Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Review Africa Q3

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AFRICA Quarter 3 2020 | Volume 5










AFRICA Quarter 3 2020 | Volume 5 | 03



Maghreb Pharma Expo scheduled for February 2021 Givaudan Active Beauty unveils a natural salicylic acid Neopac triumphant at Tube of the Year awards


eshaping realities around Africa’s R post-pandemic recovery




The importance of water purity with Elga Labwater


Formulate easy, safe and gentle products Innovate with plant-based, soft-to-touch gelling agents

28 PACKAGING MACHINERY Optimise your factory floor data with data sciences

o6 Agencies continues to secure its future in Africa


Iberchem regroups with the launch of a South African office

First-class solutions for tugger trains

New eco-friendly counterbalance electric forklift

Introducing the fruity-sweet Velberry fragrance from BASF

Symrise establishes a fine fragrance oasis in Paris

Seize the scent of success with Generation Z


Explore a chemical cocktail of botanical fragrances


Ethanol SA talks premium products and superb customer service









is a beautiful thing


Labwater in our pharma focus on page 22. Because

personal care and cosmetics

water is an essential element to the pharma

industry, fragrance is becoming a

industry, whether it’s used as a raw material or

Water purity matters are highlighted by Elga

fierce contender. In 2019, the global fragrance and

a solvent, a considerable amount of resources is

perfume market was valued at $51bn, according to

devoted to the development and maintenance of

CB Insights’ Industry Analyst Consensus.

water purification systems.

Fragrance is a primary driver in consumer choice.

Easy, safe and gentle skin care solutions are

When it comes to deodorant, body lotion, laundry

discussed on page 24. Whether you’re interested

detergent, shampoo, conditioner and air fresheners,

in formulating leave-on or rinse-off products, our

what a product smells like is consistently rated as a

skin care feature has your needs covered with two

top purchase driver by consumers.

interesting reads. The first focuses on skin and

While oriental florals have remained a preferred

Layout & Design: Naresh Budraj Sub-editor: Katrien Smit Contributors: Jacques Strydom, Marie-Eugénie Bouge Cover picture: AhmedKhalil99 / ADVERTISING Sales Executive: Carla Melless +27 (0)83 260 6060 Sales Executive: Anita Raath +27 (0)82 976 6541

category has dominated the

hile the growth of the skin care

Editor: Abby Vorster +27 (0)11 877 6038

earth-friendly ingredients from AECI Specialty

Sales Executive: Candida Giambo-Kruger +27 (0)71 438 1918 INTERNATIONAL SALES Germany/Austria/Switzerland: Eisenacher Medien Erhardt Eisenacher +49 228 249 9860 Italy: Ngcombroker Giacomo Rotunno +39 370 101 4694 Taiwan: Ringier Trade Media Sydney Lai +886 4 2329 7318 CIRCULATION Circulation Manager: Felicity Garbers

scent in Africa, the fragrance direction is now

Chemicals which are not only easy to formulate

moving towards more organic, natural and herbal

with but also meet the needs of modern skin care


options with an emphasis on natural elements such

brands. The second article looks at a new cold-

General Manager: Dev Naidoo

as shea and cocoa butter, with oud also being a firm

process plant-based gelling agent, designed to

Production Controller: Mandy Ackerman

favourite. These well-rounded scents are centred

create easy-to-apply transparent gels.

Art Director: David Kyslinger

on the growing health and wellness trend that is evident worldwide. You can read more about these consumer trends


Stay safe and enjoy the read!

and interesting developments in the fragrances industry, in this edition of P&C Africa. We talk to o6 Agencies about the company’s African expansion strategy, which is moving fast despite lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic. Iberchem is also featured

New Media Publishing, Ground floor, Media Park, 69 Kingsway Avenue, Auckland Park, 2092 Tel: +27 (0)11 877 6111, Fax: +27 (0)11 877 6198 POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 784698, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2146 Published by New Media, a division of Media24 (Pty) Ltd.

in this edition with the launch of a commercial office


in South Africa, and Marie-Eugénie Bouge, creation


and communication director of Payan Bertrand,


shares an interesting article on the influential role of Generation Z on the fragrance industry.


Turn to page 10 for these and other great articles


on fragrances.

CEO: MEDIA24: Ishmet Davidson HEAD OFFICE


New Media House, 19 Bree Street, Cape Town 8001 PO Box 440, Green Point, Cape Town 8051 Tel: +27 (0)21 417 1111, Fax: +27 (0)21 417 1112

AECI Specialty Chemicals..............................25....................... BASF Holdings South Africa.............................OBC.................... CanbiGold........................................................5.......................... Ethanolsa.......................................................... 21....................... Iberchem...........................................................15........................ Java Print...........................................................IFC...................... Nautica Organic Trading ...............................27........................ O6 Agencies SA................................................OFC.................... Sensetek ...........................................................17........................

Pharmaceutical Cosmetic Review Africa is published by New Media four times a year and circulates to manufacturers, packers and distributors of pharmaceuticals, health products, cosmetics, detergents, soaps, toiletries and allied products. The journal is an up-to-date source of reference for company directors, factory and production managers, marketing executives, engineers, import agents, buyers and research personnel. While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of its contents and information given to readers, neither the editor, publisher, or its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom. All rights reserved. © Pharmaceutical Cosmetic Review Africa. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, photocopying, electronic, mechanical or otherwise without the prior written permission of the copyright owners. Pharmaceutical

Cosmetic Review Africa is printed by Tandym.

Copyright: all rights reserved.




Maghreb Pharma Expo to support Algeria’s export strategy EASYFAIRS NORTHERAL, the organiser of

Algiers International Conference Centre. Gathering

OTC products, ingredients, food supplement

Maghreb Pharma Expo has announced new dates

over 200 international exhibitors from 25 countries,

formulas, innovative packaging, medical devices

for its annual international tradeshow for the

this tradeshow will bring ingredients, packaging,

and even dermo-cosmetics. We are deeply

pharmaceutical industry in North Africa.

production lines, cleanroom, turnkey project and

convinced that Algeria and the entire Maghreb

laboratory equipment suppliers together in on place

region, thanks to its strategic position between

Industry Minister, Lotfi Benbahmed, announced

to contribute to the acceleration of manufacturing

Africa and Europe can become one of the largest

that Algeria plans to export an equivalent of

capacities in the region.

pharmaceutical manufacturing hubs in the world.

In this context, the Algerian Pharmaceutical

$5 billion worth of medicines produced in the

Expo organiser, Olivier-Hicham Allard explains:

Our mission as organisers of this event is to support

country. An approach that will be based on regional

“This mission-driven event has been supporting

the region’s pharmaceutical industry as much as we

producers and even on foreign pharmaceutical

the development of the local pharmaceutical

can to achieve this objective.”•

companies present in Algeria.

manufacturing capacities in North Africa for eight

“By 2025, Algeria, through the capacities of its

years and contributed actively to switch the drug

pharmaceutical industry, plans to export quantities

importation costs into regional manufacturing

of drugs equal to that which it imports, to rebalance

investments. We are observing an exciting evolution

its accounts,” Benbahmed indicated.

where manufacturers from the region focused in

Maghreb Pharma Expo, said to be the largest

For more information about the event or to register online, visit

the beginning on pure generic products but are now

pharmaceutical technology tradeshow in Africa,

increasingly looking to extend their portfolio by

will take place from 9 to 11 February 2021 at the

exploring biotechnology manufacturing equipment,

Glatt leads engineering project for Thailand’s Biopolis complex

(flexible process window for optimisation) and customise or scale-up the equipment. Glatt will lead the engineering project and design the biotech process plant. EECi aims to advance and transform existing industries, both within the EEC and in other parts of Thailand, through innovative research and development and advanced laboratory scale technology development to actual industrial application. Innovative agriculture and biorefinery are among the target industries of EECi. Glatt plans and carries out international projects from the enlargement or modernisation of existing production facilities to the construction of whole

THE NATIONAL SCIENCE and Technology Development Agency Thailand (NSTDA) is implementing the national government’s Thailand 4.0 initiative to

new factories. In doing so, the company combines professional engineering

promote strategic biotechnology growth at the country’s Eastern Economic

with sound technical know-how derived from patented process technologies

Corridor of Innovation (EECi

it has developed itself, such as Glatt powder synthesis and fluidised- or

One part of this new Biopolis complex is the GMP Biorefinery Pilot Plant at

spouted-bed methods for granulation and coating processes. The focus of

EECi, for which German engineering company, Glatt was selected to provide the

the projects is on processes in the field of particle design and particle

engineering services. The contract between NSTDA and Glatt comprises the

engineering for the development, optimisation, functionalisation and

conceptual and basic design phases for the GMP biorefinery.

production of powder and bulk goods such as granulates and pellets for food,

The main objective of the GMP biorefinery pilot plant at EECi is to provide

feed, chemicals and fine chemicals and processes for the manufacture of

a ‘non-proprietary (generic) equipment’ platform for private and public

biotechnological and chemical active ingredients for sterile and non-sterile

organisations, as well as regional and international universities to scale-up and

dosage forms of drugs.

validate their laboratory prototypes and perform techno-economic feasibility studies before investing in specific production lines. The biorefinery platform will be designed in such a way that allows users to

Within the competence area of process and plant engineering, the company provides long year competences in biotechnological projects as well as in chemical synthesis engineering and has wide project experience in Asia,

reconfigure the unit operation arrangement (lego box concept) and adjust the

including Thailand, India, China, Vietnam, Bangladesh and other countries,

operating parameters to extreme values to optimise the process conditions

including South Africa.




