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Expert speakers to present at CTFA industry summit
Organised by the Cosmetic, Toiletry & Fragrance Association on behalf of the South African cosmetics industry, the inaugural summit involves a partnership with the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa (IDC). It has also received support from Department of Trade and Industry (dti) and the greater cosmetics industry. The summit will take place at the IDC Conference Centre in Sandton in Joburg, South Africa, where presenters and panel discussions will deliberate ways to stimulate harmonisation and ease trade within the African continent.
After an official welcome from the chairperson of the CTFA, the summit will kick off with a keynote presentation entitled ‘Spotlight on Africa Trade Risk’. This will be followed by a statistical overview by a research analyst at Euromonitor International, of the beauty and personal care sectors on the African continent.
The keynote speaker confirmed for day two of the seminar is Dr Gerald Renner, director of technical regulatory affairs at Cosmetics Europe in Belgium. Dr Renner will share a regulatory overview, trends analysis and discussion on the synergies between Europe, America, China and Asia.
A large portion of the programme is centred on panel discussions, featuring industry experts from Africa and abroad.
On day one of the summit, one of the panel discussions will focus on barriers to trade in Africa. Members of the panel include:
• Xoliswa Jafta, IDC’s senior economist: economic research and information department, speaking on barriers to trade from an economic perspective
• Charles Azuka, head of global product stewardship, P&G sub-Saharan Africa: regulatory, human safety, clinical, market entry and expansion, speaking on barriers to trade from a business perspective
• Brian Mureverwi, trade advisor, dti African Union, speaking on barriers to trade from a trade and legislative perspective.
On day two of the summit, one of the panel discussions will focus on possible convergence solutions in terms of harmonisation and breaking barriers in Africa, facilitated by Ian Patterson, CEO, strategist and strategic change facilitator, SMC Group.
The speakers featured in this panel discussion include:
• Richard Sadiki, SABS international relations specialist (SADCSTAN and ARSO), speaking on harmonisation through standards for optimal trade
• Dr Renner, speaking about the practicalities of globally harmonised regulations/standards
• a representative from the AfCFTA Committee discussing the future role of AfCFTA in the African Convergence
• a representative from the South African National Department of Health, discussing South Africa in the African convergence.