New England Home Connecticut Winter 2017

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Celebrating Fine Design, Architecture, and Building

Colorful Chic

Hues juicy or pale, plus a dash of shine, equal smart sophistication.

Easygoing Elegance Living beautifully at the intersection of comfort and chic

Winter 2017

Display until April 10, 2017


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S i n c e 18 8 2 Impor ters of the Best Handmade Rugs 203.865.0567


Downtown New Haven

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20 Broad Street | Norwalk, CT 06851

203-302-1086 |

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We clean clean and and preserve preserve cedar cedar roofs roofs We to add add beauty and extend it’slives! life! to beauty extend it’s life! to add beauty andand extend their

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Photography: Jane Beiles

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INTERIORS, SPACE PLANNING KITCHEN & BATH DESIGN 70 Main Street, Suite 210, New Canaan, CT T: 203.594.7875 F: 203.966.5514

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Luxury & Lifestyle Aw a rd e d b y A n d re w M a r tin i nter na tio na l D esign R eview f o r excellence in inte rior des ign.

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In This Issue Winter 2017 Volume 8, Issue 1




featured Homes




Bold colors and neutral backdrops give a Washington home’s woodsy interior a fresh, modern new look.

A kitchen-centric renovation gives an already gracious Ridgefield house a warm, welcoming feeling of home.

When intuition wins out over the well-laid plan, the result, as one Salisbury couple can attest, is a dwelling that proves the heart can be wiser than the head.

Inside Job

Text by Debra Judge Silber Photography by John Gould Bessler Produced by Karin Lidbeck Brent

Heart and Soul

Text by Allegra Muzzillo Photography by Michael Partenio Produced by Stacy Kunstel

Homing Instinct

Text by Maria L aPiana Photography by John Gruen

On the cover: Designer Karen Bow brought a refined sensibility to the rustic interior of this Washington home. Photograph by John Gould Bessler. To see more of this home, turn to page 74. Winter 2017  New England Home Connecticut 13

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In This Issue



Art, Design, History, Landscape 18 | From the Editor 26 | Artistry: Are We There Yet? In works with a visceral, spontaneous feel, Deborah Dancy explores the amorphous zone between abstraction and representation. By Robert Kiener

32 | In Our Backyard: A Lasting Legacy Woodbury’s York Street Studio carries on its founder’s vision, designing and crafting fine furniture and home accessories.


By Regina Cole

38 | Design Destination: Back to the Future Darien’s Post Road offers an abundance of up-to-the-minute furnishings and home accessories, all in a setting with a delightfully old-fashioned aura. Text by Dan Shaw // Photography by Laura Moss

People, Places, Events, Products 107 | Perspectives Chic bar carts ready for any party; architect Douglas VanderHorn on the evolution of the traditional home; interior designer Courtney Caldwell imagines a lively teen hang-out; three must-read new design books.


48 | New England Design Hall of Fame Gala Relive the fun with a look back at our celebration in honor of the 2016 inductees into the New England Design Hall of Fame.

114 | Design Life Our candid camera snaps recent gatherings that celebrate architecture and design. 122 | Trade Notes New and noteworthy happenings in the Connecticut design business. BY PAULA M. BODAH

126 | Calendar of Events BY LYNDA SIMONTON

128 | New in the Showrooms Unique, beautiful, and now appearing in Connecticut shops and showrooms. BY LYNDA SIMONTON 132 | Resources A guide to the professionals and products featured in this issue.

53 Special Marketing Section Portfolio of Fine Architecture

134 | Advertiser Index 136 | Sketch Pad The world of fashion had a hand in inspiring Linherr Hollingsworth’s new line of fabrics, trims, carpets, and wallcoverings for Kravet.

14  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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D e d i c a t e d to E x c e e d i n g E x p e ct a t i o n s

One Morgan Avenue | Norwalk, CT | 203-449-3190 |

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12/14/16 1:39 PM

Technolo Simplified! Advanced Home Audio Inc. is the pre-eminent designer of sophisticated music, theater, environment, and lighting systems. We’re known by the area’s best architects, builders, and interior designers for our elegant designs that complement your home and are tailored to your needs.

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From the Editor

and security. Like the political sphere, though, our private existence can’t really be separated from larger social and moral concerns. The industries that plan, produce, and furnish our homes—as well as the industries that create the financial wherewithal to fund our extremely (by worldwide standards) fortunate lives in the first place—all use energy and natural resources, they all involve scores or hundreds or thousands of other human beings in this and other countries who are, like us, trying to achieve their own ration of safety and happiness. A primary function of design is to create products or environments that are not only beautiful, but eminently fit for their purpose. Thinking of our existence as an exercise in design, then, it’s clear that merely cutting ourselves off, focusing solely on our own prosperity, isn’t, in the long run, a smart or sustainable option. By all means create the best life and home you can for the people you most love. In the course of doing so, however, don’t neglect your basic human responsibility of care for those outside the circle of your nearest and dearest. Make 2017 a year for finding productive ways to reach out to, and connect with, fellow citizens whose worldviews may be a challenge or a mystery. Make it a year for strengthening our bonds of mutual respect and collective welfare—through involvement in charity, maybe, or by becoming active in government. A healthy global civilization on a healthy planet is, in the end, the single worthwhile goal. In times like these, only more understanding and more engagement can help us toward that goal. In the final analysis, our own well-being is ensured by everyone else’s. —Kyle Hoepner

Cocooning or Community?

O + Our editors and a fascinating lineup of guest blog­gers share beautiful photography, design ideas, and advice every week on the New England Home Design Blog + The site also features ongoing content updates, where you’ll encounter house tours, interviews and commentary, before-and-after stories, and other special items for lovers of great home design + Sign up for our Design Discoveries editorial ­e-newsletter and get weekly updates on luxury home style, including the latest products, upcoming events and green ideas /////

For subscriptions call (800) 765-1225 or visit See additional great content at:

Hornick/Rivlin Studio

ur memory of the year 2016, it’s safe to say, is mostly going to be one of contention and change. Armed conflicts, civil unrest, and terrorist attacks of various sizes scattered around the globe; natural disasters involving all four of the classical elements (earth, air, water, fire); quite unexpected swerves of political fortune in the U.K., Colombia, and the U.S., among other places— combined with the darkness and chill of a New England winter, it’s all enough to make you want to keep your head down and simply stay home in your own private little nest. And, up to a point, there’s nothing wrong with that. One of the purposes of this magazine, after all, is to help you discover ideas and resources that will aid in creating the personal space of your desires, where you and your friends and loved ones can thrive in comfort

Find more at

18  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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W W W.T I L E A M E R I C A . C O M

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Editor-in-Chief Kyle Hoepner Homes Editor Stacy Kunstel Senior Editor Paula M. Bodah Creative Director Robert Lesser Digital Content Director Lynda Simonton Copy Editor Lisa H. Speidel

Contemporary CheCk Out Our


Leading source of antique, vintage, modern, and custom rugs. Visit our new showroom in SoNo!

Contributing Editors Cheryl and Jeffrey Katz Karin Lidbeck Brent Debra Judge Silber Contributing Writers Regina Cole, Megan Fulweiler, Robert Kiener, Maria LaPiana, Allegra Muzzillo, Dan Shaw, Debra Judge Silber, Lisa H. Speidel, Kris Wilton Contributing Photographers Robert Benson, John Gould Bessler, Tria Giovan, John Gruen, Laura Moss, Michael Partenio /////

Editorial Submissions  Designers, architects, builders, and homeowners are invited to submit projects for editorial consideration. For information about submitting projects, e-mail ­ Letters to the Editor  We’d love to hear from you! Write to us at the above address, fax us at (617) 663-6377, or e-mail us at ­letters@ Upcoming Events  Are you planning an event that we can feature in our Calendar of Events? E-mail information to calendar@, or mail to Calendar Editor, New England Home, 530 Harrison Ave., Suite 302, Boston, MA 02118.

31 – 35 South Main Street | Norwalk, CT 06854 (203) 299-1760 | www.apadaNafiNerugS.CoM

Parties  We welcome photographs from design- or architecture-related parties. Send high-resolution photos with information about the party and the people pictured to

20  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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Bringing your plans to life one home at a time Ca ll to da y f o r a deta iled & co mpr ehens iv e bu d g e t o n your upcoming new construction or renovation project


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Publisher Kathy Bush-Dutton Associate Publisher, New England Home Connecticut Roberta Thomas Mancuso


Executive Sales Manager Jill Korff Sales Managers Kim Sansoucy Robin Schubel David Simone Marketing Designer Jared Ainscough Production Manager Glenn Sadin Sales and Marketing Coordinator/Office Manager Tess Woods



Subscriptions  To subscribe to New England Home ($19.95 for one year) or for customer service, call (800) 765-1225 or visit our website, Advertising Information  To receive information about advertising in New England Home, please contact us at (800) 609-5154, ext. 713, or Editorial and Advertising Office 530 Harrison Ave., Suite 302 Boston, MA 02118 (617) 938-3991 (800) 609-5154 /////

New England Home Magazine, LLC Managing Partners Adam Japko, Chris Legg Finance Manager Kiyomi DeBay ®

PHONE 203 625 4727 EMAIL

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Accounts Receivable & Collections Manager Beverly Mahoney Circulation Manager Kurt Coey Newsstand Manager Bob Moenster

22  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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Missing pieces? We can help you complete the picture...

It’s worth your time to come visit our 25,000 s.f. smartly designed, light-filled showroom. DesignSourceCTLLC offers design professionals throughout the tri-state area a service-oriented, comprehensive design showroom. We also invite retail customers to browse the showroom and can provide referrals to our in-house Designers-on-Call. 1429 Park Street, Suite 100 | Hartford, CT 06106 | 860.951.3145 |

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2015 Project of the Year and 2015 Best New/Old Remodel This is truly a unique project. It is a story that stems from the passion of the clients, which translated to the trust they had in Pagliaro Bartels Sajda Architects and the builder, S&W Building Remodeling, Inc., and the faith that the local authorities had in all parties. The challenges were many: a historic structure contending with today’s zoning, FEMA, and building code requirements. The end result was a residence that combines historic elegance with today’s lifestyle.

1 8 R E Y N O L D S S T R E E T | N O RWA L K , C T | ( 2 0 3 ) 8 3 1 - 8 3 0 0 | W W W. S W B U I L D I N G R E M O D E L I N G . C O M

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ARTEMIS landscape architects, inc 203.683.1808 C T

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Are We There Yet?

In works with a visceral, spontaneous feel, Deborah Dancy explores the amorphous zone between abstraction and representation. ///////////

By Robert Kiener ABOVE: Gray Slump 1 (2016), digital print, 30″H × 40″W. RIGHT: Queen Bea (2016), digital print, 48″H × 58″W.


ith Miles Davis’s moody, improvisational Stairway to the Gallows blasting away in the background, Deborah Dancy layers thick gobs of blue oil paint onto a just-begun abstract painting in her spacious, light-filled Storrs studio. She uses a brush to add a sinuous green line, then coats on yellow paint with a plastic spatula. Pausing, she stands back and inspects her work before hurriedly scraping off much of the paint she’s just added. Oblivious to a friend who has quietly walked into her studio, she’s lost in the moment, caught up in what she has called the “conversation” or “orchestration” she has with every painting and drawing she creates. Dancy, a much-lauded painter who lists a Guggenheim Fellowship among her many awards and grants, stands back and considers her painting. “It’s a beautiful mess,” she says with a broad smile as she lays down a brush that’s heavy with oil paint. As she looks over her work she adds, “It might stay a butt-ugly mess or turn into something beautiful. I never know. When I am painting, I am going in blind, and I may come out bruised and battered thinking, ‘What the hell happened in there?’ Other times

26  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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WAKEFIELD design center

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To The Trade Only 652 Glenbrook Road, Stamford, CT 06906 T: (203) 358-0818 F: (203) 602-7738 |

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good Artistry bones

Painting “is who I am. It is a need, a drive. I love making a mark on canvas,” says Dancy.

and beautiful,” she says. In addition to her paintings, Dancy also creates drawings on paper that she describes as “first cousins, once removed from paintings.” As she says, “Drawings happen faster. Because they are not on canvas, they are a much more direct type of attack. Working on paper, or taking photographs, which I also do, is like learning another language. Both are an extension of my painting.” Because her work is abstract, she is used to people questioning her about what a piece “means.” “I am completely okay with someone asking me, ‘What does this mean?’

or ‘Why did you put this here?’ ” she says, “There’s nothing wrong with asking.” Her ideal viewer, she explains, is someone who is willing to “take a journey” with her. “Experiencing a painting of mine can be like going to a country that is completely different. I want someone to embrace the different, the difficult, the frightening— even the ugly—in a culture that is vastly different from their own. I like someone who may not know exactly how to decipher my work.” She laughs as she admits, “Sometimes even I don’t know what to make of it!” Her often-whimsical titles, such as This is Another Fine Mess You’ve Gotten Us Into or I Did Not See That Coming reveal her subtle sense of humor. Manhattan gallery owner Gaines Peyton, who has represented Dancy for almost two decades, says, “Deborah’s work is so visceral, nuanced, and lyrical that buyers inevitably develop their own connection with her paintings. They find them continually compelling.”