Givaudan Active Beauty

unveils a natural salicylic acid alternative OBTAINED BY GREEN fractionation from the natural essential oil of the

crude essential oil of fresh raw material in a completely traceable supply chain.

Wintergreen plant, Neosalyl from Givaudan Active Beauty brings all its

At Givaudan Active Beauty’s Centre of Excellence in Avignon, France, the

benefits in dermo-purification for skin, and shininess and anti-dandruff

company’s phyto-experts begin the

for hair care.

green fractionation process to transform the methyl salicylate and obtain the

Beauty consumers are looking for more natural products, massively rejecting chemicals, as they see natural ingredients as safe and trustworthy.

ingredient. To warrant the authentication of the raw material and the natural origin

According to Mintel, 72% of consumers would be most interested in using

of salicylic acid from wintergreen, the company’s botanical experts apply an

beauty, grooming and personal care products that are made using natural

exhaustive set of analysis named IDPack. It includes botanical observation,

alternatives to synthetic ingredient or natural ingredients adapted in a lab.

DNA analysis, GC/FID and isotopic 14C measurement to clearly identify each

This trend keeps growing in any culture and challenges the composition and

botanical ingredient. The Care Co. is the Southern African agent for Givaudan

origin of personal care ingredients, as of today, three out of four women

Active Beauty. •

are scanning product composition and looking for hero ingredients. In fact, salicylic acid along with hyaluronic acid and retinol, are among the most known ingredients by consumers. Yohan Rolland, global category manager of Givaudan Active Beauty, says: “Due to its exfoliating properties, Neosalyl is a safe and effective peeling agent for a large number of cosmetic purposes for skin care, such as exfoliation, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial benefits, raising it as the perfect active for acne-prone skin conditions. As a strong keratolytic agent, Neosalyl is also a very good synergistic active for the treatment of dandruff.” Neosalyl is extracted from Wintergreen leaves, sourced by smallholder farmers in Southwest of China, in the Yunnan province. Rich in essential oil composed of methyl salicylate, they immediately produce the

The steps of green fractionation process explained by Givaudan Active Beauty

Neopac triumphant at Tube of the Year awards A GLOBAL PROVIDER of high-quality packaging, Neopac has earned two Tube of the Year awards from the European Tube Manufacturers Association (ETMA). The recognition was received in two of the competition’s most coveted categories: Plastic Tubes and Laminate Tubes. In the Plastic Tubes category, Neopac’s recycled plastic tube took top honours. Part of Neopac’s EcoDesign family of sustainable solutions and suitable for use with cosmetic products, the recycled plastic tubes comprise 64% PCR material derived from household waste such as milk, water and juice bottles, and post-industrial recycled material (PIR) from laminate production waste. These tubes

provide a smaller carbon footprint and lower environmental impact over their lifespan. They are certified by Ecocert and cleared for full food contact by the US FDA. In the Laminate Tubes category, Neopac won for its Stylo polyfoil tube with spatula applicator for Canesten, a Bayer Consumer Health cream for treating athlete’s foot. Features included a special applicator comprising soft TPE material, allowing patients to apply the cream hands-free. This is an important benefit as athlete’s foot is a highly contagious fungal infection. To meet Bayer’s requirements, Neopac incorporated a rotating ring on the applicator

to prevent leakage and protect the product. On-off marking indicates whether the applicator is open or closed and, thanks to a novel ribbing effect, operation of the rotating ring is convenient for all age groups. The polyfoil laminate protects the product against light, air and water vapor diffusion and migration. Notably, the packaging solution was a hit with consumers – approximately 90% found Canesten product application convenient and simple via the enhanced applicator. •












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P C Africa | QUARTER 1 2020 | QUARTER 3 2020 // P&C AFRICA




AROUND AFRICA’S POST-PANDEMIC RECOVERY The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly eroded the overall improvement in risk-reward scores seen across the African continent, but this should not deter investors. Control Risks and NKC African Economics have just launched the fifth edition of the Africa Risk-Reward Index, which captures the evolution of the investment environment and risk landscape in major African markets.


he index offers a comparative snapshot of market opportunities and risks across the continent. It provides a grounded, longer-term outlook of key trends shaping the investment landscape in major African economies, which should inform the strategies of organisations looking to invest in or grow their business in Africa. Investors seeking to minimise risks and maximise rewards are cautioned not to focus on headlines, but rather on specific country, sector and project contexts. While Africa’s recovery may be prolonged and uneven, it could also be transformative.The pandemic’s huge economic cost has triggered a universal drop in reward scores, but the impact on risk scores has been more varied. Ethiopia has seen the largest ratings drops as COVID-19-induced challenges combine with escalating ethnic tensions in the context of a delayed election. Egypt’s risk score has remained relatively steady, but its reward score has been badly hit by the triple blow of the pandemic, low oil prices and plummeting tourism revenues. Algeria’s risk score has improved since the mass protests and landmark elections of 2019, but challenges for its oil-dependent economy have still dragged down its overall score.

Figure 1: How fiscal space impacts recovery time (Source: Control Risks/Oxford Economics/Haver Analytics)

A RECESSION LIES AHEAD The immediate impact of COVID-19 will see Africa experience its first recession in 25 years, but more worrying is the lack of fiscal headroom available to African governments to engage in stimulus spending. For many countries, economic recovery will have to be driven by their private sectors, which were already weak and have only become weaker during the pandemic. “The economic impact of COVID-19 will be varied but the recovery will be even more so” says Jacques Nel, head of Africa macro at NKC African Economics. “The optimists will hope to see a race to the top as governments undertake desperately needed reforms, while the pessimists will see a continent set back more than a decade. The reality will be somewhere in between, with each country finding a unique spot on this spectrum.” EXCITING TIMES AHEAD There are already indications that the scale of this crisis is prompting some welcome reforms. Faced with a volatile global landscape, African governments have a pressing need to develop downstream manufacturing, regional supply chains and domestic capital markets. There are also indications that large portions of the workforce are entering the formal economy to access government financial support and cope with pandemic containment measures.

Some of these trends were set in motion before its outbreak, but COVID-19 seems to have accelerated them. Investors who stay with Africa despite the current downturn will not only have an important role to play in its recovery, but will also see some exciting changes and opportunities. THE GREAT ENABLER Investment into African tech has reached record levels in recent years. These are likely to fall in 2020, a consequence of both recent high-profile sector struggles and the impact of COVID-19 on external finance. However, any such decline should be viewed as an opportunity to reset expectations and approaches, not as an indication that the affected sectors are becoming less attractive. The pandemic has served to emphasise the need for tech and digital solutions across the continent. It has sparked the development of healthcare apps to help fight the pandemic, e-commerce platforms to facilitate life under lockdown, and new payment and microinsurance systems. • Click here to download the 2020 Africa Risk-Reward Index.

Control Risks – NKC African Economics




Making the mostt of Africa’s

creative and diverse iverse landscape With a strong understanding of the diverse countries, cities, habits and cultures on the continent, o6 Agencies has adopted a creative and innovative approach to securing its future in Africa. Editor of P&C Africa, Abby Vorster, talks to Richard and Adam Owen – co-owners and father-and-son team – about the company’s African expansion strategy, which is moving fast despite lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic.


