Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Review Africa Q1 2021

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AFRICA Quarter 1 2021 | Volume 6 | 01


beauty through








2020/21 P&C Review and Symrise

P&C Review and Symrise are unveiling a re-energised New Product Competition that is relevant to all players in the South African cosmetics industry. The 2020/21 P&C Review/Symrise New Product Competition will now be judged according to the following market segments: • Mass/Masstige • Prestige • Privé Label The entries scoring the highest in each of the three segments will all be named winners of the 2020/21 P&C Review/Symrise New Product Competition.

Who is eligible to enter: • Local and international personal care, hair care, skin care, beauty and cosmetics brands, whose products are available in South Africa. • Brand owners, private label or house brands, manufacturers, retailers or distributors who have launched new products between 1 January 2019 and May 2021.

review Pharmaceutical & & Cosmetic

All entries will receive confidential reports with extensive feedback from our panel of expert judges, who collectively hold over 100 years’ experience in their respective fields. Each product/range entered into the 2020/21 New Product Competition will be judged on the following criteria: • Formulation design • Regulatory compliance • Packaging • Marketing incorporating social media and digital campaigns.

Entries are now open and will close on 1 June 2021. For more information or to enter, contact Abby Vorster, editor of P&C Review on 071 359 4519 or send an email to


Quarter 1 2021 | Volume 6 | 01



Croda to acquire Alban Muller

Ren Clean Skincare wins recycling innovation award

Seppic launches inaugural production site in the US


A look at Africa’s positive progress in beating NTDs


Ingredients from CJP to moisturise and care for curls

AECI explores a simpler approach to formulating hair masks

Clariant launches The Curl Project

16 BEAUTY INNOVATIONS Simplify your formulations with Naatium Oleam-Renew

Meet ethnic skin care needs Ebonitone biotech ingredient

Symrise upgrades its ingredient finder online platform


Fette Compacting assists By-Health in achieving production efficiency

Choose the best capsule type for your dietary supplement

Produce great-tasting vit D supplements with galenIQ

Hersol Manufacturing Lab turns 40


Omron launches the world’s first robotic integrated controller

10 Clean beauty ingredients to moisturise, repair and care for curls

24 Choose the best capsule

type for your dietary supplement






Editor: Abby Vorster +27 (0)11 877 6038

Let’s get real about

beauty and



020 was the year of the hand sanitiser

Ebonitone biotech ingredient which (most

– that is for sure. Yet in 2021, we’re

importantly) has been tested in vivo on South

seeing interesting and much-needed

African volunteers. You can read more about this

developments in the beauty industry,

and other diversity-focused beauty innovations on

brought about by various defining moments that occurred last year. Remember The Black Lives

page 16 of this edition. Another interesting category of explosive growth

Matter movement – it impacted the industry in

is nutraceuticals. The COVID-19 pandemic has

a major way and is now viewed as a catalyst for

pushed consumers to re-evaluate their health and

beauty brands to focus more fully on diversity,

wellness and related consumption propensity. As a

equality and inclusion in ways that are both real

result, there has been a surge in demand for dietary

and meaningful.

supplements, especially those manufactured with

According to Mintel, diversity-focused

non-animal derived ingredients and packed in

innovations will continue to make headway in

vegan or vegetarian friendly capsules. We explore

personal care throughout 2021, with gaps in

this trend in detail in the pharma focus on page 22.

the market for more specialised innovation in

You can read about how Fette Compacting assisted

the textured hair care category, for black men

By-Health in efficiently increasing its production

(both young and old), Generation Z consumers

capacity, Marsing & Co Africa’s new agency

and for more bespoke offerings for the ethnic

agreement with Shandong Healsee

care category.

which guarantees consistent quality

Diversity-focused innovations are a central

and uninterrupted supply

theme in P&C Africa, with CJP Chemicals

of HPMC vegecaps to the

celebrating beauty through diversity on the cover

African market, and how

of this edition.

to formulate great-tasting

The challenging experiences of African consumers when it comes to managing their

Sub-editor: Delia du Toit Contributors: Elena Cañadas, Raquel Delgado, Alicia Gimenez, Eulalia Gonzalez, Sabrina Mizael, Anna Momméja, Jacques Strydom ADVERTISING Sales Executive: Carla Melless +27 (0)83 260 6060 Sales Executive: Anita Raath +27 (0)82 976 6541 Sales Executive: Candida Giambo-Kruger +27 (0)71 438 1918 INTERNATIONAL SALES Germany/Austria/Switzerland: Eisenacher Medien Erhardt Eisenacher +49 228 249 9860 Italy: Ngcombroker Giacomo Rotunno +39 370 101 4694 Taiwan: Ringier Trade Media Sydney Lai +886 4 2329 7318 CIRCULATION Circulation Manager: Felicity Garbers PUBLISHING TEAM General Manager: Dev Naidoo Production Controller: Mandy Ackerman Art Director: David Kyslinger JOHANNESBURG OFFICE New Media Publishing, Ground floor, Media Park, 69 Kingsway Avenue, Auckland Park, 2092 Tel: +27 (0)11 877 6111, Fax: +27 (0)11 877 6198 POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 784698, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2146 Published by New Media, a division of Media24 (Pty) Ltd. MANAGEMENT TEAM

vitamin D supplements with


galenIQ from Beneo.


hair and finding the right skin care product or shade of foundation are a powerful reminder

Layout & Design: David Kyslinger


Enjoy the read!

of why representation of every form of beauty is so important. Ingredients suppliers such as

CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: Venette Malone CEO: MEDIA24: Ishmet Davidson

Lipotec Active Ingredients, a Lubrizol Life Science


company, are paying attention to this need

New Media, a division of Media24 (Pty) Ltd

and have developed a biotechnology extract,

8th floor, Media24 Centre, 40 Heerengracht Cape Town, 8001 Tel: +27 21 406 2002

ADVERTISERS’ INDEX AECI Specialty Chemicals................................ 13.......................... Chempack Industries........................................ 14.......................... CJP Chemicals ................................................... OFC...................... Clomark................................................................. 6............................ Fette Compacting (China)............................... 21.......................... Hersol Manufacturing Lab................................ 27 ......................... Iberchem.............................................................. OBC..................... Marsing & Co Africa........................................... 25.......................... O6 Agencies SA................................................... 15.......................... Omron Electronics.............................................. 30......................... Savannah Fine Chemicals................................ 19.......................... Unicare Ingredients............................................ 16, 17.................... Vega Controls SA ............................................... 7............................

Email: PO Box 440, Green Point, Cape Town 8051

Pharmaceutical Cosmetic Review Africa is published by New Media four times a year and circulates to manufacturers, packers and distributors of pharmaceuticals, health products, cosmetics, detergents, soaps, toiletries and allied products. The journal is an up-to-date source of reference for company directors, factory and production managers, marketing executives, engineers, import agents, buyers and research personnel. While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of its contents and information given to readers, neither the editor, publisher, or its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom. All rights reserved. © Pharmaceutical Cosmetic Review Africa. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, photocopying, electronic, mechanical or otherwise without the prior written permission of the copyright owners. Pharmaceutical

Cosmetic Review Africa is printed by Novus Print.

Copyright: all rights reserved.



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we’re launching a new Formulation Design e-book?


Croda acquires Alban Muller

2020 palm commitment

IN A TRANSACTION subject to customary pre-closing conditions,

achieved by BASF

which is expected to be finalised

THE COMPANY REACHED an important milestone

to acquire the worldwide business

by the end of Q1 2021, Croda International (Croda) has agreed activities of Alban Muller – a leader

on its path toward sustainable palm, achieving its

in the creation and supply of natural

commitment to procure palm (kernel) oils exclusively

and botanical ingredients for the

from sources certified by the RSPO by 2020.

global beauty industry.

