

don’t require drinking-quality water.

paths of four different compounds

of the plant, but insignificant amounts

comprehensive information about

However, there are still questions

found in effluent when it is used

in the plant parts (grain and straw).

the fate of these compounds.”

about how the effluent interacts with

to spray irrigate wheat crops.

and affects the rest of the ecosystem.

First, she measured the amounts

The samples collected at the

The compounds’ trails have

time of harvest had trace amounts

been tracked from the effluent to

This is where Dr Alison Franklin

of three types of antibiotics and

of all four compounds on the plant

the wheat plants. So Dr Franklin’s

and her team at Pennsylvania State

one anti-seizure medicine in the

surface. Three of the compounds

next investigation will be whether

University come in. Dr Franklin

effluent from the University Park

were detected in the plant parts. Two

the small amounts of compounds

is investigating what happens to

wastewater treatment plant. The

compounds were detected only in the

in the wheat plants pose potential

certain compounds that remain in

water from this treatment plant was

grain and not in the straw. The third

health risks for humans and

the effluent after treatment. She

then used to irrigate wheat crops

compound was detected in both the

animals. Franklin admitted it’s

aim of the study was to determine

at Penn State’s Living Filter site.

grain and the straw. However, none of

a fine balance of protecting the

the compounds were at toxic levels.

health of the environment and

Many factors affect the path of

organisms, yet managing water

where these compounds go.

This site is a special area used to test the reuse of effluent. Samples


of the wheat straw and grain were

a compound into and within the

collected before and at harvest time,

plant, such as the pH level of the

studies are pharmaceutical and

and the samples were analyzed for

soil and the plant, the plant species,

personal care products, including

the four different compounds. “The

and even the specific plant part.

antibiotics. Currently, wastewater

concentrations of the compounds in

By analysing both the straw and

understand that balance and

treatment facilities are not able

the effluent were fairly low, so I was

the grain, Dr Franklin was able to

determine best options for smart

to completely remove these

quite surprised when we were able

have a better idea of how the wheat

water use. Read more about

compounds. They frequently remain

to actually quantify the compounds

plants take up the compounds.

Dr Franklin’s work in Journal of

in the effluent in an active form.

in the samples,” said Dr Franklin.

The chemicals Dr Franklin

“As I learned about pharmaceutica l and personal care products in the environment, I became very interested in where these compounds were

Samples The researchers found that the pre-harvest samples showed most of

“It is preferable for the

resources that are diminishing.

Balance Dr Franklin is working to

Environmental Quality. Penn

compounds to be taken up into

State’s Office of Physical Plant

the non-edible portion, like straw,

and the USDA Regional Research

because it minimises risk,” she

Projects W-3170 and W-2082

explained. “By looking at both plant

funded this project.

Elga Labwater’s most flexible hand held dispensors


he PureLab flex from Elga

RNase and bacteria are efficiently

flex 2 and 4 require a pre-purified

Labwater offers many

removed by point-of-use filters.

feed. The PureLab flex conforms

All these water purification

to international water standards

life science applications. It

systems have the award winning

e.g. the Clinical and Laboratory

allows users to focus on routine

features of the PureLab flex 2, 3 and

Standards Institute, Clinical

test work, without having to

4. The flexible ergonomic handset

Laboratory Reagent Water,

worry about the water quality

fits comfortably in the hand for

International Standardized

affecting any test results.

point-of-use dispensing. It provides

Organisation 3696: Grade

a convenient range of multiple

1,2,3, American Society for

absolute confidence in the water

dispensing options from proportional

Testing and Materials,

purity as the ultrapure water is

control (drop-by-drop) and auto

D1193-06, Pharmacopeia

dispensed. It displays clear easy

volume to locked dispense for quick

US, Europe and Japan.

to understand information at

filling of large laboratory glassware.

Validating the water

advantages for analytical and

The point-of-use display provides

all times such as system status,

With its easy access doors,

quality has never

temperature, alarms, time and

routine sanitisation is accomplished

been easier using the

total organic carbon (TOC).

in minutes saving users precious

system’s USB port

time. The sanitisation cartridge

to capture the data

sensitive analytical applications, is

makes sanitisation minimal with no

to a flash drive.

in real time providing an advantage

manual handling of any chemicals.

The TOC reading, critical for

over other conventional TOC

All systems deliver up to two

The PURELAB flex 2, 3 and 4 are

monitors, which provide a delayed

litres per minute. The PureLab flex

flexible water

response reading. Biological

3 delivers ultrapure water direct


impurities such as endotoxins, DNase,

from potable tap water and PureLab

systems which

can be adapted to respond to a laboratory’s changing water purity needs today and tomorrow.

Labotec Tel: 011-315-5434 Fax: 011-315-5882 Email: sales@labotec.co.za


LMS Issue 2 | 2016


A&D EJ Series perfect for routine and educational applications


&D EJ Series Precision Balances are compact and portable. It

stands out from the crowd with an eye-catching design and colour scheme as well as the performance users have come to expect from A&D, all at a very affordable price. Ten different capacities cover a broad range of applications:

viscometers, weighing indicators

120g, 210g, 310g, 410g, and 610g,

and controllers for pharmacy, laboratory, food service and

all with 0.01 g resolution

industrial applications as well

1500g, 2100g, 3100g, 4100g, and 6100g, all with 0.1 g resolution.

units of measure: grams,

Over-Under indicator

as other instruments for the

The 16 mm high LCD display with

ounces, pounds, troy ounces,

Specific Gravity Function.

healthcare industry.

amber backlight allows for easy

carats, momme, pennyweight,

viewing in the worst of conditions -

grains, newtons, and tael.

bright sunlight or dimly lighted

Additional features include:

areas. The EJ Series is battery

FAST - 1 second response time

powered (4 x AA) for convenient

Counting mode with

Options include: RS-232 or USB connectivity, under hook, breeze break, carrying case, and a density determination kit. A&D is the No 1 selling balance

field applications or desktop use

Automatic Counting Accuracy

brand in Japan. They design and

with AC power adapter (included)

Improvement (ACAI)

manufacture a complete line

It’s equipped with multiple

% weighing

of, electronic balances, scales,

Wirsam Scientific Tel: 011-482-1060 / 021-386-9020 / 031-709-0199 / 041-365-2060 / 016-931-1731 Email: wirsamjb@wirsam.com

ML-T compact balances offer big features on a small scale


ettler Toledo’s new compact

cell and overload protection for

as MinWeigh and LevelControl,

an out-of-compliance balance.

ML-T balances are the

high performance and reliability.

operators can rest assured

This confidence is enhanced

With additional features such

that they are not weighing on

by attributes such as passcode

perfect choice for day-to-day weighing in nearly any analytical

protection, which ensures balance

or manufacturing environment.

settings are not changed by accident

The ML-T line offers the

or by unauthorised personnel, and

smallest footprint of its class and

an ISO-log, which alerts all users to

larger-than-average weighing

weighing-relevant setting changes.

pans. The balances feature an

Automatic internal adjustment

ergonomic design, multiple


built-in applications, mains and

further promotes operator

battery operation for full mobility,

confidence by helping to ensure

and of course good weighing

precision at all times, regardless of

performance and robustness. With

changes in ambient temperature

a high-performance weighing cell,

or balance location. Automatic

integrated security features and

sample ID assignment, as well

user guidance, ML-T balances

as the ability to record up to

ensure confidence in your results.

four numbers per sample, helps

Built-in applications and a

improve productivity and ensure

straightforward user interface

traceability so results-tracking

make ML-T balances easy to use,

meets applicable regulations.

even for untrained operators. A

In addition to being compact,

standard weigh-in guide and large

reliable, and traceable, ML-T

colour touchscreen with red light/

balances offer a variety of

green light indicators creates

connection options, true portability,

easy readability for dosing within

and easy cleaning.

tolerances. Once weigh-in is complete, results can be sent directly to a printer or transmitted wirelessly to PC, eliminating transcription by hand and the potential for error that comes with it. ML-T balances come standard with the robust MonoBloc weighing

Microsep Contact: Sandra Reid Tel: 011-553-2300 Email: Sandra.reid@microsep.co.za


LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Immunology & Immuno Histo/Haema

Cryostat with advanced ergonomics


he CryoStar NX70 from Thermo Scientific has been designed

free sections and waste removal. An interesting feature is

adjustment allows you to

for all cryotomy applications,

the multi-function joystick.

work in either a

with added user comfort

The joystick allows for fast

sitting or standing

features, rapid cooling and an

adjustment for common sectioning

position, whichever

intuitive user interface to provide

functions. Otherwise, an

is more comfortable.

unparalleled sectioning quality.

electronic touchscreen allows

Lastly, but definitely

for control and monitoring of

not least, a vaporised,

all the instrument settings.

nontoxic disinfection

As precise temperature control is a significant factor in achieving high quality sections, active

The integrated motorised height

agent called Sanosil

cooling at the object and blade

is dispersed to

holders, Cryobar allows for rapid

permeate throughout

adjustment and accurate control for

the cryochamber. This

optimal sectioning performance. An innovative, stable knife

Labotec Tel: 011-315-5434

carrier feed, ensures precise section thickness while the optional Vacutome can be used for wrinkle

Fax: 011-315-5882 Email: sales@labotec.co.za

system is safe, fast and complete, and since its nontoxic, ensures that staff safety is never compromised.