INCE INCEPTION, o6 Agencies’ core focus

of supplying fragrances and flavours to manufacturers and brand owners has remain unchanged. The company, which is

based in South Africa, has built up a legacy of trust in offering fragrances and flavours that captivate the African market and ensure longevity and brand loyalty. This has allowed o6 Agencies to widen its product range and fragrance selection for specific categories, servicing all levels of the industry from FMCG to mass market and premium brands. The company’s agility and dynamic team are its biggest assets. o6 Agencies is swift to respond to customers’ needs and highly in tune with current market demands. For example, o6 Agencies has

The dynamic team of o6 Agencies

been able to fill gaps in the market as a result of

international airport has been established in this


the supply chain challenges brought about by the

area – Eldoret International Airport – which seeks

In the last six months, the growth in Kenya’s export

global pandemic. It has also used the last five

to accelerate economic growth by opening up the

business has had a direct impact on the fragrance

months to refine expansion plans in Africa

region to domestic and international markets.”

trends in the East African market.

through targeted collaboration. Richard explains: “More than one opportunity

Kenya and Tanzania are two of o6 Agencies’

Adam explains: “While the focus previously was

biggest markets in East Africa. According to

on oriental florals, the fragrance direction is now

for expansion has arisen during the lockdown.

Richard, customers in those regions are increasingly

moving towards more organic, natural and herbal

We’re accelerating our growth through a business

looking to source raw materials from South Africa

options with an emphasis on natural elements

associate in Tanzania and we have discovered a

and are getting much better at manufacturing from

such as shea and cocoa butter. These well-rounded

new growth point in the northwest of Kenya, on the

a quality perspective. This has encouraged more

scents are also centred on the growing health and

border with Uganda, where small-scale producers

international business for Kenyan producers, who

wellness trend in the region.”

who are manufacturing high-class bottles and

are now manufacturing for the export market,

tubes are looking to diversify their offerings. A new

particularly Europe.



The fragrance industry, like personal care and cosmetics, is no stranger to the clean


Did you know? These unexpected and difficult times have presented the company with an opportunity for investment in Mauritius. In recent years, hundreds of South African businesses have set up offshore companies on the island because of its businessfriendly environment and availability of professional skills. Yet, the days of operating a ‘post box’ offshore company are long gone. As a result, o6 Agencies is in the process of setting up a physical office and distribution hub in Mauritius.

While these key developments are global,

interested in wasabi as a fragrance ingredient

they are already trickling down to East Africa

thanks to its many benefits. The ingredient is not

with consumers moving away from harsh chemicals

only packed with antioxidants, wasabi also has

in favour of ethically-sourced ingredients,

anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

particularly when it comes to beauty, hair and face care applications. “Natural and nourishing notes are becoming

CANNABIS AND HEMP HYPE The fragrance industry has also been drawn to the

very popular while plant- and food-based raw

positive properties of hemp, with fine fragrances

materials are of great interest. Examples include

and skin care lines based on hemp already booming

raw fig and rice powder, which adds a soft, sweetish

both in South Africa and worldwide.

note to fruity scents and a freshness to florals.

Adam believes that hemp and CBD will also be

Ginger is also on the uptick in male grooming

highly successful in Africa as fragrance and beauty

applications like shaving balms and beard oils, while

care ingredients.

demand is growing for herbal coriander and pine notes,” he adds.

“It is important to differentiate between hemp and cannabis, particularly when it comes to scent and application. Hemp offers dry herbal, bushy and dusty notes and is popular in skin care lines and fine fragrances. Cannabis is characterised by its herbal

The company has built up a legacy of trust in offering fragrances and flavours that captivate the African market

citrus notes and wonderful earthy scent. CBD – the non-psychoactive compound in cannabis – is also being hailed internationally as a wonder ingredient for hair care products,” he says. Based on the proven benefits of CBD to soothe sensitive skin, it is believed that CBD in hair care products may assist with a sore, itchy scalp. This hot, nutrient-rich beauty ingredient is also favoured for hair care applications because it is

beauty movement and is experiencing increased

packed with amino acids that help strengthen

demand for safe, transparent and sustainable

hair and eliminate breakage. “Cannabis is an incredibly versatile plant, which

fragrance solutions. At the end of 2019, IFRA, the International Fragrance Association and global body

we believe will resonate well with the East African

representing fragrance ingredient manufacturers

hair care market.” •

and compounders, published the latest update to its flagship fragrance safe-use programme, the IFRA

Adam also points out that wasabi is another

Standards. Formally known as the Notification of

interesting trend in the global fragrance industry

the 49th Amendment to the IFRA Code of Practice,

that could be of interest to the African market.

it represents the most significant change to the

While the wasabi plant itself has a much sweeter

Standards in many years and includes the updating

and subtle taste than the overpowering spicy

of various allergens, including lyral and lilial.

flavour for which it is known, perfumers are

o6 Agencies –



2020/21 P&C Review and Symrise

r o P d u w ct e N Competition

P&C Review and Symrise are unveiling a re-energised New Product Competition that is relevant to all players in the South African cosmetics industry. The 2020/21 P&C Review/Symrise New Product Competition will now be judged according to the following market segments: • Mass/Masstige • Prestige • Privé Label The entries scoring the highest in each of the three segments will all be named winners of the 2020/21 P&C Review/Symrise New Product Competition.

Who is eligible to enter: • Local and international personal care, hair care, skin care, beauty and cosmetics brands, whose products are available in South Africa. • Brand owners, private label or house brands, manufacturers, retailers or distributors who have launched new products between 1 January 2019 and May 2021. All entries will receive confidential reports with extensive feedback from our panel of expert judges, who collectively hold over 100 years’ experience in their respective fields. Each product/range entered into the 2020/21 New Product Competition will be judged on the following criteria:

Entries are now open and will close on 1 June 2021. For more information or to enter, contact Abby Vorster, editor of P&C Review on 071 359 4519 or send an email to

• Formulation design • Regulatory compliance • Packaging • Marketing incorporating social media and digital campaigns.


Spanish fragrance

& flavours group expands in Africa Iberchem South Africa is regrouping to combine the activity of Iberchem (fragrances), Scentium (flavours) and Versachem (colourants and seasonings). This combined commercial office in South Africa is set to boost the company’s already strong presence in the country while catapulting its expansion in East and West Africa. By Abby Vorster

Did you know? Iberchem’s foundation is deeply rooted in Africa. Although the group’s headquarters are based in Spain, where the business was established over 35 years ago, its very first customer was based in Africa. effective technologies for the African market are both environmentally-friendly and proven safe while the proximity and agility of the branch will be of immense benefit to customers throughout the

Iberchem, Scentium and Versachem have been brought together under the name of Iberchem South Africa


sub-Saharan African region. “We are here permanently to supply innovative yet cost-effective technologies for fine fragrances;

he Iberchem Group recently announced

With its local stock holding and application

as well as air, home, personal and fabric care

it will expand its presence in the South

labs for the personal care and food and beverage

applications,” says Questiaux. “We are geared

African market by bringing together

industries, Iberchem South Africa is geared to

to supply on short notice and will be expanding

the teams of Iberchem, Scentium

supply customers on short notice. This agility is

our application lab to meet customers’ needs for

and Versachem under the name of Iberchem

highly unique to the group considering its size on

development projects.”

South Africa.

a global scale.

The announcement comes two years after

Since the Iberchem Group first set foot in South Africa in the early 2000s, our activity has been growing steadily

the group acquired 70% of Versachem, a company


specialising in food colourants and seasonings.

Iberchem South Africa will be managed by Quentin

The group recently bought the remaining 30%,

Questiaux, who joined the company in May.

thereby fully integrating Versachem’s activity into

Questiaux is well-known in the African market, with

its portfolio. All three divisions will be temporarily

a proven track record in the flavour and fragrance

accommodated in Versachem’s current offices in

industry. In the coming months, Iberchem South

Pretoria, South Africa until a new location can

Africa will also gradually welcome new members to

be found.

both Iberchem and Scentium.


South Africa is a vibrant market that has always

“Since the Iberchem Group first set foot in

been at the forefront of trends,” Questiaux

South Africa in the early 2000s, our activity

comments. “This is why we are building a team that

library, matching the fragrance and flavour needs

has been growing steadily,” says Ramón

is both dynamic and qualified in order to fulfil the

to scents and tastes that resonate with the various

Fernández, CEO of Iberchem Group. “The

country’s standards. Leveraging what has already

ethnicities and consumer groups on the African

moment had come to establish ourselves

been accomplished on the market, I’m highly

continent. This will not only improve response times

permanently in the market to further improve

enthusiastic and optimistic about the future of this

but also the quality of submissions, underpinning

our customers’ experience. Proximity is a key

new branch.”