Last year, BASF purchased

Established in France in 1978

227 213 metric tons of certified

and now employing 90 people,

sustainable palm (kernel)

Alban Muller is renowned for its eco-

oil representing 100% of its total volume as RSPO certified. In addition, BASF

responsible approach to developing

Croda’s international sales network and

innovative botanical extracts, natural

formulation expertise.

formulation ingredients and natural organic

also made further progress in developing transparent supply chains. The company was able to trace almost 95% of its global palm footprint – totalling 441 107 metric tons

Almost 95% of BASF’s – back to oil-mill level. global palm footprint Additionally, as in previous is now traceable back years, BASF published its to the oil-mill level product carbon footprint (PCF) for sourcing certified sustainable palm (kernel) oil.

new consumer care sector said: “We have

materials, the company is an excellent fit for

admired Alban Muller’s sustainability focus

Croda’s Beauty Actives business, principally

and extensive know-how for many years

comprising Sederma and Crodarom, also

and are delighted to welcome the team to

based in France. The acquisition provides

the Croda family. The acquisition of Alban

Croda with access to some of the most

Muller enhances Croda’s position as a world

innovative technology in the botanicals

leader in natural and botanical actives,

market, including zeodration, a low-energy

helping us meet the increasing demand from

drying technology that preserves the most

customers looking for ingredients of natural

sensitive of active ingredients.

origin to improve the sustainability profile of

sustainability leader in the market, the

more than 300 000 metric tons of CO2 emission in 2020. RSPO-certified production of palm kernel oil shows around 36% lower global warming impact than non-certified production. The PCF is calculated according to the requirements and guidelines for quantification as stated in ISO 14067:2018-08 – While having reached this important milestone, BASF is now fully focused on the other part of its 2015 commitment: to also include the

significant portfolio of ingredients created

expand the eco responsible approach I have

from bio-based raw materials, in line with

advocated for so many years. Croda is the

its Commitment to be the most sustainable

ideal partner to increase the growth of natural

supplier of innovative ingredients.

products, enhancing our expertise and giving combination will drive future developments in

active ingredients whilst enhancing Alban

natural ingredients that will be very beneficial

Muller’s future growth through access to

for consumers.” •

palm oil and palm kernel oil by 2025, such as fatty alcohols and fatty acids. Palm kernel oil and its primary derivatives are amongst BASF’s key renewable raw materials. They are mainly used to produce ingredients for the cosmetics, detergent and cleaning product industries, as well as in human nutrition. This progress can be explored in detail on the Palm Dialog website, • 2021/03/10



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ISO 14001: 2015

us access to new markets. I am sure the

customers with access to high-tech natural

significant intermediates which are based on


Monsieur Alban Muller added: “I am pleased to pass on the baton to Croda to further

commitment of certified sourcing to those


their products.”

acquisition further enhances Croda’s

The combination provides Croda’s

Greenhouse gases – Carbon footprint of products.

Maarten Heybroek, president of Croda’s

cosmetics. With a focus on locally sourced raw

With Alban Muller recognised as a

Compared to conventional sourcing, BASF avoided


Alban Muller’s headquarters in Vincennes, France



Ren Clean Skincare wins recycling innovation award THE SUCCESSFUL COLLABORATION between

partners’ entire value chain from the

Ren Clean Skincare, Sabic and Aptar in the

feedstock to the final product.

development of innovative airless packaging for

Implementing the technology,

the Evercalm Global Protection Day Cream was

Ren Clean Skincare has relaunched

recently awarded the title of Best Beauty Brand

its Evercalm Global Protection Day

in the Recycling category of the 2021 Beauty

Cream in the world’s first commercial

Shortlist (BSL) Awards.

beauty packaging produced by Aptar

The airless pack is made with certified circular polypropylene (PP).

Beauty + Home using the Sabic certified circular polymer.

Ren Clean Skincare was recognised for

Aptar Beauty + Home is a global

pioneering its Infinity Recycling technology using

leader in packaging and dispensing

ISSC Plus certified circular polymers from Sabic.

systems for the cosmetics industry. The

The material is produced with feedstock from

packaging material lends the best-

the advanced recycling of mixed used plastics

selling moisturiser the same level of

which would otherwise be destined for landfill

protection and high-quality consumer

or incineration. Third-party mass balancing

appeal as comparable virgin plastic.

confirms the recycled content used in production

Committed to transforming all its

Sabic’s certified circular PP polymers are used for the container, closure and other parts of Ren Clean Skincare’s Evercalm day cream airless packaging

and conversion of the plastic material to the

packaging to be recyclable or refillable,

look and feel while also supporting the complex

ultimate application. The ISCC Plus accreditation

Ren Clean Skincare wanted to implement a

assembly of parts requiring tight tolerances, such

also provides traceability throughout the

circular solution that can provide a transparent

as that of airless packaging systems. •

Seppic establishes a speciality ingredients plant in North America THE COMPANY HAS inaugurated

This new plant, which is already in operation,

its first production site

gives Seppic more than 50% additional production

in the United States. This manufacturing plant is Seppic’s

capacity for thickening and texturising agents,

95% of its waste, Seppic minimises its impact on the environment. Specialty ingredients for personal beauty

in order to meet the growing requirements of its

care represent a market of more than $10 billion

customers in the US and worldwide.

worldwide, 25% of which is in the United States.

second largest for

Located near Richmond in Virginia, the site was

the production of

strategically selected for its skilled workforce, and

cutting-edge plant is in compliance with Seppic’s


will stimulate the community in the region with

strategy to produce high performance ingredients

specialty ingredients

the creation of more than 50 jobs. The site is also

while respecting the environment. Our ambition in

ideally located to service the north eastern United

terms of CSR is to continue to meet our customers’

States, where 80% of Seppic’s US customers are

needs while achieving an objective of reducing our

located and to export globally.

waste and energy consumption.”

for the beauty, personal care and pharmaceutical markets.

The facility has been designed to abide by the highest levels of quality in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices and has already obtained ISO 9001, EFfCI and RSPO certifications.

The facility currently operates fully automated

Jean-Baptiste Dellon, CEO of Seppic, said: “This

Seppic is represented in Southern Africa

units to allow for a consistent and easily

by CJP Chemicals, a leading distributor of

traceable quality for our ingredients. Thanks to

speciality and commodity raw materials to a

those cutting-edge technologies and by recycling

variety of industries. •

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2021 April

Natural & Organic Products Europe

18 to 19 April London, UK

Beautyworld Japan 19 to 21 April Tokyo, Japan

Luxepack LA

20 to 21 April Los Angeles, USA


Pure Beauty Global Awards 2021

12 May Virtual event

Tunisia Spa Expo 2021 21 to 30 May Tunis, Tunisia

Korea Chem 2021

25 to 28 May Korea Exhibition Centre, South Korea


Beautyworld Saudi Arabia 6 to 8 June (new dates) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

MakeUp in Paris

17 to 18 June (new dates) Paris, France




22 to 23 June Paris, France



CONTINUES AMID COVID-19 Uniting to Combat NTDs – a dedicated collective of governments, donors, pharma companies, NGOs and academia – recently published the 2019 Africa NTD league table. Released annually, this table shows how countries on the continent are progressing in the fight against neglected tropical diseases or NTDs.


he new league table shows that several countries in sub-Saharan Africa that rank in the top 10 for GDP per capita, fall at the bottom of the index of neglected tropical diseases (NTD). In comparison, countries with modest or low GDPs, like Chad, Burkina Faso and Burundi, are ranked at the top. Overall, it shows positive progress on beating NTDs in Africa. Compared to 2015,

order to reach the Sustainable Development Goal of a 90% reduction in the number of people requiring an NTD intervention by 2030.

fewer people now require treatment for at least one NTD. There has also been an increase in the number of people receiving preventive treatments for at least one NTD. Countries are achieving their elimination goals, with Malawi joining Togo as the second country in sub-Saharan Africa to successfully eliminate lymphatic filariasis as a public health problem. From the 2019 NTD index, the top five countries in the league table are: 1. Burundi (up from 33rd in 2018) 2. Malawi (up from 31st in 2018) 3. Liberia (up from 8 th in 2018) 4. Burkina Faso (down from 2nd in 2018) 5. Rwanda (up from 6th in 2018)

of which is programmed on a 12-month cycle, with no guarantee of multi-year funding. The donation of drugs has been positive and significant, but recently this has been impacted by distribution challenges in a number of countries, resulting in many donated medicines expiring before they even reach the targeted populations. As the latest NTD league table suggests, it is the wealthier countries in Africa that could help speed up progress by injecting domestic resources in areas where needed. Investing in NTDs is not just the right thing to do, it is also a smart venture. According to a study by the World Bank Group1, investing in NTD interventions helps countries to avoid out-of-pocket health expenditures and lost productivity, which have the potential to run into costs exceeding hundreds of millions of dollars. The net benefit for each individual affected by NTDs is $25 for every $1 invested by public and philanthropic funders – which is an annualised rate of return of 30%. Research has shown that interventions to end NTDs are affordable for the governments of most NTD-endemic countries, particularly because investments are often

QUICKER PROGRESS IS NEEDED Thoko Pooley, executive director of Uniting to Combat NTDs, says: “Every year the NTD league table gives us a deep perspective on where we are seeing progress towards beating NTDs and where this has slowed. It is striking to see that wealthier nations are amongst the poorest performers when it comes to fighting NTDs. Hopefully this league table will spur countries with the means to take action, to end these diseases of poverty and change the lives of their poorest citizens. There is simply no excuse.” Despite the positive trend, progress across Africa is not happening quickly enough in

CHALLENGES HINDER LAST-MILE DELIVERY The provision of treatment has not been consistent from year to year. The peak seen in 2017 has not been repeated. Far too many NTD programmes rely on donor funding, most

Did you know? In 2018, the global pharmaceutical industry donated 1.7 billion treatments to African countries to help fight NTDs. offset by generous drug donations. These interventions cost less than 0.1% of domestic health spending. A TURNING POINT FOR NTDS Pooley adds: “2021 marks a crucial moment in the fight against NTDs with the recent launch of the World Health Organization’s new NTD Roadmap. Whilst it is likely that the 2020 NTD league table will show disruptions in treatments across Africa due to COVID-19, many NTD programmes have adapted quickly to respond to the pandemic, enabling life-changing and life-saving interventions to continue.” What the world has achieved in its collective efforts to combat COVID-19 has been encouraging. “It is crucial that post the pandemic, we extend the same energy and resources to deliver real change to the 1.7 billion people affected by NTDs,” he concludes. •

Uniting to Combat NTDs –




Clean beauty ingredients to moisturise, repair and care for curls

Sabrina Mizael, Seppic’s emollients product manager for beauty care, and Anna Momméja, the company’s hair care active ingredients manager, discuss the proven benefits of using a biodegradable oil and sugar-based active ingredient to address the moisturisation, shine, curl definition and anti-frizz needs of African hair.