Mabtech FluoroSpot kits allow for simultaneous analyte detection


abtech is a world leader

development of the ELISpot assay

plates are available. Pre-coated

in advancing the ELISpot,

and uses fluorescent detection

plates are a convenient option

Fluorospot and ELISA (Enzyme-

instead of colorimetric.

which enables a more rapid assay

This allows for simultaneous

linked Immunosorbent Assay)

with minimised variability. Mabtech also develops and

methods. This is the result of

detection of several analytes which

a continuous effort to develop

is a major advantage, especially

manufactures high quality

novel reagents and optimise

when cell numbers are limited.

monoclonal antibodies and kits

Mabtech supplies FluoroSpot

protocols for these assays.

for ELISA and ELISpot.

kits for analysis of T-cell responses,

To complete the range, Mabech provides kits and reagents in

B-cell responses and kits suitable

many different formats for

for analysis of macrophages,

research and development.

monocytes and dendritic cells.

Mabtech’s FluoroSpot

Kits contain the necessary

kits allows for simultaneous

reagents for a complete assay.

detection of several analytes.

For some combinations of

The FluoroSpot assay is an inventive

analytes, kits with pre-coated

Microsep Contact: Frances Renwick Tel: 011-553-2300 Email: frances.renwick@microsep.co.za

First class quality paraffin for routine use


istosec® consists of carefully

batch times in the histoprocessor.

polymer additive, with or without dimethyl sulfoxide

Histoprocessing Full penetration of tissues

(DMSO). It has a defined

is achieved with Histosec and

melting range of 56°C-58°C.

use of this product results in

Quality is standardised through

required and there is no quality loss after repeated melting. The use

selected paraffins with

of Histosec results in excellent single and multiple sections with no folds in the sections. The sections can be quickly cut

significantly longer batch times in

after blocking and the increased

careful choice of raw materials

the histoprocessor. It is compatible

elasticity of the embedded tissue

with practice-oriented application

with all types of histoprocessors.

allows for easy cutting.

check of each batch. Disposal

Infiltration is accelerated by DMSO.

costs are low due to longer

Histosec has high stability and is available in easy to handle pastilles.

Embedding and sectioning No filtering of the melted wax is

Merck Pty Ltd Tel: 08600 63725 Fax: 0860 522329 Email: labsupply@merckgroup.com


LMS Issue 2 | 2016


Demanding temperature control from pilot to plant


ulabo’s new PRESTO® models

The W50 and the W50T with increased

and intuitive user guidance. Clear

W50 and W50t provide a high

heating capacity. Both models cover an

and well structured displays for

dynamic temperature control

extremely broad working temperature

values and graphics, all important

system that can handle temperature

range, from -50°C to +250°C.

information at a glance, detailed

ranges of -50°C to +250°C.

The PRESTO W50 provides a

and easily understandable warning

Covering such an extremely

heating capacity of 6 kW, while the

and help texts - these are just

broad temperature range means

W50t provides double the heating

some of the advantages.

that the equipment is well-suited for

capacity at 12 kW. Both instruments

demanding temperature applications

have a cooling capacity of up to

usage, such as control and regulation

such as reactors, mini-plants, pilot

7.5 kW. They are ideally suited for

via USB interface, data logging via USB

plants, material testing stands, micro-

compensating exothermic and

or SD Card, integration in process

reactors, and material and component

endothermic reactions extremely

bus solutions ie (Profibus), remote

tests in the auto industry, for example.

quickly and have impressive, very

control via Ethernet networks or

rapid heat-up and cool-down times.

wireless control through Julabo’s

The new water-cooled PRESTO models are available in two versions:

Labotec Tel: 011-315-5434 Fax: 011-315-5882 Email: sales@labotec.co.za

High-performance, maintenance

Extensive interfaces allow flexible

WirelessTEMP application. Competent

free pumps deliver up to 3.2 bar or 76l/

advising, a collaborative search

min. Both models guarantee high flow

process for suitable solutions with the

rates at constant pressure and can

customer and many other customer

interactively compensate changes in

services ensure that Julabo users

for equipment qualification and

the viscosity of the tempering medium.

find the ideal temperature control

application training so that the Julabo

solution. Julabo supports its customers

users can quickly and confidently

colour touchscreen of the new

with installation and calibration,

master their equipment and use

PRESTO provides high functionality

preparation of documentation

them for a long time.

The integrated 5.7” industrial

A milestone in automation Low moisture in oil - easy with new899MetrohmCoulometer A utomation of routine pH,

conductivity, alkalinity, Ca

all-rounder with all the features of automation. Modern automation

etc is now a breeze

samples around, it


with Metrohm’s 855

must also address

technical specifications every time

Coulometer provides the capabilities

Robotic Titrosampler.

the key elements of

just became easier with Metrohm’s

of a full-grown Metrohm Coulometer.

This system combines

sample preparation

economical 899 KF Coulometer.

the highest quality

and sample

and Mg hardness COD,

does not simply mean moving


standards in titration


with top-performance

nsuring your petroleum products meet stringent

point in the plant. At the same time, the 899

Thus, it can be linked to a manual

The 899 Coulometer is the most

oven (860 KF Thermoprep) or to an

compact and flexible Coulometer yet

885 Compact Oven Sample Changer

from Metrohm! Besides a footprint

for fully automated thermal sample

automation. Its


the size of just a DIN A4 sheet of



paper, it comes with a power box for

coulometric determination of

features are:

is that the

its own independent power supply!

the water content.


40 %

The 899 Coulometer does not need

less lab

is carried

much space because it has its own


out by one and

magnetic stirrer built in. There is

the same instrument. This

no need for a support rod either. An

- first sample processor

ensures greater accuracy and

integrated holder keeps the titration

with built-in titrator.

reliability of final results.

cell safely standing on the upper


Easy handling thanks to plug-and-play features. User-friendly thanks to complete packages. The 855 represents automation of titration processes of up to 140 samples on the smallest footprint ever. The 855 Robotic Titrosampler is an

Metrohm SA Contact: Ravi Issari Tel: 011-656-2686 Email: ravii@metrohm.co.za

The 855 Robotic Titrosampler covers the full range of titrations

side of the instrument. No socket around to plug in

and measurements:

the power

Dynamic equivalence

cord? No

point titration. Monotonic equivalence point titration.

problem with the 899

Endpoint titration.


Enzymatic and pH-stat-titration.

In this case, users can rely on

Direct measurement of pH

the instrument’s independent

values and ion concentrations.

power supply that comes with an

As a complete package the

optional power box containing a

system fulfills all requirements of routine analysis with an impressive

preparation and subsequent

set of rechargeable batteries. This means users can perform

sample throughput on the smallest

coulometric determinations

possible footprint.

of the water content at any

Metrohm SA Contact: Ravi Issari Tel: 011-656-2686 Email: ravii@metrohm.co.za


LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Product Review

Hot to ice cold in 10 seconds


erman company Weiss Technik

function and reliability of electronic

to 220ºC, while the cold chamber

has a Temperature Shock

devices, components and systems

can reach temperatures from -80

Test Chamber model TS60, which

to determine if sudden temperature

to +70ºC. A temperature shock

in less than 10 seconds subjects

changes have an influence on the

between hot and cold is achieved by

test items to extreme hot and

specimens long term function. Other

rapidly transferring the specimens

ice cold conditions. This shock

reasons for usage are to determine

placed in the lift between two

treatment is usually used to test

if safe operation is gauranteed after

independently controlled chambers,

environmental conditions on the

a sudden temperature changes,

one hot and the other cold. This

or perhaps to detect any early

lift is able to alternate between

failure defects, or to forecast the

chambers in less than 10 seconds.

life expectancy of a product.

Labotec Tel: 011-315-5434 Fax: 011-315-5882 Email: sales@labotec.co.za

The test space volume inside

The TS60 has an easy plug-in design, and can be controlled

the chamber is 60 litres, and the

using optional software capable

loading capacity of the interior lift

of networking up to 99 testing

possible. Test specifications such

is 20 kg, while the temperature

systems with a PC, and the

as DIN 40 046, IEC 60068-2-14

variance for the hot chamber is +50

archiving of all parameters is

etc are easily fulfilled.