Dancy portrait by William Lanzoni

it goes wonderfully, and I think, ‘Wow, what the hell happened in there?’ It’s a matter of intonation. I never know until I’m finished.” Dancy, who has taught art at the University of Connecticut for the last thirty-five years and whose work has been included in scores of collections from Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts to Detroit’s Institute of Arts to Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, confesses that she is fascinated with the “unexpected” in her abstract art. “I like to keep ‘thingness’ at bay; I want my work to be an exploration, ambiguous

28  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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FACING PAGE, TOP LEFT: Residue and Thingness (2016), digital print, 25″H × 24″W. TOP RIGHT: I Did

photo: Barry A. Hyman, 2014

Not See That Coming (2016), oil on canvas, 32″H × 34″W. MIDDLE LEFT: Self (2015), digital print, 12″H × 12″W. MIDDLE right: Be Still My Beauty (2015), digital print, 20″H x 20″W. BOTTOM: The artist. THIS PAGE, TOP: Good Vibrations (2016), oil on canvas, 48″H × 54″W. BOTTOM: Hey Diddle Diddle (2012), oil on canvas, 60″H × 60″W.

photo: David Heald, 2014

While Dancy’s present work is colorful and expressive, she was widely recognized for much more somber, darker paintings she created in the 1990s that were based on her investigations into her own African-American heritage. “These works reflected my exploration of my ancestors,” she explains. “It was a difficult time, realizing that I couldn’t trace my family earlier than the 1870 census because they were then listed as property.” After working—and re-working—her painting, Dancy turns off Miles Davis and stows her oil paints for another day. She smiles when she’s asked why she paints. “I have to,” she answers as she wipes thick gobs of oil from a spatula. “It is who I am. It is a need, a drive. I love making a mark on canvas. I love the way that sometimes something serendipitously happens that makes me sit back and say ‘WOW! I can’t not be an artist!’ ” • editor’s note: Deborah Dancy is represented by the Sears-Peyton Gallery, New York City, To see more of her work, visit Winter 2017  New England Home Connecticut 29

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12/8/16 11:57 AM

A True Living Room Is Never Off Limits



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in our backyard

A Lasting Legacy

Woodbury’s York Street Studio carries on its founder’s vision, designing and crafting fine furniture and home accessories. ///////////

By Regina Cole


inda Zelenko describes her late husband, Stephen Piscuskas, as a Renaissance man. “He built beautiful furniture, was an amazing designer, and his paintings are incredible,” she says. “There was nothing he was afraid to try, no material was out of bounds.” She and Piscuskas, who met in high school, went to college in Providence. “He was at Brown; I was at RISD,” Zelenko says. “He took classes at RISD and learned

furniture making. Early in his career, he worked with artists like Julian Schnabel, Ross Bleckner, David Deutsch, and William Wegman as an art assistant.” In 1988, Piscuskas founded an interior design, luxury furnishings, and home accessory atelier, calling it York Street Studio for its Brooklyn location. He made high-end custom furniture and a line of tiger maple boxes sold at New York City’s Museum of Modern Art. Zelenko became a shoe designer. She

learned her craft at the legendary French studios of Charles Jourdan and later went to work for Adidas. The couple married, had two daughters and, like so many young families, left the city for more space, buying an old house in western Connecticut. Zelenko left her job at Adidas to join her husband’s company, and York Street Studio added leather wall panels and leather upholstery to its offerings. The company, now in a 12,000-square-foot facility in Woodbury Among the varied furnishings produced at York Street Studio are (CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT) wall panels of hand-dyed leather and a sink with a base of stainless steel, a Parsons table designed by the company’s founder, Stephen Piscuskas, and a walnut cabinet with a multitude of drawers. The company added leather products to its line when Piscuskas’s wife, Linda Zelenko, joined the firm, bringing an expertise she honed in the shoe industry.

32  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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Furniture that fits.

The cabinetry of choice. Selected by discerning homeowners for over 35 years. 800-999-4994 •

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In Our Backyard

that houses a wood shop, metal shop, leather shop, and showroom, flourished. Tragedy struck when Piscuskas unexpectedly died in the summer of 2013. As Zelenko struggled with her loss, she made it clear that York Street Studio would not close. “I told my daughters that we have work to do, we cannot go to bed and stay there,” she recalls. “My husband’s clients depended on him to make their visions happen.” Today, she heads up a team of six skilled employees to make those visions happen by crafting leather walls, fine furniture, decorative hardware, lighting, and tabletop accessories. Clients come from all over the United States, as well as far-flung places like the Middle East or Australia. “We work with architects and designers, and we design in response to clients, or we produce our own ideas,” Zelenko explains. “We might get a detailed and specific drawing, or a designer might say, ‘Do something fabulous,’ so we design whatever is needed.” For one client, she created a desk of lasercut steel and macassar ebony; for another,

a backgammon table that doubles as a dining table. In another instance, a red leather-lined room led to the design of a series of red leather boxes. “The idea is to make things really beautiful: seamless and perfect, but still, it has to look like the human hand touched it. It has to look crafted.”

She continues to manufacture much of the furniture her husband was known for, including a Parsons table and several Lucite designs. She also still uses marine plywood as a furniture material, a trademark of his. Inspired by her own background in the shoe industry, Zelenko makes use of

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Zelenko photo by Katie Morning-Hylen

This PAGE, CLOCKWISE FROM FAR LEFT: Linda Zelenko and Stephen Piscuskas. Marine plywood envelops a curvaceous chair. The side table is made from endgrain oak, and the wall is lined with leather panels. The lamp, too, is a York Street design. Zelenko wraps leather of various colors around drawer pulls. FACING PAGE, CLOCKWISE FROM FAR LEFT: The steel-and-wood barstool recalls Belle Epoque design. A white leather box can hold treasures. The edge of a steel table is studded with brass nailheads.

leather in surprising ways, building wastebaskets out of it, or wrapping exotic skins around bathroom vanities and the tops of Lucite table bases. “I also use faux leather for specific applications or for vegan clients,” she points out. “I have a certain aesthetic, and people who work with me know that they can trust me.” Besides an extensive furniture line, York Street Studio’s ready-made offer-

ings include leather trays, backgammon boards, and a line of gutsy but surprisingly elegant drawer pulls crafted of cold-rolled steel set with Swarovski crystals. When it comes to custom work, clients appreciate that Zelenko and her

York Street Studio team understand that time can be of the essence. “We are known for timing and speed; we flip stuff really fast,” she says. “You want it in turquoise leather, and you need it in two or three days? We’ll get it to you.” Her favorite part of the multi-phase design and craft processes is the initial drawing. “When I think about the transition between the drawing and then, making it reality, I get excited. My parents always pushed me to do what I love, and I realize that I am doing that every time I pick up a pencil to start a new project.” Her husband’s spirit lives on at the company he created. “He loved working with people, loved making beautiful things. He was in love with the process,” Zelenko says. Carrying on his legacy brings her joy. • York Street Studio Woodbury (203) 266-9000


LIN DANIELS DESIGN Fa i r F i e l d, C T | 2 0 3 5 2 0 - 8 8 6 5 l i n @ l i n da n i e l s d e s i g n . C o m w w w. l i n da n i e l s d e s i g n . C o m Winter 2017  New England Home Connecticut 35

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2016 HOBI Award Winner Outstanding Custom Home Fairfield County HBRA Builder of the Year | 203.769.1804 522 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830

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Photo by: © Sandro de Carvalho


STONE & LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES Exceptional Products, Personal Service




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design destination

Couleur Provence—a Francophile’s paradise—is just one of many of the shops along Darien’s Post Road that offer a plethora of fine objects for the home.

Back to the Future Darien’s Post Road offers an abundance of up-to-the-minute furnishings and home accessories, all in a setting with a delightfully old-fashioned aura. ///////////

Text by Dan Shaw / / Photography by Laura Moss


trolling the Post Road in Darien feels like time-travelling to the set of one of Douglas Sirk’s 1950s Technicolor melodramas like All

That Heaven Allows. On its picture-postcard main street, even the whitewashed brick CVS and clapboard Dunkin’ Donuts conform to the town’s patrician New Eng-

land aesthetic. Unlike nearby Westport and Greenwich, with their high-octane retail corridors, Darien has a Yankee rectitude with independently owned home-design boutiques, where shopkeepers welcome strangers as if they were neighbors. And it’s such an old-fashioned town that most of these stores are closed on Sundays, so plan your visit accordingly. Connecticut’s trademark preppy style has morphed into eclectic peppy style, and Kirby and Company is a bellwether of contemporary Fairfield County decorating. This exuberant emporium

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Hot Water (Hydronic)



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9/21/16 5:01 PM 8/17/16 1:42 PM

design destination

The quirky and the colorful—in short, the things that make a house a home— are on display at Kirby and Company, where Shelby Vaccaro is happy to sweeten your shopping experience at the shop’s coffee bar.

For eighteen years, Pierre Gagnon and his wife, Michelle, have been filling Couleur Provence with a beautifully curated collection of tableware, accessories, and furniture from France.

specializes in accessories and house gifts—vintage table lamps, high-impact throw pillows, whimsical barware, and fanciful mirrors. “The final 10 percent of decorating is what turns a house into a home,” says owner Elaine Kirby McCleary, who was a tableware designer for Juliska before opening her shop in 2014. Many of her customers are first-time homeowners from New York City who’ve played it safe by decorating in a neutral palette of grays and whites. “We encourage people to add

color,” she says, pointing out a tall case filled with piles of throws in the colors of Jordan almonds. She carries quirky items—gold elephant bookends, foo dog ceramic lamps—that will add unexpected frisson to a room. And she offers custom services like the re-caning and re-painting of your old furniture, and collaborates with Monogram Mary of Greenwich so you can have your initials emblazoned on linen cocktail napkins and guest towels. The coffee bar in the rear of the store

offers a full assortment of espresso-based drinks and has a bakery case with ten different flavors of French macaroons. Customers can linger over a cappuccino or a piece of quiche at cafe tables on the sidewalk under a royal blue awning or inside at tables in the front windows. “I wanted my shop to be a hangout,” says McCleary. You don’t have to be a Francophile to be seduced by the assortment of housewares at Couleur Provence. Husband-and-wife owners Pierre and Michelle Gagnon, who

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design destination

Get a taste of spring at Nielsen’s, where you can pick up a potted plant for your home or let Dail DuHaime (bottom right) put a bouquet together for you.

Post Modern Home’s proprietor, Dean Clark, is always on the hunt for fabulous midcentury furniture and accessories to fill his 5,000-squarefoot shop.

hail from France, set up shop in Darien eighteen years ago. They are unabashedly chauvinistic about the style and quality of their imported stock, and it’s hard not to be captivated by their eclectic merchandise: colorful tea towels and tablecloths from venerable companies like Beauville and St. Roch; masculine handcrafted knives and corkscrews from Laguiole en Aubrac; bolts of woven striped fabrics from the Basque mill that makes the sturdy material used for espadrilles. One of their current best-sellers is a collection of trompe l’oeil vinyl rugs that resemble French cement tile floors, which are

“For the same price as shopping at Pottery Barn, you can instead buy something that is solid and unique,” says Dean Clark of Post Modern Home. perfect for dressing up a mudroom or kitchen. You can also order the iconic bamboo-framed cafe chairs you see outside brasseries in Paris and choose custom colored weaves for the backs and seats. Couleur Provence has a je ne sais quoi that demonstrates the enduring appeal of authentic French design. Nielsen’s, a florist shop that’s as vast as a garden center, is a Darien institution. The seventy-five-year-old, family-run

business was named the National Retail Florist of the Year in 2011 by Florist Review, and it’s easy to understand why. Nielsen’s has a breathtaking assortment of fresh-cut and silk flowers, live and faux plants, and all the accoutrements for seasonal decorating indoors and out, including lush evergreen boughs for mantels and doorways, and an impressive array of wired ribbon. There’s a wide selection of ceramic planters as well as glass vases and

42  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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Traditional, Modern and Sustainable Building 980 Boston Post Road, Suite #1 | Darien, CT 203.761.9943 |

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Keeping Up Your Strength

Ten Twenty Post is a large, handsome, and convivial bistro wrapped by walls of windows. On Saturday afternoons, the long bar is lined with patrons watching football (blessedly without sound) while dining on burgers and pulled pork sliders. For a proper sit-down lunch, you can order steak frites or “grandmère” roast chicken with mashed potatoes and haricots verts. And because Darien is on Long Island Sound, the menu includes New England classics like oysters on the half shell, lobster rolls, and clam chowder. 1020 Post Rd., (203) 655-1020,

hurricanes by Simon Pearce. A cathedralceilinged “conservatory” holds terrariums planted with succulents and orchids in full bloom. The most enchanting aspect of Nielsen’s is the walk-in refrigerator with grab-and-go arrangements and buckets of blooms sold by the stem (such as roses, Gerbera daisies, and Dutch hydrangea) so you can make your own bouquets. Post Modern Home is named for both its Post Road location and its merchandise of primarily vintage midcentury furniture. Proprietor and former adman Dean Clark once owned the Stamford Antique Center in Stamford (which burned down in 2006), and his sprawling 5,000-squarefoot shop has the vibe of a refined flea market. He carries classics—Bertoia wire barstools for Knoll, Hans Wegner’s Venus bench for Getama, and a Jørgen Rasmussen swivel chair—as well as one-of-a-kind pieces like a Karl Springer console and a serpentine sectional sofa that he got from a nearby estate sale. Since many modernist houses were built in Fairfield County in the 1950s, customers are often looking for authentic midcentury furniture. One of Clark’s specialties is rescuing distressed

courtesy Ten Twenty Post

design destination

Heidi Holzer

design and decorative work

Faux ConCreTe

We create uniquely personalized and beautiful and living spaces by providing our clients the finest decorative artistry finishes for walls, ceilings, floors, cabinety and furniture

redding, CT


H e i d i H o l z e r .C o m |

2 03 . 5 4 4 . 9 47 1

44  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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At Good Goods, the staff will help you choose from a vast array of fabrics, then have its team of craftspeople make your draperies or toss pillows, or reupholster that worn-out chair you can’t bear to part with.

credenzas, coffee tables, and dressers and reviving them with lacquer finishes in bold colors. “For the same price as shopping at Pottery Barn, you can instead buy something that is solid and unique here,” he says.