Iberchem’s already high levels of customer service.•

“When it comes to flavours and fragrances,

The company is also investing in a sensory

element in our service offering. We strive to be as close as possible to our clients, which


means they benefit from more agility when

Iberchem South Africa’s now permanent presence

developing their product and from faster

in the country brings exciting prospects for the

delivery times.”

fragrance and personal care industries. Its cost-



Iberchem South Africa –


NEW FRUITY BUILDING BLOCK FOR FRAGRANCE CREATIONS Did you know? The innovative top note material of Velberry as well as its competitive pricing meet the high demand for new fragrance profiles. It gives BASF’s customers the freedom to fully exploit their creativity. Velberry is a safe aroma ingredient with a superior toxicological profile – it is readily biodegradable and unclassified according to EU CLP Regulation 1272/2008.

Velberry – a fresh and fruity-sweet fragrance ingredient – is the first fragrance ingredient jointly developed by BASF and its innovation ecosystem partners, for the fragrances and flavours industry.


y forming a virtual innovation ecosystem,

to differentiate their fragrances, but also in meeting

ingredients. But fluctuating product quality,

BASF is combining its expertise in

the growing demand for sustainable alternatives

availability and sustainability are constant

chemistry, regulatory matters, and

– at an attractive price,” says Steffen Götz, head of

challenges customers face. By entering the market

research and development with the

the BASF Aroma Ingredients division.

with biotechnology-based aroma ingredients,

strengths of its perfumery and formulation partners. This collaborative approach accelerates the development of new substances for the fragrance industry. There is a high demand among perfumers for new fragrance notes so that they can continuously provide consumers with innovative fragrance

BASF’s Aroma Ingredients division intends to

Our pipeline is full, and additional innovations are already on the way

profiles in personal care products such as shampoos and body lotions, for example. These

provide customers with high-quality products in response to current market challenges. By acquiring Isobionics, an innovation leader in biotechnology which serves the global market for natural fragrances and flavours, and through a cooperation agreement with Conagen, a leader in biotechnology research, BASF has entered the

The experts within the innovation ecosystem

market for natural fragrance and

new products need to give perfumers more

explored the entire palette of BASF chemicals for

freedom in terms of fragrance creations while

molecules suitable for use as fragrances. The large

meeting the growing demands for sustainability,

number of potential candidates called for a strict

ingredients, BASF has broadened its portfolio with

product safety and supply reliability.

selection and prioritisation process.

natural ingredients such as vanillin, nootkatone

Bringing innovative products to market is

“We requested feedback from perfumers, and

flavour ingredients. Known as a leading supplier of synthetic aroma

and valencene. It also intends to advance the

time-consuming, cost-intensive and involves

jointly evaluated the substances subsequent to

technology for biotech-based aroma ingredients

complicated regulatory efforts and financial risks.

developing the most promising candidates. Our

by combining its R&D excellence and broad market

Only a few companies in the industry have the

pipeline is full, and additional innovations

access with the know-how and expertise of

resources required for the extensive research and

are already on the way,” adds Ralf Pelzer, head of

Isobionics and Conagen. •

development process, which is why BASF founded

the new business development unit at BASF

the innovation ecosystem.

Aroma Ingredients.



“With Velberry, we have succeeded in not only

The fragrances and flavours industry is

meeting our customers’ desire for new substances

experiencing an increasing need for natural





Welcome to L’Appartement Étoile – a fine fragrance oasis in Paris

Symrise created L’Appartement Etoile to re-conceptualise fragrance development as an agile and collaborative creation process. Located in Paris, France, Etoile offers an intimate, inviting ambiance and breath-taking views of the Arc de Triomphe, offering a unique and inspiring space to guests to spark ideas and provide modern solutions in real-time at the on-location lab.


he global producer of fragrances and flavours worked with Franco-Israeli interior designer, Deborah Prasquier, who created a contemporary space imbued

with beauty, refinement and serenity, emulating the spirit of Parisian chic. This stylish hub will also provide a home to the creative arts and olfactory culture, bridging the disciplines through exclusive cultural programmes. Planned events include thematic exhibitions, master classes and conversations with iconic speakers and artists to learn, connect and crosspollinate knowledge. At L’Appartement Etoile, audiences including clients of Symrise, perfume lovers, influencers and the media will experience a collaborative space, which encourages exchanges and offers nourishment by way of real creative energy.

FINE FRAGRANCE REINVENTED “It lies in the Symrise DNA to challenge boundaries. We constantly push ourselves to create differently,

continue the Symrise expansion and reinvention of the Fine fragrance category.” •

with more agility and ingenuity. We also believe fragrance inspiration is cultivated through collaboration with other artistic disciplines.


L’Appartement Etoile Symrise brings together these ideals of imagination and collaboration in an avantgarde space to spark ideas, create opportunities and bring thoroughly modern fragrance solutions to our clients,” explains Ricardo Omori, senior vice president global fine fragrance, Symrise. Heinz-Jürgen Bertram, CEO Symrise, adds: “L’Appartment Etoile, through its conception, design

Inspiring a new era fine fragrance development, L’Appartement Etoile is Symrise’s stylish hub situated in the heart of Paris, France

and overall ethos, embodies the Symrise values of excellence, creativity and added value. Symrise Fine Fragrance consistently challenges existing ways of

Symrise –

thinking and I am confident that this new hub will

Tel 011 608 4944 Fax 011 608 4948 Email

Sensetek.indd 1

2017/03/02 11:50 AM




Seize the scent of success with Generation Z

For the past two years, the rise of Generation Z has been noticeable in fragrances. This generation of consumers wants to be considered as individuals and not in terms of their gender or sexual identity. Marie-Eugénie Bouge, creation and communication director of Payan Bertrand, explores the influential role of Generation Z on the fragrance industry.


he credo of Generation Z is to move away

from the top to the base. A modern way of

from the girl-boy duality. This quest of

formulating perfume with a strong impact from

fluidity continues to influence the number

the moment it’s atomised and which encourages

of genderless or unisex fragrances

light development throughout the day, is to obtain

launched on the market. In the 1990s, the launch of Calvin Klein’s CK

‘perfume block’. This type of fragrance is easy to recognise and wearable by both women and men.

One broke the rules with the use of clean, fresh molecules, considered at the time as ‘technical’ or


‘masculine’, blended with a classic citrus chypre

Genderless or unisex fragrances, inherited from

chord. These days, perfumers are looking for

niche fragrances, also promote the overdose of

balance in the fragrance structure, allowing men

textured ingredients such as vetyver, leather, suede,

and women to wear the same fragrance.

spices and seeds – often natural and sourced in

What’s popular now is eau fraiche, while eau

Did you know? Payan Bertrand has developed its first range of natural actives for cosmetics, under the brand name Creative By Nature. The first natural active in this range is Heliactive By Nature, a patented plant-based extract that acts as a beauty-chrono ritual against photoageing, with genoprotection against UVB, antioxidant, calming and anti-inflammatory benefits. Heliactive is being launched along with a new range of active perfumes dedicated to sun and skin care.

an ethical manner. This resonates directly with

EcoVadis aims to improve corporate environmental

de cologne has also made a strong comeback,

Generation Z, who are more and more concerned

and social practice by leveraging the influence of

popularised by niche brands such as Jo Malone.

about environmental issues, rural populations and

global supply chains.

There is also the use of dry ambery notes in

the wellbeing of animals.

feminine perfume structure, or flowers such

At Payan Bertrand, we have focused on these

In practical terms, since 2008 a strategic development plan has been implemented which

as orris, rose or orange blossom in more

issues for a long time. Over the last decade, we have

aims to work on supply chains in order to improve

masculine creations.

progressively implemented a complete philosophy

our knowledge of raw materials and the way they

and programme of social and societal responsibility,

are grown or produced.

The fruits (mostly pineapple) and a touch of gourmand notes are becoming iconic of the

both in our daily activities and in the development

genderless mood, enhanced by amber overdosed

of new products. This year, we received a Silver


or aquatic notes. They correspond with the will of

EcoVadis Sustainability Rating, which is the world’s

By sharing experiences among key players, we are

young consumers to wear powerful fragrances

most trusted sustainability rating for businesses.



developing partnerships and acting collectively to


establish more responsible and traceable supply

number of labels, which confuse consumers

chains. Our partnership with an NGO has already

who are looking for simplicity. As a result, these

taken us a step closer to enhancing our social and

consumers frequently use smartphone apps to help

environmental action plan. This sourcing strategy

them understand the ingredients in their beauty

also allows our perfumers to formulate with more

and personal care products.

ethical premium ingredients. But we go even further, with three key services – the R&I, sourcing and R&D departments –

When it comes to fragrances, the trend is obviously focused on clean alternatives which are not only safe for human use but also for the planet.

working together with a highly-qualified industrial and university network dedicated to sustainable practices and innovations.