Must have meter


he Orion range from Thermo

that is perfect for your needs

or RDO optical dissolved oxygen

portable meter has single parameter

Scientific can meet any

and exactly what you want.

probes, RS232 communication port,

measurement capabilities for

two USB communication ports,

pH/temperature, conductivity/

potential application, measurement

The new range Orion Star A

need, budget and various levels

and VERSA STAR range of meters

and two Orion stirrer ports are just

temperature and dissolved oxygen/

of functionality with a meter

available from Labotec consists of

some of the unique advantages.

temperature. These meters provide

(both benchtop and portable)

24 models designed to handle any type of sample, everyday, anywhere.

Five modules are available: pH/ ISE, conductivity, dissolved oxygen

Orion VERSA STAR is the top

of pH with LogR temperature

of the range ‘must have’ meter for

technology, which can all be

those who want and need the best.

matched and mixed as you

It can change with your needs,

need to create your meter.

with up to four channels for you

At the bottom of the range, the

to configure in any combination.

most basic, affordable and simple

Incremental methods for ISE, auto-recognising for polarographic

meter, Orion Star A110-series benchtop, and Orion Star A120-series

the core information, with memory for 50 data points.

Labotec Tel: 011-315-5434 Fax: 011-315-5882 Email: sales@labotec.co.za

Waters UPLC I-class/Xevo TQ-S micro IVD CE marked medical device


aters UPLC-MS/MS system offers clinical laboratories

analysis of a variety of compounds. Using LC-MS technology, clinical

enhanced levels of selectivity,

laboratories perform qualitative and

sensitivity and versatility

quantitative analyses of patients’


samples to aid clinicians in many ways.

I-Class IVD/Xevo® TQ-S micro IVD

Over recent years, the scope of use

system is now manufactured as a U.S.

of LC-MS in the clinical environment

FDA Class I medical device and is CE

has widened and the number of

Marked to the European Directive

tests that can be developed and

98/79/EC (IVDD). This development

validated by diagnostic laboratory

allows clinical laboratories to

service providers has grown rapidly.

access leading innovations in liquid


chromatography (LC) and mass

IVD/Xevo TQ-S micro IVD system

spectrometry (MS) technology for the

features Waters’ UltraPerformance LC® technology coupled with a benchtop tandem-quadrupole mass spectrometer designed to

Microsep Contact: Louis van Huyssteen Tel: 011-553-2300 Email: louis.vanhuyssteen@microsep.co.za

provide the highest acquisition rates in UPLC®-MS/MS quantitative

tried-and-tested StepWave™

analysis. Xccelerated Ion Transfer

instrument to acquire data at high

ion optics continue Waters’ long

(XIT™) electronics, using

speeds without compromising

history in the delivery of sensitive

SpaceWire technology, allow this

performance, and extensions to

and robust LC-MS systems.

Product Directory

Refer to Company Directory for contact details

amino acids analysis

• AE Solutions • Anatech Instruments • LabDynamics • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group


• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Labotec


• The Sepsci Group


• Anacon • Anatech Instruments • Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Merck Pty Ltd • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (GBC)

Atomic force microscopy

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Carl Zeiss • Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Shimadzu South Africa


• AE Solutions • Anatech Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • ITP Analytical • Labchem • The Sepsci Group


• AE Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Celsius Scientific • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • Thermo Fisher Scientific • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • Trilab Support cc


• The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group


• AE Solutions • Bruker South Africa • Hanna Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Metrohm SA • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• AE Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Analytical Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem • LabDynamics • Labotec • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Monitoring & Control Labs • Shimadzu South Africa • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • Trilab Support cc • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (A&D)


• Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy (Bio-Logic)

BIOHAZARDS (see Laminar Flow) • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Alphalab Engineering CC • Clean Room Maintenance • Esco Technologies • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • The Sepsci Group • Umoya Laboratory Extraction Technologies


• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Bruker South Africa • Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy (Kuhner) • Esco Technologies • Ilex South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment

• ITP Analytical • Labchem • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Waters & Mettler Toledo) • National Separations • The Sepsci Group


• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Micron Scientific • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Monitoring & Control Labs


• Davies Diagnostics • Ilex South Africa • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group


• BD (Becton Dickinson & Company) • Ilex South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • The Sepsci Group

BLOod transfusion equipmenT & ACCESSORIES

• The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group


• Anatech Instruments • Ilex South Africa • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group

BLOT KITS (southern, northern, western)

• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Merck Pty Ltd • National Separations • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group


• AE Solutions • Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Archimedes Laboratory Solutions • Clean Room Maintenance • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Intertek • LabDynamics • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Sepsci Group • Trilab Support cc • unitemp


• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • LECO Africa • The Sepsci Group

Cameras (See Digital Cameras)

• AE Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment


• AE Solutions • Anatech Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • LECO Africa • Magna Analytical • The Sepsci Group


• Grabner Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Magna Analytical • Metrohm SA • Monitoring & Control Labs • PANalytical • Shimadzu South Africa • Spectro


• AE Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Monitoring & Control Labs • National Separations • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Trilab Support cc


• Air Filter Maintenance Services

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labchem


• Anatech Instruments • Bymaz Pty Ltd • Davies Diagnostics • De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Industrial Analytical • Labchem • LECO Africa • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Waters, ERA & Romil) • PANalytical • The Sepsci Group


• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Anatech Instruments • Hach South Africa • Hanna Instruments • Industrial Analytical • Labchem • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Waters, Romil & Recipe) • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Sepsci Group


• Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Hygiena International) • The Sepsci Group


• Anatech Instruments • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Chemetrix • LabDynamics • LabHouse • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Waters) • The Sepsci Group • Trilab Support cc


• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • LabHouse • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Waters) • National Separations • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• AE Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Analytical Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Clean Room Maintenance • Esco Technologies • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Micron Scientific • Microsep (Lighthouse) • The Sepsci Group


• Merck Pty Ltd • The Scientific Group

CLIMATIC CHAMBERS/ environmental

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Magna Analytical • The Sepsci Group • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (Espec)


• The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group


• The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group


• Bruker South Africa • Carl Zeiss • Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment

LMS Issue 2 | 2016


• Labotec • LECO Africa • Magna Analytical • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Monitoring & Control Labs • PANalytical


• AE Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Hach South Africa • Hanna Instruments • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA


• AE Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem • Microsep (Interscience) • National Separations • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group


• AE Solutions • Hach South Africa • Hanna Instruments • Merck Pty Ltd • Poretech


• Anatech Instruments • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Waters) • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec


• AE Solutions • LabInfo (TSI)

CONCRETE testing equipment

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Bruker South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Monitoring & Control Labs • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (Toni Technic)


• Anatech Instruments • Hach South Africa • Hanna Instruments • Labchem • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Sepsci Group • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (Eutech)


• Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy (Bio-Logic) • Metrohm SA


• Anatech Instruments • De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labchem


• AE Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labchem • Labotec • Magna Analytical • The Sepsci Group

CULTURE MEDIA & accessories

• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Anatech Instruments • BD (Becton Dickinson & Company) • Davies Diagnostics • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep • National Separations • Quantum Biotechnologies • Selecta-MEDIA • The Sepsci Group

cuvettes & cells

• Anacon • Anatech Instruments • Chemetrix • Hach South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labchem • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd


LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Product Directory

data loggers & systems

• Monitoring & Control Labs • unitemp


• Air Filter Maintenance Services • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep • National Separations • The Sepsci Group


• The Sepsci Group

density specific gravity meters & scales

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • The Sepsci Group


• Anatech Instruments • Merck Pty Ltd


• Air Filter Maintenance Services • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labchem • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd


• Anatech Instruments • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Bruker South Africa • Metrohm SA • PANalytical • Labotec



• The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group

diagnostic standards

• Ilex South Africa • Industrial Analytical • Microsep (Recipe) • The Sepsci Group

dIAmond knives

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • The Scientific Group


• Bruker South Africa • Magna Analytical • PANalytical • Shimadzu South Africa • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (Rigaku)


• AE Solutions • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd

digital cameras

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Carl Zeiss • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment

Dimensional Measuring

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment

discrete analysers

• AE Solutions • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • ITP Analytical • Labotec


• LabDynamics • PA Cuthbert


• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Analytical Solutions • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Interscience, Mettler Toledo & Rainin) • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• Anton Paar Southern Africa • Chemetrix • LabDynamics • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Hanson Research) • PA Cuthbert • The Sepsci Group

dissolved oxygen

• AE Sol utions • Anatech Instruments

• Hach South Africa • Hanna Instruments • Labchem • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Sepsci Group


• AE Solutions • Chemetrix • Grabner Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • The Sepsci Group

dna testing

• Anatech Instruments • Davies Diagnostics • Dehteq (Pty) Ltd • Ilex South Africa • Merck Pty Ltd • Shimadzu South Africa • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group

drug testing

• AE Solutions • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • Davies Diagnostics • The Sepsci Group