HE IMPORTANCE OF hair care is greater for African women than it is for any other consumer

group. African hair is known to be the most fragile, dry and brittle hair type and requires great care and attention. Paradoxically, it is also the hair type most exposed to stressful processes like mechanical forces, combing and chemical treatments. The intense ellipticity

Figure 1: Emosmart V21 hair shine measurement data vs phenyl trimethicone

of the follicle growing parallel to the scalp provides a high degree of curliness. The hairs wrap around each other, resulting in serious tangles that make combing a challenge. Detangling African hair often results in mechanical stress of the hair follicle and weakening of the hair fibre. In order to make it more manageable,

Figure 2: Emosmart V21 visually improves hair shine compared to phenyl trimethicone

African consumers often straighten or relax their hair. Yet these chemical or mechanical processes are not considered healthy and invariably lead to damage. Styling habits also cause damage. Since the hair fibre is a non-living structure, it cannot repair the damage caused by external stress. Therefore, good grooming habits are vital to keep African hair healthy.



Figure 3: The anti-frizz effect of Emosmart V21 on curly hair at 80% hygroscopic conditions


Ideal products for African hair are those with

Did you know?

a light and non-greasy texture, that enhance style and condition the hair. Brand owners and

Emosmart V21 and Xylishine can be used in rinse-off and leave-on formulations. These ingredients are especially well designed for addressing the needs of curly hair. They can be sourced from CJP Chemicals, the Southern African agent and approved distributor of Seppic. Emosmart V21 and Xylishine can be used together or in combination with other emollients to achieve consumer-desirable hair care products.

manufacturers should also factor in additional market demands when producing hair care products. These include the trend towards clean beauty where consumers expect more environmentally friendly products with simpler formulations that avoid the use of harmful or toxic materials. The natural hair movement is another trend that’s popular in Africa and worldwide, where women are embracing their curls and natural hair texture. The challenge in this instance is to nourish and protect the hair from damage and stress caused by combing and styling. Through its vast R&D on hair care, Seppic has

Figure 4: Emosmart V21 wet combing performance vs market benchmarks dimethicone and mineral oil

developed two ingredients that target the needs of curly hair. Emosmart V21 is a biodegradable oil for shine, frizz control and combing, and Xylishine is a

It consists of a mixture of sugars from

sugar-based active ingredient for moisture, shine,

plant-based and marine origins. The marine

repair and curl definition.

sugars come from an alga known as the channelled wrack while the vegetable sugars


are sourced from wood and based on xylitol.

This environmentally friendly and easy-to-use

This combination targets the control of water

emollient has excellent biodegradability. Thanks

balance to increase hair shine. Seppic performed several tests to evaluate

to its efficiency in improving hair fibre appearance,

the efficacy of Xylishine on different hair

Emosmart V21 provides a solution to the demand for silicone oil alternatives in hair care products. It also has attractive sensory properties and hair

Figure 5: The deep moisturising properties of Xylishine in leave-on or rinse-off applications

types and in different applications. The active ingredient was first tested at 3% on damaged

care efficiency. As an inert fluid oil, Emosmart V21

and healthy hair tresses to measure its deep-

remains stable in extreme formulation conditions,

moisturisation ability. With a single leave-on

and is neither sensitive to oxidation nor pH change.

application, a 30% increase in the deep moisture reserves was achieved on damaged hair

To compare its performance to silicone oils, Seppic ran several tests using Emosmart V21.

(compared to healthy hair), and after 10 rinse-

Shine performance was evaluated with only 1% of

off applications an increase of 9% was observed

the oil in a classic rinse-off conditioner formulation.

on damaged hair (see Figure 5). In parallel,

The results showed a significant increase in hair

an additional test on tresses demonstrated

shine versus the untreated hair tress, after just

its repairing effect with 27% more smoothed

one application. The market reference, phenyl

cuticles after just one application.

trimethicone, was also tested (see Figures 1 and 2). Oils are also used in hair care treatments to prevent frizz or to control hair volume. To evaluate Emosmart V21 in the most extreme conditions,

Figure 6: Xylishine’s hair shine and curl definition benefits after one leave-on application, tested in vivo

leave-on formulation with 3% Xylishine on curly hair to evaluate shine and curl definition. Hair shine was improved by 7% in comparison to

a test was done on hair tresses exposed to 80% humidity for up to 24 hours. At 2% in a rinse-off

An in vivo test was then carried out using professional hairdressers. Seppic tested a

Professional hairdressers were used for

a placebo, whereas curl definition improved by 16% versus the placebo (see Figure 6).

formulation and after only one application, the oil

an in-use test conducted on 15 volunteers.

was more efficient than dimethicone on curly hair

Emosmart V21 at 2% demonstrated its ability

for frizz and volume control. Emosmart V21 also

to replace 2% silicone oil (dimethicone) in a

natural moisturising solution and enhances the

showed a 34% reduction of the frizz effect after 24

rinse-off formulation. The professionals

visual aspect of curly hair. •

hours (see Figure 3).

selected the product formulated with

Because combing is a key step in managing

Emosmart V21 as their favourite and one

African hair, the oil was then tested for wet

which they would prefer to use in their hair

combing performance in comparison to

salons. They also said that Emosmart V21

dimethicone and mineral oil. After one application

was as good as dimethicone in improving hair

of a rinse-off formulation with 2% Emosmart

appearance and touch.

These results prove that Xylishine offers a

References: •

Célia F. Cruz et al. Human hair and the impact of cosmetic procedures: a review on cleansing and shape-modulating cosmetics. Cosmetics. 2016,3,26.

Philip Kingsley, The hair bible, 2012

• report

V21, the required combing force decreased by approximately 90% – substantiating the claim


that Seppic’s oil is ‘a true alternative to market

The second ingredient, Xylishine, addresses

benchmarks’ (see Figure 4).

shine, moisture and damage repair concerns.

CJP Chemicals – Seppic –




Minimalist hair masks – an evolution in formulation development

As technology progresses, it has become more possible to simplify formulations. To create simple conditioning emulsions, it’s no longer necessary to stock an excessive amount of ingredients and you no longer require heat, which wastes energy and increases your carbon footprint. Jacques Strydom, technical manager of personal care and home care at AECI Specialty Chemicals, explores simplified solutions to create pre- and post-hair treatment products.


RE- AND POST-SHAMPOO treatments in hair care are becoming perpetually

How a cationic polymer works to deliver conditioning benefits

more important as we learn more about

how hair chemistry works and, in particular, about how the needs of one hair type differ from another. However, there is one thing that all hair types have in common – the need for manageability, which is often achieved through some form of conditioning. We are also learning more about the role of the scalp in hair health – which is seeing more and more skin care ingredients introduced in hair care formulations to maintain a healthy scalp microbiome. The type of products that fall within this sphere of treatments include conditioners, hair masks, scalp scrubs and hair oil elixirs. Most of these treatments, especially hair masks, are based on emulsion technology. not to mention the large number of raw

creating cold process hair masks in minutes,


materials required to bring the product

using polymeric inverse emulsions.

The classic way of making emulsions involves

to life. Luckily, advancements in emulsion

emulsifying waxes and significant heating,

technology have led to the possibility of



These inverse emulsifiers act as four-in-one ingredients, in the sense that they emulsify,


Table 1: Cold process hair mask formulation

Phase A











Dermol IPP / Lexol IPP MB

Isopropyl Palmitate


PE 91

Phenoxyethanol & Ethylhexylglycerine


AECI FlowCat 37

Polyquaternium-37 (and) Propylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate (and) Trideceth-6


Method: Add phase A ingredients in the correct order and mix after each addition. Under high stirring, add phase B and maintain agitation for 15 minutes

actives like polyquaternium-39 as per the example in Table 1. These ingredients may also be used to develop conditioners as well as semi-permanent hair colour creams. Polyquaterniums are very large molecules that periodically have negative charged sites along the molecule, inherently making them cationic conditioning polymers. Cationic charge is a trait that is shared among many hair care conditioning agents, due to the fact that the hair, especially damaged hair, has a negative charge, allowing the cationic polymers to stick to it, typically smoothing the shaft and making it easier to comb and manage.

thicken, emolliate and condition all in one. AECI

raw materials needed and in the carbon

FlowCat 37 is an example of a four-in-one type

footprint – it is easy to understand why

of ingredient. The benefits and versatility of this

these products are so appealing to hair

consumer is dictated by the length, shape and

ingredient are shown in the formulation in Table 1.

mask brands and manufacturers.

complexity of the polyquaternium molecule, of which many variations exist. At AECI

Formulations such as this one can be as simple as three to five ingredients in total (including water and a preservative). This type of technology makes particular

The level of condition required by the


Specialty Chemicals, we offer a wide range of

When examining the INCI name of the

polyquaternium 6, 7, 10, 11, 22, 37, 39 and 67. •

sense for hair masks, which are often sold

material, it is clear that it already contains

in small volume sachets. When you consider

polyquaternium-37 for conditioning. Yet the

the elimination of the heating step and the

level of conditioning can be tweaked even more

reduction in processing time, number of

by including high, medium or low conditioning

polyquaterniums, including but not limited to

AECI Specialty Chemicals – or




Curl Project brings

textured hair care needs mainstream

Clariant’s The Curl Project goes from root to tip, targeting textured and curly hair with the specific moisturisation and care it craves to looks its best, naturally. This new regimen of inspirational care formulations prioritises consumers’ needs for frizz control, manageability and repair, and they are proven to deliver.