As Dorothy Draper famously proclaimed, “Decorating is fun!” But it’s often fraught with anxiety. Ordering custom draperies and slipcovers or reupholstering a worn-out chair can be a daunting commitment. The team at Good Goods— where the walls are lined with hundreds of fifty-four-inch-wide bolts of fabrics in every imaginable pattern and material—is committed to making the process as effortless as possible. “We’re for the customer who enjoys decorating on her own and needs help bringing it all together,” says manager Debbie Simon. “Customers bring in

pictures on their iPads and we help them make decisions.” At a large worktable in the center of the shop, the staff spreads out fabrics, patiently mixing and matching options, and then arranges with its own team of craftspeople to get everything made. The shop’s in-stock fabrics are bought directly from mills, keeping the prices per yard surprisingly reasonable. The store can also order fabrics from most high-end brands that you find at to-the-trade showrooms. Even if you’re only interested in a few throw pillows to brighten a sofa, the shop will make custom pillows in any of their fabrics and generously allows you take their ready-mades home for approval. In Darien, decorating is, indeed, nothing but fun • The Details: Couleur Provence, 863 Post Rd., (203) 655-9775 Good Goods, 859 Post Rd., (203) 655-8100 Kirby and Company, 1029 Post Rd., (855) 553-5900 Nielsen’s, 1405 Post Rd., (203) 655-2541, Post Modern Home, 110 Post Rd., (203) 202-9647



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Design | Build | Renovate | Maintain



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High Performance Construction


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n a crisp November evening, hundreds of guests gathered at downtown Boston’s State Room to savor seasonal fare and cocktails, enjoy the vistas of the lit-up skyline, and, of course, honor this year’s class of New England Design Hall of Fame inductees. First came the cocktail hour, where the movers and shakers of our region’s residential design industry mingled and enjoyed the themed photo booth. Next up came the introduction, where Dean Stephen White of Roger Williams University graciously accepted New England Home’s donation to the 4 New England Design Hall of Fame Scholarship Fund, followed by our tenth annual dinner and awards ceremony emceed by our very own Stacy Kunstel. The entire evening was beautifully, uniquely, and elegantly decorated courtesy of Winston Flowers. This year we celebrated and inducted Michael Carter of Carter & Company, Boston; Anne Lacouture Penniman of Anne Penniman Associates, Essex, Connecticut; Charles F. Hilton of Charles Hilton Architects, Greenwich, Connecticut; John R. DaSilva of Polhemus Savery DaSilva Architects Builders, East Harwich, Massachusetts; Joeb Moore of Joeb Moore & Partners, Greenwich, Connecticut; Kenneth Vona Construction, Waltham, Massachusetts; and Woodmeister Master Builders, Holden, Massachusetts. •

Tara Carvalho










(1) The 2016 inductees (2) Webster & Company’s team enjoys

the gala, with David Webster posing for his annual “skyline photo” (3) New England Home’s Kyle Hoepner presenting the scholarship check to Roger Williams University’s Dean Stephen White (4) New England Home publisher Kathy Bush-Dutton (5) Dee Elms, Kathleen Hay, and Susan Stacy (6) Awards created by Simon Pearce (7) Kathie Chrisicos with Chris and Diane Magliozzi (8) New England Home’s Stacy Kunstel presenting an award to interior design inductee Michael Carter (9) Kyle Sheffield, Michael J. Lee, and Eric Haydel

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Warm air shifts up and back into room.

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HeatShift.™ Valor’s unique HeatShift™ system transfers excess heat upwards through hidden ducts and back into the room—completely bypassing the wall and surface areas above the fireplace—so valued artwork, a TV or construction materials stay cooler.

The right heat in the right place.

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2016 new en gla n d d esig n h all o f f a m e


Tara Carvalho




the sponsors











(1) The folks from Finelines with New England Home’s Kathy Bush-Dutton (2) Mahmud and Hasan Jafri of Dover Rug & Home (3) Andrea Fontaine of Cambria, Terri Feeney of Boston Granite Exchange, and MacKenzie Weldon of Cambria (4) Matthew Cunningham of Matthew Cunningham Landscape Design with three of his colleagues, as well as Kim Turner of KDTurner Design (5) Woodmeister Master Builders and guests (6) One of many gorgeous table concepts created by Winston Flowers (7) The Frank Webb’s Bath Center table with New England Home’s Kim Sansoucy (8) Steve Brand of Wolfers Lighting, Sylvia Dandrata of FBN Construction, and Jeff Seigal of Wolfers Lighting (9) Lee Reid of Payne/Bouchier, Bob Ernst of FBN Construction, and Brian Vona of Kenneth Vona Construction (10) The team from California Closets (11) The C.H. Newton Builders table with New England Home’s Robin Schubel

Gold SponsorS

DECOR S p o n s o r

photography Sponsor

gallery Sponsor

Bespokeplus Sponsor

Bronze SponsorS

C o c k ta i l S p o n s o r

Hosted by

AWARD pa r t n e r d e c o r pa r t n e r

e v e n t p l a n n i n g pa r t n e r E v e n t pa r t n e r

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Portfolio of Fine Architecture

Robert A. Cardello Architects

Pagliaro Bartels Sajda Architects, LLC

Grandberg & Associates Architects


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Portfolio of Fine Architecture

Connecticut Stone

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onnecticut Stone is your source for innovative ideas for designing with stone. Our professional and knowledgeable staff collaborates as your trusted partner on every project, from large-scale residential to commercial projects. Whether you are looking to design a full-scale custom kitchen, a new bath, or an outdoor kitchen with fireplace, our team will work closely with you to ensure a seamless process from materials selection and construction to your project’s successful completion.

We welcome you to browse our five-acre showroom and facility for a wide selection of native and imported natural stone, including marble, granite, limestone, building stone, and much more. We are happy to guide you through our luxury product lines of porcelain, ceramic and glass tile, featuring brands such as Walker Zanger, Artistic Tile, and New Ravenna. Let us help you see the full potential of stone, and the unexpected ways it can transform your project. Call us at 203882-1000 or visit us online at for ideas and inspiration.

Tyra Dellacroce

Tyra Dellacroce 138 Woodmont Road Milford, CT 06460 (203) 882-1000

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Portfolio of Fine Architecture

Daniel Conlon Architects

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aniel Conlon Architects is dedicated to the creation of distinctive homes, inspired by their surroundings, and tailored to the lifestyles of our clients. The award-winning firm has been recognized for its practical plan organization, flowing spaces, and crisp details. While of paramount importance, design excellence is one of many skills an architect must possess to guide a project from the excitement of the initial sketches to the completion of the punch list.

Creativity, communication, and technical expertise, along with the effective management of the complex permitting, budgeting, and construction processes are all essential. The firm takes pride in delivering these services with integrity, professionalism, and a sense of humor, striving to provide an enjoyable client experience. Whether a modest addition or a substantial new home, Dan personally oversees every project, delivering fresh ideas backed up with years of experience. The vast majority of the firm’s work comes through client referral, with many returning time after time.


4 Old Mill Road P.O. Box 418 Georgetown, CT 06829 (203) 544-7988 Special Marketing Section 57

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Portfolio of Fine Architecture

Douglas VanderHorn Architects

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Woodruff Brown Photography


ouglas VanderHorn Architects is a classically focused architecture firm whose associates are inspired by the great residential architecture of the past. For almost thirty years, Douglas has strived to create buildings of enduring character that accommodate current lifestyles and seamlessly incorporate modern building technologies. Projects range from historically sensitive renovations and additions to traditionally inspired new designs. The office currently consists of fourteen highly dedicated individuals with

experience ranging from historic preservation and sustainable design to architectural interiors. The firm employs a variety of drawing, rendering, and physical and advanced computer-modeling techniques to assist clients in visualizing designs. With decades of experience in a range of historic styles, including Federal, Shingle, Tudor, and French Normandy, Douglas VanderHorn Architects strives to create homes that are architecturally appropriate for the site and surrounding neighborhood. Projects generally have a similar intent: to build a home that looks as if it’s been on the site for decades, while creating a series of interior spaces designed for contemporary living.

Douglas VanderHorn

41 West Elm Street Greenwich, CT 06830 (203) 622-7000 Special Marketing Section 59

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Portfolio of Fine Architecture

Grandberg & Associates Architects

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stablished in 1978, Grandberg & Associates provides unparalleled architectural design services to a diverse client base in the Northeast. A recipient of numerous professional awards and citations, Grandberg & Associates is known for its unique, imaginative and nonformulaic residential architecture. Exquisite interior and exterior detailing is a hallmark of our custom designs. From complex renovations and additions to new residences and estates, the firm prides itself on its problem solving expertise and its

commitment to clients, from concept thru construction administration. Working with Grandberg & Associates presents an opportunity to experience design expertise and service at the highest level. Our homes reflect the needs of our clients as well as being responsive to individual site opportunities and stylistic options. A recipient of the Palladio Award as well as numerous AIA and professional design awards, Grandberg & Associates’ work has been published in both design books and nationally distributed periodicals. Put simply, our homes stand the test of time. Your Dream... Our Vision.

Ira Grandberg




I N T E R I O R S PHONE: 914-242-0033












FAX: 914-242-5937

Grandberg & Associates Architects 117 East Main Street Mount Kisco, NY 10549 (914) 242-0033 Special Marketing Section 61

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Portfolio of Fine Architecture

John R. Mastera + Associates Architects

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Olivier Kpognon


he Mastera Studio was founded in 1987, on the principle of seeking design perfection in every project. John R. Mastera crafts intelligent designs for clients who seek architecture that is beautiful in terms of space, materials, and function. Each project is uniquely

conceived for its particular situation and completed with proficient project management. Nothing is too modern, too traditional, or too green to create a space full of beauty and functionality. Through his mastery of modern techniques in construction and materials, John R. Mastera consistently produces exceptional work that is thoughtful, evocative, and captures a vision unique to each client.

John R. Mastera



70 Turner Hill Rd New Canaan, CT 06840 (203) 966-6696 Special Marketing Section 63

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Portfolio of Fine Architecture

Michael Smith Architects

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ounded in 1999 by principal Michael Smith, the firm’s underlying design philosophy centers on the idea that carefully applying the design principles of simplicity, consistency, and authenticity will yield a timeless work of architecture, regardless of the style or type of building. Michael and his team have designed a wide range of high-quality projects, including large singlefamily custom residences, residential renovations, boutique commercial projects, educational facilities, and multi-family residential projects. Michael Smith Architects (MSA) and its current staff have more than

seventeen years of experience in a diverse range of projects, focusing primarily on highly customized residential architecture in Fairfield County and the New York City metropolitan area. “At MSA we believe that every project deserves a unique solution that represents a combination of thoughtful design with an understanding of the client’s priorities. We work to create custom solutions that respond to the client’s wishes, the environment, and the historical context of the project,” Smith says. Further, MSA takes a holistic approach to the design process by considering not just the exterior architecture, but also the design of the interior trim, finishes, and cabinetry to create a consistent

overall aesthetic that will stand the test of time. Through its membership in the United States Green Building Council, MSA strives to incorporate many sustainable or green features into its projects wherever possible, and takes great care to integrate these new technologies into each design in a seamless and harmonious way.

41 North Main Street, Suite 101 Norwalk, CT 06854 (203) 563-0553 Special Marketing Section 65

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Portfolio of Fine Architecture

Pagliaro Bartels Sajda Architects, LLC

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agliaro Bartels Sajda Architects was founded as a design-oriented studio in 1974. The partners believed that practicing architecture as a performing art leads to client satisfaction. Since then, the firm has developed a premier reputation as the creator of exceptional waterfront architecture throughout North America. Its guiding principle is that all projects should enhance the complete context within the environment. Each home is exceptionally functional, by applying key concepts of place, space, light, scale, and material. The hallmark is the marriage of the building and site. A well-organized

spatial flow provides the primary contribution to our design and maintains the sensibility with which one space relates to the next, creating a functional and elegant plan. Projects are designed to maximize the daylight and its effect on spatial flow, enticing you into the space, conveying a sense of confidence and optimism—a sense of life’s possibilities. There is an architecture to the waterfront experience. It is not simply the location of a window, but the manipulation of the building’s envelope so that its spaces become a part of the view. It is not singular, but multiple, experienced from different angles and through multiple spaces simultaneously. It is always changing—calm seas,

storms, harsh sunshine, and soft auras, moody grays and brilliant blues. It is nature’s rare gift, and our responsibility is to marry our buildings into it. A PBS project is not just a building, but a place at peace with itself. A place that imparts a contentment of its own.