Refer to Company Directory for contact details

embedding media

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd

Environmental Monitoring/Equipment

• AE Solutions • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Anatech Instruments • Bruker South Africa • Hach South Africa • Hanna Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Intertek • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Micron Scientific • Microsep (Waters, Mettler Toledo, ERA, Horiizon Technology & Lighthouse) • Shimadzu South Africa • Spectro • unitemp

extraction systems

• AE Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Anatech Instruments • Esco Technologies • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Magna Analytical • Polimatrix SA • Umoya Laboratory Extraction Technologies

fat determination


• AE Solutions • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Bruker South Africa • Labotec • Magna Analytical

electrochemical analysers

• Analytical Solutions • Labotec

• Air Filter Maintenance Services • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy (Bio-Logic) • Hach South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Metrohm SA • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (Eutech)


• Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Hach South Africa • Hanna Instruments • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • The Sepsci Group • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (Eutech)

electrolyte Analysers

• Ilex South Africa • The Sepsci Group

Electron microscopes, equipment & consumables

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Bruker South Africa • Carl Zeiss • Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • The Scientific Group • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment


• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Anatech Instruments • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • The Sepsci Group

elemental analysers

• AE Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Bruker South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • LECO Africa • Magna Analytical • PANalytical • Shimadzu South Africa • Spectro • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

Elisa equipment & reagents/test kits

• AE Solutions • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Anatech Instruments • Davies Diagnostics • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Mabtech) • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group

eM Sample preparation

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Magna Analytical

Fermentors - lab

• PANalytical • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific

Fraction collectors

• Anatech Instruments • Labotec • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group • PA Cuthbert


freeze dryers

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Esco Technologies • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • PA Cuthbert


• AE Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Analytical Solutions • Esco Technologies • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• AE Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Esco Technologies • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• Labotec


• Bruker South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec

Filtering equipment & consumables

• Anatech Instruments • Clean Room Maintenance • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep • Monitoring & Control Labs • National Separations • The Sepsci Group

fine chemicals

• Industrial Analytical • Labchem • Merck Pty Ltd • Monitoring & Control Labs

flash chromatography

• Anatech Instruments

flash point testers

• Grabner Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Monitoring & Control Labs • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

flow injection

• AE Solutions • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • ITP Analytical


• AE Solutions • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Anatech Instruments • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • LabDynamics • Merck Pty Ltd • PANalytical • Shimadzu South Africa • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group

Food analysis equipment

• AE Solutions • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Analytical Solutions • Bruker South Africa • Davies Diagnostics • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labchem • Labotec • LECO Africa • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Waters, Mettler Toledo, Vicam, Hygiena International & Interscience) • National Separations


• Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • Grabner Instruments • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific

FUEl cell

• Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy (Bio-Logic) • Metrohm SA


• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Alphalab Engineering CC • Clean Room Maintenance • Esco Technologies • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Magna Analytical • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Polimatrix SA • Umoya Laboratory Extraction Technologies


• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Alphalab Engineering CC • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Polimatrix SA • Umoya Laboratory Extraction Technologies


• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Industrial Analytical • Magna Analytical • PANalytical


• Bruker South Africa • The Sepsci Group


• AE Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • LabHouse • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Scientific Supply Services • The Sepsci Group • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment


• Afrox • Anatech Instruments • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Chemetrix • Davies Diagnostics • LECO Africa

Product Directory

Refer to Company Directory for contact details

GAS Installations

• LECO Africa


• Anton Paar Southern Africa • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • Microsep (Lighthouse)


• Shimadzu South Africa


• Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • LabHouse • LECO Africa • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Waters) • Scientific Supply Services • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Trilab Support cc

Gel permeation chromatography

• Anatech Instruments • Chemetrix • Micron Scientific • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group


• Anatech Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment


• Anatech Instruments • The Sepsci Group


• Air Filter Maintenance Services • BD (Becton Dickinson & Company) • Davies Diagnostics • Hanna Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • ITP Analytical • Labchem • LabDynamics • Merck Pty Ltd • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific

Genetic Disorders

• Anatech Instruments • The Sepsci Group


• Anatech Instruments • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • The Sepsci Group


• Anatech Instruments • BD (Becton Dickinson & Company) • Bruker South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • The Sepsci Group • Labotec



• Labchem • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • The Sepsci Group

Grain grading equipment

• AE Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies

Green histology solutions

• Merck Pty Ltd


• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Magna Analytical


• Davies Diagnostics • Merck Pty Ltd • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group


• AE Solutions • Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Hanna Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • LECO Africa • Metrohm SA

• PA Cuthbert • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment


• Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • LabHouse • Shimadzu South Africa


• Chemetrix • De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • ITP Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Shimadzu South Africa • Spectro • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

• Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies

Heating mantles

• AE Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem • Labotec • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• Anatech Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Mabtech)


• Anacon • Anatech Instruments • Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labchem • LabDynamics • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment


• AE Solutions • Anatech Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Monitoring & Control Labs • National Separations • PA Cuthbert • The Sepsci Group


• AE Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Hanna Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Trilab Support cc


• Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • LabDynamics • LECO Africa • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Waters) • National Separations • Shimadzu South Africa • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Trilab Support cc


• Anatech Instruments • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Bruker South Africa • Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy (Advion) • Chemetrix • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Waters) • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Trilab Support cc


• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • unitemp


• Air Filter Maintenance Services • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Merck Pty Ltd • Monitoring & Control Labs


• Air Filter Maintenance Services • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Monitoring & Control Labs • Trilab Support cc

ICP & consumables

• Anatech Instruments


• Anatech Instruments • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Waters) • Shimadzu South Africa • Spectro • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific

IMAGE ANALYSIS/ data processing

• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Carl Zeiss • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • LECO Africa • Micron Scientific • Microsep (Interscience) • The Sepsci Group • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment


• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • AE Solutions • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Micron Scientific • Shimadzu South Africa • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific • unitemp


• Davies Diagnostics • Ilex South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd


• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Mabtech) • The Sepsci Group

impact testing

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

INCUBATORS (See Ovens, Furnaces & Incubators)

• AE Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Anatech Instruments • Esco Technologies • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem • Labotec • Monitoring & Control Labs • National Separations • The Sepsci Group

Infra-red spectroscopy

• Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • Grabner Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific

Integrated chemistry analysers

• AE Solutions • The Sepsci Group

Ion analysis

• Anatech Instruments • Hach South Africa • ITP Analytical • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Waters & Mettler Toledo) • Shimadzu South Africa

Job costing

• The Sepsci Group


• AE Solutions • Analytical Solutions • Hach South Africa

LMS Issue 2 | 2016


• Labotec • Magna Analytical • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • The Sepsci Group

Laboratories independent testing

• Intertek

Laboratory Emergency Body & Eye Showers

• Alphalab Engineering CC • Walker Crosweller

Laboratory & GMP TRAINING

• Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy • Intertek • LabHouse • The Sepsci Group

Laboratory/sales recruitment

• The Sepsci Group

Laboratory Fittings/Valves

• Walker Crosweller

Laboratory Furniture

• Polimatrix SA

Laminar flow/biohazards

• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Alphalab Engineering CC • Clean Room Maintenance • Esco Technologies • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Umoya Laboratory Extraction Technologies

Laser systems

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

Leak detectors

• Anton Paar Southern Africa • Chemetrix • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec

leakwise oil-on-water

• Anatech Instruments


• Bika Lab Systems • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • LabInfo (TSI) • Microsep (Waters & Mettler Toledo) • Intertek • PANalytical


luminometers & reagents

• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Dehteq (Pty) Ltd • Ilex South Africa • Microsep (Celsis & Hygiena International) • The Sepsci Group

macro digital systems

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment

magnetic stirrers

• AE Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Hanna Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific

magnetic test equipment Magnets

• Bruker South Africa • Labotec • AE Solutions


Mass spectrometers

• Anatech Instruments • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy (Advion) • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • LabDynamics • Labotec • LECO Africa • Microsep (Waters) • Shimadzu South Africa


LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Product Directory

• Thermo Fisher Scientific • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

Material sectioning

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • LECO Africa

materials testing

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • PANalytical • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

Melt flow index

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Bruker South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment

melting point apparatus

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Microsep (Mettler Toledo)

mercury analysers

• AE Solutions • Anatech Instruments • LECO Africa • Magna Analytical • Metrohm SA

Metallurgical sample prep/metallography

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • LECO Africa • Magna Analytical


• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Bruker South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment


• Anatech Instruments • The Sepsci Group


• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Anatech Instruments • Davies Diagnostics • Dehteq (Pty) Ltd • Hach South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Intertek • Labchem • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep • National Separations • Quantum Biotechnologies • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• Anatech Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep • National Separations • The Sepsci Group

microplate readers/ harvesters/washers

• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Bruker South Africa • Merck Pty Ltd • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group


• AE Solutions • Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Analytical Solutions • Carl Zeiss • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Merck Pty Ltd • Micron Scientific • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Trilab Support cc • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