Payan Bertrand is highly focused on research and innovation

Genderless or unisex fragrances … promote the overdose of textured ingredients TRENDS BY CATEGORY In fine fragrances, the rise of green tones is noticeable, not only evoking nature and freshness, but also youth, ethical values and dynamism, especially in unisex and masculine fragrances. In feminine fine fragrances, the comeback of white flower bouquets, acting like a breath of spring when atomised, is another

Marie-Eugénie Bouge, creation and communication director of Payan Bertrand

interesting indicator. In home fragrances, major brands now communicate how their perfume is sourced and the sustainable approach thereof. Examples include Reckitt Benckiser’s Botanica or Ambipur, or P&G’s Febreeze – both bear the A.I.S.E. cleaning voluntary sustainability initiative logo as a sign of ethical quality. They also multiplicate the use of natural bases in candle and fair trade ethyl alcohol in reed diffusers. In personal care, the significant rise of

Payan Bertrand holds a Silver EcoVadis Sustainability Rating

100% in natural and organic products

Ethical sourcing of Helichrysum in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The optimisation of our resources, waste management and green extraction are also ongoing

is underpinned by the COSMOS natural

For this reason, at Payan Bertrand, we are

standard, which allows for more hedonism

developing turnkey collections that provide

in fragrance formulations, especially for

consumers with 100% natural, COSMOS natural

fruity tones. This trend is linked to the

fragrances, specifically formulated to perform

new quest of safe and clean products,

in different finished applications. Our turnkey

specifically formulated to protect

collections also avoid the stability challenges so

consumers against a wide range of

often noticed in natural products. We also offer

allergenic, reprotoxic, cancerogenic or

clean fragrances for skin care, formulated to

mutagen substances.

comply with the strictest regulatory

projects for Payan Bertrand which we decided to

requirements worldwide.

implement today to ensure a better tomorrow, in


accordance with our philosophy.

Euromonitor has ranked the top online beauty

that acting today will prepare us for tomorrow. Our

More than ever, at Payan Bertrand we believe

and personal care claims for 2019, placing ‘no

agent in Southern Africa is Natchem. Please contact


parabens’ third and ‘organic’ fifth, while concerns

the company for more information. x•

The rise of vegan-friendly products is no longer

are crystal clear from their order:

the exception of an urban-trendy few, but a slow

1. safety

trend connected to the quest for naturality and

2. transparency

transparency, especially in personal care products.

3. efficacy

Being ‘green’ without transparency will no longer be enough – brands have to clarify a vast

4. ethical sourcing 5. sustainability.

Natchem – Payan Bertrand –





Forests are hot property right now. At the root of this new interest in the woods lies deep-seated human needs plus hard science, which underscores the importance of the sense of smell. Düllberg Konzentra explores the arrival of forest-themed fragrances in personal care, fine fragrances and home care applications.

Did you know? Forests have long occupied a special place in Japanese culture. Shinrin-yoku, ‘bathing in the atmosphere of the forest’, is considered a form of preventive healthcare. In the 1980s, Japanese scientists started studying the beneficial medical effect of forest bathing, and Japanese universities now offer forest medicine as a specialisation for physicians.

We are increasingly seeing … shower gels with a conifer fragrance or candles that bring the forest into the home


ur longing for an authentic re-

effect on our health,” says Christian Lüke, head of

notes, shower gels with a conifer fragrance or

engagement with nature has gained

marketing at the Hamburg-based fragrance house,

candles that bring the forest into the home.”

a new focus with forests becoming

Düllberg Konzentra.

the new beaches. For a long time, the

Studies have shown that a stroll through a

As a specialist in essential oils, Düllberg Konzentra has developed a range of products that

sea, coastal areas and beaches were the epitome

forest can lower the heart rate and blood pressure,

of relaxation, recreation, fresh air and a healthy

and significantly reduce levels of the stress

microclimate. Now, people are flocking to forests to

hormone cortisol. Austrian biologist Clemens Arvay

allow consumers to dive deep into the soothing

re-experience a side of nature that is lacking in our

has coined the term ‘biophilia effect’ to describe

fragrance universe of the forest,” explains Lüke.

everyday lives.

the benefits, stating the ‘biochemical cocktail’ of a

This renaissance comes as no great surprise.

creatively harness this topic. “We call this series deep forest. The aim is to

In the forest bathing bath additive, essential

forest has a healing effect on humans. This cocktail

oils of pine needles have been combined with

First, as our awareness of environmental issues

consists largely of terpenes, which are volatile

juniper; cool pine forest focuses on mountain pine.

rises, we are paying more attention to forests

organic substances. These botanical fragrances are

Ingredients such as woodruff and spruce balm,

and woods as original ecosystems and we have

found in herbs such as thyme or rosemary, as well

laurel, tree moss and tree bark have been included

become more aware of the stabilising effects that

as in conifers.

in shower gels for men. Düllberg Konzentra’s

forests and trees have on air and water circulation,

Perfumer Scott Moroschan explains: “You can

perfumers have also developed ideas for scented

temperature, climate, soil conservation and

isolate these fragrances by steam distillation of

candles, which Lüke describes as “incredibly

biological diversity.

needles, cones, twigs or shavings. The essential

soothing and relaxing”.

oils obtained in this way differ depending on the

“It’s like swimming in the forest in the comfort


tree. Each of these trees has its own olfactory

of your own home, and as they are based on

Nature is the best recipe for many things,

fingerprint. Cedar, Swiss stone pine, pine or silver

natural essential oils, they are completely

including recreation. But that’s not all that forests

fir – each variety conveys the idea of forest with an

authentic,” he comments. •

have to offer.

individual scent.”

“Forests, with their smells and dappled lighting, are a pleasure for all the senses. The silence


interspersed with natural sounds has a relaxing

Lüke says forests have arrived in personal care, fine

effect, the green is soothing for the eyes. And, most

fragrances and home care. “We are increasingly

importantly, forests have a discernibly positive

seeing fine fragrances on the market with spruce



Düllberg Konzentra –



BACKED BY EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE Servicing a broad range of industry sectors, from laboratory, medical and manufacturing to cosmetics, perfumery and agricultural, EthanolSA is fully equipped to customise ethanol according to clients exacting requirements. We talk to company MD, David Sly to find out more about this family-run business. By Abby Vorster


Did you know?

thanolSA has been in operation for a little

servicing South Africa and the cross border and

over three years and continues to go from

international markets.”

strength to strength. “Initially we did a broad scope of


chemicals and consumables, but later decided

EthanolSA is both an ethanol supplier and

to focus on one channel for the business,”

manufacturer of various grades of ethanol

Sly comments. “Working with ethanol allows us

products. These include absolute, anhydrous,

to sell into a multitude of different industry

UN food grade, denatured and 99% ethanol,

sectors, as ethanol is used in various applications

as well as isopropyl alcohol, perfume base,

and products.”

perfume alcohol and perfume solvents. The

Sly works together with a small team, consisting

company also supplies alcohol extraction

of financial director, Lelisha Smyth; finance and

solvents for the extraction of CBD, THC,

administration manager, Magda Sly, and imports

cannabis, plant and botanical material.

and exports manager, Nick Murray. Together they

Sly explains: “Some of our flagship products

ensure the fastest turnaround times on all orders,

include the Scentburst perfumer’s alcohol bases,

both big and small. Agile and ambitious, the team

and Xtraction – our extraction solvent – which

is constantly looking at how to improve its quality

is alcohol based and ideal for botanical-related

of service and product quality and makes use of

extractions. Scentburst was developed with the

modern technology to drive the business.

assistance of a dear colleague and friend who is a

“There is no order too complicated to handle,” says Sly, adding that “we can assist with all size containments from bottles and drums to flow bins. We also provide tanker-to-tanker services,

EthanolSA has a Shopify store to provide a smoother, convenient experience for clients who need to place their day-to-day orders. Click here to order online from EthanolSA: service many large perfume oil supplier companies, in South Africa and cross border.” ALL EYES ON AFRICA EthanolSA’s products are available throughout South Africa and with its growing customer base in Sub-Saharan Africa, in Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Lesotho, the African market can expect to see more from the company in the years to come. “Our aim is to expand our footprint across Africa. We are also constantly looking at new product development, with the plan to develop and produce quality products that span multiple industries,” concludes Sly. •

senior researcher with two doctorates in chemistry and decades of experience in the cosmetic industry. After trial and error, we believe we have developed a market leading offering and now