Pagliaro Bartels Sajda Architects, LLC 3 Pine Street South Norwalk, CT 06854 (203) 838-5517 Special Marketing Section 67

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Portfolio of Fine Architecture

Patricia M. Miller Residential Design

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at Miller has created beautiful homes and living spaces in Fairfield County since 1980. Whether new construction, renovations, or interior space planning, her approach to design is to create something special and exciting for each client. In every style home, from traditional to Shingle style to contemporary, and more, attention to detail and quality of materials are of the utmost importance. Offering a personal touch from designing to overseeing ensures that every job and every client is special. Pat’s design skills are matched by her sensitivity to each client’s needs and requirements. This has helped establish her as one of the most accomplished and sought-after local designers. Her many renovations over the years reflect how small, simple

houses can be transformed into warm, gracious, and inviting homes. Her new homes show how she can take a piece of land and create an exciting new structure from nothing more than the imaginations of the client and the designer. The firm specializes in dealing with local regulatory boards, and making presentations before zoning and conservation boards. All projects utilize the services of licensed engineering professionals, established designers, and skilled, reliable local contractors—with all decisions the result of a consensus between the client and designer. Perhaps the greatest sign of her success is what her clients identify as a “Pat Miller House,” a home that combines function and design with that elusive quality that is so rare in many of today’s homes—charm. The result: the pleasure of walking into one’s own home and saying, “Wow!”


318 Good Hill Road Weston, CT 06883 (203) 227-7333 Special Marketing Section 69

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Portfolio of Fine Architecture

Robert A. Cardello Architects

Dennis Carbo Photography

Robert Benson Photography

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esigning is a privilege. Designing custom homes and structures for people to live in and thrive in makes the activity even more enjoyable. At Cardello Architects, we love what we do and this becomes obvious to anyone who enters our workspace. We want the whole design process to be as fun for our clients as it is for us. We’ll be your ally from start to finish. Our strong commitment to exceptional design stands above everything else. Listening to a client’s vision is the first step, but developing a plan that turns their

vision into reality is the most rewarding. A positive and trusting relationship between client and architect is a key component to the success of a project, and ultimately to the success of the business. Robert A. Cardello Architects has enjoyed many repeat customers and word-of-mouth recommendations remain a cornerstone of our firm. RAC has extensive experience in all aspects of design from renovations to commercial venues, with our specialty focused on high-end, custom-built homes. We invite you to peruse our website to see the homes we have constructed or renovated since 1999. Creating that place of comfort, unique to the individual family, is what we do best.

R o b e rt A. C ard e l l o

Catherine Conroy Photography

Jane Beiles Photography

Robert A. Cardello Architects 97 Washington Street Norwalk, CT 06854 (203) 853-2524 Special Marketing Section 71

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Portfolio of Fine Architecture

Sellars Lathrop Architects

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All photos by Matthew Williams


ellars Lathrop Architects, LLC, located in Westport, specializes in residential renovations, new construction and sustainability. We are known for developing stylish, classic and energy- smart designs, filled with creativity, warmth and abundant natural light. Simplicity of detailing, clean lines, sustainable materials, open and airy rooms - these are the trademarks that define our work, and foster a reputation for creating repeat customers. Everyday needs of life are seen as a necessary

design challenge and, therefore, become an important focus of our design approach. Our work has won awards and we have been featured in numerous publications. Perhaps more significant is the value we provide through decades of experience. As experienced architects, we provide the necessary problem solving skills that can save money and guide clients through the challenging building process. Each project is as varied as the client who hires us. But, for each project our goal is to enrich lives and enhance the environment.

SellarsLathropArchitects llc Sellars Lathrop Architects 1 Kings Highway North Westport, Connecticut 06880 (203) 222-0229 Special Marketing Section 73

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From the road, the Washington home designed by Vicente Burin Architects of Fairfield reads as a cluster of humble agrarian structures, belying its more modern interior.

Inside Job Bold colors and neutral backdrops give a Washington home’s woodsy interior a fresh, modern new look. Text by Debra Judge Silber y Photography by John Gould Bessler y Produced by Karin Lidbeck Brent 74  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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ight years after its construction, the sprawling farmhouse in Washington had become even more beautiful as its natural wood exterior matured into a rustic rainbow of ashy grays and earthy browns. The hunting-camp motif of its interior, though, had lost its luster. Its owners were ready for a fresh approach on the inside of their weekend retreat, one that acknowledged the reserved beauty of its exterior but better represented their current tastes. The wife had seen designer Karen Bow’s work in several magazines, and was elated to find Bow was based not in New York or L.A., but in Darien, less than six miles from where she and her family lived. They quickly established a strong personal and professional relationship, with the client willingly putting the entirety of her home’s interior in the hands of Bow and Bow’s assistant, Michele Berglund. According to project architect Paulo Vicente, the original interior was designed in a rustic style that reflected the general concept of the house—that of a collection of distinct little structures added on to each other over a period of years. “It was designed to

ABOVE: The casual front door offers a rustic welcome. RIGHT: Outfitted with an inviting bench and framed by rough-hewn beams, the home’s entryway echoes the rustic exterior, although the contemporary ceiling fixture hints at a new direction. FACING PAGE: A chandelier by Remains bursts into bloom at the apex of the silo-shaped stairwell. Designer Karen Bow chose the subtle metallic wallcovering from Romo to accentuate the curved walls.

Project Team

Paulo Vicente and Martina Burin, Vicente-Burin Architects Interior design: Karen Bow, Karen Bow Interiors Builder: Rob Horrigan, Horrigan Builders Architecture:

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appear as if it had evolved over time,” he says. Now, Bow says, “We wanted to maintain the farmhouse, hunting-lodge appeal, but really invigorate it with a modern aesthetic.” Where the original interior drew its character from timbered beams and walls clad in alder, Bow opted to emphasize the simplicity of rural life with a more neutral backdrop. Leaving the beams to speak for themselves, she subdued the walls with subtle wallpapers and softened the woodwork with shade-shifting, unobtrusive paint hues such as Sherwin Williams’s Sea Salt. “There wasn’t one inch of this house that wasn’t repainted or re-wallpapered,” says Bow, who called in Rob Horrigan, the home’s original builder, and Roxbury painting contractor Grady McAuliffe to tackle the job. Undaunted by the breadth of the renovation, Horrigan nonetheless remembers three aspects as particularly challenging. These included wallpapering the two-story silo, refinishing the dark green tile in the master bath with a brighter, painted finish, and smoothing out and painting the knotty woodwork that had been a hallmark of the original Winter 2017  New England Home Connecticut 77

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Defying the gravity of the home’s original natural-wood ceiling, Bow introduced living room sofas upholstered in a bold sapphire. Here and throughout the house, she used overdyed rugs to layer color and anchor the space.

interior. “That was a process in itself,” he said. Against those backdrops, Bow added boldly modern lighting fixtures and vibrant rugs that read as deep puddles of color and complement rather than compete with their surroundings. “I believe that when there’s an abundance of color, it becomes another neutral,” she explains. The designer also used color to add imagination to elements that, in their original state, embodied the home’s hunting-lodge vibe. Chandeliers made of animal horn took on a completely different look after being painted orange (in the great room) or navy (in the husband’s office). In the guest bedroom, paint provided a solution to a particularly knotty problem: how to rehabilitate a tremendous bed with posts shaped like tree trunks. “It was this big thing, very Montana-ish, with a faux wood finish,” Bow says. As they pondered their next move, Berglund offered a suggestion: why not paint it silver? They called in experts from Post Modern Home in Darien, and a few coats of Rust-Oleum later, Bow and Berglund were out of the woods. Approaching each facet of the interior with a fresh, somewhat irreverent eye enabled Bow to incorporate pieces that were family favorites without compromising her overall vision. A case in point: the client’s early-American-style four-poster was an inescapable anachronism in the now contemporary master bedroom, but the couple did not want to part with it. Bow was undaunted. Working with Artistic Upholstery and Fabrics of Westport, she sliced off the headboard’s pediment, padded the resulting rectangle, and covered it with flannel. She cut off the bed’s six-foot posts, and had the entire piece finished with gray lacquer.

“We wanted to maintain the farmhouse, hunting-lodge appeal, but really invigorate it with a modern aesthetic,” says Bow.

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In the dining room, Bow opted for a subtle but dramatic approach, piecing together animal hides to create a one-of-a-kind floor covering that addresses the room’s irregular shape. RIGHT: Bow retained the T-configuration of the original kitchen island, but replaced the original extension—which included banks of drawers under a wooden top— with a more slender eating bar topped with zinc.

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Bow took her client to the workshop to check the finish. “She saw the top in the trash, and she said, ‘That makes me so sad,’ ” Bow recalls. So the designer fished the pieces out of the bin and had them reassembled as a table, which, lacquered a slightly darker gray, stands under the master-bedroom window. Such radical transformations are not uncommon for Bow. “We rework things all the time,” she says, adding that altering a treasured piece can be preferable to casting it aside. She tries to help her clients see that changing the appearance of a piece of furniture is not as unnatural as it may seem. “It’s like a person. We change our clothes, but inside, we’re still the same. So you might say we re-dress them. We change their clothes.”

While she’ll consider repurposing and reupholstering for economic reasons, it’s equally likely that the cost of refurbishment will match or outstrip the cost of buying new. “When you repurpose something, you really want to do it for the unique quality or the sentimentality attached to the piece,” she says. Practicality, rather than sentimentality, led her to revive rather than replace the existing kitchen cabinets. Their outward appearance, like that of the master bed, would be dramatically revised. She flipped the doors, concealing their beaded-board faces, and painted them white. She replaced a bulky butcher-block island extension with a visibly lighter eating bar topped with zinc. New hardware and lighting fixtures completed the tune-up.

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above: A rustic guest bed was transformed with silver spray paint. BELOW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Colorful lighting sets the tone for the

teens’ gathering space. The bunk room’s color scheme is a quieter version of the adjacent gathering space’s palette. FACING PAGE: The master bedroom’s bed was reconfigured, and its discarded parts were used to create a nearby table.

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The exterior’s rustic look remained the same, although Bow recommended changing the dark green trim to a gray that complements the home’s weathered patina. FACING PAGE: The great room still has a woodsy feel, but Bow couldn’t resist punching up the horn chandeliers with bright orange paint.

“When something is right, you don’t really notice it,” says Bow, referring to the freshly painted gray trim. In the dining room, Bow applied her inventiveness to another carryover piece, a traditional pedestal table. She introduced a family-friendly custom settee topped with stain-resistant white vinyl. She then embraced the room’s asymmetry with the most asymmetrical of floor coverings—a one-of-a-kind rug pieced together from eight animal hides. She started with a paper template and worked with craftspeople at Stark Carpet to fit the pieces together. “We put them in like a puzzle, and then they quilted it and backed it. It looks seamless,” she says.

One last adjustment remained, and that involved the deep-green trim that accentuated the home’s exterior. “After we changed everything inside, the green just didn’t make sense,” says Bow, who prescribed gray as a more fitting accompaniment to the home’s evolving patina. “I love all those different shadings,” she says, referring to nuances of the aging wood against which the new gray trim practically disappears. “When something is right, you don’t really notice it,” she says. • Resources For more information about this home, see page 132. Winter 2017  New England Home Connecticut 85

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The Colonial-style house presents a welcoming face, even on a frigid winter day. The homeowners love that it’s big enough for their family of five as well as overnight guests. They also like that it’s just a few minutes’ walk to Ridgefield’s Main Street.


& Soul

A kitchen-centric renovation gives an already gracious Ridgefield house a warm, welcoming feeling of home. Text by Allegra Muzzillo ★ Photography by Michael Partenio ★ Produced by Stacy Kunstel

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★ Molly Hirsch’s relationship with this Ridgefield couple began when they called on her to help renovate their previous home. Midway through the process, the couple changed tacks. 88  New England Home Connecticut  winter 2017

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CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Designer Molly Hirsch gave the foyer a transitional feel by pairing the owners’ heirloom demilune with a more contemporary rug and chandelier. Modern acrylic elements, sleek furniture, and a graphic rug help tone down the formality inherent in the living room’s millwork and high ceilings. The mix of traditional and modern continues at the fireplace, where the pretty millwork pops against the sisal wallcovering.