Microtomes & accessories

• Carl Zeiss • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • The Scientific Group


• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Magna Analytical

Microwave Digestion

• Magna Analytical


• AE Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem

• Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Interscience) • PA Cuthbert • The Sepsci Group

Moisture analysis

• AE Solutions • Analytical Solutions • Bruker South Africa • Hanna Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • LECO Africa • Magna Analytical • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group • Trilab Support cc

Mortuary equipment

• Labotec

mycotoxin analysis

• AE Solutions • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Anatech Instruments • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Chemetrix • Microsep (Waters & Vicam)


• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Analytical Solutions • Bruker South Africa • Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy (Bio-Logic) • Carl Zeiss • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Metrohm SA • Micron Scientific • Microsep (Waters & Lighthouse) • PANalytical • The Scientific Group • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (Nanosurf & Horiba)

near infra-red analysers

• AE Solutions • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • Labotec • Metrohm SA • PANalytical • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Bruker South Africa • Merck Pty Ltd

oil testing

• Bruker South Africa • Intertek • Magna Analytical • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Waters & Mettler Toledo) • Monitoring & Control Labs • PANalytical • unitemp

Oligonucleotides synthesis

• The Sepsci Group

optical emission

• Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Magna Analytical • PANalytical • Shimadzu South Africa • Thermo Fisher Scientific

optical testing

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Magna Analytical • Labotec


Ovens, furnaces & incubators • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy (Kuhner) • Celsius Scientific • Esco Technologies • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem • LabDynamics • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Trilab Support cc

Oxygen Calorimeter

• Digital Data Systems

Paint testing equipment

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec

Refer to Company Directory for contact details

• Metrohm SA • Monitoring & Control Labs

Particle size measurement

• Analytical Solutions • Clean Room Maintenance • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Micron Scientific • Microsep (Mettler Toledo & Lighthouse) • Poretech • Shimadzu South Africa • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

Pathogen testing equipment

• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Anatech Instruments • Dehteq (Pty) Ltd • Merck Pty Ltd • The Sepsci Group

Pcr/real-time pcr instruments & Consumables • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • BD (Becton Dickinson & Company) • Davies Diagnostics • Dehteq (Pty) Ltd • Esco Technologies • Ilex South Africa • Labchem • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • The Sepsci Group

petroleum testing

• AE Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • Grabner Instruments • Intertek • LabDynamics • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Waters & Mettler Toledo) • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

PFA LABWARE (Moulded Fluoropolymer)

• ITP Analytical • Labchem

ph instrumentation

• Analytical Solutions • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Celsius Scientific • Chemetrix • Hach South Africa • Hanna Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labchem • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Sepsci Group • Trilab Support cc • unitemp • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment


• Clean Room Maintenance • Hach South Africa • Hanna Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • The Sepsci Group


• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Davies Diagnostics • Labchem • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Mettler Toledo & Rainin) • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific

Plant growth chambers & rooms

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • The Sepsci Group

plastic labware

• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Labchem • Merck Pty Ltd • PA Cuthbert

plastics testing

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • PANalytical

Platinum laboratory ware

• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Industrial Analytical • PANalytical


• Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Monitoring & Control Labs • Trilab Support cc • Poretech

Porosimeters potentiostats/ galvanostats

• Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy (Bio-Logic) • Metrohm SA

Power supplies

• The Sepsci Group

pre-analytical tools

• Magna Analytical

profile projectors

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment

protein analysis

• AE Solutions • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Bruker South Africa • Intertek • Labotec • LECO Africa • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Waters) • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• Anatech Instruments • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • Merck Pty Ltd • Micron Scientific • Microsep (Waters) • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• Anatech Instruments • Hanna Instruments • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • National Separations • The Sepsci Group

Purge & trap systems

• Anatech Instruments • Chemetrix • LabHouse • The Sepsci Group

Pycnometers/density measurements

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Poretech

quality control

• AE Solutions • Davies Diagnostics • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • PANalytical • The Scientific Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific

raman analysers

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • LabDynamics • Metrohm SA

rapid diagnostic test kits

• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Davies Diagnostics • Dehteq (Pty) Ltd • Microsep (Recipe) • The Sepsci Group


• Celsius Scientific • Hanna Instruments • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Poretech


• Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies


• Anatech Instruments • Davies Diagnostics

Product Directory

Refer to Company Directory for contact details

• Industrial Analytical • Quantum Biotechnologies


• Hanna Instruments • Labchem • Labotec • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Monitoring & Control Labs • Trilab Support cc • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

repair & maintenance

• AE Solutions • Anacon • Anatech Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • LabDynamics • Labotec • Metrohm SA • The Sepsci Group • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment


• AE Solutions • Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Micron Scientific • Monitoring & Control Labs

• PANalytical • Spectro • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• AE Solutions • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Chemetrix • Hach South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Monitoring & Control Labs • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific

spectroscopy - accessories

• Anacon • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Life & Analytical Sciences (Perkin Elmer) • PANalytical • The Sepsci Group

Rotary evaporators

• Anatech Instruments • Celsius Scientific • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Sepsci Group • Trilab Support cc

Safety equipment & accessories

• Merck Pty Ltd

salt spray chambers

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec

Sample preparation equipment/CONSUMABLES

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Anatech Instruments • Ilex South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Industrial Analytical • LabHouse • Labotec • LECO Africa • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Waters, Mettler Toledo & Horizon Technology) • National Separations • PANalytical • The Sepsci Group • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment


• AE Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Hach South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • PA Cuthbert • PANalytical

sensor development

• Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy (Bio-Logic)

sieves & shakers

• AE Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy (Kuhner) • Celsius Scientific • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labchem • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Scientific Group • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

soil testing equipment

• AE Solutions • Bruker South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Microsep (Waters, Mettler Toledo & Horizon Technology) • Monitoring & Control Labs • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• AE Solutions • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Bruker South Africa • Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • LECO Africa • Merck Pty Ltd

• Labotec

spray dryers stirrers

• Anatech Instruments • Hanna Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem • Labotec • LabWorld • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific

Surface/surface area analysis

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • LECO Africa • Microsep (Celsis & Hygiena International) • PANalytical • Poretech • Thermo Fisher Scientific

surface tension

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Micron Scientific


• Anton Paar Southern Africa • Chemetrix

temperature & humidity

• Archimedes Laboratory Solutions • Hanna Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Monitoring & Control Labs

Temperature measurement/ thermometers/thermostatS

• Davies Diagnostics • Hanna Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labchem • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Sepsci Group • Trilab Support cc • unitemp

Tensile/compression testing

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Shimadzu South Africa • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

Textile testing

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • ATS Laboratory • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment

Texture analysers

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • AE Solutions • Bruker South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Monitoring & Control Labs • PANalytical

Thermal analysis

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Shimadzu South Africa • Thermo Fisher Scientific

thermal desorption

• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Anatech Instruments

• Chemetrix • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • LabHouse • Shimadzu South Africa


• Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy (Camag)

tissue culture chambers & rooms

• Air Filter Maintenance Services • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment

Tissue processors

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • The Scientific Group


• Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Hach South Africa • Hanna Instruments • Labotec • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Mettler Toledo)

toc analysers

• AE Solutions • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Hach South Africa • LabHouse • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Mettler Toledo & Lighthouse) • Shimadzu South Africa • Thermo Fisher Scientific


• Anatech Instruments • ITP Analytical • Labchem • Labotec • National Separations


• AE Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Hach South Africa • Hanna Instruments • Labchem • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep (Mettler Toledo)


• Air Filter Maintenance Services • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • The Sepsci Group • Umoya Laboratory Extraction Technologies

Ultrasonic baths

• AE Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Celsius Scientific • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific

Uv transilluminators

• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group

Uv/visible spectrophotometry

• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Chemetrix • Hach South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem • LabDynamics • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Monitoring & Control Labs • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group

Vacuum coating

• Labotec • The Scientific Group

Vacuum systems & measurement

• Anton Paar Southern Africa • Chemetrix • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • National Separations • Process Vacuum


• Air Filter Maintenance Services

LMS Issue 2 | 2016


• Anatech Instruments • Archimedes Laboratory Solutions • Clean Room Maintenance • Intertek • LabDynamics • National Separations • PANalytical • Trilab Support cc


• AE Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • Micron Scientific • Monitoring & Control Labs

Water analysis equipment

• AE Solutions • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Anatech Instruments • Bruker South Africa • Dehteq (Pty) Ltd • Hach South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • LabHouse • Labotec • LECO Africa • Magna Analytical • Merck Pty Ltd • Metrohm SA • Microsep (Waters & Mettler Toledo) • Monitoring & Control Labs • National Separations

Water baths

• AE Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Analytical Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific

Water distillation/ purification

• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Celsius Scientific • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labchem • LabDynamics • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd • Microsep • National Separations • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Trilab Support cc

Water samplers

• Hach South Africa • Labotec • Merck Pty Ltd

Weathering testers

• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec

Western blot kit (See Blot Kits...)

