Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Review March 2021

Page 37


Capture the desert chill vibe to fight ‘anxi-aging’

Stress and anxiety have been exacerbated due to the global pandemic. ‘Covid face’ has become a big concern for consumers worldwide with anxiety accelerating the visible signs of ageing. To counter this, IFF-Lucas Meyer Cosmetics presents IBR-Chill, a technology that captures and transfers the desert chill vibe to bring meditation benefits and fight anxi-aging.


nxiety and stress activate the skin’s immune cells, initiating a local stress response and a vicious cycle of stress-induced inflammatory events. Inflammation accelerates the skin’s cellular ageing, resulting in ‘anxi-aging’. According to Shlomi Krispin, production line manager at IFF-Lucas Meyer Cosmetics, ‘anxi-aging’ is the combination of stress and anxiety which makes us age faster.


With IBR-Chill, IFF-Lucas Meyer Cosmetics has developed a technology with a unique mode of action which captures and transfers the desert chill vibe to bring meditation benefits and fight Anxi-Aging. This new ingredient blocks the stress receptor CRH-R1 and biomimics the effects of meditation. It does this by preventing NFkB activation and related proinflammatory cytokine production to deliver a novel cosmetic strategy to fight skin ‘anxi-aging’. Available in South Africa from Orkila, IBRChill is a perfect active ingredient to improve the appearance of skin affected by stress and anxiety for more healthy and youthfullooking skin. Tested on a psychologically stressed population, 1% IBR-Chill in a formulation reduced the appearance of wrinkles and

A CLEAN BEAUTY INGREDIENT • localised sourcing alongside the production site • complete traceability to the field • long-term corporation agreements with the growers • 98.8% natural origin content in accordance with the ISO 16128 standard • vegan compatible • preservative free

improved skin elasticity and firmness. It also reduced skin microcirculation, skin redness and the appearance of red spots while improving skin’s resilience to fight heat and chemical stress induced inflammation (see Figure 1).


Based on renewable biomass, IBR-Chill is a sustainable extract of the pink rock rose, grown organically in the Israeli desert. Mindful about the environment and water usage, the growers use advanced precision irrigation methods for sustainable agriculture practice in the desert. The extract is also fully traceable. In order to ensure high quality and efficacy reproducibility, IBR-Chill is standardised in myricitrin, a known anti-anxiety active, naturally occurring flavonoid glycoside. This China compliant active answers market needs in terms of naturalness and sustainability. •

Figure 1: The positive effects of 1% IBR-Chill in a formulation

Azelis/Orkila – IFF-Lucas Meyer Cosmetics –



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