“They started looking at other houses when they realized the renovation still wouldn’t give them enough space for their three young boys and for visiting friends and family,” Hirsch says. When the pair finally landed on this 7,000-squarefoot Colonial-style home just a few minutes’ walk to Ridgefield’s Main Street, they again tapped Hirsch to oversee its redesign. “What I love about working with Molly is that her first idea is always the best,” says the

wife. “I trust her, and she nails it every time.” Although the couple appreciated the house’s Project Team

Kristine D’Elisa, KKD Architecture + Design Molly Hirsch, Molly Hirsch Interiors Builder: Anthony Cacciola, AJC Contracting Architecture:

Interior design:

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A large, chenille sectional and armchairs ensure the whole family—and then some—can relax in front of the family room’s fire. FACING PAGE: The English paisley wallpaper in the dining room is a perfect contrast to the formal, beaded Italian-glass chandelier. “Even when it’s not turned on,” says Hirsch, “it still looks as if it’s glowing.”

nine-and-a-half-foot ceilings and lovely millwork, its interiors leaned toward a formality the wife sought to tone down. “She wanted the whole home to be inviting—not formal and unusable,” says Hirsch. And inviting it is: in the foyer, Hirsch anchored the space with a large, spherical chandelier and added touches of modern glamor with an inlaid shell-andbone mirror and glowing mercury-glass lamp. The light on the demilune remains on all day and night, as if to welcome weary travelers no matter the hour. Off to the left, and overlooking the ample front yard, the formal dining room is a gentle transition between traditional and contemporary elements, and represents the line Hirsch is most comfortable riding. “Their last home was traditional,” Hirsch explains. “They wanted a change of pace.” Fun, large-scale paisley wallpaper offsets the

room’s clean-lined millwork, making a fitting backdrop for an abstract acrylic painting by Rachel Volpone that is just one piece in the couple’s growing collection of work by local artists. The dining set—a holdover from the previous home—was made fresh with stain-resistant faux-snakeskin upholstery: “The boys can play in and use every room,” says Hirsch. “Nothing is crazy-fragile.” Here (and throughout most of the first floor) windows are left undressed to admit the most natural light, and to show off the pretty New England vistas. “There are certain times when you need to let the windows sing, and this is one of those times,” the designer says. “If we had put up window treatments,” the wife adds, “it would have been too stuffy for the look I wanted.” The dining room and kitchen are separated by a glass-paned door, which adds intimacy to formal gatherings and keeps the noise of food prep under wraps. While the rest of the house is, by all standards, quite large, the kitchen was small and its layout winter 2017  New England Home Connecticut 91

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ill-suited to a family that enjoys cooking and entertaining. Hirsch faced two big challenges here: repositioning the back staircase and dealing with a super-narrow, somewhat outdated butler’s pantry. Hirsch and Stamford-based architect Kristine D’Elisa worked together to make the wife’s concept to unite the family room and kitchen a reality. “Clients have great vision,” says D’Elisa, “and that’s usually how we start designing.” Initially, the back staircase jutted out into the middle of the kitchen. “It bisected the family room and kitchen, creating a vacuous walk-through the client couldn’t use, or even furnish,” D’Elisa says. She and Hirsch shifted it for better flow: it now leads into the mudroom. “It created a new working wall for the kitchen,” Hirsch notes, including a handy beverage center the whole family loves. The butler’s pantry was absorbed into the main kitchen area to allow for an ample island and clever peninsula. “My client wanted a place for her boys to sit

that wasn’t in the middle of the workspace,” says Hirsch. “We created the peninsula so they’re not right in the thick of things.” Alice Hayes, of the kitchen design company Deane, joined the team to perfect the kitchen plan. “Alice is a great collaborator,” Hirsch says. “We came to her with the basic plan, and she refined it in terms of the exact placement of appliances, the layout, and sizes of the cabinets, island, and peninsula.” The Shaker-style cabinetry and fully integrated appliances are handsome, but the polished-nickel pendant lamps are the obvious showstoppers here, owing to their custom-painted teal-blue interiors and powerful presence. To the right of the foyer is the formal living area— another study in seductive glamor. A prominent

TOP: The renovated kitchen includes a center island

and a peninsula, where the couple’s three sons can hang out without getting in the way of the cook. RIGHT: Hirsch had the Urban Electric Company polished-nickel pendant lights painted peacock blue, giving the pale gray palette a dose of pep. FACING PAGE: Leather seating and the absence of an area rug in the breakfast area ensure that the occasional spill isn’t the end of the world. 92  New England Home Connecticut  winter 2017

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★Windows are left undressed to admit the most natural light. “There are certain times when you need to let the windows sing,” says Hirsch. winter 2017  New England Home Connecticut 93

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★“I wish I had this room in my house,” confesses Hirsch with a smile.

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RIGHT: The millwork and built-ins in the wife’s office were updated with glossy gray paint. BELOW: Lavender walls and

textured bedding make the couple’s master bedroom set look like new. FACING PAGE: Punches of color and touches of shine raise the chic factor in the wife’s office.

gas fireplace and ultra-soft wide-wale corduroy sofa invite impromptu snuggles. Hirsch treated the windows to a billowy silk-taffeta treatment that gives the room cocoon-like comfort. Smartly, the capiz-shell chandelier was chosen to complement, rather than overpower, the convex radiant mirror. Champagne-hued grasscloth wallcoverings and the geometric iron-and-mesh fireplace screen add ­texture. At the back of the house, the breakfast area acts as the main conduit to the family room (to the right) and kitchen (to the left). A heavy, solidwood table, leather seating, and the absence of an area rug let the space function as the home’s proverbial workhorse. It’s a place where kids can be kids and the whole family can enjoy informal meals together. In the family room, Hirsch reconfigured the gas fireplace, replacing its millwork with a railroad-tie mantel, fieldstone surround, and bluestone hearth. The custom built-ins got a facelift that gave them a more modern look and increased shelf space. A cushy, chenille sectional is kid-friendly, while abstract pieces by Volpone further complement the room’s comfortable vibe. “My kids just want to spend hours in this

room,” says the wife. “It’s so warm and inviting.” The color scheme of the home evolved organically, says Hirsch, with the couple settling on a semi-monochromatic palette of blues and neutral gray tones that jibe nicely with the transitional aesthetic. The sectional’s collection of cut-velvet throw pillows in bold, modern patterns is another twist on tradition. A short hallway leads from the family room to the wife’s home office, a gem of a room that doubles as respite and workspace. Fun, graphic wallpaper offsets a trio of acrylic-and-resin paintings. Two lacquered credenzas and built-in cabinets provide ample storage, and a beloved armchair and ottoman— passed down from the wife’s grandfather—set a welcoming scene. “I wish I had this room in my house,” confesses Hirsch with a smile. But ask the designer about her favorite room in the house and she’ll tell you it’s that kitchen. “The home was missing its heart,” she says. “To see the family gather in there makes me so happy.” • Resources For more information about this home, see page 132. winter 2017  New England Home Connecticut 95

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Although the homeowners insist they “cobbled” the interiors together, every room has a thoughtful, curated feel to it. In the living room, many pieces are antiques the wife inherited from her grandmother, including the chest and demiline that flank the fireplace. The rug—one of many finds the wife made on One Kings Lane— pulls the inviting space together.

Homing Instinct

When intuition wins out over the well-laid plan, the result, as one Salisbury couple can attest, is a dwelling that proves the heart can be wiser than the mind.

Text by Maria LaPiana Photography by John Gruen Architecture and construction: Rafe Churchill

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s the couple contemplated a move to the country from New York City in 2011, northwest Connecticut was not even on a long list. And this house, well, it couldn’t have been more wrong. For starters, the mere idea of renovating—even a little—was flat out of the question. And with young children, a move-in-ready house made more sense. And yet, although “it went against all our plans,” says the wife, the decision to buy a neglected 1840s farmhouse in a place they’d never been just felt like the thing to do.

They did love the home’s trappings. It sits on three and a half acres (heaven to the wife, an avid gardener) with a venerable, old barn (intriguing to the husband), within walking distance to the quintessentially charming town of Salisbury (a joy to all). But the house needed a major renovation to suit the family’s needs. It had been divided into a twofamily home years ago; the owner lived on one side while the other side had been the site of “at least five DIY projects,” says the wife. “We didn’t know initially what we’d do, but we knew we had to put the house back to how it originally was. We wanted to turn back the clock.” They were referred to Rafe Churchill, an architect

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LEFT: The dining room’s furniture and acces-

sories were chosen to honor the architectural details of the space. An antique chandelier illuminates a vintage table surrounded by not-quitematching chairs. BELOW: The dining room’s highboy is a cherished antique.

and third-generation master builder known in the Litchfield area for his traditional house designs and the “farmhouse simple” philosophy seen in much of his work. He gave the prospective homeowners a slew of good ideas—but mostly, confidence. “The biggest challenge was converting the house from a two-family back to a single family, figuring out how to connect the two sections of the house,” says Churchill. “It wasn’t a gut, exactly, but it was a pretty thorough renovation. We eliminated a few walls, opened others up a bit, but most of the work was done to the kitchen and bathrooms.” They actually took out some of the baths. “We’re from England,” the wife explains, “and we’ve never Winter 2017  New England Home Connecticut 99

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An antique desk commands attention in the bookshelf-lined library. More of the couple’s finds from the Internet (the One Kings Lane rug and leather wing chair from eBay) and specialty shops (the chandelier from Ruby Beets in Sag Harbor, New York) give the room its warm, personal ambience.

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“It’s a well-lived-in house. We wanted it to be old and authentic and didn’t want to impose our will on it,” says the wife.

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“I insisted on the huge mudroom,” says the wife. “Rafe tried hard to talk me out of it. But you’d be surprised... it fills up quickly.” come to grips with this obsession people have here that you need a bath for everyone in the house.” The kitchen was relocated to what had been an unfinished back porch. “With the obvious benefit of the view, the kitchen became a key element in the planning of the house,” says Churchill. They changed a lot of the entrances in order to make the house family-friendly as well as suitable for entertaining. “I insisted on the huge mudroom,” says the wife. “Rafe tried hard to talk me out of it. But you’d be surprised . . . it fills up quickly. Especially when we have houseguests in the winter, during ski season.” They wanted the retooled floorplan (at 4,400 square feet) to be close to the original, and yet

“­ modern in the sense that there would be room for the kids, with an eye to the future,” says the wife. While the wife says she “cobbled things together,” rather than call in an interior designer, the rooms are in fact quite cohesive and rich with color and ­history. “The owners’ interests combined with our typically understated interiors,” says Churchill. “We both like to use Farrow & Ball paints, so that really sealed the deal; the interior came together so smoothly it’s hard to tell who did what.” Most walls are deep, warm, and welcoming; the dining room wears earthy tones called Mouse’s Back and Tanner’s Brown that frame the greenery outside. Painting the library and sitting room proved tricky, but once the French Gray color was chosen for the bookcases, Churchill and his clients quickly decided that Green Smoke made the perfect complement for the walls. An exception to the painted walls is a guest bedroom, where wallpaper featuring large medallions of a delicate paisley design adds a touch of drama to the quiet palette of blue and gray.

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ABOVE: The kitchen, relocated to what was once a back porch, was at the heart of the home’s renovation. The AGA range is the wife’s pride and joy. FAR LEFT: The spacious mudroom was another essential on the homeowners’ list. LEFT: Architect Rafe Churchill found a home for a practical mudroom sink in what used to be a closet.

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The couple had plenty of furniture, although, says the wife, “we hadn’t really thought about how it would work together” Many of the antique pieces came from her grandparents in Paris. And she admits to becoming a One Kings Lane addict for a time. There are lovely vignettes at every turn, but she insists they’re not styled. “My husband is a fantastic picture hanger, but honestly, all we did was just plunk things down,” she says. Throughout the process, Churchill kept the couple’s budget in mind. “I really wanted a stone floor in the mudroom,” says the wife, “but he said it just wouldn’t work within the budget.” Ironically, when asked if there is anything he’d do over, Churchill says, “we’d probably find the money for the mudroom floor.” The one thing that was non-negotiable was an AGA range. “The owner was so determined to include an AGA cooker that it was the first fixed cost in the overall budget,” says Churchill. Installation was challenging, to say the least. “The stove weighed over 1,000 pounds, so we needed to reinforce the floor framing for support, plus provide necessary clear-

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ances,” he adds. Retrofitting for ventilation was critical, because AGA ranges burn constantly. Confirming the actual dimensions of the stove proved the most difficult task. “Each cooker is cast to be built, so the dimensions can vary up to three-quarters of an inch,” says Churchill. “Finally, because the cooker is made to order, the lead time didn’t work with our proposed install date.” In the end, he’s relieved to say, “It was only a week late, with a quarter inch to spare.” Churchill says he was pleased to be able to work on a historic house. “This project was a refreshing opportunity to be guided by the existing details of the house,” he says. “Part of our success was in retaining the original charm of the house. Sometimes old houses lose their charm when renovated; this house still has a few crooked floors and quirky details.” Says the wife: “It’s a well-lived-in house. We wanted it to be old and authentic and didn’t want to impose our will on it. And in return, it’s been a very generous house in the way it lets us live here.” • Resources For more information about this home, see page 132.

top LEFT: The master bath has all the modern amenities, but details like the Oriental rug and upholstered chair complement the traditional architecture. LEFT: Paisley Circles wallpaper by Sanderson makes a backdrop that’s both dramatic and soothing in a guest room. ABOVE: A vintage chaise dresses up a corner of the second-floor landing.

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Ben Krupinski Builders | 13 Arcadia Rd Suites 11 & 12 | Old Greenwich, CT | 203 990 0633 |

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Perspectives Connecticut design considered from every angle

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Party Central: Hosts worth their mettle keep a chic bar cart stocked and ready to go with entertaining essentials, so a party can start at a moment’s notice. edited by Lynda Simonton

1. Jacques Bar Cart Jonathan Adler, Westport and Greenwich,


2. Françoise Bar Cart by Barry Goralnick Vanguard Furniture, Wakefield Design Center, Stamford, 3. Austrian Walnut and Brass Bar Cart Montage, Stamford, 4. Bar Cart Oomph, Greenwich, 5. South Seas Bar Cart Serena & Lily, Westport, Winter 2017  New England Home Connecticut 107

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Five Questions


In what other ways do you see floor plans evolving?

Today’s family wants a house where their kitchen, breakfast area, and living spaces flow into each other. Some of our homes don’t have formal living rooms. Instead, they may incorporate a library as an adult living space. We’re also doing more combined living and dining rooms. A lot of homes traditionally had a living room on one side of a center hall and a dining room on the other side. But you can create a larger, flexible-use space by removing the walls and furnishing one end of the room with a dining table and chairs and the other end, often in front of a fireplace, with cozy living room furniture. How have contemporary materials and technology affected the design of traditional homes?



What is the enduring attraction of traditionally designed houses?

Is there a conflict between traditional and modern schools of design?