YNNA PILI, SEGMENT marketing manager, personal care – Clariant North


America, comments: “Whether you have a head full of tight curls, loose

The Curl Project introduced by Clariant North America aims to take

waves, spirals, zig-zags, coils or a mix of textures, it’s often a challenge to

textured hair care to the next level and to fill the gaps in the category

access the very specific care that these different types of textured hair require.

by providing inspiration in the form of six market-relevant formulations.

Thankfully, times are changing, and brands are starting to bring these hair care

These formulations prioritise sustainability and efficacy potential and

needs mainstream.”

equip formulators with market data, claims studies and format ideas

She says there are only a few ingredients currently available that can really perform the demanding job of caring for textured hair. This makes it challenging for brands to create formulations that consumers will trust. “There’s room for innovation and, using the combined benefits of our personal

centred on a variety of natural active and functional ingredients. “Each nature-derived ingredient is expressly chosen for its proven, recognised performance, such as moisturising or strengthening, to overcome key challenges in this category. These include intrinsic low

care ingredients, we can help formulators develop products that resonate with

tensile strength, tendency for brittleness and the low water uptake of

consumers to love their locks and stay on trend,” she adds.

textured and curly hair,” explains Hima Sadavrati, claims substantiation specialist, personal care – Clariant North America. “As the trend grows for embracing the natural beauty of textured hair, repair and cleansing benefits come to the fore to detox, detangle or reduce damage from heat and other harsh treatments.”

PRODUCTS CRAFTED WITH CARE The Curl Project includes six innovative formulations that are creative in their inception. This is evident in the Curl Revival gently clarifying co-

Protect your formulations with cosmetic preservatives from ISCA UK, proudly distributed in South Africa by Chempack Industries.

Chempack Industries | Contact: Linda Thieme | 083 600 0167 / 064 610 2736 | Email: | Website:



wash, which is featured in Table 1. This and the other five formulations have been substantiated on study-critical hair tress curl types 3, 4 and 5 (i.e. standard and loose to S type, etc.). Key focus was given to tests that assessed the following claims: • Frizz control – Thanks to Clariant’s most nature-friendly moisturiser Genadvance Hydra, the quantitative and qualitative studies showed significantly less frizz while leaving hair moisturised. • Combability testing – The Genadvance Repair conditioning agent

A salon demo was performed on a mannequin using Clariant’s new Curl Revival gently clarifying co-wash


was used as part of one of the formulations to improve manageability, while Plantasens Olive Squalane delivered a soft and conditioned

Table 1: Curl Revival gently clarifying co-wash

Phase A

after-feel. This 100% olive-derived emollient offers a premium silky sensation.


Quantity w/w




• Curl definition – Featuring the innovative

3.00% without a build-up effect. •

Disodium EDTA

conditioning agent Genadvance Life, qualitative and quantitative studies demonstrated


Hydroxyethyl cellulose

reduced frizz and improved curl definition,



Bringing the specific needs of textured hair centre stage, Clariant’s North America personal care team hosted an inspirational webinar on 16 March, entitled The Curl Project: Real Talk about Textured Hair Care. The team of experts took a scientific look at this market segment and shared trends, consumer insights and formulation considerations for curly and textured hair. They also highlighted the importance of prioritising proven efficacy in order to substantiate claims and to focus on sustainability when selecting natural actives and functional ingredients. Clariant – The Curl Project –



Glucotain® Care

Cocoyl Methyl Glucoside


Genadvance® Repair



Genamin® BTMS

Behentrimonium Methosulfate


Cetearyl Alcohol



Plantasens® Olive LD

Hydrogenated Ethylhexyl Olivate (and) Hydrogenated Olive Oil Unsaponifiables


Nipaguard® SCE

Sorbitan Caprylate, Propanediol, Benzoic Acid



Malus Domestica Fruit Cell Culture Extract, Hydroxyacetophenone, Ethylhexylglycerin


Green Tea Mint Aromatic Extract


Lime Mint Aromatic Extract


Sodium Hydroxide/Citric Acid

q.s. pH to 5.5

Formulation guide

We've got a sense for Fragrance and Taste

And a o6th sense for what your customers want for both. We keep an eye on changes in customer expectations, while watching global markets in order to anticipate the upcoming fragrance and taste trends. With an extensive and ever growing fragrance and taste offering, we're the preferred partner for what your product should taste or smell like. 011 234 8399 EAST AFRICA: SOUTH AFRICA: &





Redefining the formulator’s creative palate with

revolutionary molecules The personal care emollient market is mature and defined by legacy technologies such as esters, petroleum-based hydrocarbons and silicones as core chemistries. Changing consumer behaviour and the regulatory landscape have forced some innovation, but very little directional change has occurred over the last 40 years. Stemming from a ground-breaking renewable emollient technology, Naatium OleamRenew emollients are a complete departure from legacy chemistries. These plant-based, naturallyderived emollients are aligned with consumer demands and perfectly balance form, function and experience.


HE PERSONAL CARE and beauty industry has seen a seismic shift towards clean beauty, where


sustainability, naturalness, simplicity and

Supporting socially-

transparency in formulation are key. An

responsible chemistry, Naatium

increasingly aware and informed consumer

Oleam-Renew emollients are

is challenging traditional formulating by

pure, non-polar molecules that

demanding ‘less-is-more’ beauty formulas,

are biodegradable, 100% bio-based

which do not compromise on results. Key

and score >0.995 on the ISO 16128

requirements include fewer ingredients as well

naturally derived Index.

as transparency in sourcing, with maximum

In collaboration with an international

benefits and optimal results. This puts

technology partner, Unichem has developed

formulators under pressure to continuously

a unique platform to leverage a ground-

redefine their products and innovate; whatever

breaking renewable base oil technology and

those chosen few ingredients are, they need to

integrate it into personal care applications. These

be the most effective in delivering the required

are ultra-high-purity natural emollients that

results, while delivering the sensorial efficacy

have been exclusively produced from sustainably

expected of their brand.

sourced plant-based feedstocks using an



• Fast abso • Excellen • Non grea • Light & d • Short pla • Soft & si • Cashmere, cushion feel • No oily residue • Good spreadablity • Deep moisturising for intense hydration • Long playtime

• Rich skin feel with nourishing effect • Luxurious texture • Easy spreadability • Long playtime


advanced technology platform. The result is a unique range of three premium high-performance emollients with luxurious aesthetics. NO-UV-R, NO-Baby-R and NO-Nourish-R are designed to offer excellent all-round moisturising, hydrating, conditioning and soothing benefits as well as a wide range of feel characteristics that transcend traditional functional and sensory properties. Developed with the global market in mind, Naatium Oleam-Renew drastically narrows down

Choose Naatium Oleam-Renew – because true sustainability shouldn’t cost the earth

the emollient offering to three simple products

platforms and resources. The NO-R molecules are pure, as well as oxidatively, hydrolytically and thermally stable. They offer a range of solubility, film forming, spreadability, and penetration benefits which cover the full functional map and sensorial spectrum (as referenced in Figure 1: The Naatium Oleam-Renew sensorial wheel). The range is uniquely positioned to provide a platform to develop high performance environmentally responsible formulations and has been developed in response to the performance,

that the formulator can play with. The collection

product compositions. Naatium Oleam-Renew is

differentiation, value and sustainability

covers a full range of viscosity grades, which

characterised by its multiple functionalities and

requirements of a global demographic.

will easily integrate into existing formulations,

the sensorial and efficacy properties commonly

allowing the formulator to select a specific

associated with top-tier products.

sensorial requirement based on the application. Formulators are also assured peace of mind in terms of the ease of use, repeatability and consistency in final

appeal and stay relevant while increasing


the natural or plant-based content in their

The simple, three-component portfolio provides

function or consumer experience. •

the formulator with completely customisable and unparalleled sensory profiles ideally suited for everyday hair, face and body products. In short, the options for innovative product development and cutting-edge marketing concepts are endless. NO-Baby-R and NO-Nourish-R redefine a formulator’s creative palate, empowering them to design products with maximum innovation, creativity and customisation in

orbing nt spreadability asy dry aytime ilky feel • Non greasy • Good/excellent spreadability • Medium playtime • Light & smooth finish • Silky afterfeel

What’s key with Naatium Oleam-Renew is simplicity – brands can now have universal

mind. They also cover the full spectrum of emollient needs, speaking to the increasing need for simplicity in a formulation, while delivering desired sensory profiles and transparency. Formulators can become true innovators, without adding complexity or cost to their innovation

formulations without compromising on form,



1. Enhance your hair care formulations with a high-performance emollient that is renewable and cost-effective. 2. Simplify your formulations with the easy-to-use formulation guide from Unichem. 3. Replace expensive esters without any loss of renewability and product performance. 4. With the unique penetration properties of Naatium Oleam-Renew, you can replace expensive carrier oils and enhance the performance of actives. 5. Disconnect your company from the crude oil supply chain, ensuring a reduced carbon foot print, raw material supply security and pricing stability.