EthanolSA – Scentburst –




Water purity matters Water is essential to the pharma industry, whether used as a raw material or a solvent in the processing, formulation, manufacture and analysis of pharma products, notably APIs and intermediates. This is why water quality control, in particular the microbiological quality, is a major concern. As a result, the industry devotes considerable resources to the development and maintenance of water purification systems.


he quality of the water must be controlled throughout the production, storage and distribution processes, particularly for microbiological and chemical

chemicals (polystyrene and polyethylene), herbal medicines and plant extracts • quantitative analysis – to determine the concentration of an active compound in a sample

contaminants. The requirements for water quality

by measuring the height and/or area of the

are dictated by strict, published guidelines, as part

chromatographic peak

of the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) and the European Pharmacopoeia (EP), amongst others. The consequences of using impure water, contaminated either by bacteria or trace amounts

• preparation of pure substances for clinical and toxicology studies and in organic synthesis (preparative HPLC) • trace analysis of compounds present in very low

of potentially toxic chemicals may be dire. In

concentrations in a sample, useful in pharma,

the best-case scenario, they may change the

toxicology, environmental and biological studies

concentration of the active ingredient in the final

HPLC is much more efficient than previously

formulation, and in the worst case could even result

used methods to determine drug purity, such

in patient death.

as multiple crystallisation, which required

With the widespread production of

comparatively large quantities of drug for analysis,

pharmaceuticals comes the legislation to ensure

thus concurrently minimising losses in pharma

controlled production and the purity of drugs.


One of the most common techniques used in

Since it can separate compounds, HPLC is also


Elga Labwater’s water purification systems are available throughout Southern Africa from Labotec. Based in South Africa, the scientific instrument supply company is currently running a special where it will swap out and recycle your old water purification system free of charge (regardless of the manufacturer). Labotec will also you a great saving of 30% on Elga Purelab water purification systems. This includes the revolutionary new Purelab Quest that delivers types I, II and III water from a single compact system. This swop and save special is available while stocks last, or until end of Dec 2020.

pharmaceutical production to verify drug purity

used during manufacture. It can thus provide critical

globally is high performance liquid chromatography

starting products for the manufacture of new drugs

(HPLC). This technique is widely used in the

as well as aid the characterisation of molecules

phases (CSPs). The ability to prove the purity of

following areas of pharma manufacturing:

(lead compounds) that have the potential to be

enantiomeric molecules, a standard procedure in

• qualitative analysis – separation of thermally

manufactured into drugs.

pharmaceutical assays, is one for which HPLC is

This technique can also be used to separate

particularly suited. The most popularly used CSPs in

e.g. drugs (aspirin and ibuprofen), salts (sodium

enantiomers – these are molecules that are mirror

pharma chemistry are polysaccharide benzoate and

chloride), proteins (egg white or blood), organic

images of each other, using chiral stationary

phenyl carbamate derivatives.

unstable chemical and biological compounds,




Produced using reclaimed materials, the Purelab Quest from Elga Labwater is highly compact, intuitive to use and easy to install


The Purelab Quest delivers types I, II and III

To adhere to chemical and microbiological quality

water for the widest range of lab applications. In

standards, the feed water for pharma processes,

its development, the Purelab Quest was tested

including for HPLC separation and analysis, must

through 150 000 cycles of dispensing. This is

meet the requirements of the national primary

equivalent to over 20 years of lab use.

drinking water regulations (NPDWR; 40 CFR 141),

As research and development is at the heart of

or the water regulations of the World Health

Elga, its global network of engineers and scientists

Organization drinking water guidelines.

are dedicated to produce the desired lab water

The Purelab Quest delivers types I, II and III water for the widest range of lab applications The grade of water quality required during manufacture will depend on the administrative route of a particular drug. For example, the EP and USP provide quality standards for grades of water for pharmaceutical use. These are divided into

• t ype I, or ultrapure water (18.2MΩ-cm) for analytical applications such as HPLC, cell culture, tissue culture or molecular biology techniques • t ype II, or pure water for applications including general reagent preparation, buffers, pH solutions, histology and general chemistry • t ype III or reverse osmosis to permeate water

needed within seconds with fast flow rate, using

for glassware rinsing, water baths, autoclaves,

multiple quality sensors, while allowing for

hydroponics and as feed water to Type 1 systems.

simple maintenance.

Water is delivered at 1.2ℓ a minute, and the system enables volumetric dispensing, which means researchers can multi-task rather than wait

Did you know? Instead of distillation, water purification systems can now be used to produce water for pharmaceuticals and pharma analysis, resulting in lower costs and more sustainable water production. Elga Labwater has published a white paper on which grade of water to use for different pharmaceutical applications. Click here to download a copy:

water for injections (WFI), purified water, and water

for the water to dispense. Volumetric control is available from 100mℓ to 7ℓ. With multiple purity sensors, inbuilt periodic recirculation Purelab Quest provides lab water that is beyond question for research labs world-wide. Mope Alo, product manager at Elga LabWater, comments: “The Purelab Quest produces all types of laboratory water directly from a tap water input. It has been highly tested, uses proven designs and offers unrivalled value and reliability. Feedback from researchers is that the unique water system is

for preparation of extracts. Elga LabWater has a unique water system that

The Purelab Quest can be used for:

intuitive, effortless and ingenious.” • MULTIPLE USES AND BENEFITS

not only delivers all three types of lab water for

The Purelab Quest is highly compact, intuitive to

every application in the lab, but also produces the

use and easy to install. Reclaimed materials have

water directly from a tap water input. This makes it

been used to manufacture the water system,

the most compact, easy to operate and economical

which offers remote monitoring through Aquavista,

water system available.

Veolia’s cloud-based digital solution.

Elga LabWater – Labotec –





Whether you’re looking to develop leave-on products like serums, eye creams and masks or wash-off options such as micellar waters, toners and face cleansers – AECI Specialty Chemicals has got you covered with cosmetic ingredients. The ingredients discussed in this article are easy to formulate with and both gentle and safe. By Jacques Strydom


ne of the most vital components of

on the cleansing power of the product, its

solutions that are more forgiving to the skin,

any skin care routine is moisturisation,

effectiveness on different types of dirt, the skin feel

while still being effective cleansers. Dow’s range

seeing that active moisturisation has

after washing and the product’s foaming nature.

of EcoSense surfactants are a family of naturally

been linked to younger-looking skin.

sourced, readily biodegradable surfactants. They

There are two apsects to moisturisation:


have been specially developed to help create end-

1. cleansing in a way that does not strip the skin of

Traditionally cleansers were based on sulphates

use formulations that offer optimum performance

(e.g. sodium laureth sulphate or SLES), which are

with excellent sensory appeal. Belonging to the

effective surfactants, but can easily lead to dry and

family of alkyl polyglucosides, EcoSense products

exposed skin, if used at high levels or not paired

can be used both as primary and co-surfactants

with mutualistic surfactants and emollients to

in a variety of cleansing applications, such as

is the surfactant. The choice of surfactant will

counteract the harshness. These days, many skin

shampoos, body washes, facial cleansers, liquid

determine or at least have a dominant impact

care brands have opted to go with milder surfactant

hand soaps and baby wipes.

its natural moisture barrier 2. applying lotions and potions that will restore and further moisturise the skin. The primary component to almost any cleanser

With their improved environmental

Table 1: Bubbly Boost cleansing stick formulation

profile, EcoSense surfactants provide a

Phase Ingredient



new solution to help meet consumers’

A Water SoftCAT Polymer SK-MH Methocel E4M Polyox WSR-205 Glycerin

Water/Aqua 21.69 Polyquaternium-67 0.20 Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose 1.50 PEG-14M 0.10 Glycerin 20.00

growing demands for personal care

B Pureact I-80P Dowsil 2511 Sodium Stearate OP-100V Kaolin EcoSense 3000 Empigen BS / FA

Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate 20.00 Bis-PEG-18 Methyl Ether Dimethyl Silane 2.00 Sodium Stearate 4.00 Kaolin 2.00 Decyl Glucoside 13.00 Cocamidopropyl Betaine 3.00



Dowsil AMS-C30 Sweet Almond Oil CA (659831) Dowsil 2503

C30-45 Alkyl Methicone (and) C30-45 Olefin Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (sweet almond) Oil Stearyl Dimethicone (and) Octadecene


Puricolor Orange AOR7 FDA CI 15510 (0.3% in water) Neolone PH 100 Phenoxyethanol Hydrolite 8 Caprylyl Glycol Natural Abrasive Blend Medium-Fine Prunus Armeniaca (Apricot) Seed Powder 697343 Orange Douce Perfume