Sometimes old houses make us feel good; they say “warmth, security, and permanence.” People feel comfortable in these houses. Also, people have a learned perception about buildings and architecture, and these architectural memories influence aspirations. Styles and personalities can fit together. Some formal styles, like symmetrical Georgian and French say “refined and conservative.” Tudor is asymmetrical; it says “confident and mature.” Queen Anne and English cottage say “easygoing, understated.” Traditional architecture has an expansive vocabulary for people to make the statement they wish.

Modernism need not conflict with traditional styles. The two schools are affecting each other. For example, a lot of people say they want a traditional home, but that doesn’t mean they want an original Georgian or English Tudor floorplan. What they want is what I call a “new traditional” home that features a classic exterior with such modern interior features as larger windows, larger spaces, and rooms that flow one into another. We pay homage to traditional design but add these contemporary elements. Architecture is evolutionary; new directions affect old styles.



You have said you are “looser” when it comes to designing the rear of the house?


There is this dichotomy that is present in our “new traditional” designs when it comes to fronts versus backs. Our fronts are more classically correct and regimented while our backs are more asymmetrical, playful, and more heavily glazed. Take, for example, a Georgian facade, the front of which usually includes a symmetrical layout of double-hung windows centered on a front door. Years ago, the back of the house had the same layout, but now we are opening up the back with more glass, more natural light, more freedom for our furniture layout, and a better connection to the landscape. •

laura moss

Architect Douglas VanderHorn talks about the enduring popularity—and evolution—of the traditional home.

Immensely. They have changed everything! Engineered lumber allows us to make rooms bigger without having to use expensive steel beams. Spray foam insulation and triple glazing let us use so many more and bigger windows. Geothermal heat pumps let us save energy by moving heat from one place to the other, as opposed to burning fossil fuels, and also provide cheaper air cooling. We have LED lighting that uses less than half the electricity traditional lighting uses, even though we are using more lighting than ever. Using more of these technologies and spending less on energy gives us more freedom in design.

Douglas VanderHorn Architects, Greenwich, (203) 622-7000, 108  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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WESTPORT, CT DELRAY BEACH, FL (203) 221-2411 OLGAADLERINTERIORS.COM Olga Adler_CT-WIN16_1.00_v1.indd 1

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Aurora Vita EOS Feather Pendants in White


Style Scheme

“To create a feeling of floating in the clouds, hang several of these stunning white goose-feather lights in a grouping of various heights. The pendants provide texture and dramatically cast light on the ceiling painted in Farrow & Ball’s highly pigmented St Giles Blue full-gloss paint.”

Interior designer Courtney Caldwell imagines a lively hang-out space for teens and tweens that is sure to be the favorite gathering spot for games, movie watching, and gossiping with friends.

Dovecote, Westport, (203) 222-7500

Bantam Sofa “This bright and structured sofa with its PFOA-free and stain-resistant finish is the perfect spot to gather with friends for movie night.” Design Within Reach, Stamford,

Brass Tic-Tac-Toe Set “A stunning marble tic-tac-toe set made of brass and white marble is a gorgeous, yet functional objet d’art.” Jonathan Adler, Westport and Greenwich,



(A)Ceiling Paint: St Giles Blue 280 Full Gloss,

Farrow & Ball, Greenwich and Westport, (B) Wallcovering: Bamboo Wallpaper, Schumacher, DesignSourceCT, Hartford,

Net Stool “It’s a sturdy seat, a footstool, or a vibrant table. Handmade of papier-mâché from recycled materials by artisans in Mexico, it comes in an assortment of smashing Benjamin Moore paint colors—all of which are low VOC.” Stray Dog Designs, Wakefield Design Center, Stamford,

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The 1st Street Lifeguard Stand, Rear View “This stunning photograph by Weston photographer Peter Mendelson is the inspiration for this vibrant teen hang-out space. I would hang Peter’s series of lifeguard-stand photographs in a group of twelve, for a fun and dramatic focal point for the room.” White Birch Studio, Westport,

Hanging Rattan Chair “Grouping together four swinging chairs creates a great spot to chill out and relax with friends. I would add large, vibrant pillows for a pop of color, and a fluffy sheepskin wool throw to make it cozy.” Serena & Lily, Westport,

’50s Retro Style Refrigerator “This iconic retro beauty is a splash of color on the outside, and features the latest technology on the inside. Perfect for storing drinks and snacks.” Smeg,

Kate Spade Leopard Ikat Rug “This colorful animalprint floorcovering brings a graphic element to the space. The wool and silk blend makes it super soft.” Lillian August Design Center, Norwalk,

Aitoro, Westport,

Pierre Acrylic Backgammon Table “This backgammon table is a showstopper and the perfect table for hours of fun. The Lucite top is ideal for puzzles, board games, and snacks.” Interlude Home, Trumbull,

Courtney Caldwell Designs, Westport, (203) 952-5244, Winter 2017  New England Home Connecticut 111

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Recent reads in the world of design Reviews by Paula M. Bodah

Aaron Polhemus, Peter Polhemus, and John DaSilva

Living Where Land Meets Sea: The Houses of Polhemus Savery DaSilva Novelists, poets, songwriters, and fine artists have been inspired for centuries by the beauty of Cape Cod. The interplay of land, sea, and sky unique to this part of New England is irresistible to those who are driven to give creative expression to the world around them. The built environment, too—from breezy beach cottages to widow’s-walk-crowned sea captains’ homes to grand shingled houses with gables, peaks, and dormers galore— reflects the special nature of the Cape. Living Where Land Meets Sea: The Houses of Polhemus Savery DaSilva is more than a monograph that shows off the impressive work of one Cape Cod architectural firm. Yes, it’s filled with Brian Vanden Brink’s gorgeous photos of the houses PSD has built on bluffs and ponds, by the beach, and in the villages of Cape Cod. But, with text by John DaSilva, a foreword by architect and writer John Wriedt, and poems by GennaRose Nethercott, the 376-page tome is also a celebration of our endless fascination with this stunning piece of geography. $70, Images Publishing,

Interior Design Master Class You must not think Carl Dellatore presumptuous in his assertion that he felt it was time for an update of Edith Wharton and Ogden Codman, Jr.’s 1897 book The Decoration of Houses. In fact, you might Dellatore say his Interior Design Master Class pays that venerable guide homage by applying its room-by-room, element-by-element way of organizing the subject of interior design. The new book’s 350 pages feature essays by 100 top American designers on topics both broad (theory, inspiration) and specific (lighting, feng shui). It’s the literary equivalent of a box of fine chocolates, with bite-sized bits of wisdom from luminaries such as Kelly Wearstler, Bunny Williams, and Thomas O’Brien. Each essay is illustrated with photography by the nation’s best architectural photographers. Dellatore’s modest hope is that his book “will instruct and inspire a wide audience, from the curious layperson to students of design as well as practicing professionals.” We daresay he has produced a modern-day reference book as essential as the one that inspired him. $50, Rizzoli Press,

The Perfect Bath Long gone are the days of the bathroom being merely a functional space. Today, whether it’s a spacious master bath outfitted with stateof-the-art fixtures and spa-like amenities or a tiny powder room tucked into a back hallway, homeowners want their bathrooms to be as stylish as the rest of the house. Barbara Sallick, who co-founded the luxury Sallick bath company Waterworks, understands this, and her chic new book, The Perfect Bath, offers both inspiration and concrete advice for achieving it. Beautiful photographs of bathrooms of every size and in every style serve to spur the reader’s creativity, but Sallick also deals with reality, incorporating chapters on planning and design philosophy. Half a dozen top designers weigh in, too, offering both creative ideas and practical advice. The book ends with a useful step-by-step guide to the process, including a checklist for each aspect of bathroom design, from fixtures to materials. $55, Rizzoli Press, 112  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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driftwood elm and solid bronze

JEFFSODERBERGH.COM C R A F T I NTHE G TFINEST H E F I NCUSTOM EST HAR V E S T T A B L E FOR S F OOVER R 2 4 25 Y EYEARS ARS CRAFTING FURNISHINGS Seasonal Showroom Open May – November / See Website for Hours and Directions Seasonal May 1st 11 West Main St., Wellfleet, MA showroom 02667 / opens Lower gallery below Karol Richardson Lower gallery below Karol Richardson | 11 West Main St., Wellfleet, MA 02667

custom made sustainable furnishings custom made sustainable furnishings year-round studio ph (401) 845-9087 year round studio ph (401)845-9087

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5/10/16 3:23 12/21/16 5:22 PM

Design Life

Out and about in celebration of design and architecture in Connecticut



Connecticut Networking Event

In celebration of New England Home Connecticut’s Fall 2016 issue, the local design community gathered at the newly renovated Tile America and


Torrco Design Center in Stamford

for an evening of networking and fun. Guests sipped cocktails, enjoyed food provided by Seasoned Catering, and browsed the beautiful and spacious showroom.






David Sloane



(1) Ryan Coyle of Tile America with Tile America gift-card raffle winner Kathleen Bivona of Kathleen Bivona Designs, and Molly Becker Lemle of Torrco with Torrco gift-card raffle winner Glen Albee of Ridgefield Supply Company (2) Barbara Scala and Gina Romanello of Innerspace Electronics (3) Christopher Quinn of Ben Krupinski Builder and Chuck Hilton of Charles Hilton Architects (4) New England

Home’s Tess Woods and Peggy Kebabian of Kebabian’s Rugs with New England Home’s Roberta Mancuso and Kathy Bush-Dutton (5) Bill Charney of Advanced Home Audio with Anthony DeRosa and Aleighen Bunkers of DeRosa Builders (6) Kelly and Gary Paige of GWP Contracting (7) Lora Mazurak of Highline Decorating and Joe Marotta of Advanced Home Audio (8) Renee Duffield of Tile America and Amy Lindeman of Ridgefield Supply Company (9) Stephanie Rapp of Stephanie Rapp Interiors, New England Home’s Roberta Mancuso, and Chris Wright and Judy Doyle of Wright Building Company (10) John Mastera of John R. Mastera & Associates

Architects, Kristen Sullivan of Gatehouse Partners, and Joseph Annunziato of Town & Country Shade and Blind 114  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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170 Mason Street Greenwich, CT

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• NE






Tel. 203.489.3800


12/21/16 4:25 PM

Design Life


(1) Christine and Jan


Hiltz of Jan Hiltz Interiors (2) Karen Bradbury of

Closet & Storage Concepts with New England Home’s Roberta Mancuso (3) Charlene Kiernan of ProSource and Mike Paolello of Westwood Flooring & Design Center (4) Caroline Kopp of Caroline Kopp Interior Design and Lynn Garelick of LBG Interior Design (5) Judy Doyle and Chris Wright of Wright Builders with Lora Mazurak of Highline Decorating (6) Bill Peronne of Westwood Flooring and Design Center and Connie Cooper of Connie Cooper Designs

Connecticut Networking Event

New England Home Connecticut kicked off a busy autumn season with a networking event at Westwood



Flooring and Design Center.



David Sloane

At the newly expanded showroom, guests gathered to enjoy hors d’oeuvres catered by the Little Pub and the chance to win raffle prizes, including a beautiful wool area rug.

The folks at


welcomed the Westchester County community with open arms as they hosted the grand opening of their experience center. Guests attended an AIA course and a cocktail reception, and then had the opportunity to speak with representatives from leading audio-video brands, exploring how technology meets design in the residential world.




(1) The Innerspace Electronics team (2) Peter Robinson and Gina Romanello (3) Andrea Reiner and Barbara Scala (4) Kristen and Randy Sullivan (5) New England Home’s Stacy Kunstel, Arthur Hanlon, and Andrea Reiner (6) Tegan and Dan Conlon (7) Lin Daniels, New England Home’s Roberta Mancuso, and Jolley Frank




David Sloane

Innerspace Electronics

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Award Winning Home Theater, Integration, and Audio Video Company Automated Window Treatments | Home Theater | Home Automation Multi-Room Audio Video Systems | Lighting Control Systems Telecommunications | Networks 74 Fox Island Road, Port Chester, New York 10573 | (914) 937-9700

Westwood Flooring & Design Center 643 Danbury Road (Next to Calico) Wilton, CT (203) 762-6300


Westwood Custom & Antique Wood Floors 28 Arcadia Road Old Greenwich, CT (203) 629-7600


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12/21/16 2:28 PM

Design Life


Rooms with a View, the leading annual design event of Fairfield County, was held at the Southport Congregational Church for the twenty-second year. A select group of interior designers relished the opportunity to step outside the box to create their dream-room vignettes in this showhouse-style setting, all of them built around the theme of “Comfort and Joy.”