• Delicate, smooth & velvety feel • Medium spreadability • Fast absorbing • No oily residue

CONTACT DETAILS Email: Tel: 011 202 0400 Web:




A healthy, even glow for

ethnic skin

Ethnic skin has its own concerns that often vary greatly from those of other skin types. Lipotec Active Ingredients, a Lubrizol Life Science company, developed Ebonitone biotech ingredient to meet the needs of ethnic skin. This biotechnology extract has been tested in vivo on South African volunteers. In this article, Alicia Gimenez, Elena Cañadas, Eulalia Gonzalez and Raquel Delgado share the impressive results.



common consequence of inflammation,

due to hyperpigmentation. Thanks to its comprehensive

hyperpigmentation is a common

such as that which occurs with acne, known

mechanism of action, based on the regulation of multiple

problem among consumers

as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

stages of the pigmentation process, Ebonitone biotech

with ethnic skin. Their melanin-rich skin

Finally, everyday life factors can alter skin

ingredient can even the skin tone with high efficacy, even in

is more susceptible to discoloration or the

pigmentation, including aggressors such

dark skin phototypes.

appearance of dark spots, resulting in an

as shaving and chafing, and even irritation

uneven colour or tone. Many of the products

from wearing a mask, now more commonly

these consumers see advertised or find

known as ‘maskne’.

on the shelves might not work for them, because their dark spots are much more

GENE EXPRESSION RELATED TO ALL PIGMENTATION STEPS The modulation of gene expression in human epidermal


melanocytes was determined using microarray analysis

Hyperpigmentation is the result of

Ebonitone biotech ingredient is an extract

ingredient. The ingredient modulated gene coding for

different overlapping causes, particularly

obtained by biotechnology from a marine

components of melanogenic signalling pathways (ENDRB and

sun exposure. Skin darkening is also a

microorganism to target uneven skin tone

FZD), melanosomal proteins (Pmel17 and melan-A), melanin-

pigmented and harder to improve.

after treatment with a concentrate of the Ebonitone biotech

synthesising enzymes (TYR, TRP-1 and TRP-2) and proteins involved in melanosome transfer (DKK1). The gene expression results suggest that, in all the key steps of the pigmentation process, the active would favour a reduction of the production and distribution of melanin in the skin.

MELANIN PRODUCTION Figure 1: Melanin levels. HDQ: hydroquinone; HR: 4-Hexylresorcinol; ARB: arbutin; BR: 4-Butylresorcinol; MAP: magnesium ascorbyl phosphate; KA: kojic acid; GA: glycyrrhizic acid ammonium salt. Statistical significance vs control: ****p<0.0001

Melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing melanin in the skin, were incubated with benchmark brighteners or with Ebonitone biotech ingredient concentrate. All the compounds at a concentration of 1µg/mℓ. Melanin was extracted from the cells and quantified. The results (displayed in Figure 1) show that with Ebonitone biotech ingredient, the cells contained 49.6% less melanin, which is an inhibition of melanogenesis comparable to that of standard agents, some of which are cytotoxic.

Figure 2: The active ingredient neutralised Wnt-1 induced hyperpigmentation

MELANOGENESIS RELATED TO DARK-SPOT FORMATION The ability of the active ingredient to prevent melanogenesis and hyperpigmentation was assessed in an epidermal model treated with Wnt-1, an activator of melanocytes involved in the development of age spots. A reconstructed human pigmented epidermis was incubated with Wnt-1 to induce hyperpigmentation and with

Figure 3: Results for the L* and the ITAº parameters. Statistical significance vs initial time: ***p<0.001; ****p<0.0001. Statistical significance vs placebo for L*: **p<0.01 (28 and 56 days); for ITAº: **p<0.01 (28 days); ***p<0.001 (56 days)



Ebonitone biotech ingredient concentrate. Thereafter, melanin was detected and quantified using a Fontana-Masson stain and an optical microscope (see Figure 2). The active ingredient decreased pigmentation related to age spots by 52.1%.



completed by the volunteers at the

A clinical test was performed on a

end of the study confirmed their

group of 24 African female volunteers

perception of a more luminous and

with skin phototypes V-VI and aged

healthy skin glow. These percentages

between 35 and 50 years old, who

were confirmed by volunteers for the

presented with a dull and uneven

following statements:

complexion. The volunteers applied

• 92% agreed it helps to lighten up

a cream containing 2% Ebonitone biotech ingredient to half of their face and a placebo cream to the other half, twice a day for 56 days.

A self-assessment questionnaire 0 Days

28 Days

56 Days

0 Days

28 Days

56 Days

the skin tone • 80% said it improves skin luminosity • 88% confirmed their skin tone

Colorimetric measurements

appears more even.

of the skin were taken on the cheek using a spectrophotometer.


The luminance (L*) and individual

Melanin is synthesised by

typology angle (ITAº) parameters

melanocytes and distributed

were determined. After 28 and

through the epidermis in a multi-

56 days of treatment, there

step process. By targeting each of

were significant increases in

the steps in this process, Ebonitone

skin luminance and in the ITAº,

biotech ingredient can effectively

which indicates a lower degree of

reduce the accumulation of melanin.

pigmentation (as seen in Figure

Daily application of the ingredient in

3). Digital photographs of the

a cream can help provide a glowing

volunteers show improvement in

complexion and homogenise the

available throughout Southern Africa from

the skin complexion after treatment

skin tone to achieve a natural

Savannah Fine Chemicals. •

with the active cream (see Figure 4).

ebony beauty.

© 2021 The Lubrizol Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

lowest L*

highest L*

Figure 4: Macroscopic photographs of one volunteer and a luminosity map of another volunteer

Ebonitone biotech ingredient is

Lubrizol Life Science – Savannah Fine Chemicals –

An even natural glow for ebony beauty

Multi-level approach to melanin production

Increased skin luminosity after 28 days of application in ethnic skin

The skin appeared more even

© 2021 The Lubrizol Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Sin título-1 1

12/02/2021 15:35:30




Ingredient Finder

online platform gets an upgrade

Symrise has completely revamped its online platform for fragrance and flavour raw materials. The Ingredient Finder provides all the essential information about the company’s aroma molecules in the fragrance, flavour and pharmaceutical categories.



highly-pure synthetic cannabinoids as well as

fragrance, flavour, natural nutrition and

menthols for medicinal applications.

cosmetic ingredients is presenting its

aroma molecules in a new guise. On the Ingredient Finder online platform, it provides detailed


information about its product portfolio and makes

Design and functionality go hand in hand on the

available all the important data on its fragrances,

Ingredient Finder. Attractive imagery and many

flavours and pharmaceutical raw materials.

filter options invite users to search for desired

The modernised online platform scores high

raw materials. For example, users can search by

with its clear design, which Symrise is now also

product name, chemical name, CAS number or

using for printed compendiums and data sheets.

FEMA number. If users are searching without that

Thanks to the clear structure, users can easily find

information, they can find the right product by

aroma molecules. The database is intuitive to use,

other means.

with filter functions that help users find what they

In the fragrance section, users can filter

need, quickly. The use of symbols allows users to

the portfolio by scents, such as floral or citrus.

identify particularly renewable or high-impact raw

Alternatively, users can also search for suitable

fragrance materials at a glance.

applications such as soap, shampoo or lotion. Likewise, they can look for substances made from

PHARMA PRODUCTS INCORPORATED “Technological progress provides companies

renewable raw materials or high-impact substances. In the flavours section, users can search for

with great opportunities. This also applies to

application areas such as vanilla, tropical fruits or

the presentation of our own raw materials on

meat notes. They can also filter by origin, such as

our website,” says Dr Marcus Eh, director global

natural or synthetic.

marketing aroma molecules at Symrise. “With

“More and more consumers are looking for

the Ingredient Finder, we offer relevant and

sustainable products,” says Antonia Lauter,

comprehensive information about our aroma

marketing manager at Symrise. “As a result,

molecules on a modern digital platform and

manufacturers are increasingly asking for

thereby make them more visible.”

ingredients from natural and renewable sources.