• Anatech Instruments • Merck Pty Ltd • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group

X-RAY analysis

• Bruker South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Magna Analytical • PANalytical • Shimadzu South Africa

X-ray crystallography

• Magna Analytical • PANalytical

X-ray diffraction

• Bruker South Africa • Magna Analytical • PANalytical • Shimadzu South Africa • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

X-ray fluorescence

• Bruker South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Magna Analytical • Monitoring & Control Labs • PANalytical • Shimadzu South Africa • Spectro • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment

Zeta potential

• AMS Laboratory Technologies • Analytical Solutions • Micron Scientific • Poretech • SMM Instruments


LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Company Directory

Advanced Laboratory Solutions


Air Filter Maintenance Services

www.advancedlab.co.za ALS is a leading supplier of laboratory and testing solutions for manufacturing and research organisations in fields covering Metallurgy, Polymers, Coatings, Textiles, Food, Cosmetics, Mineralogy, Paper, Medical and Life Sciences to name a few. Agents for Agar Scientific, ATM, Gatan, Innovatest. Instron, JEOL, Krüss, Motic, Quorum, TA Instruments, Witec.


www.afms.bz AFMS provide certification and supply of Biological Safety Cabinets, Laminar Flow Benches, and Fume Hoods. We supply and install Bsl 3 Laboratories and Bio Containment Facilities and are the authorised dealers for Baker products (www.bakerco.com). We also offer Certification of Clean Rooms and are suppliers of Incubators, Ovens, Water Baths and Circulators.

PO Box 71295 Bryanston 2021

PO Box 5404 Johannesburg 2000

Contact details for all branches (Jhb/CT/Dbn/PE): Tel:

Afrox Special Products is southern Africa’s leading supplier of high purity gases and gas mixtures. Our gases and gas supply equipment are used in applications as diverse as scientific laboratories, refrigeration systems, aerosol propellant products, high technology medical and pharmaceutical processes, environmental emission control, and food processing. Afrox Special Products supports the need for continuous improvement by developing solution orientated customer partnerships. Our technical and application specialists offer expert advice and training, especially in the safe handling and use of our products. We are committed to quality in supply and administration of a product to suit your requirements, through our numerous branches in SA and 11 other African countries.

086 0000 ALS (257)

Fax: 086 1111 ALS (257)

Afrox Customer Service Centre: 0860 020202 (Ask for Special Products)

PO Box 459 Honeydew 2040 Tel:


Factory 1b 20 Staal Street Kya Sands, Randburg Fax: 011-462-1489

Email: info@advancedlab.co.za

Email: customer.service@afrox.linde.com

Email: afms@afms.bz


Analytical & Diagnostic Products

Analytical Solutions


www.adpsa.co.za Marketing and support of analytical, diagnostic and research products, including rapid hygiene monitoring systems; food safety solutions; microplate instrumentation; gel documentation / image analysis systems; gel electrophoresis equipment; radiation monitoring equipment; ion chromatography resins; pipettes; reagents and kits for environmental monitoring, food safety, microbiology, toxicology (animal and forensic drug detection), life science research and phytodiagnostics.

www.analyticalsolutions.co.za Analytical Solutions specialises in the supply of scientific equipment to academic, research and analytical laboratories. We are agents for Jasco, Unity Scientific, AMS France, Dani Instruments, SI Analytics, Microtrac, Velp Scientifica and Fedegari autoclaves.

Anacon supplies analytical consumables for all major instrument manufacturers and is the sole agent for the PHOTRON range of hollow cathode and deuterium (D2) lamps. Our product range includes: hollow cathode lamps (1.5 and 2”) - coded, uncoded and lumina type; deuterium Lamps for AA, UV, and HPLC detectors; graphite furnace tubes and platforms; and glass or quartz cells (cuvett es). Anacon also provides support for older generation Varian instruments. This includes routine and breakdown servicing, operator training, and assistance with sourcing obsolete and scarce spare parts such as keyboards, disk drives, and printed circuit boards. For more information on our products or our range of pre-owned equipment please check our website.

PO Box 731003 Fairland 2030 Tel:


180 Kessel Street Fairland 2195

PO Box 6378 Weltevreden Park 1715

Fax: 011-476-7833


PO Box 732 Banbury 2164



Fax: 011-794-5963

+27(0)87-610-0900 +27(0)10-035-0205

370 Angus Crescent, Northlands Business Park, 29 Newmarket Road, Northriding, 2169 Randburg Fax: +27(0)11-704-7713

Email: Anacon@iafrica.com

Email: support@adpsa.co.za

Anatech Instruments

BD (Becton Dickinson & Company)

Biotech Solutions

www.anatech.co.za Anatech is a leading supplier of innovative analytical instrumentation and consumable supplies, encompassing, Mass spectrometry, Chromatography, Microbiology, Water Analysis, Elemental Analysis, Molecular Spectroscopy and Molecular Biology. Servicing the Environmental, Pharmaceutical, Clinical, Food & Beverage, Water, Research, Industrial Chemistry and Petrochemical Industries. Anatech offers full service, application support and training on all instruments supplied.

www.bd.com BD is a leading global medical technology company that manufactures and sells medical devices, instruments systems and reagents. It focuses on improving drug therapy, enhancing the quality and speed of diagnosing diseases and advancing research and discovery of new drugs, vaccines and methods for their delivery.

www.biotechsolutions.co.za Biotech Solutions is the authorized partner for Sartorius in South Africa. Conveniently situated in Midrand, Gauteng, we service the whole of South Africa. Please contact us for more information about the complete range of quality Sartorius Laboratory products and Bioprocess solutions.

PO Box 98485 Sloane Park 2152

Meadowbrook Business Estate Jacaranda Ave, Olivedale 2158

PO Box 3569 Rivonia 2128

21 Bavaria Avenue,, Midrand RSA

Fax: 011-704-6490




Email: sales@anatech.co.za


Email: info@analyticalsolutions.co.za

20 Woodlands Drive, The Woodlands Office Park, Building 31, 2nd Floor, Woodmead 2199 Fax: 011-603-2630




P O Box 6553 House 1685 Fax: 086 477 6390

Email: sales@biotechsolutions.co.za

Company Directory

LMS Issue 2 | 2016


Bio-Rad Laboratories

Bruker South Africa

Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy

www.bio-rad.com Suppliers of life science and diagnostics equipment and reagents. Products available in the fields of microbiology, serology, virology, haematology, diabetes, autoimmune, drugs, quality control and immunohaematology.

www.bruker.com/za Bruker is a leading developer and supplier of innovative analytical instrumentation to the Academic, Research and production environment. The company offers products in the following fields: X-Ray (XRF, XRD and SCD), Infra-Red (FT-IR, Raman, NIR and imaging), Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS and Maldi-TOF), magnetic spectroscopy (NMR, EPR and pre-clinical MRI), GC-TQ-MS and microCT.

www.bslc.co.za Bruno Steiner Lab Consultancy is a supplier of the following high technology lab equipment for the sub-saharan countries: • Advion: Compact and affordable high performance mass spectrometer • Bio-Logic: High performance instruments for the research lab - Electrochemistry, Battery & fuel cell, Sensor development and Nanotechnology • Camag: The world leader in Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) • Kuhner: The world’s most reliable Shaker/Shaking Incubator

PO Box 1091 Cramerview 2060

PO Box 773 Gallo Manor 2052 South Africa

PO Box 2884 Parklands 2121 Tel:

0861-BioRad (0861-246723) 011-442-8508

Fax: 011-442-8525



Fax: 011-463-6289



Fax: 086-719-2778

Email: info@bruker.com

Email: bruno@bslc.co.za

Bymaz Pty Ltd

Carl Zeiss


www.bymazpty.co.za Bymaz (Pty) Ltd is a South African based company that imports and distributes Environmental standards in Southern Africa. • Reference standards for PCBs, PCDDS, Bromide Flame retardants, PFCs and more. • Organics, Inorganics, Pesticide, Metabolite, Azodye-Dye, Explosives, Phthalate, Vitamin, Personal care products (PPCPs) standards. EPA Standard mixtures. Custom solution mixes. • Certified to ISO 9001:2008, ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and ISO guide 34:2009.

www.zeiss.co.za Suppliers of complete light and Electron microscopes and imaging solutions for advanced research or routine applications. Bruker Nano agent for AFM and metrology solutions.

www.cepheidinternational.com Cepheid is a leading on-demand molecular diagnostics company that is dedicated to improving healthcare by developing fully-integrated systems and accurate yet easy-to-use molecular tests. The company is focusing on applications where rapid and actionable test results are needed most, in fields such as critical and healthcareassociated infections, virology, sexual health, genetic diseases and cancer.

Email: southafrica_orders@biorad.com

High purity reference materials and standards supplier.