2.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 0.83 0.68 1.00 1.00

Ideal for the face or body, this convenient stick gently cleanses and exfoliates the skin with a smooth after-feel



products that are milder to the skin and hair and are naturally derived. These surfactants also offer additional benefits like excellent flash foaming and improved The bubbly boost cleansing stick featured in Table 1 is an example of a trendy and innovative product that can be formulated using EcoSense surfactants. This prototype has been formulated for the face and body, acting as a convenient stick that gently cleanses and exfoliates the skin, leaving it with a smooth afterfeel. As a low-water, solid formulation, the cleansing stick is also an effective makeup remover. To build the structure of the stick, a blend of three cosmetic waxes are used.


used in large quantities, to create a barrier on the skin, guarding it against transepidermal water loss. This is one mechanism of moisturisation. Another mechanism is humectancy, which is the process of drawing moisture to the skin. Humectants like glycerine, propylene glycol or Dow’s cosmetic waxes can be used with Aculyn Siltouch to increase the inherent moisturising ability of a skin cream in the easiest possible way. Not only is Siltouch a brilliant ingredient, it is also a handy tool for any R&D chemist. Due to its cold-process nature and ability to form emulsions in seconds, it is the perfect tool to test different mixtures of emollients, without needing to do Dowsil 2511 helps reduce tackiness, while

The ingredient acts as an emulsifier, thickener and

HLB calculations. Furthermore, due to its inherent

acting as a humectant. Dowsil 2503 is a silicone

emollient all in one.

stability, different active materials can be tested

wax that melts at the temperature of the skin,

Creating serums, creams and masks is a breeze

and showcased in this chassis, giving the chemist

allowing ease of application and Dowsil AMS-30

with Siltouch, due to its inherent versatility and

has a high melting point, which gives the stick its

compatibility with most emollients and other

structural integrity.

cosmetic ingredients. Whether the requirement

like to learn more about Ecosense surfactants,

quick and valuable feedback. Contact AECI Specialty Chemicals if you would

is a thick, white moisturising cream with a high

Siltouch rheology modifier or related solutions for


oil content, or a light translucent serum carrying

your skin care needs. •

Formulating leave-on products have

an active component – Siltouch is the simplest

never been easier, with AECI Specialty Chemical's

solution, whilst also being high-tech.

Siltouch rheology modifier. This cold-process

The type of moisturisation needed can be easily

emulsifier is capable of creating various

tailored with this just-add-water base ingredient.

textures in minutes.

More substantive emollients like mineral oil can be

AECI Specialty Chemicals – Dow –




Clearthix S can be combined with hyaluronic acid, which was found to increase the viscosity of the gel


soft-to-touch gelling agents Alchemy Ingredients’ gelling agents are known for their soft and non-tacky afterfeel. Clearthix S is a new cold-process ingredient from the range, designed to create easy-to-apply transparent gels.


n recent years, Cosmetics Europe has

of consumers are refusing to use acrylate polymer-

Southern Africa by Carst & Walker and specialises

registered a decrease in the use of microplastic

% Sucrathix VX in waterIt is also containing products, requiring manufacturersViscosity to in vs. texturising agents and emulsifiers.

beads at around 82%.1 However, environmental

search for alternatives.

concerns about water-soluble plastic-derived polymers, which they suspect to be a threat to marine life. Under current guidelines, these compounds are not considered pollutants, but an increasing number

well-established in the area of oil-gelling, due to its



organisations are now expressing their




numerous options for producing transparent, shiny



oil-based gels.

150 Based in the United Kingdom, Alchemy Ingredients 100

116 Alchemy Ingredients has been working on

49.2 was created with the aim of helping formulators

alternatives to plastic-based polymers for a decade.

to develop innovative products despite growing

The company quickly identified natural gums as a

market restrictions. The company is represented in 0.5

viable 1alternative although 1.5 some improvements 2



% Sucrathix VX

Table 1: Hydration boost sheet mask

Phase Ingredient INCI %

Euxyl PE 9010

Phenoxyethanol, Ethylglycerin 1.00




20 15 10 5 0


Temperature (˚C)


Synergy between HA and 1.5% Clearthix® S sity cps



Figure 1: Sucraclear HC-31 – effect of the temperature

Alchemy Ingredients’ transparent gel is ideal for sheet masks packed with actives for a hydrating boost



Viscosity (Pa)

A Clearthix S Cellulose Gum, Algin 1.25 Hydratagel G Glycerin, Water, Sodium Hyaluronate 7.50 Water Aqua 82.25 SkinBlitz Water, Salvia hispanica 3.00 Seed Extract, Trehalose, Galactoarabinan, Glycerin, Xylitol, Sodium Phosphate, Sorbitol Gla Amy AQ Water, Prunus armeniaca 5.00 (Apricot) Kernel Extract, Prunus serotina (Wild Cherry) Bark Extract, Prunus spinosa Wood Extract

25000 20000 15000 10000

Viscosity vs. % Sucrathix VX in water






200 150 100







% Sucrathix VX1.5






200 150 100







% Sucrathix VX1.5


Figure 3: Viscosity of gels made with Sucrathix VX


had to be done to 15 make them more suitable for cosmetics. Indeed, at the time,


masks, or in hydrating gels for leave-on face or body products. ClearThe lightness of the gels also makes them ideal for eye gels. 30

xanthan gum was widely used for this purpose, sometimes damaging the 10

Sucrathix VX and Clearthix S specifically can be used in emulsions where

sensory feel and attractiveness of the products.

they impart a 25 gel-crème fresh feel whilst stabilising the product (see Figure 3). Hazy


Viscosity (Pa)

Viscosity (Pa)





Furthermore, physical exfoliants can be used with Sucrathix VX to create scrubs.

WHY NATURAL GUMS? Among the existing0 alternatives to gel water, starches are efficient thickeners, 20


yet a high use level is required, and they do not normally produce transparent Temperature (˚C)

gels. Clays can give highly thixotropic and non-tacky gels but require high heat for activation.

Synergy between HA and 1.5% Clearthix® S


See Table 1 for formulation inspiration of hydrating transparent sheet mask gel designed with 15 Clearthix S. • Reference: 10 1. All you might want to know about the CE survey on plastic microbeads used in wash-off products – FAQs – 5 actions/ce-survey-faq, seen on the 28/05/2020





Temperature (˚C)



10000 5000






% of 1% Hyaluronic Acid

Viscosity of combined


Alchemy Ingredients – Carst 12& Walker –


HA in water alone

Figure 2: Effect of hyaluronic acid on the viscosity of Clearthix S gels Natural gums refer to a range of plant-produced polysaccharides, which are commonly extracted from the seeds, bark, or leaves of trees, or from algae. Some of them exhibit a capacity to create three-dimensional networks in water, making them very good gelling agents and stabilisers for cosmetics and personal care products. Synergies have been observed when specific natural gums are combined, leading to better textures and rheology. Additionally, some natural gums can go through modifications to improve their efficacy. For instance, cellulose gum or carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) is obtained from a reaction between cellulose and chloroacetic acid to achieve better hygroscopicity. For projects where a soft afterfeel is needed, Alchemy Ingredients has developed Sucraclear HC-31 (INCI: Cellulose Gum, Chondrus Crispus Powder (Carrageenan), Ceratonia siliqua Gum, Glucose) and Clearthix S (INCI: Cellulose Gum, Algin).

Synergy between HA and 1.5% Clearthix® S

Viscosity cps

Viscosity cps

Viscosity vs. % Sucrathix VX in water






25000 20000 15000 10000 5000






% of 1% Hyaluronic Acid




Organic Raw and Refined Shea Butter Viscosity of combined HA in water alone Avocado Butter Organic Grape Seed Oil Organic Castor oil Hydrolysed Wheat Protein Olivem 1000, 900 & 300 Rhassoul & Bentonite clays BTMS

Natural Hair Care Ingredients

Sucraclear HC-31 does not require neutralisation and is pH-resistant at a value as low as 4 and as high as 10. For the best transparency, heating the water phase to 70°C before dispersion is recommended (see Figure 1). In 083 266 2657

addition, the gels are resistant to electrolytes. Clearthix S, Alchemy’s newest cold-process product, contains sodium alginate, which is rich in the hydrating ingredient mannuronic acid. It can be used in formulations that have a pH ranging from 3 to 9 and is electrolyte resistant. To obtain a rheology even closer to carbomers, Clearthix S can be combined with hyaluronic acid, which was found to increase the viscosity of the gel and input a soft silky feel to products (see Figure 2). SOFT AND SILKY Clearthix S, Sucraclear HC-31 and Sucrathix VX are all COSMOS-approved and already very popular for their texture. They can be used in rinse-off formulas like




Optimise your factory floor data with data sciences

Industry 4.0 and IIoT have been buzz words for several years and are being implemented on more and more machines. As a result, a huge amount of data is now available – from machine data and data of the production process to data regarding the manufactured product.

internet — such as assembly line machinery — and bringing them online, enterprises now have the opportunity to create new efficiencies by applying the intelligence of IT to the physical assets of OT systems.