For the first time, the Ingredient Finder

With the new Ingredient Finder, they can use the

provides information on raw materials for

filter options to quickly find the aroma molecules

pharmaceutical products. These include

they want.” •


Symrise has expanded its broad range of communication channels with a blog featuring articles about the fascinating worlds of scent, taste, care and nutrition. The blog, Always inspiring more, takes readers on an inspiring and entertaining journey where they can learn about how Symrise’s products contribute to the well-being and health of people and pets, with a central view on environmental and social responsibility.

Where does the lavender in my perfume come from? What is the nourishing ingredient in my lotion? What can I do to improve the well-being of my pet? What will we be eating and drinking in the next year? What will tomorrow’s beauty tips look like? Who ensures the quality of products? What role does sustainability play in this context? People are asking these kinds of questions every day and the Symrise blog now provides the answers. Visit to access the stories on the blog. Ingredient Finder – Symrise –

Design and functionality go hand in hand on the Ingredient Finder




Fette Compacting supports By-Health to achieve

efficient production By-Health, a manufacturer of dietary supplements based in China, has completely revolutionised the way it produces Keylid glucosamine tablets with the installation of several tablet compacting machines from Fette Compacting. The technology fully supports By-Health’s initial move to transparent manufacturing and its subsequent transformation to intelligent production.


OUNDED IN OCTOBER 1995, By-Health is a publicly listed company in China that specialises in the research and production

of health supplements. After 20 years of development, it has become one of the most benchmarked enterprises in the Chinese dietary supplement industry. In 2012, By-Health commissioned the third phase of its factory, which boasts a total annual production capacity of up to 5bn tablets, 3mn soft capsules, 500mn hard capsules, 250mn bags and 15mn cans of powder vitamin and dietary supplements respectively. The factory is certainly one of Asia’s leading dietary supplement manufacturing bases in terms of hardware. By-Health also developed the site as the first intelligent ‘transparent factory’ within China’s dietary supplement industry. A transparent factory is one where production is open or visible to the public through the use of transparent

In the past, By-Health operated different

Fette Compacting’s P3030 Facelift tablet press in operation at By-Health’s compacting department

workshop walls, which means people can see

tablet presses from domestic Chinese and foreign

By-Health’s production process and advanced

brands, yet with its production expansion, many

production equipment. This concept officially

problems occurred. These included:

compression room, affecting the placement

became an AAAA-grade industries tourist

• Reduced efficiency affected by machine quality

of other process equipment. In addition,

attraction in China in 2018. Additionally, an online

– The failure rate of the original imported tablet

the aesthetics of the machine, particularly

and real time site visit is possible via the internet

press was high. An engineer from the supplier

the outer surface, was very rough and not

and enabled by webcams.

was frequently required to conduct on-site

suitable for public display, according to the

maintenance, and eventually the machine was

manufacturer’s perspective. • High powder leakage and very low yield – The


sent back to the supplier’s factory for repairs. By-Health criticised the slow response of

raw material powder of Keylid is yellow in

In 2012, the Keylid glucosamine chondroitin

the foreign machine supplier and its lack of

colour. When operating with the domestic

sulphate calcium supplement was introduced

sufficient stock of spare parts, which caused

tablet press, the filling parts, turret surface

to market. This dietary supplement is intended

a delay in its planned manufacturing schedule.

and discharge chute all became covered with

to support the bone joint health of middle-aged

It took several months for the supplier to send

a large amount of the yellow powder. The

people and geriatrics. At present, the annual

the tablet press back to the producer’s factory

sales of Keylid are more than 1bn Chinese Yuan

for repairing. By-Health, which has a great

Renminbi ($15bn). Its year-on-year growth was

demand for higher output, simply

to produce bad tablets became high on the

nearly 200% in 2018.

couldn’t accept this.

domestic press. This equipment had problems

Keylid contains calcium carbonate, which

• Domestic tablet press becomes rudimentary

product yield was also very low. • Unstable tablet quality – The probability

with the spindle eccentricity tolerances and

requires high compression forces during the

– The output of the press from the Chinese

great pressure measurement deviation.

tablet compression process. Consequently, high

supplier was 200 000 to 300 000 tablets per

Ultimately, the rate of bad tablets became

performing tablet compacting machines are the

hour. Its footprint was 1 700mm × 2 000mm

most important production equipment in the

× 2 100mm with a weight of 8 000kg, which

These problems forced By-Health to look for a

manufacturing process chain of this product.

occupied too much space in By-Health’s

suitable alternative tablet press that could fulfil



unacceptably high.


The star product: By-Health’s Keylid glucosamine chondroitin sulphate and calcium dietary supplement

the tough production requirements of Keylid glucosamine chondroitin sulphate calcium tablets. These include lengthy operations (24 hours, seven days a week) under high compression force, with a high yield and good tablet quality. After careful and thorough investigation, in 2009 By-Health purchased its first P2020 from Fette Compacting. Since then, the P2020 from Fette Compacting has fully proven its reliability during the demanding tabletting production process with good quality tablets and high output. Additionally, Fette Compacting has a professional, efficient and competent service team that has won the highest recognition of By-Health’s team and management.

FAR-REACHING POSITIVE FEEDBACK The By-Health team shared this extensive feedback with Fette Compacting on the P2020 tablet press and its after sales service and technical support: • “Fett Compacting’s tablet presses accumulate 100 years of technology development and experience, resulting in a high-quality and reliable machine with regard to the design and manufacturing process. The maintenance of the machine is easier, so the pressure on maintenance staff is much less than with other machines. Meanwhile, Fette Compacting’s service team responds quickly to requests and cooperates proactively with

Since purchasing its first tablet press in 2009, By-Health went on to purchase 11 tablet compacting machines from Fette Compacting

its customers. If problems

China, including P3030 double-sided presses and

occur, the team reaches

a 102i lab machine imported from Germany. This

our site within 48 hours to

provided full substantiation of the recognition and

solve them and guarantees

trust of the customer in the machine supplier.

to keep our production

The strategic cooperative partner award presented to Fette Compacting for its role in assisting By-Health to transform to an intelligent factory


In recent years, By-Health’s production rate

running throughout.”

has grown continuously at a rate of 30% to 40%

• “The design of the P2020

per year. In response to the increasing demand for

tablet press is exquisite from By-Health’s

production, the manufacturer decided to upgrade

perspective. It keeps output stable at 360 000

its transparent factory by transforming it into

tablets per hour. The footprint of the press is

an intelligent factory, setting the benchmark for

only 1 370mm × 1 620mm × 2 073mm, while

intelligent manufacturing in the industry.

its weight is an acceptable 4 800kg. It is easy

In 2016, By-Health selected Fette Compacting

to operate and leaves sufficient space within

China as its strategic cooperative partner for

our compression room. Our plant is visited by

its upgrades and intelligent factory project.

tourists from all over the world as a key link

Thereafter, the phase IV intelligent factory started

in the transparent factory travelling project.

production in 2019.

Thanks to its high-end German industrial

For this new advanced plant, By-Health

design, visitors enjoy the simple and

selected Fette Compacting’s newest version of

elegant appearance of Fette Compacting’s

the P3030 tablet press as its main production

tablet press.”

machine, accompanied by a Weightmaster 6.2

• “The original design and control software

with weight loop control function. The compacting

of the P2020 and P3030 tablet presses are

machines, linked to the peripheral equipment, are

developed by Fette Compacting Germany

able to realise precise monitoring of tablet weight

and the crucial core components (such as the

and automatic feedback, with automated closed

turret, press roller, encoder, motor, etc.) are

control loop. As a result, the Fette Compacting

also imported from Germany. As a result, the

China solutions have become an integral part of

mechanical parts are precise in terms of their

the intelligent tablet production of By-Health.

dimensions. A cost-saving design has also

Fette Compacting’s new generation of P series

been considered while hardware and software

tablet presses with smartly linked peripheral

control are accurate. There is no obvious

equipment provide a crucial contribution to the

leakage of yellow powder when operating

operation of By-Health’s intelligent continuous

Fette Compacting’s P Series tablet presses

production line.

and the yield is over 99%.” • “The Fette Compacting P Series tablet

These tablet presses and ancillary solutions are available in Southern Africa from Reitech SA,

compacting machines work well for the

the approved agent and reseller of machinery and

application, even over the long term and with

equipment from Fette Compacting. •

high compression forces, thanks to their excellent mechanical design and quality. The product scrap rate is very low, which has resulted in an immense reduction in production costs.”