082-334-4007 011-892-1881

PO Box 3003 Randburg 2125 Tel:

011-886-9510 021-551-9202 031-764-1540

Fax: 011-886-9592 021-551-9310 031-764-1562

Famous Grouse House, P O Box 1798 Kildrummy Office Park Lonehill, 2062 Cnr Witkoppen Road & Umhlanga Avenue, Paulshof, 2191

Service Hotline: 086-009-3477 / 086-00-ZEISS


Email: bymazpty@gmail.com

Email: info.za@zeiss.com

Email: info-rsa@cepheid.com

Chemetrix (Pty) Limited

Davies Diagnostics

Esco Technologies (Pty) Ltd


www.daviesdiagnostics.co.za We offer EXTRAordinary Service to all laboratories. Our staff is technically qualified to offer full support of all our products. Our product range covers microbiology, haematology, virology, immunology, serology, blood transfusion, molecular biology, immunohistochemistry and general laboratory products.

www.escoglobal.com Esco Technologies is recognised as a global player in scientific containment, clean air equipment and laboratory equipment technology. The range includes: life science, containment and thermal regulation equipment. Locally based, we offer end-user seminars, training and after-sales support. For more information regarding our product ranges, please contact us to arrange a visit by one of our sales representatives, or visit our website for product descriptions and DVDs.

Chemetrix is the sole supplier of Agilent Technologies Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry, and Spectroscopy products for chemical analysis in Southern and East Africa. Chemetrix is also a supplier for Gerstel GmbH and PAC analysers and physical testing products. Chemical analysis solutions include a comprehensive portfolio of Gas and Liquid Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry and Spectroscopy products, as well as a range of guaranteed analysers covering Food, Environmental, Petroleum, Mining and Forensic applications. Support, including hardware, software applications and training for these product lines are provided by Chemetrix’s support organisation - a highly technically qualified team of factory trained customer engineers and application chemists.

PO Box 3222 Randburg 2125

Country-wide support call centre 0860-AGILENT (0860 244 5368)

Local: 011-777-7600 International: +27 11 777-7600

Email: lynnettel@chemetrix.co.za

Email: mkt@daviesdiag.co.za



Fax: 011-541-9802



Postnet Suite 37, Kyalami Fax: Local: 011-787-6917 International: +27 11 787-6917

Private Bag X11, Halfway House Tel:


Email: admin@escosa.co.za sales@escosa.co.za

Unit 2 Landmarks Park 17 Landmarks Avenue Kosmosdal Ext. 11 Centurion


LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Company Directory

Hanna Instruments

Heraeus South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Industrial Analytical

www.hanna.co.za Hanna Instruments produce the following products: Chemical Test Kits, pH, Conductivity, TDS, ISE, Titration, Dissolved Oxygen, Multi-Parameters Meters, Magnetic Stirrers, Photometers, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Turbidity, Refractometers, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Lux, Process Instrumentation and Dosing Pumps.

www.heraeus.com | http://heraeus-pt-labware.com

www.industrialanalytical.co.za | www.lgcstandards.com

Heraeus South Africa (Pty) Ltd is a subsidiary of Heraeus Holding GmbH, the global precious metal and technology firm. Our range of Labware includes crucibles, LOI dishes, XRF crucibles and moulds , electrodes, parting trays, tongs, wires, etc. in Platinum, Iridium, Gold , Rhodium, and these alloys. Our services include metal exchange, Scrap reimbursement and refining. We also supply Precious Colour Decorations, Thin film sensors, Thermocouple wire, quartz glass and Bonding wire.

Your trusted source for 26 years! Industrial Analytical (Pty) Ltd., an ISO 9001:2008 certified and BEE rated company, specialises in the supply of certified reference materials/reference standards, certified solution standards for ICP/AAS, fine chemicals (high purity metals/compounds and HPLC solvents) and Claisse fusion equipment. ISO Certificates of Analysis (COA), with guaranteed purities (up to 99.999999% pure) and MSDS supplied with our products.


011- 615-6076 (JHB) 031-701-02711 (DBN) 021-946-1722 (CT)

Email: hanna@hanna.co.za durban@hanna.co.za ct@hanna.co.za

Fax: 011-616-0387 031-701-2706 021-946-1723

29 B Atlas Road, Anderbolt, Boksburg South Africa

(JHB) (DBN) (CT)


PO Box 6089 Dunswart 1508

+27-11-918-4374 +27-82-901-2072

Fax: 011-894-7730

PO Box 12897 Vorna Valley 1686 Tel:

Email: ashwin.simay@heraeus.com


Fax: 011-466-4611

Email: info@industrialanalytical.co.za

Looking for laboratory products, services, companies? Intertek




Intertek is a leading provider of independent analytical services. Their laboratories are staffed by trained professionals with years of industry knowledge and expertise. They provide testing services throughout sub-Saharan Africa for a broad range of industries, including environmental, minerals, petroleum, chemical, oil, soil and food. Intertek delivers the crucial laboratory support you need to meet your product research, development, and quality goals.

LabDynamics supplies quality laboratory equipment, consumables, analytical training courses and service support in South Africa and southern Africa. Our product range includes: dissolution baths, disintegration testers, handheld Raman analysers, UV-Vis spectrophotometers, HPLC systems, chromatography data systems and laboratory water systems. We provide an all-vendor validation service for spectrophotometers and chromatography systems.

Charter House, 13 Brand Road, Glenwood, Durban 4001 Tel:

031-274-8000 (Lubricants, Microbiology, Validation) 031466-3344 (Petroleum) 011-552-8149 (Oil Testing & Environmental) 011-396-1101 (Laboratory & GMP Training) 011-964-1004 (Agri & Food Testing) 011-552-8149 (Calibration)

you’ll FIND IT HERE ...

P O Box 1016 Paardekraal 1752 011-792-4262

Fax: 086-672-0980



Email: info.africa@intertek.com


Labotec Pty (Ltd)

Lasec SA

www.LabHouse.co.za LabHouse is a scientific business specialising in high-tech equipment and professional lab training for chemical industries and scientific research. Agents for market leading Tekmar TOC and VOC systems, Scion GC and GC-MS, and Entech Thermal Desorption. Providers of top HPLC/GC training courses and Lab Management related training sessions.

www.labotec.co.za Labotec supplies laboratory equipment and analytical instruments to sub-Sahara Africa. Established in 1960 as one of the first lab supply companies in SA, we have partnered ourselves to represent some of the world’s leading brands, bringing to the local market the best quality the world has to offer in diverse fields from medical, food, environmental, industry, chemical to pharmaceuticals. In addition, Labotec Technical Services offer a broad repair and maintenance programme with personalised support.

www.lasecsa.co.za Lasec is an African supplier of many internationally recognised brands of scientific and laboratory equipment. We take pride in positioning ourselves as a partner to our clients assisting them in achieving optimal precision, performance and results. At Lasec we strive to be Trustworthy, Transparent, Dynamic, Professional and Excellent in everything we do.

PO Box 6553 Halfway House, Midrand 1685

PO Box 344 Cramerview 2060 Tel:


Email: sales@LabHouse.co.za

Tel: Fax: 011-465-4674

011-315-5434 021-531-7660 031-566-4870

Email: sales@labotec.co.za

Fax: 011-315-5882

Email: labdynamics@mweb.co.za

Cell: 082-498-1111

52 Old Mill Road Ndabeni 7405 Tel:


Email: sales@lasec.co.za

Fax: 021-531-7562

Company Directory

LMS Issue 2 | 2016


LECO Africa


Merck Pty Ltd

www.lecoafrica.co.za LECO Africa is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the privatelyowned company LECO Corporation, USA, servicing the South African Analytical and Metallographic industries since 1976. We provide LECO Analytical, Metallographic, Spectrographic and Separation Science equipment, Consumables and related spare parts manufactured and assembled in the USA. LECO Africa serves the entire sub-Saharan region, with offices in Gauteng, Western Cape, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu Natal, and distributors in the Eastern Cape, Namibia, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.


www.merckmillipore.com Merck is an innovation-driven life science company offering a broad spectrum of proven tools and technologies, together with performance solutions that help our customers succeed in the research, development and production of biotechnology and pharmaceutical drug therapies.

LimsTricS is the Authorised Distributor and Strategic Implementation Partner for Thermo Fisher Scientific Informatics Division in Southern Africa. LimsTricS has extensive experience in the rollout and support of Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) with SampleManager LIMS as the flagship LIMS product.