(1) Scott Falciglia and Jhon Ortiz lounge in the room they created (2) Designer

Michelle Morgan Harrison enjoys the coziness of her own holiday vignette (3) Tyler Constanda stands proudly in her space (4) New England Home’s Roberta Mancuso with designer Stephanie Rapp and Andrea Williams (5) Alexa van Batenburg’s space was a trove of midcentury finds (6) Sharon and Geoffrey Walsky (7) The spirit of event founder Albert 7

Hadley presided over designer Jonathan Savage’s room (8) Christina Roughan

0 8

created a darkly sophisticated library (9) Designer Ken Gemes (10) New

England Home’s Stacy Kunstel, Christine Haney, and New England Home’s Kyle Hoepner (11) Greenwich designer Douglas Graneto in his Italian-influenced space (12) Hannah Childs’s vignette was a tribute to childhood

0 9


Phil Nelson



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Award Winning Home Theater, Integration, and Audio Video Company Automated Window Treatments | Home Theater | Home Automation Multi-Room Audio Video Systems | Lighting Control Systems Telecommunications | Networks 74 Fox Island Road, Port Chester, New York 10573 | (914) 937-9700

photos by RobeRt benson

860.922.8727 |

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12/19/16 2:10 PM

Design Life

Privet House in


(1) Ron Norsworthy and

New England Home’s Stacy Kunstel (2) John Derian signing a copy of John Derian Picture Book (3) John Rosselli and Bunny Williams (4) John Derian, Pergola owner David Whitman, and Susanna Salk (5) Botany for sale in the New Preston venue



(1) Barbara Sallick and Suzanne Cassano (2) Sharon Chatfield and Richard Lambertson (3) Barbara Sallick and Deanna Amorello (4) A bevy of other books to peruse




(1) Sarah Aiello (2) Stacy Waniga, Maggie Brady, and Jessica Kenny (3) Lew Paternoster presenting his exhibit




Roberta Mancuso

showroom sponsored a Vendor Day, hosting more than two dozen vendors representing the newest trends and inspirations in fabrics, trims and wallcoverings, floor coverings, lighting, and furniture. Designers were invited to view the new product collections and network with other pros over lunch.




New Preston hosted yet another fabulous book signing in the fall, featuring Barbara Sallick of Waterworks and her new book, The Perfect Bath. Guests showed up to mingle with one another and honor Sallick for her work that beautifully exemplifies how to design and customize the perfect bath.



Stacy Kunstel

Preston hosted the premiere event for John Derian’s new book, John Derian Picture Book. Movers and shakers of the Connecticut design community turned out to admire the book with its 300-plus images of Derian’s work, and to explore the Pergola shop, where many of Derian’s products are always on display.

Portraits by Stacy Kunstel; Store image courtesy Privet house

Pergola in New

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508.228.1120 Nantucket, MA. 203.838.8100 Westport, CT. Trudy Dujardin, ASID, LEED Accredited Professional +ID + C |




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12/20/16 5:08 PM

Trade Notes

What’s up in the design business duplex penthouse of Tommy and Dee Hilfiger, where deep reds, blacks, and grays make a stunning backdrop for the couple’s collection of pieces by Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Greenwich,, RSC Depot

Davenport Contracting’s award-winning Greenwich house

be on display through January. Greenwich, »

The team from Homefront Farmers

» Organic farming is enjoying a real » Designer Carmiña Roth has opened

Carmiña Roth Interiors in Greenwich’s

Mill Pond Shopping Center. Roth, who studied architecture and art history in France and Italy, earned a law degree, and

renaissance, and Homefront Farmers has been at the forefront of the movement, designing, constructing, and maintaining organic vegetable gardens for homeowners in Fairfield County for five years. Now the company is expanding to offer its services in Litchfield County, too. Plans are under way to create a new headquarters on land in Redding. The eleven-and-a-half-acre site will include offices and greenhouses, as well as model gardens. Ridgefield, » Volume 20 of Andrew Martin Interior

Roth’s “Comfort and Cure” window display

spent a decade working in finance in New York City, found her true calling when she began her interior design career ten years ago. She envisions her 1,200-square-foot studio as a space that encourages people to drop in for inspiration, and hopes to invite local art dealers to act as guest curators for exhibits that will complement her own collection of beloved furniture and accessories. Roth recently created a holiday window display for Farrow & Ball’s Greenwich Showroom on Putnam Avenue to benefit Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS (DIFFA). Her vignette will

Design Review is out, and Greenwich designer Cindy Rinfret is featured prominently on its pages. The New York Times has called the review the “Oscars of the Design World,” and Rinfret is understandably delighted to be recognized among the world’s best interior designers. An eightpage spread highlights her Cindy Rinfret at Tommy work on the Hilfiger’s apartment New York City

Ridgefield Supply Company is

going into 2017 in growth mode. The multi­generational family business is in the process of a complete rebuild of its lumberyard and storage facilities. The plan also includes a new retail store with specialty millwork showroom and display centers, so builders, architects, designers, and homeowners can find everything they need in one spot. Ridgefield, » It’s a match made in design heaven:

wunderkind designer Sam Allen and the Westport shop Dovecote have teamed up to form Sam Allen Interiors for Dovecote. Allen and Dovecote owner Sarah Kaplan have worked together informally since he began making his mark in the design world while still a teenager, and both are excited to make things official. Allen Their collaboration means Dovecote can offer complete design services to Fairfield County homeowners who want their homes to reflect Allen’s clean, comfortable style. Westport, » Connecticut lovers of fine design

have a host of new places to look for unique, wonderful things for the home. ­Rosemary Hallgarten has opened a to-the-trade showroom that features her signature rugs, fabrics, and pillows.

HOBI Award photo: David Sloane; Roth photo: Alan Barry; ALLEN PHOTO: DAVID A. LAND

» Congratulations to the 2016 winners of

the Home Builders & Remodelers Association of Connecticut’s HOBI Awards. At a gala at Southington’s Aqua Turf Club, the association gathered to honor a lineup of builders that included many companies that have been featured in the pages of New England Home. Among the honorees were Stamford’s Davenport Contracting, DeRosa Builders of Greenwich, and Karp Associates of New Canaan. For a complete list of winners, visit

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203.292.8889 |

203.855.7854 |

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1 1 7 N EW C A NA A N AV E N U E I N O RWA L K , C T 0 6 8 5 0 I 2 0 3 . 8 4 9 . 0 3 0 2 I W W W. F R O N T R OWK I TC H E N S . C O M

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12/21/16 2:34 PM

Trade Secrets

Paintings by Milford artist Lisa Bagley com­plement Hallgarten’s wares. Westport, » After some two decades of operating

out of Manhattan, Francine Gardner has come to Connecticut, launching her new Intérieurs Design Studio. The Cos Cob studio carries Gardener’s own collection of things for the home, as well as items she has collected from around the world, including lighting and fabric lines such as Jose Esteves, Pouenat, Siemon and Salazar, Shakuff, and Tekna. Cos Cob, » Westport-based Gilles Clement, owner

of Gilles Clement Designs (formerly House of Clement) is on a roll, opening a new gallery in Greenwich and making plans to open a flagship store there early in 2017. Gilles Clement Gallery, like Clement’s Westport gallery, features original works by new international artists. Westport, » Geoffrey Walsky apparently has bound-

less energy; the owner of the Fairfield County Antique and Design Center has just opened Iconic Modern, a Greenwich showroom specializing in midcentury and modern furnishings. The showroom’s walls are also filled with striking art, thanks to a partnership with Isabella Garrucho Fine Art. Greenwich, iconicmodern. com,


HUELSTER DESIGN STUDIO Architecture - Landscape Architecture - Furniture Design 38 Compo Rd. N.

Westport, CT 06880


Shoreline Painting & Drywall is stepping up its game with a

» Norwalk’s

shiny new state-of-the-art facility. The Broad Street building holds the company’s offices as well as a showroom where clients can view the latest trends in interior design, including plasters, clays, metallic finishes, and—of course—the highest quality exterior and interior paints. Norwalk, • By Paula M. Bodah

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photos by RobeRt benson

state of the market

centration of antiques dealers. In four or the overheated New York and five centers on the south side of the tracks, Boston real estate markets. there is a huge collection of dealers. Each “Some have showroom areas center has its own personality.” that are open to the public, some are to and fewer antiques shops,” says Geoffrey The burgeoning antiques scene has the trade,” says Linda Ruderman, a Green- Walsky, owner of the Fairfield County brought other design businesses to the wich interior designer. “All are located in Antique and Design Center, located in area, including Stark Carpets, Design old warehouses.” a 20,000-square-foot 1950s warehouse in Within Reach, and Lee Jofa. The abanLocation, location, location doesn’t Norwalk. “We represent seventy dealdoned industrial warehouses of Stamford just apply to selling real estate, it seems. ers, and we also have a contemporary art and Norwalk have proved a boon to “We are in close proximity to both New 8 6 0 . 9 2 2 . 8 7 2 7 | m c c o r y i n t e r i o r s . c o mgallery, so we are a serious resource for space-hungry businesses priced out of York and Boston, where there are fewer dealers and designers.”

Featuring the Latest Trends TO T H E T R A DE ONLY 24/7 Access to Showroom Designer Carpet Area Rugs— including custom Hardwood Vinyl Tile and Stone Professional Staff

Extensive Product Selection 25 Harbor View Ave.creating | Stamford, CT distinctive landscapes

203.602.0607 | ARTEMIS prosourcefl architects, inc. | 203.683.1808 | landscape

38 New eNglaNd Home CoNNeCtiCut spring 2016

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calendar p.m.; reservations must be made in advance. To make a reservation email ­ Greenwich, 36th Annual Connecticut Flower and Garden Show February 23–26

The Connecticut Convention Center will be transformed into a gardener’s paradise, with more than 300 booths and displays. A robust series of seminars provides plenty of learning opportunities. $18, Thursday 10 a.m.–7 p.m., Friday and Saturday 10 a.m.–8 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m.–5 p.m.; $16. Hartford, (860) 8448461,

MARCH Made in the Americas: The New World Discovers Asia March 6 Sally Curcio, Atlantis (2008), mixed media, at the Bruce Museum’s Small Scales: Lands of Enchantment exhibit

JANUARY Miniature World in White Gold: Meissen Porcelain by Johann Joachim Kaendler Through January 16

This exhibit explores the work of Johann Joachim Kaendler, among the most important artists in the history of porcelain. The showcased works include the intricately detailed and innovative sculptures that Kaendler created over his 40-plus-year career at the famed Meissen Porcelain Factory. The Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, (860) 278-2670, Small Scales: Lands of Enchantment Through January 29

These works of contemporary fine artists in miniature scale draw viewers in, encouraging them to look closely and examine the art. The subject matter is wide-ranging, from art that reflects environmental issues to charming imaginary worlds, and encompasses a variety of mediums. The Bruce Museum, Greenwich, (203) 869-0376, Site Lines Through February 5

This series of four exhibits features four site-specific commissions from artists David Brooks, Kim Jones, Peter Liversidge, and Virginia Overton. The artists will use materials found on or indigenous to the museum grounds that “seek to frame the view within and beyond the galleries against the natural landscape.” The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, (203) 438-4519, An Eye to the East: The Inspiration of Japan Through February 26

This exhibit explores the influence of Japanese art and culture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It strikes a local note by focusing on the Cos Cob art colony. Greenwich Historical Society, Greenwich, (203) 869-6899, 25th Annual Associate Artist Show January 20–March 10

Beat the winter blues with a visit to the historic Lyme Art Association. The associate artists exhibit features paintings, sculptures, and works in a variety of other media created by association members. Old Lyme, (860) 434-7802,

FEBRUARY Small-Great Objects: Anni and Josef Albers in the Americas February 3–June 18

This exhibit examines Anni and Josef Albers’s influence on 20th century modernism as both artists and art collectors. A large collection of works the couple collected in Latin America is showcased along with objects the Alberses made themselves. Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, (203) 432-0600, artgallery. Killer Heels: The Art and History of the High Heeled Shoe February 6

Lisa Small, curator of exhibitions at the Brooklyn Museum, explores the history of one of fashion’s most interesting and provocative accessories—the high-heeled shoe. Learn about the rise of our favorite footwear and its place in American culture. The event is hosted by the Greenwich Decorative Arts Society at the Bruce Museum. 1:15 p.m.–2:15

This lecture given by Dennis Carr, ­Carolyn and Peter Lynch Curator of American Decorative Arts and Sculpture Art of the Americas at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts, will discuss the significant influence of Asia on the arts. The program is sponsored by the Greenwich Decorative Arts Society and will be held at the Bruce Museum, Greenwich. 1:15 p.m.–3 p.m. For information, and to reserve a space, email ­ Architectural Digest Design Show March 16–19

Designers and homeowners alike will enjoy this event showcasing more than 400 brands. From well-known manufacturers to independent craftsmen, the show provides plenty of design and renovation inspiration via design seminars, design vignettes, and more. Complimentary admission to designers who pre-register online, $40 at the door, Thursday–Saturday 10 a.m.– 6 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Piers 92 & 94, New York City, Connecticut Spring Antiques Show March 25–26

Antique dealers from across the country will be exhibiting their wares at this annual show of American furniture and ­decorative arts. Hartford Armory, Hartford, Saturday 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sunday 11 a.m.–4 p.m., ctspringantiquesshow. com Edited by Lynda Simonton Editor’s note: Events are subject to change. Please

confirm details with event organizer prior to your visit.

126  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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Wall Upholstery

Window Treatments


(860) 346-4843

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New in the Showrooms

2 3



5 1. Under the Influence For Cantara, the latest addition to Thomas O’Brien’s collection for Groundworks, the designer was influenced by Indian batiks and ceramics. Wakefield Design Center, Stamford, wakefielddesign. com

2. Statement Piece This sixteen-arm chandelier with an elegant leaf motif is sure to take center stage in any room it graces. The Federalist, Stamford,

3. Upon Reflection A sparkling mix of matchstick mosaics gives AKDO’s Textile Glass collection its reflective quality, bringing a glow to your backsplash. Shown here in twill. AKDO, Bridgeport,

4. Classic Revisited Perk up a mudroom or entryway with Dan Parish’s Carmen Bench—a classic English-style piece updated with oversized nailhead trim. DesignSourceCT, Hartford, designsourcect. com

5. Rock Star Place these golden candles embellished with agate slices in a living room, powder room, or boudoir for instant allure. Lynne Scalo Design, Greenwich,

128  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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Christine Donner Kitchen Design Inc.