By-Health – Fette Compacting – Reitech SA –

Did you know? With transparent manufacturing, By-Health allows the public to observe everything within its production plant – from raw materials in the warehouse to the finished products at the end of the line, as well as the entire series of laboratory tests. Its globally sourced raw materials are also fully traceable and the production process is entirely visible, giving consumers complete confidence in the quality of its products. Members of the public viewing By-Health’s transparent factory P&C AFRICA // QUARTER 1 2021



Choose the best capsule type for your dietary supplement

In the recent past, consumers have started to evaluate their health and wellness-related consumption. The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed them even further to re-look their related consumption propensity of capsules. As a result, vegetarian capsules have become very popular in the global dietary supplement market. Marsing & Co Africa, a representative, importer and distributor of ingredients and packaging for the pharmaceutical industry, is pleased to bring the African consumer HPMC vegecaps from Shandong Healsee, guaranteeing consistent quality and uninterrupted supply of these capsules. By Abby Vorster



derivative approved by the FDA worldwide

manufacturers continue to see an

while pullulan is produced from starch using

ongoing shift in consumers’ habits when

fungus. The cost of pullulan capsules is

selecting natural over conventional products.

almost triple that of HPMC capsules,

The market is definitely trending towards the

which is a key reason why so many

use of vegetarian capsules versus the traditional

manufacturers now opt for HPMC for

gelatine-based products of the past. This is

their pharma and nutraceutical products

because the vegecaps meet the needs of a far

to be packed in capsules.

more diverse group of consumers who prefer to avoid animal-derived products.

HPMC capsules are suitable for vegans and vegetarians as well as

The common vegetarian capsules are

consumers who avoid bovine or porcine

either hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC)

derived products for religious or cultural

or pullulan capsules. HPMC is sourced from

reasons. These capsules have also proven to

cellulose. It is used in eye drops and as an

be more stable and have a higher tolerance to

excipient and controlled-delivery component in

heat and humidity. They can be formulated to

oral medicaments. HPMC is a vegetable cellulose

either dissolve faster or slower in the stomach. Compared to gelatine capsules, HPMC capsules have lower moisture content, making them suitable for medicinal preparations that easily absorb moisture and/or react with moisture content. HPMC is also free of amino acids, so there is no risk of a cross-linking reaction.

UNRIVALLED QUALITY AND SUPPLY Shandong Healsee (Healsee), a subsidiary of the Shandong Head – one of Asia’s largest producers of HPMC for the food and pharmaceutical industries – specialises in producing HPMC vegetarian capsules. What sets the company apart from other suppliers is that it is vertically integrated, handling everything in house, from manufacturing (HPMC) to producing the finished product (HPMC capsules). In terms of its production capability, Healsee is the biggest manufacturer in China and the fifth largest in the world. It is home to 38 automatic production lines with another eight new lines

One of the automatic PTS production lines installed at Healsee




coming online in the third quarter of 2021. It has a yearly output of 20bn capsules covering all sizes, from 000, 00 and 00 EL to 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. The company also offers a printing service for those manufacturers looking for a solution which differentiates their brand. Built in 2014, Healsee has grown to be one of the biggest players in the industry because it produces excellent quality capsules at a competitive price. This is made possible through a combination of the raw materials advantage and its advanced production techniques. As a vertically integrated producer of HPMC capsules in the world, Healsee can meet the demands of any producer of pharma or nutraceutical products, be it a specific colour or

vitamins and minerals used in the fortification of

Gauteng, South Africa, operates a temperature

size, as the company carries a large variety of

staple foods, such as sugar, maize and wheat.

controlled, pharmaceutically accredited green

solutions. Healsee also guarantees capsules of

The company comprises dynamic sales

warehouse and distribution facility which is

a consistently high quality, ensuring the best

coordinators that look after the South and

completely off the grid. Marsing’s regulatory

performance on capsule filling machines.

Southern African markets. The coordinators

department ensures pharmaceutical industry

are supported by efficient administrative staff

standards are followed, while its repacking


who are geared towards the fulfilment of

warehouse is geared to meet customers’ needs

Marsing & Co Africa has been successfully

customers’ requirements.

for smaller pack sizes and to offer customers an

supplying the African pharmaceutical,

Marsing & Co Africa primarily supplies bulk

nutraceutical, cosmetics, healthcare and animal

raw ingredients along with various specialised

feed industries since it was incorporated in 1994.

printed and unprinted pharmaceutical packaging

Its product portfolio also includes specialised

products. The company, which is based in

all-encompassing basket of quality goods. • Marsing & Co Africa – Shandong Healsee –




Produce great-tasting vitamin D supplements with galenIQ™ Beneo’s sweet filler-binder, galenIQ is said to be an excipient of choice for producing vitamin D supplements in tablet form. Available throughout Southern Africa from Savannah Fine Chemicals, it enhances the taste and formulation properties of vitamin D.


FEW MINUTES of daily midday exposure to UVB rays is recommended by scientific experts to build up vitamin D in the human body. However, our vitamin D levels can be depleted for numerous reasons. As a result, consumer demand is increasing for dietary supplements

In all of these cases, vitamin D supplements, often taken in combination with calcium compounds, can be helpful. Calcium is a mineral needed by the body to maintain bone health and to prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin D supports the uptake of calcium in the body. For this

that prevent vitamin D deficiencies. Vitamin D plays an important role in the body, particularly in terms of helping to maintain normal muscle function, keeping our bones healthy and supporting the intestinal absorption of calcium to strengthen the immune system. Also known as the sunshine vitamin, it is able to activate the innate and inhibit the adaptive immune systems with antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. A deficiency in vitamin D has a negative impact on bone density, especially in children and the elderly, and may increase the risk or severity of viral infections. Decreased levels of the vitamin can also contribute to risks of heart disease, diabetes and depression. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has defined an adequate intake of 15µg of vitamin D per day for healthy individuals over the age of one. However, for many people, such as the elderly and those who follow a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, it can be difficult to achieve an adequate dietary intake. And, although vitamin D can be synthesised in the body through sun exposure, sufficient production is not always guaranteed, especially during the winter months.

reason, there are a great number of nutritional supplements on the market containing both calcium and vitamin D. These supplements usually contain a high dose of calcium and a low dose of vitamin D.

Did you know? Research has shown that vitamin D may play an important role in regulating mood and warding off depression. In one study, scientists found that people with mood disorders who took vitamin D supplements noticed an improvement in their symptoms. Source:



STRONG MARKET POTENTIAL With consumers increasingly reflecting on their health and lifestyles, especially in recent times, the nutraceuticals industry has experienced a surge in demand for health supplements. A survey by the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) found that vitamins and minerals continue to be the most frequently mentioned supplement category, with nearly all supplement users reporting their usage in the past year (98%). Owing to its sweet taste and excellent technical properties, galenIQ is an excipient of choice for manufacturers of vitamin D tablets and chewables, who are looking to make the most of this wellness trend. GalenIQ is known for its outstanding taste properties that make medicine taste great. It is manufactured under cGMP conditions according to the IPEC-PQG requirements for pharmaceutical excipients and complies with the current Ph. Eur., BP, USP-NF and JP monographs for isomalt. TECHNICAL FUNCTIONS AND BENEFITS When developing direct compression vitamin D and calcium tablets, it is important that the bulk filler-binder excipient in the formulation fulfils certain functions, such as providing excellent flowability, low hygroscopicity, physical stability during mixing, chemical

Vitamins are among the most frequently used supplements, according to CRN survey results

inertness and high content uniformity. GalenIQ 721 fulfils all of these requirements while being non-animal derived, sugar-free, tooth-friendly, suitable for diabetics. In fact, the agglomerate morphology of galenIQ 721 ensures that both the high dosage calcium source and low dosage vitamin D are evenly distributed within the powder mixture. It also ensures that there is a high content of uniformity of both the calcium and vitamin D in the finished dosage form. GalenIQ is the pharmaceutical excipient grade of isomalt, Beneo’s disaccharide alcohol derived from beet sugar. The galenIQ range is available in a wide array of particle size distributions, morphologies and levels of solubility. There are specific grades for direct compression, wet granulation, roller compaction, hot melt extrusion, syrups and pan-coating. This makes it a highly-versatile excipient for oral solid and liquid dosage forms. • For more information on Beneo and its ingredients, visit: and, or follow Beneo on Twitter: @_BENEO and LinkedIn: Beneo – Savannah Fine Chemicals –

Contract manufacturers for the pharmaceutical and complementary medicines markets Hersol Manufacturing Laboratories has been Hersol Manufacturing Laboratories operating for 40 years, and is a key player in the is a registered company specializing complementary medicine manufacturing arena in in manufacturing and packing of South Africa.

complementary medicines for third party

Hersol manufactures widelocal rangeSouth of products in companies withina the African various dosage forms: including tablets – single and market. Founded in 1980, Hersol adheres double layer, coated and uncoated (sugar and film to a Quality Management System which coating), effervescent tablets, capsules, powders, embraces current Good Manufacturing topical preparations such as; creams, gels, ointments Practices in accordance Medicines and lotions, syrups and liquids. with Hersol prides itself onControl quality assured products, which have Council requirements. undergone various compliance checkpoints. Hersol has a highly qualified team who are constantly growing through Hersol’s extensive facility features a fully training and education.

equipped Laboratory to ensure quality

Automatic Encapsulation Machine

The new 5 cubicle dispensary and sampling facilities

In of addition to the manufacturing of complementary raw materials and finished products. pharmaceutical products, Hersol alsofacilities offers Contract It has modern manufacturing Packing. Hersol has a packing department consisting for blending, granulating, compressing & of 13 packing lines employing over 100 people. coating tablets as well as encapsulating Hersol’s packing services extend to the following: Hersol has state of the • capabilities. Containers • art Bottles on-site packing facilities, including • Unit Cartons a recently introduced blister packing • Shrink Wrapping • machine. Blistering In addition, Hersol has facilities manufacture • to Combo Packing and pack syrups, creams,

gels and ointments.