Did you know? Omron Electronics is the South African subsidiary of Omron Corporation, a global leader in the field of automation. Omron supports manufacturing innovation by providing advanced automation technology and products, as well as through extensive customer support, to help create a better society.


Project phases of the standard approach used by Omron data scientists

TRANSFORMING DATA INTO INFORMATION In order to extract and present the data timeously

ata is easily collected and stored, but in

its relationship with operational technology (OT).

and in the correct format, significant effort is

most cases the data pipeline stops there

In simple business terms, IT refers to the

required for the transformation process. This

resulting in hardly any value extracted

application of network, storage and computing

should be done in close collaboration with data

being from the data. The data pipeline

resources toward the generation, management,

scientists, who know how to tame the data, and

is often not completed in a proper way so that the

storage and delivery of data throughout and

domain experts of the manufacturing process, who

right people can easily exploit the value within the

between organisations.

understand the story behind the data.

Once the data is transformed into information, a solution can be developed that adds value in the long run

a solution can be developed that adds value in the

Compared to IT, OT is unique in that related

approach (see Figure. 2) to obtain the best project

data. It’s also a challenge to extract the value not to drown in the flood. Collecting and storing of data is simply not enough to monetise the investments in Industry 4.0 and IIoT infrastructure. Getting the maximum value out of data and keeping an overview of streams goes beyond standard statistical methods and tooling. Manual analysis and creation of dashboards and reports are not sufficient. The dashboards become too complicated and don’t show the right information at the right time and in the right way.

Once the data is transformed into information, long run. TAILORING IS NEEDED Industrial data science is a fairly new discipline and there is no one-size-fits-all solution as yet. Each solution and application require tailored data analysis and modelling to obtain the maximum result. Data scientists at Omron follow a standard

hardware and software are historically designed to

results and manage the expectations. The approach

controller can detect present deviations and

do specific things: control heat, monitor mechanical

is based on the CRISP-DM model. CRISP-DM is the

problems, they are not suitable to predict future

performance and trigger emergency shutoffs to

acronym for cross-industry standard process for

problems. Machine controllers are not suitable

name a few. Typically, this is done through industrial

data mining and is widely used.

to combine available information and perform

control systems (ICS) and supervisory control and

The routines implemented in a normal machine

advanced analytics on it.

data acquisition (SCADA). While IT and OT have historically made up


separate aspects of modern organisations, a

Most organisations understand the roles and

phenomenon known as IT-OT convergence is

functions of information technology (IT), yet it’s

changing this. Because IoT technology is

worth expanding on IT in the context of

taking assets not typically connected to the



It is challenging to use the potential of (big) data. Just collecting it and simply displaying some graphs is not sufficient as demonstrated in this article. •

Omron –



With the industry train tugger train, Jungheinrich provides its customers with high-end engineering from the Black Forest – a mountainous region in southwest Germany. Neumaier specialises in providing custom-made solutions for customers.

The customer load carrier does not have to adapt to the tugger train … the tugger train adapts to the load carrier and the customer’s needs

Jungheinrich and Neumaier are collaborating to offer customers the industry train tugger train


nnovative tugger train solutions, tailored to

and individually designed goods carrier systems.


the individual needs of customers, are the result

Two different chassis types are available for indoor

Matthias Maurin, head of product segment tow

of a new collaboration between Jungheinrich

and outdoor deployment. The load capacity is

tractors at Jungheinrich AG: “The industry train

and Neumaier.

up to 3t per goods carrier. Various goods carrier

tugger train from Neumaier is a perfect fit for us

Based in Hofstetten, Germany, Neumaier

systems are available for pick-up and transport of

and our philosophy. As a solutions provider we want

specialises in the development, construction

customer load carriers, from simple C and E frames

to offer our customers the best possible solution.

and manufacture of machines and equipment

with adjustable fork arms to highly complex goods

With Neumaier, we now have a cooperation

for intralogistics. Along with tugger trains, it

carrier systems for the transport of several trolleys

partner and can do just that with the industry

also provides rotating drivers’ seats for forklift

in one goods carrier.

train tugger train.”


Neumaier, adds: “We’re very pleased to be

trucks and develops and produces comprehensive automation solutions for intralogistics. With a comprehensive portfolio of materials

Bernd Neumaier, managing director of The customer load carrier does not have

cooperating with Jungheinrich. Meeting customers’

handling equipment, automatic systems and

to adapt to the tugger train; instead, the tugger

needs has always been at the heart of what our

services, Jungheinrich is able to offer customers

train adapts to the load carrier and the

company does. Our internal development and

tailored solutions for the challenges posed by

customer’s needs.

construction departments along with our own

Industry 4.0 By adding the Neumaier industry train tugger

Together with the Jungheinrich EZS electric tow

sheet metal production enable us to manufacture

tractor with up to 28t of traction, the industry train

individual solutions. With Jungheinrich, we now

train to its portfolio, Jungheinrich will be able to

tugger train is a high-performance intralogistics

have a partner on our wavelength who wants to

better meet increasing market demands in the

solution. All components in the tugger train are

offer customers custom-made, comprehensive

tugger train segment. In the future, the company

interconnected and function as one machine.

solutions – including in the tugger train field.” •

will offer efficient solutions that are specially

High safety standards, innovative future-proof

designed to meet customers’ requirements.

technology and a high level of customer orientation

Neumaier’s industry train tugger train is a combination of standardised chassis components

guarantee the customer a stable and safe process for internal material supply.

Jungheinrich – Neumaier –




The sleek and nimble Mitsubishi forklift is available in sub-Saharan Africa from Masslift Africa

Go eco-friendly with new counterbalance electric forklift

In August, Masslift Africa, the sole distributor of Mitsubishi forklifts in Southern Africa, announced the launch of the new counterbalance electric forklift truck series. The new series will encompass the Mitsubishi forklift features, which users have come to know and love over the years, along with new technology to drive operations forward.


ith an increasing demand


also produces a significantly extended shift life.

for state-of-the-art forklift

With a load capacity of 1.0t to 2.5t, the latest

The forklift also includes regeneration on downward

technology, this sleek and

FBCB electric truck series focuses on the simple

slopes, when coasting, reversing or breaking and

nimble forklift has been

movement of goods and ensures steadfast

ultimate battery protection by restricting hydraulic

specifically designed to render low operating costs

performance for all practical business needs. This

usage when the battery is running low. Customers

and reduce maintenance requirements to boost

ergonomic forklift also comes with an eight-year or

also have the option of a wide array of attachments

economic productivity.

12 000-hour warranty.

such as pallet handlers, bale clamps, paper roll

A range of new features have been adopted in the

clams and/or foam clamps, a lateral battery

standards of safety, reliability and sustainability

new FBCB series. These include:

extraction process, a waterproof rating of IPx4, a

in the industry. These standards are translated to

• auto torque to help drivers travel up ramps

blue LED safety light and full

key features in the new FBCB series with driver

• pitching control and hydraulic cushioning to

AC system.

safety being a key concern. Forklifts in the new

secure drivers when travelling over rough or

FBCB series boast a range of new safety features

uneven surfaces

Mitsubishi is well known for meticulous

that enhance flexibility, manoeuvrability and overall comfort for the driver. According to Masslift Africa CEO, Marco Caverni, the new FBCB forklift offers a wide choice of

• travel interlock and safety cruise options to limit driver faults

Caverni. “Clients can look forward to a sleeklooking forklift and knowing Mitsubishi – it will be incredibly reliable!” •

ECO-FRIENDLY AND CUSTOMISABLE Designed to use as little energy as possible, the

forklifts offer a choice of operation modes which

smooth-driving FBCB series aims to enhance

can be adjusted to match the drive characteristics

battery longevity and quality. This particular unit

to the workplace, conditions and the skill level and

contains new lithium-ion battery technology, which

preference of the operator,” Caverni explains.

is not only an environmentally friendly option, but


benefits to our clients in the African market,” adds

• new travel speed and tilt control features.

to meet the needs of your business. The new


perspective. We are excited to bring these

• a load indicator and overload warning system

options and attachments. “These allow the truck to be precisely specified

“These customisable operation characteristics can be greatly beneficial from an innovation

Masslift Africa –

From one

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