The Interior Designer’s source for showroom quality custom carpets and rugs at direct prices. Gary Shafran, Principal | 201-951-0980

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New in the Showrooms





5 1. Citified A bold mix of black and neutrals, Rosemary Hallgarten’s Gotham Rug will bring a hip, masculine vibe to a room. Rosemary Hallgarten, Fairfield, rosemaryhallgarten. com

2. Style Moderne Victoria + Albert’s Florin collection takes its design cues from an Art Deco aesthetic. Klaffs, Norwalk,

Edited by Lynda Simonton

6 3. Swoon Worthy Twentieth-century English chairs feel au courant when gilded and painted crisp white. Swoon, Westport,

4. Speed Central Enjoy the swiftness of induction cooking, and the good looks of a chef-style stove with Wolf’s new thirtysix-inch induction range. Clarke, South Norwalk, clarkeliving. com

5. All Set Kim Seybert brings elegance to the table with Jackson, her latest line of placemats and napkins to land at Hoagland’s of Greenwich. Hoaglands, Greenwich,

6. Simple Sophisticate The Vitality Table is the newest addition to Mar Silver’s bespoke furniture line. The blackened-steel frame can be topped with marble, glass, onyx, or steel. Mar Silver, Westport,

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Resources A guide to the products and professionals in this issue’s featured homes INSIDE JOB PAGES 74–85 Architects: Paulo Vicente and Martina Burin, Vicente Burin Architects, Fairfield, (203) 319-9571, Interior designer: Karen Bow, Karen Bow Interiors, Darien, (914) 953-1517, Builder: Rob Horrigan, Horrigan Builders, Roxbury, (860) 354-8837, Painter: Grady McAuliffe, McAul’s Painting, Bethlehem, (203) 509-5430 Upholstery workroom: Artistic Upholstery and Fabrics, Norwalk, (203) 849-8907, Page 76: Entry bench from Desiron, desiron. com; pillow from The Linen Shop, New Canaan, (203) 972-0433; rug from ABC Carpet and Home, Page 77: California Sunburst chandelier from Remains Lighting,; wallpaper from Romo,; Sea Salt paint trim by Sherwin Williams, Pages 78–79: Sofa and pillow fabrics from Romo, fabricated by Artistic Upholstery and Fabrics,; stools from Desiron; throw from The Linen Shop; rug from ABC Carpet and Home. Pages 80–81: Dining chairs and settee from Artistic Frame,; light fixture from Flos,; hide rug from Stark, starkcarpet. com; Nevins kitchen pendants from Remains; stools from Desiron; zinc countertop fabricated by Brooks Custom, Page 82: Bed customized by Artistic Upholstery and Fabrics; bedding fabric from C&C Milano,; vintage chandelier from the Antique and Artisan Gallery,; rug from ABC Carpet and Home. Page 83: Guestroom bed painted by Post Modern,; wallpaper from Romo; bed pillows from The Linen Shop; playroom ceiling lights from the Antique and Artisan Center; Sway wallcovering by Knoll,; table from CB2,; rug from ABC Carpet and Home; bunk coverings, pillows, and bench in Romo fabric by Artistic Upholstery and Fabrics; rug from Stark; vintage chandelier from 1stdibs, Page 84: Double-size bar chairs from Desiron; orange vase from White Birch Studio,; rug from Stark.

HEART AND SOUL PAGES 86–95 Architect: Kristine D’Elisa, KKD Architecture + Design, Stamford, (203) 952-6935, Interior designer: Molly Hirsch, Molly Hirsch

Interiors, Ridgefield, (203) 438-1070, Builder: Anthony Cacciola, AJC Contracting, Ridgefield, (203) 438-6786, Kitchen design consulting: Alice Hayes, Deane, Stamford, (203) 327-7008, Pages 88–89: Wool area rug from Palace Oriental Rug of Wilton, palaceorientalrug. com; Coastal Fog wall color and White Dove trim from Benjamin Moore, benjaminmoore. com; Solaris silver sphere chandelier from Crystorama Lighting Store,; Mercury-glass gourd lamp from Wakefield Design Center,; living room linen-covered armchairs from by Lee Industries,; Serena bowl chandelier in capiz shell from Oly Studio,; coffee table from Wakefield Design Center; silk curtain panel fabric from Kravet, with trim from Schumacher,; fire screen from Horchow,; silver sunburst convex mirror from Wakefield Design Center, Skipping Stone millwork and trim paint from Benjamin Moore; rug from Palace Oriental Rug of Wilton; acrylic side table from Wakefield Design Center; Rita wooden side table from Tritter Feefer, tritterfeefer. com; all table lamps from Wakefield Design Center; cutvelvet throw pillows from Ryan Studio,; Suwon sisal wallcovering by Schumacher, Page 90: Blue Moon acrylic-and-polymer artwork by Rachel Volpone,; wrought-iron chandelier with silver-leaf finish and beaded Italian-glass trim from Decorative Crafts,; Williamsburg Collection dining table and chairs from Nichols & Stone,; Park Avenue Python linen chair fabric by Schumacher; wool area rug from Palace Oriental Rug of Wilton; Paisley Malabar wallpaper in Sage by Cole & Son, cole-and-son. com. Page 91: Bentley armchair covered in Duralee Slate fabric by CR Laine,; Night Wind acrylic-and-polymer artwork over sectional and Push Pull acrylic and polymer artwork over mantel by Rachel Volpone; coffee table from Restoration Hardware,; Bruton White millwork and trim paint by Benjamin Moore; Manor House Gray wall paint by Farrow & Ball,; Bentley sectional covered in Duralee Slate fabric by CR Laine,; side table from Restoration Hardware; silver-leaf Bracelet table lamp with linen shade by Circa Lighting,; cut-velvet Paradiso Anacapri throw pillows by Jonathan Adler for Kravet,; blue throw pillows from Ryan Studio. Page 92: Marble Allure Radiance backsplash tile from by AKDO,; Manor House Gray cabinetry and trim paint by Farrow & Ball;

cabinetry from Deane,; wood-andstainless-steel Stanley stools from Gus Modern,; white polished-quartz Thassos countertops from Venezia Custom Marble & Granite,; island from Raging River Counterworks,; faucet from by Kohler,; polished-nickel Cosy pendant from The Urban Electric Company,, with custom-painted interiors in Avalon Teal by Benjamin Moore; gas range by Wolf and wine refrigerator by Sub-Zero, Page 93: Artwork by Donna Von Holdt,; mirrored Fiona chandelier from Made Goods,; acrylicand-glass Interlude Clearview console table from Horchow,; Folio dining chairs from Crate & Barrel,; dining table from West Elm,; Manor House Gray millwork and trim paint by Farrow & Ball; Bruton White wall paint by Benjamin Moore. Pages 94–95: Serano area rug by in office from nuLOOM,; paintings by Rachel Volpone; Troy Sausalito chandelier from Bellacor,, Spotlight credenzas and desk and Ripple leather desk chair from Crate & Barrel; Cos Cob Stonewall high-gloss ceiling and cabinetry paint by Benjamin Moore; Helena table lamps from Ralph Lauren Home, ralphlaurenhome. com; Chain Link wallpaper in Mineral from Schumacher; bedroom furniture from Ethan Allen,; Lavender Blue wall color by Benjamin Moore; throw pillows from the Wakefield Design Center.

HOMING INSTINCT PAGES 96–105 Architect and builder: Rafe Churchill, Sharon, (860) 364-2288, Millwork: Ponders Hollow, Westfield, Mass., (413) 562-8730, Pages 96–97: Chandelier and Snooze armchairs from Ochre,; round mirrored table from Calypso St. Barth,; rug from One Kings Lane, Pages 98–99: Chandelier from Marika’s Antiques, Shelter Island, N.Y., (631) 749-1168; wooden bench from Beall & Bell, Pages 100–101: Rug from One Kings Lane; chandelier from Ruby Beets,; picture lights from PW Vintage Lighting, Pages 102–103: Mudroom baskets from Crate & Barrel,; range from AGA,; wall clock from Ikea, Pages 104–105: Paisley Circles bedroom wallpaper from Sanderson,; chest from Baker,; chair fabric by Ian Mankin,; lamps from One Kings Lane; pink chaise from Hunter Bee, •

132  New England Home Connecticut  winter 2017

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McWilliam-Autore Interiors Interior Design / Space Planning / Kitchens / Renovations Heather A. McWilliam, ASID Wilton, CT / 203-834-0354

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Ad Index A helpful resource for finding the advertisers featured in this issue Advanced Home Audio  17 Apadana Fine Rugs  20

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From urban lofts to mountain retreats, coastal compounds to suburban estates, we celebrate the best of living in New England.

Karp Associates  52 Kebabian’s  inside front cover Kellie Burke Interiors  12 Klaff’s  back cover L&M Custom Carpets and Rugs, LLC  129

Architectural Digest Home Design Show  135

Lillian August Furnishings + Design  47

Artemis Landscape Architects  25

Lin Daniels Kitchen Design  35

Austin Ganim Landscape Design, LLC  127

The Linen Shop  121

Ben Krupinski Builders  106

M DiMeo Construction  16

Bender  11

Marianne Donahue Interiors  31

Berkshire Wilton Partners, LLC  43

McCory Interiors  125

Caroline Kopp Interior Design  45

McWilliam–Autore Interiors  133

Charles Hilton Architects  115

Michael Smith Architects  64–65

Christine Donner Kitchen Design  129

Morgan Harrison Home  4–5

Closet and Storage Concepts  51

NuKitchens  41

Connecticut Stone Supplies  54–55

Olga Adler Interiors  109

Crown Point Cabinetry  33

Pagliaro Bartels Sajda Architects, LLC  66–67

Daniel Conlon Architects  56–57 Davenport Contracting  34

Patricia M. Miller Residential Design, LLC  68–69

DeRosa Builders  36

ProSource of Stamford  125

DesignSourceCT  23

Ridgefield Supply Company  inside back cover

Douglas VanderHorn Architects  58–59

We follow trends. You should, too. Your 24/7 source of design inspiration.

John R Mastera + Associates  62–63

Dujardin Design Associates, Inc.  121 Erskine Associates, LLC  29 The Federalist  22 Finished in Fabric, LLC  127 Fletcher Development  46 Freddy’s Landscape and BioNova Natural Swimming Pools  123

Robert A. Cardello Architect, LLC  70–71 Roughan Interior Design  8–9 Runtal North America, Inc.  39 S&W Building Remodeling, Inc.  24 Sellars Lathrop Architects, LLC  72–73 Shope Reno Wharton  1 Shoreline Painting and Drywall  2–3

Front Row Kitchens, Inc.  123

Stephanie Rapp Interiors  131

Gatehouse Partners  21

Tile America  19

Gault Stone  37

Torrco  15

Grandberg & Associates Architects  60–61

Valor Fireplaces  49

GWP Contracting, LLC  131

Wakefield Design Center  27, 133

Heidi Holzer Design & Decorative Work  44

Westwood Flooring and Design Center  117

Hemingway Construction  10

Wright Building Company  30

Homefront Farmers, LLC  6–7


Huelster Design Studio, LLC  124

New England Home Connecticut, Winter 2017 © 2017 by New England Home Magazine, LLC. All rights reserved. Permission to reprint or quote excerpts granted by written request only. Editorial and advertising office: New England Home Magazine, LLC, 530 Harrison Ave, Ste 302, Boston, MA 02118, (617) 938-3991.

InnerSpace Electronics, Inc.  117 Jan Hiltz Interiors, LLC  119 Jeff Soderbergh Custom Made Sustainable Furnishings  113 134  New England Home Connecticut  winter 2017

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MARCH 16–19, 2017 | NYC






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Sketch Pad

Design ideas in the making



Linherr Hollingsworth, Norwalk, (203) 299-1327,


My early career was spent working in men’s and women’s wear, so fashion—along with architecture—heavily influences how I see the world and view design. After leaving the fashion world for interiors, I immediately saw the need for wallcoverings in relevant patterns. Thus, I set out to create overscale, abstract patterns that were clean and timeless, but with an artsy edge, that we could layer into our interior design projects. I wanted patterns that would make you stop and think; statement pieces that were also subtle. When in search of something new and fresh, something I haven’t seen before, the runways of Milan and Paris are always my “go to.” The architectural strength of a bronze stair railing shown in an image from a fashion photo shoot (1) became the inspiration for To the Point, one of a select group of patterns introduced in Bohème, my debut lifestyle collection with Kravet. Whether a pattern is for a wallcovering or for an upholstery fabric, I begin by making a sketch and then develop the concept further on tracing paper (2) or in a watercolor. Once the pattern takes shape, I’ll then work out the repeat and play with its scale. I’d say that there are two signature characteristics to my art. The first is that all of the patterns have a painterly or hand-drawn quality, something about them that is a bit “off” or irregular. The second is a duality between masculine and feminine shapes—the refined and the sexy. Nothing should ever look mechanical; art should always feel easy and organic. In To the Point, the legs and intersections of the pattern are webby and uneven, making it “perfectly imperfect” and giving it a wonderfully bespoke feeling. It is offered in a heavy linen fabric as well as a textured grass-and-paper wallcovering, in a myriad of different colors—just a few of which are shown here (3).

136  New England Home Connecticut  Winter 2017

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