Pack sizes include 30s, 60s,120s,180s and even 200s.

Leadership at Hersol is upheld by a highly

HPLC Testing

Handling of Raw Materials when weighing and dispensing is handled in accordance with Medicines Control Council guidelines

Hersol is proud to note that it has a fully accredited competent Team with Laboratory, splitManagement between Wet chemistry, an vast instrument room withsubject HPLC’s, matter AA, GC and pharmaceutical knowledge Dissolution and DT baths, as well as a comprehensive and experience in staff motivation so as to Microbiological laboratory. All equipment is calibrated achieve a superior product. and checked on a regular basis as per the regulations, and the staff undergo rigorous regular updates and Hersol registered with: accurate and training for is competency, to ensure consistent results are obtained. t South African Medicines Control Council

t South African Pharmaceutical Council

40 years of excellence

Hersol is registered with: t South African Department of Health • South African Health Products Regulatory Authority Health Product Association – HPA •t South African Pharmaceutical Council •t South African Department Health Cosmetics, Toiletriesofand Fragrances • Health Product Association – HPA Association • Cosmetics, Toiletries and Fragrances Association t FDA Food Facility • FDA Food Facility

Hersol Manufacturing Laboratories (Pty) Ltd tel: +27 11 614 6631/2

fax: +27 11 614 4615




A 40 year journey to building a South African legacy

Over the past four decades, Hersol Manufacturing Laboratories has grown from a one-man business to a leading South African manufacturer that employs approximately 500 people. The company celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2020. By Abby Vorster



always holding quality and service as our main

LABORATORIES (Hersol) has the ability

ingredients to success.”

to supply most types of products within

The new building has given Hersol the room it needed to expand existing operations while

As a result of this growth, Hersol has

increasing its capabilities in the research and

the complementary medicines (CAMs) and health

increased its production capacity in line with

development, production and packing of CAMs

supplements space. Based in Johannesburg,

customer demand. The company’s expansion

and health supplements.

South Africa, the company manufactures a wide

incorporated installing new high-tech equipment,

variety of dosage forms. These include single- and

establishing a fully equipped laboratory and most


double-layer tablets, coated and uncoated (sugar

recently, the purchase of buildings adjacent to

Hersol’s team is its biggest asset. While the

and film coating) tablets, time-release dosage

Hersol’s original site. It now owns two blocks

senior management has over 50 years’ combined

forms, effervescent tablets, capsules, powders,

within the Jeppestown suburb, which it has

experience in tabletting and R&D processes,

gels, ointments and lotions, syrups and liquids. All

transformed into world-class manufacturing and

every employee is highly skilled and valued for

products produced by Hersol are manufactured

warehousing sites using high-level construction.

their contribution to the company.

according to pharmaceutical standards and legislation as prescribed by the relevant governing authorities. These include the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority, SA Pharmacy Council and the FDA. In the early days, the company operated from a modest IT network consisting of four computers. Today, its operations are reliant on a robust 80-workstation network, with integrated software running all aspects of the business.

A ONE-STOP SHOP Growth and expansion have been key goals for Hersol, which the company has steadily achieved. In 40 years, the business has gone from producing products for a handful of customers to large-scale third-party manufacturing for multinational customers, export markets including those in Africa, and leading retail pharmacies. “We are a one-stop shop,” comments Hersol’s management team, “from NPD to market, and we do all pharmaceutical dosage forms (except steriles), in almost all types of available pharmaceutical packaging. Natural medicines also form part of our product range. We have become multifaceted in servicing our customers,

Hersol’s new high-speed, fully -automated encapsulation machine




Management comments: “We have harnessed our knowledge to provide brand owners with the best in the design and development of complementary medicines and health supplements. This experience is not only highly beneficial to our customers, but also enables us to react quickly to new trends and developments in the market.” The company’s comprehensive quality system matches its production capabilities, enabling Hersol’s agility and flexibility to supply all customers, from small to large entities. “We pride ourselves on consistent good quality,

We have become multi-faceted in servicing our customers, always holding quality and service as our main ingredients to success

The new packaging store and warehouse

competitive pricing, excellent service and on-time delivery. Our R&D department is an important


contributor of new ideas and concepts that add

and progress from Hersol as the company looks

With many businesses and the economy having

value. Our raw material suppliers ensure that the

forward to sustainable upward growth.

been negatively affected by COVID-19, Hersol has

very latest and highest-quality ingredients are

been fortunate enough to keep up with customer

available for incorporation into prototype and

culture to be on the lookout for new products and

demand, protect its staff and keep supply chains

full-batch formulations – we use the most reliable

manufacturing technology while improving the

open during the pandemic.

education and skills base of its staff. Even in these

raw material suppliers. Over the years we have

Hersol cannot sit still – it is in the company’s

“This was a big victory in our 40 th year.

developed products and dosage forms that have

difficult times the company has invested in the

COVID-19 has been an incomparable challenge

been exceptionally successful in the market.”

future of the business with expansion plans and

and we have succeeded in getting through it thus

by taking on new business.

Did you know? Hersol Manufacturing Laboratories was established in 1980 by Laurence Solomons and Sam Hertzakowitz – who not only combined their expertise, but also the ‘her’ of Hertzakowitz and ‘sol’ of Solomons to create Hersol.

far,” management comments. Hersol has also diversified into packing CBD

The company’s senior leadership team extends a heartfelt thanks to its staff, suppliers,

products for a select few customers and into

customers and the industry as a whole for

developing dosage forms for CBD products.

the unwavering support over the past four

“We’re also looking at becoming a prime packer of imported bulk product, as part of our expansion

decades – here’s to another 40 years at Hersol Manufacturing Laboratories! •

in this new area of the industry.” Some 40 years from now, the industry can still expect to see interesting developments

Hersol Manufacturing Laboratories –




New Omron solution brings

innovation to manufacturing Omron has launched the world’s first robotic integrated controller.1 The new NJ501-R is based on the company’s industry leading NJ series of machine controllers for industrial automation.


ANY INDUSTRIES ARE facing labour


shortage issues and, due to new

By integrating the PLC, motion and robot control

global health concerns, the world is

in a single controller, complex manual work,

experiencing a major turning point with how

which could only be conducted by humans, can

society conducts business. As a result, the

now be completed by robots. The programming language for the PLC

demand for more advanced automation with robots has increased, along with a growing

and robot is unified in the generic IEC language,

demand for digitalisation.

which gives engineers who typically manage PLCs the ability to also manage robots.

Traditionally, automation equipment for

With Omron’s simulation technology,

production facilities has been controlled by several factors that create a major challenge

you can verify equipment performance

to setup and coordinate the speed and timing

at the early stage of equipment design,

between various devices. It is very difficult to

allowing mechanical designers and electrical

verify a process design in advance with a high

designers to work in parallel. As a result,

level of accuracy prior to the construction of

equipment commissioning can be completed

a machine or larger production line. After the

in a shorter time frame, higher production

equipment is commissioned, adjustments need to

capacity can be achieved, and mistakes and

be made onsite and backtracking and specification

setbacks during equipment commissioning

changes are common, resulting in a huge number

can be avoided.

of man-hours. As a manufacturer of motion sensors,

performance and achieving the world’s highest level of throughput.²

robotics and safety equipment for fully

Omron has also unified the programming

automated production lines, Omron has

languages for robot and machine control, making

now addressed these issues by seamlessly

it easy to simulate a production line with single

integrating the control equipment.

programming software. The system visualises the process, reducing man-hours for process


design and operational verification by up to

The robotic integrated controller automates

50%.³ Furthermore, all of this can be conducted

inserting and assembling processes that require

remotely. Through Sysmac Studio’s user interface,

delicate and skilful processing. The robots and

users can design, programme, troubleshoot,

equipment are controlled and fully synchronised in

operate and maintain future automation systems

real-time by a single controller, improving device

remotely from anywhere in the world.

To run the simulation, the user can use the emulation function in Sysmac Studio. The system does not require a connection to the actual machine for operation verification. Also, the production capacity of the robot equipment can be monitored digitally. • Reference:s 1. November 2019, according to the Omron research 2. November 2019, according to the Omron research 3. July 2020, according to the Omron research

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09-06-20 10:22

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You are the unsung heroes!

Our #PurplePeople salute you!


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FOOD Manufacturing Africa Journal for food and beverage manufacturers

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