Coschem thrives through digital connections Despite the disconnection of 2020, Coschem managed to keep its members and the industry connected through a series of highly successful online events. The society has also remained in a healthy financial position, which is noteworthy considering the devasting economic impact of COVID-19. These and other achievements were highlighted during Coschem’s virtual AGM on 11 February. By Abby Vorster
HEALTHY FINANCIAL RESULTS Even with a decrease in total revenue by 57% (as a result of COVID-19 restrictions on physical-gathering-related income source activities such as conferences, seminars, social functions and the gala dinner etc.), Coschem’s non-physical-gathering revenue sources realised an increase. This was mainly attributable to educational courses and subscriptions, up 10% and 2% respectively from 2019. The reduction of direct costs by 90% translated into a substantially lower decrease in gross surplus,
Ivor Zwane; Nicola Barnard-Marais; Andre Burger; Beverley Gardner (chair of the scientific committee); Kudzai Gwazira (education officer); Aeysha Jakoet (chair of the PR committee); Charis Lewis; Lumbi Moyo; Sapphirah Phala; Jacques Strydom (chair of the lecture evening committee); Anina van der Walt; Johrinda van Rensburg; and Wayne van Wyk. Enthusiastic about her role as the 2021 president, Charmaine said that Coschem and all its members are a family. “I see Coschem and all the members as family – being part of this amazing group and family is
Kim MacCallum
ver 70 participants gathered down by 18% in comparison to the online for the 2020 AGM of prior year. Coschem achieved a the Society of Cosmetic surplus from operations with other Chemists (Coschem). Kim MacCallum, income and operating/overhead who was the society’s president last expenses remaining fairly stable in year, summed up 2020 “as the year comparison to the prior year. that changed us all”! 2020 was a challenging year for She recalled talking about predictions most organisations to match cash flow for 2020 and how some of them pointed and keep things alive. This is especially The logo and theme of to extreme weather and a technology relevant to those organisations Coschem’s virtual scientific blow-up. conference. The scientific that are non-profit. Yet despite the committee is currently “We certainly got the technology part absence of revenue-generating events, planning the 2021 event right,” said Kim, highlighting the explosion Coschem’s financial results show that of Tik Tok and videoconferencing. “Oddly enough, the society is still in a very healthy position, as Coschem’s theme for 2020 was connection – and as confirmed by FTR Services. the world went into lockdown, the need for connection FTR Services was re-appointed as the society’s could not have been stronger.” auditor for the 2020 financial year. This appointment She reiterated that her year as Coschem’s president was proposed by Andre Burger, seconded by Wayne was interesting – to say the least. “Although we didn’t van Wyk, and unanimously ratified. have our usual annual get togethers, conferences and gala dinners, I must say this amazing committee COUNCIL AND OFFICE BEARERS has kept the society alive and has breathed in a new Kim MacCallum handed the presidency over to energy. A big thank you to all the members, and Charmaine Du Preez. Liesl Keulder was nominated especially to Bridget, who has managed even more as vice president. Ivor Zwane was re-elected as events (be it virtual) after hours than ever before. honorary secretary. Erica de Kock re-elected as Without all of you – we would have had a very honorary treasurer and re-nominated to chair the different result last year,” she explained. coastal chapters. Kim also highlighted the contributions and activities Samantha Pols and René Spada have served of the various committees, which include the their terms on council and stand down. education, social, morning seminar, PR, scientific, and Charis Lewis, Sapphirah Phala and Johrinda lecture evening committees. van Rensburg are the new nominates, who were “The efforts of these committees play a significant accepted and co-opted onto the council. role in the ongoing success of the society – thank you Coschem’s 2021 council includes: Charmaine du to everyone involved,” she added. Preez; Liesl Keulder; Kim MacCallum; Erica De Kock;
Charmaine du Preez
Liesl Keulder
Ivor Zwane
Erica de Kock