PO Box 1998 Halfway House 1685



Fax: 086-052-2329

Mobile: +27-82-334-6573


Email: support@limstrics.co.za

Email: labsupply@merck.co.za

Metrohm SA Pty (Ltd)

Microsep (Pty) Ltd

Monitoring & Control Laboratories



Metrohm SA is the sole agent for the following Metrohm products: • Titration, pH and conductivity, Karl Fischer, ion chromatography and voltammetry • Autolab potentiostats • Applikon online process analysers including, TOC • Near-infrared systems for lab and process • MIRA - portable Raman analyser. Our products are widely used in industries such as environmental, pharmaceutical, food, mining, electroplating, petrochemical and tertiary institutions for teaching/research.

www.moncon.co.za Monitoring and Control is a leading supplier of laboratory instrumentation and chemicals. Brands include Brookfield, Binder, Retsch, YSI, Grant Instruments, Buchiglasuster, Atago, VWR, BDH, Stanhope-Seta, Kittiwake, Normalab, IKA, Pilodist, Dueperthal, Huber and more. The Company has Service Workshops & Sanas Labs for Viscosity & Temperature Calibrations at its Johannesburg and Durban offices.

2 Saturn Crescent, Linbro Business Park, Frankenwald Ext. 30, Sandton, 2196

No 10, Village Crescent Linbro Business Park 2065 Gauteng, South Africa

PO Box 890226 Lyndhurst 2106

Tel: JHB: CT: DBN:

Fax: 011-608-4741 086-010-9258 086-516-1141



Fax: 011-974-1848


Postnet Suite 587 Private Bag x29 Gallo Manor, 2052 Tel:


Microsep is a supplier of high technology scientific, analytical, laboratory and weighing instrumentation in Southern Africa. Our focus is to provide high quality scientific products and innovative solutions to satisfy the needs of our customers in the general laboratory, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food and beverage, chemical and petro-chemical, environmental and industrial markets. Market leading brands include Waters Chromatography and Mettler Toledo.

Fax: 011-656-2698

011-553-2300 021-914-0393 021-886-9157 031-701-4705/6 041-365 5168

Email: info@microsep.co.za

Email: info@metrohm.co.za

Fax: 011-553-2400

011-608-4664 086-010-9259 031-914-2912

Email: sales@moncon.co.za / exports@moncon.co.za

The National Laboratory Association

National Separations

www.nla.org.za The National Laboratory Association - South Africa (NLA-SA) is the premier laboratory association in SA representing over 200 testing and calibration laboratories, with the large majority being SANAS accredited facilities. Providing support for the laboratories is the main goal of the NLA-SA and the main services that are offered are the following: 1. Training for testing and calibration laboratory staff 2. Proficiency testing schemes 3. Professional registration for metrologists 4. Annual Conference / Workshop

www.natsep.com National Separations (NATSEP) is the supplier of laboratory filtration, water purification and consumable products for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food & beverage and industrial industries. NATSEP, a subsidiary of Microsep (Pty) Ltd, is the official Southern African distributor for Sartorius Stedim Biotech, Albet and Amazon Filters. NATSEP provides the most cost effective filtration solution, by combining excellent products with years of filtration expertise and exceptional service.

PO Box 298 Persequor Park, Pretoria 0020 Tel:


Email: steves@nla.org.za




Jhb: 011-553-2300 CT: 021-914-0393 CT: 021-886-9157 DBN: 031-701-4705/6 PE: 041-365-5168

Fax: 011-553-2400 021-886-9078

Email: salesjhb@natsep.co.za / info@microsep.co.za


LMS Issue 2 | 2016

Company Directory

PANalytical Pty (Ltd)

Polimatrix SA

Scientific Supply Services (SSS)

www.panalytical.com The Analytical X-ray Company that provides the total X-ray solution, from fundamental research to industrial production control by means of the latest innovative technology in X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Using the best XRF specialists in South Africa, PANalytical offers XRF training courses. The courses are designed for basic operators and lab managers, and can either be presented at the customer’s site or at the PANalytical offices in Ferndale, Randburg.

www.polimatrix.co.za Polimatrix SA designs and manufactures a full range of laboratory furniture and equipment specifically for use in nonmetallic clean labs, wet chemical and special purpose labs. All furniture and equipment are manufactured using specialised thermoplastic materials. Polimatrix SA specialises in fans, fume cabinets, laminar flow cabinets, cupboards, worktops, corrosive chemical storage, acid scrubbers and ducting.


Private Bag 4015 Ferndale 2160

PO Box 1402 Noordheuwel 1756

1047 Katrol Avenue Robertville 1709

PO Box 73876 Fairland 2030

Fax: 00 27 11 672-8626




Fax: 011-577-0882


00 27 11 672-2101

SSS is a highly specialised company dedicated to offering superior support in niche markets in Chromatography and related disciplines. SSS is an OEM distributor for Vici and an accredited distributor for all Varian consumables; Vici Valves and GC Detectors; Precision Sampling Syringes; ChromPerfect Data Systems; Hamilton Syringes; SGE Syringes & Supplies; National Scientific Vials, Septa, Syringe Filters, Caps etc; Bohlender Teflon Products; GL Science Leak Detectors; Specialised and Refurbished Instruments; Capillary Columns; Solid Phase Extraction; Nikepal Syringes. Training is a priority at SSS and regular hands-on courses are offered. The range is expanding annually and SSS also manufactures specialised Inlet Systems for sample introduction of gases and semi-gaseous mixtures.


15 Catherine Avenue MISA Park Northcliff, 2195 Fax: 086-648-1862

Email: wynand.smit@panalytical.com

Email: jacques@polimatrix.co.za

Email: ssscc@netactive.co.za

Separation Scientific SA

Shimadzu SA (Pty) Ltd


www.sepsci.co.za Separation Scientific SA (Pty) Ltd is a South African based import and distribution company of scientific equipment and reagents. We cater for the needs of three main fields of interest: Industry, Clinical/Diagnostics/Biochemistry and Academic Research. Members of the SepSci group.

www.shimadzu.co.za Shimadzu SA (Pty) Ltd. offers direct sales, service and support to customers in the Southern African Region for all of their analytical and measuring instruments including instruments for chromatography, massspectrometry, spectroscopy, elemental analysis, surface analysis, materials testing, life scienice research, weight measurement, thermal analysis, particle size analysis and TOC analysis.

www.skylabs.edx.co.za Skylabs is suppliers and manufacturers of all kinds of scientific, Chemicals Acids and Bases; dehydrated culture media, Biological Buffers; General Reagents, Research Chemicals and Solvents, Laboratory Glassware, Instrumentation, Medical Consumables and Instrumentation. Providing quality instruments and related accessories; at extremely competitive prices and within the scheduled time is the main characteristic of our group. Our products now reach all over the globe. The precision quality of our products is of International Standards.

PO Box 4328 Honeydew 2040

PO Box 384 Welobie 1714



Fax: 011-794-2160


Wild Fig Business Park Units 37-40 1494 Cranberry Street Honeydew Roodepoort 2170



Fax: 011-795-1493

011-434-2832 083-513-1751

6-10 Hippo Road Springfield Fax: 086-670-1774

Email: sales@skylabslns.co.za

Email: info@shimadzu.co.za

Email: info@sepsci.co.za

PO Box 57003 Springfield, Johannesburg 2137

The world leader in serving science Technology Systems Integration (Pty) Ltd www.labinfo.co.za LabInfo is the versatile and affordable laboratory information management system (LIMS) from Technology Systems Integration (Pty) Ltd (TSI). Powerful reporting and instrument integration capabilities save time and improve accuracy in the lab, while access control and traceability functions assist with regulatory requirements. LabInfo uses Internet technology, enabling quick and easy access from any PC with a web browser. Built-in remote support and data backup facilities ensure maximum uptime of the system. A variety of industries are using LabInfo and since it is locally developed, it can be cost-effectively customised to suit your needs. Tel:


Email: labinfo@tsi.co.za

Fax: +27-11-793-6523

The Scientific Group

Thermo Fisher Scientific

www.scientificgroup.com The Scientific Group is a Clinical Diagnostic and Life Science company with 32 years’ experience in sales and service in the science and healthcare industry. We supply, support and service diagnostic laboratory equipment and consumables to pathology laboratories and provide research institutions and science companies with a comprehensive range of high-tech equipment & associated consumables as well general lab reagents and consumables.

www.thermo.com Thermo Fisher Scientific is the largest supplier of analytical instruments in the world. The established office in South Africa offers sales and service back-up to the southern Africa market. The products we offer are: AA, OES, ICP, ICP-MS, LC, GC, LCMS, GCMS, FTIR, UV, XRD, XRF, Surface Analyses, Automation.

Scientific Group House Cosmo Business Park Malibongwe Drive, Randburg 2188 Tel:

Jhb: CT: Dbn: Bloem:

087-353-5600 087-353-5800 087-353-5900 087-353-0800

PO Box 13119 Vorna Valley 1686

Fax: Jhb: CT: Dbn: Bloem:

086-557-2874 086-500-7313 086-743-2791 086-743-6107

PO Box 557 Kempton Park 1620 Tel:


Fax: 011-822-3948

Email: analyze.sa@thermo.com

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